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Oregon, IL

Stronghold Castle DGC

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Stronghold Castle DGC reviews

6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1147 played 721 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2023 Played the course:once


Stronghold Castle DGC is a free to play nine hole course at a church camp/retreat. You'll need to check in at the main office building and sign in and out. You'll get a blue laminated parking pass upon checking in. They seemed to be well aware of the disc golf course onsite and seemed happy to host us. Apparently they have maps to hand out too. The lady who signed us in couldn't find any but the Udisc map worked fine so we told her not to worry about it.

The baskets are older Innova Discatchers. A little faded and showing some rust but these baskets are built like tanks. No worse for the wear and all caught great. One basket and pin placement per hole.

Natural tees, no issues though. Nothing worn or rutted out. I wouldn't expect concrete or anything for a course like this.

The course starts out more open. Hole 1 has the basket tucked behind a clump of trees on the downhill shot which shapes up right to left. Holes 2-4 are also pretty much wide open, hole 4 especially. The last five holes get slightly more wooded. At least compared to the first four.

There's no tee signs, just wood posts with the hole number. Enough to get you to the intended tee area.

The property was well tended to upon our visit but the camp was in full swing at that time. Can't speak to other times of year, but early June the place was pretty packed and everything was in great shape.


The tee post for hole 2 was gone and we were unable to locate a couple others. Not a big deal really, but without the Udisc map we would've been hard pressed to figure out where we were going. Holes 5-9 would be a royal pain to find/play without some sort of map.

Some holes may end up being unplayable depending on what other activities are happening at any given time. There's LOTS of different thing s going on out there at any given time.

Hole 9 ends a decent ways away from the parking area. There's actually some lengthy walks from hole to hole on the last five holes.

Tee signs and/or next tee arrows would be nice here. It's doable without, but it would probably make it easier not only for a course bagger like myself but for the guests of the camp as well.

Other Thoughts:

I wasn't sure what to expect when arriving here. Not just for the course itself, but whether we'd even be allowed to play. The lady at the office was very pleasant and seemed oddly excited that we were there to play. The majority of thenames on the sign in log were there to play "frisbee golf" so it must get played enough.

There's nothing real amazing about this course but it's still a fun round. If you find yourself near here and have some time to kill by all means play this one. Don't go out of your way to play it though.
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12 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.3 years 683 played 37 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Course.. With A Castle

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2022 Played the course:once


- Course is set on a picturesque piece of property set up atop limestone bluffs with a castle.

- Basic baskets which I don't remember what kind they were but they caught fine and did the job.

- Decent distances which will at least somewhat challenge players with bigger arms. Hole 1 has some woods / rough on the left. Holes 2-4 give you a chance to rip one across the open fields. Holes 5-9 are a little bit more technical.


- Private course at a Presbyterian Church retreat. Ideally only registered guests are suppose to play here but I think as long as you sign in at the main building, they don't mind folks playing here. I ran into one of the workers here on Thanksgiving day and he told me go ahead and play although, it "isn't a public park" as he put it.

- Layout isn't the greatest after hole 4 as you're throwing up (and down) some of the gravel roads on the property. I got a little lost after hole 6 as hole 7's sign post is a little hard to see. Hole 9 you're throwing down a gravel road with the basket 200 or so feet to the left.

- Grass teepads for now with very basic sign posts with the hole number on them. Hole 2's sign post started rotting and had to be removed apparently. Not sure what happened to hole 9's sign post. No pars or anything else listed on the posts.

Other Thoughts:

Stronghold Castle DGC is a pretty basic course on a very cool, historic piece of property that is technically private but it seems like they are pretty lax with people coming here to play as long as you check in with them ahead of time. They do host events and also let people rent the place out so if that is the case you might not be able to play here. The worker I ran into told me that it is possible that they will expand the course to 9 more holes making it an 18 but who knows.
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