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Flagstaff, AZ

McPherson Park

3.85(based on 20 reviews)
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McPherson Park reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 5.2 years 184 played 131 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mountain Beauty

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2023 Played the course:once


WHAT TO EXPECT: Extremely beautiful scenic mountain course filled with towering Pines and Ponderosa Trees. Fun course with a very medium difficulty level that will suit a lot of skills of players.

TEES/SIGNAGE/BASKETS: Large textured concrete tee pads that are flat and good shape (there appeared to be some long tee pad locations on a few holes that were rubber mats but we did not play them as we played the Masters Worlds set-up that was installed). Large course Kiosk with all relevant rules and information and a detailed course map. Tee signs (the actual permanent course signs, not the coorigated plastic worlds installed ones) were pretty good, a little small, but had all relevant hole information and a detailed hole map. Baskets were in good shape, dark red/maroon in color and caught well. Practice basket beside Hole #1

DESIGN: Wonderful use of elevation where available. Surprisingly flat for course at this elevation, but the designer utilized slopes and gradients well where they could. Fairways were wide, forgiving, and cleaned out. Course uses a solid mix of distances between the varying holes. There are 4 par 4's, all relatively on the easier side of scoring, bunched together but I could see them all being hard 3's if you wanted to play the course Iron Man Scoring style. Multiple shots required at varying distances, RHBH shot shapes, RHFH shot shapes, gentle turnovers, options for big over the top plays, mix of tight wooded holes and more open bombers.

EXTRAS: The course looks and smells terrific. The views are spectacular at all the Flagstaff area courses so this is no surprise. Has a way of feeling secluded and out in nature despite being in a populated area. As such there will be a few nature loving walkers about, but the course was pretty much empty when we played. There was zero trash or debris throughout the course when we played. This could be a result of worlds coming up, but probably more of the extremely dedicated disc golf community in Flagstaff and the maintainence crew. I'm guessing this course is always immaculate.


TEE SIGNS: Were set up for cotter pins to indicate pin location for the baskets, but most were missing and some were indicating the wrong location. Of course we went by the worlds layout, but they were very inconsistent.

BASKETS: Nothing wrong with the baskets themselves, but the color was a little annoying. They were a dark red/crimson color set against a wooded landscape with rich dark red soil. It made some of them very difficult to locate against the backdrop. Minor con for sure, but added some time and confusion for a first timer.

TEE PADS: Minor con, some are a little short due to how they are shoe horned into some locations and combined with them being elevated a few inches above the ground, make long run ups difficult, especially if you are trying to come in from the side to create an angle.

NAVIGATION: Without much next tee signage it was rather difficult to find where you were going despite the course flow being not that bad. There were a couple tricky transitions #12-#13 for instance.

ROCKY LANDSCAPE: There are a lot of rocks on this course that will beat your discs up, provide uncontrollable kicks and skips, and give you some bad beats on occasion. It's part of disc golf in this area, but it can leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Other Thoughts:

Wonderful course, moreso for its raw beauty than anything, but the design is pretty solid for this rough Arizona landscape. I would definitely play it again myself or recommend people visiting Flagstaff to play it themselves as part of their time there. 3.5 rating might be a little low for this course, but it just doesn't earn a 4.0 in my book. It does have the potential but it just isn't there yet.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 76 played 23 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A fun a mildly technical course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2019 Played the course:once


-Concrete Tee pads are flat and not in disrepair.
-Signage is pretty good, I like the idea of the cotter pins to indicate what pin position the basket is in, but some are missing and/or removed. It's not consistent across the board. I'll keep this as a pro because it was obviously there to begin with, and just needs updated.
-Good use of elevation. There isn't a whole lot of elevation change on the land, but they made good use of what was there.
-Fairways and course was clean.
-Decent mix of distances for the holes.
-Great scenery, I played at sunset and the views were worth the visit.
-Practice basket at the start, always a plus


-Basket Color. The absolute biggest con for me on this course. I played near dusk with the last 4 holes in the dark, but when I started it was light out and I had a very difficult time seeing the basket. It was my first time playing the course so I didn't know where it was to begin with. It's a dark red color, in a pine forest with red soil.
-Tee pads. Some of them are a little short or lack the run-up space needed on the back side when the pads are slightly too short. I didn't throw every shot from the front middle of the tee, so being able to throw off a side or front side is difficult when you have to step up onto a tee first. With the fairways built the way they are it would help with line shaping on alternate routes.
-Needs better signage to indicate where to go. Luckily with lack of rain and erosion I could follow footpaths relatively easily, but I didn't get it right every time.
-Felt like a lot of the same shots through the woods, and due to the nature of, well, nature in Arizona; there was no real rough. A good tree kick just meant you had an upshot from a different angle.
-Rocky fairways can really beat up your disc, bring your premium plastic.
-Layout is a little weird and not very fluid. Fairways bypass each other too close and end with good chances of hitting the next tee pad.

Other Thoughts:

Overall it was a fun course. I'd definitely play it again. It wasn't an overly difficult course, and I feel there's a lot more potential to the course. I figured I'd start with the highest rated in the area and left feeling kind of, meh. Looking back at other 4 disc ratings I've given, I just can't give it a 4.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
4.00 star(s)

McPherson Magic Out of Thin Air 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2019 Played the course:once


McPherson Park is a fun disc golf course with 18 holes, concrete tee pads with signs, decent baskets. The pine forrest provides varied levels of resistance, but usually the fairways are pretty generous. There is elevation in play on a few holes, but it isn't usually extreme.

There are 4 par 4 holes that are bunched together in the middle of the course. They're not super long, and give good birdie opportunities. I got birds on 3 out of the 4, and should have got the last one too. The layout isn't very hard to follow, but I did consult the map on a couple of occasions.

There are fun holes that are tightly wooded and shorter, like 4, 5, and 17. I liked hole 7 a lot, it was a downhill left to right throw that isn't so long but can give you a hard time if you miss the gap in the trees at the top of the slope. 12 is also downhill, but it is mostly wide open and long. I thought I was going to park it, but my disc was snagged by a branch 50 feet short of the pin. It would've had a chance if it had filtered through. I botched it all up and wound up with a bogey somehow.


There are rocky fairways that will take away distance on the big flare skips, and beef up your drivers now and then. I have a hard time adjusting to high altitude disc golf. The discs just don't respond the way I am used to.

A few holes have long tees, but they're rubber pads, and not marked on the signage. I missed them all together. Baskets are sort of dark, and took a minute for me to spot. There is orange tape on the pole, but it is a bit faded too.

Other Thoughts:

I drove to Flagstaff from Vegas during Memorial day weekend just to notch a couple of courses in Arizona. Glad I made the trip. Some nice scenery, and a couple of good courses too.

I wanted to play the Snowbowl, but unfortunately it was covered with snow. There was precipitation in Flagstaff the morning we drove in, but the sun came out in the afternoon. McPherson was in nice shape despite the snow and rain.

The course isn't a super technical layout, nor is it overly difficult. With a little practice and getting adjusted for altitude, I'm pretty sure I could get a few strokes under par. I shot a 59, which is one over par. My birdies were on holes 8-10, all of them par 4's. I definitely turned a par into bogey more than once by missing makable shots.
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4 1
Experience: 8.1 years 49 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Is there a more beautiful area to have a course? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 2, 2018 Played the course:once


Big sign and course map at the first tee. Was easy to navigate. Good tee signs. A well-rounded course for all types of shots. Great tee pads. In an amazing landscape. All ability levels will enjoy this course.


Baskets are a little hard to see. I think on hole 3 we threw to 5's basket cause we couldn't see 3's basket and 5 looked like it was in the correct spot for 3. Maybe better signage directing you from the parking lot to tee #1

Other Thoughts:

I would definitely go out of my way to play this course. The beauty of the Ponderosa forest and the views is therapeutic. From parking lot of the ice rink, go around the right hand side of the building. Tee #1 is behind the ice rink. Whole number 12 might be my favorite hole in disc golf, with great views, landscape and pin placement. We played this course in early spring, there were no bugs and the weather could not have been better.
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5 0
Disc Golf Chuck
Experience: 12.4 years 74 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

McPhantastic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 15, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


• This course, located in the beautiful and quaint city of Flagstaff, is one of the best disc golf experiences in the state of Arizona.
• The tee pads and tee signs are in great shape.
• The variety of the holes distinguishes this course from some of the other amazing courses that are nearby. There are elevation changes, backhand holes, forehand holes, overhand holes, and very wooded holes mixed with a few bomber holes where you can grab your high-speed driver and let it rip.
• The smell of the pines and the seclusion of the course makes it a great experience.
• There are definitely established fairways to use to get your drive to the basket.
• The course is mostly used for disc golf. There are a few hikers/walkers, but they are few and far between.
• The flow of the course is fairly intuitive except maybe for the transition from 12 to 13 and also from 15 to 16.
• The course is clean and doesn't have the trash you can see on some courses.


• The baskets are a maroon color and can be a bit difficult to locate when on the tee. A brighter color would help some, but it isn't too big of a deal.
• There are several medium-sized, igneous volcanic rocks on the course and it makes it difficult to use the increasingly-popular carts.
• The course is only open from April to November.
• It can be busy, but that in and of itself is revealing of the popularity and quality of the course.

Other Thoughts:

The setting for this course with the nearby San Francisco Peaks and the beautiful Ponderosa pine trees is just spectacular. The air is cool (compared to the summer air in the Phoenix area) and there is even some meadow grass on holes 10-12. I haven't played every course in the state of Arizona, but this one would be right near the top of most disc golfers' list of places to play in the state. The Flagstaff Disc Golf Club has done a great job in maintaining, and improving, this gem.
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1 1
Experience: 13 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2016 Played the course:once


cement tee pads
short holes
long holes
good amount of trees
good signs
great baskets
up and down shots


can not see basket from tee pad
need a spotter for about 5 of the holes

Other Thoughts:

sometimes there are too many mosquitoes
bring bug spray
great course
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2 0
Experience: 33 played 32 reviews
4.00 star(s)

best in AZ 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


such a great course! good elevation change. well marked tees and baskets. plenty of trees. side arm and back hand challenges. gorgeous scenery.
great tee pads.


we got unlucky and happened to hit the maximum mosquito time because of the monsoons. meaning we were unable to finish our late afternoon round. however we came back the next morning and it was fine.
but to be on the safe side, bug spray may help!
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1 2
Experience: 11.3 years 10 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

McPherson 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 8, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


My favorite basket course in Flagstaff. Nice mix of long and short holes with many trees and elevation changes. Baskets are all in good shape, maps available.


Very popular, but I have rarely had to wait. A few holes are very rocky around the basket which can tear up your disc.
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5 0
Outdoor Craziness
Experience: 12.4 years 19 played 14 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Mc-FIERCE-son! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


The experience: McPherson is the whole sha-bang. It's a clean, iconic Flagstaff course that requires you to make almost every kind of throw you can imagine.

The layout: some baskets are short, others are long. Some baskets have trees, others are more open. Some baskets require a backhand throw, others require forehand. The course literally has a little bit of everything!

The elevation: playing at 7,000' is awesome. And throwing from #10 and #12 are great too! Man law: if you can't throw past the short tee on #10, you have to take off your pants and walk to your disc sans pants. Just sayin'.

The location: 5 minutes north of downtown, perfect!


The popularity: this course is more popular than most, expect to wait for others to play through.

The terrain: the course is surprisingly rocky, be prepared for some scuffed discs.

Other Thoughts:

McPherson is one of my favorite courses. I sometimes have dreams about it.
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6 0
Experience: 16.7 years 87 played 20 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course in Flagstaff 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2013 Played the course:once


I really enjoyed this park on my drive across the country. The pin layout is good combination of short and long holes. There are multiple pin positions to keep things from getting stale. There is also a good change in elevation without anything too extreme. Baskets are in good shape and there are concrete tee pads!!! I love concrete tee pads... Navigation from hole to hole was very easy, tee signs and other course signage was present. The course is very scenic inside a larger walking/biking park. For the most part the other park users were not in the way of the course.


Cons are always the hardest part....
The parking lot was okay and it took a minute to find the actual course, I drove right past it and had to turn around with a massive uhaul trailer... As someone else mentioned don't throw any disc you might get upset damaging. There are rocks and that CE Firebird might be better off left in your bag.

Other Thoughts:

There is a lot of land here, they could put together several courses in this park. I was happy with my decision to choose this course over the others for a quick round. Discs start to get stable at this elevation but nothing too bad. I would play here again anytime.
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1 2
Experience: 14.6 years 30 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Flagstaff's best course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-sorter more technical shots on the front 9 and longer more open on the back 9. excellent tee pads, and a good amount of elevation changes.


-Lots of trees and there rocks there destroy disks if you hit the right one.

Other Thoughts:

It is an absolutely beautiful course in the ponderosas and to the north the San Francisco Peaks are absolutely beautiful.
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2 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My Favorite Flagstaff Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2013 Played the course:once


-Nice concrete tee-pads
-The baskets are looking a little old, but they still catch well.
-Nice tee-signs that show the layout of the hole, the multiple pin positions, and distance on them.
-Course is easy to navigate other than one point (see cons).
-Very pleasant wooded setting for a course.
-The course is very heavily wooded, but each hole had a defined fairway that was fair. The course does require accuracy to score well as the trees will definitely knock down errant drives.
-A couple of the holes are a little more wide open, which helps add some variety to the course. (Hole 10, 11 and 12 are all a lot more open than the rest of the course).
-Hole 12 is awesome especially from the newest position they added to it. (The new pin position is about 500 hundred that throws downhill into a mostly open meadow, and then back uphill a little bit to the basket on a small plateau, which is guarded by a few thick trees. It was by far the best hole on the course).
-Hole 17 and 10 have two tee-pads each. The longer tee-pad on hole 17 is nice because it makes a pretty short hole, quite a bit longer.
-The course has a solid mix of distance with holes ranging between 199 feet up to about 460 feet, depending on which pin position each hole is in.
-Trashcans at hole 1 and 10 long tee-pad
-The course makes good use of the available elevation changes.
-Most of the holes have multiple pin positions


-Hole 16 tee-pad is easy to miss, especially if the basket for hole 15 is in the B position as the tee-pad for hole 17 is quite close to it. The tee-pad for 16 is about even with the tee-pad of 15 on the other side of the rocky ridge from the tee-pad for 15.
-The rocks on this course could cause some footing issues and will eat up low grade plastic.
-There are long walks between a few of the holes and somewhat a long walk back to the parking lot from hole 18.
-Baskets are a dark red that blend in with the surrounding forest, and they can be very hard to see from the tee-pad.

Other Thoughts:

This is an awesome course that is a lot of fun. Of the three courses I played in Flagstaff
(McPherson, Thorpe and NAU), this was by far my favorite course in Flagstaff. If you are in Flagstaff definitely stop at this course.
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1 0
Experience: 18.3 years 28 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Flagstaff Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 31, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Fun and challenging. Not too difficult. Interesting course. Hole #1 near parking lot and once found, it is easy to navigate. Also played the NAU course, so this course appears to be typical of the area. Lots of pine trees and rocks. The course layout provides throwing lanes for both hyzers and anhyzers on many holes. There are several holes where an ace or birdie are feasible if you throw well BUT you can easily turn a birdie into a bogie or worse. Most holes are around 250-300 feet. There are a few longer ones that are wide open and are fun to grip it and rip it. Had a few friendly players to follow around the first time (Friday early evening) but the other two trips the course was empty.


Could use more signage (especially leading you to #7 and #13). #13 is especially a bit of a hike, up and around to find the tee box. Following the trail and you will be rewarded. Your discs will take a beating. ROCKS, ROCKS and TREES. You will hit several. There are several holes where you can taco your disc. That is when you throw your disc into a tree near the tee box bending it into a taco shell shape.

Other Thoughts:

I like the course so much, I played it 3 times in my 4 days in Flagstaff.
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2 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 85 played 85 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Shape your pine lines 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2012 Played the course:once


Great little course in the heart of Flagstaff. I played here on a vacation and found the course, first tee, and subsequent tees easy to find.

-Signage, tees, pathways between holes, benches, and all of those amenities are fantastic here. Giant map of whole course is by the first tee. Hole #1 is close to the parking lot.

- Typical of Flagstaff, there's a lot of pines and rocks. Quite scenic and rugged! The designers did a decent job of creating lines for both hyzers and anhyzers on many holes. A decent line-shaping game will be needed to par or better.

- Multiple pin placements. Many have A and B placements and some have a C pin.

- Tons of ace and birdie runs, but the precariously placed pines can also turn a birdie into a bogie.

- While most holes are around 200 feet or so, a few of them allow you to air-out. Holes #10 and 13 come to mind, with 400 foot downhill shots into well-guarded baskets.

- Good use of elevation with an equal mix of flat, uphill, and (some blind) downhill shots. There's a fence which makes some shots OB and force concentration.


- Course was very crowded when I played; there must have been over 30 people playing. Locals are quite friendly though, showing me where the first hole is and telling me about the disc golf scene in Flagstaff.

- Fairways don't necessarily cross, but the closeness of holes to each other can put other golfers or parkgoers the danger of errant throws. Personally, I'd like to see some mandos to make it more interesting and safer. Signage does warn you of this on various holes, however.

- Holes are quite short and aside from some tree obstacles, not too challenging. A smack off the pines could easily allow for par recovery. You could definitely bring a beginner here without overly frustrating him/her.

- I wish the course was a little more open, as many holes play in tight woods. I'm all for wooded courses, but I like variety as well.

- As other reviews have mentioned, the numerous rocks are ankle busters and disc eaters. Play with premium plastic and sturdy shoes.

Other Thoughts:

This course does a nice job of packing 18 wooded holes into a park that isnt too huge; I guess this explains the short distance holes.

I played Ridge Line DGC when I was in Flagstaff last year, and this course is a million times better. I havent played all the courses in the area, but this place is solid and I really enjoyed myself. Please consider playing here if you like threading pines, are new to the game, or just want to play a quick 18. I'd advise against playing here during peak hours, as it can get quite crowded.
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3 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.6 years 88 played 87 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Awesome course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Easy parking right at the first tee which is very easy to find. Large cement teepads on all of the holes, no problem with them. Baskets are in great shape, one of my favorite kinds as well! Large pine trees all over the course that come into play on nearly every hole. Each hole unique from the rest, you don't feel like you are playing the same hole more than once. Great balance of shots, straight on, hyzer and anhyzer throws are needed. If you throw a well placed drive, an easy par or birdie is possible. There are some shorter holes that beg you to go for that ace. Then there are a few very long holes that play downhill, let it rip and you will see your disc just sail! There is a great balance of uphill, downhill and flat holes. Baskets are carefully placed, near trees or next to rocks. The scenery is increadible! Nice mountain fresh air, breathe it in! Not much for trash cans on the course, but there was hardly any trash to be found! Amazingly clean! Most have only one teepad, but there are several rubber pads that are for the pros. Nearly all the holes have multiple pin placements. The land the course is on is nearly exclusive to disc golf, no need to worry about other park users.


I really have to get picky here. The signs by the teepads are nice, some are a slightly damaged, but not enough to read the sign. The course was very easy to navigate, there are trails from the baskets to the next teepads which are very easy to follow. There was one spot where it may be confusing, but nothing to big. It was somewhat windy when I played, not sure if that is common on this mountain or not. I don't see it as a con though, others may.

Other Thoughts:

I nearly rated this course a 5/5. Great design, good challenge, awesome scenery and clean! Get some better signs and you could easily call it a 5/5 course. I definately enjoyed this course as you can tell. If anywhere in the area, this is a must play.
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3 3
Experience: 19.3 years 200 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great View of the Peaks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 28, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Cement teepads
Bright Red painted baskets
Elevation changes, both up and down
A few holes with multiple settings that are fun and longer


Very rocky so your plastic will be punished
Baskets spit a lot of good putts
Kind of easy, good players will not shoot over par (54)
Not a lot of variety, baskets seldom move (only have one setting for almost all)

Other Thoughts:

If you're in town I would definitely play. Just make sure that it is open. I like to play here for a quicker round (1 hour if you dont have to wait).
Personal favorite holes are 3, 7, 9 long, 10 long, and 17 long.
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1 8
Experience: 21.6 years 110 played 33 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Fun course to play. Has a lot of trees here. The layout is kind of funky but fairly easy to navigate. The overall distance of the course isn't all the challenging as I think I threw one or two drivers on the whole course.


Lots of rocks to tear up your disc's.

Other Thoughts:

Had a lot of fun playing this course while I was on vacation.
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4 1
Experience: 18.1 years 69 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mcpherson dg course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 30, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


amazing scenery of the san francisco peaks. moderate elevation changes on holes 1-7, 8-13 alot more elevation, 14-18 moderate elevation changes. some short technical holes on the front 9 more longer ones on back 9. very clean fairways with no low hanging branches. large concrete tee pads is a big plus. some holes have multiple pin positions.hole ten is worth multiple throws from the long tee. the tee signs are great, giving you the length of the hole and other pin placements. clean dg course for the most part, you dont see to much trash around at all. very enjoyable to play. favorite holes 3,10,12,15(rubber pad).friendly locals.


alot of trees,but it only makes you better. can be packed in summer. more trash cans needed. the front 9 can get confusing for a first timer. longer pin positions. rocky in places.

Other Thoughts:

must play if you are in town. closed for winter. you are bound to have a great time at this one. Hole 15 has a longer tee pad area,look for the rubber pad way behind the cement tee. when you are walking from 12's basket to 13 pad you walk past it. its on the left ( probably one of the best holes from the rubber pad ).....also 17 has another rubber tee pad area. dont miss out on these two long positions. Mcpherson offers alot of fun for am and pro players. dont miss out
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3 3
Experience: 21.9 years 88 played 21 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Another top notch course in Flag 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2006 Played the course:5+ times


This course a had a good mix of long and short holes, lefts and rights. It's more spread out than Thorpe so it feels less crowded on Saturday afternoon.


I guess the only con is that it's not as fun as Thorpe, I know that's not very subjective but I've always found Thorpe to be a more fun course. I think this course is also a bit harder. It's seems a lot easier to mess up a shot and turn an easy par into a double bogey. Where at Thorpe it seems easier to save yourself from a bad first shot.

Other Thoughts:

It's tough to rate courses in flag as there all so good. Well taken care of and well thought out. If this course was by it's self somewhere, than it would get a higher rating. but since it's one of 5 great courses in Flag it's got a higher standard to live up to.
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4 0
Experience: 46.3 years 320 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Another good Flagstaff course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2007 Played the course:once


Balanced design - good mix of left, straight, right holes, variety of lengths, though no really long holes. Good signage and excellent tees. Some terrain variation, but not much seeing that it's in the mountains.


Nothing memorable about the course, which to me is a con. I'd like there to be something that stands out as a signature hole or element to the course.

Other Thoughts:

Another well-maintained, good to play course in Flagstaff. Another reason this is a great town for disc golfers. More oak and other deciduous trees than at NAU or Thorpe. Definitely worth the stop.
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