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Recent content by BenjiHeywood

  1. BenjiHeywood

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    Very interesting - thanks. So the mystery of how flight speed can be lower than arm speed appears to be solved (though in truth, I'd be very surprised if it's losing that much speed in the first 10 feet). But the question of why one skilled thrower loses 1% in the first 10 feet and another...
  2. BenjiHeywood

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    I'm still none the wiser. Where are you getting the idea that GP is using 'arm speed' to refer instead to a force? Are you just guessing what the GP programmers might mean by arm speed? Or have they explained it somewhere? It seems unlikely to me, not least because force isn't measured in km/h...
  3. BenjiHeywood

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    But the point is, the same disc that that guy hits 1700 on, someone else might only (but consistently) hit 1100. With my own techdisc, i generally find 1100 to be really high spin for me, but when i give other people a throw, their numbers are often much higher. People are throwing 1300rpm...
  4. BenjiHeywood

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    As far as i know, TD doesn't give a monkey's about any of this. It just has accelerometers. It calculates (in a pretty complicated way) when it is stationary, and then from that fixed point it measures all the accelerations it feels in all kinds of directions. If you know ALL the accelerations...
  5. BenjiHeywood

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    I'm maybe being a bit dense, but i don't understand what's going on. Arm speed is indeed a not-very-useful term, but i don't see how we can say the GP data is better than TD here when it's saying arm speed is higher than disc speed. That's just wrong, surely. There are losses involved, of...
  6. BenjiHeywood

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    This is the idea about the disc being the final lever, right? That what we're doing is treating the disc like a hammer, and accelerating the far side of it. If the far side of the disc is going faster than the hand at the moment of release (which it must be, given the direction of spin we...
  7. BenjiHeywood


    I completely agree with you @Brychanus that wrist curl is likely to be a result of the way things are moving as you approach the pocket, and where their momentum takes them, rather than a conscious curling. I enjoy the little 'out' motion (from the elbow) after the reach back is nearly...
  8. BenjiHeywood


    I'm as confused as you are Josh! It does seem like magic. My best guess is related to lever length - not so much in the arm (though that may play a part) but in the length of the hand and the fingers. I think that smaller circle of rotation at the wrist, and the increased grip strength of...
  9. BenjiHeywood

    Tech disc test driven development

    I always feel like 'forced' anything indicates disconnection in the chain. Obviously everything is active rather than completely floppy, but if you have to stiffly force something into position then there's no whippiness possible. The stiff joint/s will break the kinetic chain, right? Do you...
  10. BenjiHeywood

    Repository of Cool Images

    That's a shame. I really enjoyed being able to see that footage, and your contributions on here can be very valuable. But I get it, Sheep is just being silly about the definition of slow motion and it's not worth your time. I'd love to see some 1000+ fps through the hit and release, but...
  11. BenjiHeywood

    Tech disc test driven development

    Ah ok, i didn't quite get what you were saying. Could you do the same thing, but without the fade at the end? More like a genuine late turn throw that finishes right (or only has the tiniest fade). For this distance line, it doesn't seem like there's much difference in variance between 1200 and...
  12. BenjiHeywood

    Tech disc test driven development

    Nice. But I'm most interested in the opposite test - how much variation in results if you change the hyzer angle by +/-3 degrees (or change the flight numbers, or whatever) while keeping the spin at 1200, then do the same thing keeping the spin at 1400. I'm not too surprised that you managed to...
  13. BenjiHeywood

    Tech disc test driven development

    Seems that way for me too. I could see some justification for focusing more on spin when I'm throwing turnovers, but i dunno if the pros actually do that or not. They possibly don't need to if they have plenty of spin already.
  14. BenjiHeywood

    Tech disc test driven development

    Yeah, I'd be interested to see techdisc stats on some real turnover and control specialists. Who would that be? I immediately thought of James Conrad and Isaac Robinson, but didn't see any throws of theirs in the techdisc archive (but i might have missed them). I did see an interesting...
  15. BenjiHeywood

    Tech disc test driven development

    Discs act more everything with less spin, pretty much regardless of disc shape. More turning torque, and more fading torque. If it's at an angle of attack where it would normally turn, it'll turn more quickly. If it's at an angle of attack where it would normally fade, it'll fade more quickly...