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  • Overall Stats

    Most Played Course: Wickham Park - Main
    DGCR Player Rating: 0
    Total Rounds Played: 3
    Total Holes Played: 54
    Total Distance Covered: 2.27 Miles
    Average Score per Round: 57
    Average Putts per Hole: 1.28
    Total Shots: 171
    Total Aces: --
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 3
    Total Pars: 41
    Total Bogies: 8
    Total Double Bogies: 2
    Total Triple Bogies: --
    Average Round Rating: --
    Total Rounds Played: 3
    Total Holes Played: 54
    Total Distance Covered: 2.27 Miles
    Average Score / Best Score: 57 / 56
    Average Putts per Hole: 1.28
    Total Shots: 171
    Total Aces: --
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 3
    Total Pars: 41
    Total Bogies: 8
    Total Double Bogies: 2
    Total Triple Bogies: --

    Recent Rounds

    Score: 56 +2
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 23 -- 78°F / 26°C Cloudy Moderate n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round notes:my best game. a lot of attempted long puts for birdies that i didn't get.
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 310 3 3 1 --
    2 352 3 3 2 --
    3 332 3 3 2 --
    4 317 3 3 1 --
    5 423 3 3 2 --
    6 370 3 3 1 --
    7 222 3 3 2 --
    8 256 3 3 1 --
    9 320 3 3 1 --
    10 348 3 4 2 --
    11 370 3 3 1 --
    12 425 3 3 1 --
    13 331 3 3 1 --
    14 250 3 3 1 --
    15 305 3 4 1 --
    16 475 3 3 1 --
    17 350 3 3 1 --
    18 240 3 3 2 --
    Totals: 5996 54 56 24 --
    Score: 57 +3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 23 -- 78°F / 26°C Cloudy Moderate n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 -- 3 4 2 --
    2 -- 3 2 1 --
    3 -- 3 3 2 --
    4 -- 3 3 1 --
    5 -- 3 3 1 --
    6 -- 3 3 1 --
    7 -- 3 3 2 --
    8 -- 3 3 1 --
    9 -- 3 3 1 --
    10 -- 3 3 1 --
    11 -- 3 3 1 --
    12 -- 3 3 1 --
    13 -- 3 3 1 --
    14 -- 3 3 1 --
    15 -- 3 3 1 --
    16 -- 3 4 1 --
    17 -- 3 5 1 --
    18 -- 3 3 2 --
    Totals: -- 54 57 22 --
    Score: 58 +4
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 23 -- 80°F / 27°C Sunny Moderate n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 310 3 3 -- --
    2 352 3 2 -- --
    3 332 3 3 -- --
    4 317 3 3 -- --
    5 423 3 3 -- --
    6 370 3 2 -- --
    7 222 3 3 -- --
    8 256 3 3 -- --
    9 320 3 3 -- --
    10 348 3 4 -- 1
    11 370 3 4 -- --
    12 425 3 3 -- --
    13 331 3 5 -- 1
    14 250 3 3 -- --
    15 305 3 3 -- --
    16 475 3 4 -- --
    17 350 3 3 -- --
    18 240 3 4 -- 1
    Totals: 5996 54 58 -- 3
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