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Recent content by ChrisWoj

  1. ChrisWoj

    Form: Self analysis?

    Looking specifically at what @ninjabq said - I would say that it is best to have a single putt that works for a wide range of putts. I like having a putt that feels the same from 15-36. I like to call it a 27 foot baseline putt. And the pop that it gives me, as it doesn't have a lot of vertical...
  2. ChrisWoj

    First form check!

    Yeah. I saw that, I'll check out those videos tonight probably. One thing he noted in his responses to others over in that thread, that I found interesting and think may apply to my context as a golfer: he puts a lot of emphasis on the idea of a dominant hand/side. I grew up ambidextrous, due...
  3. ChrisWoj

    The Method Docuseries is Live!

    I suppose that makes sense. For me all the thinking is pre-runup. I don't want to think about initiation/assisting or anything. I just want to feel the disc in space and rip it through space. If I'm thinking about initiating, I'm probably going to be inconsistent with my release.
  4. ChrisWoj

    The Method Docuseries is Live!

    I don't think I have encountered an expert on the mental side of sports that has promoted being conscious of your form while in the act, if that's what you're asking. Obviously you're asking Brian, but man I hope he's all for drill it until you dont have to think about it anymore!
  5. ChrisWoj

    First form check!

    I'm not quick twitch, I'll tell you that much. lol I'm 5'10 (generously, though a home life insurance physical right after I rolled out of bed one time measured me at 5'11 even lol) / 165 with a 6'3 wingspan. I've never been very naturally coordinated - just a reps-on-reps person. But even then...
  6. ChrisWoj

    First form check!

    It kinda sucks, in a way... I didn't peak power-wise until well after I stopped playing a lot of events. Like around age 31-32 is where I really was hitting it. I would go out to a flat open field by a local course (Parmelee Park) with a set of 10 Lat 64 Gold Blitzes, and according to UDisc I...
  7. ChrisWoj

    The Method Docuseries is Live!

    Brian, not a big fan of your marketing side of things - some of the videos are brutal and you come across pretty manic. I lose patience with them fast. So I just want to skip the background and such and get right into the meat of it - which of your videos do you recommend someone that already...
  8. ChrisWoj

    The Method Docuseries is Live!

    To continue the time honored tradition of derailing threads... don't underestimate the awesomeness of /r/pomeranians (plural, not singular).
  9. ChrisWoj

    First form check!

    You were known for throwing DX Teebirds 600' in the wrong direction, aside from the 5% of the time you threw them 600' in the right direction.
  10. ChrisWoj

    First form check!

    Is that the @Skamanda signal I see in the sky?
  11. ChrisWoj

    Form: Self analysis?

    That's rough. But at least you're aware! I just know that the key with the anti-inflammatories and ice is (important: I am not a trained medical professional, lol): If you are not going to do anything that is going to really strain the injury, you should avoid them. There's no real short term...
  12. ChrisWoj

    Form: Self analysis?

    Genuinely - I don't think there's much difference in how I want to train based on my age as much as on my place in life. At 39, I haven't really experienced a heavy athletic dip. The dip IS there, but regular yoga, running, and weight training along with a very aware and careful approach to...
  13. ChrisWoj

    Two new mechanical throwers

    This is attempt #2 for Stuff Made Here. Here is attempt #1: He's done four videos improving the quality of his basketball hoop you can't miss. Hopefully there are more disc golf launcher iterations coming.
  14. ChrisWoj

    Form: Self analysis?

    I hadn't really thought of it in terms of 'body fluency' but I think a lot of what I'm able to isolate probably also comes from a lifetime of trail running, and being a highly technical runner. I started running cross country when I was 8, and never really stopped, and I like going fast, I like...
  15. ChrisWoj

    Form: Self analysis?

    Oh, my bad - that's one of those paragraphs that gets chopped up in editing and you lose track of the fact that you removed important context. lol. The part about the slight hyzer was meant to be a tangent and it slowly took over the paragraph. I was responding to his feeling a bit stuck by his...