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Mt. Crested Butte, CO

10-3 @ CB - Long

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3.755(based on 14 reviews)
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10-3 @ CB - Long reviews

7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 303 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

10-3 @ CB - Long 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2021 Played the course:once


My three pros:

- Epic mountain disc golf - hands down. Possibly more scenic than cross creek, winter park, A basin, Summit county etc. For me that makes this course an absolute destination.

- I dont know what the other reviewers are talking about; I came into this place expecting a dinker course that has been neutered into a 2nd pitch and putt. That is not the case - this is a real course that begins with a 500+ft drive on hole 1. There are several more big bombers and I think 3 total par 4's. Only 1 hole was lass than 200' and it wasnt exactly a gimme due sloped green. I felt challenged appropriately on almost all holes and if I hit my line I had a chance at birdie. I can only imagine the folks complaining about the shortened holes are the guys that can throw 400' off of 4ft long dirt tee pad - I am certainly not one of those so I appreciated the better tees over an extra 50' of hole length. Final takeaway: this course is still legit and most importantly FUN.

- Baskets are all very nice discatcher upgrades over those used on the putter course, very nice signs exist at all holes showing basket location, distance and par. Another really nice addition is the 'Next tee' signs that guide you from hole to hole without ever needing a map. This made for a fantastic walk back down to the base with a little frisbee throwing added in. The only ammenity lacking here was concrete tees and possibly more benches at tee areas.


My three cons:

- The dirt teepads are consistently the downfall of every ski resort course Ive played so far. The whole draw of the course is to bomb big downhill shots but that can be extra difficult to accomplish off of slopey, rooty, rocky, short, dirt tees. To me, this is the intrinsic flaw of ski resort courses that wont install concrete tees. With permanent tees this course rating jumps to a 4 in my opinion.

- There is a long walk after hole 18 to get back to the base of the resort.

- Mountain bikers and hikers are everywhere and really come into play on about 1/3rd of the holes - particularly around 17 & 18. I played right when the lift opened and the mountain was still pretty quiet so I didnt have to hardly wait at all, but by noon the bikers had taken over and could slow down your last couple of holes.

Other Thoughts:

I am so glad I didnt let the past reviews stop me from coming out and having a blast at 10-3 @ CB. This place is absolutely worth a play.
The putter course at the top was a fun warmup and probably the closest I will ever come to perfect round after 'birdying' 17 of the 18 holes. The ski lift ride up was fantastic and even after riding it up 5 times it never got old. The lift is expensive for a single ride (~25$) so I paid 55$ for the all day pass and brought my mountain bike to ride after playing the courses. This made for an incredibly awesome day of discs and bikes that I hope others will get the chance to try as well.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 280 played 59 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty 'Middle of the Mountain' 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2016 Played the course:once


-The great views you would expect
-Some long lines are tasty and testy.
-Not TOO hard to follow (but find a local).
-Baskets did the job
-Nice to have the Pitch and Putt right there.


-Some 'Natural tee-pads' are unnaturally BAD.
-Some 'new, easier' holes' just make no sense.
-Get the $5.00 coupon...or pay about 22 bucks.
-For all the compromise, not that Rec-friendly
-Not much challenge for pros.

Other Thoughts:

First of all, since there has been so much controversy, I will try to objectively review the current course as it is. Hopefully this will be helpful. But I get that people are ticked off that a great course was watered down,

My day at 10-3 started well. The bus is quick enough from town and getting the lift ticket took less than five minutes. Having just spent 40 minutes! to sign a dang waiver at Angel Fire, this was nice. The chair is over-priced but pretty good the first time. It immediately drops you at the 9 hole CB short practice course a few feet in front of you. CB Short (see separate review) let me warm-up while I waited to hook up with locals, which was well worth the wait.

My three local dudes were really helpful, so if you don't know the course, be patient and hook up if you can. They showed me several of the old tee positions, but I kept score off the new ones.

This 58 year old semi-pro found the course pretty easy. I shot 2 down and Advanced players should probably stay under par. But I gotta say, if the purpose of watering down the old course was to make this the sort of family and novice course the marketing department might favor, they just didn't get that done. It would have been hard for a tourist family to follow what was a very long hike down with frequent walks in between holes. And there would be numerous holes where just finding discs could take forever.

Soapbox Alert: I don't follow why CB can't figure out that for both challenge AND ease of play, you need at least 2 tee-pads, preferably 3. This would have allowed the old championship course to have the current Intermediate emphasis, as well as a rec layout. The usual excuse is "We wanted to have real tee-pads, and it's too expensive to put in 3 per hole". But there are NO tee-pads built in here, just dirt. And several are among the very worst I have played. OK...enough.

Tips: -Walk out til you can see not just the basket, but also the woods, especially on 18. -The walk back after the round is pretty long. -There are LOTS of bikes flying past on many holes...keep an eye out. -Take everything: water, food, sunscreen. It's at least 3-4 hours with the bus, the chair, the long hikes etc etc.

All in all, there is clearly enough scenery alone to justify going up to 10-3 at least once. And to be fair, if you are an Intermediate there are some very fun holes that will make you think. But overall, this course does a poor job of serving both the Strong and Casual player, which is a shame because it would take very little to broaden the appeal.
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3 1
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Ausome for the average to upper average course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 27, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Wonderful views, some of the best basket placements I've ever seen with big views from the baskets and nice scenic benches to wait for the wind to die down. Some holes have been shortened, but by looking at where they were I'm glad it has been modified. The heavy arm pro might think this was a little short on some holes but the wind makes every hole a thinker.
Wouldn't let me add a second review so ill add here.......
Just finished up a month there and gotta say with a disc beeper this place is definitely one of my favorite courses. Flowers are spectacular as are the views. Holes are challenging to the average player as well as novice and a pro player could have a great time because the wind can get interesting in the mountainous environment.


Wind in the afternoon, dirt tee pads, but this isn't really a hindrance.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, love this course recommend it to everyone, even the seasoned pro. I never played before the modification, but I think this is more playable and therefore for me is much more fun.
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6 5
Experience: 20.8 years 49 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

WAS an amazing course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Amazing views,the few remaining original holes.
Signs help you navigate from hole to hole.


WARNIING-THIS COURSE HAS BEEN CHANGED! It's not same great course that designer Chris Brown put up. Chris had no input towards these new changes.This course used to be incredible. It was rated as one of the top ten courses in Colorado. But now many holes have been changed and/or severely shortened to accommodate for people who can't throw far. A few holes had to be moved due to mountain bike trails..the new hole locations aren't bad but they all are around 200-250ft. The old #9 was around 650ft. (cool shot through trees shooting across valley) is now around 200ft. A new #11 was added at 175ft.(putter throw). A new #14 was added at 250ft. New # 15 at 200ft. New # 17 at 200ft. All are short putt/approach shots. Some of the original holes have had the tee-boxes moved up anywhere from 50 to 150ft. Most holes can be reached with a mid-range/putter from the new tee-boxes. You can still play the old tee-boxes for these which is nice

The tee-boxes have always been bad( dirt/rocks)

Other Thoughts:

-I used to play this course a lot with my friends. It was worth the price to take the lift up. Since the changes I will not pay to play this course.

-The original tee-boxes should stay and the new tee-boxes should be alternate "family tee-boxes/kids/women". Two tee-boxes, a short and long.
-Sad to see such an epic course be broken down to something so mediocre.
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5 6
Experience: 10 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

used to be my favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


nice location


this course used to be epic my favorite of all that I had played. This course has been taken from something champion level to a novice course at best. There used to be an epic drive over trees and a creek that went from 650+ to 250 now. I will no longer pay money to play this course

Other Thoughts:

they should have just removed the course instead of gutting it. Guess I am going to phantom falls instead
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5 0
little oz
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 103 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Gorgeous, but the tee pads.... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2013 Played the course:once


Without a doubt, this is the most beautiful course i have played, and i have backpacked over 400 miles of the Colorado Trail.
Stunning views, with wildflowers in bloom in late July.
Beautiful, well thought out pin positions that will put you in a grove of aspen, pine or near a creek.
A lot of birdie opportunities
Pretty nice tee signs. Some, but not all have pictures with the optimum line shown on it.
Well marked trail signs point the way to the next hole. There is no crossover or playing up on another hole.
Pretty much all downhill, with varying degrees of descent on each hole.
Very clean course, with several nice bench spots to enjoy the view
Again, the view makes this a life-list course.
The caretaker obviously cares personally about the course, instead of just making it another Summer money maker for the mountain.


A huge detriment was the tee pads. Most are only 4'x3', rocky, rutted and in some cases you just throw from the tee sign on the trail itself. On a majority of the holes you are either throwing from a standstill, or just one step, but still worrying about being able to plant and turn your foot. This changes everything about your disc selection and line that you take. I don't expect concrete, but for $17 + tax for a lift ticket, i do wish to have passable pads.
As previously stated, have a spotter or you will definitely lose a disc in the knee to waist high grasses on the lower slopes. It's just a part of nature, so no knock on that; just be prepared. I spent an inordinate amount of time looking for discs, and found myself throwing for a "safe" shot, rather than the best shot.
There are only 1-2 holes that require a gain in elevation. I suppose this is a plus and a minus.
Slight possibility of having to wait on mountain bikers, but it did not come in to play today. It's no big deal.

Other Thoughts:

A great course and a must visit, worth it's semi-remote location. The only drag is that you have to be willing to lose your favorite discs, or compromise and bring discs you don't care about.
Because of the acres and acres of wildflowers, there are acres and acres of bees. They don't bother me, but if you are the type of person that runs in a circle screaming and slapping yourself because a bee is around your head, stay in the lodge.
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4 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Quite an Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2011 Played the course:once


-Lots and lots of elevation, many of the holes have some kind of elevation on them whether it is throwing downhill, across the side of a hill, or sometimes down and then back up a hill
-Lots of distance and many chances to let the disc fly, it is a lot of fun watching your disc fly down the ski runs
-The best tee signs I have ever seen on a ski resort course (Each sign has a picture of the hole, the distance and the par)
-There is some walking between the holes, but the course is easy to follow as there is a well worn path and there are numerous little red arrows all over the course pointing your the next tee and then toward the basket after teeing off
-Benches located throughout the course
-Each basket is in good shape and has a pole with a orange marker on top of it, so it is very easy to see the baskets from the tee
-The "Evil Tee" of Hole 9, as it is called, is quite an awesome shot, though it is quite possible to lose a disc if you throw off that tee and not the alternate tee
-Nice big information board at the top of the course giving you lots of good information about the course


-The teepads are natural and while I know there is not much that can be done about this several of them either had standing water, or rocks or some ruts in them.
-There is a lot of tall brush on the course. The top holes of the course have pretty short brush on them but as you get lower on the course, the brush seems to get thicker and deeper and there are definitely some bushes on the course that if you throw in you will probably not find.
-You either have to pay for a $15 dollar lift ticket or take a pretty long somewhat steep hike up the mountain to reach the course. If you decide to hike, it can be slightly confusing to find the course, just keep following the Red Lady Epxress Lift and you will find the course at the top of the lift.
-There could be a conflict with some of the other mountain users on some holes, but we did not experience any while playing the course so its not much of a problem.

Other Thoughts:

This is a spectactular course with some amazing views and some really awesome holes. I really enjoyed this course. This course is definitely worth going out of your way to play. It is the best of the three ski resorts courses that I have played.
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4 1
Experience: 46.4 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 5, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


First, thanks for the great reviews, and hopefully more will come. 10-3@CB is really an amazing course, and this is a great way to get the word out. If you're in the neighborhood, this is a must play course!
A few tips for the newcomer. Yes, this is a mountain course. It is big, it's got some tough holes, and the vegetation can be deep and dense in mid summer. Spring and fall are the best times, but the best advice is to use only brightly colored discs. Blaze orange works best. And really, really watch your shots. Group play actually helps, as long as everyone is watching shots. Ten eyes are better than two when you're searching the deep stuff.
Also, there is a great slideshow of the course on Youtube. Just search for "Mt. Crested Butte disc golf course" Kudos to whoever posted that, and don't let the difficulties deter you from checking out 10-3@CB. It truly is one of the best courses you'll ever tackle.


Deep vegetation mid summer on several holes, mainly the back nine. (Lower mountain} Be sure to have your name and number written on all your discs, Lots are found in the fall, and most local players are good about trying to return them. If you are renting discs, ask for the brightest colors they have, and don't worry, rental discs that are found are usually returned to the ticket office. Be aware that mountain bike trail crossings occur between #1 & #2, #12 & #13, #14 & #15, and on the fairway of #17. Conflicts are rare in these spots, but you'll want to give the bikes right of way.

Other Thoughts:

We're also pretty excited to announce that a new "short" course is now open and getting great reaction from the players. It is now nine holes, out and back, at the top of the Red Lady Express lift, With any luck, it'll be eighteen holes next summer! Come check it out!
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3 4
Experience: 19 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Be prepared to lose some 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful surroundings
Well marked transitions between holes


This is the most difficult and longest course I've played, and probably ever will play. We lost 3 out of the 6 discs we rented. You'll be playing on a ski hill in summer, with brush, streams, hills, etc. If you can get past that, it's a wonderful course.
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4 3
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazing Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful Scenery, a great layout, almost no uphill holes, good direction to the next tee, a nice variety of forehand and backhand holes, good level tees (for the most part). Thank you for completing all 18 holes.


Thick rough to get lost in and not in my home state.

Other Thoughts:

This was one of the first reasons I looked at Crested Butte as a vacation destination. A beautiful area and I was not disappointed in the course.
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5 0
Experience: 47 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great views, lost discs. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Very well-marked course with gorgeous views of Crested Butte and surrounding mountain ranges.
- Each hole has very nice tee pads.
- Signage includes photographs and extra arrows tell you where to go. You cannot get lost on this course.
- Baskets are in great condition.
- Each hole is very challenging. Distances range from 450' - 650'.
- There was very little traffic when I played. I only saw a couple other people on the course.
- The views from the mountain are amazing and I felt like I was in a sea of wildflowers. Unlike any other course I've played.


Exhaustion may get the best of you. I spent about 2 hours looking for my discs and about 1 hour actually disc golfing.
- No multiple tee pads/holes.
- The grass is very tall, and there's bushes and wild flowers everywhere. The wildflowers are so numerous, it worsens the issue of looking for your disc since the colors all blend together. After losing my driver on almost every single tee-off, I got very frustrated and exhausted looking for my discs. I'm thankful that I was only looking for my discs... I can't imagine how tough it would've been playing with multiple people and losing 3, 4 or 5 discs on every hole. The family of six behind me quit on hole #6 because they got too tired of looking for discs. I feel very fortunate that I only ended up losing one disc on this course.
- Compared to other mountain courses, there aren't as many trees to throw around; making it a litte less challenging. However, the long distance drives make-up for it.
- It'll cost you $15 to get a lift ticket to get up the slope.
- Mountain bikers are constantly racing through the course. You really need to watch yourself when you cross the biking paths.

Other Thoughts:

I've played a handful of mountain courses and this is the most challenging one out there. The holes have great elevation and are long-distance. You should expect to double or triple your play time since that's how long its going to take you to find all your discs. If I played it again, I would bring all my crappiest discs with the expectation that I'll lose a few.
Bring a lot of water (at least two 32 oz. jugs/player). I'm a Colorado native and the altitude actually had a profound affect on me. To save your energy for the course, do yourself a favor and take the lift up rather than trying to hike it. It's worth the $15.
If you want to play a nice disc golf course at a ski resort, this is the place to be!
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2 10
Experience: 15.5 years 55 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Amazing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 7, 2009 Played the course:once


edit: course was changed since i Played (hence the down votes) no opinion on newer layout


edit: course was changed since i Played (hence the down votes) no opinion on newer layout

Other Thoughts:

edit: course was changed since i Played (hence the down votes) no opinion on newer layout
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12 3
Experience: 15.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Crested Butte's Mountain Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 14, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


What an awesome course with some of the best scenery available. Huge shots into the trees, some diffucult holes, lots of terrain variety. Great pin placement, some holes 800+ feet.


Be ready for the mountains! The course takes a good 2-3 hours to play. Basically, you are hiking down the ski mountain. Lost lots of disks on this course.

Other Thoughts:

Very happy to see Chris Brown put together such a world class course. Only con..you have to pay for the lift ride up, unless you want to hike.
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14 4
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

I survived 10-3 @ CB 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


This course has all the right characteristics to be of championship qualifty, It covers almost 2.3 miles from the first tee that starts at 10,300 feet and winds its way down the green slopes of Mt. Crested Butte to the base area. It is a true big arm mountain course. There is distance, ups and downs and views that will amaze you.


The tough part about this course is the physical workout you will get as you wind your way through the 18 hole mountain adventure. In addition to the workout, it should be noted that this course EATS discs. Bring your A game when it comes to navigating the course, because if you are spraying them, you may end up losing a few.

Other Thoughts:

Got to see it to believe it. Can get pics on line - just contact me at 970-209-6616 and leave aa message if you dont get me.
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