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Harrodsburg, KY

Anderson-Dean Community Park

1.235(based on 11 reviews)
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Anderson-Dean Community Park reviews

3 0
Experience: 22.6 years 15 played 1 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Nothings has changed since last review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2016 Played the course:once


Anderson Dean Park is a very nice community park, for everyone to enjoy. Concrete pads. 900+ par 3 challenge hole.


In very serious need of TLC. Nothing has changed since the reviewer in 2013. Signs need to be updated. A few baskets are broken. Grass need to cut shorter (lost bright color disc in the fairway)
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Space…The Final Frontier 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


The folks who put this course in clearly must've said to themselves, "We've got space here, and by God, we're going to use it!" This enormous sports park has everything you can imagine, from a baseball and softball complex to playgrounds, and basketball, soccer fields, trails, shelters, and, yep, enough space to put in an isolated 18 holes of disc golf in the back several dozen acres of rolling pastureland. It has concrete tees, most of which are decently sized. It has quality signage on all the long tees. It has decent DGA baskets. And it has many, many opportunities to bomb your drives, frequently down big, open hillsides.

The long tees (which I played because that's where the tee signs were) included only 4 under 300', 8 under 400', 3 under 500', and the remaining 3 at 516', 543', and 915'. The first hole starts at the northwest corner of the large shelter house at the top of the drive (drive in & round to the left...the best place to park might be up there). The course works its way around the low marshy bowl in a generally counterclockwise manner, and finishes just past the basketball courts, starting you back towards the shelter.


When I played, there were no pictures or map, so I had a hard time finding where the course was. There need to be some kind of next tee indicators at the baskets, because you often have to walk several hundred feet to the next tee, and that seemed to be uphill all the time. That makes for nice downhill shots, but for my Rec level arm, every hole felt like, "well, here's another three: drive, approach, putt". Nearly every hole seemed to have one lonely tree or bush somewhere on the right side of the 'fairway'. This was my fourth stop for the day, so with all the hiking, by the thirteenth hole, I felt like Garth Algar getting a haircut. ;)

There were no trash cans, no benches, and no shade, so it was nice that I came out on a calm spring day in the low 50's. There were no other DG'ers on the course the whole time I was there. I can imagine having some serious issues with the wind here most of the year, and with the sun scorching you in the summer.

Other Thoughts:

I normally want to visit a course multiple times before writing a review, so I hope the folks that put in the course don't take offense if I break my rule here...Anderson Dean is a disc golf course where I'm glad the community has one, but its layout is too long for a casual or rec player, and frankly too boring for more skilled players to really enjoy it, despite the fact that they may be able to reach the baskets on their drives. But I suppose, if you're like me, and want to play them all, come out on a calm, cool day, and get some hiking in.
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2 0
Experience: 12.3 years 13 played 13 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Needs Some Love 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The course is very long and open with hardly any obstructions but lots of elevation changes.


The course needs attention: signage is damaged or non-existent; tees are in need of significant repair; grass needs to be mowed on a much more frequent basis. Could be a really good course with some improvements and regular maintenance.

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2 3
Russell Gore
Experience: 31.3 years 80 played 38 reviews
0.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2011 Played the course:once


Good place to learn distance drives and elevation.


I went to this course in June of 2011. As of that point in time they had not mowed a single time during the year. Only Holes 1-4 were playable beyond that the baskets were not even visible. Grass was as tall as most tee signs and taller in some areas.

Other Thoughts:

With the land available this could essentially be a nice course. If anyone would go speak with the city about re tooling the course and maintaining it, it has some good potential. It is always sad to drive a hundred miles to find an unmaintained course. Unless I hear of someone taking over this course i will most likely not go back!!!
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3 0
Experience: 15.6 years 14 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Long and open, not much of a challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2009 Played the course:once


Wide open, no chance at losing a disc. Perfect place to practice long distance drives.


Not very challenging. Repetitive: long drive, approach, putt..rinse and repeat.

Other Thoughts:

The only challenging thing about this course is the distance and the wind from it being so open. Only recommend it if you want to practice your long drives. There are much better courses not very far from this one that are worth the drive to play.
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7 0
Experience: 16.3 years 29 played 10 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Long... windy... boring... long... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2009 Played the course:once


Hmm, let me think for a minute....

Its long, and windy, and hilly. Practice your driving and putting in the wind here, but that is about it. The tee pads were long, and most were in decent shape. Walks between holes were short, although sometimes up fairly large hills.


No obstacles at all, there were maybe 2 or 3 trees on the entire course. The holes were really long and repetitive. You could throw any line because there was nothing in the way. Some of the tees were in pretty bad shape and a few of the tee signs were missing. I think there were also missing tee pads. I really only found 1 per hole, but most signs said there were 3. They might have been there, but they certainly weren't marked.

Other Thoughts:

The difficulty of this course was caused by the wind. It was storming somewhere nearby and the wind was 20+ easy. If you can putt on this course, you can putt anywhere.

In the past, this may have been a decent course. There used to be a lake in play, but its gone now. If someone would plant some trees on the fairways for obstacles and if I could throw 400ft+, I might be able to enjoy this course. With the way it is now, it isn't very enjoyable.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.3 years 89 played 18 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Long and Open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a great course to work on your distance game, your wind game, and for practicing upshots and drives up and down hills. The course has good elevation change (especially among central Kentucky disc golf courses).

There are concrete tee pads, with many holes featuring multiple tee pads. The primary tee pads are easy to find as there are signs near most of them and at least wooden posts near all of them. Plus, other than between holes 18 and 1, there are few long walks between holes.

There is a hole that is 900+ feet, while my favorite was #5, a 600+ foot downhill shot that I easily got a 3 on (pretty good for an 818 rated hack).


The course is not very enjoyable to play. It is entirely wide open with very few trees. It really doesn't matter where your shots go, it's pretty much all the same. There was a sense while playing the course that we had already made all of these shots repeatedly. In fact, I used very few discs (5) from my bag of 12.

The course is overly long. There are very few birdie opportunities for newer players or players with little distance. The vast majority of the holes are 350+ from the long tees. The problem with the shorter tees (and some of the signs indicate that there are up to 3 tees per hole) is that they are not marked in many cases, or if there is concrete, it is hard to find, especially in the high grass that always seems to be a feature at this course. When we played, they had at least mowed half of the course. But this is one of those courses where you can lose a disc in the middle of an open field.

The signs and many of the tee pads are in disrepair (this is the oldest course in Central Kentucky). The signs that remain show many trees that simply do not exist.

The course lacks variety and creativity, at least as it stands now (apparently there had been plans when it was put in for a large pond and many trees to be planted). As such the course is boring but still has potential if tweaked. There are many interesting pin locations that could be used that would make the course more fun and interesting.

If you play on a hot day, bring lots of water and sunscreen. There is little shade on the course, and the layout does not give you the opportunity at any point to be close to your vehicle. In fact, hole #10's tee is the farthest from the tee you will be on the entire course. Also, hole #18 does not end relatively close to hole #1.

We played to the wrong basket on hole #12. The sign was not helpful and each basket (12 and 13) was in line with the tee pad and about the same distance away. (For the record, on hole #12, shoot toward the parking lot).

We were practically the only people there on a nice day. We saw 2 others playing, but I do not think the course gets a lot of play. And watch out for cacti. I am not kidding (hole #13).

Other Thoughts:

As I said the course has potential if tweaked, and in its original design would have been better with the pond and trees. As it is now, it is not a fun course to play.

However, a steady diet of this course with others in Lexington would give a player a good, well-rounded game. There is simply no other place in Lexington to find this kind of distance and hills.

I think the course would also be much more enjoyable for advanced and pro players than it was for this short-armed novice.
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3 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 2470 played 133 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2008 Played the course:once


NO TREES, NO WATER. well placed baskets made for fast greens. VERY WINDY. plenty of parking, plenty of room for expansion of course.


the park department must of just mowed as it was just ankle high when I visited.

Other Thoughts:

Very humdrum. Would not recomend playing this course unless drastic improvements are made.

I tried to submit what I have written but for the first time at this great site it won't submit my personal feelings because I wasn't subscriptive enough for others to understand. Well I got one thing to say to that..... Play this course and try to write something about it is almost as hard as finding a tree in the park!!
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.1 years 42 played 38 reviews
1.50 star(s)

WTB time machine! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2006 Played the course:once


Potential. I'd love to have a time machine and go back to whenever this course was new. It has great length and nice use of elevation, but aside from that it seems like a course that has been abandoned by it's caretakers.


The one time I played this course, there was thigh-high grass throughout the course. We had to employ spotters in order to find our drives laying in the middle of fairways.

The signs and teepads need work. I've never seen so few trees on a disc golf course.

Other Thoughts:

I will play this course at least once more. It it's still overgrown and dilapidated, then I'll likely write this one off forever.
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5 0
Experience: 20.6 years 21 played 12 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Very, very long and open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2008 Played the course:never


Hole length, nice changes in elevation course will give you some great exercise


Not much challenge (throw a drive-throw an upshot-putt) exteremly windy, Tall grass throughout course, hard to follow, most tee signs missing, pads in bad shap, some baskets bent and in need of repair

Other Thoughts:

Originally course was designed to have a lake that was to come into play on 5 or 6 holes and several trees were planted to make course very difficult...unfortunatly almost all the trees died and the "lake" has almost completely dried up. Course has had very little use in recent years.
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1 4
Experience: 14.3 years 29 played 28 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Long open course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 2, 2006 Played the course:never

Other Thoughts:

This is a long wide open course laid out on rolling hills. It's kind of boring because every hole is just a driving contest.
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