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Boonville, CA

Anderson Valley Brewing Company

Permanent course
3.055(based on 21 reviews)
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Anderson Valley Brewing Company reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.5 years 356 played 203 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2021 Played the course:once


- hole 1 is right next to the brewery for pre and post beverages
- baskets have numbers
- good variety of shots, some fairly tight lines and some more wide open shots
- good variety of distances from 200 to 400'.
- trash cans at every tee pad
- benches at most tee pads


- tee signs are mostly non existent, a few still remain but only offer the hole number and a distance
- with the lack of tee signs makes figuring out which basket to throw to quite tricky on a few holes
- navigation from basket to the next tee is not simple and quite difficult at a few points on the course
- tee pads are a little lumpy
- holes 16,17 and 18 feel like an after thought, just three wide open 300 ft holes that play right next to the brewery, just 3 boring shots thrown in

Other Thoughts:

This is a great free course on brewery property. If this course had tee signs, it would be a huge improvement on how the course plays.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 74 played 74 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Disc, Beer, Life 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2019 Played the course:once


• Easy to find
• Decent practice area with two baskets
• Several holes have multiple basket locations
• Restrooms
• Discs for sale in the tasting room
• Tees are decent
• Signs are decent
• Baskets are decent
• Beer is great!


• Wind (minor-con)

Other Thoughts:

• The one tricky tee to find is #17. When you're done on #16, head back and to the left towards #15 tee and you'll see the barrels to the right in the trees.
• There's a more modern map in the tasting room just inside the front door to the left. Take a pic of it and a scorecard (if needed).

Random Thoughts:
Let me first state that if you don't live in the neighborhood, I'll warn you that this course is way up in the hills, a good 15 miles from the freeway so plan accordingly. With that said, when you arrive onsite, you'll see the main building with parking all around and probably notice a basket to the left. That's #4. Don't park by it if you like your car. It's at this point, you have a critical decision to make: do you drink the wonderful brews now or after your round, or perhaps both. Well, I can't help you with that but I can help you with finding #1. Head right of the main entrance to the building and go around towards the back and you'll see #1 at the edge of the field. You'll note that each hole is marked by two barrels with a map of the hole on almost all of them. The tee pads are of the thick rubber variety and the majority are in pretty good shape. #1-#4 wrap around the field and building to the left with some tricky OB everywhere and the cool sights of horses and goats on the perimeter. Then you'll want to follow the path/sign across the entryway and along the property line to the backside of the property where #5-#18 await. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by what awaited us back there. When you look at this course on a map, it just looks like some straightforward shots back and forth across a field. Then you get there and you realize that this property is not only quite scenic but it has significant elevation changes, lots of trees, a creek, and the occasional OB monster. This means that just about every hole, while not terribly long, has significant risk/reward factor on both the drive and potential upshots when drives go errant. Why would they go errant? Well, that'd be the wind, thank you very much. It's a pesky beast back there and will bend your shots places you probably didn't intend. You can tell some real thought went into this course and it'll eat shots from you right and left. My advice is to put it in the middle and only let fly when all conditions are right. Otherwise, the bogemonster be comin' for ya.

Bottom Line:
Despite the really long drive to get there, we really enjoyed the course. It's a fun variety of shots on a nice piece of property in the hills. Once you're done letting the disc gods do their thing to you, is there anything better than a full menu of microbrews to toast your game? Nice job course crew and you have some yummy beer to boot.
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8 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

The Course Is Now Free But The Brew Still Has It's Price! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2016 Played the course:once


The Anderson Valley DGC plays around the brewery. The highlight for most of you golfers would be the on-site brewery and bevy of refreshing beers waiting for you after your round here. Or to accompany you as you play.

I played at the end of August and the course was dry, parched and brown. The pond on holes 1-2 was bone dry. And the wind was blowing up a storm.

The course has very adequate rubber tee pads. The tee signs are laminated paper signs which are attached to a wine barrel at each hole. There was also a trash and recycling barrel at every hole. No excuse for littering on this course. The baskets are DGA models with the red block numbers. There are some cool touches like using old keg carts for benches. Also, they have dropped their $5 charge. More $ for beer, my friends!

The holes are recreational in both length and challenge. There are a couple of creative holes but most are standard issue, 275' with the basket tucked in behind a tree. You're throwing a lot of low, tunnel types shots here. On two, I found a low skipping hyser to work well. It was about the only success I had here today. The gusting winds played hell with many of my shots and messed with my mind on other throws.

Both 6 & 7 had cool basket placements with the baskets placed under trees with interesting low branches providing protection.


Windy in the PM.

Back and forth holes from about 12 to 16 all seemed the same.

Course if fairly isolated. It's a long ways out here.

The course is mostly flat and not visually impressive, especially in late summer.

Other Thoughts:

It's a fine, challenging course for a rec player like myself. Better players won't find any challenge here. It's a little short on the creative side, too. Although not a destination course, the brewery might be a destination brewery. I couldn't really state an opinion as I'm a Diet Coke guy, myself. Bottoms up!
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3 0
Experience: 30 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Easy rounds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2016 Played the course:once


Well.... the beer onsite helps. They sell discs with the brewery stamp in the taphouse, and the beer is really good.

Oh, the course? It's pretty flat and open, so it plays fairly quickly. Garbage cans at each tee, so it's much cleaner than some other courses.


The last 3 holes are within smell range of the waste pond for the brewery..... it's pretty gross. An errant shot will end up with your disc going into some water that you don't want to go near. Holes aren't very well marked, and the teepads are less than desirable.

Other Thoughts:

It's a fun course to play a couple times in a day. I'm glad it's not the only course in the area, I think I'd get bored here pretty quick if it's all I had to play.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2014 Played the course:once


The course plays through the grounds around the brewery. This makes for some unique obstacles with empty kegs and old brewing equipment in play on a few holes. There are lots of nice mature trees, so a lot of the course is shaded and there are low canopies to navigate. The shots have some variety off the tee, with a few shots that force left and right turning flights. There is one small elevation change on the property, it's used pretty well to add a little bit of challenge.


The course is fairly short overall, and with no real underbrush there isn't really any punishment for bad shots. There's a lot of room between the trees so even a real shank won't generally be too tough to save a par. There are a couple holes with weird lines and low enough ceilings that they end up being tweeners for intermediate and advanced level players, easy to get a 3 but not really 2able. There is no signage, making the course a little tough to follow at times, the course map isn't quite accurate and there are some blind holes that need scouting your first time through.

Other Thoughts:

This course is beginner friendly, with reasonable lengths and no punishment for inaccurate drives. Experienced players won't find a ton of challenge, it's a good place for a relaxed round with a few beers not really a place that will test your full repertoire of shots. It is definitely a bonus to have good beer available for purchase onsite that you're encouraged to drink on the course.
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4 0
Experience: 16.4 years 40 played 19 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice course, pleasant round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


rubber teepads, pretty well marked. Navigating this course isn't too bad, especially when carrying their map
accessible and challenging. There's enough layout variety and obstacles to stay engaged
lovely scenery
wonderful brewery. bring your own food. dogs are welcome
low probability of losing discs


easier/shorter holes
not many risk/reward decisions
some short teepads
minimal elevation change
rough to play on hot days. There are stretches of exposed terrain where you will roast in the sun

Other Thoughts:

Watch out, playing with delicious, cold six packs often leads to some sloppy, buzzed play towards the end. Worth a trip if you're a disc golfer and beer lover though it's not a destination course.

Overall, they did a good job with the land they have
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3 0
Experience: 26.4 years 67 played 15 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Epiphanic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2013 Played the course:once

Other Thoughts:

Very good course, but even more remarkably, it's a great concept! Put a disc golf course on the ranch surrounding your brewery, which just so happens to be in a gorgeous part of the Anderson Valley. I was just going through here for a day on my way to "wine country", so I only had a couple hours to enjoy the brewery, beer, and course. But it made an impression!

Everyone should experience this place sometime during his life. Get a sixer of delicious Anderson Valley beer (I had Summer Solstice) and head out on this well-guided and intuitively organized course that begins right outside the tasting room door. On the course, you have a pen of goats (animals I find really entertaining), a tree-covered babbling brook, and views of hillside vineyards all along one side of course. Simply breathtaking.

I really wish I had a place like this closer to where I live (midwest). Excuse me if it sounds like hyperbole, but the day I played this course was one of the best days of my whole life.
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6 0
Experience: 15.6 years 22 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

After all these years... 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 10, 2013 Played the course:once


Uuum, the readily available taproom.
Rubber tee pads.
A plastic trashcan/barrel as a marker at almost every tee.
Some elevation change.
Water hazards.
Both left and right turning shots required.
Short grass, looked mowed but hard to tell.
Rolling near costal hills and vineyards make for a lovely scenic day you would expect to find in this part of the state.
Discs for sale.
Almost no chance of losing a disc when
I played.


Some tee pads were cracked and falling apart.
No signage, you are left looking for the next barrel, not too bad, but they werent all present. Still easy to follow.

Other Thoughts:

I'm trying hard to rate just the course, ignoring the brewery aspect, but...
We came here on a day trip from the bay area because I really wanted to play the course. Having previously only been up for the Boonville beer fest when the course was closed. I wouldn't call it a destination course like Stafford, or De La, but it was fun.
The pond was less than a quarter of what it could be. That helped me but could be an issue. The navigation wasn't bad. Course maps available at the tap room. This kind of terrain usually has poison oak (none seen) and ticks (likewise) with the huge old oaks that keep your shots low and straight with the tree canopy.
The course map on this site is not accurate but my internet skillz fall short of fixing this issue. The map from the taproom was closer but still not perfect.
My buddy caught the wind on hole 18 and almost sailed into what looked like (and smelled like) a waste treatment pond with a large brown gush of a fountain in the middle. Dont go in there!
All in all, it was a good road trip. Don't expect perfection, but a couple of fresh pints make it all good!

Update: I forgot to mention that this course IS pay to play. At $5 per person/day, this seems fair. For paying, you get $5 off of anything in the gift shop, including beer or discs.
Also outside beer is not allowed as per the liquor license.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.6 years 168 played 54 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short Fun 18 at a Brewery 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 25, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Several technical shots and well protected baskets. Garbage cans next to every hole with the hole number and some with distance to pin. They serve as basic signs as well as trash cans. Lots of boots on the course next to tee pads (unique; kinda cool). Hole 1: shoots over a pond with marked OB around it's edges. Need to throw 300' to clear it, or lay up on the right, but doing so will block your next shot as the basket is well protected by a large, bushy tree. Hole 2: longer shot over the same pond. These holes allow experienced disc golfers to test their abilities while also offering safer routes around the pond for the less experienced or less brave. Hole 3: 300' shot around mature trees forcing you to throw a hook with OB on the right side of fairway (animal pen). Hole 7: longer left hook shot to a well protected basket next to a large tree with branches reaching all the way down to the ground. Hole 8: slightly downhill open shot to a well protected basket in a group of large mature trees with a creek running behind the basket (not really a hazard due to a thick row of younger trees along it's bank, but the sound and sight is tranquil and soothing). Hole 13: plays through a grove of mature trees with a downward sloping hill on the left and no real clear lane to the basket. Hole 14: blind shot through dense trees; very tight lanes to the basket. Hole 18: 280' shot with trees, sheds, stacks of beer kegs 8' high, and other natural and man made obstacles to shoot around. Good layout. Great use of available land. Short grass. Clean and well maintained throughout the course; hard to lose a disk unless you go in the pond. All holes birdie-able with a good drive. Very easy to navigate; just a short walk between holes 4&5. A course that nearly anyone of any skill level could play, but challenging enough that it is enjoyable for everyone regardless of your skill level. Also, if you like beer, AVBC produces some very tasty craft brews and if you buy some, your round is free. The tasting room is nice and they sell discs with their own stamp (buy one and your round is free too).


Rubber tee pads, some of which are pretty short and can be slick when wet. Some tees are also uneven with the ground around them and too small to do a full run-up. No signs, although you can see the basket from nearly every tee, and the trash cans next to every tee have hole numbers, but knowing distances would be nice. Fairly flat course with only slight elevation changes on most holes. Some holes are pretty wide open. Most holes are fairly short. Pay to play, but again, if you buy some beer or a disc your round is free.

Other Thoughts:

They host music festivals and other events, although the disc golf course is usually closed during these events. There is a campground just down the road at the Mendocino Co. fairgrounds with campsites with hookups for $20/night (just not during the county fair). If you like to drink beer while you play, this may be the best public course in California for doing just that. And the brewery produces such good beer that even if you don't want to drink while you play, pick some up to take home for later and get your round for free. If you don't drink, give it to a friend who does as a gift. They'll love it. You are only allowed to drink AVBC beer on the course though. Their alcohol license does not allow consumption of outside alcoholic beverages on the property. Also I learned my last time playing that the rubber tee pads were salvaged from an old barn on the property. Hearing that made me like them more :)
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4 1
Experience: 15.1 years 63 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great beer. Great disc 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The atmosphere here has to be among one of the biggest pros of the course. Drinking is encouraged and only frowned upon if you bring your own cheap beer instead of buying theirs. The people in the tasting room are helpful and there's lots of d.g. stuff in the shop like boonville stamped discs and minis. There is also a map of the course available.


Navigation of the course can get awkward but that's what the map is for that they gave you when you bought all the beer. Short tee pads that are in mediocre condition at best is all you really get for your opening throw.

Other Thoughts:

You can't forget about the Boontfling DG tourney that the AVBC host every year towards the end of summer. It's a beer tier event and you get to camp at the brewery. awesome. Everyone that likes DG and beer needs to go to this.
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2 0
chris deitzel
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.2 years 286 played 54 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wonderful locals!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2011 Played the course:once


I have been drinking Anderson Valley Hop Ottin since 1997 and have always wanted to play here. Well, after meeting Andrew Lemann in Ft Collins a month earlier, he asked us to call him if we were in town. So we did, and I am so glad that we did.

The course was a decent course. Nothing spectacular, but overall it was a nice to course to play. Can't go wrong having a course on the brewery property. Also, the vineyards surrounding the brewery were beautiful.

We played a nice casual round with Andy and his buddy Chris?? It was awesome. Spent the evening drinking some beers while we were treated to some wild boar tacos with some super hot habenero sauce. They were delicious. Free food, beer and disc golf!!! What could be better.

The course is great for people of all skill levels. Nothing too tough. Just a nice place to play and enjoy yourself at your own pace.


I don't remember any cons while I was there.

Other Thoughts:

I have to send me thanks to Andy and his buddy who showed us around the course, as well as let us stay at his house up in the Mendocino Hills. Man was that beautiful!! Got to use a Z-machine for the first time.

I want to come back here so badly, and spend a few days around the area. It was beautiful and we were treated so kindly.

Andrew, of you read this. THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING. THIS WAS A HIGHLIGHT ON OUR 6 week vacation. We will never forget it. You guys were the best. Wonderful dinner, hospitality and thanks for the going away present!!

If you are nearby, come and play a round. Drink a beer, buy a disc, and hang out with some cool people. I hope that you all have as great of an experience as I did.
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2 1
Jesse B 707
Experience: 18 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

AVBC, nice for a lazy day of golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Great Brewery on site, interesting course topography, new rubber teepads installed on all 18 holes, recent layout change added some cool holes (17 and 18), great course to come out to and play at your own pace and have a beer or 2 if that's your thing, rarely any traffic


Most if not all of the new tee pads are too short for most any player to gt a good run up on =( a couple of oddly designed holes (not bad by any means though).

Other Thoughts:

I hate to complain right after they have done some great work up there but those short tees REALLY need to be lengthened, last time i was there i had several accidental steps off the end of the tee that could have resulted in a nasty fall or sprained ankle, with longer tees my rating would be higher for this course
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7 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 224 played 75 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Drunk Discin'

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 19, 2010 Played the course:once


Nice open floor plan, lacquered wood bar, lots of AVBC beers on tap, honest pours...Wait, was I supposed to review the course or the bar?
All kidding aside, this is a course at a brewery far away from major population centers. Anyone going to AVBC is going as much for the beer as for the disc golf. The proprietors let you drink while you play, as long as its AVBC beer. I enjoyed the course, by nature it this is a very casual round best played with beer in hand. Apparently there are three rotating layouts, I only played one. Due to the rotating nature there are no signs indicating where the next tee is. It wasn't always obvious where to go, but the course is open enough that you can see all possible tees. The tees are dirt and are marked with plastic cowboy boots that are painted with hole numbers. The DGA baskets were in good shape. The course has pretty good variety in hole length and shape (at least in the layout that I played). The course started in the front yard of the brewery, with the first few holes playing on the well maintained lawn. The course continues on to the back pasture with longer, more open holes. There is some water in play if you are very wild with drives (stream at the back of the property and manmade ponds to hold water for brewing). While the course is mostly open, there are enough trees to force you to shape lines on most holes. There is hardly any rough, but I nearly lost a disc in long grass anyway.


Dirt tees are not preferable, but with the rotating layouts there aren't many other options. The course is pay to play but you get a credit to spend on beer or AVBC logo discs that equals the $5 fee.

Other Thoughts:

I drove up from the Bay Area where I was staying with friends. The drive takes much longer than you would think based on mileage. After Hwy 101, the road twists and turns its way through the costal mountains. We played this course in the afternoon after playing Stafford Lake in the morning and were not able to spend as much time at AVBC as I would have liked.
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1 1
Experience: 20.4 years 109 played 21 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The DG Extravaganza! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


On a brewery!
Insane beer!
Fun open course with a few technical holes!
Great country setting in what feels like the middle of nowhere!


Pay to Play (But Redeemable)
Haven't seen other pin placements

Other Thoughts:

Overall just a great time weather hanging in the beer garden or at the bar, you can't beat it!
This is one of those courses where you'll always have that "I had a great time!" feeling at the end of the round/trip. You'll definitely want to come back and bring your friends!
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2 0
Experience: 18.6 years 54 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Brewery with fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 6, 2009 Played the course:once


Very fun course, especially if you each have plenty of beer for your round.
Beautiful surroundings, secluded and very laid back. Green grass and hills, creek almost comes into play
Good mix of shots
Brewery employees are very friendly


not the most challenging course, but not easy either.
Some shots are very open, most holes under 350'

Other Thoughts:

Beautiful Northern California Course plays on the land around and behind the brewery. Great disc golf destination! I went with a buddy, had a few pints from the tap at the bar before we played, and then we drank the entire 24 pack we bought while playing! We played another round to sober up, and had a great time! I will definitely come back
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 82 played 50 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Superb Vibe at One of CA's Best Breweries 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


What I like best about this course is the incredibly laid back vibe one finds throughout Anderson Valley. I recall sitting at the tee pad of hole 2 (the closest tee to the road) and seeing a California Highway Patrol drive by while eyeing our beers and our relaxed demeanors, and knowing that we were completely untouchable put a wonderfully warm spot in my heart that carried throughout the round.

We walked past some wonderful vines hosting beautiful hops for their beers. Knowing that all the equipment and buildings were geared toward fine offerings such as Brother David's belgians is very cool.

The nitty-gritty details of the course are similar to the laid-back attitude of Anderson Valley. The tees are dirt, and decorated sometimes with old cowboy boots and such. But they are well marked, the baskets are nice, and the fairways are well-kempt.

There is a river in the back of the property where I saw several river otters flipping their way up a ravine until they hit the water...very cool.

Most of the holes are fairly open, but they are arranged as well as one might expect on the property and some have used the trees there to the maximum potential. My wife almost aced #18 after skipping her disc from the hood of a tractor.


Pay-to-play. But, there is no pay-to-play, really, since the cost is waived if you buy more than $5/person in beer for your round, which you will definitely do unless you don't drink beer. Even then, you might be able to buy some of their home made root beer or something similar.

Other Thoughts:

If you stop here and you don't try the beer sampler in the tasting room, you are a complete fool. Anderson Valley brews a unique variety of beer with distinctive flavors. They are not trying to be like everyone else in California with the standard offerings.

If you are in the region for a longer time, drive to the coast through the beautiful redwood forest and play the Mendocino HS course there, or even better go up to Fort Bragg for dinner at North Coast Brewery, another of CA's best breweries.
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5 1
mike shoys
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 25 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


-anderson valley beer in hand between shots
-i liked the changes from hole to hole. starting in front we wondered if it was going to suck, then you wind around to the back, throw along the creek, hit some open fields, and finish out winding through some big oaks. the holes generally got more difficult as you go, but would be pretty easy on a non-windy day...
-there is some intangible about this course that i can't put my finger on, but everyone i talk to seems to love this course and make the extra drive to play it. inviting and festive atmosphere maybe???


-pay to play, but you get a coupon equaling the amount and i was going to get some beer anyway...
-can be hopelessly windy
-pretty short and straight
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bahl Hornin 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Bahl Hornin is Boontling for "Good Drinkin". Great beer. Decent course through the oaks...good mix of shots (low ceiling, tight gap, open bombs). Beautiful scenery... river, wineries, rolling hills.


$5 to play - but they do give you a coupon for $5 off in the gift shop... so buy some beer and your round is free.
It's a lengthy side trip - twenty miles off the 101 from Ukiah and thirty miles from Cloverdale.
Beer tasting room closed on Wednesdays... you'll be pissed if you show up and can't drink beer. check their website for hours.

Other Thoughts:

Brewery and disc golf... who could ask for more? It deserves more than a 2 rating. I've been to AVBC at least 6 times on my journeys from Humboldt to LA... I've only been disapointed when they were closed (but then I complained at the office that I had driven all the way from LA to drink their beer off the tap... and they gave me a free 6 pack).
My best round -8... with an ace (hole 15).
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3 2
Experience: 19.3 years 96 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

I enjoy it. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Maps at the bar.
There is a bar.
Easy to navigate.
Wind can change for some more challengin play.
I think it is a fun course not too hard, but not easy as pie.


Have to pay, but you get a coupon off your beer!
Hot and dusty in the summer.

Other Thoughts:

Well worth the trip if you are a local and want something diffrent. Well worth the trip if you like AVBC beer. It is really good beer and you can pick up special brews there.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.4 years 143 played 78 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good Beer, not so good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2008 Played the course:never


-AVBC Beer is great and there were a few here that I couldn't get at home
-Brand new baskets
-Some wooded holes
-Pro shop on site


-Pay to play
-Alot of wide open, throwing through fields, holes
-No elevation change
-No signs
-Not much chalenge

Other Thoughts:

Tees here are marked with boots. The old baskets made from wine barels are out and they now have new baskets. I was the only person out on the course, but this may have had to due with the 5$ pay to play. At least with your paying to play they give you 5$ off in the gift shop which has beer, discs, shrits, etc.
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