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Boise, ID

Ann Morrison Park - Southeast

Seasonal course
3.535(based on 30 reviews)
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Ann Morrison Park - Southeast reviews

1 0
Global Citizen
Experience: 11.3 years 26 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Visiting Area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Visiting the area (from Indianapolis) and wanted to play at least one course in Idaho. Glad I decided on this course. Well manicured course that challenged me to keep out of the water hazards. The course is clean and free of trash (by my standards) except for the goose crap.


A little tricky to navigate if you don't know the layout. Both times we joined up with some friendly locals waiting to play who showed us the way. This is a busiest course I have ever played. There were players on every hole so players might be advised to play during off hours. This is an easy course to loose a disc. The locals in our group helped to retrieve several of my discs that went into the water hazards.

Other Thoughts:

I have played DG in 7 states and say this course is a must play.
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0 2
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Park, lots of play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2014 Played the course:once


Excellent course, busy but all players good humored and with good etiquette.


soo many players! It was exciting to see, but lots of waiting when I was there labor day weekend.

Other Thoughts:

- Huge park, that you can drive through, so make sure you start on the correct end near the baseball fields.
-Some water hazards. The park is pretty clean, especially for being a college park, but I would not wade into the muck canals. Besides the 6 inches of goose shit at bottom there are unknowns like glass and stuff. I was warned of needles. Just be cautious, plastic isn't worth a bad infection.
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3 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Deaf Geese Couldn't Hear Me Yelling "Fore". 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2014 Played the course:once


Anne Morrison is a very large and beautiful park in Boise. It's mostly flat and features a variety of water hazards, from small easy to cross creeks to a larger drainage ditch to some kind of ponds on both sides of holes 11-14.
The course has nice, extra long concrete tee pads. Many are grooved for winter weather play. The signs are small fiberglass ones showing the pin positions but with no way of telling which position the basket is currently in.
There were a couple of holes I especially liked. # 6 is just a little 260' throw across a creek but the basket was set in some trees adding to the challenge. There was a yellow mando?? ribbon tied to one of these trees but I didn't know which way the mando was so I ignored it.
I also liked # 12. It's very narrow with the walking path OB on the left and the canal on the right. This is one of the few really cool basket placements with the basket in this small thicket of trees on a hill. There was a yellow mando ribbon here which I ignored again. Making the mando either direction would make sense to me.
I played early in the morning and there were few golfers on the course. However, the sprinklers were going great guns and the geese were out in large numbers. On 2-3 holes I just had to throw into the flocks of grazing honkers. Yelling "Fore" didn't help as a couple of times my disc went sailing merrily close by nearly conking a Canadian. They just looked up with a look of amused bewilderment on their little goosie faces. Just keep eating your grass and fowling the course for all, boys.


Course navigation was a little confusing here and there. I didn't get the fax about # 2 being pulled so that was a little confusing. I missed # 5 and then when I figured it out, opted not to go back. It was also puzzling at times to figure out which position the basket was currently in. I tried asking the deaf geese and just got a honk in return.
The mando ribbons weren't clear as to which way the mando was.
I didn't exactly appreciate throwing into the flocks of geese, didn't appreciate walking through them getting to my discs or shooing them off the tee pads and I especially didn't appreciate their goose crap fowling much of the course.

Other Thoughts:

Very nice park which is overran with the geese. The water hazards are compounded by the fact the water is dark and murky, to say the least. Avoid these water holes like the plague which is what you might end up with if you do decide to go disc diving. It's just recently been medically proven that the black plague in Europe WAS NOT caused by rats as previously believed BUT was indeed caused by, you guessed it, direct descendants of the Boise Canadian Geese flock.
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0 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 40 played 36 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Crowd pleaser 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 2, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


• Good variety of hole lengths and obstacles,
• Up to 6 different basket locations on some holes
• Well-maintained park setting.


• Very crowded unless you play at sunrise.
• Lots of duck/goose poop.
• Water hazards will swallow discs (bring your floaters and/or retriever

Other Thoughts:

Boise needs more summer courses to keep Ann Morrison from getting so crowded. There are many more winter courses to spread out the players. If it weren't so crowded, I would have given this course a 4+..
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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 40 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Flat with Risk/Reward 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Played multiple times 3 days in a row on a recent work trip.
-Location, course is just a short walk away from where I was staying in downtown, seems like a great central location. I initially walked into the park from the far side, but locals got me to tee 1 with little trouble.
-Maintenance, very well taken care of course, grass was close cropped lending to some awesome rollers on some of the longer holes. The pads are well done, in general a pretty "manicured" feel.
-Signage, there were a couple missing signs but the ones that were there are descriptive and helpful.
-DD truck parked in the lot, Not sure how often the dynamic Discs truck is there but pretty cool to have that parked near hole 1.
-Risk/Reward, a number of the holes that play in and around the waterways offer a couple of cool holes, play the direct path and flirt with water, play safe and have no chance at a bird.


-Transitions, a couple of longish transitions (especially with out hole 2 being in play) first time around I spent a bit of time lost.
-Duck crap, only a problem on a few holes but never pretty to have a disc land in any type of poop.
-Chuckers, every round I played I had to try and play through at least 1 group of 10+ folks with one disc, not a huge deal but most of the time they weren't very aware of their surroundings, really slowing down a round.

Other Thoughts:

A very good course with a mix of different looks/shots. All of my rounds were played with baskets in the same position but some of the alt pins on the signs looked fun. The course is very flat, while not really a con in my book it is always something that adds to the fun.

Overall a place I will for sure play again next time I'm in Boise.
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0 1
Experience: 13.1 years 7 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good Stuff 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Well executed course. My buddies and I always use this one when we play in Boise as a group.


They took out the 2nd hole for awhile but added it again for the Masters tournament they had there on Saturday. Hopefully they leave it in.

Other Thoughts:

Great place to find discs! Of course we call if there is a number but often there isnt.
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4 0
Harvy B.
Experience: 12.6 years 22 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

My Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Well planned and executed, the pads, pins, and placements are varied and fun.
-Close proximity to downtown Boise and BSU
-Close-ish to my house.
-There are a ton of really cool locals and club members who will let you throw-in with them if you want to throw with a group, or play through if you are in a hurry.
-Varied length of holes and a lot of obstacles to throw around/over/through.
-Very well maintained course, grass is regularly mowed, park is pretty clean (thanks to those who pick up after themselves and the many who pick up after others), trees are healthy and maintained.
-A great course to challenge all of your shots, having the ability to throw a forehand, a backhand, and an overhead shot isn't essential to play this course, but there is definitely a need for all three if you want to throw par or less (playing all par 3).
-Active GSDG (Gem State Disc Golfers) club members are usually around usually really cool and usually willing to play a round.
-Multiple pin placements for every hole.
-No shortage of disc golf shops in Boise, there are two less than a 4 minute drive or 15 minute walk from the course.
-Adult beverages are allowed in cans, sorry no glass bottles.
-Awesome pizza/sandwich shop (Papa Joe's) at the entrance/exit of the park. A very mellow spot to grab a pre/post-round bite or beverage.


-WATER AND O.B. ARE TREACHEROUS AND WILL STEAL YOUR DISCS. Seriously the water can be pea soup murky or glassy, some O.B.'s have "no trespassing" signs, or worse poison ivy, the mud in the water areas will absolutely consume your leg let alone your disc. One area of water around #12 and #13 is a festering cesspool of goose crap and staff bacteria. Bring a retriever, a buddy, and some hand sanitizer.
-It gets crowded on the weekends and after work hours during the summer. I don't mind usually because I like the opportunity to throw-in with different people, but it can suck if you are trying to squeeze in a quick round.
-There are some inconsiderate turds who leave beer cans and trash on each tee as they play.
-Bums who will hassle you for beers/money/beer-money.
-Some GSDG club members can be self-important friggin jerks.
-Some pins placements never moved this summer, most rarely moved. (Hole 15 was in the long position 90% of the summer season) In previous years the club had a pretty clockwork rotation schedule that didn't happen this year.

Other Thoughts:

I really love this course, it ain't perfect but it is fun. My con list may read like a "keep-out" banner but I play here several times a week so I have developed a few pet-peeves. This however is the course I learned to play on, so I have a soft-spot for it. I would give it a 3.5 to a 4.0 rating if the course didn't eat so many discs.
In all seriousness if you come to boise come play this course, it rocks.
Also, it is no longer a 20 hole course because of issues with the hotel that runs the length of the old hole #2, and a mysteriously missing basket it is now a 19 hole course.
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5 1
Experience: 12.4 years 16 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Walk in the Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


A variety of shot shaping holes where most will play best to those with a long arm who can also exercise considerable control.

Park is very accessible for people of all ages and abilities.
Great signage at every tee, which are conrete and built long which is great for sprint-throwers who like a long run up.

Fun obstacles on almost every hole. Sometimes they look much more innocent and innocuous than they actually are.

Multiple routes from the tee to basket on most holes.

Park is well maintained and manicured. Beautiful scenery. Playing this course is indeed a "walk in the park" as they say.

Most hazards have been hit many times by others and there are usually long pointy sticks conveniently placed around them which make fishing your disc out of the ditch pretty painless in most cases.

Multiple basket positions keep the course fresh.


Two words: bike cops. They can be zealous at times too so keep your eyes peeled if you are *ahem* consuming anything. Beers are ok in cans but no glass allowed in park. Please be considerate with your trash.

It can get pretty crowded on the weekends, but people are for the most part very considerate. We play this course almost every weekend without fail and have only had an encounter with uncooperative people once, maybe twice. Most large parties are happy to let you play through, I know we let others play through all the time if we have a group.

The water can be both murky and extremely glassy, depending on what time of day it is. Either one can make it difficult to find your disc if it goes into the pond. Bring a retriever if you have one and you'll feel a little safer in quite a few places.

This is a multi-use park and they do all sorts of functions there - concerts, balloon lightings, etc etc. You might have your game interrupted by some function or another that draws "outsiders" into the park where they sometimes park their fat asses in the middle of the fairway to eat their McDonalds or whatever, totally oblivious to your game. I have had to skip a hole a couple times due to this. Maybe if I were more willing to be rude myself I would just play through them but I always try to be considerate of others using the park no matter how annoying I sometimes find it.

Other Thoughts:

I don't mind the goose poop so much - it's only a couple holes and I usually do not play barefoot, though a lot of people do here.

There are quite a few tourneys played here which can be both a pro and a con. A con if you are looking for a saturday afternoon game and there's a tourney in progress. A pro in that if you like entering them it seems there is about one a month there.

In the evening the pond gets very glassy and reflective. If you lose a disc in there it can sometimes be recovered the next morning when the sun is not on it. Or better yet, take the safe route to the hole as there is in almost every case a safe way to get there and avoid the hazards. Most hazards are situated in a risk v. reward position and the difference is generally birdie v. par - meaning it usually only takes one additional throw to play around them if you choose to.

I have seen players on this course much better than me as well as some not quite as good. The course suits both kinds of player very well. I personally like watching other people throw, especially if they are better than me. I almost always let them play through if for no other reason than to watch how they throw and what line they take.

This was the first course I ever played and over the course of a summer have taken my game down to an average of 3 under par for the whole course.
I will also mention that there is a great casual Italian place on the east side of the park that is great to have a beer and a sandwich on the patio after a good round.

Over all a very nice park and a very playable course that will provide whatever level of challenge you feel like playing to - it's pretty flexible and up to you in most cases.

Personally I like more densely wooded courses with more elevation change but really this course is highly recommended for a nice round in a nice setting with friendly locals.

P.S. Don't let the homeless people frighten you they are mostly harmless and for the most part they stay out of the way. Multiple reviewers mentioned them so I thought I would add some perspective and say that they really are not a problem. It's a nice park and they like to hang out there. I don't blame them one bit.

** added: they removed hole #2 - and put in a practice basket. 19 holes currently. Course skips 2 last few times I played.
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1 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun long course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Well maintained
-Easy to read course map
-Easy course layout so its a course for beginners and people that have been playing for years.
-tee pads are in great shape
-hazards are ponds so no running water so easy to retrive discs


-Lots of homeless people and creeps hanging out in the park
-People leaving beer cans and trash all over.(when there are trashcans at every other tee)
-Geese can be grouped up on some holes so it can be annoying.
-Hazards can be really murky at times so it can be hard to spot discs
-If you play past noon expect delays because the groups will pile up and you will have people cut in front of you.
-Drunk college students and older folks can make your round annoying with getting in the way and being loud and rude.

Other Thoughts:

Overall its a fun course you have to atleast try and its easy for all ages and skill level so bring the family out and enjoy a good soild round.
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2 1
Experience: 76 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great despite the crowds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Well placed tees and trees make shot shaping necessary on most of the holes. Lots of pin placements. The first time I played it was still set up for a recent tournament and it was killer. lots of long holes. Lots of laying up (for me anyway).

I come from the woods of Flagstaff, AZ, so this course is a lot different than what I am used to, but I love that I can throw rollers now!

This course is a great challenge for an average player like me.


The crowds. It is great that disc golf is getting bigger and more people are playing, but this course has a lot of beer swilling inconsiderate litterers. I pick up at least a half dozen beer cans every time I play. An afternoon round can easily take 3 hours or longer to play.

The geese. they are stinky and annoying.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course. Go early in the AM to avoid crowds. I wish there were some small nine hole courses in town to provide options to Boise residents.
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1 2
Experience: 23.5 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 1, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course has everything for anyone. Some holes are wide open, others are near water, and some use the trees perfectly. The holes range from LONG par 4s to SHORT par 3s. And there are 21 holes and a putting basket. All the wholes have concrete tee pads and each whole has a map with the various basket locations. Basket locations usually change once every 2 weeks and some changes will change the entire whole.
The best time to play is in the spring, but it does get windy. The course is gorgeous then and there are less crowds. the course is well marked with directions to the next wholes. Each whole has a information sign showing the distance, par, and the various locations of the baskets.
The entrance to the summer course is off of Broadway, or you can enter at the main entrance and go all the way through the park, leave the park and then come back in (kind of confusing - go past the Pizza Hut).
The course utilizes the marsh, creeks, trees, and openness of the park wonderfully. Some wholes require a finesse shot and others require to bomb a drive. Also, I am not sure if they are still there, but on the holes along the pond there used to be disc retrievers (they may not be there any more)


There can be TOO many people, on weekends or summer afternoon expect to wait a long time. Lots of geese and geese poop.

Other Thoughts:

It would be nice to see a big map of the course in the center of the park.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 45.1 years 401 played 41 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Dances with Geese 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 4, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


My firebase this summer was near Boise and Ann Mo looked like the only noteworthy course. On Google Earth it looks like a placid park with open fairways, mature trees and an innocuous creek, so I brought 2 drivers, 2 mids and a putter and left my bag in Portland.
After 2 rounds both my drivers were gone.
The course, however, is a lot of fun, with the mostly open fairways letting you air it out, most of the lines playing straight with fades left or right to the basket, freewheeling locals who are happy to show you around, and just enough obstacles to keep things interesting. Grass is well-maintained and so dense that barefoot is wonderful in the summer[though damp in the morning, and Southern-humid midday], and discs rarely skip except in winter when the grass is brown and frosty. Baskets are excellent and moved often[at least 2 placements/hole], and there's a practice basket that collects some of the talented locals. There's enough shade on most tees or near baskets to not suffer too much on those 98+F days, and there's a giant fountain near # 11 that's excellent for temperature relief. Benches are everywhere, and during summer festivals often get moved far from the tee. Portapotties at #1 and bathrooms near #s 8/18, which is the ONLY place to get drinking water [!] in the whole park.


Its the most popular course in Boise, so after 3 pm weekdays/ noon weekends it gets very crowded. And then there's the creek and ponds.
The creek is only 1-2 ft. deep and 6 ft. wide, but it moves slowly and instantly turns shit brown and reeks if you stir the silt up. The two waist-deep ponds that sideline #s 11-14 are almost always silty. In addition, waist-high grass and tule reeds line the creek 10 ft. to each side. I would estimate that on a busy Saturday, at least $1000 in plastic is lost here. At least two guys make a business of finding and reselling discs, and the local homeless have even gotten into recovering them for drinking cash. On #s 12-14 the Canada geese keep the fairways covered in fresh poop, which is what comprises the 1-2 ft. of silt in the ponds and creek[thus its stench when disturbed].
Trying to stay out of the creek and ponds will make you a better golfer, as they're in play on almost every hole. Wind is an occasional factor on #s 10-14.

Other Thoughts:

A couple of summer festivals put a two-day dent in regular play, but it only seemed to make a difference for a few hours or a few holes. An excellent library, Tablerock Brewery and Papa Joe's Coffee and Pizza[Sunday $2 Bloody Marys!] are all within 1/2 mile of the park. Boise Disc Golf is just south of the park on Vista.
***Hole #2 has been removed, due to conflicts with the adjacent residence hotel.
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1 3
Experience: 16.5 years 54 played 19 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 29, 2010 Played the course:once


Nice park surrounded by mountains. Locals friendly and lots of help navigating course. Well maintained. Fun time.


Little overrated considering it really is just a bunch of straight shots. A little hard to navigate, and what's up with all the giant ducks? If you play by all the signs, you will shoot 15 down easy. Someone really should define par 5 to these guys.

Other Thoughts:

Play if you are near it. Probably would have swapped it for another course on our road trip in hindsight.
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2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Annie Mo' 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 29, 2011 Played the course:once


The Southeast course shares some of the Northwest course and this is the course that is used the most as it is set up for Summer play. This site reminds you a little like a Golf course with its manicured grass, water hazards and a couple of well placed trees. There are some really fun holes here and some good lines that you must hit in order to get the birdie despite most fairways lack of trees. The water hazards come into play on most holes and make certain routes riskier to play but also more rewarding when hit; risk vs. reward. Tee pads and baskets are all in excellent condition and the signs help navigate and find the multiple basket locations as well. With these grass fairways you should be practicing rollers and doing fairly well playing here. I would call this place more suited for intermediate players.


A lot of this course is fairly open and straight forward. Most pro players and a lot of amateur players are going to find this course pretty easy, it would be nice if some more par four and par five holes were in place, there could be some really epic holes with trees and water hazards and be long and really challenging. I found the holes that share both courses to be the best of the bunch with the other side of the SE course being open, long and boring.

Other Thoughts:

It's too bad that all of the land couldn't be open all year round, then you could lengthen some holes and create a truly epic 18 or 19 hole course with plenty of OB and obstacles that would really challenge you.
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1 1
Experience: 4 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

watch out for crazy people 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


well maintained
no bush whacking needed
easy navigation


lots of goose
its to wide open for me, it looks like a real golf course
when busy people can be mean, aggressive, and jerks.
i was almost hit by a disc, on purpose, by people i never even talked to.
to much water in play

Other Thoughts:

this compared to my michigan courses is way to open, i like wooded courses.oh and there is lots of large carp in the pond
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1 3
Experience: 15.5 years 59 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Watch out for deer!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2009 Played the course:once


Extremely fun course. Lots of fun shots and water traps. Big fairways that are well maintained.


Almost got trampled by deer on the fairway of hole one. Creepy people walking around and playing. Aggressive players who like to walk around with tall-boys, shirtless. Had some dude who didn't even want to wait for us to hole out... they just drove and almost hit us.

Other Thoughts:

Please do not let all my cons I have entered scare you from playing the course. The deer was probably the scariest part.
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3 0
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Boise's best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


-Long well maintained holes
-Lots of different approache possibilities on some holes
-Some good birdie opporunities
-Fun course


-Lots of people playing. Have to get up early to play to not have to wait.
-Lots of water/stinking swamp hazards (although, you may like this kind of thing)
-Bums and creepy middle aged guys in parked pick-ups
-Only bathrooms that I saw were port-a-potties at hole 1.
-Over-zealous cops around

Other Thoughts:

Lots of opportunities for losing discs, d/t water hazard so make sure you label your discs (or bring a disc retriever or wader pants) because there are people who wade through the water to find them.
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2 2
Experience: 15.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Great course for beginners and pros! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Great course. Wide open enough for beginners, with enough challenging lines and hole positions for more experienced players who want to go for birdies.
Large rivers and ponds on the back of the course provide challenges. They are very slow moving though, so if you do throw a disc in, you dont have to chase after it.
Almost every hole has some sort of water/ob hazard, so it makes every shot interesting and provides a good challenge.
Huge concrete teepads and great signs showing the hole and all of the pin positions and lengths.
The parks and rec fellas rotate the hole positions (2-3 positions for every hole!) every 4-8 days, so it keeps the course from feeling stale.


Nothing major if you keep your disc out of trouble. The stream the runs through the back of the course is about waist high and is pretty gross to get into. Its pretty much stagnant goose-poo water, so make sure you take a good shower if you have to go in after a disc.
Don't throw your disk into the tall weeds. They are accompanied by a gross stinky swampy bog that eats discs!

Other Thoughts:

Play in the morning to avoid crowds, but prepare to get your toes wet and run from sprinklers! Afternoons can get a little crowded. Overall a great course. I play it almost every day and it never gets old.
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0 4
Experience: 24.7 years 195 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2009 Played the course:once


this is my first 4.5 rated course. excellent range of shots from hyzers to anhyzers short and technical to long and open. Well maintained with a couple of ponds and a stream that is well used throught out. pretty easy to follow as most tee pads are near the previous pin.


a couple of places where i stood at the pin and scratched my head a little, i think it was after hole 18 theres a pretty good walk to 19.

Other Thoughts:

great course overall and definitely worth checking out if your in the Boise area
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0 6
Experience: 12 played 12 reviews
1.50 star(s)

watch out for water! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 5, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


The nature is beautiful and generally the people are very friendly. There's even a hole on top a hill with some sand.


there is a huge ass lake and river covered with bird shit that really scares players from throwing too hard. if you misthrow (and believe me it's not hard to do) you could loose your disc easily

Other Thoughts:

some guys are so desperate to find discs they actually dive in the lake to get them, hehe.
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