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Rockford, IL

Anna Page Park - South

3.775(based on 13 reviews)
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Anna Page Park - South reviews

21 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 281 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Newest Kid on the Anna Page Block

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 28, 2023 Played the course:once


- DISCatcher baskets in good repair with visible yellow bands
- well manicured park with great wooded natural beauty
- some decent elevation change incorporated
- generally decent park amenities incorporated
- nice variety of hole lengths and shaping with good technical challenge
- a few longer open drives mixed in
- isolated, dedicated disc golf area


- turf tees are just ok
- some of the longest holes could be broken up
- a few minor confusing areas for navigation
- more flat than some other parts of the park
- risk of poison ivy

Other Thoughts:

Anna Page South was my favorite of the 3 courses in the park - which isn't surprising, as I love a good wooded, technical course. While all 3 courses are great, and having them all in one park is fantastic, this one spoke to me the most. It incorporates some elevation change, though perhaps not as much as the West course, but brings the highest level of technical challenge while still having some long holes mixed in.

The park is generally picturesque and well maintained. This will be the quietest experience of the 3, with more seclusion and nature sounds than you will find out in the open on the other two courses.

This is the newest of the 3 courses in the park by several decades, and is a great addition to the park's disc golf scene. This is the only course with a single tee option, which I think is fine with the tighter fit of everything on the wooded holes. It seemed to be the least crowded of the three, though none were swamped. I appreciated the lack of rough/undergrowth hazards in the woods, making disc location and retrieval straightforward. One note - a parks employee did warn the wooded areas can have lots of poison ivy in the spring.

While the West course really requires a big arm if you play the long tees, South requires more precision. It isn't actually that much shorter, but it felt that way to me. The turf tees aren't as desirable as the concrete on the other two courses, but most were dry and level, with some limited exceptions.Other amenities shared in the park were generally good; garbage cans around, picnic tables, and port o potties available. The tee signs were nice full colors signs with maps like the other park courses.

After hole 5, you may see a tee that looks like it is missing a sign, which I originally thought was 6. This appears to be some sort of alternate tee; continue past it up the "fairway" and you will find the normal hole 6 tee and sign.

There are a few long bomb holes on this course that break out of the woods and tie it together - these generally add to the diversity of the course. However, the 930 ft. Hole 13 seemed excessive to me; this could have been 2-3 holes rather than forcing that kind of distance, and it's so long you pass multiple other baskets (14, 16) and navigation becomes a bit less clear. Almost everywhere else, navigation wasn't bad.

Hole 18 throws over a park road which is not ideal, but the roads tend to be very low traffic so you just need to be alert. Otherwise, there were really no safety hazards here, as this part of the park was dedicated to disc golf and does a good job of not doubling back on fairways too closely. 18 was probably one of my favorite holes, as it starts out relatively open (but still in the woods) and forces you to hit a pretty narrow wooded tunnel near the basket. Cool view from the tee.
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2 3
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 22, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Narrow and wooded fairways definitely make this course a challenge but adds to the beauty.
So nice to have all three of these courses to choose from.


Could have used a couple of picnic tables for a place to take a rest.

Other Thoughts:

Looking for a course to challenge you this is it.
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3 0
Experience: 35.2 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 16, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


The toughest of the three courses at Anna Page Park. Good flow with a challenging layout & is still under construction. New signs will be installed this summer with longer & more difficult layouts added on 4, 6, 9,16 & 17. Some holes may be renumbered after changes are made.


Dense thickets of honeysuckle & buckthorn throughout the woods & poison ivy is pretty bad. Club volunteers & Rockford Park District personnel are working closely together to eradicate invasive species.
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8 0
The Rake
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good, bad, and ugly 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2016 Played the course:once


Good mix of open and wooded.
Good flow.
Discatchers are the best baskets by far at Anna Page. Good putts hit the chains and stay in.
This course will teach you how to scramble.
Except for a handful of holes you can put your high speed drivers away. It's nice to bring out some discs that I don't normally use a lot at other Anna Page courses.
Try driving with a putter on the really narrow fairways. You'll be glad you did.
Best holes: 5 (nice wooded driving lane with a gang of guardian trees). 7 (nice long distance downslope approach). 9 ( best of the tight fairway holes. Requires a tight midrange S-turn). 10 (needs fewer trees in approach lane, but solid dogleg left) 11 (except for the leaning trees that block the driving lane, a nice short downhill drive for RHBH). 13 (will frustrate beginners, but with the right overstable driver or mid very playable). 15 (requires a soft turning glidey drive. Pretty.)


No one is maintaining the course. Drowning in weeds. The rough is very rough.
The bad holes are really bad.
Four holes (4, 8, 12 and 16) have essentially the same design: short putter drive, and then take a hard right turn to approach the basket. On 3 of these it is practically impossible to get near the basket for a putt because the turn is 90 degrees. These are relatively short holes, so it's bizarre that they don't give you a realistic shot at birdie.
Tree pinball on a few fairways. The 6 or 7 foot gap on 6 is a bit severe. 11 would be a great hole except for two trees leaning diagonally across the driving lane. They knock down a lot of solid drives and deflect them into deep schule. 17 is an abomination.

Other Thoughts:

I've heard there are some design tweaks in the works, with 4 and 17 getting major overhauls. If the course we're maintained it would score a lot higher. It's a mess, and eats discs for lunch. But it's got a lot of potential.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best of the Anna Page trio 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2015 Played the course:once


One of three 18 hole courses, and the strongest of the 18.
Visable Discatchers in great shape.

While they are unpopular to some, I enjoyed the turf pads. Tee signs were in good shape.

All of the mulberries and raspberries you can eat spread out through the course.

Some nice holes, #4 has a 7 foot elevated basket.

Nice level of challenge.


under brush was getting too thick. Both of the other courses on site were being maintained the day I was playing, but this course needs an army of volunteers to thin the underbrush. Many holes required a lay up to prevent disc loss, rather than to set up for your next shot.
The rough was simply so rough that it brought this course down a full disc in my review.

Raspberries are delicious, but they also mean the rough is filled with thorns.

Other Thoughts:

The course starts out strong, then goes vanillia for a while with tunnel after tunnel. After the first 5 holes I was thinking this was a fabulous course, then the excitement wore off and redundancy set in.
I feel this course is between a 3-3.5 since my notes are missing I will give it the benefit of the doubt.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Will be better in the future 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- Easy to find starting location, and easy ending location for getting back to the parking lot
- Good mix of short/long, open/ wooden holes
- A few par 4's out there, so playing some smart golf is needed at times
- Hardest of the three courses on the complex
- Fairly easy to navigate for the most part


- TEEPADS, this course needs real teepads. The two other courses here have nice concrete tees but this course has astroturf teepads and man do they get slick.
- In a few years this course is going to be a lot more enjoyable to play. Right now it is a little rough and it needs some good walking over in all parts to make it better and more playable. There are a few holes where this is really needed.
- No real good teesigns but its really not too much of a con.
- Ive been told that the course was designed by a lefty and a righty forehander. Weather that is the case or not, it definately plays to those thypes of throws more often. Where as the other two courses are very fair for every shot.

Other Thoughts:

I have a love/hate for this course. i really like a lot of the shots that you have to throw on this course and enjoy that it makes you use every shot in your bag but the lack of teepads and how rough it is makes me never want to play it. I think in a few years when the course opens up a bit it will be a lot better, and if they ever install real teepads it will be a top notch course.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Most challenging on site. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 2, 2015 Played the course:once


This is the hardest of the 3 courses on site in my opinion. The majority of the course is thru a thickly wooded area of the park. There are tons of tight tricky tunnel shots that require great accuracy to score well on. There's a few more open park style holes similar to the east and west courses sprinkled in as well. These break up the monotony of the wooded sections nicely. The baskets are brand new discatchers that catch fine and are nice and easy to spot, especially in the woods. Decent tee signs with an overhead view of each hole with the hole number, distance/distances, and a next tee arrow on most. There are also numerous next tee signs throughout the woods to help with navigation which is good to have for new time players. I like the amount of distance variation and left, right and straight shots here. Most courses heavily favor RHBH throwers. This course does not. As a matter of fact, All 3 courses have a good amount of holes that really challenge RHBH throwers which is really rare and personally for me, refreshing. The course is free which is amazing in itself, but there is also ample parking, restrooms and a playground on site. This course like the others starts and ends near the parking lot which is always great. There was an elevated basket on hole 4 which is cool and apparently at least 1 other according to the pictures on this site which makes really think about laying up considering the ramifications of the rough.


Quite a few of the fairways are extremely tight bordering on close your eyes and hope for the best kind of shots. The rough is also pretty brutal in a number of spots, making finding errant shots tricky and risky with poison ivy and prickly plants all over. The tees are made of an artificial green carpet normally used for mini golf courses. These are actually fine but over time they don't stand up to the wear and tear as I've seen at other courses. Hopefully they'll get concrete like the other 2 courses. I personally did NOT enjoy hole 7. It's a 700' plus 90 dogleg left with minimal trees. It doesn't flow with the rest of the course and seems out of place. It's just a way to get to hole 8 basically. This is forgivable though as the other 17 flow seamlessly. Just an awkward, random out of place feeling hole IMO. I hope the signs get upgraded eventually (I'm sure they will) since most pins are blind from the tee and many on the open holes are tucked into the woods and blind from the basket. Just a little hard to figure out for first timers like me, that's all.

Other Thoughts:

I'm used to shorter tight technical courses so this was more up my alley than the east, and especially the west courses. This is a cool park that's worth a trip out of your way to play. Plan on spending quite a while when you're here though as it's a very long, challenging and at times a confusing day of golf. This, the newest of the courses on site, is exactly what Anna Page needed. It rounds it out perfectly paired with the other 2 courses. I got humbled here playing all three. May be frustrating for beginners but seasoned players will love this place.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 103 played 73 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The hardest and most technical of the 3. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2014 Played the course:once


- Sprawling park setting, mostly cut through wooded areas.
- Great location with 2 other courses. Ample parking, bathroom/shelter/playground facilities.
- New Innova Discatchers, in great shape. The yellow band is fantastic at making pin locations stand out on dense, wooded holes.
- Some fun basket locations, to mix things up. A couple elevated pins, without being too gimmicky. I enjoyed them.
- A nice mix of a few open holes here and there, to mix it up and let you bomb it. The fact that they're spread out throughout all 18 is something I like.
- #6 is a standard tunnel shot in a pine grove, which was a nice surprise. Cool looking hole, solid risk/reward for going for the deuce without being overly punishing.
- #14 is a solid looking hole - but it really has the setup to be a good par 4, just doesn't have the distance. You want to get your first shot in the landing zone at the mouth of the woods, before having to throw into a narrowing green. But that ideal approach is like, 50 or 60 ft, which doesn't make it very deuce-able after a great drive, but also means it's a pretty easy 3 with any decent drive. Still, I like the feel of the hole.
- #15 has a great look from a wooded tee pad, out across the open field, with the pin up in the subsequent tree line. Nice hole.


- No concrete tee boxes, and the while the faux grass pads are better than dirt, they do leave something to be desired.
- Permanent signage is not installed. Some leftover tournament signage was still there on a few holes, but not all.
- #4 is one of those dreaded, wooded, "L"-shaped holes. Hit the landing area at the apex, and then try to make a really long putt to the basket. Not a fan of holes designed like this. To gain strokes on this hole, you're hoping you par, while your partners bogie or worse. Cool elevated basket though.
- In general, the undergrowth here is pretty rough and thick in quite a few places.
- Not very much elevation change to speak of.

Other Thoughts:

- This certainly is a challenging course - and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. As the course matures and fairways open up and become more established, it will probably be a good thing.
- There are some really fun holes on this course, and then some that leave quite a bit to be desired. With concrete pads and good signage, this course could sneak up into a 4.0 for me pretty easily. Just not quite there for me.
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6 0
Experience: 10.2 years 15 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging new wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2014 Played the course:once


-Very tight fairways through the woods force you to be accurate and use a lot of different shots.
-Great variety of hole layouts. Even though most of them are narrow forested holes, they all provide different angles and distances.
-If the woods start to feel claustrophobic, #7 lets you stretch out your arm on a 700+ ft. wide open hole before heading back in.
-Brand new yellow DISCatchers are easy to see in the woods, and have the hole numbers printed on the top.
-#4 is just an awesome hole with the mando and elevated basket.


-Astroturf tee pads aren't the best, but since it's a new course it's understandable.
-The tee signs are very small laminated cards which can be hard to read and in some cases have come loose from their original spots. Again, very forgivable on this new course and I imagine they will have more permanent signs some day.
-The rough is pretty hairy, and if you don't have pinpoint control you will probably spend at least some time in it. As more people play the course, it should thin out a bit though. Long pants are definitely recommended for this one unless you enjoy poison ivy.
-For the most part it was easy to find the next hole, but I had some trouble finding #14. I found myself teeing off on #15 and realized I had missed a hole.

Other Thoughts:

This is an excellent new course, and I can only see it getting better with time. Truth be told, it was probably too challenging for a new player such as myself, but honestly there's no better way to work on your accuracy than on a tight course like this. It's a great complement to the other two courses at Anna Page and should definitely be played on a trip to this complex.
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3 1
Experience: 26.4 years 75 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best course at Anna Page! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Long wooded course that will challenge your game. The mixture of holes will make you think about your shot every time from the drive to the putt.


A little over grown at times, but still enjoyable.

Other Thoughts:

Worth checking out. Plan on a longer than average round, because you'll want to take your time.
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6 0
Experience: 287 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

3 in one? oh my! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 7, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


The third course. Fantastic addition to the other two 18 holers on property. The woods add an element that was sorely lacking. The majority of the fairways are lined up with more trees than you can handle. The attention to detail on several different things. Blend of righty/lefty. The need to punish strokes. Use of what the land gave them. Plenty of length for the bombers to showcase their skill. The yellow bands make it easy to see in the woods. Use of astroturf for the tees during the honeymoon period. There is very little elevation at the Page and the locals made good use of it for several holes.


For a 920-960 rated player, Several of the holes felt like tweeners in score separation with too far for a 2/3 and too short for a 4/5. Some of y'all may call this par 3.5. Although difficult in the woods: Stay out of the rough. The locals did an excellent job removing brush for the fairways but the rough is still rough!! poison ivy, thorns, and more things than man should have to handle. As a result, wearing shorts is not for the weak-minded. The first time navigating this course could lead to a couple of misdirections. Some of the baskets are nearby each other so take a map or a local if you're a first timer with no patience. As a new course, it is R-O-U-G-H.

Other Thoughts:

Hole #3 is actually closer to the parking lot than #1.

No water, no downhill bombers. The risk lies within keeping your disc on the fairway or bombing as far as you can on the open fields.

Of all three courses on the same property - this is the one that will stroke you the most. So be prepared to be frustrated and come back for more.
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6 3
Uncle Dougie
Experience: 14.4 years 31 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great addition to an established park. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times



The south course is the newest addition of a total of 3 courses at Anna Page Park.

- Great layout with plenty of wooded tunnel shots and tight fairways.

- A good amount of lefty and righty holes and everything in between.

- Disc catcher baskets with the yellow bands make it easy to locate baskets throughout the course.

- There are a few long bombs out and around the perimeter of the wooded section of the course along with a few tee's that throw from inside the woods, out into the open, to back inside the woods.

- fairways are well defined with paths in between to navigate back and forth to other holes if needed which is nice because this course is so heavily wooded.

- Nice elevation changes throughout and it flows nicely. Temporary AstroTurf was laid down for tee pads which make it nice to drive on.



No real cons here since this course in it's very early stages with lots of work to be done. Hopefully, people who review this course will keep that in mind.
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5 6
Experience: 16.5 years 67 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is an epic journey but easy to navigate. Tons of awesome narrow shots in the trees. A few long field shots. Their are no gimme holes. I like the length of this course; i appreciate the attention to detail on this course but most of all i enjoy the scenery on this course.


The only con i can up with is its so new. Still has a little debris here and there which can put you in a bad place on a seemingly good shot. Little ivy. No permanant tee pads yet. All forgivable problems for a new course.

Other Thoughts:

This course is definetly for the more experienced player. Its tough but fun.
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