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Fort Worth, TX

Arcadia Park #2

3.565(based on 63 reviews)
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Arcadia Park #2 reviews

1 8
Experience: 15.5 years 8 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Aracadia #2 Rules 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Aracadia #2 has diversity. Not every hole is a par 3! It has wide open long shots, tight shots, and plenty of trees and water to loose your discs if you don't throw just right. Oh, and all the locals rule. They are more than happy to help you dig in the brush for a lost disc or two.


Not many cons for me. It would be nice to have some elevation changes. Public restrooms would help.

Other Thoughts:

They water this park often so if you go early the tees can be slick.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 42 played 40 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wide And Open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Get ready to pull out the big guns if your going to play this park. Arcadia #2 is a really nice clean and well maintained park. The front nine is mostly wide open with basic long straight open shots. Trees and a creek does come into play on the back nine making it slight more challenging, especially hole #17 with the creek on the left. There are true par 4s and 5s on some holes on the course. The signs are in great shape and give you all the hole information and direct you to the next tee. There are nice concrete tee pads and great DISCatcher baskets that are visible from every tee. The park is very clean and well maintained with trash cans throughout the course. The course flows very well from one hole to the next which makes it easy to navigate. There is mowed paths from tee to the basket which helps out a great deal. The parking is decent but can be packed on a real nice day, otherwise the course is fun to play.


Hole #1 and # 7 play along a soccer field and can get crowded on days they have practice or games. The park can get very busy with joggers, dog walkers and kids everywhere roaming in the middle of some of the fairways mostly on the front nine. Bring plenty of water and Gatorade in the summer time here because you are going to need it. There is almost no shade throughout the whole course so it could get really hot in the summertime.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course to play when you feel like throwing big. It gives you a chance to work on your driving skills. There is not really a huge challenge here, just a long open course but it is still fun to play. Watch out for hole #17 because the creek runs along the side of this hole and there is a possible chance of losing your disc. I'm glad it is one of my local courses with another 18 hole course just a few miles away. Golfers should stop buy and check it out, you won't be disappointed.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 29 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mixed bag 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 8, 2009 Played the course:once


This course gets high marks in every category. To me, a great DG course should not be all technical or all bombing runs, but mix them both by combining distance, terrain and vegetation use.

For those who say this course isn't technical, there are some tunnel shots, some narrow fairways and... hey, there is a technique to making a par of 3 on holes over 450 feet.

Arcadia #2 does this very, very well! Let's start at the top:

Parking is great and close. You can park in the park's lot immediately at #1 tee pad, or you can park along the long street on the other side by #8. #1 goes alongside a soccer field, so you have plenty of flat, open space to warm up.

The grass is VERY well cared for, and the thickest in the field was 3-4 inches, with a super short mow down the center of each fairway and hole to hole. I took the map from this site with me but did not need it once.

The teepads are concrete. The baskets are in excellent shape, and the trees, when in play, are pruned specifically for the hole. When you get to #2, you'll see what I mean.

There is shade, but few holes play in the trees. You can step off the holes to rest under trees almost anywhere on the course.

The flow of the course is easy to follow, with #1 starting at the parking lot, and #18 finishing just on the other side of the lot.

The course is LONG, make no mistake. There are a few holes that are pretty uninspiring bombing runs, but arm fatigue and shooting par 3 on 400+ ft holes are part of the game too, right?

Most of the holes play around, behind, or next to trees, rather than through them. Many holes are deceptively tough, with the well mown grass making the hole look wide open, but the trees are fairly close on each side.

This is a challenge to play. You'd best bring your arm, because at almost 7000 feet, your finesse shots will come after a drive, not off the tee.

The length of this course doesn't mean that it's all boom and no touch. You need control of your shots, and a wide selection of left, right, sharp angles, and straight finishes to complete Arcadia #2.

I highly recommend this course. I hope the Dallas locals appreciate tall, straight trees with room to shoot under them, green grass even in the 100 degree summer, and a disc golf course that's so well planned and so well maintained. It's a huge notch up, and made for a happy trip through Fort Worth!


I did not see any water fountains or bathrooms. However, there's a Wal Mart very close by.

There's poison ivy out, but you'd have to pooch your shots up pretty bad to get over into it. I'm highly reactive and didn't get so much as an itch.

Other Thoughts:

The "disc eater" holes didn't seem like that big a deal to me, but being LHBH helped that a lot. #15 and 17 do run along a creek, but it's less than waist deep.
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4 4
Experience: 9 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Arcadia Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


THis course is a drivers course, THere are very few "technical" holes.


Course conditions vary, Some fairways are cut, others arent. Most of the plaques are missing and for first time players without a map, course layout may be an issue

Other Thoughts:

THis is the course that I re-learned this sport. My first outage I lost a few discs. A few of the holes are extremely long, others are not very forgiving.
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5 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Arcadia Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 22, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Quiet Park. Good mix of long open throws and shorter, but challenging throws. Concrete tee off pads. Fairways are typically away from other park users. Good parking. Even though the park has other users, you don't feel like they get in the way. When they mow, the fairways are very defined and easy to navigate.


The tee off pads are a bit too short. The rough is very...well...rough and you can spend a lot of time looking for your discs. Be careful of snakes. Some next tees are hard to find, but after playing once or twice, its no problem.

Other Thoughts:

Updating my review after playing more than a couple of times.

Here is a list of the hole notes. I am not a great player, but I feel like I am on my way to figuring out this course. I usually walk away from this course shooting in the high 60s.

In my bag, I have the following:

175g Champion Beast - for long distance drives. Predictable and holds up to wind. Good for getting it down the fairway, but if I put it too high, it has some pretty big fade.
169g Valkyrie - long range straight drives. Versitile, but prone to being touchy. If I throw it too hard, it turns over and goes a long distance in the wrong direction.
144g Shark - Super accurate midrange. If I want, I can throw it really hard and make it turn right (big help for a RHBH)
170g Birdie - Best putter I have used.
150g Orc - never use it. Too unpredictable for me. I usually loan it away, but strangely can't get anyone to throw this into the #17 creek yet.

#1 - first of three wide open bombing runs. Tee off with the beast, approach with the shark, putt with the birdie.

#2 - Shot into a grove of trees. Tee off with beast hoping that the natural fade will put it into or near the grove surrounding the basket. From here, either go for a long putt or a short approach with the birdie.

#3 - Straight and to the left. Use the beast off the tee. Stay right and use the beast's fade to put you into position for either a long putt or short approach with the birdie.

#4 - Second of three bombing runs. Two throws with a beast and either a long putt or an approach with the birdie.

#5 - Third of three bombing runs. Again, crank it with the beast, 2 times. One medium shot with the shark. Finish off with a put with the birdie.

#6 - Basket is across a gorge and to the right. A couple of choices here. Stay to the left and play it safe to go around the gorge or play aggressive and try to go over/near the gorge. Originally, I would pull out the shark to get an unstable shot, but I found that I don't have enough distance on the shark to get it past the gorge. Now, I usually pull out the valkyrie for this one to get a straight, slightly understable shot over the gorge. Follow up with short shot with the shark and put with the birdie.

#7 - Nothing special here. Big throw with the beast and let its natural fade put you in front of the small trees. Long put with the birdie.

#8 - Too many trees on the right for the beast. 2 long throws with the shark and a birdie putt.

#9 - Haven't figured this one out yet. I usually try to drive into the area leading up to the basket, but either end up in the rough to the left, or way past the line of trees to the right. Remember you are throwing downhill. Either way, I usually need the accuracy of the shark a couple more times to get to the basket.

#10 - Too tight for a driver. 2 shots with the shark and a long putt to save par.

#11 - There are some holes that look straight forward, but causes me fits. This is one of them. Probably need to try the valkyrie for a nice straight shot...stay slightly left. Problem with this hole is getting a good angle of attack after the drive.

#12 - In the past, I have tried to shoot a low straight shot with the shark, but I always end up behind the second group of trees. Ill try shooting the shark to the left of the first group of trees and hopefully get a good angle from there.

#13 - 2 long straight shots will get you close to the basket, but the 2nd shot will take some skill to get around the tree limbs.

#14 - Tee off with the shark to get through the tree window. Long/midrange shot to get to the basket from there.

#15 - I like to use the valk here to get behind the big bush. Then tomahawk it over the big bush. If you do it right, it should land a couple feet from the basket for a short put.

#16 - Long hole. I like to thow the valk and put it in the clearing, then make a long throw with the beast to land it near the basket. You may need a short approach and putt to finish it off.

#17 - The fairway on this hole slopes down to the left. This is where most new throwers (RHBH) have problems if they try to shoot it straight down the middle. The disc will carry into the creek. I like to take the beast and shoot a high hyzer around/over the big group of trees on the right. This will drop the disc on to the fairway. From there, I throw the valk at the telephone pole. From there, I approach with the shark and put with the birdie. Respect the creek and you won't throw into it. I have lent many discs to first timers on this course and they end up in the creek.

#18 - Big throw out of the trees. I use the valk here because the natural fade of the beast may put it too close to the rough. Approach here with shark. Short putt.
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5 0
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a great course to bring the beginner (which I am at this time of writing). It is quite open for the most part, but there are some more challenging shots in the latter part of the course. Definitely get some work on throwing with the wind.


I lost a disc here on hole 17. The creek has played a big challenge for me. Holes 1, 7, and 18 are heavily used by park goers. Some of the tees were hard to find, but you just really should follow the walking path.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 288 played 154 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The course suits my style 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2009 Played the course:once


Nice concrete tees (though might be a tad short for some players) and double chain Discatcher Pro baskets. The course is situated in a beautiful neighborhood park. There are a lot of long holes on this course and the majority of fairways are pretty open, though most have some trees with which to contend. This is pretty close to my ideal course design: long holes, not too open, not too narrow. The parks department does close cut mowing from the tees down the fairways and then from one basket to the next tee; that was awesome for navigation as I never once worried about getting lost my first time on the course.


Soccer fields and playgrounds are located close, sometimes too close, to the fairways and non-ideal throws could endanger non-disc golfers. The course starts out pretty bland with holes #1 and #3-5 all pretty boring holes with virtually no challenge but distance. Some tee signs have been vandalized and locals have Sharpied on suitable replacement info, although some of the distances are wrong. Hole #9 plays close to the playground and has some low lying water, I imagine it's a swamp after it rains. Lots of poison ivy if you stray from the fairways. The transition from #5 to #6 is a long walk: follow the sidewalk. I didn't see any restroom facilities

Other Thoughts:

As I found out discs are very easily lost if you don't land 'em in the fairway. I lost three discs (on #3, #15, and #17) which soured and otherwise entertaining round. I would definitely play this course as it suits my game well. Plus I want another crack at it since in my first round I played awful! No water fountains that I saw, but Wal-Mart is just up the street.
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3 3
Experience: 20.6 years 26 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

great park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Well laid out with plenty of great holes.Tee pads are in great shape.You never feel like any of the holes where just placed between the last basket and the next tee.All the holes are well thought out.


Lot of park traffic.There can be soccer practice so you might have to skip a couple of holes.
Not a whole lot of elevation change.

Other Thoughts:

Definitively a top notch course
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7 0
Experience: 16.1 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Close To Home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


I live up the hill from this course. I am a beginner to disc gofl and this honestly is the only course I have played. To me the course is a lot of fun, a combo of long and shorter holes. #17 and the creek is disc magnetic, claiming several disks.

I really enjoy the course, many of the holes have broad "fairways" but some of course are more contrained and challenging. For me again we are beginners, this is a good course and our scores are improving.


You do have to watch out for kids playing sports, there does not seem to be much awareness of the disc golf course with some of those folks. They also need trash cans spaced on the course, which there are really none. Recently it seems vandals have pulled up some of the course markers and even two of the goals (which were replaced).

Other Thoughts:

For cold beverages just drive up to the Wal Mart Neighborhood Market at Bassswood and Park Vista which is but a few blocks from the first tee.

Clear vistas of the sky so you can watch out for incoming storms if need be.
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8 0
Experience: 22.5 years 41 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Arcadia #2 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Long holes, plenty of wide open space to find your line. Course is fairly easy to navigate and has a few benches along the way to take a break as needed. Found that the course is, for the most part, very accepting to a RHBH thrower with only a couple holes that limit your line to the basket but can be easily negotiated with a little accuracy. This course can really be a "bear" though, played two rounds on the 2nd day of spring (awsome weather) and my arm was jello by hole 9 of the 2nd round. I consider this to be a "pro" though and not a "con" mainly because I found this to be a positive difference with respect to other courses in the vicinity. So if you want wide open fairways, with few flight restrictions other than that of your own strength and/or stamina check out this course, just probably not on any sunny day over 95 degrees or so...Oh yeah, I did forget to include that there are plenty of short holes (290-350'), which are all very birdie-able. This course offers variety within the confines of its conformity...if that makes any sense. I guess that is to say that, although the terrain and general course "look" never changes, the course does well to offer a variety of shots from hole-to-hole.


Short tee pads are my biggest complaint! I could personally use and extra 5' on the end of the pads, but this was workable since on most boxes you can start well behind the pad, a few though are uneven with the ground behind so the run up is difficult (broken ankles or toes....) Oh yeah, a water fountain would be nice also....but now I'm just being picky.

Other Thoughts:

Keep an eye out for walkers on the path, sitters in the grass, and Mormons who'll chat you up and cause you to lose focus on your game after 30 minutes of religious discussion/debate...nice guys, but damn they could talk.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.2 years 24 played 22 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Arcadia 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2009 Played the course:once


What a nice park! Great tee pads and almost no waiting to tee. The course provides a good variety of shots; you get your open shots and your wooded shots, as well as long bombs and short/accurate throws. The creek through the park was gorgeous, and it doesn't seem like much of a disc eater. I wouldn'tt throw them in on purpose though, especially on #17... We always enjoy the walk, so the length of the course was a plus (It is definately a large course). Very friendly locals, and we flew through our round. Very fun course, and we plan to play it again. Great course if you are just starting, or if you've been at it for a while.


The park is really crowded, and the sidewalk is near the fairway pretty often, so there is high potential for hitting someone. We didn't have to wait too long for other park-goers, but there was waiting involved. The signs could use some work. Not necessarily new signs, but some have just been written on with sharpies on a few holes. Open field shots are pretty simple. MORE TRASH CANS: the beauty of the park was often hurt if not ruined by all of the garbage on the ground and in the creek. Usually I don't even take restrooms into account, only this time my girlfriend needed one, but there are none to be found.

Other Thoughts:

Normally I would give this a lower score because of the garbage issue, but it was too good a course to penalize for that, especially since it seemed like a lot washed down the creek in the last week of rain. Very fun round of DG, and I plan to play it again, and even share it with friends. Enjoy it if you can make it out there, it is worth the time if you are in the DFW area.
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1 6
Experience: 16.2 years 3 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 15, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


this course is long and its open with a creek. after a few days rain its wet not muddy like other course's. and you never have to wait to tee off, everone moves quick.


the tee's are to high, need to add dirt or fibar around tee box. ive heard a few people say this also.

Other Thoughts:

very good course in my eyes for first tymers,
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7 1
Experience: 16.6 years 92 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hole Breakdown 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of shots, clean park, new baskets, not as busy as some other DFW parks


A first timer might have trouble finding some of the tee boxes on a few of the holes. 2-3, 5-6, 7-8, 10-11, and 14-15 all require a little walking in between but anyone who plays often can guess or assume where it will be. There used to be good signs posted at each hole, some of them have worn off though.

Other Thoughts:

1-Open shot, sometimes crowded from soccer practices. Posted par 4 is silly for a 400 foot open shot.

2-Easy pickup if you hyzer (RHBH) or can shoot straight through the tunnel

3-Shoot nice and straight 300 ft or use the open field to the right for some breathing room.

4-500+ft but has a posted par 5. Pick your shot, you're in an open field.

5-600+ft and another par 5. At 500 ft you have a patch of trees that can get in the way.

6-RHBH needs an anhyzer shot but I prefer to forearm it. You need to get around the patch of trees/drain/creek around the 225 ft mark if you want to par.

7. The fairway has a line of trees to the left, the shot is straight, you can use the soccer field to the right for some leeway on your drive, easy pick up for par.

8. You can hyzer through a narrow lane to the right of the tree in the middle of the fairway or you can anhyzer to the left, or my choice is to sidearm the 300 ft to the basket and hopefully pick up the bird.

9. I recommend shooting a RHBH straight toward the line of trees on the fairway. Your disc needs to start finishing left as it approaches that line and you will be set up for an relatively easy birdie on a posted par 4.

10-Forearm is your best bet here, disc needs to finish right into the clearing for an easy par pick up.

11-Need a good drive here to pick up the par. There is a large clump of trees to the right that can get you in trouble.

12. You can sidearm around (my choice) the large tree sitting in the fairway or you can shoot very accurately through a small tunnel to the right of the tree.

13-Recommended RHBH, drive hard on the right side of the fairway, your disc should be finishing low to the ground to get under the trees into putting range for a birdie try, or drop in par.

14-Short Tunnel shot, sad to say I rarely par this. You can always lay up for an easy par but who wants to do that? Just shoot in straight, you dont need the power or distance here, it's all about accuracy.

15-I like to RHBH a hyzer straight down the fairway and land to the left of the clump of bushes that guard the pin. You can easily sidearm around these shrubs for an easy par.

16-I like to have a hard forearm shot here that finishes back on the straight path. From here you can approach about 200 ft to the basket with a normal backhand shot.

17-Woe is your disc if you aren't careful. I prefer to power drive an understable disc down the fairway, if you turn it over you have nothing to worry about. Hint-don't throw your Excalibur high and with a hyzer, you will have to hope it clears the creek.

18-Elevation will cut your drive a little short but this shot is open and makes for an easy par pick up to finish the game
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4 7
Experience: 16.2 years 15 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

1st time on a Mature Course... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2008 Played the course:never


Wide open on a good portion of the holes making it friendly to a beginner like me. Also some hole that were quite challenging even for the couple of veterns I played with. Overall a good course that has a good mix of easy and difficult holes.


A few of the holes had long distances between the basket and the next tee box...
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 168 played 56 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Long and Open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 25, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


This is a good course for getting to throw some long drives. Distances on the holes vary from 250 to 670 feet. The fairways are well defined and very fair. The course is well maintained and the grass is usually cut low. The city cuts certain portions of the fairway lower than others to give the course more of a golf feel. There is a practice basket for putting before your round (edit: the basket for hole 2 was stolen and the practice basket was used to replace it...so no more practice basket for now). The creek by 15, 16, 17, and 18 makes a formidable obstacle...17 especially claims many discs. Hole 16 is the most challenging hole out there in my opinion. Great place to work on playing in the wind as it is often very windy here. This course is really good for working on many different aspects of your game. Many holes here offer a variety of ways to get to the pin leaving you with lots of options. You can work on forehands, backhands, thumbers, rollers, you name it. There are not a lot of obstacles to have to maneuver around, but the distances on most holes will test your driving, upshots, and putting. Many of the nearby courses are wooded and more technical than Arcadia, so this is a nice change of pace and really makes you work on your long range game. This course is usually not too crowded with other players making for a nice flow of play. The city finally put out some trash cans. The baskets here are top notch...still very new and have the 24 chains with the big yellow bands at the top making them easy to spot. Concrete tee pads. Great signs on the teebox that give you pretty accurate distances, par, and pin position...although several signs are missing due to vandals. There is lots of room to warm up before your round as long as no one is using the soccer field by hole one. There is also a nice gazebo by hole one for meeting up with others before your round and grabbing some shade.


The course is a part of a park that has a lot going on and has a walking trail that winds throughout it, so you have to be wary of pedestrians and kids playing. Most holes are very open, so don't expect much of a challenge in the way of obstacles. Holes 1, 7, and 18 play right beside a soccer course that is almost always in use from around 4:30 till dark. There are only a few holes with trees in the fairway and one shorter hole that is down a corridor with a line of trees on both sides. There is not much shade on hot summer days and not much to block the wind. No elevation changes. No running water or restrooms. The parking lot is also too small for all that goes on in the park. You can also park along the road if you want to start somewhere other than hole 1 and know your way around the neighborhood. The water hazards are not fun to have to mess with if you go in. You definitely want to stay on the fairway here because there are a lot of thorns, briars, and poisonous plant in the trees and brush that line the fairways. There are some tough navigation issues for first timers without a map. To go from hole 5 to hole 6 you have to follow the sidewalk for a ways around the corner. To go from 7-8 you have to follow the sidewalk and then watch for the tee box to your right. Going from 10-11 you skip the first tee box you see and cross the bridge to 11's box. A map would definitely be helpful for your first time out. There are concrete tee pads, which is a major plus, but they are really too short for a decent run up on a course that has a lot of long holes. Unfortunately, a lot of the tee signs are missing. While this is a challenging course and a good practice course, there are not a lot of truly fun, enjoyable holes here.

Other Thoughts:

Playing sidewalk and beyond as OB adds a little bit more challenge to this already tough course. I'd enjoy this course even more if there were alternate pin positions and alternate tee boxes. I play this course a lot because it is close to work. I didn't like it too much the first couple of times that I played it, but it has grown on me a lot. It is a challenging course. If it is your first time out and you are having trouble finding the next hole; a good rule of thumb is to follow the sidewalk. North Park in Haltom City is about 10 minutes away.
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2 7
Experience: 31.5 years 37 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2008 Played the course:never


Great course for rainy day concrete tees and not alot of mud around baskets. Also has mowed path between baskets and tees that make it easy to find your way.


most of the park needs to be mowed more often and several signs missing.

Other Thoughts:

Markers on baskets showing direction of next tee could be helpfull.
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5 0
Experience: 23.3 years 14 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Can you rent a Cart? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2008 Played the course:never


alot of wide open holes to test your arm, course does make for a nice walk as you play, just be ready for the WALK part. the course is very nice and very scenic. very enjoyable experience


Well we made a mistake of playing this course around 2 in the afternoon, when it was 93 out....needless to say the long course made for an extremely long course that day......be ready to walk, some basket to next tee walks are lengthy, other then it being a long long course not that many down sides, the par 5 seemed easy until you realized you wre throwing into the wind...An online map might of been helpful to find your way along...but most holes had the tee pad somewhat in sight...maybe hard for first time players to follow
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7 2
Experience: 17.3 years 5 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Badass Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2008 Played the course:never


This course is wicked awesome with Par 3's 4's and 5's. It is pretty wide open and VERY long. They take very good care of the course and it is very enjoyable to play. Playing this course once made me put it in the Z-bo's, Veterans, Cedar Hill class... a high compliment to Brian Mace for helping bring this course to the area.


Not really many cons. I say make the Par 5's a little tougher. A little easier than I was expecting

Other Thoughts:

I got lost for a while trying to find it on bad directions and was pissed off when I finally did find it but it sure turned my mood upside down after playing it a real treat!
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2 11
Experience: 17.6 years 58 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

a very long course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 9, 2008 Played the course:never


a great course to launch your disc on. this course has some long holes. i love that the park is in a neighborhood.


hole 17 is all you need to know.

Other Thoughts:

this course is great for the excersise also. be ready to walk ALOT.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 37.5 years 302 played 188 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Long Enough and Lovin' it. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 26, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


I am rewriting this review since I have played and reviewed over 70+ courses since this was written. This is one of my home courses, but I am not a home course pride kind of person, so that will have nothing to do with the review.

This is a wider and more open type course. There are a few well positioned trees, a couple of creeks, a small pond, and even a sort of "tree tunnel" type hole here. There are only a few true "lefty" holes. Most of this course is fairly straight. The maintenance done here by the parks department is well kept. Fairways are mowed with the rough not being crazy. This place has nice signage and great cement tee pads and replace pins within a few weeks if they become missing. The park is clean and has trash cans along the way. There are 3 course par 4's and par 5's. The par is great for the recreational or amateur players. #9 tees off the top of a slope and it runs along a small creek on the last half of the hole into a more narrow tree line to the basket. #13 has a small pond to throw over or you can throw to the side and go around it. #17 is know as the Disc Eating Monster. The creek runs along the left side eating right hander's out of control hyzer shots. One really good thing about this course is that after a big rain, this may be one of the first courses that will become somewhat playable in the area.


There are some long walks to the next hole like #5 to #6 and #14 to #15 and #17 to #18, but they are not that excessive. #18 tees is placed on the other side of an entire soccer field back in the corner along the creek. It is kind of tough to find your first time out. If there has been lots of rain, this tee pad can get mudded up or water covered. On the weekends, this course can get pretty busy. There are not many really tough holes on this course they are just a bit longer than some of other courses in the immediate area. This place does have snakes in the creeks and poison itching plants in the well shaded areas. So keep this in mind when playing here. There are no restrooms or drinking water near this course.

Other Thoughts:

The fun factor here for me, is fairly decent. There are about 6 holes I really look forward to throwing on. This is a good course for people who like to let it rip and for the beginner player working on their form and distance. I am not normally a fan of course that are long and fairly open, but the designer, Brian "Maceman" Mace, did a great job making sure almost every hole had some kind of obstacle or trouble area and yet keep it new player friendly. This course is pretty packed on the weekends.
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