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Santa Fe, NM

Arroyo Chamisos DGC

Permanent course
3.485(based on 24 reviews)
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Arroyo Chamisos DGC reviews

24 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 688 played 77 reviews
3.50 star(s)

America? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2021 Played the course:once


(To the tune of "A Horse with No Name," by America. My apologies if it's been done before or if you just don't enjoy it.)

When I first got to the arroyo
I was lookin' for some kind of map
There were benches, a playground, trash cans and things
And a basket by the parking lot

From the tees I had to watch the trails with care,
Watch with a careful eye
There were joggers, bikers, dog walkers
That could be hit from the sky

I've played through the desert
Throwin' discs with no name
It felt good there in the morning time
In the desert you must remember your line
'Cause the bushes and the little trees just grab all the time

La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la


After five holes in the desert sun
I needed an app instead
The signage left me without a clue
I was looking at a river bed
The satellites told me where next to go
Made it so I found blue and red

You see I've played through the desert
Throwin' discs with no name
It felt good there in the morning time
In the desert you must remember your line
'Cause the bushes and the little trees just grab all the time
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la

Other Thoughts:

After nine holes the course made sense to me
'Cause the direction had turned for home
There were cacti and birds and rocks and things
There was sand where I was throwin' rings

The course is in a desert but there's life all around
In a varied recreational space
The locals clearly put love into the course
It put a pleasin' smile on my face

You see I've played through the desert
Throwin' discs with no name
It felt good there in the morning time
In the desert you must remember your line
'Cause the bushes and the little trees just grab all the time
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 442 played 410 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Desert Disc Golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 10, 2020 Played the course:once


Beautiful rugged southwest desert setting, with holes playing along and across a wide sandy arroyo wash

+ Multiple tees (concrete, mats). Brooms on some of the tees - which helps in this sandy environment

+ Posts and flags to help locate baskets

+ "Next tee" arrows affixed to the basket posts

+ Good basket placements using trees and bushes, putting a premium on correct approaches

+ Unique play along and across an arroyo wash, starting right away on hole #1

+ Hole #3 has a basket hidden in the trees across the arroyo. Don't mistakenly shoot at the basket to the right of it (that's #16)

+ Hole #4 basket is in the trees by the building in front of you. It's is a hard dogleg left, but an open path to the basket

+ The baskets on holes #5 - #7 all use the native juniper trees to guard the greens, requiring carefully placed low shots to make birdie

+ Hole #8 plays through an old stone prayer/meditation circle - very cool

+ Hole #9 starts with a great manmade tunnel

+ Hole #11 has added a partial split-rail fence to guard the basket from the left

+ Hole #15 is a long uphill, starting with a blind tee shot across the arroyo. Look for a mando sign up in one of the trees pointing your shot to the right

+ Hole #15 and beyond all incorporate the hill on this side of the arroyo to bring elevation into the closing holes


- The combination of original (and mostly outdated) signage, along with simple posts marking the newer red and blue tees created a fair amount of wandering around

- Hole #9 long tee is a terrific tunnel built by a local group, but the basket position wasn't clear on uDisc

- One basket seems to be unused. It's near a parking area by the skate park, and I think it's #6 on the original map (uDisc instead shows a long walk to pick up at a newer tee location and new basket for #6)

- High vegetation makes finding discs tricky, and there's cactus (ouch!)

- The general layout is along a walking path, which can slow play significantly. You'll even have to pause now and then for people walking down the center of the arroyo

- The first play is pretty long - but I'm sure it's much faster when you know the layout

Other Thoughts:

~ I threw at the wrong basket several times. But with some backtracking, I played 18 different baskets from 18 blue tees - so I think I did it right

~ The only real problems with Arroyo Chamisos are course navigation and foot traffic along the walking path. There's a somewhat-outdated card with a map on this site, and combined with uDisc, you can manage pretty well. You can also try to play on days and times when there are likely to be fewer walkers. Taking those things into account, this is an excellent course, even if the ongoing improvements make it feel a little rough around the edges

~ I played here and at the nearby IAIA course on the same day, and they made for a great set of contrasts and similarities. I would feel very fortunate to live close enough to play both with regularity

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4 0
Experience: 13.4 years 61 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best for the terrain 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2012 Played the course:once


The DGA Mach V with blue powder coating were all in excellent condition. All the baskets had an arrow pointing you to the next tee which helped for navigation. There also seemed to be 2-3 basket locations for each hole.
With three (or more) tee's per hole this course has great reply value. Especially since the short and medium have rubber mats and the long tees use either the walking path or have a stand alone concrete pads. The shortest tee is good for beginners or experience players working on their short/medium game (with ace runs). Medium tees provide more of a challenge and also a different look and route. The long tees are obviously the longest and hardest but none are too ridiculous that you need to be a Pro to hit par.
There were tee signs on every hole for the long tees, but the short tees had some sort of marker colored with the appropriate tee color.
The layout goes back and forth one side of the Arroyo then for the last few it crosses back and forth. It was decent to follow with the next tee signs on the baskets, but the baskets were sometimes hard to find.
The course takes advantage of all the landscape that was provided. Using trees to block baskets and to throw around/through. Hole 9 especially uses this with the tight initial fairway opening up to the basket.


Even though there were tee signs that had directions, some were pretty beat up or written on. It would be nice to have distances for the different basket locations and maybe some sort of indication of which placement they were in.
There was some trash in certain areas, but it wasn't too bad.
Being used to playing on grass, the sand/gravel was annoying at times but that's what you get in NM.

Other Thoughts:

Would be nice to have 10' flags on each basket to show where to throw. Also if the tee signs were in pristine shape it would defaintly increase the rating for this course.
I was just visiting the area and played a few in the ABQ area and this was defaintly worth the drive to play. The only problem was the high winds, but I'm not sure if this is common here.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 85 played 85 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Course of Enchantment 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2011 Played the course:once


- Excellent signage and "next tee signs," which comes in handy because you're gonna need them! (I'll explain later)
- Multiple tees every hole
- Variety of shot selection despite having little elevation (hyzers, anhyzers, overhand shots, blind shots, one wooded technical hole, etc.)
- Good use of OB boundaries, mandos, and the wash that goes through the park
- Quasi-water hazards (the washes didn't have any water, but I treated them as water hazards)
- Nice distance on some tees. I recall about 2 that required all I could throw and then some!
- Love the desert terrain and how it's interspersed with a small forest on hole 9.


- Navigation is very switchy on the front 9 (especially holes #1-6). Moreover, navigation is erratic due to the nature of the course. Think of the park as a football field (very long and kind of slender). As such, you have to go up and down the course to fit 18 holes in here. Fortunately the signs tell you where to go.

- Potential to hit park-goers on many holes (especially the blind ones), so watch your shots. There were quite a number of people when I played here, and I'm not sure how typical this is of the course traffic.
- Vandalism on some signs
- Can get pretty gusty with wind; bring some overstables!

Other Thoughts:

Santa Fe is a fantastic city and I really enjoyed my stay; this park is consistent with that! While it doesn't have any particularly steep elevation changes and is more or less open and flat, you will have to think about your shots. Love the desert/Southwest feel to the course and it's very authentic to the area. My only issues are with navigation, and that's remedied by the signage. Not sure how this ranks compared to the other courses in the city, but this one is definitely worth the trip!

Signature holes:
#9 - Utilizes a tree mando and required you to throw through a very tight and technical grove of trees to get to the basket. Definitely the most unique hole of the course, considering the rest is in a desert!
#12 - Throws over the wash and up the hill. Some tree overhang poses a hazard to your throw.
#15 - Downhill drive that has some elevation; with the gusty wind, it makes you think about how you're going to park it by the basket accurately!
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9 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Thanks For All The Navigational Help! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 1, 2011 Played the course:once


Wow, I loved all the helpful navigational aids! Now, can you do something about the wind? Possibly, the best marked course I've played as far as helping the first time player. Each basket has a metal arrow pointing to the next teepad and sometimes giving even more info such "Next tee on bike path." Each basket had the number on it. The tees on the bike pads were clearly marked. The shorter, alternate pads had helpful colorful poles making them easy to locate. This course is located in a true desert terrain. Other New Mexico desert courses I've played have often felt more like grubby vacant lots. I thought it's a great idea to extend the run-up across the bike path by laying down rubber mating on the back side. The course would be challenging to players of all skill levels. The winds made it even more difficult. The baskets that were set into thick undergrowth often had flags on them to help players locate them. All in all, much though went into making this an enjoyable place in which to enjoy a round of disc golf.

My own personal signature hole today was # 16 in the pin position it was in. It was in the short 202" position and just the top of the basket was visible. Just a very nice liitle ACE run. And I think there would be some great basket positions in the cluster of trees on this hole.


I did almost get mowed down by a bike rider as I was scanning the brush looking for a basket but I guess that was probably my fault. I didn't encounter any blizzards. The wind was bordering on brutal. I suspose one could spend a fair amount of time hunting for discs in underbrush here.

Other Thoughts:

This course definitely receives a generous amount of support from the local disc community. That's wonderful to see but I wonder why when I played the other two courses in Santa Fe, Ashbaugh Park and St. Johns, they had been so neglected. How about a little support for those two courses? Sanya Fe is a big enough city to support more than one course, isn't it? And it seems like the dry sunny climate would be wonderful for some serious disc golf.
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10 0
Experience: 30.8 years 60 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Blizzard round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2010 Played the course:once


We played the Pro tees, but there are 3 tee locations on each hole for different ability levels. Great variety and length of holes. Several holes are pretty long from the Pro tees. A couple of mandos that make for challenging shots (was it #9 that had the long tunnel shot with a mando below a bar, killing hammer/thumbers?).

Really interesting locally native terrain and flora, that is definitely a part of the experience. I like the local rule about playing behind the plants, so as to leave the area as natural as possible.

No course maps in the box, but we could figure out the layout pretty well due to good signage and logical layout, despite the weather conditions (see below).


Not the course's fault, but the day we could play, it was whiteout conditions, with driving snow and several inches of accumulation. My buddy forgot his discs and bought a few in ABQ on the way there. Over the course of the day, he literally emptied his bag into the driven snow and lost every one of them, plus one of mine. The one with a name/number (mine) got a call from a helpful local who found it a week or so later (this is a pro, not a con).

I wonder if the course is playable when the arroyo gets flooded, probably not, given the layout.

Watch your hands, so you don't accidentally swing into a cactus!

Other Thoughts:

Would like to play this again in the heat of the summer, for a contrast. Overall, it's a really nice course, that is well cared for and offers a challenge to high-level golfers as well as opportunities for beginners and average players to still enjoy and improve.

Be careful if you usually play near sea level, the elevation here is ~7000 feet, so things will fly differently.
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8 1
Experience: 52 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Juniper Laden Desert Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Wonderful scenery. Multiple tee pads (most have 3 different levels: Pro, Amateur/Mid-Level, and Recreational) and multiple pin locations. All the Pro tees are either concrete slabs or off of the concrete/pavement bike path, the Amateur and Recreational are a rubber/plastic composite. Great signage, with detailed descriptions of various mandatory shots, distances, out of bounds areas, and different pin locations, including a notation of which pin is currently in. Very easy to navigate; each pin has an arrow pointing you in the direction of the next tee. Well laid-out and well designed with a good shot variety. Moderately challenging, more so (obviously) from the Pro tees. Relatively trash-free (probably due to the fact that it's in a well-trafficked public park) and well maintained. The baskets are in excellent shape. Not a ton of elevation change (due to the relatively flat terrain), but the design makes use of what's available.


The walking trail / bike path that bisects the course can pose problems: people on the path have the right of way, so you might have to wait for them to clear out before you throw. Hole 18 is right next to the park (which is OB), which can pose as a potential hazard with a combination of a crowd and an errant throw. Some holes are blind, which is normally an okay thing, but when the pedestrians/bikers are taken into account, it can be a bit of a negative. Most of the Pro tees are simply longer than the Amateur, instead of offering a more challenging angle/line. Low, dense brush has a knack for disc disappearances.

Other Thoughts:

Several of the tees have brooms available for sweeping off the tee boxes/pads. I didn't need them because the tee boxes/pads were all clean, but it's still a great addition.
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