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Henderson, NV

Arroyo Grande DGC

1.945(based on 9 reviews)
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Arroyo Grande DGC reviews

18 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 670 reviews
2.00 star(s)

My First Exposure To The Desert Southwest Style

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 12, 2023 Played the course:once


(1.853 Rating) A desert style niner with decent variety in a multi-use park.
- HOLE VARIETY - The sole reason I'm giving Arroyo a weak 2.0 score, with its hoard of issues, was due to the diversity in gameplay. The distances vary from the high 300s to the high 100s. There are some flat plays, some down shots and one slightly up-hill shot. The culvert, which did have ¼ inch of algae flow in it during my appearance, qualifies as a water element in my book. A hole like (6) has moderate tree coverage and requires either throwing a long laser thru a tree gap or bombing a RHFH. Among the 220 plus niners I've thrown as of this review, I'd put the variety at 75 percentile among this niner grouping.
- CHALLENGING - I think this course is geared best for MA3s with crossover appeal to MA2s and MA4s.
- CHAINS - Mach Vs, all of them were in great shape.


Lots of minor issues.
- NO LOOP - Players can park either near tee (1) or near tee (9). Regardless of the choice, it will either be a quarter mile walk to the start of the course, or a quarter mile walk back to the car. There is an informal marked reverse layout reusing most of the pads, but the reverse layout adds no value to non-locals and piles on the issues.
- MULTI USE HAZARDS - Like every course I've played in Vegas (5 of them), there are other park amenities that come into play routinely. Here at Arroyo, it's mainly walking paths and trails, but they are in play on almost every hole. I had to pause my play multiple times. I could see the dog park coming into play on a terrible shot as well.
- NAVIGATION AND SIGNAGE - The on-site posted course map is sun bleached to the point of being useless. No tee signs are present either. Thankfully someone was kind enough to sharpie a number and direction to throw on each pad. Players will need a nav app to seamlessly proceed.
- TEES - Circular 8 foot diameter concrete pads. I needed more several times.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - Of the five courses I hit in the Vegas area, I scored this one in the middle for aesthetics and at roughly 40 percentile on my ledger as of this review. The backdrop is nice several times, the terrain is cool, and the rock lined paths were neat. The issues however are the constant view of the built environment and the culvert. There is also a lack of lush vegetation and small bits of trash on just about every hole.
- TERRAIN - I don't agree that the course is listed as very cart friendly. After hole (4), the course traverses rocky flat terrain for the remainder. My ankles got a workout. I would not recommend this course to players with bad knees or foot issues.
- FORGIVENESS - Lots of chances for players to scrape up their discs here. Don't bring plastic here that can't take a beating. I am no longer going to feel bad when someone hits a rock on my backyard course. Oh wait, I never did. :p
- CULVERT - A concrete culvert comes into play 5 times. Good luck crossing it to all those who attempt to throw here after a good downpour. Also, just another feature to help scruff up one's discs.
- TIME PLAY - I clocked in at 27 minutes. A touch higher compared to the average niner I've thrown. However, this figure does not include the time it took me to walk to (1).

Other Thoughts:

My first played course in Nevada and my 22nd state crossed off the board. Despite the low 2.0 rating, I liked it, and it was my favorite among the 3 niners I hit on this trip (Anthem, Red Ridge). Considering its closeness to the airport and a southwest desert feel, I would highly consider throwing it to someone who is strapped for time and needing to claim Nevada as a state played. Other than that odd niche of players, this is nowhere near a destination course. Great for a local within 10 to 15 minutes that doesn't have the time for the 24 holes at Sunset. Also great for baggers like me as it's publicly accessible and easy to get to. Among the 652 courses I've played, it reminded me of zero of them, not even the other Vegas ones I hit.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 556 played 429 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Arroyo Destroyo Grande 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2019 Played the course:once


Arroyo Grande DGC is in a nice park in Henderson that also has baseball fields, playgrounds, a BMX bike track and other amenities. It was clean and well kept. I had to walk across the footbridge to get to the course, and the ducklings were swimming in the arroyo with their mom.

A pretty typical disc golf course. 9 holes, a couple of them are pretty fun. Concrete tees that could be larger. The baskets are nice. There are a couple of grassy holes at the beginning, and good elevation change on the first, fifth and the last hole. Trees obstruct a few fairways, but there are open holes too.

Hole one is an elevated tee that plays across the side of a grassy, open hill that drops downhill to the left side. The pin is 385' away, so this is one of the longest holes. Hole 2 goes along the grass at the bottom of the hill in the other direction. The walking trail is to the right of the hole, and a single tree protects the right side of the pin. 3 turns 180 degrees the other direction, and the fairway becomes dirt. There is a fence to the left that separates the bike track, and a few trees stand here and there to take away airspace. Hole 4 is short, and there is a pair of trees that blocks the straight, direct shot. I threw a hyzer over the walking path to the right and put it pin high for the birdie. There are signs and light posts next to the path that can knock you down on that line. Hole 5 tees from a hill side, over a block wall, to a basket down in the flat. It is kind of a fun shot. Hole 6 is a bit crazy, and just as long as 1. There's a shallow concrete ditch to the left that was mostly dry, and a concrete wall to the right creating a narrow strip that is the fairway. There are trees in that narrow strip taking away the middle. You can go big hyzer over the wall to the right and risk landing on the other side of the fence at the top, line drive between the wall and the trees through a very narrow window, or left to right over the ditch. Not an easy choice, I just felt fortunate to stay in bounds and make par. Hole 7 is from the left side of the ditch to the right side, not too long, and has a couple of small trees that must be avoided. 8 past a pair of trees and over the path over flat and rocky ground. The final hole tees at the top of the hill on the top side of the path, downhill to a basket waiting in the flat. Very much wide open and short enough for a putter drive. I got the second birdie of the round here.


Tee pads are circular, and too short for a normal run up. There are no tee signs, or numbers on the pads. Paths run past several of the holes, so pedestrians are likely to pass by. Fences can put barriers between you and your plastic.

6 plays along a concrete culvert that can be slippery when wet, and 7 plays across it. There are rocky dirt fairways that may ding up your discs.

Other Thoughts:

I wanted to get in a course in Nevada on my trip to Vegas. I tried to play Sunset that morning, but there was a tournament about to begin. I was running out of time so I got to the next nearest course which ended up being Arroyo Grande. I played with a fella from Houston named Chris, who was in town visiting family. We got in a quick nine, and chopped it up.

It isn't perfect, but it is fun for a maintenance round. I shot a 25 (2 under par), with birdies on hole 4 and hole 9. There are several other holes that are reachable, you could get hot and go really low here on a good day.
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7 0
Paul Reddick
Experience: 10.3 years 68 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Vacation Rounds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 18, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


* Super friendly park users- dog friendly
*Awesome little park just outside Vegas
*Great mix of more open 300'ers and some 200' ace runs that make you think
*Perfect use of all available terrain in this park with creative tee locations and guarded baskets on some holes
*Clean and flat round tee pads


*Tee pads are a little short
*No signage at tees - but the flow was good
*Smaller park means it's probably pretty busy later in the day

Other Thoughts:

We hit this course to stretch before our flight back to WI and it was great! My review makes it sound like an 18 hole ,but it was a fun and well rounded 9 hole course. You could definitely throw this course twice and not get bored.
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9 1
Experience: 13.9 years 174 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A different look 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2018 Played the course:once


I liked the variety of looks the holes gave, I always enjoy shooting downhill ( makes me think I can throw it out there).
Course navigation ( if you study the map ) flows pretty well.
Park is very well kept, after playing several desert courses the lack of cacti was a nice change.
Except for giving you no clue what direction to look the pads were fine, you can always start behind them if you need long run-ups.
Bathrooms and water on site are always a big plus.
Protected baskets make the lack of long holes fine, not every hole is an easy par.


As with many parks courses, you need to be looking out for people wandering across your line on several holes.
Crossing the drainage channel several times would be problematic with any more water.
Unbanded, unpainted baskets are hard to spot.

Other Thoughts:

The course could be improved and some signage on course would help. Even direction and distance painted on the pads would be great.
It was a nice change of pace round if you're in the Las Vegas area playing.
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5 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Still not 5 Star but VERY playable 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Good elevation changes.
Nice baskets.
Practice basket.


Small Tee Pads.
Some ground water drainage comes into play.
Only 9 holes.

Other Thoughts:

Most of the reviews posted prior to this one were done before the course was fully open and ready for play. The baskets now have numbers and there is a fairly accurate sign/ course map at the first tee pad. Just snap a pic of the sign with your cell phone before starting.

The comment about the distances being messed up. Totally blown out of proportion. The ONLY issue with distance was that they put the word "YARDS" instead of "FEET" on the course map/sign next to tee pad #1.

The #2 basket has been moved out of the wet spot in the turf to a drier place beyond it. Add 20 feet to the stated distance. After the course was designed and baskets were installed, ground water/natural spring water started surfacing in the grass right where the basket was.

Im not sure why someone would say they couldn't find their way around the course and then say it is poorly designed. It may seem like poor design if you have no idea where you're going. Now there is a map and #'s.

There was some input from LVDGC as far as I know. There may have been deviations but their basic overall course plan was used. They suggested round tee pads. They city obliged but went way too small.

There are some trees and shrubs that were cut back in June '16 that make the course more playable and fun. Lines of sight are now there from tee pad to basket (which is important when each hole doesn't have its own map) on all holes but #6.

This is not the best course out there. I do feel that it deserves a better rating than it has at this point on this site. Go play it and see for yourself. It is not a waste of time.

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7 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Did Anyone Read The On-Line Map Carefully? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 26, 2016 Played the course:once


Being a parks/recreation person myself, I would love to talk to the Henderson Parks and Recreation professional who designed this course. This being Las Vegas, I'd be willing to bet a very large sum of money that no disc golfers were consulted in the planning/designing/building of this course. Why do I so strongly feel this way.

Let me count the ways:

1) Silly little round tee pads which are so impractical.
2) Poorly designed course with criss-crossing holes.
3) Navigation difficulties. No numbers on baskets, tee pads or signage.
4) My favorite. The on-line map published by Henderson Parks and Recreation Department. According to my map here, HOLE # 1 is 1155 FEET LONG! Hole # 7, the shortest on the course measures out at 531 FEET. Decent length for a little pitch and putt course. See the solution below in my other thoughts!


Everything about this little course was a con.

Navigation was a nightmare. Unmarked baskets were set too close to retaining walls, drainage areas, people, etc.

No signage.

Other Thoughts:

The answer to # 4 above. The same genius who designed this course also listed the distance in yards but took the actual footage from the holes. So # 1 at 385 feet is listed at 385 yards. It would take Rory Mcllroy about a five iron to reach it, wouldn't it? 385 yards X 3 = 1155 feet.

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4 0
Experience: 19 played 6 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Great for practice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 3, 2015 Played the course:once


Very nice baskets. Very nice sign showing where the tees and baskets are "supposed" to be. Very nice, well kept park with a BMX track and nice playgrounds. Great to occupy kids while you get a round in. Small, concrete tee pads but at least they are there.

There are a couple of decent holes. Hole one is a long 335 ft hyzer shot.

It is a decent course to practice and warm up. I have been there 3 separate times and I have yet to see another person, let alone another disc golfer. May change towards to fall when it isn't 100+ degrees outside.


Very small course. Very hard to follow. No signs on the tees. No markings on any of the baskets. It was extremely hard to figure out which basket went with which hole and which holes had tee pads. Very confusing.

I also encountered the drainage issue today. The basket for hole 2 was muddy and hard to get to without getting covered in smelly mud. Hole 3 had a huge mud/water hole near the basket.

The course is really narrow and criss-crosses across.

Other Thoughts:

This course has potential. There is room on the other side of the BMX track for another 9 holes, which would make it more useable.

It would be awesome if the park would put some identification on the holes so it is more user friendly.

All in all, it isn't the worst course I have played but it is pretty close.
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3 0
Experience: 17.4 years 135 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Afterthought 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2015 Played the course:once


Nice new Baskets. Plenty of Parking.


Tees are small concert circles. Too small. Trees directly in front of tee pads leaving no "fair"way for beginners. All water from surrounding properties runs off into this bowl shaped multi use park. One pin was installed in a swampy area. Tee signs looked to be inaccurate with location and distances on some holes.

Other Thoughts:

This park area is mainly for use as a baseball complex. Biking jumps, and walkways. Disc golf was an afterthought, and suffers from cramped space, and poor design/available land.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Arroyo Minor 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2015 Played the course:once


Located in a large, multi-use park. Restrooms, concessions (when open) are available. Nice course map at start of course. Concrete tee pads (size also makes them a Con). Baskets are in good shape. #5 is a fun downhill hole, but still has a problem and #9 is a fun, ace run finishing hole.


The tee pads on most holes are circular and small. Those holes are long enough that I needed a run up longer than the tee pad. Ironically, the two holes that use paved sidewalks as the tees are rather short downhill holes.

Several holes clustered around sidewalk. #1 is on a steep grassy hillside, wild throws can easily cross #2 and onto the sidewalk. #2 fairway is on the bottom of the grassy slope, but the main line (RHBH) is right over the sidewalk, toward a blind corner of bushes. #3 is in a dirt/desert area, but the same sidewalk is a RHBH path to the basket.

Several baskets are in swampy areas, yes in the desert! #2 basket is in such a swampy area (appears to be drain pipe from upper parking lot) that someone has added rocks to step on to keep your feet dry while retrieving your disk. #3 is slightly better, yet a swampy area right in front of the basket. #6 green area is also swampy and muddy.

10 foot wide concrete drain is crossed several times. There wasn't much water in this drain the day I played here, but I kind of wondered what was in the water each time I crossed it. Would be a real problem if there was much water in this drain. After #5 you cross this drain, then #6 has a fairway of about 20 feet wide, filled with large bushes/trees between the drain and a concrete retaining wall. Then cross the drain again to #7 tee, #7 basket, #8 tee and #8 basket.

#5 basket is guarded. Yes, guarded by a tree so close that its branches are hanging in the basket.

#9 is a fun downhill ace run near the dog park, the opposite end of the dog park from where you started. Not very close to the first tee.

Other Thoughts:

This course is located is a large, well-kept multi-use park. Ball fields, dog park, bike stunt park, walking paths (paved and unpaved). I see what they were thinking when putting this course in, add another amenity in an area not being used. However, that area is either very near the sidewalk or in natural areas of rocks, desert, concrete drain and a retaining wall (I didn't list the natural areas as a Con, because you are in the desert area and have to work with the terrain). Several of the holes have decent length (4 over 300' and a 280' hole), so beginners/families won't play too often, more advanced players won't like the tee pads and getting their plastic chewed up.
This course will get some rounds played, I just hope everyone is careful in the crowded areas. I can see this park being very crowded in the evenings and on weekends.
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