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Ashland, MO

Ashland City Park

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Ashland City Park reviews

15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 10.2 years 174 played 173 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Why Did I Do That?

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2024 Played the course:once


Six yellow DisCatcher baskets mostly set in a small clearing of the park, with a concrete tee and tee sign for each hole. The distance is listed in yards which... isn't really an issue if you can multiply by 3.

Hole 1 is actually quite good. A low ceiling 100ft off the tee with a slight uphill as you move toward the pin, the right side is covered with trees. It's an interesting line.

A large berm covered in trees guards the pin of 4. Makes for a very tough birdie look if you get the distance.

There is at least a decent bit of length. Holes 1, 4, and 6 are all over 300ft.


The rest of the course is surrounded by other park infrastructure and... well here we go:
- I complimented hole 1, but there is a walking path very close by to the left of the fairway and behind the pin.
- The basket of 2 and tee of 3 are in a dog park. And the gate to exit to the basket of 3 is locked shut. It's also possible for your drive on 6 to end up in here as well if you hit a tree.
- There's some sort of retention pond with "NO TRESPASSING" signs on the fence just 15ft from the basket of 3, and the right line of 4 would carry all the way over it.
- A creek on 5 and 6 is just deep/wide enough to where I needed my retriever to keep from getting my shoes soaked through to get my Wraith back... and both holes' baskets sit only 10ft away from the creek.

If for some reason this course got busy, the tee/basket proximity is way too close on the last four tees.

Hole 5's dogleg is far too tight and the wide left side hyzers may end up with a disc going into the creek.

Obviously if the dog park is in use holes 2 and possibly 3 are no-gos. Luckily it was empty and I got a great skip off of one of the sunken tractor tires to park hole 2.

Other Thoughts:

When this was a new, unobstructed course I'm sure it was fine. The difficulty of 1 would be a little out of place, but so be it. But now with the dog park, I got back to the car questioning "why did I do that?" ...then remembered I'm a hardcore course bagger. Which is what you need to be to have any reason to stop here. 1 and 4 are moderately difficult, and the rest are dog water.
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17 0
Three Putt
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Experience: 29.8 years 157 played 128 reviews
0.50 star(s)

I'm gonna buy me a dog, 'cause I need a friend now. I'm gonna buy me a dog, my girl, my girl don't love me no how.

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2023 Played the course:once


This was a scout project course, and the kid got funding for DISCatchers and concrete tees. The course also has tee signs (small ones that oddly giving distances in yards, but OK) so it clicks off the basic things you need to be a disc golf course.


Avoiding the elephant in the room, the area the course is set on is too small and not appropriate for disc golf. Aside from hole 1, the tees are too close to the last basket played to be safe. Hole 1 runs parallel to a walking path that is basically the left edge of the fairway, creating a conflict with people walking on the path. There is a fenced off retention area with "NO TRESPASSING" signs that is very much in play on holes 3-4, creating an unnecessary lost disc possibility on a recreational course. Hole 5 sets the basket behind a wall of trees/underbrush with no route to the basket cut through, you have to throw toward the tee for hole 6 to get in position to have a putt. All of the holes are too close together due to the small piece of land in use.

Hole 6 is a 354' shot with a totally unrealistic route to the basket. This is largely due to the elephant in the room; at some point a dog park was installed over the course. Literally, they put a dog park over 1/3 of a disc golf course and didn't move anything. Hole two has you tee INTO the dog park; the basket it literally inside. The tee for hole 3 is also inside, and the gate that would let you out toward the basket is chained shut. You have to walk out the way you came and walk all the way around the dog park to get to the basket. The fence creates a 3'-4' narrow path between the dog park and a creek, and that very narrow path makes up a lot of the fairway for hole 6 now. There is basically a 15' gap you have to hit between a fence and the woods with a creek running up the middle. Remove the dog park and it's already a poorly designed hole for a recreational disc golf course. Add in the dog park, and it's one of the worst holes I've ever seen.

Other Thoughts:

After playing the course in Salem I thought "At least I won't have to wonder what the worst course I ever played was again." Ashland tested that. It's really, really bad.

In the end I did rate it a .5; there are concrete tees and good baskets set to the flawed original design. The dog park is inexcusable, though. Once that was in place, the course should have been pulled.
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13 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 254 played 31 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Welcome to Night Vale beware of the DogPark 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2020 Played the course:once


-Amazingly there are concrete pads here.


First off. The Dog Park was installed after the course was built. The designers did not know, I assume, the city would do that...At that point the course should have been removed and the moved. But it wasn't so On with the Review!!!!

well lets see. How bad could a 6 hole course be. There is a hilarious sign I believe pointed out in another review that said the course was designed with input from disc golfers...why would you have to say that.......wellllllll

I went out of my way to find this course after reading reviews bc I thought it couldn't be that bad. It may not have been when it was built but I promise it is now. It's that bad. It's laughable.

Hole 1. The photos on the site here look lovely don't they. Too bad trees Grow a lot in 8 years...there is a walking path that makes the entire hole play on a peninsula. VERY low ceiling that makes a roller or miracle shot over trees heading towards walkers the only way to even touch circle 2, much less have a legitimate putt.
Hole 2. I Shi*t you not. The tee pad is on one side of a fenced in dog park and the pin is INSIDE the dog park under the largest tree with branches that make an 8ft putt impossible. sure, let's throw into the dog park; it's not like dogs like to see objects flying in the air and then go chase them.

Hole 3. Now remember the Dog park is fenced in. The next pad is also inside the dog park forcing you to throw out and potentially over a fenced of retention pond with Huge no trespassing signs everywhere. You can very easily land in there. now you'd think I'll just walk through the dog park out the other opening to where the basket is....except its locked! so you have to walk the opposite direction back out of the dog park then all the way around.

Hole 4. A good a normal disc golf hole. Technical hyzer or flick required as the basket is very well hidden by a huge overgrown tree. not much in the way...except the giant retention pond that has warning signs all over it and any and decent shot is going to be throw directly over the area. what could go wrong....

Hole 5. Another normal hole. Just throw directly into the woods and hope you punch through to the basket....Oh you say, your disc golf course doesn't have any hole where the best line is straight into a wall of trees and hopefully you penetrate 10 ft into the woods.....odd.

Hole 6. This hole....I...don't know. even without the dog park it would have been ridiculous because you're throwing directly at the baskets for holes 2 and 3. I will go out on a limb right here.....This is the worst hole in disc golf on any course I have ever played. That's over 120 courses at last count. You have throw a shot in between the dog park fence and the forest line. This is about a 15ft tunnel which is very difficult. It's even more difficult with that big tree in the dog park spreading it's limbs like the womping willow from harry potter..you remember, the one basically covering the pin for hole 2 making it unplayable..... If you hit the tree and drop in the dog park you have to walk all the way around the entrance by hole 2 pad then try to throw out then, hope you don't disappear into the woods, then walk all the way back around. it's bananas. Oh there is also a creek/ditch that is right in the fairway in circle 1 so a great shot can land in it. This hole is like a parody of bad design and really needs a case study or a piece on the back page of the PDGA magazine. A segment of the magazine could be started call "What the What Course design" and every week you feature a hole and dissect the issues.

Other Thoughts:

I knew this was going to be bad and it was. I cannot imagine if there were actually people with dogs in the dog park. literally 1/2 the course would be unplayable due to safety concerns. Still not as Dangerous as the equally hilarious course in Salem MO which has you throwing over playgrounds and literally through a family pavilion.
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12 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Does The Ashland City Park Course Want To Be A Serious Course? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 9, 2018 Played the course:once


I think most of us have trouble believing that a six hole course is anything but a fun little course for beginners and families. But Ashland has three holes over 300' and you also have to avoid the retention pond fence. This seems to me to be more a course for casual recreational players to occasionally frequent.

There is a small course sign at the start. The smallish concrete tee pads are very adequate and the small metal tee signs are interesting with the sponsor's information and also with the distances listed in yards instead of feet. The Discatcher baskets are OK.

# 1 is probably the signature hole here as it's the only hole without serious flaws. It plays 112 yards, over a tiny ditch to a basket somewhat in the trees.

# 2 is 72 yards to a basket tucked under a tree but on your right is the fenced retention pond area with no trespassing signs. So many beginner types (and rec players) will find their discs sailing over this fence.

# 3 plays 60 yards and the no trespassing is once again an issue.

# 4 is 107 yards to a basket hidden behind this small hill and clumping of trees. I had a couple of problems here. First, the fenced no trespassing area is there waiting and secondly, my first thought was there is a missing basket as you don't see the basket until you walk around this small hill. And finally, a basket sitting on top of this tiny hill would be the coolest thing about this course.

# 5 will have you throwing at the # 6 tee pad to reach the basket tucked into the bushes. I seriously doubt if there has ever been two groups playing this course at the same time. You can tell that this course gets almost no play as the bushes right in front of the baskets have not been affected. Any teen player would take the straight oath to the basket and that involves snapping off the bushes blocking your path.

# 6 is 118 yards and the basket is tucked into the bushes at a right angle across a tiny ditch which could be a problem during wet weather. Meanwhile, most players frequenting this course will find themselves lost in the bushes along the entire right side of the fairway.


This is one of the more flawed courses you'll find.

For a six hole recreation/beginner courses, the last five holes are overly difficult and filled with potential pitfalls.

No trespassing fenced area will capture many discs.

Throws are too long and difficult for beginners and the very casual, rec players who should be playing here.

Seeing that I seriously doubt there would ever be multiple groups on this course, I can overlook the potential conflicts there.

Designers missed the chance for a really unique basket placement on # 4 and instead hid the basket behind the hill.

Other Thoughts:

Previous reviewer, Cerealman, summed up this course's faults much better and more concisely than I have. He was just a touch more critical in his rating than me but his review is spot on. The DGCR information sheet says the course was designed by Boy Scouts with input from local disc golfers. Which local disc golfers thought cramming the last five holes into a tiny area more suitable for two holes was a brilliant idea? Which locals thought having holes thought playing so near a fenced area plastered with no trespassing signs was a good idea? Which, obviously very worldly, local suggested listing the distances in yards?
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16.2 years 647 played 184 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Small course = large mistake 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2017 Played the course:once


This course is "only" six holes. Thankfully.


From the unusual tee signs to the very short teepads to the ridiculous hole designs to the annoying basket locations to the menacing "No Trespassing" out-of-bounds fence, this course is a disaster.

The first hole offers a reasonable fairway - at least until nearing the basket - and is the only "decent" hole on the course. After that, the course design resembles something the Three Stooges would have created, complete with all the nonsensical hijinks.

Holes #2 through #6 overlap in their real estate usage as the five holes are shoehorned into an area unfit for more than two holes. Having multiple groups on the course concurrently would be unsafe.

Holes #2 through #4 feature a ludicrously located fenced-off area on the right side of the fairway that includes a No Trespassing sign. No baskets should be placed so near this obstacle.

Despite their short distance, the baskets for holes #2, #4 and #5 are difficult (or impossible) to see from the teepad due their maddening placement just a few feet behind a large tree or densely wooded area.

The tee signs include the distance in yards, a la golf style.

Other Thoughts:

A disc golf course should never have been installed here. The space is inadequate and the design is awful. Small-town parks sometimes specialize in offering fun courses for novices, but this course is neither fun nor appropriate for novices.

Don't waste your time here. If you're seeking to bag courses, bring a couple discs you don't like and race through the preposterous course.

Of the more than 100 courses I've been blessed to play, this course is definitely the worst. A rating of 0.0 would be more accurate, but unfortunately, the course doesn't fall under the "unplayable" descriptor, so it receives a 0.5 rating.
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3 1
Experience: 10 played 6 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Needs a makeover 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2017 Played the course:once


Connected to a nice small-town park. Concrete tee pads if you can find them. Short holes good for beginners.


Poor direction, hidden holes, park traffic, surrounded by utility structures.

Other Thoughts:

Clearly unfinished and poorly planned.
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2 1
Experience: 9 years 11 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Hometown Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 9, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Short course, so it isn't very hard to traverse. Also, this allows for multiple rounds to be played.
Good for getting throws in or for beginners.
The park in which the course is located is very quaint and pretty, especially in the fall.


Lots of places you can lose discs. Some trash, and some of the tee signs are vandalized.
Hole 5 is extremely muddy when the course is wet.
Tee 4 is under water whenever it rains.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoy playing here in my free time. I live in Ashland and so this is the most accessible course for me. If you are ever in the area and need some friendly competition hit me up.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 423 played 33 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Small Town Sixer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2012 Played the course:once


Located in a nice community park less than 1 mile off major hwy (US 63 15 miles south of Columbia). Discatcher baskets. Concrete teepads. Metal tee signs with distances measured in yards. Trees, small creek and small pond utilized as obstacles.


Very small piece of land with only 6 holes crammed in with some fairways interfering with other holes. Some hazardous lines where pedestrians are at risk of being hit by discs. Some of the teepads appear to be facing the wrong basket. Some vandalized tee signs.

Other Thoughts:

Gotta give this course at least a 1.5 for just being here. Very busy park when I played on a beautiful fall saturday. I was the only park goer playing the course. Just not much land to place a course. Course number 280 on my list.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.9 years 344 played 31 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Simple in a nice park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 14, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice park
Concrete Tees, decent signs
Innova baskets
Of the land available, obstacles make best use possible
Good place to bring children
Park has nice amenities


6 Holes
Very small field holds 5 of 6 baskets. More than 1 group playing= someone getting hit
Dull for most players
Lots of trash in the treeline behind bleachers

Other Thoughts:

The boy scouts designed this course, using a very small bit of land to (relatively) pretty good use. I didn't hate playing it, as i was in the area to play Indian Hills and Oakland, but I will never need to play it again.
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