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Apex, NC

Avalon Peaks

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Avalon Peaks reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Avalon Craters 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2015 Played the course:once


Actual DISCatcher baskets.
Good practice course, if you lived in the apartment complex.
Did have a few good holes in the woods, on the second part of the course.


No tee pads or signs AT ALL.
#1 was difficult to find, even with detailed instructions.
First few holes down the powerline play pretty close to the buildings.
Long walk from #5 to #6.
Most of the rest of the holes are in another powerline ROW and overgrown with weeds. Was able to spot a couple of baskets, but had no idea where to tee from and didn't want to wade through the waist deep weeds.
Very long walk from #18, whereever that is, back to #1.
Had to cut through between buildings, a little too close to these homes/apartments for me.

Other Thoughts:

I get the idea here, course at your apartment complex, fun exercise, good practice spot. But the two sections are very separated and the larger section is now overgrown and unplayable.
I'd love to know how someone got 18 DISCatchers purchased and installed at their complex, that must have been quite a sales job.
Then, I'd like to know who let these baskets get overgrown with weeds and be wasted.
Most of these should be pulled and put in at a couple of schools, 6 each for a beginner course/ practice area.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 198 played 192 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Not worth your time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 5, 2015 Played the course:once


[Updating this review because I think 1.0 is too high.]

The last review before this one is pretty accurate, but I believe the course must be in worse shape in the hole 6-18 section. What I will agree with on the pro side: the first 5 holes are good for practice and would be a nice plus of living in the apartments. But...


...you're basically playing in people's backyards. It's uncomfortable. Then, once you make the long walk to the back section of the course, holes 6-18, there is more seclusion, you're no longer in people's backyards, but the grass, weeds, and underbrush are so high, the risk of losing a disc is high.

Other Thoughts:

I'm ok with the risk of losing a disc on a great course, or even a good course, but not a 0.0-1.0 course. My advice: don't bother playing this one.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 4, 2014 Played the course:once


It's one of those courses that no one should travel to, but would be incredible to live around, especially if you live in the complex and especially if you live along the corridor of holes, allowing you to walk out your door onto it. From the designated parking area, the first few holes basically guide you to the main area. The bulk of the holes take place in that corridor and if you follow the course, it plays down, then back and down again, with baskets in some pretty interesting locations. There's a ton of elevation changes and it's a great safari area. It's not the most interesting course in the world but it does allow you to throw a variety of shots, mostly relying on elevation changes to keep it interesting. There are even a trio of holes in the woods.


It does leave you a long way from where you are parked, but you can just play the first four holes backwards. It's not like there were any tees the first time anyways. But since you were essentially just throwing straight down a path on the way there, (with occasional baskets) you might as well do it on the way back.

There are no tees or signs of any type. I followed the map and just teed from near the previous basket. It worked out acceptably but you definitely need the map, especially for the holes in the power corridor. Prior to that, you can see the next basket, but in the main area you can see multiple baskets always.

In any case, the first four holes are fairly pointless. The baskets are just placed regularly down a pipeline corridor. Incredibly boring. The fifth is sketchy, what with an apartment building and a power station potentially in the line of fire.

The last three holes are almost equally unworthy. I was hoping that the woods holes would be the best of the course but there aren't discernible fairways at all. There is a running trail that makes up a sort of path but it's essentially poke-n-pray of the worst type.

The remainder of the holes are mostly decent but due to the nature of them all being in one area, combined with the lack of tees and signs and essentially being able to tee from anywhere, it doesn't really feel like a course.

Other Thoughts:

A more efficient use of time would be to take a left on Mandavilla and park somewhere around the rotary. Ignore the first five holes and consider 6-16 as an incredible practice area. There is enough width in the open space to throw drives and there's tons of baskets that make targets of all different sorts. Uphill mid-range shots. Downhill putts. The possibilities are endless, and playing safari, you can make a ton of different shots to a number of baskets. From any given basket, there's probably another basket that will make an interesting target. It's a really cool area that has a ton of potential, particularly for those that live fairly close. Lastly, it may only be playable in winter. If the grass grows high on that open portion, it would make the entire experience pointless.
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8 2
Experience: 8 played 4 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Stay away! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 10, 2013 Played the course:once


Leaving the course.


Everything. It isn't that easy to drive to. People stare because you are in their backyards (the "course" is at an apartment complex.) There are NO marked starting points. The first five holes are just shots down some power lines (BORING) and #4 is a terrible layout as presented. My group made that one interesting by throwing over the lake. When we trekked out to #6 (???) and saw a mishmash of baskets randomly throughout the field, and with no map or any way to guide us, we turned around and played #5 again then 4-2 backward to get back to our cars. Then we left in disgust.

Other Thoughts:

Never again will this place be visited by me. Baskets sitting on the ground instead of secured to the pole, no basket at all on one hole, the unfriendly vibe from the apartment complex tenants, and the layout of your small intestine makes this one poor reviewer cry.
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3 0
Experience: 16.3 years 68 played 53 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not terrible 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 5, 2014 Played the course:once


15 holes have nice baskets. There are even a couple concrete tees! A couple decent/fun holes toward the end of the course. The dense "growths" on the course map have been cut down and are very manageable (this may be best in winter).


Most holes have no indication of where the tee is supposed to be. 3 holes (12/13/14) have poles (13/14 with buckets!) for "baskets". Otherwise, most holes are quite boring and a bit overgrown.

Other Thoughts:

Not a terrible time if you're in the area. Just think of it as an adventure.
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3 0
Experience: 12.2 years 104 played 1 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Not worth your time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2013 Played the course:once


Me and My friends were the only people on the course. It has 18 holes with a lot of birdie opportunities if you can figure the course out.


No Tee pads. No signs. Went in middle of summer, was not maintained, had pretty tall grass with no trail. Some baskets are difficult to find. You have to park at your own risk because there are signs for towing.

Other Thoughts:

We thought it would be a good place to stop after playing middle creek, it was n't. I will never go there again. I don't recommend going. Defiantly the worst maintained course I have ever been too.
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4 3
Experience: 15.7 years 17 played 6 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Poorly design and maintained course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 6, 2010 Played the course:once


Has a nice first 4 holes and nice last 3 holes.


Poorly maintained, kind of boring in the middle, no markings on where the holes are, and it's a semi-private course

Other Thoughts:

If you want a notch on the ole, "I played this many courses" play it, otherwise it's really not worth the time.
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18 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Beware 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Somehow most of the baskets are still there.

4 is a nice hole if you don't play it from the actual tee and instead play it from the other side of the pond.
5 is an alright uphill hole.
The pin for 6 isn't in insanely tall bug infested grass.
15-18 are in the woods and are actually pretty nice holes. They require some technical shot shaping to birdie.

You can build your ace count if you can put up with how terrible the course is.

I saw a huge white tail buck who ran right by me.

I shot 9 under.. that's a plus...

Leaving the course was really exciting.


No tees
No signs marking where the tees should be for most of the holes, only a rock on the ground listing an incorrect distance for the first few.
No maintenance... none.. at all
No other thing that makes a dg course legit

1-5 run right behind the buildings of the complex.. I mean right behind. You're playing in peoples back yards... kinda weird.
1's basket is on the ground.
1-3 are all straight downhill shots that made me want to leave the course before I went any further.
4 expects you to throw your disc through a 3 foot opening in a small patch of trees to a pin by a pond. I laughed at that idea and made my own hole.

After 5 you have a long walk to 6 through the apartment complex. The signs guiding you from 5 to 6 were a nice surprise but called the course a "Frisbee Disc Golf Course"

When I got to 6 I wished that I had quit when my jiminy cricket told me to after 3.
6-13 are all out in a strip of field for power lines and on the service road. The field's grass is 3-5ft tall. Basically all the pins are just randomly out in the field and if I didn't have the map right in front of me I would have never known where to go.

Even with the map it was confusing. 7 either has no basket or it shares a basket with 13... at least that's how I played it.
I think Carmen Sandiego stole hole 9 cuz when I looked at the map and then the field I thought.. "where in the world." It makes it look like 6 and 9 are the same hole.

The grass in the field was so tall and junglefied I expected Eric Rudolph to pop up and ask for food and water. Bugs were all over me and I felt like I needed Rikki Tikki Tavi as a bodygaurd from any possible snakes that could of easily been hiding everywhere I stepped.

Luckily I found all my discs but you could easily lose one if you have an errant throw.

14 has no basket its just a pole in the ground. I threw my disc right beside it and called it a birdie.

'F this' came to mind a lot while playing it.

Once you finish 18 you are left on the complete opposite side of the complex from where you parked for the first tee.
Walking back people looked at me like an alien for carrying discs; they were probably thinking 'man I love disc golf but screw the course in our apartment complex.'

Other Thoughts:

Don't ever ever ever play this course unless somebody is paying you to or you live in Avalon Peaks and nothing is good on tv. I could see using 1-5 for practice or just playing 15-18 over and over again for tight wooded course practice. The only reason the course gets a 0.5 from me is that 15-18 are legit holes.

I honestly plan on contacting the apartment complex and asking how much they want for some of the baskets.. it's obvious nobody cares anymore.
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6 3
All Back Hand
Experience: 16.3 years 16 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Diamond in the Rough 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 24, 2010 Played the course:once


private and almost never any traffic on the course, freedom to design course as you please (my brother and I play it two different ways), great changes in elevation. Can design the course in a way where it challenges you to throw every shot in your bag.


grass is only cut May til September, no clear tee pads, missing two baskets, baskets need to be repainted, long walk from 18th hole to 1st tee, bring bug spray, inaccurate distance markers

Other Thoughts:

A few nice holes can be made from the layout. Number 4 turns into a beautiful hole if you shoot from the other side of the pond over the water. If this course was better maintained and some money was invested it could turn into a Gem because the diversity in the course as well as the land it is on. Great course if you are feeling creative and want a chill round. It lacks the basics and is clearly not a priority of the development but can still be enjoyed.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 264 played 19 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Needs maintenance 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 10, 2010 Played the course:once


Not a bad mix of open and wooded holes. You can actually air it out in the open area. #15 through #18 are a nice little wooded finish to the course - given the condition of the course overall, it is a nice surprise at the end.
Baskets are in workable condition, but since there seems to be no course maintenance - they are actually holding up well.


There some marked tees - stones on either side (some with distance and hole markers), but it isn't clear.
On holes #1 through #5 you are playing right behind apartment homes and outside resident's windows - just a little weird.
A couple of baskets are missing (#7 and #14).
There is no course maintenance - which shows in the open holes. Grass is tall and a long strip of overgrowth that runs down the middle of the open area - looks like you can easily lose a disc with an errant shot. Also with that growth comes insects - tons of them.
It is a real hike to get back to where you parked on #1.

Other Thoughts:

Any course maintenance will help this course greatly.
I actually could have done without playing #1 through #5 and just played the final 13. It probably would be a nice 9-hole course instead of 18.
Some course guidance (created a drawn map while I played - will upload) will help.
Wear insect repellent.
For being what it is - a course that is built around (and behind) an apartment complex - it was enjoyable. This is not a course to go and play solely, but if you are wanting to tack on something to Middle Creek or Buckhorn, it's serviceable.
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6 5
Experience: 15.7 years 3 played 1 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Private Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2010 Played the course:once




This course is not well laid out. There are no hole numbers, no distance markings, no tee areas, no maps so you don't know what basket you are aiming for. There are several baskets along the power lines but you have no idea which one you are aiming towards.

Other Thoughts:

Do not waste your time here.
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