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Fayetteville, NC

B. Cordell DGC

Permanent course
2.815(based on 21 reviews)
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B. Cordell DGC reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.50 star(s)

B Careful

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 30, 2023 Played the course:once


B. Cordell is generally a fun, mid-range layout. The course gets significantly better as the round progresses, mainly due to the incorporation of some hills into the layout. Plus, you're not using walking trails as fairways.
- A fun, scenic stroll through a pleasant park. There's a lot going on at the park; yet, the course seems generally removed from most park activities. The park feels much bigger than it is.
- Holes #1 – 6 play inside of the park's road. The remaining 12 holes are on the outside of it. Several of these first holes, mainly #3, play close to the road that you must watch for cars. However, you can also use the road to your advantage with skip shots.
- The course is based almost exclusively on accuracy. There are some tight, TIGHT fairways. Lots of throws that felt good leaving your hand can find branches/trees. The hidden trees/branches are the most frustrating because you thought you've cleared the challenge only to get your disc knocked down seemingly out of nowhere.
- That said, for the most part, you're going to have good chances to salvage pars throughout your round. Prepare for a lot of 75 – 125-foot up-and-down throws needed to salvage your 3s.
- Several fun basket locations close to drop-offs. I liked #5's basket close to the cut-out creek bed. #10 had a great layout with its basket close to a deeper, natural creek bed. And, finally, #16's basket is in the bottom of a small ravine.
- Signage and navigation are good. They need to be as you're crossing over/close to tees on multiple occasions. Trying to play this layout blind/not paying attention to signage, and you may as well be reading a choose-your-own-adventure book.
- Excellent park. A great, small-town park that had lots of different activities, was extremely well maintained and clean. One of the highlights of my day of Fayetteville area disc golf bagging.
- A good course for casuals. Yes, they'll hit trees. But they won't need to be throwing 300+ feet. If you can throw 200 feet semi-accurately, you'll do ok here. Most likely, you'll also get a crazy, good bounce off a tree giving you a birdie putt you don't deserve.


Based on hole #2 alone, I was ready to give up on this course. The fairway is a walking trail. If you try to avoid the walking trail, you're throwing to the right, which brings you straight towards an outfield fence on one of the baseball fields. This is the worst hole on the course due to its atrocious layout, and it's not even close. Thankfully, fairways slowly started getting wider, especially beginning with hole #7.
- I never could figure out the holes that had long tees or where those were located. Tee signs offered no help.
- #3 & 7 really bring the park road into play. As in, I saw the road being used for a skip shot on #7. Also, I can imagine walkers using fairways as trails. And, be careful of cars parked at picnic shelters. Some of these are close to some baskets.
- This is a monotonous course. It's also repetitive. All holes are between 186 and 384 feet. 11 holes are between 201 – 294 feet with an average hole length of 276 feet. I threw the same mid-range disc for my tee shot on most holes.
- This is a 100% wooded layout. There isn't a single open hole on the course. Not once are you throwing on, or over grass. Even the courses in Charlotte have a hole or two with grass on them.
- Once the leaves are on the trees, these fairways are going to play even tighter.
- The repeated tap-in pars without having birdies are going to test some people's mentality. Surprise, surprise. I had some possible birdie putts that weren't birdie putts because trees were in the way.
- As such, for a short course, there is a higher-than-normal amount of luck factored into this course. Missing your line by 15 feet might end up being a far better shot than missing your line by 1-2 feet. One means you missed the trees altogether. The other means you grazed a tree.

Other Thoughts:

Generally, I think I liked Cordell. Five months later, when I'm posting this review, I'm not sure how much I liked it. It's a fun, yet generally simple layout. The pros do outweigh the cons overall.
- On a lot of holes, one or two trees cut down would be very beneficial. As it is, it seems this course was installed without much disturbance to the environment.
- This was a very calming round. Being course six of eight for the day, it was nice to soak in a peaceful layout.
- This course reminded me of a scaled down version of Bradley Park in Gastonia, 25 minutes west of Charlotte. There are so many similarities between the two courses.
- The one thing this course misses is a definitive signature hole. #15, being the longest hole on the course, and being a dogleg, requires an accurate tee shot, if you're looking to get an easy 3. The other option would be #17 as a short, downhill layout. Or I could play this course again and decide two other holes stood out to me more than the others.
- In terms of most fun tee shot, that's #10 with the tight island-esque green with the ravine to the right. #13 was also a good layout.
- Smith Lake is obviously the best course in the Fayetteville area. I'd say Mazarick Park's Glenville Pines is (or should be, when construction is completed) the second best in the area. This is a nice bronze medalist.
- This is a decent disc golf course. If you're not wanting to play the long layout at Smith Lake, this is a good alternative for those who have time to only play one round in the area.
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18 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Rec Woods 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2021 Played the course:once


(3.079 Rating) A short technical woods course with two par 4s.
- FUN FACTOR - This is the type of course that's perfect for Rec Leagues. The gameplay is a full level up from a simple dinker course as it requires players to execute a little precision to leave birdie chances. The distances were on the shorter end for my play, but I noticed that just about every hole had an alternate long basket placement. Errant shots out here have the potential to find some overgrowth here and there, but it's generally not oppressive. Several holes in fact have completely thinned out non fairway areas. The chances of losing a disc here is low. I would imagine that this course sees regular play and that it has a significant social aspect during prime times.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - A splendid forested course with generally well-maintained fairways. I thought Hole (16) was the beauty pageant winner being a blind downhill tunnel shot with a ravine along the right side. Another 5 or 6 holes would be fighting for second. I like the 8-foot deep gouging creek along the right on (11). The drawbacks are minimal. Manmade features will peak through the trees on a bunch of holes and that's really about it. Overall I scored this one 75 percentile.
- AMENITIES AND EXTRAS - Seeing the nice benches prior to teeing off on (1), I had a feeling this one was going to coddle me with all the fine basics amenities and deliver some extras. First off, Concrete tees. Not massive in size, but adequate. Second, DISCatcher baskets that are seemingly brand new. Third, benches at every tee. Forth, alternate basket placements at every hole except perhaps (13), which seemed to have two tees. There is also a practice basket, port-a-potties and shelters with picnic tables. The only amenity that I thought was sub-par was the tee signage. See cons.
- NAVIGATION - Despite sub-par tee signs, I didn't have much trouble getting around. The saving grace was all the next tee arrows that were conspicuously observable once I putted out. I only checked my map app twice. Once after (6) as the next tee was across a park road, and also a second time on my trek back to the parking area.
- QUICK PLAY - I absolutely blew through this course. 42 minutes. I did however play at a non-prime time, mid-day on a week-day. I would expect solos to be fighting through groups during prime times.


An overall solid course with only very minor issues.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE FROM THE SHORT PLACEMENTS - Having just played the updated Glenville Lake course, I found the short placements to be boarder-line cupcake. Well it's not cupcake, but the challenges I found were novice and rec level since nearly every basket was in the short position. I shot seven down as an Intermediate. The only two holes I played from the long set-up was holes (2) and (13), which are the two par 4s. I can't tell if this is one of those courses that switches the placements up, or generally has them in all shorts except just prior to a tourney. For much of the course I felt I was just going thru the motions due to the lack of difficulty.
- ROAD HAZARDS - The course generally does a good job of keeping the course away from the built environment. A few holes in the beginning could find a park road on a bad ricochet. The hole with the worst interaction is long tee (13), which plays parallel to a park road most of the way and only has a 20-foot buffer separation on the left. I could see the trees redirecting shots into traffic if the timing is wrong on this hole.
- SIGNAGE - I did not spot a course map near tee (1). The tee signs are sub-par for today's standards. This type of course needs an artistic description of the line. I scouted several fairways pre-throw and also threw blindly down a couple others to save energy.
- ENDING - The course ends a ways away from tee (1). Probably only 400 feet as the crow flies, but I didn't see any defined path when finishing, so I ended up trekking through some prior fairways and making some zigzags to finally get there. I think the ending hole may be a recent edit.
- POISON IVY - I spotted it a few times towards the end of the round. I don't take off rating points for this.

Other Thoughts:

Other than a general lack of challenge, I enjoyed the course. This place had a really low-key chill vibe to it, and it would have me back often for that aspect if I lived in the area. It reminds me of one of my local courses called Brahan Springs in Huntsville Alabama, and also Frog Rock in Atlanta and Henry Horton in TN. For those traveling through the area looking for destination gems, this isn't the one. However, for those staying briefly in the Fayetteville area, this one is definitely worth checking out. The ideal target audience is 850 to 900 rated players that like wooded courses with big birdie potential.
- HOLE VARIETY - The course is almost all heavily wooded shots with perhaps just a few that would qualify as moderately wooded. A couple fairways cut left and a few cut right, or at least that's the placement I got. There are a couple sub 500 foot par 4s and there's some modest elevation towards the end of the layout. Overall, I scored the variety roughly average.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.00 star(s)

B. Cordell ( Arnette ) , Where The Trees Seem To Come Alive 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2020 Played the course:once


B Cordell ( Really Arnette . I hate when they rename the disc golf course ) 18 hole DGC is toward the end of a 1 way drive ( right turn ) soon after entering the park . Park near the playground for hole #1 . There is not a lot of parking near this part . A Port O Let is at the playground and the field .
The Equipment -This is a 24 year old course , so many of the tee pads are shorter and thinner and cement . They have been replacing some of them with bigger and better pads . The tee signs are very basic , with the hole number and distance . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers . There are some Next Tee signs to help with navigation . Some nice bridges are here to help you get over some ditches . There are benches here , too .
The Landscape - The course stays flat through about the first 13 holes and #18 . !4-17 has some good slopes in the back of the place . This course is divided into 2 sections and both are woods . 1-6 , then walking across the road to #7-18 . The map might not do you much good . I think they redid some of this course , and you can normally see the next basket and figure things out . There are several chances for you to throw an errant drive into a large ditch or 2 . You won't see a couple until it's too late . Plenty of trees make for plenty of tunnel shots or tight greens . It's technical but doable .
Appearance/Atmosphere - I felt that I was always in a park , but with a lot of woods . The park was mowed , trimmed and well kept up when I was here . I liked the bridges here , which make it look like they appreciate the disc golfers .If you like technical and risk/reward shots , you will love the challenge here . The woods is at least average to slightly above in looks . You might see some of natures creatures in the later stages of your round .
The Highlights - #1 is a real tight S shot , short but to an elevated basket . You then walk to the right and forward and #2 is a nice par 4 357' tunnel shot . #12 is a 309' flat fairway tight shot with a deep ditch on the right of it . #15 could be a lot of people's favorite , a 384 ' slight uphill tunnel shot where the fairway opens up just a bit after about 100' . #18 is still a work in progress , but a nice finishing hole . It has a brand new tee pad and the hole is now a slight fade to the right of the fairway . There is some green to work with on this hole .
Signature Hole - #5 309' tunnel shot to a basket that is protected by trees and guarded by a dry creek on 2 sides .
Disc Risk - Very low . except maybe in the fall when all of the leaves are on the ground . The park is clean , and there is really not much in the way of overgrowth here .
The Time - It took me 60 minutes to play this course . A group of 4 will get through in 2 hours or a shade less .
The course is flat and fast , and easy on the body . The fairway lanes are tight but mostly fair .


#1 Safety - There are some park users that are oblivious to disc golf and may stray into a fairway . Be polite , but still cough loud as though you have the virus to alert them that you want to throw and go back into quarantine after your round . A couple of holes play a little too close to the road . Gage a ricochet and hold up your throw until the cars are out of the way .
#2 Challenge - Some may complain that the holes are too short and a few holes are easy to score on . Hey , it's a 24 year old course .
#3 inclement weather - The course could be pretty soggy after a good rain . Many of the fairways are mostly dirt .
#4 Property Lines - The course sometimes comes close to private property , and they don't want you on their land . barbed wire fencing keeps you from them , too . Ever see the movie " Wrong Turn 2 " ?

Other Thoughts:

I like playing the old courses once in a while . They seem to be updating and improving on this course , so I am guessing that it is popular on the weekends ( I played on a Monday afternoon). There is some variety here , with both right and left hand holes . Not any Wow Factor , but I felt there was some Fun Factor present . This is the type of course where you might blow off of work while having a bad day and just throw in a round here , taking it out on the trees that are gracing you with a fully shaded course . Be reminded that there is a low key local disc golf tournament on the 3rd Saturday of every month from mid July til the end of December . $10 or less to enter , I think .
My Recommendation - Great technical Newbie or intro course , Short enough for park patrons and families that are picnicking here . Locals were present the day I was here , so it must be popular with the Fayetteville branch . Intermediates on up can use this for practice with their midrange/short game . Travelers will like this course , Just off of I-95 and a leg stretch that's easy on the ankles and knees . Course Collectors can add this to their ever-building resume' of Fayetteville courses . Not a Quality play , but in my opinion , a worthwhile stop if in lower Fayetteville . Give this Course a Play !!!
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 546 played 261 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The oldest of 3 courses at the home of the AIrborne 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2020 Played the course:once


Concrete tee pads on every hole, tee signs and good DISCatcher baskets.
For most of the course, you can see the next tee from the basket. But, next tee signs are placed where needed. #11 and #14 are the most difficult transitions.
Pretty good mix of left and right holes.
Located in a large, multi-use park, but kept away from other users pretty well. A couple of holes are near the park road, but not too close.


On the first six holes, the fairways can be difficult to spot and hit. Heavily wooded, but short (except for the only Par 4 on the course, #2). In most cases, if you hit a tree past the first few, you should be able to save your par.
No elevation on the first 12 holes, all are very flat. The only variety on these are the layout of the hole and an elevated baskets on #9 and 10.
Barbed wire fence with multiple strands beside 8, 10 and 16 with No Trespassing signs. You don't want to go right on those holes.

Other Thoughts:

Arnette Park DGC (now labeled B. Cordell DGC) is pretty typical of older (24 years) courses, mostly short holes that require shot shaping through tight lines. The lines do open up some after #6, when you (literally) cross the road to the remaining holes. The lines on these become a little wider and the holes lengthen some.
As I was playing 12 and 13, I kept thinking how repetitious this course was. #14 really changed that, it looks like a typical uphiller, until you find a large ditch around the landing area, it drops down then up, 15 feet or so, with the basket on the upslope. #15 is a good, long (384' Par 3) that has the basket on a narrow piece of land, dropoffs on both sides and a larger ditch beyond. Then #16 goes downhill, through scattered trees, with a large (rappelling ropes needed) ravine down the right side, keep it left here. #17 goes back uphill, with a turn to the left at the end. #18 was an OK finisher, scattered trees again and a long sweeping right hander.
Several of the tee pads are on the short side (showing their age), but a long runup is not needed on most holes. It looks like a lot of work has been done by the Fayetteville-Fort Bragg DGC, including rerouting some holes, signage and new tee pads. Overall, a good course for league play or a quick round through the trees.
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4 0
Experience: 20.6 years 255 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

After the Hurricane 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


- Fayetteville / Ft. Bragg Disc Golf Club has cleaned up the course since Hurricane Florence (2018) and Hurricane Dorian (2019).

-Club has added a new 1st hole closer to the parking area for flow and ease of navigation

-Hole 2 has been updated to a reasonable Par 4 from a"poke and hope" Par 3

-Hole 13 has been replaced by new Hole 9 (220')

- Arnette Park is a great place to play a quick (1 HR) round and practice throwing tight lines.

-Course has benches / good tees


-Hole 13 was the signature hole and will likely remain an unplayable area

-Baskets are older Discatcher's with some rust and fading.

-Not cart friendly in many places

-2 new holes don't have concrete / asphalt tees yet

Other Thoughts:

-The Parks Department only maintains the baseball fields and soccer fields leaving the rest of the park in relative disrepair.

-The course will continue to benefit from club involvement /leagues/events
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1 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Can't see the forest through the trees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


There is room to stretch your legs. A few hills on the back 9. Plenty of privacy. Definitely not an "up shot" type course. Some long holes. This course will test all aspects of your game.


This time of year the course consumes itself. The already tight with trees fairways become lost in the branches and foliage. The baskets are in some weird "long" position with no particular path to them in some cases. Hole 13 is flooded more than it's not (literally) yet it has never been taken out. Most if the time this is a 17 hole course. In the winter, this is a pretty good course, but because little to no work is ever done on it, it's not even a chuck and pray course...there's little room for chucking.

Other Thoughts:

I've watched this course change and grow for 15 years. I think with the alternative basket placements, it's just trying too hard to be something, just not sure what.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 177 played 88 reviews
3.00 star(s)

3.2 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2016 Played the course:once


I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of golf at Arnette Park. The course is one of the most wooded courses I have played, and has a lot of very fun holes. Every shot off the tee requires some line-shaping through the trees. If I lived nearby I'd probably come here often to practice different lines.

The park is scenic and the disc golf course is well removed from the other things going onsite. I always like it when a course makes me feel isolated from the rest of the world, and at times, Arnette Park did just that. There a few holes that feature some fun elevation.


Despite some quality golf on site, Arnette Park is in desperate need of some TLC. Pads and baskets were in rough condition. Tee-signs were non-descript and not accurate. Navigation was very bad. The course felt completely abandoned. If given the proper amenities, I'd probably bump this course's rating up half a star.

Even with perfect amenities, I'd probably never consider Arnette Park more than a fun practice or league course. Every hole is super wooded, so there isn't much variety. There are no holes that I found particularly memorable, and none of the holes were very challenging.

Other Thoughts:

Arnette Park is not worth going out of your way for, but if you're driving through the area and need to stretch your legs, it has some fun golf.
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3 0
Experience: 16.4 years 68 played 53 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun but a bit repetitive. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2014 Played the course:once


Pretty good use of the terrain. Someone has blown the leaves off a strip down the middle of every fairway, which was interesting. The back nine especially has some fun holes where you have to play around some big ravines and other elevation. #13 was probably the most fun, but was very wet when we played.


Quite repetitive. Front nine was especially boring.

Other Thoughts:

Not a bad use of some baskets. Would come back if I was in the area.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fair Play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2013 Played the course:once


Really nice course is probably the best stop along I-95 for a long way. Most players should be able to stop and play and fairly quick, fairly challenging round that brings a lot o what is good about North Carolina discing with a few twists of its own.

The first nine holes stretch across a very flat space though the amount of trees along the fairways keep the holes from being simple. Very much in the Carolina tradition, the first half of this course boasts very tight fairways in a nice design, with appropriate disc golf fairways. There is no real rough, which I consider a plus when I'm getting off the highway to play a quick round, but if you go off the fairway, you will find that your fair line no longer exists. Play the lines appropriately and you will see birdie chances and tap in pars. But that is "par" for the course in Carolina.

What's unique about these holes is a factor that I'm not sure applies year-round. I could see some of these holes being navigation nighmaresat times, with little in the way of permanent navigation aid. But at least in the fall, when I played, a path was swept along the course. Yes, someone had gone to the trouble to sweep all of the leaves in a 3-foot wide path from one tee, along the fairway to the basket and then to the next tee. Very much appreciated. Very much helped in making the round go smoothly.

After 11, the course ventures further from the park and some elevation is encountered. A few of the holes play along a sweet crevice, which means that while the hole itself doesn't really feature elevation change, there is nice danger zone to add some challenge to the throw.

The jewel of the course is 13. The tee is on the edge of a valley, and the throw is a sweeping right dogleg across the valley floor. With the right line, the flight on this hole will be beautiful. And in other testament to the maintenance here, there are little steps carved to get you down, and then later back up from the depression. The other memorable hole is 17, a straight gutshot, slightly uphill through a narrow gap with the hole slightly to the right.

The hole park is very nice and the early holes have been done well to keep away from other park activities and the late holes are very secluded in an enjoyable woodsy setting.


I did mention how the navigation might not always be great without constantly sweeping the path? Well the last few holes illustrated that. The first point of confusion comes after hole nine, when after following the path the entire time to that point, they trick you. The path leads from the 9 basket to the 10 basket. This was the first of several backtracks on the back nine.

Later on there are points where either; there is no swept path or there are multiple paths leading away from the basket. There are some next tee signs, but oddly, they are often not encountered until one or two route decisions have already been made. I'm glad to be notified that I've made the right choice but I'd prefer to be notified of the correct route before I start choosing at random.

At these times of confusion, the map is uselessly vague, and I found that choosing a path by picking the one that seemed like it headed in the direction the map wanted me to go was a 50-50 proposition.

And while the fairway design is mostly good, there are also a few plinko holes on both nines. Not many, but a few. The first bunch of holes could be repetitive and they're very flat. All-together, it's not the most challenging or inspring course.

Other Thoughts:

It's not a destination course. But it's a good course, and it's just a mile from the highway. In my opinion, it's the best course close to 95 between Savannah and at Rocky Mount.(Haven't played in Rocky Mount so it could be further) Definitely worth a stop for travelers.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Get Tight 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2013 Played the course:once


Layout - Overall it's what I call a city park type course that has very tight lines. By city park course I mean there's not really any undergrowth or fairways defined by a solid wood line. However unlike most courses of this type the trees are not spaced very far apart and the lines are very tight.

You'll need to be able to work a disc through early and late gaps to score well. Some holes make you shape lines left to right in a bigger way but for the most part it's straighter lines where you're bending the disc a bit early or moving it a direction late towards the pin.

There's two tees and multiple basket positions on some holes. When I played most of the baskets were in the longs and these were extremely hard to get to because it forced you to work a disc through tight gaps 300' down the fairway.

Elevation comes in to play towards the end of the course and to me this was the best part of the course. There more exciting basket positions on this part of the course due to some crevices and quick but shorter drop offs around greens.

From the looks of the shorter pins it appeared those holes would be much more deucable with less late trouble. I pulled out my fairway driver a lot more on this course than I usually do on holes in the 320' range just because you had to laser beam the disc while working it.

Course flows decently, if you don't have the map it might take you a second to spot the next pad but it's not hard to figure out.

Equipment - The long pads are concrete or ashpault, flat and plenty big for me. Nice and wide how I like em'. There's benches on every hole and trashcans throughout. There's a kiosk at hole 1 with a course map and scorecards that have the correct distances for holes and a course map on the back.

Atmosphere - It's an older park but still in good condition. You play through a piney area that is between the road, some fields and picnic areas. The course does a decent job of keeping you far enough away from all these areas.


Layout - My biggest problem with the layout I played was that the longer pins really turn the holes in to tweeners. It would be very hard to deuce them but not overly difficult to par out because of the lack of true rough.

To me a lot of the holes have to much late trouble where it's hard to see the tight line you have to hit from the pad. You can hit the first 80% of a fairway and then work the disc the right way but still hit a tree 30' from the basket.

A lot of the holes kinda blend together on the front 9. Most of the holes are straighter and there's not a ton of variety in the terrain and hole type.

Most of the course is flat until you get to the end.

A few holes are closer to the park road although I don't think it poses that big of a problem.

Sometimes the flow isn't all that great, you backtrack a few times and there's one part (12&15) where without the map it can be confusing as to which hole comes next.

Equipment - The tee signs are old and no longer list the correct distance. They only really help you with which hole you're on. There's no map of the hole which on some would be helpful so make sure you grab a scorecard/map at the beginning.

The baskets are older and probably in need of a new paint job to make them brighter and cover up all the graffiti on them.

The short pads are stumps painted yellow. They're hard to see and the pad areas are natural and often are unlevel or have roots in them.

Atmosphere - It's an aging park and the course is experiencing some erosion. It's not a nice looking wooded course but it's not ugly either. You definitely don't get the secluded feeling I prefer in the woods.

Other Thoughts:

I think the layout is solid but nothing special. If you like tight lines that really challenge your ability to move the disc early and late this is a good course to play.

I think some of the longer pins need rethinking because to me it would seem the course would play with more fun if some holes were more deucable; I took a lot of threes.

Overall I think it's the best course out of the four I played in Fayetteville.
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2 1
Experience: 14.4 years 23 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 14, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This is one of the "cleaner" more well kept courses in the area. Most of the baskets have been moved back to the far positions, which adds to the difficulty of the course. Navigation is pretty easy, little confusion on hole 12&15 (I'll address that later)
All Concrete tee pads

HOLE 1: Long Tunnel shot that curves to the right. You'll see a path that takes up almost back up the fairway to get to the second tee.
HOLE 2: Narrow Tunnel that opens up a little. The close basket position plays straight ahead and the far basket has a slight left bend (I'd call it a par4 when it's in the long position)
HOLE 3: Follows the road (S-curves through the trees, you can throw out over the road when the basket is in the long position. The tee pad for 4 is to the left of the basket.
HOLE 4: Short, tree lined tunnel shot that bends hard left at the end, it requires accuracy and control. But one of the easier holes on the course.
HOLE 5: Straight shot, through a somewhat narrow tunnel, in the long position you have to putt over a ditch that may fill up with water during the summer, I'm not sure. The tee pad for 6 is to the left of basket 5.
HOLE 6: Not sure if there's a MANDO on this hole, but the basket is slightly to the left, it's tough to see from the tee. Lots of trees to ricochet off. The tee for 7 is across the road.
HOLE 7: Shallow curve to the right, you throw over a small bridge. You can also throw over the road again. The basket is back in a cut out in the woods.
HOLE 8: One of the best holes on the course when the basket is in the long position. The basket is 6' off the ground, AWESOME change of pace. In the close basket position it's a straight shot that bends to the right, sort of tucked behind some trees.
HOLE 9: Narrow, Tightly Wooded "Straight Shot", there's a couple ways you can attack this basket, a good tee shot is extremely necessary, to set you up for a good approach. To get to #10 tee pad walk across the bridge.

HOLE 10: Straight Shot that parallels a small creek on the right. The basket is tucked between a couple trees. The tee pad for #11 is to the left of basket 10. (THIS HOLE WILL TAKE YOU BACK TO THE PARKING LOT)
HOLE 11: Starts out straight and then bends around the little creek/drainage system. You can throw out over the road here as well.
-The next tee pad is for hole 15, you have to follow the sign and keep walking parallel to the road to get to tee 12.
HOLE 12: Deceivingly challenging, Straight tunnel shot that opens up halfway to the hole. It really helped now that they cleared out some of the brush and shrubs around the fairway.
HOLE 13: BEST HOLE ON THE COURSE- Throw from the top of a 100ft.+ hill. In the close basket position, you'll empty your bag trying to get an ACE. In that far position, the basket is halfway up a small hill. There are some trees in the fairway that force you to go left or right around them, but the area is wide open once you're down there. To get to the tee pad for 14, turn around (the tee pad for 13 will be on your right) follow the path to the left and back up the hill.
HOLE 14: Split fairway so you have to choose a line to the right or left. The basket is at the top of the hill (you can see it from #12 tee pad).
HOLE 15: Long shot that ends slightly to the right. In the close position the basket is almost surrounded by trees, but in the far position you have to putt to a basket with a 50' drop off behind it, it's a good mind-F.
HOLE 16: Straight Ahead when the basket is in the close position and the far basket pretty much parallels the drop off to the right, don't want to end up down there. The basket is towards the bottom of the hill.
HOLE 17: Uphill shot that curves left at the end. Need to be accurate on the drive, you really don't want to end up off the fairway. Take a right when you get to the basket to get to the tee pad for 18.
HOLE 18: Narrow tee shot because of the two trees, with a big drop off on the right. Very possible to end with a birdie.


One of the biggest cons has to do with the signage (not so much with the signage on the tee pads). There's no SIGNS for getting to hole 1. It's basically between the baseball field and the little kids park. The first time I played we had to ask someone in the office. There's a board with course info but you can only see it from hole #1.

Other Thoughts:

I really like that this course is well maintained and taken care of pretty much year round. The signage is good, I can understand why they don't have pictures because the hole positions change. With the basket in the far positions it's a much tougher course. Lots of trees, but overall it's a good course.
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1 3
Experience: 13.4 years 54 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 9, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Very easy to navigate once you get started. 2 playgrounds for the kids. Baseball fields. Your vehicle is in view for most of the course.


Seasonal Decorations are placed in the middle of the fairways, and the course staff is very lazy to take them down. Causing sever interference with your drive's of the tee. Leaves are some what out of control these days so pay attention and remember the area that your disc lands in, to reduce searching times.

Other Thoughts:

Good course to get out to, close to the house and work and does not require much time to play through it alone or with a friend/significant other.
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4 2
Experience: 14.8 years 30 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesomeness!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Amazing area for a course. CRAZY topographic changes. Awesome ravines in and around the holes, and a great family atmosphere at the park! The baskets were a bit used, but hey, thats what they are there for! Hole 13 I believe was the nicest hole ive ever seen. Massive bomb off a 100ft tall hill down into the valley below. The course was wrapped WIDE around the park, no chance to catch an errant disc in the face, well marked and good t-pads. The park officer was a friendly guy who pointed us in the right direction. Awesomeness. Id recommend this before Maz park any day. We played both today and this one took the cake. Plenty of trash cans, benches, and bathrooms. great parking. easy to find!


No cons really. Some deep leaves in places on the front nine where one might lose a disc, keep an eye on them, but aside from that and a few of the baskets being bent up, it was great!
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2 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.6 years 797 played 59 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Tale of two courses 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 18, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Benches on every hole.

Easy to navigate from hole to hole

Holes 10 & 13-18 are Excellent. They bring elevation into play and seem to be part of a different course than the rest #13 is a downhill ace run that will make you want to empty your bag throwing at it and is one of my favorite holes to play.

Pin placement on 15 when it is in the long position is just plain cruel and I love it! it sits on a land peninsula only feet from a drop off on 3 sides. It brings a whole new meaning to "death Putt"

The atmosphere of the park its waaaayyy better than Mazerick


All of the other holes are kinda boring. Just flat shots through tight fairways(that border on unfair at some times.)

The distance on the tee-signs are inaccurate in some cases(a local told me that the pins have been moved since the original layout on some holes)

The tee-pads themselves are very short and raised which makes run-ups awkward and a follow through could lead to injury.

very few trashcans.

The locals have been moving the pins all over the place so the signs are inaccurate and you never know what course youre gonna be playing. Im not a fan of many of the new positions.

There are short tees(played several times before I heard about them) however they are natural and only marked by cut off stumps that are painted yellow on top. Many of these tees are filled with exposed roots which make them almost to much of a hazard to play. Also some are really hard to find.

Other Thoughts:

Due to the greatness(in my eyes at least) of the last few holes I decided to bump this one up to a 2.5 While the early course is boring and deserves a 2 it sure does surprise you as you get to the end and you come up to these really nice holes that look like there from a completely different course.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fayetteville's Best? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 8, 2011 Played the course:once


The Good: Holes 13-18. Those holes seem like they were plucked from Reedy Creek except slightly smaller. Super fun holes with delightful elevation change, craftily placed baskets (hole #15 for example), and clearly defined fairways through old growth trees. The back 9 (really back 6) play more away from the park and into a more secluded and decidedly more pretty area of the woods.

The tees are large, fairly smooth, and level although some were decidedly higher than the ground. Tee signs were handy and available on most holes, complete with hole #, distance, and little hooks for holding your bag. Occasionally you'll run into a bench. Next tee signs help with navigational difficulties.


The Bad: Holes 1-12. They're not technically bad holes, they're just decidedly outclassed by the last 6. These are mostly tight, wooded holes but for the most part they're tough but fair. The fairways are well defined and actually appear to be raked free of leaves. Even if you get kicked off course, b/c these holes are in an old park, the rough isn't bad at all and most Intermediate level players shouldn't have too much trouble saving par.

The course suffers from "slightly" disease, especially the first 12 holes. Every hole is seemingly either slightly left or slightly right w/o a great deal of L-R or distance variety, so as far as game play goes, it feels kind of monotonous.

Finding hole #1 is tricky. The first basket you see pulling into the park is #3, continue towards the first big park and lot behind the ball fields and then back track past the 2 playgrounds; hole#1 is right beside the 2nd playground.

Several holes seemed significantly longer than the distance listed on the sign, hole #12 is a prime example. #12 is easily the worst hole also, b/c it's an anny/FH hole with very potential for collateral damage if your disc doesn't hold its line and sails across the very near park sidewalk, road, and if you really rip it, the parking lot/ball field.

Some erosion on the back 13, especially #13 and #14, they'd be wise to put in some wooden steps to stave off further wear on the slopes b/w those holes. Hole #13 is potentially muddy/flooded if the course has seen a lot of rain lately.

Other Thoughts:

Wow, this course starts kind of slow and painful like an overcomplicated Bach fugue and then climaxes into a wonderful symphony like Vivaldi or Mozart. It's really striking how much it feels like 2 different courses, you're almost angry at the course for holding out on you after you start playing the back 6.

At any rate, I thought Arnette was decidedly better, or at least more fun, than Mazarick. Mazarick is like a greatest hits album of a band you sort of like, Arnette is like your favorite band's best album, mostly full of forgettable songs but makes up for it with some all-time classics you can't get out of your head.

Signature/favorite hole: Tie b/w #13 and #15. #13 is the big eye opener, a short but steep downhill bomb perfect for floating in putters at the basket just begging to be aced. #15 gets a mention b/c it has length (over 350', yea!) and a fantastic pin placement, on a peninsula of earth jutting over the steep creek side. Blow by this basket by 15' or more and you're climbing down 15' into the (mostly shallow if not dry) creek.

Course comparison: First 12: Flatter, straighter version of OT Sloan, or shorter Hillcrest before all the trees were chopped down. Back 6: Slightly miniaturized Reedy Creek.

Considering the tees, the signs, the less walking b/w holes, the fantastic final 6 holes, and b/c it's in a decidedly less seedy area, Arnette gets my nod for best course in Fayetteville.

The duck appears to fly at midnight, especially on the back 6.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 45.5 years 1001 played 118 reviews
2.00 star(s)

The First 12 Holes Aren’t It 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Every hole is in the trees, so if you come here you'd better like tight woods courses. Accuracy and control are essential.

*Terrain- the back 9 has some valleys, gullies, hills, and ravines.
*Hole 13 is a fun, scenic, downhill ace run to a small valley surrounded by trees.
*On the back 9 some basket positions are precariously placed on hill crests to add considerable risk and interest.

*Navigation- there are some next tee arrows
*Lost disc potential is low; even thought the courses is all in the trees there isn't much underbrush, so there are only a few places where you might lose a disc

*Bag holders on every hole are a nice touch
*Score card and course map available online, but it's very basic. It does the job, but it's nothing fancy.
*Benches- some scattered around
*Bathrooms- not too far from the course, near the park entrance.


<span class="italic">Design:</span>
-Elevation changes are limited. The first 12 holes are totally flat. 13 Flat/ 3 Up/ 2 Down.
-Terrain variety is minimal. 18 Woods holes. The front 9 holes are almost all the same so it feels repetitive and hard to distinguish the holes. Some of the holes are overly tight. On the back 9 there's a little more variety but they're all wooded too.
-Length variety is limited. 1<199/ 11 of 200-299/ 6 of 300-385. There are a few longer holes, but mostly they feel pretty similar.
-Hole 1 was just a little tricky to find. It's a bit of a walk from the parking lot.

-Tee signs: very basic with length only. Many of the lengths are incorrect so use the score card lengths instead.
-Tees: too short, and I didn't think the black asphalt is the greatest material
-Baskets: many have gotten kind of old
-Navigation: tees 3 and 6 are hard to find. Baskets 6 and 16 aren't seen from the tee so need scouting.

Other Thoughts:

Course Level: White (most suited for Intermediate players rated 900.)

~Fairway shapes favor lefthanders with 10 holes dogleg right. 6 St/ 2 Left/ 10 Right.
~Short tees: there are shorter tees marked by yellow circles (the tops of cylinders). Most of them are just on the same line, just shorter, so not much is really added to the course. Only beginners would ever use them.

I enjoyed holes 13-18 the most. The first 12 holes are too flat, too tight, and too repetitive for my taste. For the course my overall enjoyment was below average, so there's not that much to draw me back. I wouldn't make a special trip to play here, and if I was in Fayetteville I'd play Mazarick first. But if I happened to be driving by on I-95, and I couldn't get over to Mazarick, I'd probably just play the back 9.

<span class="underline">A note about my rating:</span> My rating is a subjective measure of my enjoyment of the course, on the day I played it, and it is NOT intended to be a measure of the quality of the course. My ratings are given "on the curve" in relation to all other courses I've played.

~My more detailed "Overall Rating" notes and "Hole-by-hole Ratings" are available in the Files section.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pleasant surprise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 6, 2010 Played the course:once


Located in a large park with picnic tables, grills and playgrounds. Very simple navigation. Never had a problem finding a tee pad. The only one that was a little counter-intuitive was 18, but if you print the map and scorecard it makes it very easy. Good tee pads on every hole. Signs with tee pad number and distances. However, it is obvious that the distances on the sign are not correct. Use the scorecard distances.

Course starts out being a pretty basic course through some pines with no undergrowth. Some tightly wooded fairways up to 372' long. No open bombs, just basic disc golf. You really need to have some control to get birdies. No real easy shots. But nothing that will overly punish you due to the lack of undergrowth. After you cross the road, and move into the back 9, the course really get a little more character. The lines get tighter, and your errant shots will hurt you more. The woods are thicker, there is some OB, including a barb-wire fence. And there are ditches, gullies and a small ravine. Baskets are positioned in a few spots that add some risk to your upshots. Miss, and down the gulley you go. Hole length varies, but you do have a few holes over 300', with one almost at 400'. this is no pitch and putt.

This course also has a good mix of straight shots, lefts and rights.


Almost no elevation. One hole does tee off a small hill, but that is about it. Maybe a slight uphill in a spot or two, but nothing that will greatly affect your shots.

It is all wooded. No wide open shots for you to throw those long distance drivers.

Not any signature holes that you will be bragging about for a week.

Only one tee pad per hole. There are some yellow markers for shorts, but they aren't worth playing.

Other Thoughts:

Just a nice solid course. I wasn't expecting a whole bunch based on earlier reviews, but I would definitely play this course again if I am in the Fayetteville area.
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2 0
Experience: 21.2 years 6 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fair on a good day 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is set around a community park (Baseball feilds, picknic areas, etc...), which provides a great place to play disc golf. The course design is pretty good, good use of the terrain. Hole 13 is worth a step back to enjoy the scenery. There are arrows by the baskets to direct you towards the next tee (always a welcome site in my opinion), although some of the numbers get ahead of themselves.

This course will test your accuracy and technique. Its a good one to dial down and work on getting the disc straight.


Hole #1 starts off right by a childrens play ground. On a busy day there will be kids running and playing through the woods where holes #1 thru #6 are located.

Some of the holes (#6 espescially) have no clear path to the chains. So use your throw and pray techniques.

Other Thoughts:

If you are fond of some discs, don't use them if you don't want to hit some trees. Odds are... you WILL hit trees!!

Bring a good attitude! :)

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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 341 played 45 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2009 Played the course:once


There are tee signs at each hole, providing hole number and distance to the basket. Two sets of tees on each hole, longer tees are asphalt, while the rec tees are natural. Course was fairly easy to navigate, even without a map.

The fairways are defined, despite the tightly wooded course. Some elevation changes on the back nine, as well as OB areas marked by the road. The course is separated from the rest of the park, so there shouldn't be too much pedestrian traffic to worry about.

This course is located in a nice family park, with ample parking and plenty of other activities to do for the non disc golfing family members. Bathrooms located near the course.


The Tee pad for #13 is hard to find, and might be missed if you aren't paying attention. Some next tee signs are incorrect and can be a little misleading. On some of the holes, there is a lot of foliage that may make finding your disc on an errant throw difficult.

Other Thoughts:

I thought this was the best of the Fayetteville area courses, which isn't saying much in my opinion, because the other two are one star rated at best. This course is fairly flat and well shaded, so it doesn't get too hot during the summer.

I thought too many of the holes faded to the right, and they started becoming a bit repetitive, and didn't provide enough of a challenge to use other shots. The holes aren't particularly long, but accuracy is at a premium as most wooded courses are. Perfect throws will lead to fairly easy birdie attempts.

The course is very convenient to I-95 and is a nice diversion if you need a break from driving to play a little disc golf.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 54 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 17, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful wooded course. There are tee signs on every hole(except #17). There are benches on several of the holes. The design takes advantage of the available elevation. If you played this course on a regular basis it would force you to become accurate. The baskets were in excellent shape and the tee pads were concrete with enough room. There were markers for shorter dirt tees, these were painted gold. After you play you can take a short hike down the river trails for great views of the Cape Fear River.


The front 9 is flat and each hole plays about the same, though the fairways do vary from a left to right fade. Can be a bit hard to find for a first timer. Some of the next hole markers are incorrect.

Other Thoughts:

I went back and forth on what kind of rating to give this course. I would rate the last 7 holes a 4, but the first 11 are a 3 at best. Nothing wrong with them, just alot of the same. If it's your first time going there take a right after you enter the park. Start looking to your left and you will see the baskets for 2, 3, 4. Go past this until a dirt lot on your left. The first tee is up past the playground.
-Favorite hole was #13, a nice downhill shot. #16 was really nice, with a deep unforgiving creek bed lining the right side of the fairway.
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