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Greensboro, NC

Barber Park - 18

2.375(based on 41 reviews)
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Barber Park - 18 reviews

3 0
Experience: 10.3 years 13 played 10 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Disappointed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2018 Played the course:once


Awesome piece of property. Great mix of available land.


Tee pads,
Navigation problems
Construction causing three missing holes

Other Thoughts:

So, the course is in horrible shape. Currently 12,13,14 are gone due to construction.

I played early morning so things were very wet. Dirt trench tee pads are aweful and unusable.

I know it's maintened by the parks department but where's any evidence of the disc golf club? I'm not saying you need awesome concrete pads but take a little pride and throw some wood chips down or something and rake.You are sitting on a possible awesome site- with mature woods and sweet lines. Added with the open holes this could be a killer course. Since next tee pad signs aren't there and the pads are not very visual how bout buy a roll of electric tape and mark on the basket which way to walk. Just a few simple corrections , I hope this construction will force some work and redesign to a turd of a course. I wish I was local. I'd do it all my self one day.
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2 2
der Turkey Vulture
Experience: 8 played 4 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Could be a lot better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 27, 2012 Played the course:once


In a lovely park area.
Tee cards (with must-have map!) available at the #1 hole.


Horrid tee boxes, if you could find them. I doubt you would find them without the scorecard map, and that took some minor orienteering skills to negotiate. It is something that could be so easily and inexpensively addressed that it's a shame it is left so poorly attended.

#2 hole was unplayable due to sewer construction. Hopefully, that won't be an issue for long.

Really awkward layout. Definitely comes across as a dgc placed amidst a park and fit in somewhat ramshod.

Also, it plays through components of the park (i.e. #4 through some dining tables), which doesn't bode well during busier times.

The walk-through from #8 to #9 is poorly marked and somewhat dangerous. Possible safety hazard.

Other Thoughts:

Given the ratio of cons to pros, I doubt I'd return for disc golf.
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5 4
Experience: 16.2 years 10 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 14, 2008 Played the course:once


Front eight holes are open with flat and hills with room for errors. The number nine hole and back 9 holes are mostly wooded except a few. A new comer to the sport could use the front 9 holes to learn.


The Tee boxes for the start of the holes lack any real identifying makings. The holes are marked by a painted white concrete nub of a pole, a flag on a wire used in marking underground utilities, a nail with survey tape and no markings, just plain hard to see. I was able to find some of the Tee boxes by the so/so rock dirt pitting out tees. Some of the tee boxes were not too safe and that made for some injuries to ooccur. If the tees boxes were to get wet with the pitting could cause tripping. When you do find the tee boxes you then have to find the baskets some are marked 1 and 3 visible other are 5's (on a scale of 1 - 5 poor to good ) Also they do have a score card at hole one with the lay out it helped some. Holes #7 and #8 are basically in a swamp. The ending of #7 and start of #8 are just too wet. This brings me to hole #9 which from #8 was hard to find which way to go. Then seeing a small sign with an arrow that pointed over a stream to hole #9. The crossing was over a pipe of at least 4 feet high used for sewage that made a little dam and a nice water fall. To cross over this stream you had to jump or step on two concrete pads to get over. Slip while trying to get to hole #9 could be a wet fall or a wet fall hitting your head and or falling 4 foot plus into a pool of water. I was going to have a friend bring his young daughter. After seeing this unsafe route, I was just upset that the city of Greensboro could not spend more to make a better course and safter. I left after the 9th hole and I might return to play the back 9.

Other Thoughts:

"Quote: Please only rate a course if you have played all the holes on it. Quote"
I would have but I was upset that the city of Greensboro could not put a bit more money into this course, that has the means to be a better course.
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