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Greensboro, NC

Barber Park - 18

2.375(based on 41 reviews)
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Barber Park - 18 reviews

3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A good course screaming for some attention!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2016 Played the course:once


Good variety of holes, starts with 8 open holes, then moves into the woods and finishes with an open hole.
Fun, "top of the world" tee shot on #5.
Several of the open holes require tee shot placement. Wooded holes require left, right and straight tee shots.


Dirt tees, most are worn down and would be a mess after rains.
No tee signs, caused me a few problems the my first time there, just 3 inch high concrete slabs to mark the tees.
Terrible transition from 8 to 9. How can the City allow this on a course that they maintain?
Several holes could be wet and tough to play after rain.
Very few benches throughout the course.

Other Thoughts:

This course makes you throw a lot of different shots, from wide open bombs, to controlled drives in the woods, to tight short tee shots.
#1 and #4 play across the top of a grassy amphitheater, miss your tee shot to the right and it could roll a while.
#5 is the cool tee shot, 370 feet down to a grassy field, where you can't lose a disc! But keep your tee shot left, because there is a sizable mound protecting the right side.
#11 is a cool woods hole, moving left to right to the basket on a mound.
#14 is a fun, tunnel tee shot from the woods into an open field. The basket is between two large trees, so keep it left.
As most every reviewer has said, this could be a really good course, its been here 18 years, and I don't think they have made any improvements since then, except maybe adding a message board at #1. If this course had the same amenities (concrete tees, tee signs, benches) that the Patriot has, the ratings would jump up at least 1 full disc.
Too bad that Greensboro has added things to this park (amphitheater stage, indoor building, playground, sprayground) but nothing to this course. And this seems to be the only course maintained by the City!
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1 1
Experience: 8.7 years 8 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent--Wear Waterproof Shoes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Starts with long open holes with decent distance and height challenges. Then moves into the woods for tighter shot shaping. Good mix of distances and shot shapes. Targets in great shape.


Boggy ground on a few holes. They dry out occasionally, but mostly wet. No tee pads, just concrete markers. Need map to navigate the first time. Some woods holes could have clearer paths, and one hole is over a parking lot--i have never seen cars in the lot, but hole would be unplayable if there were.

Other Thoughts:

This is my closest course, and a great place for a quick round. Very close to 85 if you are passing through.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.5 years 104 played 27 reviews
2.50 star(s)

My home course... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 13, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


This course has a nice mix of open and wooded holes. The front 9 are generally wide open. These holes give plenty of chances to throw big.
#3 has a steep drop-off in the woods on the left that has swallowed a few of my fellow players' discs.
#4 has a few trees that make you think about shot selection. I throw low on this one.
#5 is a huge downhill empty-out-the-bag kinda hole. I have lost three discs to the Leland Cypresses on the right due to grip lock.
#7 is just a shot over a big field. It gets pretty mucky after rain.
#8 has some rough on the right side that is brutal in the summer.
The back 9 are fairly wooded.
#9 is a blind shot over a hump.
#10 you need to watch for players on 9 as the fairways are side by side. #10 requires a left to right shot out of the woods into a field
#11 is my favorite hole at Barber. There is a narrow path to the basket on the left and right, but it is heavily wooded.
#13 is another left to right shot but you throw from the open into the woods.
#14 is a favorite as well. You tee off from the woods about 8 feet above the field you are throwing into.

Barber Park is a nice park. I like playing here and I know the course really well. The baskets are in good shape.

I have never seen a crowd at Barber. I don't like crowds so this is a huge plus for me.

There will be a re-design based on some new construction planned in the park. This will be a positive thing as I believe the chance for signage and tee pads will follow.

Barber Park is just a couple of minutes off of a major interstate, so it can make for a quick round if you are passing through (and have a course map)


Most of Barber does not drain well. After rain the open holes and particularly #15 and #17 can be mucky and nasty.

The dirt tee pads have been worn in from use and if you pay attention many of them have gradually slipped forward of the concrete tee markers.

There is no signage and the flow is not intuitive. Pick up a course map at the first tee if you are a first-timer.

I often encounter the neighborhood kids partaking of illegal substances on the transition between 14 and 15. It has never really bothered me, but be aware it happens.

Other Thoughts:

I really like Barber Park. I enjoy playing it but I am a homer on this course.

The transition between 8 and 9 (turn left at the break in the fence to the left of #8, step down to the creek, one rock hop, then step over the small spillway(3 feet maybe)), while not typical by any means, does not seem dangerous to me if you are somewhat proficient at walking/stepping.

The walking path is close to several holes. In most cases it would have to be a pretty poor throw to interfere. #16 throws over the path but the tee is right beside the path and visibility is good to spot pedestrians. I have never had to yell "Fore!" and I have played Barber more than 30 times so I did not list this as a con.

Barber is a good course that will hopefully be great in the future.
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3 2
Experience: 25 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Case of the barbs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 11, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Not crowded, therefore, a good place to practice multiple shots.
-A majority of holes are at the 300ft range, demanding the right disc choice.
-Feels good to get a birdie


-Boring as crap
-Park isn't very scenic
-No tee-boxes or signs
-No alternate tee or pin layout
-Repetitive shots off the tee

Other Thoughts:

Barber park needs some hot sauce. Its pretty plain out there. Its really easy to get lazy and lose interest while playing this course.
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5 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Lefty Bombers Need Courses Too 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 13, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


The best thing about Barber Park as presently constructed is how much it favors RHFH players, at least on a personal level. If you are in doubt about where a basket is, (and you will be) just assume if bends to the right and throw.

It's a fun course that has a ton of distance but where every hole is still parkable. The first eight holes are in open fields with straight paths to the hole. The only qualification is being able to throw 300-400 feet. The back half of the course is in the woods for the most part, but with forgiving fairways that can all be nailed by throwing 200-something feet and fading right.

It also has hole 5, which is a nice shot off a small bluff that will make you want to throw everything you have into the open field below. True, the basket placement below the hillcrest is unfortunate, as there are points within the circle where the basket is invisible, but that doesn't take away from that tee shot.

There's also 14 which again uses an elevated tee but this time there are woods to the right and a tree guarding the basket, limiting the lines that you can use to the pin.

It's not a great course, but it's one that most will have fun playing. There will be ample chances to air it out and there will be some shot shaping as well. Not a destination course and not an everyday course, but definitely a once-in-a-while course.


The layout is a mess. There are maps on the scorecard and you better have one, because without one you have pretty much zero chance at finding tees. They are not where you would even guess the next tee would ever be. What's more, tees are not visible from the distance so you need to go where the map tells you. (Some of the tees are in the last place you would think form the previous basket) Look for the strip of rutted dirt.

There are no tee signs. Typically, you can see the basket so that's ok. For the others, you can tell where its likely to be by using the direction and distance as indicated on the scorecard.

There are no tees, just areas where the grass has been worn out from years of people teeing there. There is a small post but its low enough for a lawnmower to run over safely. They're hard to see. Really you can just tee off from somewhere close that is flat so its not the biggest deal.

There is also a couple holes where something is in the way. 2 features a road on its left, but it'd be a fairly errant shot that got there. The road is much closer to 1 and 18 strangely shoots right at a building

Some of the holes are just weird in how far you have to walk to get there, considering how unspectacular they are. There is a ton of space here and both fields and forest are ample. I'm no course designer but I'd have to think you could come up with a layout here that either featured good holes or good flow, if not both.
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2 1
Experience: 16.6 years 4 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 4, 2012 Played the course:once


Several wide open fairways. Nice elevation changes from tee box and approach shots. Wooded holes are fairly challenging.


Par 3 course. Poor markings and no tee pads. A couple of holes had trash and junk laying around. The first wooded hole requires You to cross a creek useing concrete blocks ( not a big problem but might be tough for some). The place holds water if it just rained plan on swamp like conditions.

Other Thoughts:

Good course for beginners or a practice for a pro. Anyone with good distance wont have a real problem here. Still a nice park and this place has tons of potential.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Average course with untapped potential

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 5, 2011 Played the course:once


Barber Park is an interesting course, if nothing else. There's nothing very great or memorable, but also nothing very bad. That said, it's very average, but I see some untapped potential to makes this a good course.
- A tale of two courses. First eight holes are all open, with the occasional tree in play. The last 10 holes are in the woods, with the exception of #14 (you tee off from the trees into an open field) & 18 (wide-open.)
- Very consistent course. Average hole length is just under 315 feet. No hole is longer than 400 feet, and only 1 hole under 200 feet - #16 at 195.
- The 10 open holes (1 - 8, 14 & 18) all allow you chance to unleash drives. Of those open holes, all except #18 (295 feet) are more than 300 feet.
- Wooded holes give a good variety from really tight (9, 11) to slightly wider fairways; from doglegs (both left and right) to really straight shots.
- Good course flow. Very good course map, which is detailed enough it includes walking trails. This is very helpful in the absence of tee signs.
- Nice looking park with lots of amenities - large rec building, walking trails, ball fields, courts, playground.
- There's now a separate 9-holer on the premise. Enjoy more Barber Park disc golfness.


This may some contradictory, but having 18 relatively average holes is a con. On a hole-by-hole basis, there was not a single bad hole, but neither any truly great holes. If we rated individual holes, the majority would be 2, 2.5 & 3s. None stood out as a signature, must-play hole.
- Along those same lines, I kept having cases of dejà vu throughout the course. If you throw 300-325, or less, the open holes are going to be frustrating. On the first 8 holes, it seemed I had about 30 - 50 feet to the basket - just outside birdie range, but also an easy up and down. Even the wooded holes seemed similar - #9 - 13 were doglegs, #15 - 17 were straight.
- The course had a feel of "the path of least resistance" by putting holes where little to no work was required. It didn't seem like many, if any, trees had been cut down. It's a shame because there was a ton of wooded area, and some great holes could be built with some work.
- Basic course amenities were severely lacking. No tee signs. Most holes had tiny rocks with the hole number, but unless you're within 5 feet, you won't see them. There were also several arrows pointing to the next hole. It's a great idea in theory, but not so much when you have a long walk, or have to walk around a corner where the next tee isn't even visible. Also, the transition from #8 to #9 is bad. You essentially have to walk through an opening in a fence, around a large pipe, over a small creek/waterbed to #9 tee. It looked very slick, and seemed like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Or you can be like me, not see it, and take a 5 minute walk around the fence and creek to get to the hole.
- No tee pads. This was my biggest issue. The dirt tee pad area often wasn't even level. On a lot of wooded holes, the tee area was in/over tree roots, which means you're not going to be able to do your full run up.

Other Thoughts:

As said, this course had nothing majorly wrong with it, but that was the problem. Like any parent mad with a child, this course isn't reaching its full potential. Only one hole, #5, took advantage of the big hill on the front #9, when there was more room. Also, there was a huge hill to the left of #3, which could lead to an awesome hole or two, and more wooded areas throughout the back 9. Even if they eliminated several of the wide-open holes on the front 9 (say #2 , 3 & 6), and get to the wooded holes sooner. The course has so much untapped potential.
- Because of its layout, the average player isn't going to throw a low score, or see a lot of birdies, but also won't face many high scores. It was very fitting for this course that I had 18 straight pars, with a couple birdie chances, and only 1 scramble to save par. IMO, you need a lot more risk/reward holes to create more excitement. I'd rather have 9 birdies and 9 bogeys than 18 straight pars any day.
- All things said, Barber Park is an average to slightly above average course. After reading the other reviews, I had low expectations, but the course actually exceeded them. Don't expect to be wowed, but don't expect to be disappointed either. This is your Applebee's of courses. This is never going to be anybody's first choice to play, it isn't going to overwhelm anybody, but even with a lack of sexiness, you'll be satisfied.
- This is a solid 2.5. If the tee pad/tee sign issue were fixed, this would be closer to a 3. With such a good piece of land, if they ever got serious about this a good course, there's no reason it couldn't become a true must play.
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0 3
Experience: 18.2 years 27 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

okay course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2010 Played the course:once


nice length, elavation changes, and both open and wooded holes


tee pads are hard to find and just dirt patches in grass, hard to find way around even with the map

Other Thoughts:

with some work on tees could be very nice course
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6 1
Experience: 16.3 years 15 played 14 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Trey133 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 8, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Good mix of Open and Wooded Holes
Nice elevation changes on the open portion including an amazing shot from hole 5.
Wooded holes provide a challenge, especially hole 11.
A couple very picturesque holes in #5,#15 (good tunnel shot)
There is a league out there on Thursday nights.


No teepads.
Construction is changing the holes.
The map is laughable.
Although nothing has personally happened to myself, the course is not in a good section of town.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a gem to those that are local. People who are not local to the greensboro area, probably do not like it and overlook it. Its a great course to learn good controlled distance shots and stretch your rocs out on... but its cons are HEAVY cons and do not help out a new person to the course.
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5 1
Experience: 15.3 years 25 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Now a fan. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 26, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- There is good use of elevation here, especially on the front 9. 1 is a big uphill shot while 5 & 6 are two nice "wow" downhill shots (especially 5).
- There is a decent mix of pretty open shots, moderately open with a few trees, and woods type holes.
- The course has a challenging length to it with most holes in the 300-400 ft range.
- The 6 or 7 holes that play in the woods are fun and tight. They reward an accurate throw and punish throws that are off line.
- All baskets are in good working order. For some reason they all have neon pink/green tape on them right now.


- I don't mind good dirt teepads, but these are in poor condition. They are just worn out ruts in the grass with little white cylinders to mark where they are. It would be nice if they would make a square with 2x4's and fill 'em in with dirt and rake them once in a while.
- None of the holes are marked with numbers or distance or anything. Some good tee signs would help new players find the holes. It's nearly impossible to navigate without knowing the course or without a map because it doesn't have a very natural flow or layout to it.

Other Thoughts:

After playing this course as a better player I now appreciate the challenges it offers, while I still realize the obvious flaws in the course.

I still don't exactly know where the hole 7 and hole 17 tees are. We just throw from a big dirt spot in the ground. If you get stuck at 8, make an immediate left from the basket and go in the opening the woods. Go across the little dam thing, and the tee for 9 shoots slightly uphill into the woods.
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5 2
Experience: 16.6 years 5 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not bad, Not bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 2, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Some long holes to flex your distance shot. Good mix of open and wooded. This course makes good use of elevation. Hole 6 (I think) has a big drop towards the basket. Someone with a strong drive could throw it 500 from here, but the basket is only 350-400ish. 14 is similar because in terms of elevation drop. These downhill throws challenge your ability to throw straight because most fades and annies will make their way into the woods. The wooded holes are nice change of pace, but still relatively straight forward.

The course isn't a busy one, so you can take your time. It is very convenient to I-40.


The only true con is the poor signage. Other than that the only con is that the course is sort of bland overall. Other than the elevation stuff, there isn't much creativity in terms of shot selection. It isn't broken in any way, but nothing impresses me about it.

Other Thoughts:

Johnson Street or North Asheboro are better choices if you are in the area. None the less, it is fun and reasonably challenging. If you haven't played it, it is worth a round, but it probably won't wow you.
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12 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Ghetto Cedarock 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 15, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


One of the longer courses in the area and its openness makes it somewhat novel. This is almost decidedly going to be favored more by bigger arms who can reach the basket on the wide open front 9. The back 9 is more of your typical, NC wooded DG. Some holes play in and out of the woods which is a big plus in my book. Most of these wooded holes are moderately wooded, with some marginally tight. Rough is pretty merciful on most holes but be wary of fences, the creek, and some thick schule along them.

The park is actually very nice, not that ghetto at all really, with the grass usually kept well mowed. Decent amenities as well with a nice new playground for the kiddies and a large gym, which, when open, has bathrooms and a GATORADE VENDING MACHINE!!!! Sorry, I love being able to get gatorade on site.

Most holes play more or less straight as the crow flies, with some wooded holes playing slightly left to right. Elevation change helps to make up for this lack of hole variety by favoring some lines over others. Good course for practicing gentle turn over shots. Scorecards are available with course map, at hole one, make navigating MUCH easier. A good course to play when you want to warmed by the sun or on a windy day if you want some challenge.


Some of the holes on the back 9 seem to be
"out of sight, out of mind" for the park maintenance people, as some litter and the gross creek reminds you. There are no tee pads nor signage for the holes, just rutted out bare spots near the concrete pavers that designate the tees. No benches either save a spot or two that syncs up with other park benches. The course can get a bit swampy after a heavy rain and for some reason, the fairway for hole #7 seems to always be torn up by someone doing doughnuts or figure 8's or something.

Not in the finest neighborhood but certainly not the worst, though I wouldn't like to play alone near dusk on the regular.

Lost disc hazards: The left side of the fairway on hole #3 drops away, is thick with schule, and has lots of trash dumped there. Not fun to scramble around. A fence and a nasty creek is immediately on the left on hole #8. #13 has a forked tree in the middle of the fairway with a fairly deep hole in it. I never thought I'd throw a disc in there but I found a way to the other day. Sucks.

Other Thoughts:

I had a local to show me around, guy was cool as a moose. I asked him about the neighborhood issue and he said that in his 12 years of playing there he had never had a problem as he knocked on wood. It is definitely a course where some "urban" males might stroll through but I'd play there, especially with a buddy. Hole 14 is as nice a hole I've seen, you tee off inside the woods, down hill straight into a field with the basket nestled behind two nice oak trees. Hole 16 is very uninspired, short, straight, easy, and the walk to that hole is insultingly long and uphill.
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7 1
Experience: 16 years 97 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

All 18 Holes Playable Now 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 22, 2009 Played the course:once


Long and open front nine great for warming up and airing out.

Back nine mostly wooded much more technical shots to test your accuracy.

Decent scenery despite the surrounding area.


First: Signage.
With a few more signs to help first-timers this course could be easily navigated; however, current signage conditions (and map/scorecard) just make the course confusing.

Second: Tee pads.
Or lack there of. There are no tee pads. This would not be such a con if there were adequate signs pointing you to next tee and marking the tee areas.

Other Thoughts:

I liked the variety of shots - no chance of getting bored here.

Course has a lot of potential. A little time and effort along with some interest in improvement from the community would go a long way.
Add decent signs for navigation and any improvement to the tee areas and you could bump this course up to at least 3.5 out of 5.
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