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Dallas, TX

BB Owen Park

3.235(based on 48 reviews)
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BB Owen Park reviews

21 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40 years 339 played 267 reviews
3.50 star(s)

B.B. Owen (23 holes)

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 24, 2024 Played the course:5+ times


-- 23 holes. The addition of five holes is complete, including concrete tee pads for the extra five holes.
-- Two baskets on almost about half of the holes. All holes have DiscCatcher baskets, but some are already damaged and in bad shape; some holes have a second basket (the original homemade baskets from years ago). The DiscCatchers are almost always in the longer position. In addition to added length, the newer pin positions put baskets in the woods and on hills/slopes closer to the water, adding some real challenge.
-- Two practice baskets (a DiscCatcher and a homemade basket).
-- Port-o-potty at parking lot.
-- A disc golf store in the middle of the course. New/added holes are now labeled A-C instead of 9-11. They are across the street from the 8 basket and bring you to Tree Love Disc Golf, so you can restock if you lost anything in the early part of the round.
-- Elevation is well used, as is the creek, especially with the added holes and new basket locations.
-- Three water carries and another four holes where water comes into play (depending on which basket you play).
-- Lost-and-found lock box at No. 1 tee.
-- Concrete tee pads (or at least paver stones) on all holes. Some are badly cracked and damaged, however.
-- This is one of the better wet-weather courses in DFW.
-- Map at holes 1/8.


-- Some fairways are too close together; you frequently end up with a disc from another hole in your fairway. 1-2, 5-7 and 15-16 are the worst offenders. The numbers are from the old layout and count all of the added holes as numbers, not letters.
-- Hole 22 requires a RHFH/LHBH shot that brings a basketball court into play.
-- The placement of another new hole is weird. From 17 you walk right past the tee for 21. When you finish 20, you walk through the tee pad for 22 and turn left and walk up the fairway for 21. This is a big safety issue. Also, when you finish the final holes, you walk out of woods into the middle of the No. 8 fairway. I have seen plenty of throws go into those woods, so this is another safety issue.
-- Map and tee signs are not always accurate. There are two baskets on some holes that are not listed on the map/tee signs. No. 22 is a good example, a blind RHBH hyzer; the tee signs says 197 feet, which is the the shorter, old basket (it's still there). The new basket is about 240 feet. No. 8 only shows one basket (325 feet), but there are two baskets and neither is 325 feet. No. 11 is listed as 500 feet, but there apparently was a design change after signs/map were printed because the hole is closer to 360-380. In addition, the ratios and relationships of holes are not always accurate on the map.
-- There are two long walks between holes: 7-8 and 18-19.

Other Thoughts:

-- Previous reviews mention a sketchy neighborhood. I used to think that was outdated, but I saw needles on the sidewalk at 3 p.m. on a weekday, and a local told me homeless people live in the woods. I saw an encampment that supports that.
-- Parking lot at hole 1/8 is small and frequently fills up, but there is bigger parking lot by 12/13.
-- Navigation is not the most intuitive, but there are no big issues if you look at the map.
-- Before holes 20 and 23 were added, this was probably somewhat cart friendly, although getting from 18 to 19 is an issue. With the addition of five holes, it became NOT cart friendly. Crossing the small creek on 23 was treacherous without a cart, and getting a cart across was nearly impossible. However, a super sturdy bridge has been added.
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5 0
Premium Member
Experience: 12.6 years 141 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good for the Dallas Visitor 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2017 Played the course:once


Good variety of holes.

Well maintained grass and paths.

Excellent tee pads.

Not going to lose discs.


Navigation can be a little tricky. We played #6 instead of #3, but went back and corrected our error. It was not obvious from the tee signs that #8 was back by #1.

Some of the tee signs are defaced or missing.

Some of the baskets are a little janky. I don't mind all that much, but they are not top of the line.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked this course. I play when travelling for business, and usually don't want an epic course that's going to take hours to play. At the same time, I want more than a 9-holer with 90 foot holes.

BB Owens is the perfect course for the Dallas visitor who's looking to get some play in and add to their course list. There are plenty of fun holes (#16 over the water, and a couple others o the back 9 in particular).

I played it with just a TL and a Pure, and did not feel like I missed out by not having a big bag. If you like to play new courses and don't want to commit to a lot of time on an epic course, you'll want to check this one out.
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2 1
Experience: 23.1 years 37 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My original fave 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 9, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Plays quick and has been around forever.
Some really talented players frequent this course
If you like to air it out this is the course for you.
Multiple pin locations and some really fun shots. You can ace here. You can also lose discs, pretty tough to lose discs though.
Disc golf culture lives at this course.


its been around forever and as such it's always crowded. It could use some spiffing up here and there. Overall tough for me to find a real con. This course is popular for a reason.

Other Thoughts:

If you are from the Dallas area you should add this to your list of courses played. This is one of the original joints for the area. Still good. It's been around since disc golf was Frisbee golf. Just like me.
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7 0
Don Juan
Experience: 17.4 years 44 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great practice course. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 17, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Open straight forward shots, little to no hazards. Hole 1 is a very low ceiling shot and it is one of the trickiest of the whole course. You have to keep your disc low and still get it to go 300ft. There is little to no danger of losing a disc at this course, you may throw into the road on a few holes if you're not careful. Stay out of the trees and there's no problem of losing a disc. The elevation of the park is used very well, all holes are birdie-able, depending on the pin placements. Holes 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, and 18 have two alternate pin locations that they change out seasonally. Hole 15 has three different pin locations, check to see where it is before throwing.

This is a very simple park that will allow advanced players to show off accurate shots and get very low scores. Concrete tee pads on every one of the original 18 holes. THERE IS AN ALTERNATE HOLE 17. If you walk into the woods towards the creek, alternate 17 runs along the creek to the top of a small hill, its very short. There is also an EXTRA HOLE AFTER 18. Behind hole 18's long pin location, there is a trail into the woods that will lead you to hole 19. It is also very short. Any park regular will let you know where the extra holes are.

There is a great practice basket at the front parking lot! This is a clean park with regular maintenance, and the grass mowed twice a month I would say. There are porta potties at the front parking lot, and a water fountain at the back parking lot. I personally love this course for practicing! Easy holes gives you a great score usually. The wind does affect your play because of strong Dallas winds and the hills help direct the wind. Overall a fun course to play and a great course to learn the game because of very open shots.


This course was made on a very small piece of land. Not very many long shots. There's maybe one +400ft shot. The course is very boring and squeezed so tight that a majority of the holes make you walk back and forth. Throw up a hill then throw back down the hill and repeat. Not very much creativity to the course. I would not recommend traveling a long distance just to play this course.

I will say that some holes are almost too easy. Number 4, 7, and 17 are must birdie holes. There is almost no danger of being out of bounds. This course does not challenge your game.

The pins at this course are very old. Mach 3's I believe, because most have the inner chains that run straight down. As you can see in the pictures section for this park, the baskets on the pins have small nubs or nipples that will throw your discs out, if the inner rim gets caught wrong. It is very annoying that they have nubs and allow cut throughs. I would rate this course at 4 stars if we could just get the baskets replaced.

Do not prepare to be amazed by this course, you will be disappointed! This is a very simple course.

Other Thoughts:

Very cool people around, as with any disc golf course.

People do have smoke spots at this course behind hole 5 and at hole 18 tee. Thought it was worth mentioning. If you want to challenge yourself or find this course too boring, go play Audobon! Many of the course regulars and mini tournaments moved to Audobon. There is a well run mini at BB Owens, Tuesdays at 5, run by a great group of guys, VERY FUN! Join facebook group "DFW Disc Golf Minis List" for current information about mini tournaments.
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1 6
Experience: 13.7 years 66 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Day After Christmas Round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2012 Played the course:once


Mostly wide open course to try out a variety of different shots on a hole. There are tee pads for every hole, which is a big plus. There are a few holes that challenge your technical game. Many holes are reachable with a mid-range.


Some hole signs have been painted over, but are not all that nessecary. There is a creek that runs through the middle of the park, and might stand to lose a disc - like I did.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course just after a white Christmas. There was snow on the ground and several of the tee pads were frozen over. Looking to play again, just not after the snow fall.
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2 6
Experience: 15 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course in the middle of town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Fun course, easy to get to, a decent challenge but not sadistic. Fun for my 66 year old father who plays it a little more than a bogey-per-hole and fun for me, playing it a few down. I like the variety of shots, with some OB and a couple holes with some decent trouble right behind the pin.


Some of the holes are pretty wide open but not necessarily a piece of cake. Other than that, I think this is a good, fun course that I like to play when I'm visiting my family in DFW.
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5 5
Experience: 15 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Place 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 23, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Decent flow from hole to hole
Good mix of mid and long holes
Hole 17 has alt basket
Has bonus hole 19 hidden in the woods (May be missing )
Two parking lots
Very hard to lose a disc
Tees are in great shape
Good after rain


No water fountains
Some holes are too close, watch for stray discs
Very flat, could use some elevation
Can get EXTREMELY busy on weekends
Signs are vandalized

Other Thoughts:

I really like this place a lot, its straight forward and easy to follow and most holes allow you to throw any line you want and its rather difficult to lose a disc. Hole 16 is a great great hole, do not be scared to throw over it! The alt holes are great but they can be a little hard to find on your first time out.
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2 5
Experience: 13.6 years 44 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well worth playing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Interesting variety of long and short holes. Well maintained and cleaner than most. Challenging enough for advanced players, yet playable enough for beginners.


Located within some quite busy roads. Although it is well maintained and overall clean, it's just not the most beautiful course you'll play.

Other Thoughts:

Don't be scared of #16 (or whatever the hole that plays over the rather large creek). Just let it fly and you'll be fine. This hole is one of my favorites in the DFW metroplex.
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8 0
Experience: 14 years 18 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 17, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Alternate basket placements which makes the course more challenging by adding a little distance and a couple holes with the baskets on a steep slope within the trees.
Hole #9 is one of these that benefits from the change and is my personal favorite despite the parking lot on the left side of the fairway that diminishes the aesthetics of the course a bit.
Lots of birdie chances.
Hole #8 sits beside #1 so you can play 8-18 first and finish 1-7 to avoid possible crowding plus there is a port-a-potty there too in case a pit stop is needed.


More poison ivy than I remembered so stay out of the trees if you can help it. There was no wind today which made it a sweat box once it got around 9:00 a.m. Other times there is too much wind so it seems this course is never just right weather-wise.

Other Thoughts:

This course may zig-zag a bit but it's unavoidable due to the limited space which also makes this inner-city spot a quick and fun 18. Every disc golfer in the DFW area should play this course IMO.
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4 0
Experience: 15 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Concrete tees, Variety of holes, some good for the forehand throwers and some good for the back hand throwers. As well as some nice opportunities for birdies.


They some times move the holes, When they do you can't always see them and the set up shots get risky as there is a creek that runs behind most of the moved holes. It also makes it harder to track my progress. when the holes are moved it can add as many as 6 strokes if your still new.

Other Thoughts:

Over all this is a really nice course to learn on. You can really open up your drives on a number of holes with out risk of losing a disc. It will just take a better approach shot to make up for it. Plays well, Just remember that hole 2's tee pad is back by the basketball courts and otherwise it navigates fairly easily.
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4 0
Experience: 14.3 years 55 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Home Sweet Home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 1, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This is my home course and it is very close to my home. It plays quickly ~1.25 hours at a leisurely pace. There are multiple pin placements at holes 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 (1 short, 2 long), 17, & 18. Usually the pin placements are a mix of long and short. This is a well maintained mix use public park, but it is predominately a park for disc golf. A good mix of open/semi-open holes, long and short, and many baskets are well protected tucked into the edge of woods (or even deeper in long positions). If I could give this course a 3.75 I would, but it gets the higher tick because it is my home course. (UPDATE, after playing numerous other courses, I have downgraded my rating to 3.5, though I still love the course).

Great course for beginners thru advanced intermediate, but I suspect that true pros wouldn't care to much for it.


Wind can be a real problem on the front 7 (& 16) due to it's mostly open nature. Can be a bit crowded due to its popularity, but that is also a good thing, isn't it? Too many people litter (I'm always picking up quite a bit of trash) even though there are plenty of rubbish bins.

Like others have mentioned before me, busy streets to the south (Walnut Hill) and west (Plano Rd).

Other Thoughts:

A very friendly regular crowd plays here often, discs are sold pretty regularly on weekends, I have had a disc returned by someone that found it a day later (always put your name and number on your disk!).
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2 3
Experience: 14 years 35 played 22 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2011 Played the course:once


Good small course. I aced hole 8 with my TeeRex. So I will be remembering this course. It has a good mix of long and short holes. One of the best courses I have played in such an urban environment.


There are a lot of people that play the course. I felt rushed and slowed at the same time. It is kinda hard to find the flow of the baskets toward the last 4 or 5.

Other Thoughts:

Overall it is a good course to play if you are nearby.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 131 played 118 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Ole BB 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Fun course that challenges everyone. There are lots of different lines to most of the holes that make it fun for everyone. Not tons of trees but just enough to make you think about your shot and then execute it. The wind can get you and its always windy. There arent any really long hole but there are some that are 375ish so they make you have to test your accuracy, especially when pins are in long position. All tees are concrete and the baskets catch very well. Great course that doesnt really favor any one particular throwing style which gives anyone a chance at throwing a great round!


Some of the signs are worndown but still not too hard to follow. Can get REALLY busy on the weekends!!! Thugs comes out at night, or close to it.

Other Thoughts:

Mini on the weekends, and a great "medium" course that is not too hard for rookies and not too easy for pro/adv players!
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 156 played 142 reviews
3.50 star(s)

An oldie but a goodie. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 15, 2009 Played the course:once


The concrete tees were big and wide enough for any step and launch. This is a course truly designed around pin position - it may get confusing, but I think the designer sacrificed some course flow to let the player enjoy a quality pin location.

I had read about the safety issues on this course, but the people on the course were friendly and helpful when I lost my way. I would take my kid to this course.

Hole distances are varied, and some holes force a player out of their comfort zone to conform to a certain shot. There are also a fair amount of "grip it and rip it" holes for people who want to test out their fancy new distance drivers.

BEST HOLE/S: #16; #17; #18


B.B. Owens has a nice course layout, though a bit confusing for first time players. An example is heading back over the bridge to hole 8, or realizing I'm playing hole 17 and not hole seven because I can't find a sign anywhere to tell me otherwise.

The graffiti is bad, and yes - I'm sure the area of it's in isn't great, but I never once felt unsafe. The wear and tear is immediately apparent when looking at the hole signs, which were worn or simply non-existent. The baskets, although certainly still playable, also show their age.

Someone needs to take a laser and mark off hole distances, because I certainly didn't trust the signs. (This con has been remedied since the original review, so if you want accurate yardage, you'll have to print it off this site.)

Parking is limited, so be prepared to park on the north side by hole nine rather than hole one on a busy day. (This can be a plus, since some would prefer starting the more impressive back nine first.)

WORST HOLE/S: #12; #14

Other Thoughts:

I would compare B.B. Owens to my home course, Anges Moffitt, in Houston. It's an established, well-used course in a not so great area. It's been around the block, and probably, much like Moffitt, has a faithful group of followers that play it over the newer courses in the area. You can tell by the concrete stumps in different areas that used to house pins, that this is a course that has seen many transformations over the past decade and a half. And, amidst it all, you just can't help but enjoy every hole of it.

This course capped a five course day marathon for me, and yet it's held it's own (in my opinion) to both Harry Myers in Rockwall and Towne Lake, the new course in McKinney. It wasn't as fancy, and I did get tired of the faded graffiti filled yardage signs, but I still couldn't help smiling at the creek drop offs, dog-legs, and nicely wooded 17th and 18th holes. If I'm ever back in the Dallas area enjoy some golf, I would definitely come back to B.B. Owens for a solid 18.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.7 years 81 played 68 reviews
3.50 star(s)

One of my favorites in the metrpplex 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 29, 2008 Played the course:once


Centrally located.

Deceptively subtle elevation changes had me questioning the posted distances. I guarantee you will break your distance record on one of the open downill holes on this course.

Great flow with not much walking between holes made for a fast round.

This course has the perfect amount of trees.

Great concrete tee pads and practice basket.

Hole lengths were not too long or too short.


Graffiti on everything tells me that this may not be the safest neighborhood.

A few signs were damaged or missing.
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8 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Convenient location and good players 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2008 Played the course:never


Course is located inside Dallas city limits. The course is designed on a relatively small amount of land area and can be played very quickly. Most fairways are open, but dense woods are a hazard if you get off the fairways. Water is not a significant hazard on the course


Very popular course in Dallas, so it can get congested at peak play hours.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course, definitely worth a play
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