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Crescent City, CA

Beachfront Park DGC

Permanent course
2.585(based on 12 reviews)
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Beachfront Park DGC reviews

6 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Variety Of Holes Here By The Pacific! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2013 Played the course:once


Beachfront Park is a good sized park sitting right on a bay of the Pacific Ocean. The views, although somewhat industrial, are still lovely with the blue Pacific against the blue California sky. The course utilizes this ocean setting by placing some holes right along the water's edge, so close,that you may have to skip # 7 if the tide is in. We did.

The course plays 24 holes of varying distances, everything from wide open bomber holes, to a couple of short ACE runs to three holes that actually play right across the rocks and sand of the beachfront.

The concrete tee pads that are in have a # plate on them and are shaped so they are facing the basket. Helps with the navigation. The baskets have a # on them and also have a blue arrow pointing toward the next tee pad. They also have a gold marine grade coating on them to help prevent rusting.

There a couple of very creative throws here. Start with # 7. It's probably 250' along the shoreline to a basket set in the rocks. When the tide is out, you have approximately 100' of sand if you miss left. Today, the water was flashing against the rocks-no room for error. We skipped it.

# 17's basket was in a very cool placement today. It was in the rocks across the muddy inlet making for an interesting ACE run!

#22 was another great little ACE run. It play 175' to a basket set in the rocks just above the water and just in front of the boardwalk walking path. Leave your disc short and it goes swimming. Anything long is OB on the path. Fun throw.

And # 23 was a also a cleverly placed basket today. The basket is normally set straight down between two vertical rows of planted trees, probably 240', just a straight drive. But today, the basket was set outside the right row of trees maybe 180' down the lane. Definitely changed up this hole.


There are lots of pedestrians in this park. At times, you may have to skip a hole because of a group having a picnic or soccer practice or maybe give them a heads up before throwing.

# 7 and the tide is an issue. What's fun would be all the times between high and low tide! Do I play this hole or not? Do I chance it? The winds might really come into play on this hole.

The 24 holes of Beachfront Park would be difficult to play without a local guide. I was fortunate to be shown around by big John. I wouldn't have caught on to the nuances of the tee pads without him informing me.

Other Thoughts:

This course is creative and fun. There are some great holes here not to be missed. It's lovely on a bright sunny California day. I had a great time and am very glad I got to play Beachfront. I would've liked a chance to throw # 7 but that's all right, I got to play the other 23 holes.
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7 0
Experience: 16 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2010 Played the course:once


-new baskets and numbered tee pads
-course can be set-up to challenge most any skill level
-a few epic holes that you can't duplicate.
-course is well-maintained, restrooms available all around course.
-challenges control very well. as well as having a few big holes.
-very friendly locals that will gladly help you out.


-Lots of non-disc golf traffic
-course would be somewhat hard to follow without a local or map.
-possible to throw into traffic on a couple holes
-gold baskets are somewhat hard to find
-the trees really catch discs well

Other Thoughts:

I think this course would be blast to have as your home course. It uses the terrain well to make it challenging. There are holes ranging from under 200'-500'+. Some holes are dramatically affected by the tide. The trees catch discs better than I could have ever imagined. I think its overall a plus for the course. They play well as hazards. It makes some of the shorter holestougher. You can't throw high hyzers into the basket without the risk of getting stuck high in a tree.
I'm sure when they get the course completed it will be easy to follow.
There was a lot of non disc golf traffic. That is the main con for this course otherwise I would rate it much higher.
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6 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2010 Played the course:once


Great views, some challenging holes, only course i have ever played where a decent teeshot can end up in the pacific ocean. The beach holes are greatly affected by the tide, changing the whole dinamic of the holes. Good variety of distance with the holes, some long some short, a lot of 300ish holes. Overall the course was a lot of fun to play in a 40 person doubles tournament.


Non disc traffic, both cars and people, there was a lot of families (some of which spoke very limited english) that were in the way on a lot of holes. Its not exactly the best place for a course because of the danger posed to other park users. Some holes are just way too short, its alright to have 1 or 2 gimme holes in a round but in the 21 hole setup we played there was probably 5 or 6 real easy birdie holes, like 200 feet and under, mostly open, little trouble.
There is a lot of OB, some of it in dumb places right next to baskets.
Just a little pro complaint here, the baskets have the chains linked to rings at the bottom of the basket and if putts come in low and firm it spits them right back at you. The course have beautiful Mach 5's but they need to add a few more chains or alter the way the chains are linked at the bottom

Other Thoughts:

Although this is not a championship style course, its still a ton of fun to play. It was worth the 3 hour drive to see the views and experience what i wish we had on the oregon coast. Good work Crescent City crew on getting this course put in
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6 2
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The ocean, the tree hazards, and, most of all, the regulars.


Sometimes (rarely) you have to skip a hole because of tourists or soccer players, but there are 24 holes.

Other Thoughts:

First played here five years ago, and lucked into a Sunday morning regular learn-and-play. Head over every month or so to enjoy the course and the people. Loved it with tone poles and am loving it even more with baskets... Where else do you get to throw over the ocean? Play in the morning to avoid the wind, play in the afternoon to practice the wind. Bring a long pole because those trees are the disc-catchingest trees imaginable. Nice pub right across the street from the corner hole for those who like a mid-course breather, too.
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