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Robbins, NC

Bear Creek Disc Golf

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2.935(based on 7 reviews)
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Bear Creek Disc Golf reviews

11 0
Tenacious EJ
Experience: 31.2 years 72 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Could be better, but it’s better than nothing. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2021 Played the course:once


It's a disc golf course, in an area where there's not much to choose from. It's got multiple tees, decent signage, some decent holes, and you will probably have the course all to yourself. There are some really great views, and the opportunity for some exercise.


Well, it's not particularly challenging. There's really only 2 or 3 holes that have any opportunity for danger. On most holes there's no real reason to score over par because you can usually recover easily, and birdies are plentiful thanks to the many short wooded holes and fairly simple open holes. Hole 16 has been replaced and yes, it's probably the dumbest hole I've ever seen. There's no benefit to throwing anything but a putter 45ft twice and taking the 3. Navigation can be a problem, finding the ancient chainstars are absolutely a problem, especially in the woods. And of course, after 16 the biggest complaint has to be the hike from 18's basket back to your car.

Other Thoughts:

If you don't like spiders, it's not the course for you. A small thing, but with so little traffic expect you'll be the first person to be finding those webs with your face on every hole. The City of Robbins could definitely make the course more accessible, or at least, visible- as it is it feels sort of like you're walking onto the set of Deliverance. Some of the holes are just bizarre- 6 for example, from the long tee, is a pretty impossible shot. Some of the jumps are hard to find as well (3-4, for example, which is not well explained by the map). The trip back from 18 is, like I stated, a lot of walking without anything to do. Since the course traffic is so low, why not give us 2 more holes back to the start? 19 could start on that corner and crash into the woods, crossing the long tee of 6. 20 would be a long, technical wooded hole that would at least give us something to do on the walk back towards the beginning. A better course map wouldn't hurt either, since it doesn't even show you the alternate 17 and 18 holes. I got lost looking for 4's tee because I came upon alt 18's basket when I was expecting to see a tee! And since there are walking trails all around it's hard to know if you're heading to the next tee or on a nature safari. All that said, once you know the course it's easy enough to get up and down (except that ravine on 11!), and it's better than the course you don't have.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Miserably Failed Relationship 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2020 Played the course:once


-The walk down the trail leading you to the first hole is really beautiful. This is a great place for rock hopping or fishing. The swimming hole beside hole one looks cool. And the view of the lake is spectacular.

-A couple pin placements very close to the lake. Daunting, but intimidation is a value.

-Holes #1, 2, 8, 12, and 17 are all good open holes. Hole #1 is a great starter with a great view of the water. #12 is the longest hole at 480' and is a beautiful dogleg left par four. You see the reservoir to the right side and it makes the look of this hole more beautiful. Also a great opportunity to bomb a driver.


-The wooded holes are a real let down. A bunch of silly ace runs with weird fairways. Not fun at all. Really exacerbates the experience even though the walk is beautiful.

-#16 no longer exists. But from how BrotherDave described it, I knew just about where it was and it was indeed dreadful. His description is spot on. Only thing I saw left of this hole is the indecipherable tee sign floating just a smidge from the bank on #15. A perilous par three! Straight downhill and 180' long. Seems like a breeze and a good ace opportunity. If it looks like it's gonna be an ace, you're going underwater.

-There's a no trespassing sign you'll see immediately once you see the sign with the arrow pointing you to the disc golf course. You question whether or not you are supposed to be here seeing that.

-Watch out for snakes!

-Lots of land on another side of the reservoir that could be used. I saw a big hill in the woods. Wish that was a part of this course.

-Read the other thoughts. Let the rant begin.

Other Thoughts:

-You pull in and see nothing but woods and a gravel road. Looking at that narrow road going past that No Trespassing sign, you question whether or not you are at the right place. It's like you aren't supposed to be here but it's still public. Weird! You find the sign pointing where hole one is. You see the practice basket and you're thinking this is going to be a gem of an eighteen holer as you're walking down that majestic frickin trail. It's beautiful. You see the first hole and there she is. Extremely beautiful! A beautiful starter with a spectacular view of the swimming hole.

-She's smiling really big at you! You get in bed with her and you think it's the best night of your life. You walk joyously to hole two as you're staring in shock of that gorgeous swimming hole and see another pretty hole and are extremely excited for what the remainder of this course brings. A few holes later you get in the shower. You take a look downstairs, and you see something you hoped you'd never ever see. She gave you an STD.

-And you're not the first to be manipulated, tangled in the web of her lies. She's like Villanelle. Beautiful but psychotic! You really see that once you get to #6. It's a gorgeous hole! But it's a huge hyzer shot par three with some very sketchy rough. You can't see where your disc lands and you have your first fight. You scream, she screams and hisses and starting throwing stuff at you. She runs into the kitchen and stabs you with the paring knife as you go to #7. Your aloof next door neighbor hears the screams. He moans and groans and calls the police on you and you and her get in trouble.

-She looking really sweet as she's sitting right next to you in the waiting room on #8. She's soothing you, apologizing profusely and you are rendered clueless. You barely notice it when the nurse calls your name. The nurse seems genuinely concerned about you. Embarrassed, you tell the nurse what happened and how awful this predicament was and the nurse tells you to stay far away from this lunatic. Anyway, #8 is a good hole. Nice hyzer hooking left.

-She was eavesdropping on you and the nurse. You really made her mad now!

-Once you two leave the hospital and you get treated. She's holding your hand tightly. Ride home is awkward silence. You think there's a part two to this misery. Holes #9-11 are crappy ace runs in the woods. Nothing unfair, but irritating.

-#12 is the best hole on the course. She's acting sweet again. Little do you know that she's plotting a merciless scheme. You start to forget about the conversion with the nurse at the hospital. There's a part two alright! And it's a whole lot worse! Every small object you encounter could be your coffin. She could be behind you. Why do we only have two eyes in the front of our hollow heads???

-You wake up in a strange place on the next few holes. You have no idea what happened. But you have no clue where you are now. But it's dark, scary, and you're about to piss your pants. You have reached the woods again. You can't see anything except the shine of a flashlight. You crawl in the dark just out of severe desperation to escape and as you move, the light moves too. You move again and the light moves again, but you notice that you can barely move. You try to move a little faster but you feel the ropes all around you and you're strapped to a chair. As you try to move faster out of the dark, your pace cannot compare to the speed of light. And THUMP!

-In the pond on #15, you see that #16 is indeed gone. The tee sign is floating next to the bank. You wake up again by the reservoir and see a dead man floating. You know you're next in her eyes cause you don't know how to escape. It's daylight and you don't see her anywhere. You're tied up again beside the water, but the water level never rose. She drugged you and tied you up. You slept for days and she left you to die but you never did. You're still tied up but you are able to crawl out of the woods and you pray she isn't nearby.

-As soon as you are able to get help, you find out more of what happened. She manipulated you and used that ability of hers to end you. Sadistic! #17 and #18 are more of an afterthought. She's everywhere you see and you can't shake it off. After leaving those woods you are disturbed while playing the last two holes. Very similar to each other. She's done this to many guys and you don't want to be next. That being said, know what's coming for you. Course is deceptively crappy. If you pick up on her antics, you might just be left to die by the reservoir like that one guy.

-On a side note, it's not that it's very difficult. It just left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't like it overall. I liked some of the open holes. There was one wooded hole I liked (#3) but the rest of it was repetitive. #18 is a mirror image of #5 and awfully similar to #17. Just wasn't enjoyable.

-Play Potter's Grove. You won't be left to die there. I think the no trespassing sign is a warning. It's public and she's still around but avoid her! You gotta live with the choices you make!
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bear Creek. A Good Walk Spoiled. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 4, 2019 Played the course:once


Bear Creek is a secluded, scenic course. From playing along an old railroad track and lake, to the long walk next to a creek and dam, the backdrop is what makes this more enjoyable than many short courses.
- For the most part, the course is very favorable to casual players. Most holes have dual tee pads, with the shorter layout averaging only 218 feet - sub-4000 feet total.
- Along those lines, lots of birdie and ace run chances. If you don't end up in the lake, you're going to be hard pressed to find a truly challenging hole. My only bogey came on #14, a sharp, dogleg right that seemed to keep bending and bending.
- Course uses the terrain very well. DISCLAIMER: There's so much great unused land around the lake in the areas by holes #12 - 16. This could produce an excellent course with some championship level holes. END DISCLAIMER. For the land that is used, course offers solid variety from wide open to wooded. Good use of the elevation, even with the subtle touch of #5 playing along the bottom of a slope, which allows players to skip or roll shots down towards the basket.
- I thought #15 is an outstanding hole. A downhill ace-run/birdie hole at 220 feet with the lake as your backdrop. Wait, did I say backdrop? I mean the basket is less than 10 feet from water. My shot was gimmie range to the left of the basket and less than two steps from being in the water. This is a nice risk/reward hole. CAVEAT ALERT. If my disc sailed 10 feet longer or 10 feet to the left, I'm guessing my impression would be different.
- Course flows nicely in terms of hole variety throughout. I never felt I was playing the same type of hole too often. Even the stretches of open holes had enough variety that it wasn't repetitive. Nicely done.
- Solid tee signs and overall general flow. Course flows easily from one hole to the next. Tee signs are descriptive and accurate. The only issue I had is that I missed #16 completely. Just after #15's basket, I saw a tee sign in the water and (wrongly) assumed it was part of the navigation issues listed by others earlier. It wasn't until I finished #18 that I realized that the sign was indeed for a hole. I chalk that more up to recent storm damage & flooding.


If you like long walks, this course is for you. If you like a seemingly incomplete layout, this course is for you. If you like playing with only two discs, you may or may not actually get to play #18.
- The course is seemingly beginner friendly. There isn't a lot of extreme challenge or lost disc chances for the first 14 holes. Sounds great for a beginner, right? Well, as I said above, #15's basket is only steps from the lake. Not only that, it's downhill and very little protection from the water the entire left side of the fairway. A beginner who can't throw a disc on a rope may be more worried about having a disc sail out left into the lake.
- As if that's not enough, #17's basket is just as close, if not closer to the lake. You tee off parallel to the lake and follow the edge of the lake to the basket. For this hole, however, there's enough room to aim right and take the water out of play.
- My concern with these two holes? It seems to be the antithesis of the first 14 holes. If a player comes out to play the first time, having just bought a starter set, there's a good chance they're enjoying themselves and really getting into the game. Suddenly, losing a disc on #15 & 17, and now all that good will is gone.
- Oh, that pesky walk. From the long tees, the course comes in at 4734 feet (according to DGCR). When you finish #18, you walk backwards past #7, all the way past #1, and to the parking lot. Doing a rough measurement with Google Map, I measured (and re-measured) the walk from #18 to the parking lot at approximately 3600 feet. That's 2/3 of a mile for those who need context. To top that off, the walk from the parking lot is approx. 1100 feet. So, based on measurements, the walk to and from the parking lot is the same distance as the course itself.
- No benches or trashcans. Keep in mind when you've just walked ¼ mile to get from the parking lot to the first tee.

Other Thoughts:

Bear Creek course, in and of itself, is a fun, short course. Bear Creek, with all the other factors involved, mainly all that walking, loses some of that shine.
- I enjoyed the tight wooded layouts of #3 & 13. They gave a good compliment to the mostly-open layouts. That said, I thought #12 was perfectly fine as a wide-open, 480-foot dogleg left layout.
- This was your quintessential chain-restaurant level of course. Everything was so...average. There was not one single bad hole on the course. There was also not one great hole. This just felt like a whole lot of filler holes. Open some cans of green beans, thaw out the frozen patties and buns, add water to the dehydrated sauce, and enjoy a filling but unfulfilling meal.
- The slope around the lake could have been used for a nice downhiller tee shot. I'm looking directly at #6 as using that dropoff for a nice shot.
- The scenery here is more varied than the course itself. Having a large pond/mini lake as a backdrop is a can't fail. But, through in scenery along the long walk to and fro the parking lot and this is more than most courses.
- This is as average as average can be. Any thoughts of giving this course above a 2.5 rating were quickly vanquished during my 10-minute plus walk back to my vehicle.
- It's a perfectly decent course, with some good and bad parts. Any notions of this course offering any more than that and you'll set yourself up for disappointment.
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5 1
Jonathan K.
Experience: 12.1 years 95 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sweet course in the middle of nowhere! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2017 Played the course:once


-Very secluded. You may run across some people walking some of the hiking trails, but other than that you'll probably just see a few disc golfers.
-Really nice scenery. The course plays around the bottom side of a lake/reservoir. The water comes in to play on some of the holes, but it isn't too bad. There are a couple holes where you really are flirting with the water though, but the first few feet out didn't look too deep, so it should be easily retrievable if you don't mess up too bad!
-Navigation was a breeze. There were plenty of signs directing you to the next hole.
-The variety of shots was really nice. There was a great mix of open, somewhat wooded, and really tight wooded holes. There weren't any crazy elevation changes, but they made good use of what was there.


The long walk back to the car after finishing 18 might be the only real con. It was a beautiful day, so it wasn't too bad, but if there was any way to add a few more holes after 18 to have something to do on the way back that would be great!

Other Thoughts:

I played the course with my 2 brothers and my nephew while I was visiting them in Pinehurst. We usually play the Pinehurst course, or Reservoir Park, but took the opportunity to head over to Robbins to check out a new (to us) course after reading some good reviews. I must say that the course was a lot of fun right from the get go. After a couple fairly open holes it went right in to a pretty tight short wooded hole where you really need to hit the line.

I liked how secluded and quiet it was. We only ran across 3 other disc golfers on a beautiful Saturday afternoon in late October. There only appeared to be about 8-10 parking spots, so I can see where it could get a little crowded on busier days.

I have a feeling this course doesn't see a whole lot of action just because of it being really out there, but I'd say it is definitely worth a 30 minute drive from Southern Pines to check it out. The four of us really enjoyed it since there is better mix of holes than Pinehurst and Reservoir (both of which are still really good courses though). We will definitely go back next time I am in town visiting.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.6 years 104 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A gentle bear 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2017 Played the course:once


Navigation on this course is super easy. Signage and arrows made it obvious where to go.

This is a visually pleasing, secluded course that will likely not see heavy traffic.This is a big plus for me as I don't like to play in groups, or around them.

Where there are two tee pads, they often offer a different look at the hole and not just a few more feet of distance.

The floater discs on the water holes were a nice touch, but seem ripe to be stolen. There was an Innova Dragon at holes 16 and 17 and a retrieval tool at 17.

I particularly enjoyed the wooded holes 7,9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 as I usually do.

New Chainstar baskets seemed to catch well.

Park is well maintained for one that was completely empty of people on a beautiful Sunday morning. The rough isn't too bad other than the right side of hole 1. I drive RHFH and shanked one there. First time the disc had been thrown and I didn't even attempt a search.


While this is a fun course, there really isn't a signature, or WOW hole. A few of the open holes are pretty bland, straight throws. 18 is kind of a lackluster closer after two holes that have water in play.

Other Thoughts:

There is a longer than normal walk to the course and back to the parking area from 18. I don't see this as a con because one aspect I love about disc golf is walking/exercise.

If I were local I'd be on this course all the time. I have no idea what the designer's constraints were so I did not list the limited use of the woods as a con. I cannot overstate the seclusion aspect of this course.

I didn't check here first so I did not realize there are no photos yet of this course. I will take plenty next time.

If you are traveling to play Village of Pinehurst DGC or Reservoir Park, this is a worthy addition to your itinerary. If there were ratings on the quarter , I'd give this one 3.25
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7 0
Experience: 12.9 years 40 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Jewel in the rough 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Although this course is set on public land with lots of walking trails, it's not over run with walkers or other hazards/distractions. The town takes great care of the property. It's very rare that you see any litter, and the grass is always manicured. That alone makes it stand out from other local public courses. The course is really fun and well laid out given what they had to work with. It's beginner friendly, and still tough enough to be challenging for an intermediate level golfer. An advanced golfer would have a lot of fun with this as a confidence booster, and a pro would shred it. The course now has all 18 holes in, even though at the time of this review it isn't reflected online. There are some holes in which water comes in to play (3 where it comes into play directly). The gentleman responsible for the design of the course also supplies a few floating discs for use on those water holes, as well as a floating retrieval tool. There is a good mix of open (10), and wooded (8) holes. Most holes are neutral towards arm favoritism. 3 holes are very rhbh friendly, and 2 holes are very lhbh friendly. I personally prefer the use of "natural" tee pads. They can be more forgiving on joints whilst rotating in comparison to cement. This is a truly scenic course. I always leave in a better mood than when I arrived.


Some of the rough is really thick. For example, if you go into the trees on the right of hole 1 there's a very good chance you'll lose your disc. Parking is VERY limited, but I understand that they are currently working on expanding the parking area. The walk from the parking area to 1's tee is a pretty decent distance, and the walk from 18's basket back to parking is just short of a km. They were very restricted with what they could and could not do with the land, so the long walk is easily forgiveable. The course is relatively new and doesn't get too much traffic given it's location, so be sure to use protection against ticks.

Other Thoughts:

This course was built by someone with no background in disc golf, so he did a pretty amazing job. The long walk from the parking lot to 1 will be used to create a 6 hole par 2 kid-friendly or warm up course. The course creator is also planning on adding an outhouse on the back half of the property for convenience, as well as longer alternative pin positions to make things a little more challenging. If it weren't for this course, I would've never visited the area so it truly is a jewel in the rough. There will be lots of changes in the future, and I'm sure it'll be ever evolving. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for one of my new favorite courses
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Bear Necessities 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 3, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice, shiny new Chainstar baskets, a practice basket, separate red and blue tees on most holes. One of the more unique settings for a course; it begins running alongside a railroad track, then lots of holes around a reservoir with a dam creating nice elevation change and then some short and technical wooded holes for good measure. Driving into this course you kind of wonder if you're supposed to be allowed back here; nice secluded park with a private course feel.

Tees and baskets are easily located thanks to excellent tee signs and the course map at the start of the course. Scorecards are available at the practice basket area and are very helpful, + amenity. Blue and red stobs denote the gravel tee areas and are easily spotted.

The course has a mix of open and wooded and isn't terribly flat either. The wooded holes are quite short and technical while the open holes are fairly open with decent length. Water from the reservoir is extremely reachable on a few holes thanks to additional holes.

The practice basket area is... different. You won't be practicing any of your token long putts out in a field but rather putts around trees. The area sits on a wooded shelf between the train tracks and a steep downward slope towards the formidably sized Bear Creek so it's a great place to practice your death putts. It's a really nice place to sit and do some circle putts and for some reason there was a basket full of Turbo Putters that I presume were donated.


Some limbing and brush clearing would be nice on some holes as the rough can be too punitive. Some of the wooden holes were too tight IMO and definitely favor luck over skill. The Blue tees felt more like White tees in terms of distance and challenge.

The gravel tees were fine but they'll get rutted out in no time.

*Updated section*
So they added more holes to make it a full 18 but some serious routing issues still abound. Most of the new holes are enjoyable enough but the ones around the reservoir are notoriously bad. Hole 12 is deceptively close to the reservoir from the Blue tee but is a solidly cool hole. The course then proceeds to run itself into a dead end and instead of looping around the reservoir it U-turns back the way it came. Hole 13 is tight but doable. Hole 14 is a dreadful dogleg that is nigh impossible from the Blue tee, just poke and pray all the way. Hole 15 is another super tight and short wooded hole with a green so fast and near water that you could crack a walnut with your anus standing on the tee just thinking about teeing.

Hole 15 is a phenomenally well designed disc golf hole compared to hole 16 which is quite possibly the biggest "WTF drugs were you on when you designed this debacle of a hole" I've encountered yet. This hole is so horrid and insulting I must share it with you in depth. Basically you throw over the corner of the reservoir. This doesn't sound too daunting except there is literally zero fairway. The only thing separating you from the water is a single file foot path and then immediately to your right very thick woods on a steep uphill grade. Go left and you're wet. Go right and you're likely bouncing off a tree and wet or best case scenario, pitching out of thick rough and praying that your disc doesn't roll annoyingly into the reservoir. Even more insulting is that from the Blue tee there is a low hanging pine branch that forces you to throw awkwardly over or under it. I opted for a FH and lasered an Eagle over the water around the branch, sticking it miraculously on the "green" right beside the basket. I say "green" b/c there isn't one, it's a basket on a steep slope surrounded by trees, scant feet away from the water. I mean there are trees within arm's length of the basket from every angle minus the water's edge. So landing on the green amounts to covering half of a dartboard with metal and tossing a dart while a guy in a green fur coat sticks his arm out a few feet in front of your face. The shot from the Red tee is possibly even stupider; shorter but instead of a dead straight shot with the bull excrement tree limb you have an awkward anhyzer completely over water and bailing out into the woods on the right is an even more daunting task. So card your birdie 2, your circle 3 or if you really want to make sure you don't lose a disc, your 5 or 6 thanks to repeated pitch out shots.

Hole 17 is another short hole really close to the water, but this one is thankfully wide open with an actual green for the most part (arguably a little close to the water) with acres of bailout space to the right. Hole 18 is basically a par 4 version of hole 17. Not a bad hole, it just annoyingly still ends extremely far away from hole one and the parking lot.

Other Thoughts:

On the whole I really like the open holes here. They're mostly good, especially 5, 6, 8 and 12. The first 4 holes are decent enough if not terribly challenging save for hole 3's tight tunnel. The wooded holes are, however, as terrible as they are short and Peter Dinklage thinks they're short. Badly acute angles, gaps so small that a flea couldn't fart through them or both plague the wooded holes. Calling them filler holes would frankly be a compliment. And it drives me bonkers b/c A) the property map seems to show ample room to improve some of these and B) if you're going to have short, terrible holes, at least have them route you closer to the start of the effing course and serve some sort of purpose.

Some of the holes share tees and there's no reason for it, like hole 3 and 4. There are obvious places for either but alas. Again, the course is already crowding itself on a lot of holes but doubtful to be a problem thanks to the secluded nature of this park so why not axe some of these awful wooded holes like Hole 7 and put a hole running parallel to hole 2 or especially 1 so you're not walking the Bataan death march back to the car. I actually kind of like this course so don't get me wrong but I think some major tweaks or redesigns could really improve it. I'd really like to give this a better rating but 4-5 holes are so impossibly bad that it really drags down the rating for me.
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