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Tylersport, PA

Bootlegger's Cave

3.355(based on 23 reviews)
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Bootlegger's Cave reviews

16 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.8 years 79 played 58 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Unique backwoods course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2022 Played the course:once


***I played this course while there is logging occurring. I will hopefully be back to play again when the course is put back together and update my review***

-Good condition discatcher baskets
-Unique location with climbing up and over boulders
-Good use of land
-A few holes have new concrete tee pads
-Tee signs are present, though not always accurate or helpful
-There are home-made baskets from tires on all holes. It was fun to play the first hole, but I stuck to the pro baskets for the rest
-Sweet water carry shot over the corner of a good sized pond


-As stated above, there is logging going on on the edge of the course, so chaos is king
-3 holes are currently missing, and the instructions for the temporary holes are hard to find AND the Udisc layout for construction doesn't have maps
-Didn't see any bathrooms near the course
-Limited parking that is not right next to the first tee
-Tee signs are present, but not always clear where the fairway or lane is to the basket or even which direction the tee pad (rock) is facing
-The course is run by a campground, and they ask you sign in at the camp store before you play
-I noted the climbing over boulders as a pro earlier, but it is also a con. If you aren't willing to climb up and over slick boulders at a minimum of 3-4 feet and many much larger, you shouldn't play this course
-Underbrush is very thick, bring a buddy to spot

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I enjoyed playing this course. I appreciate the spunky spirit of home-made, grass roots courses like this. BUUTTT the current logging situation will keep me from playing here again until the course is put back together. This course is the opposite of cart friendly and should not be played by anyone who is fearful of climbing over and around large boulders and rocks, as multiple baskets are elevated or on the edges of rocks and ledges. The fact that multiple tees were simply flat-ish tops to huge boulders was more than a little sketchy, especially when throwing serious drives in the misty rain.
Honestly, I really enjoyed playing here, my round took twice as long as needed since I had to find my way through the missing baskets and tees, but I enjoyed the challenge. Hopefully the logging will be done soon and I can return and update my review that better reflects the intentions and efforts of the course owners.
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5 2
BgGrls Dont Cry
Experience: 12.5 years 158 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Adventure Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2021 Played the course:once


Innova Pro baskets, along with good catching homemade baskets create 2 targets for each hole. Great terrain, huge boulders, hills, some water.

Nice camping area, with pool and other campground amenities.


Not exactly a beginner friendly experience. The combination of terrain, and tight fairways makes for an odd pairing at a campground, where any new players will certainly be overwhelmed.

Tee pads are nonexistent.

Holes feel repetitive, and crowded together.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Speak Easy For Bootlegger's 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 16, 2020 Played the course:once


+ The course takes place in an adventurous forest with plenty of trees, more than enough boulders, several noticeable hills and even a pretty pond in play.
+ All holes have two baskets in play. One is the easier and permanent 'tire' basket. The other basket would seem to change locations every now and again.
+ About half of the tee areas are either concrete or flat bouldertop.
+ The metal tee signs have holes in them by each pin position for the 'current basket' system. To denote which position the basket is in, a zip tie is fed through the respective hole.
+ Friendly locals.
+ The practice pin is open and noticeable, but...


- ...that's because the practice pin is on a curb-less island in the middle of the parking lot.
- Some tee signs have no distances on them at all!
- The 'next hole' signage is almost non-existent. Yes, there is a map available, but we are not meant to review the map. This is about the course.
- The other half of the tee areas are dirt and pebbles.
- Since this is a majorly forested hole, there is little to differentiate one hole from another.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole to look at was hole 13. That peaceful pond on the left, the nice open fairway and the quaint OB mini gazebo all pulled together to make a peaceful image. My favorite hole to play was hole 4. Even though I completely screwed up my drive, I always love a good downhill glide. My least favorite hole is hole 1 because it was the plainest of the wooded holes.

All of this course is one big obstacle. If you are the kind of player that loves to air out your throws and watch it glide for scores of yards, then this course may not be for you. There are three holes that can be described as 'open,' but the majority of this course is full of tunnels, tree dodging and rocky hills. That's a good thing for those players who prefer placement and accuracy but not so good for those players who prefer courses to have variety and changing scenery.

Simply put, this course can get repetitive. The giant rocks are cool, the huge trees are fun to dodge, and the hills are a challenge to deal with, but sometimes it all feels like one long continuous hole in how not much distinguishes one hole from the next. It does give some room to stretch your legs in hole 9 and then 13 & 14 with that nice pond in play, but everywhere else is constant woods navigation. Again, many people may prefer that and many might not. These reviews are mostly subjective, anyway.

I didn't like the fact that there were almost no 'next hole' signs. That's always a major factor for me. I was lucky enough to arrive at the same time as the local club holding a tag match. A few times, I had to ask them where the next tee pad was, and they graciously helped me out. For the times when I was on my own, it was an unpleasant time trying to guess for myself exactly where to go next.

Also, let me quickly bring up that practice pin one more time. Why is it positioned among where the cars park? That seems avoidably dangerous. Why put players in the one spot where a bunch of vehicles are coming and going? Is there really no other place to put it?

Despite these criticisms, I enjoyed my time at Bootlegger's Cave DGC. The terrain and obstacles are just the kind of thing that I like in a disc golf course. It's just a shame that there wasn't much else and that the tee pads were half good, half clumpy dirt. Considering the property they are working with, I am not sure what else there can be, though. So, their use of the available land is pretty good and makes for an overall satisfying layout.

In closing, I strongly recommend Bootlegger's Cave for its rugged adventure forest-type disc golf. Just be sure to bring sturdy footwear. Leave the cart at home, and maybe leave the big gliders in the car. Oh, and there was no cave here. That was a bummer...
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9 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 444 played 411 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Throwing Plastic in the Wilderness 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 20, 2019 Played the course:once


+ This is a rugged 19-hole wilderness course that's extremely tactical. It's a hike in the woods, through boulder fields and dense stands of trees, punctuated with tees and baskets

+ The original homemade tire baskets have a lot of charm, and throwing from "tees" that are giant flat-topped boulders is fun

+ The new baskets are great, the signage at the tees is very good (illustrating alternate baskets), and many of the tees are new concrete - with more coming

+ Very nice staff at the camp office/general store, with loaner discs and a lost and found


- First of all: don't play this course if it's wet, icy or snowy. You're just asking for a turned ankle or worse as you climb over the rocks and boulders

- The main negative is that most of the holes lack clear throwing lines (the exceptions being the two holes by the pond). At best, you're playing "dink and dunk" through the course - but it's more likely you'll find yourself frustrated by the trees and lack of clear lines

- Although the length appears normal on uDisc, the holes are pretty long for Par 3's, given the trees and the elevation. We played the new baskets because we knew they'd catch consistently, but the tradeoff is that they generally add 50 or more feet to the holes. Adding more distance does not make these holes better, and given the trees, rollaways, etc., the length probably adds a stroke to each hole

- Maybe there's a throwing strategy designed into each hole, but we sure couldn't see them after the first few holes. Looking back on the experience, we wondered if the course is better played using the original basket locations

- Love it or hate it, the "gazebo hole" is gimmicky. The basket is placed inside a small gazebo, and anything landing on the floor of the gazebo is OB

- The basket-to-next-tee signage isn't very good when using the new Innova basket locations. We were told that almost all tees were visible from the tire basket, but we got confused and wandered around a half-dozen times

Other Thoughts:

~ Bootlegger's Cave is a unique if not very satisfying disc golf experience. Another reviewer used the term "wilderness" and that's accurate. The setting is far more severe than a woods course - and it never really lets up

~ As I mentioned earlier, the camp office has loaner discs. I can't imagine a newbie having an enjoyable disc golf experience. Sure, you're outside throwing discs at baskets - but this is so different from any other course I've played that I can't imagine a newbie getting any sense of what disc golf is

~ Bootlegger's Cave has the opposite problem from really good courses where the baskets have gotten rusty and the signage has faded: there's still a good course underneath them. Inattention can't erase a great design, but really good amenities can't fix a poor design

~ This is a pretty negative review, but I don't want to end it without acknowledging all the effort the owners put into this course. The new baskets, the new tee signs, the tees (we saw a cement mixer out on the course, so more tees are coming). And with that in mind, I gave this course a 2.5 instead of a 2. But even with all these amenities, I'm afraid the overall experience won't improve - because the holes themselves don't allow for good play unless you really consider removing some of the trees and branches to establish throwing lines

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7 3
Experience: 9.4 years 38 played 1 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Baskets, trees and no fairways 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


I think the only pros that I can come up with for this course are the Innova Discatchers that were installed and how friendly everyone was that I met at the camp store and on the course.


Tee areas, some of which are no more than rock ledges, are not serviceable. Most of the tee areas aren't level resulting in poor footing. The tees that are basically rock ledges get super slick when there is any kind of moisture on them.

Hole design, While some of the holes were pretty cool, I felt most of them were just a basket arbitrarily placed in the woods. I get wanting to make a course tricky and having some tight lanes through the woods but some if not most of the holes have no line. Its total poke and pray.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I can not recommend Bootlegger's Cave. It was not worth the hour drive for me to play. My rounds ended up in frustration and I ended up leaving partway through a round. There are plenty of other, much better courses in the local area. Nice people, poor disc golf course. Don't waste your time or gas.
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5 2
Experience: 7 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Disc golf and boulder hiking combined, AWESOME 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2019 Played the course:once


Great vistas, relatively easy to navigate, well stocked general store/deli, not crowded, good use of landscape, lots of fun turnover and forehand lines


Not a con for me, but the casual player may be overwhelmed with the rugged terrain. I grew up in this general area, have enjoyed hiking my entire life. For this reason, the backwoodsy, rugged terrain is a plus, but it could definitely be a con for someone who has interest in disc golf and no interest in hiking.

Other Thoughts:

TLDR: Check this place out if you enjoy disc golf and aren't afraid to hike around in the woods. You won't regret it.

I felt compelled to write a review because I was put-off by some of the negative reviews. It is definitely true that this course is probably not a great course to bring a first time disc golfer and it is definitely more rugged than other courses. It is important that you wear appropriate footwear as you will be hopping over rocks and different types of terrain. That said, for someone like me, who enjoys hiking boulders and playing disc golf, this course was amazing. I will certainly add it to my rotation. I did lose one disc on an errant shot over a boulder field, but I imagine that won't be a big problem after I play the course a few more times. I was pleasantly surprised when someone found my disc the next day and called- I thought it might take months for someone to stumble upon it as the course was virtually empty when I was there on a nice Saturday.

I am especially grateful that the kind folks at Boulder Woods campground allow the general public to play on their private property. They ask that you stop by the office/general store to sign in and sign a liability waiver if it's your first visit. Please be cool, and do this- the campground is doing the disc golfing community a huge kindness to open their private property (for free) to disc golfers.

I may have to camp here sometime and make a disc golf weekend out of it.

I look forward to playing more and becoming more familiar with the lines and unique layout.

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11 0
Experience: 8.3 years 20 played 18 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Definitely a different take on disc golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 11, 2018 Played the course:once


Innova 28's (man they catch good!)
The occasional nice Vista
Tons of Shade
A unique approach to design aspects and folksy homemade baskets that give you a very different vibe from a traditional disc golf course.


Tee pads, tee pads, tee pads, tee pads. (they're pretty god awful)
Fatiguing layout (too much up the hill down the hill)
Fairways often play to a blind corner
Fairways too close together creating a safety hazard should a shot go long.
Somewhat tricky to navigate (especially if you're playing from the 28's)

Other Thoughts:

So this course is not for me. Plain and simple, I'm a park golf guy but I don't mind venturing into the woods when the course is well done. This course is really only going to appeal to those people who live for that outdoorsmen deep woods style of disc golf. The whole "check in when you come to play" thing was nice to get the map but I don't see a point in giving them my information every time, but that is neither here nor there and I really hope I don't start getting email spam about this course.

I'll start with what I enjoyed: The course has a charm to it, like someone let you into their little private track, the homemade baskets are folksy and catch reasonably well considering what they are but the 28's definitely make the course more viable. If you play to the 28's the course is very challenging. There are some fantastically fun shots to be had out here which kept me going throughout the round. The holes that are done well are wonderful and incorporate some great elements and shot shaping in them, the Mando holes are an excellent example of how to use that course feature correctly. The course requires you to have every shot in the bag and your scrambling skills honed to a fine edge but for some reason it seems to favor dog leg right shots more than anything else. The brush was also surprisingly tame considering the forestation which was a nice surprise.

The problem with this course is in the layout. It is very, very rocky and where some courses on mountainsides opt for the horizontal progression winding down the slope this course literally just continues to have you drop off a cliff until you reach the bottom then you climb your way back up which is tiresome and when you are traversing tough terrain almost the entire time it really takes a toll on your body and is just bad design in my opinion. Yes, have some of those cool off a cliff shots but don't make me hike up and down the same hillside 3 times, that is just annoying. The other downside of this is that the fairways are way too close together, a bad shot long can turnover into another holes fairway/tee and easily hit someone. Then there is the tee pads... some of them are crushed gravel and for the most part are serviceable bearing one or two rocks in mind that really should have been pulled up by now but what irks me to no end are the "boulder" tee pads. They're extremely uneven (as a boulder would be...) and are a nightmare to throw from in the rain/elements not to mention outright dangerous in other cases, hole 10's narrowing pad made me almost contemplate throwing stand still because I was so nervous about my follow through throwing me off the rock and me rolling my ankle. It makes hitting your line that much harder (and don't get me started on the number of untrimmed branches/8 inch wide trees that litter the fairways).

I think it is great that this course has seen so many improvements but I just can't get behind the layout which makes it hard to say where to rate it. I think overall it just isn't that memorable especially amongst wooded courses in the area, I'm sure there will be people out there who will adore this course and it is unfortunate that I am not among them but with that said this course has my respect and will be one I will come back to on occasion.

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8 1
Experience: 10 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Hidden gem worth a detour, or even a trip of its own 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2018 Played the course:once


- Beautiful landscape (I took several dozen photos)
- Excellent tree coverage for shade on a hot day (it was close to 100 degrees F when I played)
- Great use of a relatively small space
- Teepads on boulders/overlooking cliffs/aimed toward water on a downhill tunnel shot make each hole an exciting surprise
- Each hole is creatively designed and the basket placement is clever enough to challenge most golfers (perched atop a boulder on a death putt, inside a gazebo where the gazebo is OB, right on the water's edge so you have to place your shot wisely, etc)
- Friendly and welcoming crew manning the campground, willing to assist with wayfinding and general advice
- Active participation with leagues/tags/tournaments/etc (based on what people on the course told me) means the people maintaining the course will likely stay motivated to make sure the course remains as awesome as it is today
- You'll get a great workout for sure with all the elevation changes, challenging terrain, and mental stress from death putts


- A few more signs couldn't hurt, but with a layout like this that encourages exploring/climbing/wandering, I probably wouldn't have followed them anyway
- Some teepads are still under construction, but ample signage makes them easy to use regardless

Other Thoughts:

Seriously, if you are driving near here, make it a point to stop and play a round. And if you aren't driving near here, make it a point to drive here to stop and play a round. It's unique, it's beautiful, it's challenging, it's a workout, and it's got something for everyone. Plus, the campground store is fully stocked with all kinds of (reasonably priced!) drinks and snacks to load up on for your trip home. I played yesterday and I'm already trying to round up a group to make a trip back. There are many other courses nearby so you could easily make a disc golf weekend out of a trip to the area, but if you do that, make sure this is one of your stops!
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8 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bootlegger’s Cave Is An Unique Experience And Is Betting Better And Better! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 2, 2018 Played the course:once


Bootlegger's Cave Disc Golf Course is located at Boulderwoods Campground. There is no charge to play. The 19 hole course plays through an area strewn with boulders of all shapes and sizes. These boulders and the elevation gives this course a unique terrain for a course.

The course has only been open for three years and has been an ever evolving work in progress. They started with a nine hole course with re-tire baskets and have continued to add to the course ever since then. Currently there is a nice course sign and map at the beginning, out close to the road. The tee pads are natural. The signs, as of now, are old hand written ones. New metal signs are in and awaiting the posts to be set. There are now two sets of baskets, the old re-tire ones and the brand new "still with the new basket smell" Discatchers. Seriously, I could smell them before I spotted them. The Discatchers are generally 30' to 75' longer than the old re-tire models.

Understand that this is a semi-wilderness course. Although parts of the course are less than a block from the highway and the traffic noise is loud, the course is extremely rugged and treacherous to walk on. It seems as though you are always climbing or going down. The rough is rough between the boulders and the downed trees. You really want to stay on wha5 passes for the fairways here.

Hole # 3 is simply put, amazing. Any course in the world would be thrilled to have this hole on their course. It's just about 225' but the basket is over beyond two giant boulders. Then the basket is placed precariously on another boulder just feet from a 15' drop-off. It's a simple touch shot but there are mute ways to get into trouble. A possible birdie can quickly turn into a 6 or 7.

Then you follow up # 3 with a really cool downhill shot. The tee pad has been built into the boulders up above. This is probably about a 240' throw but you have a fairly minuscule window to hit.

# 9 is a great, innovative tee pad. It's a large flat boulder which slopes ever so gently upwards. There are a few other boulders used as tee pads but this one is the coolest.

# 12 is supposed to be another awesome holes. I actually missed it trying to follow the old signs. Hopefully, new signs and next tee arrows under the basket will remedy this problem.


Besides the need for the new signs and some kind of concrete or block tee pads, the biggest issue I had with the course might not affect others. At my age, I found navigating all these boulders, hills and downed tees to be exhausting and hard on my knees.

Furthermore, it mentally wore me out too. Here, every drive you throw seemingly disappears into the boulders and rough. It seems you can never just walk up and spot your disc. I spent 15 minutes hunting for my disc in the middle of the fairway on a simple little 175' drive. Somehow, my disc had slid underneath one of the large boulders. Only my persistence and cheapness persevered in the end. I really don't know I spotted it but it is the most irreplaceable disc in my bag.

Other Thoughts:

When the upcoming improvements are finished, this will be a first class, wonderfully unique disc golf experience. I think to find something similar, you may have to travel to southeast Utah and play the famous Moab Mountain course.

One of the course designers, Nick, is extremely enthusiastic about this course. I talked to him both before and after playing and he was quite willing to listen to my comments and criticisms. He showed me the new metal signs which are great. There are sign poles lying near many tee pads. There has been some really creative thought designing and building baskets and tee pads into these boulders.

Nick told me the area's more serious players have shunned this course with it's re-tire baskets and natural pads. Well gentlemen, I'm sure, no matter what your playing level is, if you come out here, you will enjoy yourself and being challenged at the same time. The new baskets are in, the new signs are coming soon and the tee pads are in the planning stage. This course is beyond creative!
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.3 years 79 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hiking With A Touch of DG

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 15, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


BC is extremely rocky with huge boulders and I know of no other course like it in SE PA. Even more so than Nockamixon or French Creek. BC makes them look like smooth skating rinks in comparison. There are many paths where you won't touch dirt for a number of steps, navigating up and down boulders and rock throughout the fairways.

I played Bootlegger's Cave several times before Covid and there has been changes since. Highway construction has been going on for a while, putting holes 5&6 out of commission. Other holes have changed a bit over time.

The old short tire-baskets average about 235' while the newer professional baskets are about 310'. The fairways were appropriate in width and brush is usually not of immediate concern. However, trees and kicks aplenty on almost every hole. It's challenging and has kept up with my skill level.

There are a number of natural (boulder) tees and a number of good concrete tees have been built along with some outdoor seats and tables for sitting - highly appreciated - while the owner made sure to still provide a backwoods spin doing so.

+A par on this course would feel like an accomplishment.


Never go here when there's rain, snow, or ice on the ground. Simply too dangerous. If you have problems hiking or climbing rocks, then this course isn't a good fit. Carts are a definite no go.

Even with 6+ playthroughs, I get lost after time fades the course from memory. Next Tee signs are sporadic. uDisc or photographing the course map is a must.

Tee signs up but a bit annoying, I don't think they give an accurate flow of the hole. There are a possible 4 pins per sign as printed, but usually there's only two in reality. It's really difficult to tell from the tee or even halfway down which tire basket was what and sometimes I threw at pins belonging to another hole entirely.

Maybe a colorful coat of paint on those old dogs would help a lot. Or perhaps nip the problem in the bud and just retire a number of tire baskets. Simplify, simplify.

Other Thoughts:

You're going to either completely love or loathe the course, mostly due to the terrain, which is unique amongst its local peers. Execution is good, the owner obviously cares about the course. At the same time I think parts could be greatly simplified for a better experience for newcomers and seasoned players alike.

Upkeep was good with no trash, sadly no gags either since my last play. I can't tell if it's more difficult to navigate or to reach par. Certainly is no walk in the park.

I seen several player groups on a Sunday but suspect it's one of the lesser played courses in the area. Overall, it's a fun, different course for those who like hikes, breaking their ankles and nature.
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3 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A hidden surprise in Montgomery County 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2017 Played the course:once


- Really good hike with some steep climbs and falls. Great workout.
- Well maintained and pretty good signage overall
- Challenging holes but not ridiculously difficult
- Some shorter, easier holes with birdie opportunities for the average disc golfer
- 19th hole is a good way to finish on a positive note


- Not really a con, but this course can be physically demanding with a lot of residual boulders, which could cause issues for the less agile players.
- Somewhat hard to find for first timers. I recommend using Waze and entering "Boulder Woods". Enter the main entrance and sign in, they will direct you to the first tee which is an extra 30 second car ride.
- Some baskets are on top of boulders or hills requiring putts at weird angles.
- As many have mentioned, the signage to get to hole 15 is non-existent, which is surprising because I found the rest of the signage pretty good
- I find the boulder terrain to be a challenge and good exercise...looks like others find it annoying and a con.
- Also, some may find the homemade baskets with tires at the base a con. I don't think it made any difference in the game and it was kind of a neat quirk, like the subtle differences in baseball fields.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course. I feel like this course is under the radar compared to other local courses, and many are unaware of this course. It is worth seeking out and getting to know.
Challenging but not super difficult for the moderate golfer. Mostly par 3's with a couple reachable in one shot and one par 4. If you're a Montgomery county player this is reasonably close drive and worth the extra couple of minutes.
Wear good shoes, perhaps even hiking boots. You will have shots that seem easy but your footing is limited thus increasing the difficulty in accuracy.
This is a camp ground some you may see some campers hanging around or fishing near the pond, but that is barely noticeable.
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3 0
Experience: 27.2 years 27 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2016 Played the course:once


Neat, unique little course. Great rock formations, some of which you tee from, a cool "cave", a bit of elevation change, and some fun pin placements. While the baskets were homemade and didn't look too functional, they actually caught discs much better than I expected. Overall it had a fun feel to it, just don't go there expecting a world class course or anything.


Not super challenging layout-wise and holes were mostly short. The last hole going along the pond is kind of stupid in my opinion, water on the left, narrow green, and a mess of reeds on the right. There's challenging, and then there's "good luck not losing a disc on this hole," it's the latter which I've never been a fan of. We had to search for a while in the reeds for one of ours, and found another one in there while we were at it.

Other Thoughts:

As others mentioned, holes after the pond (after 15 I think) are hard to find, they are to the right through or before the gate I believe, NOT down the road/path on the left. Hole layout and next tee signage for the 2nd half of the course was lacking, making some baskets and tees hard to find. The Smile you're on Camera signs were a bit creepy too, couldn't find any cameras but nobody likes being watched without knowing where/by who. There's a private campground on site too, so this would make a nice little campout trip. I wouldn't drive a long ways to play this course but definitely worth checking out if you're nearby. I'd play it again.
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4 6
Experience: 15 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

I can't believe any of these ratings 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2016 Played the course:once


- This course has nice variation of elevation in a mostly wooded climate.
- tees were part of landscape.


- The signage is rough, incorrect or non-existent for each hole, but there was arrows to point toward each tee.
- The terrain makes this course almost unplayable as it is surrounded by boulders and extremely rocky terrain.
- Almost every single hole had very messy or non-existent lanes.
- THIS PLACE WAS SNAKE INFESTED! Maybe it was just the timing but My Fiance and I encounter three fairly large non-garter snakes on course one was inches from my disc and another along pond on hole 14.
- The actual "disc catchers" are handy work of someone who doesn't disc golf as the baskets chains were often much smaller then the baskets made out of tires. They are also not permanent .

Other Thoughts:

We were surprised to see such a high rating for a course that lacks 2/3rds of what makes up an actual disc golf course. I will not be playing here again as there are much better wooded courses like South Mountain that are well worth the drive.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 331 played 198 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bootlegged 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 29, 2016 Played the course:once


19 short, fun and challenging holes playing along a boulder infested mountain side hardwood forest and pond to homemade tire baskets that catch quite well. Signage is adequate and navigation was fairly easy after finding the tee for hole 1.

Excellent use of the property's natural terrain features and interesting basket locations and gimmicks providing good variety. There is some disc golf gear available for purchase at the campground store/office.


Some of the tees and walks are a bit rough. I'm sure some discs will be lost in the pond and the other side of the fence. I somehow missed holes 16-18, navigational signage could be improved after hole 15, or an available course map would have mitigated that.

Other Thoughts:

I definitely enjoyed playing Bootleggers Cave, despite my personal preference for some longer holes. I played the vast majority of the course with just my putter. Hole 2's green was probably my favorite with the raised basket on the rock formation. The cave between that and hole 3's deck tee is an interesting area to hang out. Lots of really fun holes here teeing off some large boulders and playing up and down the elevation. Also enjoyed the holes around the pond and the basket in the tiny gazebo that I almost aced.

I'm not sure what the bigger basket is doing in the middle of the fairway of hole 15. I saw some flags marked on the other side of the pond from that big basket so I threw that as an extra hole. I think there is a mando on hole 15 as well to stay to the right, which I'm not sure why?

At any rate, this is a fun short course to play and I'm sure most everyone else will enjoy it as well taken in that light.
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7 1
Experience: 9.5 years 62 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Quirk factor 10 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2016 Played the course:once


Elevation changes
Water hazards
Mixed terrain
Challenging shots
Quirky tees
Quirky homemade baskets
Quirky locals


Lack of clear and consistent signage
Not really accessible if you need assistance walking (small children, handicapped, elderly, etc) as many fairways necessitate jumping from boulder to boulder
I think the wooden deck tees could be a foot longer
All par 3's

Other Thoughts:

The wackiest, most fun course I think I've ever played. When people say natural tees, these guys mean NATURAL... as in several are just straight up elevated boulders! The homemade baskets and campground/trailer park setting are a far cry from brand new disc catchers and manicured fairways of championship courses. The end result is a blast. Highly recommended.
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2 2
dave greene
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Bootleggers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This course has it all....lots of elevation,hanging basket,water, mando,OBS... Very secluded,tire baskets do not take away from course....camping,pool,friendly atmosphere...no longer 9 hole....19 almost complete...


Very rocky,with elevation so not the best for ice an snow....other than that enjoy
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 152 played 127 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Throwing Plastic at Rubber? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2015 Played the course:once


It (for now, anyway) is a nine basket course. Tees are either natural or sometimes off boulders. Baskets are quite unique; they are made out of tires with chains in the middle and a top, different for a change (they catch well). The course is rather technical with several holes offering unique basket placements. One offered an elevated basket on a boulder with OB behind it, daring you to go for the ace but will punish the overthrow, another one hangs above a boulder. Tee signs offered at every hole, and they are good handmade signs. Every hole offers something different, and you're going to have to work for your birdies here. Campground on site. Check in before you play. Course is clean; let's keep it that way.


If the course is wet, you will need to be really cautious traversing the course, and on the tees that utilize the boulders. One of the holes is not far from a fence near the turnpike. It would take a really bad and long hook to reach the highway; however, I probably wouldn't advise you climbing the fence (believe this was the hole after the elevated basket on the boulder).

Other Thoughts:

I got to take a look at some of the new holes that are being worked on, and this place will be a treat when all 18 are in sometime early next year. In addition to what is already a unique course, there will be a water throw, a basket in a gazebo, and others to follow. The course designer (who also designed Sellersville) once again did a good job with the land and with his signature basket locations. As for the nine that are down here, it is worth your time (when dry). Come see the cave, dare yourself to run the elevated baskets, and throw plastic (or rubber) at rubber...just hit the chains above the rubber, that is.
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2 2
Experience: 13.6 years 62 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best way to break in a new disc 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is a lot of fun! Its still new so its kind of rough, but every hole has it own unique design to it! I played it twice, enjoying every throw! Its a very technical course where you have to be on with your hyzer and anhyzer, which makes it fun!


Not much except you have to walk back through hole 9 after you are done to get back to your car or hole one.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course to break in a new disc! Rumor has it they are building another 9 which I cannot wait for! You can tell each hole has its unique aspect to that the build took care to make each hole their own! Out of the 50 courses I have gone to, this is top 15!
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5 0
Experience: 16.4 years 170 played 34 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Rocky Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 27, 2015 Played the course:once


This is a fun technical wooded course.

Most of the fairway shots are unique utilizing uphill, downhill, large boulders, cave.

Great bootleggers cave between hole 2 & 3

Great next tee signs between every hole.

Fun hanging basket.


You need to watch your footing when walking up the fairway because of many rocks.

This course would be unplayable in the rain or right after it rains.

Tee of hole 9 needs to be more clearly defined.

The walk back from hole 9 to my car was not 100% clear.

Other Thoughts:

The campground staff was very friendly and helpful. No course fee but I would suggest buying ice cream or water just to stay in good standings.

Must check in at office before playing your round.

The baskets are made of a tire, metal and chains. They work great for this casual round feeling.

I would remove more rocks to create clearer paths whenever possible.

I had a great time today at Bootlegger's Cave.

Most of the downed trees will be burned at the end of the summer bonfire soon.
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3 3
Experience: 12.4 years 28 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

PLAY THIS COURSE 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2015 Played the course:once


This is a short hole, technical course. Large boulders litter the fairways - well, course - there are no real "fairways" for many of the holes.
Rumors of becoming 18 - plenty of terrain for it!


Only 9 - but jeesh, just play it twice!
You MIGHT lose a disc - however the 4 of us did NOT. jsut OVERTHREW the baskets several times.
Not tamed yet - the terrain is raw and rocky - but not overgrown.

Other Thoughts:

They do NOT make you pay a fee - but I suggest buying some ice cream or water or something from the campground. They are so friendly and welcoming.

When it becomes 18 - this will be a top course in PA.
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