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Breezy Point, MN

Breezy Point

3.915(based on 11 reviews)
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Breezy Point reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2024 Played the course:once


Breezy Point DGC, the original, is the more beginner friendly of the two courses here. It's 18 holes of wooded and semi open golf on some beautiful, pretty hilly terrain. The area is disc golf exclusive and perfect for it. The fairways throughout the course are all grass and appear to be immaculately maintained. Amazing.

The baskets out here are Mach III's with the number plates on the top. These are all in great shape and mounted level. They catch pretty well too. One basket and pin position per hole. They all have foam sleeves around the pole to dampen the sound of the chains which is unusual but doesn't affect the catching ability any.

Rubber mats for tee pads. These are solid and work just fine here. Plenty grippy and pretty level. One tee pad per hole. They're all framed in with 4x4's too which helps to keep them more struturally sound. Plus they have the hole #, par and distance painted onto them so they sort of serve as the tee signs too.

Great design out here. There's an awesome mix of different shot shapes required off the tee. Plenty of the holes are open enough to start that it's whatever you feel most comfortable with but there's plenty that play better to either or FH or BH to get a look at a birdie. Lot's of hills out here but they're used in way that it doesn't wear you out. Lot's of up, down and cross hill throws. Just about everything you could want in a course, Breezy's got it.

The course is extremely easy for navigate. There's a number of arrows pointing you toward the next tee but these aren't even needed for the most part. It's pretty obvious where you'll need to head next after most holes. The arrows are nice though. The course also loops back to the parking lot after hole 9 which is always a bonus.

The parking lot is pretty small but you can park at the Breezy Point - Overlook lot and access this course as well. It appears that they intend to have that be the way to access this course too judging by the renumbering of the holes. If you use the Udisc map right now from the small lot it's accurate but you'll notice that the hole #'s on the baskets and tees don't match the hole you're currently on. That's because they recently numbered the holes starting from that other lot. A little weird now but it's clearly in transition.

Free to play and probably never too busy due to it's location. Lots of benches throughout the course which is much appreciated, especially after some of the uphill hikes.


Tee signs with a hole map would be nice to have. Not a huge con but they certainly would've been helpful on a few holes.

There's a couple spots where the erosion makes getting up or down a hill a little sketchy. Nothing major but watch your footing. This would be more of a problem after any rain but is worth noting

A few of the rubber mats are starting to show some signs of wear. A couple had tears in the middle or fraying edges. It'd be nice to see some concrete pads here in the future.

Not a con, more of a warning. This course is a hike. Bring plenty of fluids and whatever else you'll need for the round if you park at the Overlook lot, which may be the only place to park in the near future.

There's quite a few areas where you could lose a disc out here in the rough off the fairways. It's not the worst I've seen but I've definitely seen better.

Other Thoughts:

Breezy Point is a fantastic course. One of my favorites in the entire state actually out of about 150 played. Beautiful, serene area with some very fun golf. This is the easier of the two courses but is by no means a walk in the park. Highly recommend this one.
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11 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 772 played 27 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Worth the wait, Outstanding Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 27, 2022 Played the course:once


Pretty much everything I love about a great disc golf course. In the woods. Tight lines. Elevation. Have to shape a shot. Breezy Point is exceptional in how you need to "speed control" those dang downhill putter shots... Hole 1 and 10 start from the parking lot which is always appreciated... So many wooded holes with a lush grass fairway is a sight to behold. Again elevation: living in Mpls it is such a nice change of pace...Navigation was easy,


Tee signs are lacking and I hate rubber tee pads. But given the overall experience are just in the noise... For those looking for a park like course this is not it, it is a hike up and down pretty much every hole. Bring your boots or trail runners and you will not be disappointed... Maybe some longer holes would be desired? IDK those uphill shots tested my mettle.

Other Thoughts:

This course has been on my wish list for several years now. I am fortunate to have a friend with a cabin in the Brainerd lakes area, and we played it together. He is a rec level player and had a great time, he had a few great shots and thoroughly enjoyed the round... I would recommend this course to anyone willing and able to hike up and down for a couple hours in the beautiful Northwoods.
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8 0
Experience: 8.2 years 76 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Local favorite 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 29, 2022 Played the course:5+ times


-Beautiful area, very relaxing atmosphere
-many different shot types
-A decent number of benches and garbage cans around the course
-Usually kept well groomed and taken care of


-Poor signage, each hole has a rock with the hole details on it, which is a cool idea and fits the course but with some of the holes being blind i think nicer signs with shot lines would be highly beneficial. There also are a handful of holes where routing to the next hole is confusing.
-Tee pads are meh. Better than dirt, but uneven on many holes and pretty short on a few of them.
-Some of the hills are beyond steep and need both stairs added as well as new plants/grass to prevent hillside erosion

Other Thoughts:

-The par is a little absurd on this course. I feel they took into account bad throws too much, I didn't mark this as negative since it doesn't really effect play on the course, but I would consider myself an average player and I've never shot over par according to the listed pars (we play the course as if all holes were par 3).
-The parking area is a bit small and because of size is hard efficiently fit cars, though this is rarely an issue, it can be at times. (even non-tournament days)
-A handful of holes feel more like luck than skill, but it might just be me being bad. There's a couple that just have trees in most of the decent lines, though this also may be because we play all holes par 3 and a couple are hard to get there off the tee or even in two.
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9 0
Experience: 47 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Best course in lakes area drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 25, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


Super cool course, better than anything within an hour. Beautiful course in the woods, very peaceful.
Enough trees to make it challenging, but not ridiculous.
Hills make it very interesting and force you to make different shots.
If you have the arm you can realistically 2 every hole, but mistakes into the woods will penalize you (as it should).
Short holes aren't as simple as you think as they usually involve trees/hills.
Shorter distances allow beginners to play there but is still challenging for advanced players to enjoy it.


Longest holes are around 350 feet. I'd like to see a longer hole or two that take a couple drives.
Hills can be a problem for certain people, I thoroughly enjoyed scampering up and down them.
Occasional blind spots with hills where you need to double check for other players and hard to follow your disc, but that's just disc golf for ya.

Other Thoughts:

I loved this course, it is one of my favorites now. The best wooded/average distance course I've played.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 38.3 years 43 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun and challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2021 Played the course:once


-This course is all about the hills. One of the most hilly courses I've played.
-Seems well maintained and in good condition. Metal benches are the best I've seen on a course.
-Lots of ace runs makes for a fun round.
-Not super busy. We went on a weekday morning and we were the only people there at first, two other groups when we were done.
-Teepads are decent, good size with solid rubber mat in wood frame.
-Navigation is pretty easy and well marked.
-Hole design is pretty good, with some options on which line to take and clearly defined fairways through the MN woods.
-Back to the hills because that's what this course is all about. The course is fairly short but plays longer than you expect because of the grade changes.


-A few holes in the 400-600ft range would help, even with the hills. With the pars listed designed for beginners and most of the holes between 200-350ft, it feels a bit more like a rec course. Not that it plays easy - there are too many trees for it to be a cakewalk. But 1 or 2 long holes would provide more variety.
-Don't bring a cart. Walking up and down the hills is tough and frankly a little dangerous - many of them need steps to avoid slipping.
-tee signs are rocks with hole number, distance, and pars carved in them. They look nice. But the distances and pars don't jive with UDisc. Obviously rock signage is hard to update. A regular sign nailed to a tree would be easier to revise.
-Off fairways is extremely rough, just the natural thick Minnesota woods. Expect to spend some time looking for discs. Bring bug spray.

Other Thoughts:

There aren't a ton of 18 hole courses nearby. This seems like one of the best closeby. All things considering, a good course and a lot of fun.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.1 years 551 played 62 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Breezy Point 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2020 Played the course:once


+ Long, tight wooded fairways will have you throwing every shot in your arsenal
+ Elevation changes on every hole. Up, Down, and Valley, with a pretty good mix of all.
+ Good variety of hole lengths.
+ The rubber tees seem to grip as well as concrete, I don't know how they are when they get wet.
+ Navigation is pretty intuitive with short walks and some next tee signs. Just follow the arrows.


- Tee signs need minimaps with this many blind shots.
- Some of the distances listed seem off. (Especially 13, listed at 153' feels like 250'+
- Watch your step on the steeper fairways. Erosion is real.

Other Thoughts:

All in all, this is an absolutely beautiful course.
It's a workout, I was reminded today about how out of shape I am.

With better signs and some erosion control this could easily be a 4.5
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5 0
Experience: 14.6 years 25 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Now 18 holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


A good mix of challenging with the trees making the shot selection and accuracy a must, but not too long of holes so that it is impossible to make par.

Back 9 has been opened up. Back 9 has more open fairways than the Front 9 making it a bit easier. They are still working on clearing trees and cleaning up the necessary work to make the Back 9, but nothing hinders the playing.


Signs at each hole would be a plus. Stones with etched hole number, par, and distance makes it easy to know that information, but a map showing the general pin location so a first-time player doesn't have to search for the pin would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

If in the area, I recommend this course as a great round or two. Lots of elevation changes. Sometimes it is simply throwing over a valley to the pin on the same elevation, sometimes it is throwing up or down. Either way, be prepared to walk up or down a hill on every hole.

Short distances between holes are nice.

Trash cans by many tee pads. Some benches scattered around.
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3 0
Experience: 37 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

So much potential! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Beautiful scenery and a surprising amount of elevation. Course has plenty of trees to make it challenging, many of the holes are quite tough despite not being very long. It's a refreshing course in an area that doesn't have anything within 20 minutes for disc golf. The variety is really great, uphill holes, downhill ace runs, hard hyzer/anhyzer lines, sweeping hyzer holes etc...


It's short. And it could have a few longer holes. Some of the holes require luck. The Brainerd Lakes area has been lacking an 18 hole course and this is just another in an ever growing list...

Other Thoughts:

This is the nicest course in the Brainerd lakes area if you exclude Staples. If they clean up some of the holes and take out the luck factor and make a back 9 with some longer holes this will truly be the premier Minnesota course north of St. Cloud. I've heard a longer back 9 is in the works too, I sure hope that happens!
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3 1
Experience: 13.5 years 102 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Hidden Gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 30, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Nestled in the middle of a residential area, Breezy Point DGC is a real hidden gem. It has plenty of elevation change, unlike any other course in the area. Short but technical lanes make it challenging for everyone, excellent directional signage, benches, trash cans and baskets.


Tee signage is lacking, pars and distances are printed on the rubber tee pads, which is fine in the summer months but I was left trying to remember where the tees were while playing this winter.

Other Thoughts:

Overall an excellent course, have made the trip down from Bemidji just to play this course twice now, which I would never do for the other courses in this area. This will also soon be an 18 hole course as lots of clearing has been going on for a back 9.
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1 0
Experience: 29.3 years 63 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A great beginer/intermediate course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2016 Played the course:once


Great course design. They have done an outstanding job of cutting back big and small trees. The distance of the holes are short but tight. The lines are hard but not impossible. Like my title says it's a great beginner/intermediate course. An open player might find it to easy. I have played multiple courses in this area while on vacation and this is the first course that I have found that i really enjoyed.
Great flow, good signs, pads are a good idea. They even have new benches on a few holes. The Mach 3's are sweet!


I have heard that they are possibly putting in another 9 holes. A few longer open holes would be cool.
The pads state that some of the holes are par 4. I think they should all be 3.

Other Thoughts:

Worth the drive for most.
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2 0
Experience: 11.4 years 18 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Possible 18 hole with hills 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2015 Played the course:once


-Hills provide elevation changes, which is not seen in other area courses
-Non-conventional right-turning holes
-Rubberized tee-pads with footages marked
-Sign guide-points to mark your path
-Memorable holes, including a short par 3 with a large rock that you can write your name on
-Excellent baskets


-So far, only nine-holes completed out of the potential 18
-Not clear where some baskets are from tee-box, so additional signing would be helpful. Foliage only exacerbates the problem.
-Directions needed to find the course. Breezy Point is a little bit off the beaten path for most people.

Other Thoughts:

Breezy Point offers something for every skill level. The course is heavily-wooded with many hills. The plan is to install another nine holes by the end of next summer.
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