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Albuquerque, NM

Brent Baca Memorial

Permanent course
3.425(based on 32 reviews)
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Brent Baca Memorial reviews

7 0
Ghetto Leprechaun
Experience: 22.4 years 6 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well...best in ABQ anyway... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-Very nice, thick paper, map/scorecards provided.
-Very fluid course. You can usually see the next tee from the pin you're at, and it's not far away. The map is more for seeing where the pin is at while at the tee rather than trying to find the next tee.
-Signs w/faded par and distance and map at each pro tee. (Starting to fade but still legible.)
-Nice man made obstacles. This is the desert, there's nothing but a tree or two and some bushes. Someone went to great lengths to add railroad ties, metal things (you tell me what those things are!), a wire fence around one pin (neat idea.), etc.
-Nice, long, open driveways.
-Out in the middle of nowhere! No chance of hitting a car in a parking lot, or a person having a picnic or something. No bums/drug addicts (that's a jab at you, Roosevelt Park!). Nice and quiet/peaceful.
-Very nice, big, concrete tees. (Not that is rains much but concrete is always better than dirt.)


-Not enough technical shots.
-If the wind is blowing things are going to get very, very difficult.
-Not much shade. (It is the desert after all.)

Other Thoughts:

This course is a 5 for ABQ but compared to other courses, such as Sipapu, no way this gets a 5. For me, there are too many straight, unblocked drives. I prefer technical over long drives. (May have something to do with my lack of straight distance in my drive haha). I would prefer more technical shots though. Overall, best course in ABQ, hands down. (Roosevelt has the best potential but too many cons such as design and foot traffic so Brent Baca wins.)
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3 0
Experience: 25.4 years 13 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Discs in the Desert 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2011 Played the course:once


Really cool use of man-made obstacles. Long distance throwers will have fun on this course, but there are also secondary tees for more novice players. Nice big round concrete tees provide a good launching point. Mostly flat, but obstacles, both natural and man-made, provide interesting challenges and opportunities for technical shots. Maps provided at first tee.


It's in the desert and is very remote. If the wind is blowing at all, this course can be a real challenge as there are little to no trees or hills to block the wind. As a matter of fact it kind of sits in a canyon between mesas, which can funnel the wind making it worse. No shade for hot days, so bring a lot of water. Very sandy with lots of prickly brush, were good shoes and pants, not a place to wear shorts.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course that I plan to play a lot more. Challenging, and not crowded. Location is in the boonies, but it's worth a visit and it's not that hard to get to.
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15 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Disc Golf Meets Mad Max Meets Harsh Desert Conditions! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2011 Played the course:once


The Mad Max reference that previous reviewers have referred to is just so perfect that I just had to use it in my title. This course just has that "feel." Everyone talks about the manmade obstacles but no-one has really described the one that I consider the best idea.

NOTE TO COURSE DESIGNERS ANYWHERE! THIS IS IS ONE GREAT IDEA ! The # 3 basket was just sitting out in the middle of this vacant field. The designers went to much effort to bury railroad ties standing upright in the ground around the basket. There are probably eight RR ties of varying heights, standing approx 3'-7' tall surrounding the basket. We've all played courses with a basket standing all alone out in the middle of a field. This is a really unique way to transform that rather boring hole into a rather unique hole. You could bury poles of any thickness/height or mix and match. It'll take some grunt work on the part of your group but it'll will certainly add to your course.

Now off my soap box and back to Brent Baca course. The course sits out in the middle of an industrial area. Out where the treatment plants, recycling and auto wrecking yards are located. It has the feel of a very large industrial vacant yard crossed with scrubby desert terrain. And then the whole course is criss-crossed with a large deep arroyo.
The tee-pads are amazing large circles of concrete, 10 feet across. I played alone early in the morning and was able to follow the course fairly easily. The # 4 basket sits just above this deep arroyo. My short putt hit the side and rolled down into it forcing me to climb down the banks and play up again. At certain times of the year, my putter would have been a wash-a-way.
# 12 was probably my favorite hole. It's just a short 255' throw over the metal frames but then the basket is enclosed in a small fenced corral. Shades of Winthrop Gold in South Carolina!
And then I found # 17 to be an interesting hole. It's just a routine 265' throw to a basket set in some trees except there is a large industrial gas tank of some kind (approx the size of RR car) lying on it's side. And painted on the end facing you are two large eyeballs. They look like woman's eyes to me. And this tank is right where I wanted to hyser my throw into the basket. And naturally I banged my throw off her forehead!


The terrain has more of a run down vacant lot feel to me than a desert feel. It could be really hot and dusty out there in the heat of a New Mexico day. Finding discs in some of that scrub could be difficult. There were some man made obstacles right in front of some of the round teepads forcing you to either throw a bigger hyser or anhyser than you might have wanted to. I thought they were unnecessary and sometimes unsightly. The pads were big enough that you could easily throw around them. The course is a heck of a long ways away from civilization.

Other Thoughts:

It's certainly one unique course. The man made obstacles are innovative and creative. Congratulations to the course designers for thinking out of the box and all their hard work. You've built something here where there was nothing. Other course developers should take note and borrow a few of these ideas. I've already passed word to John, one of the head honchos at the Las Vegas, NM club. His course has numerous holes that could benefit from some of these man-mades.
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1 4
ryan ranes
Experience: 16.1 years 48 played 26 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A fun couse in the middle of no where 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2010 Played the course:once


fun shopts for big arm throwers and manmade obstacles making it look very cool and tricky
with excellent teepads O


there are no signs so easy to get lost and can get very windy

Other Thoughts:

when ur early to the airport u can play this course before hand
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10 1
Experience: 16.4 years 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Must See! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Off the Tee: Large circular concrete tee pads make it easy to rip it how you wish. Natural and Man-Made Obstacles, large arroyos (flash flood canyons) and up/down shots make for interesting shots, but you largely can just rip it, especially if you throw RBH.

Approach and Putting: The baskets are all in excellent condition, and almost every placement is meant to reward accurate approach play, with tough obstacles, both man-made and natural being used to prevent long putts from most angles.

Environment: The course is a great use of open land, and the designers made the most of it by use of man-made obstacles. Throwing into an arroyo is always frustrating, but it does make for good risk/reward on many holes, especially hole #4.

Hole #11 is a great example of the Mad-Max meets disc golf style of the course, with all the obstacles being large uni-strut rusted metal frames. Good design choice.

The layout of the course is pretty easy to follow after it's been played once as the tees always have an arrow that points right at the basket, as well as hand drawn maps with distances.


It can be dusty and hot, and easy to lose discs if the brush hasn't been trimmed down recently. While some of the holes have well done obstacles that require a different shaped shot off the tee, others just reinforce the standard RBH flight, such as #3.

Other Thoughts:

If you play by yourself make sure to bring lots of water and a phone, as there are some dangers to the course, and its rare that others players are on it. *I strongly recommend wearing pants and sturdy shoes* I would also recommend playing this course early in the morning during the summer as there is no water and almost no shade on the course for rest stops.

This course is worth the play
I applaud the designers and maintainers of this course for keeping it in fairly good condition despite its remote location.

This course should be played at least once if you are in the area.
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5 1
Experience: 52 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Semi-Deserted Desert 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Perhaps biased by the deficiencies of the other courses in the area, I found this course to be very enjoyable. Moderately challenging, the real fun in this course is in its variety. The openness of the terrain and the large circular tee pads are conducive not only to long, open throws, but technical shots and dog legs left and right, making way for hyzers, anhyzers, forehands, backhands, tomahawks - whatever your strength may be (or if you want to work on a weakness). The man-made obstacles really add to the appeal of the course, apart from adding character & challenge to an otherwise bland landscape. Well marked, with big fat arrows on the tee pad to point you in the right direction, and some mini-maps (hand-drawn) on the tee markers to indicate direction and mandatory shots. Baskets are all flagged and easy to locate. Wide open: I've only ever seen one other group on the course as the same time as I've been out there.


As with any course in the area, best not to play in windy conditions. Not super challenging; other than one very long hole (700'+) and a few mandatory shots, nothing really presents itself as difficult; plus, with plenty of make-able birdie opportunities, you can easily compensate for a bad hole or two. Lack of trash cans coupled with slovenly people/players makes for a lot of garbage and debris on the course. Adjacent to 1) an off-road/atv area (with some overlap onto the course), 2) the airport, 3) an air force base, and 4) a recycling plant; for as out of the way as it seems, it sure is crowded in around a lot of crap. No maps, contrary to what was indicated on the bulletin board at hole #1; and there was a 2-month old note in there from another player indicating that they needed more maps. Still, there was a permanent map on the bulletin board; didn't end up needing it, though, as the layout is pretty fluid.

Other Thoughts:

Bring water, it gets hot and there's no source on site. Love hole #4: nothing is as cool as flinging a forehand anhyzer along the edge of an arroyo right up to the pin.
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1 2
Experience: 18.5 years 100 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Unique 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Great use of the land. I love the disc golf meets mad max reference. Great teepads, great views. Great for big arms, but short teepads allow for smaller arms to enjoy it as well! Great desert landscape. Sweet views of all the US Air Force's latest toys flying overhead to Kirtland AFB.


Bring water as there are no facilities.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a good break for when Roosevelt gets crowded. You can really let it rip out here. You can see bits of this course in the latest Terminator movie as it was filmed on the street leading up to the course.
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5 1
Experience: 2.6 months 9 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Maintenance Needed 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2009 Played the course:once


As others have said, this is a very neat and unique course. Given little to work with the designer came up with a challenging and interesting set up. As was written on an old guest book that I once saw there, "Mad Max meets disc golf".


Overgrown brush makes even seeing some of the pins a challange.

Trash everywhere. Beer bottles, cans and fast food wrappers are strewn all over the course.

Man made barriers near the tees force one to throw a standard flight.

Other Thoughts:

There are very few trash cans so people have been making trash piles near some of the tees.

General trash (fast food wrappers, grocery bags) was blowing throughout the course. Some of this may have come from a recycling plant across the road.

On some holes the brush has become so tall that the pin cannot be seen until you are right on top of it. Even the old map I had was of little help.

I've first played this course in `07 and had a great time. However since then Baca has gone downhill badly.
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4 0
Experience: 22.4 years 21 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Be Prepared 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2009 Played the course:once


-Very cool circular concrete tee pads on every hole add an artistic touch along with man made obstacles on a few holes.
-Distances marked on every hole but no signs
-Logical flow of hole layout makes navigation pretty manageable
-Nice mix of holes both short and long gives some birdie chances and some holes you really have to work for a three.


-Some pin placements seemed absolutely unfair. So much cover that you pretty much have to go past the hole and shoot back to it. With a little tree trimming my rating would definitely jump to a 3.5 or even a 4.
-Noise from the nearby recycling plant and off-road vehicle park take away from the solitude of the course.

Other Thoughts:

I would call this a definite must play if in the Albuquerque, NM area.
- Can be very hot not a lot of shade, bring water
-Throw bright discs only. Thick sage brush can hide your disc very well
- Very windy so be prepared for that.
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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 112 played 104 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Surprising 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 29, 2008 Played the course:once


Nice big and artistic tee pads and a well laid out course that takes full advantage of the terrain are the big high lights of this course. I was also pleasently surprised about how much I enjoyed the man made objects that were used to assist in creating new challenges on various different holes. I like hole 14 I believe it is that has distance markers to at least 500 ft to show you how long your drive is. There is a mail box for maps at the first tee. There are things for kids to do in a play area the sits right there on the first tee and last green.


It felt weird to be driving past salvage yards and then the dump on the way to the course. There is some very nasty brush on a few holes that you will not have fun walking through in order to find a disk, and you will be very lucky to find any disk that does go in there. There is little protection on the course from wind so that becomes a major factor. The course is also right next to a dirt bike/4 wheel/whatever other motorized play vehicle you own and had a couple of them come into the course as I was playing.

Other Thoughts:

I played thios course on a very windy day, do not do as I did. They were also out of maps which made finding holes very interesting. I almost did not play but am very glad that I did. I certainly felt like I had gotten a birdie every time I got a bogy. Mid way through my round though I was just taken by how much I was enjoying myself. It was almost like playing again for the first time.
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14 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.5 years 168 played 56 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Unlike any other 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 26, 2008 Played the course:once


This course has some very cool holes. On hole 4 the tee box is literally on the precipace of a 40ft drop-off into an "Arroyo" which is basically a small canyon where water would run through after a rain. You throw along the length of the arroyo, out over the top of it to a basket that is on the edge as well. The arroyo makes the holes around it pretty neat. You can play from inside it if your disc ends up there, assuming it doesn't have flowing water in it at the time. There are some very long holes out here! Long course overall. We were there in March and had nice 60 degree weather and not too much wind. It would be a very tough course in the wind. There are manmade obstacles on just about every hole. They are pretty amusing and really don't obstruct too much at all, but you appreciate the effort. There are a few mandos that I remember that make the holes even more interesting. Desert setting is cool and unlike anything else I've ever played. We had the course entirely to ourselves in the middle of a weekday for about 2 and a half hours! The concrete teepads are circular and huge. They are awesome!


Don't go by yourself. There is desert brush everywhere that can hide discs easily, especially after a 400 ft drive. Snakes are also common, although we didn't see any when we were there.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course. Take a camera and a video camera.
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5 3
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.4 years 86 played 85 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Rustic and Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2007 Played the course:never


Disclaimer: I only had time to play the front 9. On the day I played this course, the winds were nearly 20 mph from the south which made for some frustrating play. Holes were well marked and of an interesting variety. Wish I had more time to explore this course more thoroughly, and also recommend that you bring a partner for help in finding discs and just as a general safety back-up. Beautiful desert scenery despite being right next to a wastewater facility. Views of mountains to the north.


Wear sturdy shoes and socks, very rough and unforgiving terrain. Bring plenty of water. Wind can be an issue here. Spent a lot of time searching for discs in the low brush.

Other Thoughts:

Will definitely be back sometime to play this one again. I'm sure I probably played it under the worst circumstances.
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