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Pine, CO

Bucksnort DGC

4.775(based on 62 reviews)
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Bucksnort DGC reviews

44 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
5.00 star(s)

This is one of the 7 Wonders of Disc Golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2014 Played the course:once


My camera died on hole 8, every hole needed to be shared. Views rival any state park or scenic look out.

Flow and navigation is "100% idiot proof" a 3 colored arrow system allows you to find the basket, the next hole, and the safest walking path.

So many holes would be signature holes on any other course. This is definitely the only place you will ever putt into an elevated pine basket in a cave (hole 4)

The amount of risk vs. reward shots is never ending. The roll aways were much less frequent than the other near by courses.

There was a shaded "rest stop" with furniture and water coolers at hole 6.

You are given a course map and a cheat sheet to help you through the course.

Great variety in shots while keeping holes intermediate friendly.

I emptied my bag several holes. (5, 6, 21, and 22 off the top of my head)

Finally, Paulie is a gracious and professional host. He even loaned me a rain coat to keep me dry while I was playing.


Most cons are rendered mute by this being a private course with only one group per day. I struggled to come up with cons so much that I had to save and come back to add these nit-picky cons.

1. Course terrain is pretty treacherous and not suited for the general public.

2. some chance of disc loss, but discs get returned. Some chance of disc destruction. soft plastics can be chewed up and cracked easily here.

3. You cant just spontaneously play this course. A tee time must be set up in advanced and you must go through a short orientation.

4. If you don't factor in elevation this course does not have a lot of long holes, but with elevation and hazards I felt hole distances were selected well.

5. 18's super shot double mando may be called gimmicky, but its the only double reverse mando I have ever seen, also one hole out of 22 is a great ratio.

Other Thoughts:

I have played Flyboy, Renny Gold, Deer Lakes, Hawk Hollow, Maple Hill, and many other quality courses and feel this course can compete with the best courses in the world. If you have an opinion on this review shoot me a PM and we can debate and I can make changes as needed. Much more mature than a thumbs down.

On my drive down the course I saw an entire other course using chime targets. It was tempting, but I did not have permission to play.

Cost $15.

The nearby camping is $55 a night and 7 people can fit in a cabin at Beaver Ranch.
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3 13
Experience: 16.3 years 66 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Favorite Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2014 Played the course:once


Since it is a private course, it is rented out to only one group per day. It is fantastic to be able to play at your own pace, have these amazing views and not worry about anything but having a good time. The course layout was phenomenal - easy to navigate and a good use of the land. It is a very challenging course, but my friend who came with me doesn't play very often and he still had a good time. Rock formations, interesting basket locations, elevation changes, technical shots - this course has it all. I have played courses all across the country and even overseas and this course beats them all. If you are ever in the area, definitely give this course a shot.


Nothing that I can think of. You will want to leave your DX and Pro D plastics at home. With the rocks and the trees, your discs can get beat up pretty quickly, even with good shots.
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3 20
Experience: 24.2 years 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

mountain disc golf at its best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


What a great course in an area with lots of great courses. Great views of Pine Valley, amazing rock formations to play on and around. Beautiful ponderosa pine forest to challenge players on most drives. Many different shots needed for this course with good putting a must for a good score. Great owners, respect their property and few rules (smoking in designated areas only). Maybe best of the best in the area, great for both competitive and casual players.


Could be difficult to get a tee time, but once you do you won't be disappointed.

Other Thoughts:

I'm a big fan of shorter technical courses, so I love that this course isn't too long with only a few big drives needed. Get Out and Play This Course!
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2 22
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

best course I've ever played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


This was hands down the best most interesting course I have ever played. It's is absolutely beautiful the location is perfect. The holes are set up with enough challenge that even pros will find it fun. The couple that owns it are the most loving caring most interesting people I've met..... I can't wait for out next mile high trip next year to go and play it again......


Nothing to speak of

Other Thoughts:

Love this course.. I envy the owners that live right on the mountain and can play it as much as they want...
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4 17
Experience: 26.5 years 23 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

best course in the us 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


The views!
The mountain is yours!
Smoking holes/rain shelters
Water jugs
Cutest happiest owners living a dream.
True test of disc golfing skill. Bring your whole repituar.
My 1st ace on hole 4 the cave hole.


Dirt pads=foot twist divots that throws off your drive which is dangerous on this course.
The Views make putting hard sometimes they will take your breath away.

Other Thoughts:

By far the most beautiful course ive ever played. Well mapped. not to long of a jaunt compared to the other courses we played in CO.
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2 31
[email protected]
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Bucksnort a line of this track 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2014 Played the course:once


Breathtaking views, top notch design, absolute serenity.



Other Thoughts:

Hands down the best course I have ever played. Impossible to choose a favorite hole. Must return to see it all again. The rest of this rant is just filler...this website requires a certain amount of characters, or something.
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29 3
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Make Sure You Visit This One 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


-Huge amount of elevation change. There are straight downhill shots, straight up-hill shots, side hill and couple valley type shots. This land had a lot of good elevation change available and it was used well here.
-There are a lot of fun really tricky pin-positions here. A lot of the pin are placed on rocks, behind rocks, or near big drop-offs. This adds a lot of risk vs. reward on approach shots and putts.
-There are a lot of tight fairways on this course. There are a lot of trees on many of the holes. In order to score well you have to be able to hit some tight lines, but the lines never feel unfair, just challenging.
-The rocks on this course are one of the best features of the course. They add a lot of challenge by creating barriers between you and the basket, serving as interesting pin-placements, or knocking down errant drives.
-Benches and trashcans at many of the tee-pads.
-Course is very easy to navigate. There are yellow arrows pointing from the last basket to the next tee. They are very well placed and make it very easy to find the next tee. For baskets that are hidden from the tee, there are orange arrows pointing where the basket is, so you don't have to walk up the fairway to find it.
-There are a lot of very memorable holes on this course. Hole 4 is short shot to a basket tucked very tightly into a tight cave. Hole 7 is tight downhill shot through the trees out onto a rock that looks like a moon rock. Hole 15 is an ace run, but if you over throw the basket very far, your disc will be flying very far down the hill.
-Baskets are in good shape and caught well. I always enjoy the wooden basket that some of the courses in Pine area have.
-Requires a good variety of shots in order to score well.
-Wonderful views


-The course could use one or two longer holes. None of the holes feel overly long, especially since some of the longer ones are downhill shots.
-The tee-boxes are ok, but could use a little work. I felt like I wanted a little more room on a couple of them and a few of them felt a little slick.
-Hole 13 felt a little gimmicky to me. It is a basket tucked in a shed or house like structure and it just felt a little unnatural compared to the rest of the course.
-There is definitely a chance to lose a disc on this course in some of the underbrush

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a spectacular course. There are a ton of amazing memorable holes. This is an amazing piece of property for a disc golf course and the potential of this property was used very well in the design. This is easily one of the best courses, I've played. If you enjoy fun disc golf, make sure you visit this course.
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3 14
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Premier DGC! MUST PLAY!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 17, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Love everything about this course. Each hole is a high risk high reward opportunity. If you don't play smart it will cost you. I had a few bad roll outs that took me from a birdie to boogie real fast.

The scenery is as good as it gets. Bring a camera and plan on the first round taking twice as long as the second round. I could go on and on about the different holes and how cool they were and each was as cool as the last. But instead I think you must go and play in order to truly understand what Bucksnort is all about.


None! Disc golf at it's best here folks!!!!

Other Thoughts:

Bucksnort salon which is about 4 miles away is a must do after a day on the mountain playing. Order the Philly Cheese Steak and a cold beer and look at all the picture you took that day.

Prior to playing Bucksnort you need to make reservations and they only let one group play/day. You can do that by calling Paulie at Phantom Falls. Which is another great and unique DGC.
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12 4
Experience: 14 years 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Every Hole Is A Post Card View! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Views - Unimaginable from every location on this course. It took us 6 hours to play our first round because we stopped like tourists on every single hole and admired the sheer beauty that surrounded us.

Holes: Some of the most unique holes setup along the gorgeous terrain. Challenging lines to hit but not very long. If you want to unleash bombs all day then you are more likely to enjoy Beaver Ranch at Conifer (my now second favorite course ever after playing Bucksnort). The cave hole was like nothing else I have played before, thought I had a great drive right into the mouth of the cave but as I sat down to watch my friend tee off there goes my disc rolling down the mountain. I parked my drive and birdied it the next round though. The 4 - 5 acre enormous rock that you play at least two holes on is like walking on the moon, so picturesque with such a beautiful back drop. The use of the elevation was impeccable without creating such a demanding hike that you were worn out after a single round like Beaver Ranch.

Replay value: 2 or even 3 rounds in a day is definitely a must here but a third round will require a bit less paparazzi time than we spent in awe as we approached each tee pad and basket for the first time. I honestly thought I had died and gone to disc golf heaven and you had to restrain yourself from wanting to empty your entire bag on almost every hole. Of course we couldn't resist that temptation on one of the last few holes that was an uphill shot that had big ace potential into a backstop of rocks, but if you caught edge you could easily roll all the way back down the mountain. Each of us took turns climbing up behind the basket with an IPad to capture video of the others emptying our bags, I got an epic video of my buddy nailing the chains and pole but just splashed out unfortunately. I now visit Denver twice a year and will play this course every time I get the chance.


NONE, it was that good even though it is relatively new and still adding more amenities throughout!

Other Thoughts:

Paulie your enthusiasm and hospitality are untouchable yet contagious and I enjoy all of the courses that you, Rudy and others have put together in the Pine, CO area, but this one is my new favorite course of all time! Unbelievable views from every location on this course and the property owners were so kind and welcoming. The private pay 2 play experience of several of the courses in Pine, CO area with only a single tee time offered per day is something everyone that passes by must try. If you don't enjoy yourself here then you don't have a pulse or you need to check in to a mental hospital!

Must visit the Bucksnort Saloon after your day on the mountain, make sure to ask how to get there because we thought we would never find it but finally did in a tiny nook in the valley below. It is such a unique hangout with amazing character. There are signed dollar bills hanging from every square inch of the ceiling and most of the walls. Highly recommend the Philly Cheese Steak or the feature Burger!
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3 14
Experience: 17.3 years 93 played 14 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best Course In CO! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


My favorite course used to be Phantom Falls which is right down the driveway from this newer course, but I go to play the 2013 Vibram Birdie Bash which was also the grand opening of this course. I have been there a few times and I am about to go to the 2014 Birdie Bash being held at the same course and this is hands down my favorite course to play in CO now.
-Mix of long, short and technical shots!
-20+ Holes!
-Only $10 to play
-Good mix of up and down shots, some really cool long shots off the sides of the hills ledges

Cool Holes:
-Basket inside of an old paintball building
-Basket inside crack of a rock wall "the cave shot"



Other Thoughts:

Everyone in CO needs to check this one out!
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2 11
Experience: 74 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Alltime!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2013 Played the course:once


I don't even know where to begin with this course. Absolutely nothing I have ever seen on a disc golf course can prepare you for the beauty of this place. Starting from hole 1 you know you're going to need accuracy otherwise it's pine city. Great use of elevation throughout the course with some incredible views of the valleys surrounding the mountain. Also we were there during some snow that covered Beaver Ranch and Bucksnort was untouched the whole day.
Hole 4 deserves mention because you won't ever play anything much like it again. Short hole finishes right into a cave with the basket up in a nook. What you can't see from the pictures is if you hit a pine or roll left its straight down the mountain to double bogey land.
There are too many good holes in my opinion to say any single one is a signature hole...it's that good.



Other Thoughts:

We made the drive out from Oklahoma and Paulie couldn't have shown us any more hospitality. Hook this guy up in the pro shop and keep this place growing.
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28 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Unique Challenges 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2014 Played the course:once


-Awesome rock formations all over the course. Many baskets are placed in or around these rocks for added challenge, fun and uniqueness. It starts off strong with the basket against a massive rock across a little valley. Hole 2 is back down the valley with an ace run against a rock back board. Hole 4 and 5 are some of the most interesting on the course. Hole 4 is into the cave/crack and is a tough tee shot and tough putt. It is also one of the famous pine baskets. Super short but not an easy 3. Hole 5 is another downhill with a fast green behind the rocks.
-Tees are natural but worked just fine.
-Lots of elevation and risk/reward shots. Not nearly as severe punishment for poor judgement as PF but you can still throw a disc off a cliff by accident.
-This course is designed to be able to hold events unlike PF which is good. It appears to be a larger property with less holes so it is less crammed and no baskets are shared. There is definitely room for expansion and I hear there is expansion in the plans for this summer. I was picturing some more awesome shots all over this property.
-The basket in the building was pretty cool and unique. Even though it was a manufactured obstacle, it was still a legitimate challenge.
-This course is up on top of the hill above PF so the views are a lot better. You can see forever. Holes 8,15,16 especially were memorable views.
-This course is designed with intermediate players in mind but I think that it could challenge most players. You still need accuracy to avoid trees and to place your discs where they wont roll. You also need to think about your next shot as many greens are tricky.
-Paulie is a great host and course designer. It is fun to hang out with him for the day and have him tell you the ins and outs of the courses. He is a great advocate for the sport.
-No junk holes here, all of them are fun and pretty unique.


-Like Phantom, this course has a hodgepodge of various baskets. Many of them are nice but some of them are single-chained and will spit discs out now and then.
-Could lose a disc here with a really bad shot. The undergrowth is a little worse than Phantom being a newer course but it is much better than most wooded courses. I did find a disc in the open. If you want it back, PM me with a brief description and we'll see if we can get it back to you.
-Definitely a physically challenging course with lots of hiking up and down hills at high elevation.
-Like PF, this course is pay to play ($15) and there is only one tee time every day. This is a pro because you aren't going to be rushed and a con because it can be hard to get onto. I would say that this course is a must play regardless of the cost.
-Tees are natural (see pros)

Other Thoughts:

-You probably should take a few days to visit this area if you are from out of town. This course as well as Phantom, Bailey, and Conifer are all must plays for everybody.
-I camped for free about 10 miles away from here in the Buffalo Creek National Forest area. Highly recommended. Especially for free.
-Paulie allowed me to play this course after Phantom and I was joined by two others, thanks to Dan and Stephanie for the camaraderie and great round.
-This course had a super high fun factor for me. I look forward to returning someday and maybe bumping this rating up to a 5.
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4 13
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Bucksnort 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is beautiful and pristine
The course is fair to both lefties and righties
The course is a high risk high reward
The course is laid out in a way that is thorough in thought
The course is a masterpiece by Paulie
The course is my favorite and I dream of the shots


It's a mans course- you can't be no punk off the streets- you know what I mean.... Earn your keep
Bucksnort has some tough terrane and needs to be respected
Difficult to find cons on a course that is so close to perfection

Other Thoughts:

Take some time to enjoy the view on 16
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17 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.3 years 211 played 34 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Factor - excellent! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 8, 2013 Played the course:once


This course was a blast to play. It is creatively designed, with quite a few unique holes that I doubt you will see anywhere else. There were a couple of quirky novelty holes, and I had a lot of fun playing them.

Several baskets were perched high on rocks with really small landing zones, and gigantic rollaways happened several times -- a drive that might look to give a routine deuce putt opportunity turns into a 4 or worse. There is virtually no undergrowth, so even if you have a terrible rollaway (or badly shank a drive) it is pretty easy to find discs.

Hole 8 was a signature hole. It tees downhill from the top of a gigantic boulder that must be about an acre wide. I love this hole. It has options. I tried the low straight shot the first time through and failed badly, then second round I tried the big hyzer over the top and parked it. So fun!

The scenery is inspiring, and it would be fun to just hike around up here. Even more fun to throw plastic while you're hiking. :)

When you arrange a tee time here you get the whole course to yourself for the whole day. It's pretty amazing to be able to play such a great course without waiting.

My group took a nice relaxing rest in a little shelter after hole 6. It was equipped with lounge furniture that was in good condition even though its exposed to the elements. That stuff would be totally rotten in other parts of the country but I guess the low humidity helps.

There was great signage which involved lots of really obvious directional arrows. It was super easy to follow, which is great for a course which will probably see a lot more first-time players than your average city park.


There are only a couple of holes that can use a full pull with a driver. I threw a lot of midranges off the tee. I don't commonly use a putter from the tee but I did that here several times. I'm not sure this is really a con, just depends on what you're looking for. For me personally, I was satisfied with it because I played the same day at Conifer, where you get a chance to really air out some big drives.

Footing was a slight issue, it is not a big problem, but like any natural tees it just adds a little extra variable you have to pay attention to. Here the gravel is pretty good, but there are still some ball bearings underfoot occasionally.

About those novelty holes (in the crack, in front of backstop rocks, hanging basket, a basket inside weird shack). I liked them, and after giving it some more thought later, I wondered if the fun factor would be diminished once the novelty wore off. Maybe so, because we played a partial 2nd round and some of the novelty holes were not as much fun second time around. (unlike hole 8, which was even more incredible the second time!)

Other Thoughts:

My group was discussing how this course design would need some changes if the course were to have more than one tee-time per day. There were a couple holes with obvious erosion issues from foot traffic, and there were quite a few places where you could easily end up throwing into groups on other holes. As long as it has the one-group-per-day policy I can't really call these things "cons".

Course designer Paulie was a great host. He's put together a really excellent course in Bucksnort. 4.0 = excellent. Money well-spent! And it makes me want to check out the other ones in the area. Next time!
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2 3
Experience: 13.5 years 21 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Bucksnort 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful scenery. When you get to each tee box and look around the views are amazing. Most of the basket placements are pretty tough but there are a few ace able placements as well. I suggest bringing a few friends and enjoy the course all day because you have it to yourself! It's like your own private course for the day. Paulie has put signage up the makes the course dummy proof. It's very easy to find the next tee pads as well as baskets.


There is no room for drivers. If you like to rip them far this isn't the course for you. Very technical course so if your throws are a little off that day it could make a long one for you.

Other Thoughts:

All of Paulies courses are awesome to play. Paulie takes you to each one and gives you a little history/presentation on the course you have selected that day. After that he leaves you alone and let's you do what you want.
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7 1
[email protected]
Experience: 24.3 years 30 played 17 reviews
5.00 star(s)


Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 22, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Of the "BIG-5" courses on the highway 285 corridor, this is one of my favorites. I love the views, creative pin placement, shot variation, rock outcroppings, and overall vibe at the BuckSnort DGC. You get the place to yourself/group, which is an invaluable pro, due to the increasing crowds on other the local public courses. This course has a great mix of shots and lengths. Be aware that it is NOT a huge course in terms of hole length, but it is by no means a "pitch & putt". If you want/like extremely long holes, I suggest going to play Bailey DGC, this is one of the local public courses. The Bailey DGC was installed to accommodate the 2010 CO State DG tournament, so it was conceived with the PRO player in mind. The BuckSnort DGC is a beginner friendly, intermediate DGC with the emphasis being put on fun factor, and creativity, and was not designed to give you a "beat down". I also like the fact that anything can happen at the BuckSnort DGC, one day I scored an 11 over, and 3 days later I scored a 3 under, meaning on any given hole you could score a birdie or a double bogie. The crushed granite tee pads are in excellent condition, and are a great material to tee off from. The navigation and "blind hole" signage make this course, fun, easy, and somewhat "idiot proof". The course designer, and the owner of the property are very friendly, respectful, and accommodating. The customary donation is fair, and the added bonus of access to the Phantom Falls pro-shop is a huge bonus.


The course is only 2.5 months old, so take the "cons" with a grain of salt. The tee signs are not fancy which will be fixed by 2017. The course costs $$ to play, and you MUST have a tee time to play, (con's?? I don't think so, but some mught).

Other Thoughts:

You check in at the Phantom Falls DGC & pro-shop. For transparency sake - I am one of the designers of this course. Come visit us sometime, we would be honored to have you play here. Check us out on our web page at -http://bucksnort.healthtrains.net /
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22 0
Hector Chain
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 222 played 191 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Just a blast 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Of the five big courses in the Conifer/Pine/Bailey area, Bucksnort takes top honors in a number of different categories: scenery, unique topology, creative design, and best of all, fun.

There are a lot of signature holes here. Hole 4 is only 118 feet long into a tight crevasse. It's probably possible to ace, but even getting a birdie is pretty tough. Great shot placement hole requiring a good drive and a better putt. Hole 5 is a steep downhill shot with a stone "backboard." If you miss the thin landing area or the backboard, you won't be getting a birdie. But going for the ace is really tantalizing. My sidearm thumber narrowly missed.

Hole 7 has a few tight, low-ceiling gaps opening up to a "green" that is the largest boulder I've ever set foot on, which has a terrific view of the surrounding mountains and gigantic rock outcroppings. Hole 8 tees off from this rock on what Paulie calls a disc-eating hole. We didn't have any trouble finding our discs in the forest below, but if you air it out carelessly, I could see it never coming back. This is a hole where you could easily get an ace, birdie, par, bogey, and maybe worse. Hole 9 is a final hole along the side of this boulder, with the basket sitting on a ledge along the rock wall. It looks like an easy forehand ace or birdie opportunity, but for some reason we didn't get a lot of birdies on this hole.

Hole 21 is a steep uphill toss at a basket set in a corner. It is aceable (my friend did), but hitting the rock wall behind it could send the disc rolling back to you.

Navigation was easy, using the same yellow "next tee" signs used at the other courses that Paulie designed.

This probably has the least amount of elevation change of any of the five courses in the area. It definitely plays up and down, but you won't be catching your breath like at Conifer or Magic Meadows.


I don't think using the natural features of the terrain is gimmicky (they are used to excellent effect here). But one of the holes does have you throwing to a basket situated in a wooden shack where you are either throwing through the open roof, one of the three windows, or through the one side with no wall. This hole, while kind of funny, felt artificial.

This isn't a championship style course, if that is what you are after.

Tee pads are all natural, and some are short. Again, I don't expect concrete on these holes.

Other Thoughts:

The charge was $10 ("introductory fare"), and Paulie leads you up the hill from Phantom Falls and gives you the lowdown. It was well worth the cost. You get the course to yourself, just like at Phantom Falls or Magic Meadows.

If your favorite part of disc golf is throwing your Destroyer as far as you can, this might not be your cup of tee. I love wooded courses, but my accuracy was off the day I played, and I encountered a lot of Dikembe trees, slamming my disc to the ground. This is not a pitch and putt course (seriously, try playing without a driver on the uphill holes), but your big arm won't serve you well here. If you are accurate, you will score well here. But there are plenty of places for mistakes, and my two friends and I saw a lot of lead changes.

To me the sign of a great course is how badly I want another chance at the holes. We couldn't wait to play this a second time. And even though I had a 7-hour drive ahead of me that evening, I decided we needed to play it a third time as well. It was too tantalizing.

This course is the most fun of any I've played.
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2 4
Experience: 17.2 years 121 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Can it get better i don't know 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Great views great design all holes are awesome. Basket placements are fantastic tee boxes are in great shape. Very challenging yet rewarding I had nine birdies in one round but still ended even par. The course is easy to walk played 66 baskets and was not to exhausted actually tempted to play more it was so fun.


No cons here there was even water coolers to refill your bottle along the way everthing you could need to make your day the most enjoyable disc golf ever.

Other Thoughts:

Can it get better i don't know I have played magic meadows and was blown away there but this is definitely a few notches up from that. Still have not played the phantom so if there is course to beat buck snort it still awaits to be seen by me.
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2 8
Experience: 15.4 years 20 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Incredible course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2013 Played the course:once


Everything is top notch on this course. If you've played any of Paulie's courses, you know what I mean. The tee boxes are in great shape, the disc catchers are perfect, and the signage is clearly marked. You're given a card with a description of each hole and suggestions for how to play them.

Many private p2p courses offer similar amenities but what no other course can match is the sheer beauty of the hiking on this course. It's simply awesome.

Most holes are not long, but require precise throws through tight windows. As an intermediate player, it was the perfect blend of distance and technical shots.

Other Thoughts:

All in all, this is in my estimation the single best course I've ever played. If your main pleasure in playing is to bomb 350 foot drives in open spaces, this is not the course for you. It IS the course for everyone else though. We're from NY, and had our annual disc golf road trip here this year. I highly recommend coming to this region for your next DG weekend.
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4 8
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best Course in America 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 12, 2013 Played the course:once


Well I am a frequent visitor of this site, but have never posted. I went to visit a friend in CO and got to play Beaver Ranch(#14) and Phantom Falls(#6). The experience at Phantom Falls was amazing and after our round Paulie took us up to Bucksnort.

Traveling and playing disc golf courses is one of my hobbies and I have now played over 700 courses(8 in the top 10) and it is my opinion that Bucksnort is the best course in America!!!

The views and scenery are unbeatable, the disc golf is unique and challenging, and you have to bring every shot in your bag.


It wasnt finished when I played it, never the less I think it is the best course I have ever played. I wish the property was mine!

Other Thoughts:

I really dont know what people are thinking when they dont give this course a 5! Every tee pad you step on you say WOW.
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