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McAlester, OK

Buffalo Run

Permanent course
3.945(based on 9 reviews)
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Buffalo Run reviews

11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 689 played 78 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Windy Play among the Hills 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2022 Played the course:once


Good signage with overall course map, good map for each hole. The course was easy to follow, at least in regard to finding the next tee pad.

Nice, level concrete tee pads and DGA baskets that are in pretty good shape.

Lots of elevation change and good use of it, with holes that play uphill, down hill, up then down, down then up... you get the idea.

4, 5, or even 6 pin placements per hole. Just one pin per hole in the ground at a time (more on that later).

Good use of OB water and lots of work has gone into rock features near and on various greens.

Good variety of holes. The distances clearly can be changed radically, with all of the pin placements, to make the course much longer or shorter. When I played, there was a mixture of holes in shorter, longer, and mid positions. I suspect that this is the way it most often is set, rather than turning it into a particularly long or particularly short course.

The challenge on most holes comes from the elevation changes and the position of key trees, though a few holes are more wooded and some play quite open. The wind was definitely a factor on the day I played and that is probably true on many days. Rodgers and Hammerstein got it right with that "wind comes sweepin' down the plain" stuff!


One obvious problem with the course in its current state is that each hole has multiple pin positions (some up to six different ones!) and the arrows designed to show the location of the pins are broken. As I understand it, Broken Arrow is a different Oklahoma town and those don't belong here! A moveable bolt and some holes drilled in the signs could fix this problem easily. As it is, you must stand on the tee pad, examine the map, and try to squint in the general direction and distance indicated for each placement until you see a basket.

One inevitable result of this many pin placements is the regret you feel when you see a cooler pin placement that you wish you could have played. This happened to me often. I wanted to be able to play the best placement for each hole and I felt like I didn't get to do that. (But I understand why moving them often is good for locals.)

The course would benefit from some "next tee" indicators, though with so many different pin placements, I can see why this could be difficult to do. It is important to look at the "next hole" portion of the sign at each tee pad to get an idea of where you are going next.

There may have been recent storms, but I thought there was a lot of deferred cleanup and tree maintenance that was needed, at the time I played.

Other Thoughts:

This was a very fun and challenging course to play. It was obvious to me that when it was installed, it was probably one of the best courses in the state and maybe also surrounding states. I would definitely recommend that you play it, if you are in the area!
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 561 played 429 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Buffalo Run, Hole in One! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2018 Played the course:once


Buffalo Run is my favorite course in Oklahoma. It may not be the best in the state, but of the half dozen I have visited it is the best.

I love any course with decent elevation changes, and it comes into play here early and often. It isn't heavily wooded, but most holes do have a number of trees, and the fairways are shaped in diverse and interesting ways. There is water in play for several holes as well, usually in close proximity to the pin locations.

Concrete tees are well done, and the tee signs are about as good as it gets, showing all possible pins and the direction to the next tee. Most holes have multiple pins, and there are as many as six possible basket placements at times.

There are a few long holes, but you should get some birdie looks if you're making good drives. You will have to make good drives to get around the mature trees and stay out of the ponds. I was at par on the only round played, but it took an ace to get there. On hole 14 I tossed a big hyzer over the trees on the right side with my Destroyer. Nothing but chains, first one in years. I nearly skipped one in on hole 11, but it was a foot too low, and bounced off the bottom of the basket. There was a few bogies on my scorecard as well, but primarily because I was missing very makable putts.

My favorite holes were probably 1, 4, 15, 16 and 18. Holes 1 and 16 are both downhill and sort of lengthy, 1 has less drop and fewer trees. 16 is an elevated tee at the top of a big hill. 4 plays along the concrete culvert, and has a pond backed by a hill above the level of the tee. The pin was perched atop the hill to the left of the pond, in a semi risky position. 15 also finished on a rocky outcropping that was very close to water. It had a pond in front of the pin and one behind as well. The water was not deep, but I would want to wade in and grab a disc. 18 was a nice finale, with a drive directly over a larger pond with a fountain. There are trees on the other side, and a gap that creates a perfect window to see the basket. A bit uphill, but not too long to make a good run at the target.

There are a couple of tough tee shots, 3 and 10 come to mind immediately. Both have trees very near the tee that require you to pick a line and execute a drive, with specific shot shaping. I also liked the holes next to the concrete ditch, 5 and 11. There is no way avoid throwing over the OB on 5, and RHBH thrower will need to get off a good anhyzer out of the box. 11 goes the opposite direction creating a great hyzer land for RHBH, but trees guarding the pin can knock you down and out. 13 is a fun uphill hole that takes a great flex shot to get around the trees and near the pin.


Even with the nice signs, I got confused about what basket to throw towards a couple of times. The sign posts have a spinner to indicate what pin is in play currently, but the ones I looked at were to rusted to read. Baskets for 6 and 7 are near each other, and I picked the wrong one off the sixth tee. I also threw toward the basket for 15 from the tee for 12. It still makes for a decent hole, and I think it was pin location F in one configuration.

There was rain in the week before I came to town, and it left plenty of mud to last through the weekend. It was not nearly enough to ruin my game, but it was present on a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

I left Kansas at midnight Friday and drove all night, and arrived at Buffalo Run as the sun was coming up a few minutes after 6 AM. I dozed in the truck for about 45 minutes before grabbing my gear and leashing up my dog. Usually being behind the wheel for hundreds of miles is not good for my game, but this round was very enjoyable, and I threw pretty well.

The grass was covered in morning dew, and my feet were soaked before I finished the first hole. No amount of dew or mud would take the shine off this course. A great park, with no litter, and an incredibly fun and well equipped layout. Worth a drive even if you don't get the hole in one. Went into my list of favorites instantly.
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5 0
Experience: 24.4 years 392 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

beautiful pond 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 9, 2016 Played the course:once


Nice tee pads, great signs, difficult yet fair. Somebody has taken the time to love on this course as there are many landscaping designs around the pads and baskets. Several pin options. Good address, it takes you close enough. Go up the hill towards the rec center. Easy to find the next tee box which was shown on the tee sign, most of the time. Even when it wasn't listed I was able to easily find the next tee. OB wasn't hateful. Cart friendly.


Each sign shows the different pin placements but don't tell you where the basket is at. Several times I walked halfway up the fairway to see it and sometimes I still couldn't see where it was at. Several times I just threw in the direction I thought it would be. Once after throwing my drive and walking past it to look I eventually walked all the way back to the tee sign. On warm days I'm sure the area can get a lot of walkers which would interfere with your drives. Remember, they have the right of way.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 18 goes over a beautiful pond. Looks like the course is well kept. If you're from out of town it would be worth the drive. I'd give this a four rating if they would put where the basket is placed on the tee post. Not that difficult to do.
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2 0
Experience: 8.1 years 31 played 25 reviews
4.00 star(s)

First class 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 4, 2016 Played the course:once


Upscale course
Baskets/tee pads have multiple options
Grounds are very nice
Great course for experienced players and/or tournaments.


Experienced players will love the course.
Newbies like myself, were overwhelmed by the tee/basket options. I am sure after a few rounds it would be easier to figure out.

Other Thoughts:

Long course, great workout via walking. Takes a good two hours to play. One guy had a golf cart, which is not a bad idea.
Kudos to the city of McAllester, Oklahoma for such a nice course.
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2 1
Experience: 20 played 8 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beautiful Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2016 Played the course:once


Neatly cut, signage helps a lot when walking through the course. Multiple pin placements and nice concrete tee pads. It kept changing the game play and kept you thinking on how you were going to throw your next disc. Water hazards puts a bit of risk into it so it makes things interesting. They do have a huge disc catcher if you lose your disc in a pond.


Only problem I had was with hole 7. I could never find the tee box even while using the UDisc app.

Other Thoughts:

I was passing through Mcalester and was so glad I stopped and played this course. It will definitely be worth your time.
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2 0
Experience: 16.2 years 59 played 29 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Holy Multiple Pins Batman! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2016 Played the course:once


- Moderately hilly for an Oklahoma course, anticipate throwing up and downhill.
- Multiple pin locations for each hole (excluding 18) - the most pins locations for any particular hole reached as high as 7.
- Baskets were in good condition.
- Concrete tee pads.
- Tee signs were very detailed.


- Some of the holes on the back nine were crammed into the landscape. On one tee I think I could see 5 different baskets - trying to decipher which basket I should throw to was difficult at times, especially when you realize that some holes share the same pin location (Hole 4 and Hole 12 share the same Pin E, though you won't be throwing at Pin E for both holes).
- The course could use a good mow in some areas.
- There are a couple holes in which the RHBH hyzer line goes over the road, be careful of passing cars.
- A number of pin locations were listed as Par 4s when they should have been Par 3s (390 - 450' holes should probably be listed as Par 3s).

Other Thoughts:

- I don't regret one bit playing this course, even if it was over 100F. I loved how well the course was laid out overall and I really enjoyed the last hole to cap off the round (over water finishing at the parking lot).
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2 1
Experience: 20 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


For an Oklahoma course this course has a lot of elevation. The course requires a variety of shots. OB is utilized well. Multiple pin placements allows for great variety on all of the holes. Good mix of open/wooded holes.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a great course. Definitely worth the 2.5 hour drive from Oklahoma City to play. If your driving through Mcalester do yourself a favor and stop to play. You won't regret it.
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2 0
Experience: 13.2 years 17 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Brand New 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2014 Played the course:once


Brand new baskets, very nice teepads(some still under construction), very well maintained and peaceful park


Needs signage but I am assuming that is in the works. Layout can be a little confusing but again, signs will solve this problem.

Other Thoughts:

Been playing the one in Krebs when I visit family but this is a much appreciated upgrade. Really impressed, this is a legitimate course that would hold its own in any part of the country. Very impressed and excited for McAlester!
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1 0
Experience: 23.3 years 95 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful New Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2014 Played the course:once


Nicely manicured course that runs through civic center and hospital land. Holes offer a nice variety of shots with some elevation. Good use of the land.


Would have been hard to navigate had we not gotten a map at the civic center first. Some, but not all tees are concrete. The tee spot for hole 18 wasn't marked at all. Luckily the map saved us there as well.

Other Thoughts:

We almost drove right by this course because it is so new it didn't have any rating on dgcoursereview. Very glad we decided to stop. It is definitely worth a play. Very nicely laid out. We were impressed and will come back.
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