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Centreville, VA

Bull Run Regional Park

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Bull Run Regional Park reviews

13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 442 played 410 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Plain Fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2021 Played the course:once


A fun park layout with a very casual vibe and additional tees/baskets for variety.

+ Skinny little trees (and lots of 'em!) that shape your throwing lines. This is a wooded park course with only one "open" hole ( the slightly downhill #16), but all the lines are fair. The advantage of playing a well-established course is that the fairways and most obvious routes to the basket are clear

+ A handful of honest RHFH holes. It was a pleasant surprise to find the challenge of having to shape a turnover, or go to my forehand. I imagine lefties will find this layout to be more balanced than found at typical courses

+ The new baskets (Blue) are beautiful DISCatchers with blue bands. They're not entirely in place yet (a few of the Blue positions have temporary baskets), but it's good to see ongoing improvements

+ No great challenges make for a very good place to bring kids, newbies and friends


- The course is pretty worn-in and beat-up. The tees aren't in great shape, and the original (white position) baskets are rusty.

- The signage is pretty busy, with each sign showing the six distances reflecting all the combinations created by three tees and two baskets. The maps on the signs are excellent - but they indicate "White Loop" or "Blue Loop" which confused me, since there are Blue, White, and Red tee positions and White, Blue baskets. It eventually dawned on me that they appear to be calling the front nine the "White Loop" and the back nine the "Blue Loop"

- On dry days, there's really no water in play on the "water holes" indicated here. There's evidence of a stream that runs across the property, but on the day I played, it was really just a small ditch with only the slightest hint of water. That said, I'm sure much of this property is wet and muddy following any significant rain. The section of holes nearest the first tee are all in a shallow bowl, and I'd avoid the course altogether during rain

Other Thoughts:

On the September Saturday I played, the course was well-trafficked with newbies, groups of casual players, couples, and more than a few "old style" disc golfers carrying just a few discs in shoulder bags. Several of the holes border the water park (with it's music soundtrack pumped out over the speakers), and there are a few spots where you have to hold up play because horses are crossing the hole with groups of riders from the park stables. But there are also large stretches of the course where you're off in the woods with nothing but disc golf around you. All in, it's a very interesting experience and a good use of the property

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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.3 years 239 played 198 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A No-Bull Run-of-the-Mill Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2021 Played the course:once


+/- Turf tee pads strongly anchored within gravel and wood.
+ Good information board by hole1 and signage overall throughout the course.
+ Nice variety of tee pads and baskets on most holes.
+ The fairways were all very clean and well-defined, but...


- ...They were all kind of close together and condensed to fit on the same parcel of land.
- Zero elevation to speak of.
- Most of the holes felt similar to each other.

Other Thoughts:

Hole5 was my favorite to look at because it felt like a darker and more secluded part of the woods with all of the overlapping shadows. Hole10 was my favorite to play because it had that tunnel with those tall trees. I guess hole17 was my least favorite because of how plain it was.

Then again, 'plain' is the word of the day here, isn't it? I couldn't believe it when I finally realized at around hole 7 or 8 that this course is flatter than my home course. Seriously, there are no slopes whatsoever. That was a bit shocking but not in a good way. Also, the tree cover is uniformly peppery. Rare are the true tunnels and meaningful tree puzzles here. Nearly every fairway felt like a hybrid hole. That is: plenty of trees, to be certain, but the space between those trees makes the course more open than it appears at first. It's like that from start to finish, which makes Bull Run rather plain.

Originally, I was looking forward to playing at this course during my disc golf journey through MD and northern VA because of all of those different ratings it received from other reviews. Ranging from a 2.0 all the way to a 4.5? How could one course elicit such a range of reactions?

After finally playing it, I can conclude that I don't understand the varied scores. It doesn't do anything special, yet it doesn't grossly defy any rules for disc golf courses, either. Actually, the course infrastructure here is mostly consistent. Most of the baskets are numbered and have those eye-catching plastic "next hole clips" attached to the bottom of the cages. Most holes offer two (sometimes three) tee pads and two baskets to aim at. Most of the tee pads are well-anchored turf within gravel and wood. The tee signs have all of the information you need.

If only the course itself were a bit more stimuating and dynamic...

In closing, the flat-as-a-pancake texture and spaced trees get monotonous pretty quickly, despite the nice presentation. To be clear, I am not trying to discourage you from coming here. I do think that the two dollars is worth it, but just know that it won't stick in your mind for very long.
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4 0
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cute little Wooded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2021 Played the course:once


Very well marked, the entire course is in a mile radius, almost entirely flat, some hole have 2 baskets


It's muddy, wear your mud boots. If you're not a fan of Wooded courses, I'd avoid this one

Other Thoughts:

For a wooded course, I actually really enjoyed it! I'm from Buffalo, NY and all course around there are not nearly as nice as this cute little course. I actually really appreciated how well marked it was, and the course being within such a small radius. They def made good use of the space that is provided. It was also one of the cleanest courses I've been on (despite the mud). Highly recommend if you're ok with wooded challenges!
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.3 years 40 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun little wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


+Good variety of shot shapes, distances, gaps to hit, and other challenges. Not just the same hole one after the other.

+A couple of par 4s thrown in that actually provide value and challenge.

+Multiple tee pads and pins on each hole.


-Absolute mud pit in parts of the course after any amount of rain.

-Pretty flat and featureless. The woods are nice enough, but it didn't have much else going for it.

-I played when it was empty, but I could see there being some issues with wandering discs from neighboring holes during a busy period.

Other Thoughts:

Part of a much larger regional park. Not a destination course, but a good local course that provides challenge. Was worth the visit because I was in the area for other business.
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1 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Bull Run 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


New blue,white tee boxes. Fairways are cleaned up.



Other Thoughts:

Signs are in the works,concrete white tee boxes are going to be replaced. A few more red tee boxes will be added to some of the longer holes. This course has come a long way for the better within the last year. Love the Bull!!!!
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3 2
Experience: 13.3 years 47 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course experience has improved. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 23, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Course has new tee pads and the fairways are much more manicured then in the past, especially the back 8 holes that play across the creek.


It can get muddy here after it rains but doesn't seem to be as bad as before. Used to skip hole 10 after rainy days due to poor drainage but lately it seems alot better since they've laid down wood chips to absorb moisture. Would recommend bug/tick spray in the warmer months.

Other Thoughts:

During the winter holidays they do a light show and ask that you be out of the park by 4pm.
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10 0
Experience: 20.4 years 52 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Success Story 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


This course was, for most of its life, a joke. The kind of place where you'd shoot a 41 and be embarrassed.

Even after new baskets and some new fairways were put in during 2013-2014, this course was a joke. A sloppy, dangerous, half-finished mess.

And then came Tommy Hayes and the Bull Run Disc Golf Group. They decided to make this course into something. They consulted with local event-runners and with local pro Ryan Jones, and built 18 turf teepads in blue positions. They revamped the white teepads with turf. They trimmed and cleared fairways and underbrush. They marked putting circles. They made this course into something.

While mostly flat, this course will challenge you off the blue tees, and provide a great experience for casual and beginner players from the white tees. New teepads are excellent. Fairways are largely fair, if overwhelmingly RHBH-understable dominant. Multiple basket positions on the front nine and multiple baskets on the back nine provide variety.


Front nine has a cramped space (1-2, 7-9) that could lose a hole or two if more room is in the cards.

When rain is intense, drainage is really, really bad (this is not the club or the designers' fault).

Other Thoughts:

The transformation here is proof positive of what you can accomplish with passion and a good relationship with the parks.
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6 1
Experience: 20.5 years 255 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome but Underrated Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


o Multiple tees and pins make good options for different levels of skill and time available to play. (White to White, Good Beginner or practice layout) ( Blue to White, Good challenge for competition) (Blue to Blue, Pro level layout).

o Tight lines provide good practice, removal of briars allows for recovery shots rather than just pitching out

o Good mix of shot lines and distances

o Easy to find by the pool complex in a nice park with other activities/amenities

o Blue tees are large and level allowing for a good run-up


o Old tee pads used for White Tees are relatively short preventing a run-up

o Flat

Other Thoughts:

I realize that this course may have been recently upgraded but I hope that everyone who reviewed it previously will go back and check it out again and update their reviews. The only way this course is a 2.5 is if you just played Maple Hill or Smuggler's Notch the day prior.

Course Pros / Local players are very friendly and welcoming!
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6 years 116 played 102 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Small, challenging course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 18, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


I would like to give the course a 2.75. While there is no elevation change, there are tons of trees to negotiate. Add to that the snow/ice or extensive mud/large puddles on the ground after bad weather. Nothing easy, at least not for me.

I like that the holes get progressively harder as you go along, but (from the red tees) there is nothing that is oppressive or demoralizing.

As the holes get longer, the ability to throw harder becomes more doable. If not the initial threading through close trees, then the second shot.


It is a tight course, and the signage leaves something to be desired. If you don't print the course map photo from this website, take a picture of it at tee no. 1. You will need it on your first visit.

Also note the next-tee arrows on each teepad sign. I only spotted a few yellow arrow next-tee signs against the base of trees. Plastic red-arrow clip-ons have been added to the basket trays; that helps greatly.

The condition and composition of the tee pads vary and some are quite poor. Vary from a raised concrete pad to a gravel pit or nothing but wooden markers in the dirt. Some of the tees have ball-golf driving range mats on them.

There is only one bench at hole no. 1 and small table-like one-person perches at 10 and 13, I believe. Not great, but better than nothing. You can also sit on fallen trees...

Biggest problem IMHO is that the drainage is truly non-existent. Not sure the man-made channel near 2's basket and 7's blue tee/footbridge is actually doing much.

You will have to pay April-October to get into the park and then another fee tor the disc golf course. I will play it mostly fall and winter, but when I do come in spring and summer, will also hike (winding, peaceful trails; one comes through the disc golf course) and swim in the water park (summer). Make the parking fee cover more than one activity.

Other Thoughts:

Very large, very serene regional park off the beaten path. Lovely setting. There is camping here too, for you travelers and local folks just getting away for the weekend.

I'm not sure there was a B basket for any of the front 9 holes, but I believe there was one for all of the back 9 ones. Sometimes the B basket is actually easier to play to. Unless they are really far apart (e.g. at no. 12), you get no extra stroke in the par.

In winter, the gate into the park closes by perhaps 5pm. If there are campers, the out gate is open. So you won't get locked in. But you may want to start earlier than 3pm to get in your round without rushing and while you can still see where your disc landed!
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6 0
Experience: 10.2 years 6 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A so-so short wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 3, 2017 Played the course:once


The course is located in Bull Run Regional Park, a very nice, beautiful park open to the public. If you wanted to make a day of it, there are plenty of hiking trails and activities in the park.

While I'll get to the front nine in the "cons", I really enjoyed the back nine holes. They form a circle around the edge of the course, and offer some interesting holes. I particularly enjoyed the straight shots on 11 and 12 along the road (a straight throw is rewarded), as well as the wooded 13th and 14th holes.

As this is a shorter course by today's standards, it's a good course for both beginners (playing from the white or red tees) and advanced players (with some tricky drives from the blue tees).

The existing baskets are in good shape, and the back nine has double sets (shorter white and longer blue baskets).

There is plenty of parking right at the course, and the start of holes 1 and 10, as well as the baskets for 9 and 18 are all within a few hundred feet of each other along the parking lot.

If you play from the white tees, there are several ace runs, especially on the front nine.

The scenery is beautiful, especially in the fall. I started playing disc golf to get into nature more often while sporting, and this is a beautiful little course in a beautiful park.


My biggest issue with the course was the first nine holes. They are quite confusing and don't follow a logical order from basket to the next tee. On the back nine, the basket is close to the next tee and flows in a sensible direction. The front nine does not. For example, after hole two, you have to cross a small ditch to get to three, where as there are a few other tees nearby. After basket 4, there is a tee right next to you, but that is 13. After 7, you walk halfway back up the fairway to get to 8, but tee 9 is right next to basket 7. If I didn't have a photo of the map (a large sign is at tee 1), I'd have been very confused.

The sign shows three tee boxes and two baskets for each hole, but the front nine only has white baskets. The back nine has both. If you wanted to keep score, you'd have to play all the holes from one tee to the white baskets, or break it up into two nine hole rounds if you wanted to do the blue baskets on the back nine.

Most of the tees are crushed gravel inside timber frames, and they desperately need updating. They are dug out like a batter's box where people have dug in to throw. The existing concrete pads are small and quite dangerous, as some were 6+ inches above ground. A slip off could result in a twisted ankle or worse.

Other tees just didn't exist - they were two flags marking where the tee box should be.

Several of the holes dogleg to the right, so for a left handed thrower or someone who can slice a disc, you are good to go. For someone like me, who can go straight or throw a hook, it was a tough time. Some of the holes, especially from the blue tees, make it so that you have to throw a disc sharp to the right. the 13th blue tee comes to mind.

While I enjoy the challenge of playing through trees, some of the tree branches could be trimmed. I don't remember what hole it was, but unless you can throw it perfectly straight and less than five feet off the ground for a few hundred feet, you will hit a tree branch from either a low-hanging branch or a small sapling.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun, small course that would be great to come to if I lived closer, but it's not worth an hour drive. The lack of varied terrain and some of the needed updates (tees and baskets) leaves it as an average course. Still, if you live nearby or want to expose new friends and family to a course that is short and in a beautiful setting, this would be a good option.
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4 1
Experience: 20.3 years 91 played 39 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Just another course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Tight technical shots required throughout the course. It translates well for a beginner to refine their game, but advanced players won't be particularly challenged. It feels more like a practice round when you play the course. The course plays very quick so you're able to get multiple rounds in within a short amount of time.


Very flat. Almost no elevation changes, and some of the holes aren't particularly well laid out.

Other Thoughts:

Use this course for practice and fine tuning, then go play a real course.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 307 played 198 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Bull in China Shop 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2015 Played the course:once


18 wooded technical holes with 3 tees, 2 pins on the front 9, and 2 baskets on the back 9 per hole lending a fair amount of variety of distances and lines. Tee signs and navigation are ok. Not likely to lose a disc. Two loops of 9 holes back to parking lot, front 9 loops around the inside of the park while the back 9 loops all the way around the front 9 clockwise.

Reasonable course for beginners and those that like shorter tight wooded golf. The front 9 is fairly short old school style golf favoring shots turning to the right. The back 9 is a little longer with a couple par 4s and the better part of the course. Hole 12 blue to blue was my favorite.


Course is pretty flat and tends to get swampy. Most tees are natural and muddy, there are concrete tees at random color that are too small. A couple of the blue tees had unrealistic turns or gaps. Not sure about poison ivy at the time of year I played, but noticed a number of vines that were cut. Some thorns in the rough, but the rough is not very bad here.

No crossing fairways, but they are still dangerously close in a few places. I was glad I had the dg park to myself. While the dg part of the park is a disc golf only area, the close proximity to the water park and pavilion may be a little cumbersome in summer.

Other Thoughts:

I never played the course before the redesign because of all the putrid reviews, and still I wasn't expecting much playing here, but it was enough to scratch the itch. I would be concerned playing this course with a decent crowd or after recent rain. If you are a local or happen to be in the area and want to wait out rush hours traffic, this is the place I'd recommend.

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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bouillon 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Multiple pin positions on front nine. Two baskets per hole on the back nine.

2-3 tee locations per hole. One (often white) concrete tee per hole. Tee sign typically at white tee.


Dead flat.

Concrete tee too narrow, too short, and too tall.

Cost to enter park, additional to play (come during off-season for free).

Some fairways quite near others.

Other Thoughts:

Course is set in the wooded area between an access road, a parking lot (with neighbouring pool), and dense/wilder forest, within a large public park. While wooded throughout, this isn't a particularly tight course.

While the entire course is flat, there is more challenge to be found on the back nine, as the holes are typically longer, and the throwing lanes tighter, i.e. specific lanes/windows to be hit, vice specific trees to miss, which is more characteristic of the front nine.

In addition to adding (some) length, the farther tees often change the shape of the hole. This shape-change often makes the hole more of a right-turner - from the long tees, there are more right-turning holes than any other type.

Navigation-wise, the online map is quite useful. 1-9 are set inside the outer, clockwise loop which composes 10-18. 1-2 play straight out, cross the tiny drainage canal ahead/right to play counterclockwise loop 3-6, then re-cross to play 7-9 back towards tees 1&10.

Big improvement over the original course, with distance/difficulty suitable for beginner/intermediate, and long2long providing plenty of challenge for advanced and beyond.
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4 0
Experience: 25.3 years 106 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

New Layout 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


The new layout turned this into an actual disc golf course. Before, it was just 18 hole in one chances. Now, there are actually some challenging holes. Good variety of left, right, and straight holes. The couple of par fours are legit, and can be a tough par if you mess up a shot. It is still a relatively short course and it can be played in about an hour. It is usually pretty empty, which allows for some peaceful play.


No elevation changes. All of the holes are perfectly flat. Mostly wooded course as well. It would have been nice to get a hole or two that was more open, but with the location of the course I guess that was not able to be done. It is also right next to a water park that gets crowded in the summer. Sometimes people wander around in the middle of the course, or sit near pavilions that can get in the way on holes 17 and 18.

Other Thoughts:

It is a great course to check out if you live in the area. I live 15 minutes away and I play it all of the time.
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