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Fairfax Station, VA

Burke Lake Park

Permanent course
2.975(based on 54 reviews)
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Burke Lake Park reviews

3 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Disc Golf 101 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Dual, paved tees per hole.

Trees make for excellent shade on a typical blisteringly hot and humid Virginia summer day. In the summer time the leaves fill up more making it a bit more challenging.

Pro shop with fairly priced Innova discs for sale.

Good course to hone your skills on your mid-range and putters, which makes it ideal for beginners and good for pros who want to practice approaches.

Bathrooms and ice cream parlor/snack bar during spring/summer.

Generally a well kept course as Fairfax County does have a well managed Parks Association.

Although a few fairways are near the lake, there are generally no water hazards here. You'd have to really shank a drive to the left and then miss about a million tree branches to actually land your disc in water. You'd probably have a better chance at acing a hole on this course than losing a disc to water.

Moderately hilly but no severe elevation changes.

Bathrooms, vending machine, ice cream parlar/snack bar in the woods near the first hole.


This could take a minute...

No hole is over 300 feet. Although I generally don't like courses littered with big arm, open holes, I do think a course needs a few 4-500 footers to break out your distance driver. An avid player could ace this course with just a mid-range or two and a putter.

An avid player will only find this course the least bit challenging when playing it all par 3's.

On three occasions in the past two years I have encountered Copperhead Snakes, a venomous snake which can be very difficult to spot since its skin is camouflaged like dead leaves. These snakes LOVE to burrow under fallen trees and are very common in Virginia. Beware looking for discs around the fallen trees that are used as boundary markers along fairways.

Though each hole has two tees, several of the pro tees are unplayable as fallen bushy trees and webs of briar patches make your drive from those tees like trying to drive a disc through a soccer net. The park hasn't really cleaned up those tees in a while (as of 4/6/2010). Very good example of this is the picture here: http://www.dgcoursereview.com.../1f7527c9.jpg

Bike path around the lake is heavily used and comes close to several baskets and fairways. Most joggers/bikers are wearing headphones and can be totally oblivious to flying discs even though there are plainly marked signs warning people to flying discs, and hippies. Some even get downright mad if a disc so much as approaches their 'territory'.

Some signs missing at various tees and when you do find a sign, it's not really accurate.

Very crowded course. From noon - evening you can expect large groups of sub-par players who could generally care less about the game and fling their discs every which way but towards the basket. You can also expect crowds to build up at tees while you wait for some of those same people looking for their lost discs under leaves.

Baskets can be close to one another on a few holes. On one hole in particular you can expect discs to come flying in from three different directions as those people teeing off are confused to which basket their aiming for as well.

Finding your next tee can be confusing on a few holes as well. In fact, every time I play this course I see people walking to tee off at hole number 6 after finishing hole number 2 as number 6 is actually closer to the number 2 basket than number 3 is! By more than half the distance!

Parking can be challenging during summer weekends as all sorts of events and parties take place in this park.

No practice basket or warm up area.

$8 fee for non county residents on weekends and holidays.

Other Thoughts:

Good course for beginners to learn how to throw and control discs, which is a good thing since newer courses I've noticed are lending themselves more to the big arm with very long and wide open fairways in the 500-700 foot range. Some of those courses could be discouraging for beginners since they generally can't handle the long, over-stable discs.

In short, this course is nearly average, a little below. It gets old very fast if your a decent player. Seneca up in Gaithersburg MD is a much better and challenging course for experienced players. It also boasts 27 holes.
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8 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Like a Fine Wine 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2010 Played the course:once


Two decent teepads per hole. Multi-pin positions per hole. Hopefully the course will obtain the new signs discussed at http://md-discgolf.com/phpbb3...5&t=2689,which should greatly enhance the playing experience. Part of a very nice multi-purpose park with plenty of activities for non-players. Minimal chance to lose a disc.


Out-of-date tee signs, some missing. Some holes play quite near walking paths. Course is quite compact, so some tees and baskets are a bit too close to other tees or baskets, and navigation could prove to be difficult for a first-time visitor. $8 to enter park on "weekends and holidays only (no charge on weekdays), April through late October".

Other Thoughts:

Most of the course plays up-down-along a gentle slope fairly filled with trees, with holes 9-11 in a more open area with some scattered, larger trees about. The course starts off a bit slowly - the first six holes are short (146'-201'), elevation change is minimal, nearby walkers are plentiful, mostly need straight shots with minor turns. Things begin to improve with #7, as the holes lengthen (195'-293'), elevation changes increase, interference with walkers diminishes, sharpness of turns and amount of trees increase, and throwing lanes remain fair. More-open holes 9-11 offer a change-of-pace to the previous wooded holes.

Navigation: To find the course once inside the park, take the left turn after entering the park, and then park in the large lot to your right. Keep the first building to your right, second building to your left, and the first tee you'll see to your right is #7; tee #1 is slightly ahead. The first five holes will weave back and forth down a gentle slope, bringing you ever closer to the walking path, then #6 brings you back up near to tee #1. Walk past tee #1 to reach #7, play #8 down the hill, then #9-11 are across the path in the more open area - don't go left from basket #8, as that is tee #14. After #11 return across the path for #12-13, past #8's basket for #14's tee, play #15-16, then ... be surrounded by familiar looking baskets and tees! :-( To find #17's tee, begin walking down #16's fairway a bit, and look for an opening to your left. #17 plays down the hill, #18 back up, finishing near #6's basket.

Favourite hole #17. A slightly downhill 250' down a narrowing tree-lined fairway requiring a subtle right-turn at the end.

An olde course but still fun, with a new set of alternate tees and hopefully new signs coming soon. Not overly impressive the first third, but improves as the course extends and elevates as you continue along.
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1 2
Experience: 16.3 years 39 played 30 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful Surroundings 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 5, 2009 Played the course:once


Excellent layout, tee pads and overall environment. A variety of hole types requiring a variety of throws.


Due to the time of the year, the LEAVES on the ground made for finding your disc even in the middle of the fairway difficult. Any other time of year, I'm sure this place is awesome. Cages could be painted a brighter color for easier location.

Other Thoughts:

Great all around course with lots of different challenges to include different throws and hazards. Highly suggested!
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1 5
Experience: 47.4 years 114 played 17 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Godd place to learn 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 1986 Played the course:once


A well established course that has trees and water hazards and some open grass shots. Well marked and maintained.


Holes tend to be short. Park gets a lot of use. Sometimes takes a while to get parking.
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2 1
Experience: 29.3 years 9 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good but Crowded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


18 holes, new white tees added as of May 2009 to change up an old course, well maintained, free entrance with VA plates, lake scenery, trees that add challenge, close to home for me, good for beginners


fairly short course, takes longer on weekends, very popular for NOVA residents and crowded - families walk from carousel to lake right in your way and are clueless

Other Thoughts:

where i grew up and learned to play...nice classic course
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.3 years 86 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

My first course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Pretty setting by a lake. A few really nice tight shots like #3, #7, #14, #15 and #17. #18 is a nice closing hole. Some interesting technical holes like #13 and #16. Lots of other attractions in the park like boating, fishing, golf (and putt putt), attractions for kids like the mini-railroad and merry-go-round.


Course has been overtaken by advances in disc technology. Remember, it was installed in 1979.

Other Thoughts:

This was the first course I ever played so it will always have a special place in my heart. I think I may have played over a 1000 rounds there, most of them from '83 - 89. Started with Super Pros until I saw Whamo 86's on sale in Bradlees. Back then disc technology hadn't advance to where it is today so it was pretty challenging. The course has been tweaked and lengthened over the years to add diificulty where at all possible. I think it's been stretched as much as possible, it'll take some more real estate (which is hard to come by) to stretch it any more.
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5 0
Experience: 40.4 years 9 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Love/Hate relationship 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 4, 2009 Played the course:once


Excellent New Signs were recently added. This course has now had all new baskets, newly cemented "pro tees" and new signs added over the last 2 years. This shows how much the park management has committed to the sport, and I certainly appreciate it! Kudos also go out to the Rotary Club who sponsored the new signs and pro tee cementing project.

This is my home course. and I've played it hundreds of times in all kinds of conditions. The course features 2-3 alternate basket placements, and concrete tees, with alternate dirt Pro tees (rumored to be concreted soon) on most holes.

Hole by Hole:

1. This hole is a short clear shot with the basket usually hidden behind some trees on the right, this hole favors a forehand throw.

Hole 2: A short downhill throw, on a quartz outcropping- be careful of discs coming from tee offs from hole 1, as many go near the tee box. The hole has two basic paths, both on backhand throws.

Hole 3: A fairly long hole, with some trees in the fairway, and a path along the left side of the fairway. Hole doesn't favore any particular type of throwing style, I've seen people do forehand, backhand and tomahawk with success.

Hole 4: A very short "Ace" hole.

Hole 5: A short down hill hole with a Mando tree. The hole pretty much makes you throw backhand around the mando, but I have developed a floppy forehand throw that works as well.

Hole 6: A medium uphill shot, with the basket bracketed by some trees.

Hole 7: A longish (par 4 if you play marked) hole with a nasty set of trees close to the tee box that seem to eat up alot of tee offs. The hole is infamous for it's proximity to the Carousel, so be aware of the music :).

Hole 8: (Par 4) Is a nice downhill hole, that bears right. I like to use a nice forehand flick on this hole.

Hole 9: (Par 4) Located across the street from 7, this is a longer uphill shot, with a power pole in the middle, that seems to get hit all the time. I've seen some players use a roller on this one.

Hole 10: This is a short downhill throw, with a nasty "Charlie Brown" tree guarding it.

Hole 11: (Par 4) is a long downhill shot with a nice clear meadow then thin woods. This is a good hole to let loose on.

Hole 12 Back across the road, this is a short uphill hole which bears right, definately is one to use your forehand on.

Hole 13: A very sharp downhill right throw, one you must be able to throw a sharp forehand, or a backhand with a ton of hizer.

Hole 14: (Par4) This is one of my favorite holes, it's long, with a slight slope to the left, which can kick your disc back to the woods on the right.

Hole 15: The toughes hole on the course, it's short- only 156 feet, but the hole is on top of a hill, and the fairway is a sharp dogleg to the left.

Hole 16: (Par 4) This hole features a mando to the right, and is one that can be challenging for backhand throwers.

Hole 17 (Par4) I call this one the "Cathedral" because of the way trees line this very straight fairway,

Hole 18: (Par4) Finally, this hole is a long one, that has a fairway through a dry creekbed, Errant throws can get stuck in a marshy area, so be careful!`


Traffic...lots of foot traffic through Hole 1, 2 and 6. I've had to chase a few people off the fairways by reminding them that they're walking on a golf course. Another thing- there's a lot of young kids who like to play in large groups, and smoke weed/drink while playing. Nothing wrong with that, but it can be very distracting.
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4 5
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Burke Lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 5, 2008 Played the course:once


Beautiful Park and decent baskets. Most shots are form a concrete slab.


Too easy, and the holes are not easily marked. We couldn't even find Hole 18.

Other Thoughts:

This course is worth your time. It's fun and relaxing. Personally I believe if a course is to be easy, it needs to be laid out better, like Dunncroft-Castle Point Park. This course is minimally challenging, with no risky shots. I'd play it again, but I'm glad I live in Richmond where there are more challenging courses.
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6 6
Experience: 22 played 6 reviews
0.00 star(s)

wish I saved my money 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 12, 2008 Played the course:once


This course is set in a beautiful park.


The course is all dirt, no grass. The holes are very close together and there is a good chance of discs comming from other holes onto yours. The course is very poorly marked, most of the signs point in the wrong direction and the rest of them are missing. The course is set in a very crowded park and none of the other park visitors care that you are playing. I couldn't even finish one round due to people just wandering about the middle of the fairways and children climbing on the baskets. I gave this course 0 discs because the scale doesn't go into the negatives!

Other Thoughts:

It costs $8 to enter the park if you're not a fairfax county resident. This cost is well worth it if you want to spend the day at the park with your family. Perhaps you can go for a ride on the little train, or have an ice cream by the lake. Save your money if you want to play 18 holes, IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!
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4 0
Experience: 19.6 years 6 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Local Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 17, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Definitely my favorite course in the area. A good mix of terrain from woods, to open, to fairways covered in a large quartz formation (Hole 2) that stops discs cold if they get low (and it's a downhill course). Exceptionally well maintained, and heavily used so there are plenty of obstacles, but none you will lose a disc in.


Course is short, but when played as all Par-3 holes, and from the long tees, it can be challenging. On weekends, course gets crowded with families and beginner players, but that is not nearly the problem that angry soccer moms walking their kids down the fairways pose.

Other Thoughts:

Very nice and interesting park. There is a carousel, ice cream parlor, and mini train for kids, a mini golf course, boating, and picnic areas. While I have never used any of the other activities at the park, they all appear to be well staffed and taken care of.

There is an $8.00 parking fee per car for non-county residents during the summer and on all weekends and holidays. I have been told that since Fairfax County has abolished property tax stickers for cars, you can remove your county sticker (with VA plates) and get waved through the gate. Haven't needed to try it, but I've heard it works.
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6 0
Experience: 17.3 years 18 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 2, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Very pretty setting. Nice park - during summer months there is a full-size carousel, a mile-long train ride, and an ice cream parlor for the spouse and kids. The lake is lovely and there are walking trails all over the place.

The course is well-maintained. If a tree falls in the woods, it's cut up and gone in a matter of days. The grass on the course's three open holes is mowed regularly.

The holes are creatively laid out, and they make effective use of the terrain. There are several nicely placed mandos as well.

You will have occasion to use just about every type of shot you've got in your bag. I throw flicks, backhands, thumbers, hyzers, anhyzers, and floaters off of different tees on the course. A nice variety of shots.

Regular league action. Doubles events happen weekly.

The course is perfect for adult beginners.


At times, there is a large amount of traffic on the course.

It's shorter than most good courses.

Honestly, it's hard to find much to complain about other than that.

Other Thoughts:

Since the course is well-used, Fairfax County must be doing something right. There are better courses in the area, but it's clearly the "everyman's favorite" over nearby Giles Run, which is a better course by a long shot.

George Mason University is just up the road. There are often college students running in the park - many of them are fun to look at.

There isn't much in the way of food in the immediate area, however I did find quite a gem hidden just up the road, George's Steak and Things. George's is located at 5624 Ox Rd (aka Rte 123). It's tucked in a little plaza that is inexplicably set pretty far back off the road. The plaza is about a mile north of the park on the west side of Rte 123. The place has really good regular cheesesteaks and a PHENOMENAL cajun cheesesteak. The fries are really good, too. My buddies and I spend a lot of evenings there during the NBA playoffs because the owner is always watching the game on TV.
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2 1
Experience: 19.3 years 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2008 Played the course:never


Creative hole set up. Several holes for good arms and longer drives, other more finesse. Wooded course which gives good shade in the summer and adds to the experience. Course is in Burke Lake Park which is a nice regional park, several of the holes border the lake next to a walking path. The park provides a good atmosphere for playing. Course is also well kept and signs at almost every tee.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely one of the "easier" courses I've played, but still enjoyable. I would recommend this course to some one new to the game or people who just need practice.
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1 7
Experience: 28.5 years 38 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 8, 2007 Played the course:5+ times


This is a nice established course. With tight but reasonable farways.


Playing on the weekend in Spring and Summer. Families walking threw the course. Picning on holes 9, 10 and 11.

Other Thoughts:

A few families come out on weekends and pace of play slows down. Watch out for people walking down the fairways on the holes 1-6, 7, 18
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9 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 87 played 86 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Ye Olde NoVa DG Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2004 Played the course:never


Signage, upkeep, established woods setting

Other Thoughts:

Set in a big, nice park in the outer DC suburbs, Burke Lake is a popular course. Established in 1979, this course is also one of the oldest in the state. Well maintained, with good signs and teepads, playing within sight of a beautiful lake, and surrounded by many cool amenities, Burke Lake has much to offer the area's recreational players.

The course is fairly short, however, and laid out in a smaller space than most of the other courses I've played. Several holes were less than 200' and only a couple were longer than 250'. All but two or three holes play in the woods, and trees are nearby on those also. But the fairways are well defined and reasonable and other than big open drives or water challenges, I did use most of my skills on this course - left, right, tight approaches, uphill, downhill, and a couple of fairways worthy of the long range driver.

Like one of my home courses here in Richmond, if you can combine the touch and finesse needed at Burke Lake with the drives needed at some of the nearby Maryland courses, then you will truly have a complete disc golf game.

Favorite Hole - #11 - A mostly open hole, longer than most on the course, with a straight, gradual downhill slope.
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