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Newton, KS

Camp Hawk

3.235(based on 13 reviews)
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Camp Hawk reviews

5 2
Experience: 9.2 years 175 played 10 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Could Be Good 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


Course is on a nice piece of land with trees through out which is a nice change from all the wide open courses in the area. Tight tunnels on a few holes and low ceilings make for some tough shots and keep things interesting. The course also has good flow to it and the holes are actually very well thought out and shaped well.


This course has been around for a while and it shows. The baskets are ancient and so rusted that you can't tell the difference between them and the trees around them which makes them impossible to spot from the tee on a number of holes and there are no tee signs to point the way even though this course has been here a long time. The only thing they have updated is puting a little paint on the foot tall posts that mark the tees which are pretty much useless in the two to three foot tall grass. There are no benches, no trash cans, and no bathrooms on the course or anywhere near it. Which makes for a pretty trashy area.

Other Thoughts:

This course could be great if the community would only show it a little love and support. But until they put in some new baskets and some tee signs I doubt I'd go back. This course used to be one of my favorites but has fallen pretty far from its former glory.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 558 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hawk Shock 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 25, 2019 Played the course:once


The 24 hole layout at Camp Hawk has a lot to offer. I liked the woods that are a major factor on the first half of the course. Water is in play on several holes, and it increases the degree of difficulty. There are concrete tee boxes for every hole, and a couple of them have two tees. Most tees were marked with posts that are painted florescent orange and numbered with black stencils. Alternate pin placements on most if not all holes as well.

The pond plays a big part on hole 1, and is not far from the tee on hole 2. The last 3 holes also play on the banks, with some pins carrying over the water. The creek will be a factor on 3, 4, and 7, and maybe one or two others. I took penalties for driving into the water 3 times, but didn't lose any discs luckily.

I liked that all of the holes are par 3. Some good birdie holes, some that require distance. Being proficient with a variety of shot shapes will give you a better chance of scoring well. Making recovery shots from wooded lies will most likely be necessary as well.

My favorite holes were 1, 7, and 22. One is along one end of the pond, with water to the left. The right side slopes down the dry side of the earthen dam. A few trees keep you from playing too far to the right. 3 was a fun midrange drive in the short pin position, and had a window over the creek that would be way tougher to hit if the leaves were on the trees. 7 was a hanging basket in the long pin placement, high off the ground. It has a drive that is left to right initially and crosses the creek over a bridge. The upshot is slightly uphill with plenty of trees on either side. I am over 6 feet tall, and had to reach through the bottom of the basket to poke my disc out after making the putt. Shorter players may need a stick to reach it. Hole 22 is over the water, and there is a cluster of trees on the right that restricts airspace. I played the short pin, which is on a bit of a peninsula but has plenty of space to land safely if you hit the window with a straight shot. Too far right the trees get you, and too far left splashes in the pond.


The baskets were painted bright yellow at one time, but are weathered and rusty now. They still work, but are kind of hard to spot on some of the holes. A couple of tees don't have the post to help you spot them or identify what hole they are for. I would go to a 4 disc rating if there were decent signs and the baskets were in slightly better condition.

Kansas winds could make the water holes even more risky. Beginners may want to skip those or throw discs you don't mind losing. My dog jumped in the water, and this wet dog smell was extra funky. The water looked very stagnant.

Other Thoughts:

I played Camp Hawk on Christmas day, and winter conditions made the woods easier to play I think. The photos on the course media page look to be taken in Spring conditions, which is pretty, but makes the lines through the trees even tighter.

I had a lot of bogeys, and one double bogey. My only birdies were on holes 15 and 17, but I should have had more. My putting was not good. Nearly aced 17, after taking a good air bounce, narrowly missing tree the tree branches and hitting the post just below the basket. 9 over par was my final tally (81). I would have liked to do better, but it was a fun round all the same.

The water, woods and 6 extra holes make this course fun and challenging. All kinds of shots will be needed, and good luck avoiding trees and staying dry.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A gem in the rough 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2017 Played the course:once


-fun layout on an interesting property; has woods, water, and minor elevation changes
-lots of different shots required, lots of low ceilings on the wooded holes
-has a great mix of open and wooded shots; most of the wooded shots are shorter and the open holes are mostly longer
-grippy, concrete tee pads, some trapezoidal-shaped but not uniformly pointed toward the basket; i found the extra space useful either way
-some of the alternate pin positions looked really cool; i wish i had been able to play the long basket on hole 2
-i really enjoyed the water carries at the end of the course; fun way to end the round
-wooden posts marking the tees, they do have the hole number and are mostly legible, not ideal but they help. navigation is mostly pretty intuitive but you will probably need the map a few times
-older but serviceable Mach 3 baskets
-close to I-135, it's not a quick stop at 24 holes but it's a fun round not far off the beaten path
-plenty of parking and tent camping available on-site


-seems like some of the alternate pin positions are overgrown but the present basket locations were fine
-better signs would give a nice boost to the enjoyment of this course to the traveling player. i didn't have any problems with a pic of the map but i could see how one could easily get off track here. i did, however, need to scout ahead several times
-holes 7-13 are a bit more rough, with longer grass and more dense schule. it's clear that getting a mower back in that area is easier said than done
-did there used to be a route through the trees on hole 3? there definitely isn't anymore
-the hanging basket on 7 is a little too high for this short guy. i didn't toss up my drop in (!) since i wasn't sure i would be able to get it out

Other Thoughts:

Camp Hawk is a county park with lots of woods and a creek running through it that swells to a pond near the first 2 and last 3 holes. The course is a little rough around the edges and has that unpolished feel but the holes are fun and challenging and it does have great concrete tee pads on all 24 holes. When I played the baskets were mostly in the red positions, except holes 1, 2, 7, 12, 18, and hole 19 was in the long purple position. There is a variety of longer, more open holes and shorter more wooded holes. There are also longer wooded holes like hole 7, where you cross the creek and the property line on a tight, slightly uphill, left to right fairway to the blue pin position hanging from a tree (which could be a little lower please!) and shorter open holes like 1, 22, and 18 short (the first two having the water in play). I really liked the finishing holes over and around the water, great use of a cool feature. Be careful not to hit people that may be fishing along the water.

Props to whoever looks after this course. It is mostly in really good condition. I'd love to see some fundraiser events or something here to get some new signs. I haven't played Oak Park in Wichita yet but I'd imagine Camp Hawk is one of the best courses in the area. It was a perfect stop for me on a camping and disc golf road trip. Definitely worth playing if you are in the area or just passing through.

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4 0
Experience: 10.4 years 8 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great challenging course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2016 Played the course:once


Layout is amazing! Maybe the most fun I've had at a course so far.
The property is perfect for the course or the course is perfect for the land ((depending on how you look at it)
1. It's away from the city
2. It is very much tucked in the woods and every shot was creatively crafted


Things to make the course better:
Add signs at tee boxes:
So if you have never played the Hawk before (like me)
Hike it first, find a friend, something 😒
Do not go by yourself (like me)
I had the map on my phone and after 15 minutes of looking for hole 7 (not painted, no signs, and having to go past an entering private property sign) I had almost given up! I had not remembered everyone's review saying it was hanging from a tree 😩 It's a Great hole by the way!
Paint the baskets- some baskets were hard to see till you got right up on them...
Control overgrowth of small trees

Other Thoughts:

Unless you're a pro... bring a floating disc
If you a allergic to poison ivy... be very careful in the rough.

Super big high five to the disc golfers that maintain this course!
I wish there were a bunch more people to help you guys out...
With a few upgrades like signs, burning or clearing brush, thinning out some of the trees, and brightly painting the baskets, this might easily be my favorite course in the area!
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5 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 1166 played 232 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The HAWK is a solid play 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


All shot varieties are present here from tunnel shots, uphill/downhill, open, long/short/moderate length, dog leg left/right and anything else in between. The course uses the threat of water well especially on holes 1,3, and 22-24.
Tee pads are plenty long and allow for a proper run up. The locals were friendly and allowed me to play through.
The island shots on 22 and 23 were cool as was the tunnel shot on 19. Also the elevated basket on 10 was a nice touch too.
There is plenty of risk/reward present on this course and you will need to hit your lines to score well here. This course will test your mental game as well as your shot making skills.
Hole 10 had some wooden posts used to replace a tree that fell down to make you shape a shot right off the box. This is something that you just don't see every day.
The addition of 6 extra holes allows you to get in 24 total holes or you can just play 18 and call it a round.


Navigation can be confusing at times especially for the first time player. No signage and some of the post markers are missing or have been uprooted.
Disc loss could easily become reality here especially around the water holes.
Some back tracking is neccessary to get to the next tee, which slows the flow down a bit.
The rough can be thick at times depending on the time of year.
No trash cans or benches at the tees.
No other amenities so plan ahead.

Other Thoughts:

If you prefer a nicely manicured city park with amenities then this isn't your type of course. If however you enjoy a course that values shots over frills then the HAWK is where its at. I enjoy this course because all the shots have been accounted for. Also its nice to be out in the woods playing disc golf away from the hustle and bustle.The more I play this course the more it grows on me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you can look past its flaws the disc golf is fun here. My favorite holes were 8,9,19, and 22-24.
If you are in Newton or anywhere close come out and play this course. I think you will like the disc golf that it has to offer.
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4 0
Experience: 10.1 years 60 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2014 Played the course:once


great wooded course, especially 2-13. 14 through 20 are open fields and the last 4 holes are on the other side of the parking lot by ponds, so if your a water dog you'll love these holes. Has some of the best tunnel shots in Kansas.


Course seems in a lot of disrepair, Tee markers and yardage signs are now nonexistent.( a lot of it due to vandalism,) so it can be really difficult to find the tees, Baskets need painted so they would be easier to find, and people need to pick up their trash. The day I visited it was full of drink cups, beer cans and other trash, really a shame, It would take minimal effort to put this back to a great course.
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4 0
Experience: 23 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


It has woods. In this part of Kansas this can be a rarity. The course's strength is in its challenge through holes that meander through the woods. There are certainly holes that one can air it out on a long drive.


The course is littered with spiders, grass spurs and poison ivy. Wear long socks and keep an eye out. The flow of some of the holes is dysfunctional. It uses the water (both the pond and creek) almost too much in ways that lead to unnecessarily risky shots.

Other Thoughts:

It is the best 18+ hole course in the immediate area.
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5 0
Experience: 14 years 95 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging (Mainly) Wooded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 22, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This is a challenging course with a good mix of open and wooded holes. The beginning and ends of the round are in the open, with the heart of the course going through the woods with many difficult tunnel shots. For the most part, the course is well-maintained, and it is a nice, scenic course to play. With 24 holes, you can still elect to skip holes with a chance of losing your disc in the pond and still get in a full 18.


There are virtually no tee signs on the course, so it is very easy for first-timers here to get lost or not find a teepad or hole. Even for a regular, the baskets seem to move around on the occasion, making for some mid-hole confusion as to where one should throw their disc. Also, it is very easy to lose discs in the many brushy areas (which are full of poison ivy), and in the pond.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, a very fun course to play. If you are in the Wichita area, it is worth making the 30 minute trek up the highway to play this course. However, I would recommend playing for the first time with someone who knows the flow of the course. Also, wear long socks, as stickers and poison ivy abound throughout.
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6 1
Experience: 17.8 years 31 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Would be better if the back area was mowed more often 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2010 Played the course:once


Camp Hawk is a good semi difficult course. There are a lot of trees on holes 7-13 making the course more challenging. Holes1-6 and 14-24 were well mowed when we played. There are a couple "tunnel" fairways which force you to throw straight or smash a disc into a tree. Also, there is a good variety of short and long holes, and dogleg lefts and rights. The peninsula greens of holes 22 and 23 are cool and challenging, making for an interesting finish to your round. Another good thing is a working water pump on hole 18. The water didn't taste the best, but if you forgot water and it's a hot day, it could be a lifesaver. Some of the "greens" are very wooded and have challenging basket placements. Holes 2, 5, and 18 are surrounded by dense woods and a bad approach shot could leave you behind a tree making a more difficult putt. Overall a pretty good course, it's shaded well on holes 5-13 and there are many beautiful trees. The tee pads are big and nice. There was only one other guy there when we played the course and the location seems to indicate it doesn't get crowded.


The course can get very confusing to a first time player. I would recommend playing with someone who knows the course if possible. My dad and I had a lot of trouble finding where the baskets where. The tee pads fan out and get wider in the direction of the basket so that helps at least knowing which way you're going. Hole 2 was especially hard for us to find. It's about 200 ft east of hole 1's basket. There were a lot of fairways that had greens very close to them which would force players to be careful if there were a lot of people at the course. Also, holes 1 and 3 share fairways and both are blind shots. The course has almost no tee signs, but there are orange painted logs standing up by each tee pad except for hole #7. The grass on holes 7-13 was uncut and with the creek running through, the bugs were incredibly bad on those holes and I would recommend a massive amount of bug spray.

Other Thoughts:

The directions to the course were good and my dad and I had no problem finding the course. There are mulberry trees which produce a ton of mulberries if in season. The ground was covered with them around holes 5-12 and 20. Especially on hole 5 where I colored my red beast. Thankfully it comes off with a little soap and water. Half way through #7 we found a cable running along the ground with multiple signs saying it was private property beyond that point and no trespassing. Holes 7 through 13 are all behind the private property. This was a little unnerving to us first timers but we proceeded anyway and played the course.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 360 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Decent caliber out in the country course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 27, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Advanced players looking for something more meaty than a city park course will like Camp Hawk, even though some of the holes are short. Decently challenging without being overwhelming (newbs might want to skip the water holes). Has a nice balance of wooded and open with some moderate elevation. Flow is fairly logical. Accuracy is key, esspecially on holes near the creek is. Great for winter time play when the foliage on the trees in down and the creek and ponds are hopefully frozen. With 24 holes, players not wanting to risk losing discs in the ponds can still get a full 18 in by playing holes 4-21 (you still have to deal with the creek). Hole 4's tee right by the parking lot. Grooved concrete tees help prevent slippage. Hole 7 is one of the area's best.


Some of the downsides of a rustic looking country course, namely lack of maintainence at times. They do mow here, but depending on when you show up, it can get a bit wooly in spots. Lack of tee signs with distances. A few bridges over the creek in disrepair. Some of the holes towards the middle of the course (holes 9-11) can get spongy after a hard rain as can the road getting out there. Baskets can be hard to see on some holes, so walking a hole before you playing it would be advised..

Other Thoughts:

They originally had some nice deluxe tee signs here, but those fell into disrepair. Only about one of these is left. Most of the holes now have an old tree branch segment painted orange with the hole number in black. A nice hidden gem just a couple miles off I-135.
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3 1
Experience: 15.4 years 87 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

unique 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2009 Played the course:once


challenging layout, unique design, good flow


road to location is not paved, grass a bit tall in areas, signs with actual info only on select few holes (most are marked by hole # only), course sign shows par for only 18 holes?

Other Thoughts:

most challenging holes are at the end (22-24), fun but easy to lose discs!
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4 1
Experience: 16.4 years 54 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2009 Played the course:once


Definitely a variety of shots with varying elevation for Kansas. Open distance shots and confined wooded areas. Concrete Tees and it appears that there are alternate pin settings as well.


Many Tee signs are missing. The course is pretty far out in the country and down a gravel road; although there are multiple signs for Camp Hawk.

Other Thoughts:

Holes 22-24 are challenging shots with water on most of the sides, you might want to do these first. By the time I was done with the first 21 holes I was a winded from throwing and my shots weren't as accurate. Overall a nice course if you're in the area.
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4 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 235 played 185 reviews
3.50 star(s)

24 different holes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2008 Played the course:never


Good variety of shots and land. Has a dry creek bed, ponds, tight holes and wide open. 24 holes. Cement tees. Several 'peninsula' type water shots at the end!


Some tee signs broken or missing, yet all marked with #'s. Some thick rough on a few holes, with ivy. Grass wasn't all freshly mowed.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely worth playing along with Hutchinson, Salina courses nearby.
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