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Cookeville, TN

Cane Creek Park

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3.575(based on 22 reviews)
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 670 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Tale Of Two Different Nines, Part V 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2021 Played the course:once


(3.235 Rating) A pleasing Intermediate level course with a mix of open to heavily wooded holes.
- FINISH - Overall, this is a really nice course through and through, but it's the finish that shines brightest. In my opinion, (16) and (18) are the two best holes on the course. (16) is the perfect risk reward hyzer water play. It's a healthy 270 foot water clear when taking dead aim at the basket, but the wide right side is dry land. I could have risked it, but I opted to safely lay-up for par along the right side 200 feet ahead. The other notable hole is (18), which is a really eye pleasing valley shot. There are three placements, and I got the left one, which is a fun hair razing tunnel shot over the valley floor abyss. I also enjoy (14) which was in a par 4 placement and it required two good shots to leave a birdie chance.
- CHALLENGING - I blame the rain for shooting poorly. I finished plus 3 as an Intermediate. Overall this one feels like an Intermediate level course requiring a mix of both power and finesse. It was the perfect challenge for a player like me. There are a ton of basket placements on this course that could really dial up or dial down the challenge, I personally got a mix of front, mid and back placements. A few of the placements seemed odd and I'll touch more on that in my cons.
- HOLE VARIETY - The front and back are two different styles. The front is generally park style where the back is generally wooded and technical. I appreciated the amount of alternate hole placements and I hope they switch'em around. I counted 42 of them. There is some solid elevation change, but no killer downhill ace run. Water comes into play twice and there are a couple multi-play holes. Holes range from upper 100s to lower 600s depending on the pin placement.
- RAW BEAUTY - An attractive course overall with a few stunners. I've already noted (16) and (18), but I thought (10) and (15) had high curb appeal as well. I'd give the back a 4 and the front a 2.75 out of 5. Holes (6) and (7) are really the only two sub standard looking holes out here.
- NAVIGATION AND SIGNAGE - Beautiful new tee signs. They have all the info one would need including next tee direction and pin placement indicators. I also spotted a navigational sign on a couple of the trickier transitions, like after (11) and after (17). I did not see a course map in my haste.
- BASICS - Concrete tees and DISCatcher baskets.


This is a solid course overall with only a few minor blemishes.
- IFFY LINES - I thought a couple pin placements had too much of a poke and hope element to them. Hole (3) to placement B has to be threaded threw one of several 3 and 4 foot tree gaps along the right. New B placement on (12) has to be laced on a perfect arc through 5 or 6 pinch point tree gaps ranging from 4 to 8 feet wide. (13) could be named pinball. I read through several previous reviews noting (11) as an offender as well, but I thought the RHBH hyzer route to placement A has a line. Perhaps the lines to placements B and C are more offensive, or perhaps a tree recently fell.
- MISC MINOR THINGS - A few of the concrete pads need work. Most notably was (10s) tee which was slanted 10 degrees side to side. There are some odd transitions and some large flow gaps. I didn't like the complete open blandness of hole (7). Previous hole (6) is almost that same description too. There are also a few minor safety hazards with paths or park roads in play.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - I'm sure beginner's have been brought here tons of times, but it likely is a bit too complex for new players. I don't take off rating points for this.
- TERRAIN - I would not recommend Cane Creek to those that have knee and joint pain. I appreciated the handful benches which I personally used to set my bag on to keep it off the wet ground. The course looks somewhat cart friendly.

Other Thoughts:

Cane Creek is the anchor course for Cookeville. Although I traveled almost 3 hours to play this course, it's more of just a county-wide destination. Definitely worth checking out if traveling between Knoxville and Nashville. I went back and forth on whether to give this one a high 3.0 or low 3.5. I ultimately settled on a high 3.0. Perhaps if I saw it a different day I may have tweaked a few numbers and scored it a 3.5. I wish I could score it a 3.25. Anyways, the course will work best for Recs and Intermediates, but I think many Advanced players could like it as well. The main reason I traveled here was for dual purposes. First, I checked off three courses early in the morning while my family slept in. Then at breakfast we hit the famous Ralph's Donut Shop... delicious. Afterwards we did a waterfall hike at nearby Burgess Falls that has water cascading down 136 feet. It was a fantastic short family trip that included some disc golf.
- TIME PLAY - 66 minutes as a solo.
- A Tale Of Two Different Nines - This is the fifth time I've used this review title. The previous 4 episodes are Bonita Springs, DeFunk Disco, Sunset and Grassy Creek.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 236 played 233 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Feels like two courses in one 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 31, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


A friend of mine used to play this course a lot, and at his recommendation we ended up playing a tournament there this weekend. So I was lucky enough over two days to play 3.5 rounds at this course. Two of which were tournament rounds in two different pin positions.

Depending on where some of the pins are it can play vastly different. Most holes have three placements with some just having two and I think 16 which you could say is the signature hole just has one. In most there is a longer and shorter version of the hole, but for some with three placements it's more of a left/center/right type scenario.

Tee signs are accurate and some of the more descriptive I've seen recently. The have hole maps with distances for all layouts, and below the sign there is a contraption with a magnet/metal marble that shows what the current position is easily.

Pads are mainly 4x6 concrete and mostly in good shape.

Baskets are yellow banded innova baskets, and though some are not in perfect repair, they are mostly pretty good and the yellow band is always a good choice for the wooded holes.

Benches on about 2/3 of holes mainly in good shape.

The course begins with a couple of shot shaping holes that are not particularly wooded, but have large trees in play, then three gives you a taste of the back half. It's wooded and fairly tight, but with some lines to be found.

4-9 are open, with some OB and hazards in play and in the long position 5 and 8 let you air it out a bit. Then you dive into the woods for a bit and play some shorter but challenging holes.

14 is one of the more interesting holes with a big up and down valley shot that is a 616ft par 4 in the long position and probably the most interesting hole on the course.

16 is the over the water peninsula shot that seems to make or break a lot of rounds with a substantial water carry.

Then you wind up in two more wooded holes to complete the tale of two courses that is Cane Creek.

It really does feel like two distinct, but fun 9 hole courses joined by a common park, especially in the longer position but I had a good time playing it.


The cons aren't anything that couldn't be fixed for the most part. A few baskets have bent cages and one had the chains threaded wrong and those aren't too hard to fix.

Pads on a couple of holes a slanted downward and since it was rainy all weekend any bad footing showed up big. There are also a couple with big cracks.

Some of the pin placements are less legit than others, usually two on the holes with three are fine but there are a couple where the third one is not really necessary.

Hole 12 seemed to be the most contentious to the locals. It's a very tight hole with dense rough on both sides and the lines are somewhat extreme. It's also across the parking lot so you might not find it quickly without a guide. This created the worse backup during tournament play.

The low lying parts of the course hold a lot of water, even in the more open areas, so you could be walking on what looked like firm grassy ground and end up ankle deep in water. Probably not as bad when it hasn't been raining for 3-4 days straight.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I liked it. The flow is solid and the diversity of the holes is enjoyable. Doesn't reflect on the course score but the locals and TD were cool and the event was well run overall.

Between the fun of the course and well run event I may be back next year. I would love to see the park when it's not raining!
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7 0
Experience: 32 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A fun challenge for any disc golfer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- Concrete tee pads on each hole with appropriate run-up space available.
- Signs near each tee pad showing approximate distance to the hole as well as markers to show current pin location.
- Alternate hole locations on nearly every hole.
- Well-kept park with frequently mowed fairways.
- Good mix of open holes (front 9) and wooded holes (back 9) to appeal to any type of player.
- A few very challenging holes to keep you on your toes (particularly holes 14 and 16).
- Great use of hilly elevation which comes into play on nearly every hole.
- Difficult to lose any discs unless you completely shank a throw.
- Landscaping has been done on some back 9 holes to aid in being able to see your disc better (hole 13 comes to mind).
- The park is frequently inhabited with other disc golfers, which is good for the community and for the sport's growth.


- Hole layout has not been changed in at least a month. Out-of-towners probably wouldn't know the difference, but for someone like me who plays 2-3 times a week, it does get a bit monotonous playing the same hole locations over and over.
- Some holes stay a little bit muddy, such as 7, early part of 8, and around the weeds on 9.
- There is a difference between a "challenging" hole, and a hole that is completely "jail". There are a few holes here that have no realistic path or fairway due to trees (the worst offenders being holes 3, 11, and 13) and unless you get very lucky, you're likely to lose a stroke or two on these holes.
- The navigation from hole 11 to hole 12 is not entirely clear and if you're not a local or playing with a local, there's a good chance you'll miss it. You have to walk across the parking lot where the playground and shelter is in order to reach hole 12.
- I've heard all holes have to play as Par 3 at Cane Creek, despite some signs labeling holes as Par 4. Well, when hole 14 is in the long position (well over 600 feet with multiple elevations to tackle), it's extremely difficult to get a par. Not necessarily a complaint, as it is a fun hole, but making it Par 4 would be much more realistic when the placement is in that position.
- My biggest con: Hole 16 is the "melting pot" of Cane Creek Park. People will frequently be walking, sitting, biking, or fishing in and around this hole where you need to throw. And unfortunately, most of these people are quite oblivious of their surroundings and don't notice when you're trying to throw. There have been many times where I have had to skip this hole altogether because there were too many people around. Nothing can really be done about this, but when you're constantly having to dodge oblivious patrons who don't know what "FORE" means, or simply refuse to move, it detracts a bit from the quality of the course. The hole itself is great, the location not so much.

Other Thoughts:

Basic Description of Holes:
#1 - A good warmup hole with an overhanging tree, hill, and the road on the right side, with multiple trees/weeds/muckyness on the left side. The fairway is a bit narrow, but the hole is perfect for those who utilize the RHFH (flick) throw. The basket is typically right under the large tree that has hole 2's tee pad right behind it, but it has also been up the hill and to the right of said tree, although less frequently.
#2 - This hole is, again, a good hole for RHFH throwers. You have to navigate several healthy trees on all sides, and the basket is either in a little cove to the immediate right (a very short distance), or straight in front of you near the road. A solid forehand to the left side of the basket will put you in position for a birdee.
#3 - One of a few "jail" holes on the course. This is an uphill-in-the-woods hole with the basket just slightly outside these woods over the hill, or, when they feel like torturing you, up the hill very far away. It's basically a throw-and-pray shot but if you make it out and your disc doesn't roll down the hill, you're in good position for birdee.
#4 - Finally, a hole that favors RHBH throwers! The basket is always located in a little cove tucked into the left side of the hill. It is not visible from the tee pad, but you can see it while on the tee pad for hole 3. It is an open hole and a good RHBH (avoid the tree near the road, though!) will put you in position for birdee.
#5 - The best hole to unleash all your power on. This is an open hole with trees that you'll only hit if you throw it very far. The basket can be short (just over the hill) or long (past all the trees), but it's the ultimate hole to just go crazy on.
#6 - This hole is a fun challenge. There's a tree that's no more than 75 feet past the tee pad that will eat your shots if you don't avoid it. The basket is usually on the apex of the hill straight in front of you, but can also be very far down the hill. Wind plays a huge role on this hole due to elevation, especially when putting.
#7 - Another blind hole. The hill obstructs your view of the basket, but it's about 250 feet straightaway. With as much elevation that comes into play, bombing a driver will likely put you near the fence line. I throw a midrange that puts me basket-high most every time. Good opportunity for a birdie here.
#8 - A low-hanging tree here right off the tee-pad can destroy RHFH throwers, but if you can navigate the tight window, you'll typically be in position for no worse than a par. The hole favors those who RHBH a sky-bomb to the right side and let it drift back left, but it's navigable for anyone if played right.
#9 - This hole has two identities, one being the prototypical "ace-run" hole when short (a little over 200 feet, flat, straightaway with virtually no obstructions), the other being a difficult but fun hole where you have to navigate the huge line of trees and find your way to the hill near the tee pad for holes 7 and 8. Saving par when it is long is more fulfilling than getting a birdee when it's short.
#10 - The back 9 starts with a fun hole where you've gotta throw through a decent sized gap of trees and hope you are in position for a solid 2nd shot. There are 3 hole locations here, one being on the left hand side close to the trees, the other 2 being up the hill to the left which favors RHFH throwers.
#11 - This hole is the jailest of the jail holes on the course. There's no fairway, dozens of trees, and a high score with your name on it. Right off the tee pad, there's a tree that's fallen over and is laying on other trees for support. It practically looks like a slash mark. There are 3 hole locations and they're all equally as impossible to get to. I've gotten lucky a few times and somehow managed to avoid all the trees, but it's very very very rare for that to happen. It's nothing but a throw-and-pray hole.
#12 - This wooded hole doglegs to the right and leads you to an open pathway near the bottom of the hill. It's good for RHFH throwers or those who can backhand with right-turning discs. It's fairly short and a good throw can put you in position for birdee or no worse than par.
#13 - Another jail-ish hole. 3 hole locations make this one very different depending on where it is. One location is left, one middle, one right. It's surrounded by trees on all sides. Not much else to say. Just another throw-and-pray hole.
#14 - This is another Jekyll-and-Hyde hole, where location is everything. You've got gaps to get through, one on the right side and one straightaway. It's a difficult enough task to get it to the apex of the hill, but if the basket is long (over 600 feet in a very small wooded cove), you're getting no better than a 4 on this hole anyway. Sometimes it's placed short where a throw to the top of the hill can easily land you a birdee or par, the middle location can be par'd with a solid 2nd shot, but the long location is death. Nonetheless, it's a fun hole.
#15 - A break from the long holes, this fun little hole has you surrounded by trees on your right side, and a watery grave to your left past the walking trail. Those who do not have control of their shots beware! I've witnessed many people lose discs in the water by shanking a throw. But anyway, the hole is protected by a cove of trees where you throw in and let it drift left. It's very short and as long as you get into the cove in some manner, you've got a good chance for birdee.
#16 - Reminiscent of Hole 16 at Augusta (regular golf). The basket lies on an island that is well guarded by a large willow tree, other trees, and obviously, the lake. If you're going to lose a disc at Cane Creek, it's likely that you lose it here. Unless you're confident you can sky one over the trees and onto the small island, then it's a layup hole all the way. Those who are willing to take on the challenge, this will probably be your favorite hole and most rewarding if you land on that island.
#17 - Another hole that's different based on pin placement. There is a cove to the left that favors sharp turning discs thrown by RHBH throwers. Another location is straightaway guarded by some trees and brush. The third location is up the hill on the right side, which is the most difficult location to reach of the 3. It's uphill all the way, though.
#18 - The courses finishes with another signature hole. Immediately below the tee pad is a ravine that goes straight down and comes straight up, with many trees in your way on both sides. There are two hole locations here, one on the left and one on the right. They are about equal distance from the tee pad, so location will determine what disc/method you throw with. I have witnessed an ace here, but the baskets are virtually completely obstructed by trees, so all we got was the sound of chains! It is a fun hole to end on.

Overall, Cane Creek is a great course for beginners and seasoned veterans alike, with multiple pin placements that can make or break a round depending on how you tackle them! It's not easy, but it's not overly difficult either. I've been playing this course for years and I've played many others in Tennessee. This one is my favorite and is always worth playing. If you're in the area, give it a go!

(Typical score: -2 to -5)
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 76 played 28 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid course, well done 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2014 Played the course:once


Set in a park with a large lake, playground walking trails and other activities, this is a very nicely laid out course for the most part. Both the front and back 9's make a loop to end at the parking lot by tee pad 1. Signage pointing to next tee when needed were easy to find and helpful.

Tee signs were accurate, showed the multiple pin placements (some had as many as 3, every one had 2) and a bolt in the sign showed which pin was in play. Concrete tee pads were all of generous size and were all in good shape. Some tee pads had benches which were in good repair as well. Could find no faults with the baskets which caught well and were not rusted.

Elevation came into play on almost every hole but not many side slopes. I would argue that the course slightly favors LHBH/RHFH but too terribly. This is a course that requires FH and BH to shoot well. Distances vary from under 200' to well over 600' depending on which baskets are in play. One water carry hole at a reasonable distance is a nice addition too.

The first half of the course is mostly open, with the wind from the lake being a big factor on most shots. The second half of the course is mostly wooded but brush/schule is at a minimum and the entire course is fairly clean.

Paved parking lot is nice and restrooms are on site with a variety of other activities to do so you can bring the whole family.


A few places where the ground was a little muddy but that could just be chalked up to the recent wet weather.

2 holes I felt were too much like a pitch and pray type hole, the worst offender being hole 11 and to a lesser extend, 13.

Other Thoughts:

Signature holes are probably 14 & 16 and while some of the par "4" holes are probably 3 realistically it's nothing to address in the cons section.

Drove here from Chattanooga to play a round and was not disappointed. Shot a -2 course par with a sunken disc. Would come back.
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4 0
Experience: 27.3 years 21 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Worth the short drive 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


I enjoyed everything about this course. The signage is clear, the holes are creatively laid out and allow for multiple drive/approach options. I always enjoy knowing other disc-golfers are around and this course had plenty. This course has a variety of holes that incorporate elevation changes, wooded fairways, water hazards (one reminded me of hole 16 in Augusta -for you ball golfers out there) wide open holes on occasion that will give you a chance to let it rip and even the occasional temptation to "tomahawk" from the tee box. I had a chance to play a round with one of the guys that runs the course and you can see how his passion for making the course a top notch course has had its mark. I'm excited for my next trip to Cookeville so I can play another few rounds at this course.


Hardly any cons at all, but there was some "evidence" on holes 7,8,9 that there are a lot of geese around the area. Not a big deal, just watch your step on those holes.

Other Thoughts:

If you are playing later in the day and want to get as many holes in as you can, play the back 9 first because they are mostly wooded and the front 9 is mostly in the open (which gives you a little more daylight to work with).
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1 4
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Very Pretty Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice people good course pretty holes pretty clean or and nicely mowed lots of people at park and nobody was in the way of course play. Challenging wooded holes and wide opens holes. Had fun fun course with restrooms. Padel boat rentals park for young kids and older ones. Pavailions walking trails this place has alot to offer with space. Hope to come back soon and play again :)


Been thinking here for a few and just can't seem to find any cons.

Other Thoughts:

Can't wait to come back very enjoyable. Awesome!!!!
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Really Decent, with 3 Bad Holes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 21, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


- Mostly Decent Shots. Most of the holes at Cane Creek were pretty decent. Even the seemingly-open boring holes had good things going for them (tree blocking the hyzer line, blind basket, use of elevation, length, etc...).
- Some Great Holes! When I walked up to Hole 1 I was thinking, "if all the holes are like this, I'm going to have some fun." Well, not all of the holes were as great as Hole 1, but several others were... and better. Holes 1, 5, 8, 10, 14, 16 were really great holes and worth the trip off the I-40 to play.
- Tees and Signs. Cane Creek had awesome concrete tee-pads, definitely large enough to get a good run-up and do your thing. And, the tee-signs used a "bolt system" to identify the pin position... and, the bolts seemed to be in their accurate positions as only one bolt was wrong in the wrong position.
- That it's There. It's a long stretch between Knoxville and Nashville, and this is one of the only courses along the entire route. And, a lot of locals were out there playing, proving that it's a good thing for the community.


- A Couple Wacked Out Holes. Holes 3, 12 and 13 have extremely ridiculous fairways that don't appear to have ever had a chainsaw near them. They have NO gap, although Hole 13 does have a nice tomahawk route, but that's only because the main fairway is jacked. These holes seriously take away from the course's quality and overall experience.
- The Concept of Par. It just seems like they called all the holes Par 3's no matter what. They had a 600+ foot hole labeled as a "Par 3", and 2 holes that are longish enough to be considered 4's when you consider their fairway FAIRness (Hole 3 right, Hole 12 long).
- Potential Safety Issues. There are a few holes that play near the park's road, walking path, places where fishermen are fishing, and a play area. I've seen worse multi-use safety infractions before (Aquatic Park in Berkeley comes to mind), but if people aren't accurate, or considerate, people/cars may get hit.
I actually saw a car get hit. I was on the green of Hole 2 when a guy on 4 threw a big hyzer that stayed over the road... while the disc was in the air, a car drove around the corner and BLAM... skip shot off the windshield.

Other Thoughts:

- Overall. Cane Creek is a really nice city park style course that offers a little extra length and a chance to score some birdies. There are a few holes that take away from the overall experience, but if you can somehow manage to get past them without taking too many extra strokes you have a good chance to have a lot of fun and score well. It was fun enough that I went around twice.
My Score: -5
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6 3
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Don't let the front nine discourage you 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 17, 2011 Played the course:once


Tee signs and tee pads on every hole.
Multiple pin positions for most of the holes.
Good use of elevation on the course.
Signature hole #16 is basically an Island hole.


Front 9 is boring, no really it sucks.
got lost going from 11 to 12
Could not find #14 basket for a long time (it was in the long position and I could not even see it from my 1st drive

Other Thoughts:

This course is in a very beautiful park that surprised me when I pulled in.
The course starts off OK with holes #1 and 2 being OK disc golf holes.
then you get to #3 which is jail.
4 to 9 are all boring open shots. (actually #4 is not a bad hole)
I was about to quit my round because the holes were all in the open with nothing in the way.
But then I went ahead and started the back 9.
WOW, there are some really good holes.
I loved #10, it was in the far right position and was a fun hole to play.
#11 to 13 are throw and pray shots.
but then you get to the back holes starting with #14.
#14 was in the long position, this is a 600ft shot throwing over a hill and up over the crest of the next hill in the shull. It took me a while to find the basket, but once I did, I was like wow. (I got my 3 btw)
#15 is a nice little birdie hole
then comes #16. Not for the faint of heart. It is an island hole with the basket on a peninsula of the lake. (I just missed my birdie putt dang it) There were several people swimming for there discs.
#17 was a good hole and I loved #18 throwing from one hill to the next in the woods. (it has a fairway unlike throw and pray shots)
I would play here again, however I may just skip the front nine and play the back nine over and over.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.8 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2 courses in 1 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Good concrete tee pads on every hole. Multiple basket positions. Good signs for each hole with a screw and nut system to mark the current location. Easy navigation with helpful signs at the 2 places where there is a long walk. A really well balanced mix of open holes and heavily wooded holes. If you like all open or all wooded this is not the place for you.


Not really any cons. Nothing bad about this course. Sure you could make some more unique holes, or some more challenging holes in a few places, but there is really nothing terrible here. Hole 13 was in the A position and offered what I would truly call a WTF fairway. No real line or obvious shot. Just let it fly and pray.

Other Thoughts:

As stated elsewhere the front 9 is fairly open, and allows you to let it rip with little risk in most cases. There are some mature trees to work around, but an experienced player should have no trouble hitting par or better on most of those holes. The back 9 enters the woods and adds some tight fairways and elevation to the challenge. 16 forces you over a small cove of the water, and 18 tees off a hill and over a ravine to another hill. There is also a fairly tight line you need to hit to make the correct shot. There is even a nice 561-616 hole on the back 9 that plays over a small hole and into some woods. Just a nice solid, all-around course. If you are cruising along I-40 in the area make sure you stop here to play a round.
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2 3
Experience: 16.4 years 22 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

My Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


My home course. I am spoiled by this course being so close to my home. It has a great variety of every type of hole and shot selection. It has several tight holes and several bomb-the-mess-out-of-your-disc holes. It is still one of the most pretty courses I have ever played. Double tournaments twice a month on Saturdays are great.


Not enough tournaments. It can be a tough course for beginners, but I learned there and it has made me a better player. There are too many trees on hole #13.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Two very different courses 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 12, 2009 Played the course:once


The course has great variety, better than most courses I've played. Most of the front half plays across open rolling fields, with some scattered trees. The back half has more elevation, and is a mix of well defined fairways with trees alongside, and some dense woods shots. The lake comes into play on one hole on the back half, adding a great risk/reward element especially when the wind is blowing.

There were two pin positions on most holes, and many completely changed which way the hole played. They were set up in a mix of positions when I played that meant a good balance of left and right turning shots in the woods, and long and short shots in the more open holes. The tee signs had maps showing both positions and distances, and were in good shape. The tees were nice large concrete pads with a good brushed finish.

The park is very scenic, with nice trees, and great views around the lake. I really enjoyed the walk at this course, especially on the back nine. Two holes stuck out to me, the one with the forced water carry to a landing on a peninsula, and one where you have to play up and over a hill, and you still have a long shot around several trees to find the basket.


There were a few places on the course where the navigation was not obvious, and there were long walks to the next hole. There were some vague signs pointing the way on a couple of these spots, but they weren't enough to make navigation easy.

I love multiple pin positions, but I really like to see some marking of which positions the pins are currently in, especially when there is a mix of A and B placements.

The other park users seemed completely oblivious to the course and disc golfers, often stopping right in the middle of fairways, or setting up fishing or picnics right near baskets. This was made worse by how close to the park road and walking paths the course played in several places.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course that is definitely worth the stop if you're in the area. It's a nice park that has been used pretty well to make a challenging and fun course.

Beginners will find some of this course pretty challenging, especially in the woods on the back 9. More experienced players will find a lot of fun and different holes with good challenges for many levels of players.
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2 1
Experience: 16.4 years 8 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Great setup and really takes advantage of the landscape. Close to campus only 18 hole course for miles.


A couple holes don't drain water well mostly the backside of the front nine.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a special place in my heart. Played more disc golf while in college here then should have.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid Variety 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2009 Played the course:once


Long and wide concrete teepads. Multiple pin positions per hole. Signs at teepads showing current pin position. Smattering of benches, more so on the back nine.

Between on-line map and a few signs at the course, this was a relatively simple course for me as a first-time visitor to follow.

Multi-use park, so options for non-playing people with you. Bathrooms, water fountains, and vending machines on-site, and food/petrol stations only five minutes away.

Some nice views at some holes which play towards/along water.


A few holes play along the entrance road and walking paths.

The ravine you throw across on #18 could be quite treacherous in wet weather.

Other Thoughts:

This course offers a nice combination of wide-open holes, completely wooded holes, holes with well-defined fairways but the baskets being somewhat guarded by trees.

The day I played the course, it was in a rather neutral set-up, position-wise - not all long, not all short, not all lefty-oriented, not all righty-advantaged.

The holes I found most interesting were:
- #16 A 300' water-on-three-sides hole, the dry approach being from the right. The most threatening water is in front, beginning about 175' from the tee and ending about 30' short of the basket.
- #14 One of the longer holes on the course, woods to your left, uphill throw with a smattering of trees at about the 275' mark/crest of the hill. The basket, guarded by a couple large trees, was another 250' from there, down then back up a small hill.
- #11 This hole will typically be a wooded, down-then-up, narrow lane hole, requiring a slight turn left or right after 200+'. The day I played a large tree along the side had broken about halfway up, and was suspended perpendicular to the ground, putting an array of branches in the desired flight path. This left you with a choice of throwing very high, usually not a good idea with so many trees, or low, somehow hoping to run up the hill. I threw a low shot with the edge down which hit at the base of the valley, then flattened out and skipped up the hill another 100' - reminded me of skipping frisbees on asphalt thirty years ago. Hope they can keep the tree there for awhile! :)
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 116 played 57 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good mix of open and wooded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 3, 2009 Played the course:once


This course seems fairly new from what I could tell, and it is in very good shape. Cane Creek plays along rolling hills and through heavy woods on the back 9.

The tee signs were excellent, showing all basket positions and indicating the pin placement with a bolt. There was a nice mix of shots, with the average hole playing around 300 feet.

The front 9 of this course is fairly open, and easy to navigate. Rolling hills and wind come into play. The back 9 is much more technical with a good bit of elevation change. OB walking paths and water come into play on several holes.


The layout is solid, but confusing in a few parts. The tee for #5 follows #2. To find Hole #3, walk up hill and across the road. The teepad for #10 is located above the parking lot, on the side of the hill. #12 requires a good uphill walk across a parking lot. #18 is also hard to find. There is a sign pointing in the general direction, but it is not helpful. From #17 basket, walk across the parking lot towards the top of the hill (not towards the lake).

There are a few spots on this course where stairs are needed. The walk to #18 could use some stairs to get up the steep enbankment. Also, #18 plays across a deep ravine and there are no stairs going up or down. This part could be extremely treacherous in the rain.

Obstacles are well used on this course, but holes #7, #8 and #9 felt too open.

Hole #13 literally had no fairway. Well, let me rephrase that... The only way to throw #13 is a thumber or tamahawk. There are 5 or 6 small gaps you could hit, and the disc needs to get vertical to navigate all the trees.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I really enjoyed this course. The front 9 was too open for my liking, but the elevation and wind made it challenging regardless. Hole #3 was by far my favorite on the front. It is heavily wooded and uphill for the first 200 feet and the opens up, playing downhill.

The back 9 of this course was superb - playing through the woods on the side of a hill. Several of these teeshots would be completely different depending on the basket placements. It is a walk to get to hole #12, but it is a great golf shot, requiring a right turning placement shot and then an approach down a wooded fairway. Hole #16 plays over the water and I am pretty sure the posted distance is not accurate. It says 310 feet, but plays more like 340. Clearing the water would not be a problem except for a willow tree that forces a long hyzer shot or flex shot over the edge of the water.

I drove about 3 hours round trip to play this course, and it was worth while. I wouldn't plan a disc golf trip around this course, but if you are player in Middle Tennessee, definitely check this one out.

This is a tournament caliber course. Not too frustrating for intermediate players and there is enough challenge to satisfy advanced and pro players.
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4 1
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2009 Played the course:once


Great for anybody's game. It's got different shots to improve your game. Open and long, tight and accurate, and water and wind shots. I am a local and designer of the course with a few other fellow discgolfers out there. I've been playing for 11 years and it is one the most well maitained course I've seen in all the years I've played. Grass is always mowed in the summer time, hardly any trash on the course and baskets are moved on a regular basis. I have seen alot of beginners learn to play on this course and they turnout to be Advanced or Pro caliber golfers. Improvements to the course are happening every year. I've seen the sport grow tremendously out there ever since the course has been put in.


Need signs to direct people from hole 9 to hole 10 and from 11 to hole 12 and from hole 17 to 18. Lots of non discgolfers out there you have to llokout for while playing.

Other Thoughts:

These improvements will be done as the sport continues to grow out there. I recommend people to drive no matter what the distance is to play this course.
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4 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Excellent Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


First off this is my home course. I have played it 100+ times. This course has a nice diversity of shots from short and long open to tightly wooded technical holes of varying distances. This course also has 41 total pins positions which allows it to very different each time it is played. Baskets are moved on a re fairly regular basis to keep things fresh. Several opportunities for ob's and water add this this courses difficulty. Beautiful water shot on hole 16 that is probably the signature hole of this course. There is also a concession stand at hole 1 that serves food and beverages during the summer. Also restrooms are near holes 10, 11 and 17. It is also mowed at least once a week during the summer.


This is a very popular park in the city. Lots of non-golfers in the park most of the time. There is a bit of a walk from hole 9 to hole 10, hole 11 to hole 12, and hole 17 to hole 18, but there are signs now in place to guide unfamiliar golfers.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is an excellent course, well groomed and maintained year round. Huge diversity of shot types and pin locations. Worth the time and travel to experience this course.
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1 2
Experience: 27.3 years 28 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Jekyl and Hyde 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 4, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Continually improved.
Clean, well kept park.


Innova DISCatcher
Some terrain on the back 9 (10, 17, 18) a bit technical-- especially if you should make an errant throw (which I *never* do).

Other Thoughts:

A true Jekyl and Hyde course. Front 9 mostly wide open and somewhat beginner friendly. Back 9 mostly tightly wooded with #16 going over water.
Multiple pin positions are wonderful, but it is nicer when the tee signs agree with the pin placement (13, 14, 15, and 17), seems every round I play one of those pins is not where the tee sign says it is.
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6 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

From a local player 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2008 Played the course:once


Great mix of all the elements including terrain, woods, water hazard, & elevation. VERY pretty! Front 9 is largely wide open on rolling, grassy hills. Back 9 is tightly wooded, using old hiking trails for fairways. Hole 1 is near consecion stand, back 9 starts just across the park rd from it near the pavillion.


Course is fairly new, so wooded area's are tough to follow. Course plays through a public park, so care must be taken for pedestrians. Hole 16 is a nice water shot, but also a favorite fishing hole. Most of the fishermen will watch if you let them know you're driving.

Other Thoughts:

Club holds random draw double on the third sat of every month, tee off at 1pm.
Currently 1 annual PDGA sanctioned tourney, several smaller scale tournies throughout the year. League play sat mornings @ 10.
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10 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lovely Course Next To A Lake! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 14, 2008 Played the course:once


This is a pretty course that is set up partially along a small lake making it pretty scenic. # 1 starts right by the boat rental shack and then the front nine plays on the lake side of the park. #' 2 & 3 go into the woods and then 4-9 are out in the open park. # 9 finished back at the little boat rental . Walk across the little park road here to start the back nine which is mostly in the woods and is very technical for the most part. Even though the course kinda jumps from different parts of the park to others, I found it easy to follow. One one hole you come out of the woods and have to cross a kids play area and another park road to find the next tree pad but I found it easy enough. # 18 was my favorite. It's a little short (202') throw where you're throwing from high on side of a hill across a gully to the basket high on other side of the gully. And it's a technical shot through the trees. Nice concrete teepads, very informative signs, nice course flow, beautiful setting, bathroom facilities.


I didn't like # 16 over the water shot. It was guarded by three trees and big bushes on the tee side of the lake. The basket sets in a fairly small grassy area. You probably have to throw 270' to clear the water and there were two men fishing right in the way. I chose to skip it and just walk around. One of the guys fishing told me he sees 10 discs a day hit the water, I believe it. That's a tough throw for the average player, not worth the risk to me.

Other Thoughts:

Right when I was teeing off on # 17, I was bit/stung by some monstrous Tennessee killer insect of some description. I'm normally not allergic but by the next day my arm was swollen and the redness was progressing down towards my elbow. We had been to too many civil war battle sites on this trip and read about civil war doctors amputating limbs and throwing them in piles. I had visions of some Tennessee confederate Doctor amputating my arm and throwing it in his pile so I had to waste a few precious vacation hours in a medical clinic getting a steriods shot. And I kept my arm. It was only my left, I still could have thrown my discs since I'm right handed. But it might have thrown off my balance or something! You can never be too careful about your limbs!
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 17, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This a pretty nice 18 hole course on a very nice section of park land. This is the only major course in a wide radius around Cookeville, TN.

The course is fairly new so the tees, baskets, and signs are in great shape. The course contains many elements, open/wooded, long/short, elevation, and water. There are some pretty nice memorable holes (#1 is a great opening hole, #16 is the signature hole with the basket on a peninsula of the lake.)

Cookeville is home to Tennessee Technological University (my alma mater!) The course is pretty close to campus so that is a bonus for the college kids.

This course has become quite challenging since it was just an infant 9-holer. There are several really nice and unique and fun holes. Many of the holes have multiple hole locations that can drastically change the angle and the distance of the hole.


Because it was built in 2 stages it is like playing 2 separate 9 hole courses. The front is pretty much wide open, the back is mostly in dense woods. (see the course pictures) The front 9 holes are designed about as best as they can be considering the land, there is just not much there to make it super interesting and challenging. Some of the fairways on the back 9 were almost non-existent when first opened, but constant improvements are always being made to this course. This course is maturing nicely, but those fairways are still super tight.

There can be a problem with people fishing, picnicking, (even making out!) on the water holes.

There are still a couple of holes whose fairways just do not have a realistic path off the tee. A great deal of luck is required (holes 12 and 13 specifically). #18 has a small narrow fairway, but the tee is not lined up in that direction. There are 2 spots where stairs are desperately needed to get to up a steep hill to the tee (holes 10 and 18). The longer than abnormal walks across playgrounds and parking lots are awkward, but at least signs have been installed that direct you in the right direction. It was hard to find the paths leaving the basket to the next tee- it seemed maybe this was only a problem on newer basket locations. I made my own path essentially, only to find when I got to the tee I saw the path, just too late!

The front was also redesigned since it was first installed, it appears mainly to eliminate any chance of a disc landing over a farmer's fence. Hole 4 used to be a great downhiller with thick nasty swampy rough behind it, but that hole is no longer set up that way- too bad.

Other Thoughts:

A lot of people really like this course, and if you live around here it is all you have, so it makes a nice home course that has some challenges. It is worth a stop if you are driving between Nashville and Knoxville. (Cookeville also has tons of places to eat and lots of hotels.)

However, this is your typical 18 hole course that was built in 2 stages of 9 holes each. There is a huge difference in style between the two 9's. I think 18 holes are great, but I personally enjoy courses that mix it up more between open and wooded or easy and hard.

I graduated from TTU, but the course was not built until after I left. We played ultimate and object courses around campus. I wished it had been there when I was there (a bonus for students now), although it might have prevented me from going to class!!!

*Update- much progress has been made to improving the newer back 9 over the last few years. There are signs helping with the long walks and paths have been put in to help get from one hole to the next in the woods.
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