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Bowling Green, OH

Carter Park - Old Layout

3.235(based on 31 reviews)
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Carter Park - Old Layout reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 105 played 105 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Falcon's Flight 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2014 Played the course:once


~Concrete tees are nicely sized.
~Great tee markers w/ map of hole & distance.
~Parking lot close to practice basket.
~Course loops around from start to finish.
~Easy to navigate to tee pads (baskets are another issue).
~Clean park, easy to find.


~Very wide open, mostly straight holes.
~Clusters of baskets in numerous areas create confusion, and potentially dangerous situations if course gets busy.
~Some tee pads are close to flight path on adjacent holes.
~Many short, stand and deliver holes.
~Questionable distances and pars listed on tee markers.

Other Thoughts:

Visited this course the day after Christmas to take advantage of the 40 degree day filled with sunshine that is rare this time of year. Carter Park has been on my radar for a while now so I was very pleased to finally make the half hour drive from my in-laws house and visit one of the older courses in the area. An extremely windy day added complexity to what could normally be a low scoring birdie fest of a course. Course layout appears to be dated with mostly short distance holes that are fairly straight forward. It does start out and finish with some greater distances, but most of the longer holes are wide open. Terrain is flat, but that's expected from north west oHIo and can't be considered a negative. The largest detraction is the tendency for various clusters of baskets throughout the course. Twice I shot at the wrong basket, and three times I had to walk the hole before teeing off to make sure which basket I was supposed to be throwing to. The course is also cramped in a few areas, and I can't imagine playing an enjoyable round when it's busy. Too much close proximity to other fairways, tees, and baskets. The concrete tees are of ample size. The small fruit trees do create some neat lines and add a great dimension to the course. The last seven holes are the most fun, and really saved the modest rating given to this review. I would play again if in the area, but probably not during the busy season.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21 years 269 played 148 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Carter Park is located just across the street from BGSU and is right off the highway so it's a great place for students and a convenient stop for travelers to play. There are tee signs at each hole attached to medium sized pyramid shaped piece of concrete making the tees easier to find. The tee pads are concrete and there are DGA baskets.

The course is mostly flat with large mature trees as well as a handful of holes with some kind of apple trees. There is no underbrush so the possibility of losing a disc is extremely minimal.

There's good variety here. Roughly one third of the holes are open, one third have some large mature trees and the last third have the apple trees.

The orchard holes are definitely some of the coolest holes on this course. Their low ceiling forces you to keep the shot low or try a big shot over the top.


The course has some minor navigation issues. Finding hole 1 isn't terribly obvious as it is not the closest hole to the parking lot. After hole 2 there's an unmarked walk across the road to hole 3. After hole 16 you walk past 18's tee and cross the road to play 17.

I feel there are a few areas where safety is a concern on the course. Hole 10 is the shortest hole on the course at 192 feet and the tee pads for holes 6 and 9 are in or on the edge of the circle of 10's basket which is much too close IMHO. A drive from 16's pad can easily land on 18's pad. A few other holes and fairways felt a little cramped together so watch out for other people on the course.

There is no shot diversity here. Even with the mature trees, much of the course is wide open. Only one hole forces a turnover shot, the rest are straight or hyzer shots.

The tee signs are just ok. They don't provide a good illustration of some holes. Most holes are very straight forward so this isn't an issue, but on hole 7 I threw at the wrong basket, it was difficult to locate 14's basket and on 18 I almost threw at the practice basket. This won't be an issue after you played a round or two here.

Other Thoughts:

This is a good course to introduce new players to the sport which is great with BGSU less than a mile away. The variety of hole distances, trees and orchard will challenge a wide variety of players and keep them coming back for more.
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2 0
Experience: 75 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2012 Played the course:once


Tee pads are easy to find with raised hole maps
Well mowed
Long and short holes


Completely flat
Minimal use of trees as obstacles
Basket on 16 is missing

Other Thoughts:

Was hoping for more of a challenge with an almost 3.5 rating. First thought to rate course at 3 for the clean, well maintained park, but decided on 2.5 for the easiness of the course. The middle holes make use of trees, but the other holes, not so much.
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2 1
Experience: 17.1 years 9 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Carter Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2011 Played the course:once


-Not a challenging course
-Nice baskets
-Concrete tee pads
-Maintained very well
-Nice signs at the tee off spot
-Mostly medium to short holes, but some distance throws
-Fast pased course


-I think it was difficult to navigate for the first time playing there
-Holes run up and down near each other so fairways are close
-LOTS of traffic on the road that runs through the course

Other Thoughts:

I thought this was a nice course, but being my first time there, i had trouble throwing at the wrong basket. The first hole has basket 14 just to the right of the fairway so i started off throwing at the wrong hole. I would say that the course is not that challenging and if there wasn't any wind i would have had a lot better score than throwing even. There are a lot of technical holes where the trees play a big factor in your throw. I used my tomahawk throw more than anything. This is a nice course, but I won't go out of my way to play this course again.
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2 1
Experience: 16.4 years 34 played 17 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Enjoyable Round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 16, 2010 Played the course:once


- A mix between wide open shots and some lightly wooded holes.
- Good for beginners, not extremely challenging, yet has a few holes that will challenge any players.
- Good signs and easy to navigate
- Fun, quick round if your looking to squeez in a few rounds.


- Some of the holes are pretty boring and including the first 3-4.
- Until you get in the trees not much to challenge besides distance and maybe wind.
- Trees can be dangerous with thorns.
- Can get busy, but most of the people were friendly.

Other Thoughts:

I had a fun time playing a different course in NW Ohio. Glad I played it, but most likely will not go out of my way to play again.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.3 years 89 played 18 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not Visitor Friendly 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a well manicured course in a scenic park setting. It is very family friendly with playgrounds and shelters nearby.

From a disc golf standpoint, the course is longer than it seems with few holes under 250 feet. Many of the shots are challenging and variously require hyzer shots, anhyzer shots, and overhand shots.

The course has quality, DGA baskets (although some are starting to show their age), adequate signs, and good-sized tee pads.

Perhaps the nicest thing about this course is that there is practically no schule to throw in. It would be hard to lose a disc on this course.


The course has a number of design issues as well as not being the easiest course to navigate if you have never played it and lack a map (there was no course map posted or available when we played).

First, hole number one, while being "near the water tower," is actually the 4th closest hole to the water tower. In fact, you have to walk past the practice basket and hole 18's basket to get to the first tee, and there is no sign letting you know where it is. The only reason we found it was that a local happened to arrive right before we did.

After hole 2, we walked over to the next tee pad which was hole 12?!? We finally found a very narrow path through a hedge row that took us across a road to another part of the park where we found hole 3. A similar situation occurs after hole 5 (this time without the hedge row) and after hole 11. In none of these cases was there any signage directing players where to go.

There is a flow issue with hole 17 as you have to backtrack across 18's tee pad and across a road to get to it. I actually saw a local just skip this hole altogether and go straight from 16 to 18.

More serious, however, especially for tournament play, is the fact that many of the fairways interfere with each other. Even mildly errant shots end up right in the line of fire of another hole. The most serious (and, frankly, dangerous) of these is on hole 9. When standing on the tee pad for 9, one is only about 30 feet away from hole 6's tee pad and directly in the flight path of a hyzer shot or grip lock. I for one would not stand on this pad while people were throwing off of 6, nor would I throw off of 6 with people on 9.

Similarly, if one has the arm, a couple of holes could result in discs dangerously overthrown into shelters.

Another potentially dangerous condition on the course is a 4-inch metal(?) bar that is flush with the ground at the end of each tee pad. This metal bar is very slippery, even when completely dry, and has twisted ankle (or worse) written all over it on any throw that carries the thrower beyond the end of the tee pad.

Another downside of the course is that many of the tee pads do not actually point at their baskets. Combined with the less-than-detailed signs and multiple baskets being in view, at times it was difficult to tell which basket was that hole's actual target. (I guessed completely wrong on hole 7.)

The course lacks any elevation change or water hazards, and some of the "fairways" would require either a very lucky shot between extremely tight trees (5 foot wide gaps) or a shot over the top. In other words, no obvious "fairway" could be seen (e.g., hole 6).

Other Thoughts:

Many of the cons I listed are only cons the first time you play. After that, and for locals, I am sure it is a good course. There are some injury concerns, but for casual play, they don't really come into play.

The course is in a great location for travelers on I-75 as it is easy to find and only a couple minutes off the freeway. Plus, since it is relatively easy with few lost disc opportunities, it plays very fast.

I liked the course, but I also recognize that it has some serious design issues and poor directional signage. With that said, I would go back and play it again, and I would also recommend it to fellow travelers as worth the stop off of the freeway.
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