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Kill Devil Hills, NC

Casey R. Logan DGC

3.45(based on 21 reviews)
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Casey R. Logan DGC reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.8 years 238 played 235 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight lines but lots of options

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 29, 2024 Played the course:once


At the back of the school complex down a gravel road is this delightful disc golf oasis, a unique departure for the highly commercialized and tourist saturated situation that is Nags Head and Kill Devil Hills.

The entrance is equipped with a course map, practice baskets, a warm up net and a very large port a John.

You are then greeted with two sets of tees and baskets on most holes, the shorter and more straightforward yellow and longer and more challenging red. The baskets are Discraft baskets that I've not putted on before but they were very good and pretty easy to see through the woods especially the yellow.

To the reds there are two hanging baskets which looks cool.

For the most part the fairways are tight with very specific lines to be hit and fairly unforgiving rough. The yellow tees are more traditional hyzer shots for the most part and the reds require more shaping and angle working.

Very nice and detailed tee signs and some fun mando signs and touches.

There is winter behind several of the greens but that is about the only time it comes into play.

The signature hole has to be 16, a long blast over the dunes and if you are playing the reds it's an 800+ft par 5 that requires two great bombs to get close.

Overall it's a fun play and though it is very tight not more so than some of the north GA and TN courses I play regularly.


The fact that it's sort of hard to access at times is pretty difficult. If car line is going on at the schools you might not be able to get back there for a while.

As for as the play goes it's sort of one note, try to pipe a tunnel, either succeed or scramble and make a putt. Other than 16 there are no other notable features or anything that stand out.

I guess the hanging baskets but people seem to dislike that as much as they like it.

A few of the red pads are not paved.

Navigation is a touch tricky at a few junctures and areas like hole 5 are easy to mess up both getting there and throwing to the right area.

Other Thoughts:

It's a cool course and for being in such a high rent area they were able to put together some pretty cool holes on a decently large piece of land.
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16 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 110 played 56 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Lots of Poke and Pray drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


- Exceedingly clean porta John on site.
- Putting practice basket and driving net just off parking lot.
- Full color map at practice area.
- Short (yellow), long (red), and kids (green) tees and short and long baskets on almost every hole.
- Tee pads are mostly flat and grippy paving blocks in a "box" with tees pad color painted on the front box boards.
- Tee signs are lovely with footage and lines noted.
- Bridges are placed where needed and are well built and plenty wide enough for carts.
- Clear lines off the tee for most holes.
- Creative and well guarded basket placement, especially for the red baskets.
- Reasonable hole length given the heavily wooded nature of most of the course.
- The front 9 circles back to the parking lot for short rounds or bathroom breaks.
- Navigation is mostly straight forward and most yellow baskets had orange tape on the lower rung showing direction to the next tee. There were also lots of Next Tee arrows, if you paid close attention.
- Amusing little details like Jake's Tree, Tim's Bush, Amen Corner, Stink's Crossing, The 3 Stooges, and Mando Bobba Fett with This Is The Way signs throughout the course.
- 90% cart friendly.


- Once past the clear lane off the tee, much of the course is poke-and-pray with trees everywhere.
- A few of the long tees haven't yet been converted from carpeting to paver boxes.
- Several of the red baskets are REALLY well hidden.
- 1, 10, and 18 are all VERY close together.
- Navigation got a bit strange between 12 and 13. The red tee for 13 is visible, but not yet marked as red. Turn right at the red tee, go a few yards, then go right over the little hillock to find the hidden yellow tee.
- Navigation suffers again at 16. Take the right hand (upper) path to the yellow tee and leave carts near the bench. The little bridge off the tee had 1 broken board the first day, with that board and the next completely removed 2 days later.
- The sand on 13 and 16 is a nightmare for run ups and carts.
- The yellow basket on 18 has red stickers on the rim, making it look like the red basket. The red is actually up on the hill to the right and behind the yellow.

Other Thoughts:

The heavily wooded nature of this course makes for challenging and somewhat frustrating play, but the shorter distances of the yellow/yellow combos mostly makes up for the frustration. Wind is likely in play on 16 on all but the calmest days. Our group of 4 liked it enough to play a second day rather than try another course (even at +26 :-D ). The course is pretty busy except for early in the morning, but everyone was friendly and chill.
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hope the PDGA approves of kids under 13 here. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2022 Played the course:once


When it comes right down to it, there probably are very few courses in all of North Carolina anyone would rather play than Casey Logan.
- Location, location, location. There really isn't a bad day here. You're on the Outer Banks.
- Layout. A heavily wooded layout. Other than the sand dunes on #16, it seems like 17 holes of shot shaping around pines and oaks.
- Dual tees and multi basket locations. This creates lots of layout possibilities. Short layout is 4800 feet. Long layout is 50% longer, at 7200 feet.
- Solid tee signs. Most holes have 'next tee' signs, which are extremely helpful with some fairways so close together. Bridges to cross muddy/wet areas. Brooms on many tee pads.
- High risk/reward factor. With all the trees in play, a shot several feet off line hits a tree and skips deep in the woods. That said, with a lot of holes not having underbrush, you can get creative with your lines - throwing low to the ground/rollers, cutting in small gaps between trees, or tomahawking above the trees.
- The back nine is far longer, and frankly, more enjoyable. And varied. From the longs, the front nine only has two holes longer than 400 feet. The back nine has five longer than 400, including two in the 500s, one at 649, and one at 791. #18 is an excellent closing, multi-shot, 649-foot par 5. Well laid out design.
- Among the highlights of creative pin layouts - #3, 13, & 18 have baskets on raised mounds, #14's basket is feet from the water (a stunning backdrop), and #15 is a hanging basket.


You notice how I'm vague with my hole by hole description? That's what happens when one hole after another seemingly feels the same. Yeah, it's feels like a broken record.
- Some confusion with layouts. The short layout is marked by yellow tees and baskets. The longs are red tees and baskets. On some holes tees have both red and yellow marking, meaning a single tee pad. On some holes baskets have a red markings on a standard yellow (gold) basket. Then, there are pink baskets on some holes. Did they run out of reds? Then, on #9, you have a yellow basket with red tape and a separate red basket beyond that. What's up with that?
- Hole lengths are all over the board. Between tee signs, DGCR, and UDisc, there was a wide variety of listed distances. Generally, they were in agreement. Then, you get instances like #14. Tee sign listed hole at 335 feet. DGCR and UDisc were at 540 feet. Tee sign was wrong here.
- Some tee signs were missing. And, where was the basket for #16 long?
- Can the tee maps be more accurate too? Needless confusion with some of these issues.

Other Thoughts:

Generally, this is a nice course. Casey Logan has some very good aspects. The lesser portions aren't bad, just repetitive.
- There is inconsistency with the longer tees. Some are carpeted. Some are uneven. Some are easy to spot. Some aren't. I'm all for adding a second, longer layout. On a couple holes it's clear they're trying to cram too much in and would do better with a single layout.
- Plenty of birdies to be had playing the short tees. Also, coming from Charlotte, I thought the majority of fairways were more than generous. No hope and poke layouts.
- #15's hanging basket is nice. Too bad the tee sign didn't indicate it was there. So I threw for the only visible basket to discover I was throwing to the wrong spot.
- #1 is a good opening hole. #9 is a great closing hole on the front side. That small murky water on the left is a lost disc waiting to happen. Thankfully, I missed the water by 3 feet. #10 is a fine opening hole on the back side. And #18 is a solid closer. Other than that, a lot of ok-ness.
- I saw a basket for the proverbial 19th hole. Not sure if there's a proverbial tee as well. Or it's just there for fun and throw offs.
- Coming into the course, it's cool seeing the Wright Brothers National Memorial atop of the hill. I had just visited there earlier in the day so it was weird seeing it as the backdrop to a neighborhood/local setting. And to get to the course, you pass First Flight Elementary and First Flight Middle. Much more exciting school names than your standard generic ones.
- This is an excellent vacation course. It's not too demanding, but it's a fun play. You want to escape the family, it's good for that. You want to bring the kids along, as I did, they'll enjoy the walk without tiring out.
- I brought my kids with me to this course. They enjoyed their time here. Don't worry. None was my caddy though.
- This is the best of the local courses. But again, there's never a bad day when you're here. Well, except during and after hurricanes. Otherwise, we'd all like this to be our home course.
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3 1
Experience: 23 played 12 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Another reason to want to come back to the OBX 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


- Nearly impossible to lose a disc- Very easy to navigate- Signage is outstanding- All yellow tee pads are excellent (a few reds are turf but I'm assuming they won't be for long)- The walk from 9 to 10 goes by the parking lot / porta potty


Only one for me - it's too far from home!

Other Thoughts:

I still consider myself new to disc golf, started right when covid exploded. I stopped by this course October 2020 but was still intimidated by wooded courses at that time so I never played it. There's nothing to be afraid of. Yes, there are trees and you will hit them. But like I mentioned earlier, it's nearly impossible to lose a disc. There's only one swampy creek looking mess near #6 basket (I think, might be wrong). The entire course is wooded except for #16 if I recall correctly, that one you're in the sand. There are brooms on almost every tee box, goofy signs here and there, like Amen Corner. There isn't a single piece of litter anywhere, cleanest course I've ever seen. Could've done without the snake that went across #15 tee pad, but that was just a photo-op. This is definitely the best of the 3 courses in the area - not counting the one in Frisco. I still haven't found that one. One thing that's unusual for me, the signs show distances for yellow to yellow, and red to red. Why not red to yellow, or yellow to red? Missed opportunity there. The first time you play #18, you'll probably be throwing to the wrong basket. The one you can see from the tee pad is not the right one. #18's basket is to the right.
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4 2
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great vacation course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2021 Played the course:once


Nice wooded layout, easy navigation


Holes are somewhat on top of each other due to space constraints

Other Thoughts:

Mostly par 3's but some technical wooded shots, great for a quick round on vacation. ~2 hours for 2 people using yellow tees and no backup
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9 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wooded Wonder in Central OBX 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2021 Played the course:once


Well maintained, expansive, and well signed/directed course. Most holes except one have tree canopy so shade abounds even on the hot/sunny vacation days for visitors like me. One open hole was sandy brush area like a preserve which was my 18 y/o son's favorite. Double baskets on most for either Par 3 or Par 4 challenge. Quite challenging even for the most prudent discer because of the abundance of Carolina Pine trees littered along the fairways but you'll like a challenge. Sizable concrete tee boxes with nearby hanging brooms on many to sweep off the needles. Port-a-potty on sight with practice basket next to parking area.


Too wooded?? Many will feel frustrated by so many trees dotting the fairways and approaches. Seems like a long course and with abundance of trees, not the best for beginners. You'll still have fun, just be prepared for some tree smacks.
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2 2
Experience: 8 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Trees abound 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2020 Played the course:once


Challenging technical course with lots of trees that you need to dodge. Well maintained. The club has built bridges and step stones in the places that get swampy. Good signs. Multiple tees and some holes had multiple baskets.


Easy to hit trees. Tee pad composition varied, some were pavers, some were rugs or astroturf.

Other Thoughts:

Really enjoyed this very technical course!
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.4 years 87 played 86 reviews
3.50 star(s)


Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 15, 2024 Played the course:5+ times


Amenities: teepads; signage; basket placements; wayfinding aids; stepping stones and bridges where needed; shot variety needed to excel.


Landscape limitations: all but one hole in the woods; all flat; can be boggy in places; possibly difficult to play after a big rain.

Other Thoughts:

Long have I wished for a course on the Outer Banks, and Casey Logan Park exceeds my dreams. The OBX is naturally a tough environment for disc golf: sandy; forested and boggy where it's not sandy; and all land at a high premium, no matter how scrappy and buggy. I followed rumors of OBX disc golf on the message boards here, with expectations for a scruffy pitch and putt at best, if a course ever came to fruition. Well the course at Casey Logan park ain't scruffy at all and while it is mostly par 3 disc golf, it's par 3 with a lot of style and shine.

Two things stand out at Casey Logan. The first is the care and amenities. Two distinct concrete tee pads for most holes, both with excellent signage. A warm-up basket and a hole 19 cool-down basket. An increasing number of holes with two baskets. Lots of benches. Lots of landscaping to the keep the fairways fair. A whole lot of work and love has gone into this course.

The second thing is the landscape, and that's more of a mixed bag, depending on your taste. The course plays through a maritime forest, and only one hole is open. The rest are all in the woods, and some could be a bit boggy. Yet even here the work of the caretakers shines through, with stepping stones and bridges where needed. The designers made the most of the environment they had to work with, with a wide variety of shots needed off the tee, a couple elevated baskets, and one elevated tee on the one open hole. I use most of my bag on this course. Mistakes will be punished on a course like this, but all of the fairways are reasonable with due consideration for your tee shot, and disc loss is probably minimal. You will need your "get out of trouble" discs and shots at Casey Logan.

Playing yellow to yellow, Casey Logan is mostly par 3 and will reward a control game. Playing red to red stretches out the distance and diffculty meaningfully. Either way, the course will reward touch and a strong putting game.

Overall, I rate the course at Casey Logan as Very Good, and well worth checking out if you're in the Outer Banks. The course is first time friendly and a low stress, high fun outing. You may go back to your home course and wish for all special touches of this course, and your touch game will probably be better too.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 5.1 years 113 played 112 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Just Flat Out Fun! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 4, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


-Very active Club Membership that is constantly improving the course and keeping it maintained. There facebook page is Outer Banks Disc Golf. Plenty of photos, club tournaments, and announcements to be found there. The type of club I would like to associated with, but too far away.
-Its a heavy wooded course, except for No. 16 that stretch's across sand.
-Tight fairways with obstacles (trees). Some canopy. Approaches with a few window baskets. Twisted pine trees bent over towards fairways thru out the course.
-The yellow baskets are the most guarded that I've seen compared to other courses The further red baskets not so much guarded, but a very narrow aspect, a few mounted on berns.
-Not all holes have red baskets, not all holes have back tee pads. Some are shared. Space restrictions.
-Outstanding course map, hole number, and distance posted on a very large board as you pull up in the parking lot.
-Hole signs with par, distance, and map.
-Except no. 16, hard pan surface for skips (my favorite shots). It had been at least 5 days since it rained there.
-Some swamp water on No. 4 and pathway to no. 5. The members are looking out for you, placing foot bridges, walking stones, and a latter to get across the water. Pathway to 5 tee has a latter across some soft mushy surfaces on the trail. There's also a disc catcher to retrieve your disc out of the water at no. 4. Also saw some woodchips placed at softer places on the course.
-Good course navigation. You can either see the next tee pad or direction markers to get you there.
-The long distances on some holes keep it interesting for advanced players.
-port a potty in parking lot area.


-The tee surfaces are a mixture of rubber matts, concrete, and field turf. Different sizes. No. 16 field turf was lumpy because of sand beneath it. However, may be the best that can be done. There were raised tee wooden markers on the front corners of the tee boxes, stumbled over a few during throws, almost falling once. Best to remove them and just spray paint the color of the tee marker on the front pad. Despite the con, on the majority of the tee pads I hardly took notice and was comfortable.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very fun and enjoyable course that I plan on playing a handful of times a year, even though its 90 mins away.
The members have put a lot of TLC into their course and it shows. Compared to previous reviews, I could see the improvements as I strolled along the course.
If there could be some uniformity on the tee pads, and address the one safety issue. The course is a 4.5.
On the facebook page theirs some talk of extending the distance on No. 15 and 16 to make them Par 4's. This would help beginners, and keep it interesting for others. Perhaps my first 5.0? Maybe, and also to see if their are any other improvements that the club has planned, if any at all.
Notable Holes:
No. 3 Yellow, 185 feet basket on a raised sand dune. There are three wooden steps up to the basket to retrieve your disk. Dogleg right. Right side blocked by trees. Threw a left to right on track for my first ace second time around, it hit the steps. Sigh, still waiting. Awesome hole, my first experience with a raised basket of any type.
No. 4 straight down the fairway about 200 feet out is marsh water. Left side on other side of water is blocked out by trees, best to be on right side of fairway. Yellow basket protected by trees, red narrow aspect.
No 5. Yellow is a window basket, theirs a twisted pine tree that's your window in front of basket. Even though I was within birdie distance on my approach, I looked towards the red basket and would of rather of played there, I would of had a better chance at it. Best to go far right on yellow.
No 8 another window basket, a shared basket. Straight down fairway planted on ground, is a white arrow pointing at basket, The basket is off to the left. You need to get your drive to the arrow for a narrow chance of birdie or hit the crooked tree.
No. 15 straight down fairway with bunches of pine trees with some canopy. Need to keep in middle, theirs a narrow pathway for your approach to shared basket. The basket sits on bern and guarded by trees.
No. 17 is a dogleg right with a twisted pine tree at the break on left side of fairway. Got by it first time around with a light disk. Decided to use my heaviest disk for more skip, that twisted tree knocked it down. Basket is protect by trees.
No. 18 only par 4 on course. Straight down fairway about 200 out starts the heavy trees with narrow aspects to yellow basket for your approach, basket is guarded by trees. Red basket sits on knoll, ob behind it. Some canopy. Great finishing hole.

In my opinion:
Signature Hole is No. 16 Red Par 3 465 ft. Is a sand dune hole, the only hole to escape from the woods, and a reminder that your on a beach resort island. Tee box is elevated, sand all the way down the fairway, and a rolly polly fairway. To the left is brush, to the right is a fence and beyond are sand dunes. Cant see the sound. Only hole you'll feel wind, it was calm the day I played. What little wind I felt carried my disc (beautiful flight) to the brush on the left first time around. Adjusted the second time around to throw along the fence and ended barely on left side of fairway on a dune. I can only imagine what moderate and strong winds will do out of the west. Yellow basket sits in the open on left, red basket approach narrows.
Trouble hole is No. 9 Par 3 425 feet doglegs right. A little more than 200 feet down is cluster of pine trees with some canopy all the way to both baskets. Very narrow aspect to yellow basket which is also protect by trees. There is a narrow line to the red basket on the left side. The left side off fairway is heavy trees and brush, your disc could get hung up there. The red basket sits up on a small bern with a narrow aspect surround by trees, behind basket is ob. Throw down off of the tee pad as far as possible, and if you hit trees in the middle so be it. Figure it out from there. Depending on your skill level, a bogey may sound pretty good to you.
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7 1
Experience: 11.4 years 73 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Happy there is a course right on the island 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


- I am very happy there is now an easily accessible course right on the island, and doesn't require at least a one hour drive to play during vacation
- great baskets
- good use of land and it is very obvious all the hard work put into it
- very easy/clear navigation especially for a course that will have a high number of first timers at it, which is crucial


- VERY wooded, to the point where some holes or shots are "Chuck and Pray"
- some of the lines are not actual disc golf lines that anyone less than a top touring pro can hit
- righty friendly, and the very few "lefty hyzer" holes do not have a clear path to access the green

Other Thoughts:

Speaking as someone who helps work on courses, I can tell you it is very obvious of all the extremely hard work that has gone in to this course. So my con comments above are not meant to take away from that or to be negative. I hope that some additional tinkering can be done to make some of the lines cleaner and maybe make it a little more lefty friendly. Thank you to all who have put in any time to make this course what it currently is!
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9 0
Experience: 20.5 years 52 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hard work pays off 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


This review is for the yellow pads.

The course is a great example of North Carolina coniferous forest golf. Tight fairways demand precise throws and good form. Despite the sometimes-tricky lines, the design is fair: more experienced throwers will work putters and mids to the yellow baskets; newer players can pursue risk/reward placement and play for par.

Teepads are improving, and are fine for the distances and shots required. Drainage is INCREDIBLE compared to two years ago. I seriously can't believe the amount of work and the results. A dedicated club makes so much difference.

The course is very pretty, and hole 16 makes a great signature hole that is completely different from anything else on the track.


The autumn olive in the rough seems useful for separating fairways, but a few of them in the fairways could be taken out, both from a design and an invasive vs. native species perspective.

Other Thoughts:

Again, it cannot be overstated what an accomplishment this course is. The land near Jockey's Ridge was basically impassible swampland a few years ago, and to transform it into well-drained land while also putting in a lovely course and protecting the land from development is a multi-pronged win for locals and tourists alike. Great job, Outer Banks Disc Golf Club!
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6 0
Experience: 18 years 54 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Outstanding addition to an OBX vacation. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


The best aspect is the location. OBX now has a great course centrally located, within a reasonable drive from most of the vacation areas.
All but one hole is well shaded and provides relief during bright hot summer days.
There is a good variety of holes in terms of difficulty and distance, allowing all abilities to enjoy a vacation round.
Signage is outstanding, there was no issues navigating the course.


Honestly no major cons. The course is new and will eventually become well worn and beaten down, and help with the grassy areas that need constant attention.

Other Thoughts:

Clearly the locals care about the game and the course, well evidenced by the thoughtful design and adequate signage.
We used bug spray and had no issues with biting, even a day after massive rainfall.
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5 0
Experience: 5.6 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 20, 2019 Played the course:once


Good variety of holes make it fun for beginners and more experienced players. Well marked holes for easy navigation. Multiple tees and baskets. The amount of trees help to keep the wind at bay and provide lots of shade for hot days. They also provide ample opportunity to get creative with your shot placement.


The biting flies are brutal, bring bug spray.
The tee pads could use some improvement.
Watch out for the occasional snake.

Other Thoughts:

The local disc golf community is fantastic. Many, many people donated time, hard work, and of course money to make this course a reality. The locals are both welcoming and encouraging. As another reviewer mentioned, if you need discs go to the local hardware store a few miles down the road, just ask a local where to go. As a beginner I found the course challenging but not overwhelming.
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6 0
Experience: 16.6 years 11 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course, challenging due to trees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 15, 2019 Played the course:once


Excellent markets show layout of each hole
Nice benches at each tee box with multiple pins and tees each hole
Nice mix of left and right throws required
Beautiful pine wooded scenery
Tight fairways with many trees offer a nice challenge
Great large map showing course layout in case you need it


Only one open bomber hole that has OB from state park lining the right side; stay left!
One or two holes are tough to find the next tee box but you can take the map picture to clear that up.

Other Thoughts:

I thought this was a really fun course and if I had more time I would have played through a second time from the back tees/pins. I enjoyed the well manicured wooded fairways and the trees made it a good challenge. All in all this is a great course for tight skilled shots and it is basically brand new and in terrific shape. For my first time playing it I shot a 6 over from the yellow (front) tees.
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11 0
Experience: 22.7 years 137 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

New Year's Day Surprise 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 1, 2019 Played the course:once


Great course for beginners or advanced. Multiple tees and pins on almost every hole. Each hole is sponsored by a local business or person and there is great signage to make for easy navigation. At every short tee there is a bench to sit on and the park is very clean. The holes are fun and well-planned with many lines that have to be hit off the tee to score birdie, but the rough is easily manageable to give you a chance for a recovery upshot. The locals are doing a great job of getting this course to its' completion. A few bridges were recently added (since Jan. 1st) to traverse the low areas, and they will eventually put in paver tee pads all the way around. It's still fairly new, so some other logs and wood piles that came from carving out the original fairways will also end up being carted off and then this course will get beat in and shine.


Being right beside the Ablemarle Sound, I'm sure the bugs can be heavy in late spring to summer, so bring bug spray. People like to walk their dogs through this forest which can be disturbing, because you can easily be on the teepad and not see someone walking. There really aren't any paths for them to be on, they're just kinda of meandering. In this case, I kinda feel that they should be watching out for you, because if you let one go on a blind hyzer/anhyzer line, you'll never know they were there.

Other Thoughts:

I found this course on New Year's Eve of 2018 and was pleasantly surprised at how awesome it was to play a true Carolina Longleaf/Loblolly Pine forest course. If you've never played a coastal course this is a real treat. Not only is every fairway littered in pine tags which keeps the underbrush at bay, the challenges are enhanced because there are plenty of live oaks and sourwood trees which create other obstacles to throw around, instead of just the towering trunks of the pine trees. The local club and its' members @ Outer Banks Disc Golf Club (https://www.facebook.com/Oute...f/?ref=br_rs)were super friendly and totally welcoming and want you to know they do Random Dubs every Sunday. If you get there and need to buy some discs, head to the hardware store (a couple guys gave me two discs to keep, since I didn't bring mine). That's right, I said the hardware store!
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5 0
Experience: 8.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Stop For DG On Vacation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Well maintained and well signed course. Played three times over the course of a week vacation and it presented some fun, challenging holes for the people who had played before but was accessible for the new players with us. Wooded area presented a lot of shade for the heat. The 'desert' hole (I think hole 16) was a fun touch - with the remains of a car in the sand. For such a new course where they are still implementing better tee pads, this is an awesome spot and would highly recommend to anyone in the area.


Not a lot of bad to say here. The holes are short, but challenging and fun.

Other Thoughts:

Bring a hat, sunscreen and water!
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6 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Would've been fun if not for the flies! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2018 Played the course:once


1) Good variety. Some fairways are relatively straight, some go left and some right. Trees make each hole different.

2) Signage was great. No trouble finding the next hole.

3) Tee pads were fine but could obviously be improved.


1) Biting flies were brutal!!! They wouldn't leave me alone. I literally had 3 flies fly into my mouth during my one round. They were relentless! For some reason, they didn't bother my son nearly as much. I didn't have deodorant, cologne or anything else on. I was wearing a little more sunscreen than him but I don't know that that was the problem. I didn't even pause to analyze shots the last few holes because I just had to get out of there. Do not go in the summer without bug spray!

2) Too many trees on some holes. Sometimes no decent options even off the tee. I got to practice a lot of thumbers/tomahawks though due to no clear paths.

3) The sign on the 6th tee pad was too close to my follow through and affected my shot since I was worried about hitting/gashing my hand on the sign.

Other Thoughts:

My son would rate the course a 3 and I would rate it a 2 so I'm giving it a 2.5. It hadn't rained in several days when we played so the conditions were dry so we had no issues with standing water. It was hot, but much of the course was in the woods so it wasn't too bad. I couldn't enjoy the course due to the flies but would play again wearing bug spray to see if that does the trick.
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6 0
Experience: 6.4 years 4 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Vacation Activity 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 6, 2018 Played the course:once


- Well made and maintained lanes
- Easy flow with clear markings
- Challenging, narrow lanes of play in a small wooded area
- Hole 16 is neat, bumping up on the dunes/state park.
- Course is mostly shaded, but the trees also block a breeze


- Length of holes are all rather short, but it is probably best in for the wooded conditions
- Little variety of hole type
- Couldn't get away from some pesky flies

Other Thoughts:

Driving to the course feels a bit sketchy, going past the schools, getting on a stone/dirt road, and being away from public view. Feels like private property. Perhaps some signs could help.

I was happy to see a course pop up in our traditional vacation area.
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10 0
Experience: 13.7 years 104 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice addition to OBX 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Tremendous amount of work has been put into making this course. It's been carved out of a wooded and marshy piece of land. Getting off fairway can be tough but very few places where underbrush is overly difficult.

The course is pretty tight and some holes could use a few more trees removed but overall the course is fair.

Nice variety of left, right and straight layouts.

Good use of the little terrain they had to work with - such as baskets or pads on slight raised mound,

Easy navigation with next hole signs.

Good signage, and benches.


Given that most of the course is carved out of the woods and flat, the course can feel a little redundant after multiple 200-250' tight wooded fairways.

Pads are still a work in progress. Some have small pieces of carpet. One has pavers but it's raised and a little small. Not a huge issue since the course doesn't require many 300+' ft drives.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 16 is the one really memorable hole. It's too bad the course couldn't have a couple more holes that extend into the sand dunes of the state park next door.

There's plans for extra tee pads and second baskets on many holes but currently the extra pads and some of the second baskets aren't cleared enough to use.

Overalll the course is still a work in progress and while I don't see it ever being more than a 3.5 it has potential and I'll bring my discs every time I come to OBX.
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7 0
Experience: 15.6 years 37 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

OBX's Hidden Gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 4, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


There are a lot of great places to visit on the OBX, but this is a hidden gem. Excellent course layout that provides a nice challenge. Pro and Am tees marked with clear signage. The wooded area helps provide a nice barrier from the wind. Absolutely love #16 with the old car adjacent to the state park. This is what I was expecting to find on the beach. No trash, and hopefully, it will stay this way as more people play in the area.


Tee pads vary, some are carpet, some are stone, and a lot of them have none. This is especially true for the pro tees. I love trees, but there were definitely a few that made this course a little more difficult than necessary, which makes some of the baskets hard to locate. Walkways at swampy areas could use some improvement. Glad I was down there when the course wasn't too soggy. Easy to tell this could be a problem after some rain.

Other Thoughts:

I was really excited about this course because I grew up in Hatteras. The pines and twisted oaks remind of the woods I used to play in as a kid. Glad there were directions on the site because GPS navigation brings you into a development. When you get to the gravel road it almost feels like you're trespassing on school property.
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