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Cumming, GA

Central Park DGC

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3.445(based on 18 reviews)
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Central Park DGC reviews

9 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Central Park Disc Golf Course Is Lengthy, Hilly And Challenging Alright 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2021 Played the course:once


PARK DESCRIPTION - This massive park is filled with enough athletic energy to supply the whole county. There is a recreation center, about nine baseball/softball fields, batting cages, eight tennis courts, playground, a 1.1-mile walking trail, admin offices and the disc golf course which mostly has its own area.

VARIETY - There is definitely variety here with wooded holes, a couple of long bomber holes, holes with danger, some technical holes or actually more like some holes which require a technical throw whether that's off the tee or on your second or third shot. Holes 1-3 are wooded, then 4-8 are mostly open, 9-13 are back in the woods, 14 is the crazy tight hole next to the holding water pond and then 15-18 are both long and difficult.

ELEVATION - More than enough to satisfy most everyone's cravings. It's not the constant up-down of Little Mulberry but there's plenty here and it's used well and often.

CHALLENGE - Probably, the most challenging of the 21 Atlanta courses I played on this trip. Play from the long Blues and you'll be playing five holes over 536' and none shorter than 276'. From the Blues, Central Park has to be Intermediate to advanced challenge.

EQUIPMENT - Someone described the equipment as "Meh" and I have to agree. The tee signs are wonderful. They're big, bright, show everything you need and use the same clever A-B basket position clips as many other Atlanta area courses use. There is a practice basket at the start. There are lots of benches about. Was there a course sign/map? I don't recall one. The older Mach III baskets are slightly subpar for this course. They don't show well in the woods like Discatchers do but there are flags on top helping out. The rubber pads are also, IMO, not quite as good as concrete. In my experience, rubber pads are great when they have been impeccably installed. These aren't quite up to that high standard.

AESTHETICS - Once again, I didn't get the overall wonderful vibe here that Mulberry has. It was pretty nice sitting on a bench up above # 5 just taking the whole specter in.

FUN FACTOR - I can tell you the fun factor would have been a whole lot higher if I could throw 400'. As a rec player, it was fun but not quite off the chart's fun.

ROUTING/NAVIGATION - Once again, good but not exactly easy to follow but when you think of the huge distances that this course covers, I suppose just getting around solo without having to call Search and Rescue is more than enough. The on-line map I was using didn't show the two extra holes. There are some hanging next tee arrows from some baskets.

SIGNATURE HOLE - I was kinda enthralled with # 1. Playing alone, all I could imagine what how many different %&$)(?": ways there were for me to get into trouble/spend time searching for my disc on both sides of the tiny open fairway. Instead, I rise to the challenge and throw (for me) about as perfect of a drive as I could hope for. Heck, I thought I was going to bring this rinky-dink little course to it's knees. That didn't happen!


The open parts of the course are exposed to the elements (wind & sun) which is a pretty weak Con, isn't it.

The rough is pretty nasty in places. Hunting for/losing discs is a possibility.

The rubber pads are not the best. A couple could be upgraded.

Discatchers with the yellow band probably would have been a better choice here.

Another weak Con. The course is not beginner friendly. I observed a senior age woman playing # 16 and this poor lady was totally out of her element here. She threw her second or third shot over the fence. Luckily, her husband had one of those clever telescopic retrieving tools and was just able to grab it.

Other Thoughts:

I have been adding a paragraph in many of my reviews about Atlanta's stable of tweener 18-hole courses. I've never meant this as a criticism but more as an example as one area having so many choices between recreational level and a more challenge intermediate, for example. Atlanta disc golfers are actually blessed to have a plethora of 18s ranging from the recreational enjoyable types like Wills and Swanee and then climbing upwards to the nicer and more challenging courses such as Alexander, Little Mulberry and Central Park. And I, by no means, was able to complete the circle, having not been able to get to the course south of Atlanta such as Lenora, Perkerson, McCurry and many others.

But I do know that, when combined with Georgia's favorable disc golfing climate, wonderful rolling hills terrain and a certain lack of underbrush, Atlanta players are very fortunate to have this wealth of nice courses within an hour's drive. From now on, when I see an area mentioned as a possible disc golf destination or a hub, I will be singing Atlanta's praises.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 236 played 233 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Diverse and Interesting 20 hole course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2021 Played the course:once


I hadn't made the trek out to Central because I'd heard a lot of mixed reviews about it, but after playing it I am wondering why I had waited so long to give it a shot.

The course has a fantastic mix of wooded and open holes, elevation changes and water/OB as well. I kept trying to pin it down to a certain type of course and the next hole would be a completely different style of hole.

You start with a couple of wooded holes, and then it gets more open and longer for a while, adding in some big elevation changes. After a few bomber holes you get to wind through the woods for a while and play some holes that look almost like the pine woods of the Pacific Northwest.

The signs are pretty descriptive and have rings to show the pin position. Many of the holes have two placements in the ground as well which is a very cool addition.

Next tee signs both in the form of hanging arrows on the baskets, as well as color coded arrows on trees help some of the tricky points.

Benches on many holes as well, and trash cans near the parking areas.

Overall a great course with a good flow. I hope to play it again soon.


The cons are few but there are a few that need to be pointed out. The rubber pads aren't great as far as tees go. Some of them have had some points repaired and new ones layered on top but they are not my favorite surface to throw from.

A couple of the navigation points are pretty tricky, especially 13-14, I almost missed 14 and went straight to 15.

Hole 16 I feel like isn't a great hole, the mando right and the OB only 30ft away on the left the entire way down on a 400ft hole is a very iffy design choice.

Not too many flaws though overall, really nice course.

Other Thoughts:

I had a great time playing the course, even in the light drizzle it was quite pleasant and challenging but not without the ability for newer players to have a good time.
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3 1
Experience: 4.8 years 14 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

I love it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Technical shots as well as open drives
No real danger of losing a disc
Teepads and baskets are in great condition
Grass is mowed often


Some of the fairways are pretty close together. A couple of mandos but still...
Usually a few groups there

Other Thoughts:

This being my home course I have played it quite a few times and love it. Some of the older reviews mention ripped teepads and lack of signage but I really don't have any problems with that.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6 years 339 played 321 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Seriously Underrated 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2020 Played the course:once


I don't know how this is only rated 3.36 discs. Central Park is a diverse challenge with all the important features.

-Amenities: Kind of meh. Rubber tees are generally adequate. Old baskets didn't show big problems. The baskets are numbered and have bright flag poles, which are good. Practice basket. Signage includes hole #, distance, and map.

-Multi-Tees/Pins/Baskets: All three. Most holes have two tees. Most holes have multiple pin positions. Quite a few holes have two baskets in play all the time. Combine all of these and you can make the course match your preferred difficulty. Long-to-long offers the most beautiful and difficult variety.

-Terrain: A mix of all the elements you need for disc golf. Plenty of hills, gentle and steep, to work with. A creek is used excellently from (9) to (13), and also (16)-(18). Also a mix of thick woods, open fields, and some woods-bordered fairways. Beauty mostly isn't spectacular, but (1), (9)-(13), and (17) are entrancing woods holes.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: All kinds of shots over the course of 20 holes. Although there are a few humdrum holes in the middle, mostly the lines are captivating. Steep downhill holes in the woods, winding par-4s in the woods, open battles against the hill, downhill rips, a dangerous pond playing with the nerves, and creek parallels and crossings are some of the offerings. Most of the open holes use elevation, OB, or a gap to add interest. The woods holes demand all sorts of shots with accuracy (rough can punish). The creek is used brilliantly (mostly in parallel, but a couple of crossings as well), but will only steal discs at one or two spots of deeper water. I'm not sure what's up with the hole info on DGCR, but during my round playing long-to-long there were 6 par-4s and one par-5. So many cool holes I won't enumerate here.


I can only find small issues at Central Park.

-Boring Holes: A few holes are a bit of a letdown. (3A) is wide open and short. (5) short is dull, but (5) long brings a pond and a slope into the picture. (6) is a huge uphill, which really only requires the skill of uphill distance. (7)-(8A) are all open.

-Rough: Some painful rough like thorns and poison ivy. Also, the creek is a breeding ground for biting insects

-Disc Loss: Between the rough, the fenced-off pond, and the deeper parts of the creek, you could lose a disc.

-Navigation: A little bit confusing between (5)-(6) and (11)-(12). Note that, although I haven't changed the hole labels on DGCR (didn't want to void the numbering of previous reviews), the signs are now marked 1-20 without the "A" holes--don't bail out after (18)!

-Exposure: Open hills mean lots of sunshine and lots of wind.

Other Thoughts:

When I first played Central Park I thought it seemed like a 3.5, but that was confirmation bias based on its average rating. In actuality, this is easily a 4.0. Playing long pads to long pins brings in good par-3s, marvelous par-4s, and one beautiful par-5. There are a few too many totally open holes in the middle of the course, but otherwise Central is about as solid as anything in Atlanta.

-Best Holes: For those who want to read a few individual hole descriptions. (1) drops steeply down, a tight straight-to-right in the woods. (3) also drops 40-ish feet, reminiscent of Lula hole (3). (6) long throws from the woods uphill for a really long feeling par-4. (9)-(10) are both woods par-4s requiring really careful approaches to not skip off the sand and into the creek. (12) is another downhill, playing through moderate woods, and (13) runs creekside. (16) is my favorite, a monster par-5 with some mature trees, an uphill, and a creek in a gorge.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Dreams do come true! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2018 Played the course:once


-This is another underrated course in Georgia along with Meeks and Rose Lane. There's a fair balance between open and wooded holes to keep you interested and excited. It's a challenging course, but it's a fair one that kept me in the mood.

-Many of the open holes are wide open, but still have a fun factor. There's elevation on most of the open holes, and a couple of the baskets on the open holes are elevated on rocks. There are some fun downhill bombs (#5, #15) with some challenge to them aside from length (both are over 400'). The OB ball field is left of hole 5 the whole way. The basket also has a drop off. #15 is easier, but if you throw hard down the right side, you suddenly have a difficult upshot that awaits you because of the trees.

-The wooded holes are a dream come true. Well, a dream come true for me. I think they are all beautiful holes. Course starts off in the woods, and the beauty really comes in effect on hole 9. Hole is about 460' (signage is wrong). This hole is uphill and narrow most of the way, but it's a gorgeous walk through the woods. Hole 10 is also really pretty. It's a difficult left to right hole with a low ceiling. It's about 380' and is difficult to even par this hole, but the ceiling is high enough to get the perfect height to reach this hole. I did, and it felt amazing. I actually hit chains for an ace and went 30' long. #12 is a signature hole. It's a steep downhill throw with a midrange. #13 is another gem along the side of a creek. I loved all of these holes with a passion!

-Dual sets of tees. Prepare for a potential beatdown on the longs. Par is listed as a 64 but I honestly think two of the holes listed as par 3s are par 4s. I shot a 69 on the longs. I thought that was bad, but could've been worse. The shorts are more forgiving, but still difficult enough for any player to be tested. Don't let the media trick you. I was pleasantly surprised with the challenge provided.

-Nice tee signs and diagrams. I liked the rubber pads as well (I don't see the problem with rubber pads). I have a tendency to slip or shank a drive on concrete pads when it rains. It rained when I played here, and I didn't slip off of the rubber once.

-Alternate pins that I wasn't aware of before I came here. Course looks great and very nicely kept, so I'll bet the pins are moved at a good rate.

-Few par 4's and a par 5. Hole 6 is a huge uphill shot that goes out of the woods. This hole has an increase of about 35 feet so it plays at least 600' but is a pretty easy birdie considering how tough the rest of the course is. Hole 9. This hole is a legit par 4. It's close to 500' and is narrow the whole way. Drive must go straight so throwing a driver is risky. It's an achievement just to reach the top of the hill. The fairway gently fades left and the basket is next to a small ditch. Hole 18 is a long par 4. A lot more than 580', could be as much as 700' honestly. This hole allows you to throw a bomb. I threw a ballista pro over 500' and still bogeyed this hole. I successfully hit the gap, but kicked right into the woods. A couple other holes (11 and 14) are tough enough to be considered par 4s as well, as they are long and have a bite to both of them.

-The urge to emptying the bag will come to play on a least one hole here for you. Hole 3 will likely be that hole because of the big elevation loss and the stronger chance for an ace if you play the short pad. The longer and open holes are fun to watch your drive sail. The course starts off with a fun downhill hole as well.


-The previous reviewer described this course what Atlanta loves to hate. WTH Altanta?!?! I played Wills park several years ago and I think that course is a better fit for the course Atlanta loves to hate. That course is flat, has weird holes, and only a few were better than decent. My point is that this course is underrated. That's a huge con. I played here and Little Mulberry with my friend and we both enjoyed this course a lot more. It's an easy 4 in my book, with 4.5 potential written all over it.

-Chainstar baskets. I'm not a fan of chainstars because they sure don't catch like you'd expect them to with the name. They have a tendency to spit out even if you have a great looking putt that would most likely stay in if the basket was a discCatcher.

-Hole 7 should stay in the long pin down at the bottom of the hill. The hole from the short pin is kinda bland. Wasn't too fond of hole 8 either, because it was a bit of a filler even though it was a long par 3.

-Red arrows in the woods on hole 18. Hopefully that isn't a mando gate. If that is, forget about me playing that. It's like 500' from the long pad. Not to mention the tee sign for 18 is still missing.

Other Thoughts:

-I wouldn't say that this is a more traditional course because traditional courses typically don't have multiple bomber holes followed by a series of frightening wooded holes. Playing this course is like going to bed with the thought of what your dream will be like and you don't find out until you fall asleep or in this case, play the hole. There's no telling how the dream is going to go or how it will end, but it's either going to be a dream of you living the high life in your favorite location, when you make a birdie on a hole here. Or you'll have a nightmare about going under water and you being face to face with a shark and it bites you and then you suddenly forget how to swim, but then you wake up. You're going to have trouble here, and that stupid shark got me good on many holes but I still escaped it once the hole was over. And even through the nightmare, I was able to see the fun in the difficult challenge.

-While just about every hole is good the way it is, there is room for C pin locations as well. Hole 4 could easily be an additional 150' down the field and on the ledge. #11 could be longer as well and over the creek. A few short pin positions could be created as well. When I played, most of the pins were in the B pins.

-This course is what a challenge should be. Hard but harder to get angry about when you mess up because the hole is either really cool, or easy to save par on. It's both on many holes here. Many traditional courses can be challenging in a more frustrating way, but that's not how it was for me at Central. It was well worth the two hour drive.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Central Park DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2018 Played the course:once


Central Park, the course Atlanta loves to hate, is probably the most underrated in my mind. Admittedly, I avoided my relatively short drive to check it out since the redesign in 2013 based on some random feedback. Now I wonder why I waited. The course simply has a lot to offer, it's challenging, and it's very fun to play.

Those that prefer lengthy courses will feel right at home. After all, the 18 hole, 6890' track (7490' with 20 holes) only has three of them ringing up under 300'. With an overall hole average of around 375' from the longs, you will need your big arm more often than not. The short pads, shaving off nearly 1000', brings eleven holes to under the 300' mark and makes it a much more manageable layout for all players. Before you bombers get too excited, don't expect to just grip and rip out here. Sure, as you might expect, there's are a few open shots, but you'll need some accuracy too. While I do think the longer throwers have the advantage here, a sharp shooting noodle arm can probably edge out a wild throwing distance driver on a good day.

The course itself is a sprawling layout. It's a big loop winding through the park bringing in lots of features. There's a creek here, coming into play several times, and it's equipped with bridges where they're needed. There's plenty of elevation too, bringing in lots of variable shots. I like that both the up and down throws are mixed with open and wooded fairways. And of course, you cannot discount the wind on the open hills. Once in the woods, look out for some longer, tighter, and demanding fairways. If you cannot reach the basket off the tee, perhaps your best course of action is a thoughtful drive and play to the basket for par. Nothing wrong with a 3 on a lot of these long, wooded holes out here as a 2 on the scorecard can be a bonus. But, there are some shorter must make 2's in the woods as well. Finally, to round out the diversity, look for some lightly wooded holes with a couple punch-out/punch-in shots as well. Of course, you'll find some tunnels, right to left shots, and just about everything in between including a steady dose of OB's.

There is some talk of long walks between holes. However, a couple of them have been mended with some bonus golf, specifically holes 3B and 8B. This brings the course to 20 holes and patches up the disconnect between the biggest gaps between 3/4 and 8/9. It's a great way to link the main course should you decide to make use of them. I felt like the only other walk long enough to even mention was along the nice creek, in the woods, and out of the hot sun. I happened to enjoy the break myself.

Plentiful parking, a kiosk, and a practice basket greet you to the course. As you play, you'll notice benches, tee signs, and rubber tees. Multiple tee pads and pin locations keep things fresh, provided they are regularly rotated. The two pin positions drilled into large rocks are a cool feature, especially the one that creates a slightly elevated basket with the creek close behind.


Well the most pronounced weakness hands down are the tee pads. Rubber pads, which aren't my least favorite normally, just don't work well once they start showing their age and are not placed on level, prepared grade. All the things you might expect in this situation are here. You'll find slick, bumpy, uneven, and tattered conditions with most of them. Note that replacement pads are at least in the discussions if not already in the works and will hopefully be installed soon. Given the present course, it will raise its rating at least a half point.

Baskets are tough to spot first time out and it had me walking some fairways to find them both to spot the basket itself while also figuring out current pin placement. Playing without a map the first time may have you scratching your head a time or two looking for the next hole. Take note that knowing that bonus holes 3b and 8b are present will help (I didn't know of them prior to my round and threw me off).

Lots of folks complain about some of the walks. While they were noticeable, they did not effect my enjoyment of the course at all. Just thought I'd mention them as they seem to be a point of contention to some.

I like to get away when I play golf so to speak. Here on a few holes, you don't get that feeling. Some areas have a sort of industrial feel to them, around the detention pond for example. Others have you interacting or at least playing close to other park activities. You only get off the beaten path on about ½ the holes.

Otherwise, most other things you may view as a negative out here won't be unique. Just the same old personal preferences that vary from person to person.

Other Thoughts:

This course does a great job mixing both fun and challenge. With the shorter pads, there is an option to add more fun to the mix too. I feel like there is something for everyone here and it's a good place for newer players to come and take their game to the next level.

The local club takes pride in the course, is actively adding improvements, and is quite welcoming. For the Facebook user, look them up if you're visiting (Central Park (ga) Disc Golf). Post that you are looking for a guide and you are sure to find a friendly local or group to show you around. Note that there is some regular doubles action at the course too.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 264 played 100 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Central Park DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 18, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Has practice basket

Has most tee signs with locations of the various basket placements

Multiple tees

Multiple basket placements for most holes

Has many benches throughout course

Good mix of open and wooded fairways with some good elevations

Free parking


Many rubber tee pads are not level and are deteriorating

Some baskets are hard to locate from tees - need flags

Needs more next tee signs - recommend a course map for the first-timer

Some long walks between holes (2&3, 3&4, 7&8, 8&9, 11&12, 13&14, 14&15)

Some of the fairways are tight and quite unfair - hole #16 is a beast to get through cleanly

Tee sign for hole #18 is missing

Some holes are more prone than others to flooding (#10, #13, #18)

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice, challenging course that I enjoyed playing. The baskets are nice and catch well but many of them are hard to locate in the woods. I think if the baskets were painted or had flags and had next tee arrows underneath - I would definitely score this higher. Also, the rubber tee pads should be replaced as some are not level and parts of them have broken off. There's definitely a difference between the red and blue tees - the blues are much more difficult to play in my opinion. There are some long walks between holes so you can expect for your playing time to be extended here. While playing in a tournament here in November 2016, I noted that there are now two additional par 3 holes that are not listed in under the Hole Info of the course: Hole 3b is 276ft that plays uphill to an elevated basket and Hole 8b is 348ft that's flat. Both holes have a shared teepad for the blue and red tees.
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6 1
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Course, Tough Hikes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 7, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


- Multiple tees (blue, red white).
- From tee to basket, holes are challenging and for the most part fun to play.
- Variety of holes: some are open where one can "grip it and rip it", others are in the woods and demand accuracy. Elevation changes uphills and downhills, as well.
- Course and park were in good condition: grass mown, baskets in good repair.
- Practice basket with distance markers.
- Parking is very good and near first hole and practice basket.


- Signage: I had a map of the course and still would've been lost if not with a group who'd played the course before. Directions to the next hole are poorly marked (and often not marked at all), and the few painted on trees and rocks are easily missed. This is my worst complaint about the course, and it could be improved tremendously with a little effort.
- Nos. 9 and 10 are very isolated from the rest of the course and you have to know (or have a map) or you'll miss them completely.
- Long, LONG hikes between many holes. I realize this is possibly unavoidable, but it contributes to the issues of getting lost if one does not really know where one is going.
- Baskets are not very visible at all. Some bright orange or bright yellow paint along the tops would greatly improve visibility.
- Chains are not DISCatcher, and i had a couple of putts slide off the chains and to the ground. Yes, that's partly on me, but when I hit the chains and am punished, I don't like that.
- Tees: rubber tees are damaged on many holes. The footing is also not great on some of them.
- Other park users are all around and must be watched for.
- One pretty much as to start at Hole #1 and finish at #18; #9 is literally at the other end of the course and park.

Other Thoughts:

I really think this course is good, challenging and fun, and would be a premiere course if some work was done on the tees and especially the signage and directions to the next tees. There is likely no way to minimize the hiking distance between holes, but that would be acceptable if the trails were much better marked.

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7 0
Experience: 14.3 years 11 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Worth the trip. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 2, 2014 Played the course:once


1) Some long holes. Some short holes.
2) Made good use of the topography to get a good amount of elevation change.
3) Some open fairways and some through the trees.
4) The rubber T-pads are nice. At least they are nice when the weather is dry. I have no experience with them in wet or cold weather.
5) Some variety but I can't say each hole was unique. I played a course in Gwinnett county recently and only used 4 discs. On this one I used 8.


1) The rubber T-pads were uneven. They need to be picked up, raked and leveled underneath, then replaced.
2) Signage for navigation from basket to the next T-pad was inconsistent and non-uniform. Sometimes there were arrows painted on rocks; sometimes arrows painted on trees (a different color than on the rocks); sometimes there were signs on trees. In very, very few cases was there a number with the arrow to assure the player that the arrows they were following led to the T-box they were hoping to go to.
3) Tags on the T-box signs telling players which of the possible basket locations was actually in use at the moment would be helpful
4) There are some places where old fence wire (or something) is on the ground and not very visible. Definitely a tripping hazard and should be cleaned up by the park.
5) The course shares the space with a mountain bike path. This can be distracting to both the riders and the disc golfers.

Other Thoughts:

1) I like to review a course the first time I play it because I believe most people reading reviews are reading them for courses they have not played.
2) It is my feeling that a good course should be idiot proof to navigate for someone who has never been there before. This course is not quite there but way ahead of many courses I've played
3) I'd play it again. It is one of my favorites in the area.
4) I get the feeling the park allows the disc golf course to be there but does little to encourage it.
5) There is a donation box near T-pad #1. If you enjoyed your day at the course, please leave a donation. From experience, I know that a good disc golf course not only requires time and effort to maintain, often by the local players, but also cost money to keep nice and make your experience a good one. That money also often comes from the local players.
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2 1
Experience: 15 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent mix 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 26, 2014 Played the course:once


Good mixture of open and wooded shots.

Lots of elevation changes, lots. Some view this as a con, but I consider it a pro if you like something different than the vanilla flat land courses.

A shallow stream running by a lot of holes gives a nice obstacle to keep in mind.


Quasi difficult to navigate, take somebody who's been there before on your first go around.

Contributing to the above statement, a lot of holes come dangerously close to each other (a few fairways are sorta the same fairway).

Other Thoughts:

Not as rough of terrain as some of the NC mountain courses but definitely better than your typical flat land courses.
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5 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Central Park DG 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 31, 2013 Played the course:once


-Nice baskets
-Good mix of wooded/open holes
-Large fairways
-Beautiful streams throughout the course


-Areas around tee pads and baskets are in standing water
-Signage is a little iffy
-Spray paint everywhere
-Extremely long holes

Other Thoughts:

One hole is a 490ft. par 3, and it's flat! That's just silly.
Long holes don't necessarily mean the course is good.
I think the course designer went a little harsh on the tee pad placement. If you can consistently throw 400ft, you may be able to birdie a couple holes from the tips. I suggest playing from the white tees if you can't.
This is a challenging course simply because the holes are so long.
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6 0
Experience: 31.3 years 180 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Much improved! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 30, 2013 Played the course:once


Fair fairways
Lots of elevation change
Varied shots required


Few places require making choices
Tee pads not in great shape

Other Thoughts:

I like the redesigned course quite a lot better than the older versions. I haven't played here in several years and was pleasantly surprised. Consistently fair fairways with lots of elevation change made for a fun course.

Several holes I liked a lot (1, 9, 14, 16, 17) and I REALLY liked holes 3 and 18. The only hole I thought that was worse than average was #8, and that was completely fair, so could've been much worse.

It would be great to be able to put some trees in on the open places. Since the course has been there for years and it's never been done, I suspect maybe the park doesn't allow that (?), but I think holes 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 18 would really benefit from some strategic tree additions. Some of those holes have interesting parts, but little or no pressure or importance to drive landing locations.

My biggest issue with this course was that it did not make me make many choices. Hole 18 did it really nicely on the 2 approach options, and if it had a bit of pressure on the drive I would consider it a really excellent hole (I still liked it a lot). Hole 9 made me make a choice despite not having multiple routes, in that both a RH forehand and backhand shot had benefits, with different payoffs. The more I think about that hole, the more I like it. The more I think about it, the more I realize hole 14 made me make choices, also despite being a single fairway (and a narrow one at that).

I dislike the Chainstar baskets (with added number plates? Or are they Mach 5's?) because they're so hard to see. Course does a reasonably nice job painting some and using flags to try to improve things, but we still had trouble finding some of the baskets (Chainstars do catch perfectly well, though). On hole 7 we played to the wrong basket (then went back and played to correct one)

Specific thoughts on a few other holes:

1 - Good starting hole. A really fair fairway, a nice angle to the turn, and a flat out fun start.

2- I wish they'd take out the small tree straight ahead to give a small straight(er) line gap option. Most people wouldn't take it, but there's reward to it (straighter shot) but you have to earn it as the gap would be pretty small. Otherwise not terrible, but not wildly interesting hole.

3 - Probably my favorite hole out here, despite being a par 3 (I love par 4's and 5's). We played the right basket placement, which I like. I don't like the left one nearly as much, despite them being close together. Changing placements doesn't change the throw, it just doesn't require nearly as much skill to get the birdie.

9 - A really nice surprise. Great shape to the hole. Nice fairway. The more I think about this hole, the more I like it.

14 - An interesting hole. I don't like the right side being OB, though if that's a property line, of course nothing can be done about it. But I think it's a really nice use of this piece of land and a nice distance for this hole. I quite like it. I think I would love it if the right side fence wasn't OB. Someone mentioned gaps under the fence on the left. I didn't notice that, and if it's true they need to be filled, but that's not a fundamental problem with the hole design, simply a detail to be improved.

16 - One of the few places on the course where I feel strongly that a tree should come out is the middle tree at the first main gap. But otherwise I really like this hole. Again, no real choices, unfortunately, but a fun hole.

17 - Nice fairway, nice use of hill. I'd pull 3 or 4 small trees out short and left of the basket. Seems like it's too punitive close to the basket to a shot which is otherwise perfect (and reasonably difficult).

18 - I like the choice on the approach to the green quite a bit. The right side gap goes straight to the basket, but is tight and at an angle rewarding drives that land to the right. Would like to see a little pressure of some kind on the drive and this would be a 5/5. An excellent finishing hole.

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5 1
Experience: 13.8 years 85 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Work in Progress 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2013 Played the course:once


- A good mix of open holes and wooded holes
- Multiple tees
- Use of elevation throughout course
- New tee signs
- Can tell work is being done
- Good amount of benches and trashcans strewn across the course


- Rubber tee pads (many of the were ripped, torn, overgrown, small)
- Navigation (Threw to a wrong basket even with a map)
- Some holes seemed unfair (Hole 9, 10, and 16 stand out in my mind)
- Wet (The has been no rain recently and still a little wet; would hate to see after a storm)
- The baskets were tough to pick out of the trees (a little colorful paint would help out)

Other Thoughts:

- I met a gentleman that was working on the course. He stated that they are planning on putting in Gold tees. Personally, I think the Blues are long enough. I would rather see the time and effort in dealing with the tee pads. I understand it take quite a bit of money to get concrete pads, but I would rather have natural pads than the rubber pads that are there now.
- I noticed that there were a set of White tee pads throughout the course. I didn't play them, but was trying to keep an eye out for them. I probably noticed roughly 10 white tees.
- I REALLY did not like hole 14. It plays along a fence, but erosion has occurred under the fence. There are too many places that a disc can skip underneath the fence into OB
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3 1
Experience: 13.3 years 16 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Almost there 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Quite a few holes are wide open long holes to work on your drives.
New Signs are up on Blue Tees and New Basket Numbers make it much easier to navigate.


Rubber mats on most in lieu of concrete pads.
Grass is tall in some spots.
Water stands in some areas - so wear some waterproof shoes and/or waterproof socks.

Other Thoughts:

With a bit more work and concrete pads, this course will be awesome. You can tell the FCDGO is putting in work.
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2 2
Experience: 15.8 years 28 played 28 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Redesigned course, it's tougher and more fun. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


The course was redesigned in 2013 and offers a much more well rounded disc golf course. The new Teesigns are great! You have all different types of shots here and three sets of teepads to choose from. Each hole will have 2 pin locations. This is a tougher par 57 layout and 18 holes now. Everything starts and finished in the same area by the Rec Center and practice basket! This is my home course and I love playing it every time!


There are not many now that the new teesigns are in, the baskets are numbered correctly and everything is nearly completely finished. It is a somewhat of a decent walk, but just bring water!

Other Thoughts:

The FCDGO has put a lot of time into this course and it finally shows! Come play Central Park and challenge yourself to shoot at or below par from Blues or Reds!!!
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7 1
Experience: 18.3 years 9 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Can't wait to play it a year from now. (Needs work) 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 29, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Left old #6 alone.

New layout provides a lot more variety of holes, throws, elevation, and mix.

Multiple tees allow for different caliber of players to play.


Navigating the course is dreadful - a group of locals picked me up and they also had problems locating tees & baskets and I had a map!

Tee pads are rubber mats thrown on the ground. The mats have seen a lot of wear and have begun to crack, tear, and mold the roots and rocks underneath them.

Some of the woods holes play really close to swampy areas meaning a lot of mud and water when it rains.

Other Thoughts:

Played 1st loop from the blue tees - +8
2nd loop from the white tees - +2

The main problems with Central are both fixable - Tee pads & much, much better directing the players around the loop. Once these improvements are made, the reviews should be better, but at the time of my review, here are my thoughts:

Count me as one of the folks that enjoyed the old Central Park layout, that's not to say I don't like the redesign; just want to mention that I enjoyed the old layout. The redesign has changed this course completely from a bombers course to a technician's course and I found very few opportunities where I could simply cut loose. Not to say I don't enjoy some good tree love :) but I get the most enjoyment from watching the disc fly high and far, Central Park used to allow for a lot of that and the redesign has hampered that to a degree. The "style" of the course has changed greatly aside from just comparing the two actual layouts.

Design - I love the new starting holes 1-3 & miss the closing holes from the old course. While #18 on the new track is a very nice hole; getting there isn't nearly as exciting as it used to be and I personally just didn't like #17 at all. It's great that they left old #6 alone (now #11) as the approach shot into that hole maybe the most memorable shot on the course.

To some degree I just couldn't get over the feeling that the redesign was an effort to push golfers aside and away from the park. Sometimes that's a great thing, as it allows for creativity in holes and privacy. But in this instance, I felt it was a bad thing as the course is pushed along the utility lines and backwoods. Needless to say a lot of brush, thorns, and swamp to be encountered out here so I recommend you bring your hiking boots as this isn't a walk in the park anymore. Back when the course integrated more of the main park property, conditions were nicer and amenities were much closer. As a parent for example, I enjoyed checking in on my kids & wife at the park while playing around them or being able to hit the bathroom or benches.

There were some very long treks to be made to get from basket to the next tee - up and over hills and through or around brush and I think some additional benches would go a long way. (One of the "heavier" fellas in the group I played with was having a very difficult time making the loop) I'd never recommend designing a course around the walk, but when your design is like this I think it's admirable to pay extra attention to issues such as this so more people can play - It's hot out there lol, last thing we need is someone passing out. Some cases where getting to the next tee put the player in landing zones of other holes - Not a prevalent problem, but something to be mindful of for sure on a busy day.

While I liked #14 (birdied it twice!), I agree with Daniel's review that moving the pad up and the basket back would be a better solution. If I had a suggestion - moving #5 basket from the retention pond back towards the creek (possibly over) and closer to #6's tee for a par 4 I think it would add another shot similar to #11 or #18 and aid in players navigating the course better.

Overall - I think I'm bittersweet on the redesign - there are drawbacks and bonuses and there is ample room for growth with the new layout as it begins to mold and adapt. It's most definitely a course capable of challenging any player by making the player throw shots uphill, downhill in addition to left and right. But at the same time, the navigation issues and tee pad problems are standouts when being compared to the other courses in town which is why I ultimately gave the course a 3. I will say that I look forward to reevaluating my review in the future as this "new course" begins improves.
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1 2
Experience: 13.2 years 44 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not Yet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2013 Played the course:once


Design is ambitious and will eventually yield a quality course. Loved #11! Great pin placement!


1 I realize this course is a brand new course
2 I did read dandaman's review before playing
3 Noah is building a new boat due to the amount of rain that the South has received the past few weeks.

There is a lot of undergrowth that could be trimmed.
The signage issue was politely understated by dandaman in my opinion. Getting from one basket yo the next tee was an adventure. (#8 to #9 and #15 to #16--no visible signage from the basket!)
Hole 18 was ridiculously wet. To the left was a fenced-in swamp and to the right was wetland 2" deep in dark water.
I've never been a Marine sniper; seeing the gray metal baskets and chains in the shadows of the woods was a challenge--some bright paint on the baskets please...or better flags?

Other Thoughts:

I'm giving this course a 2 right now. I'll try it again in the Fall. I didn't lose a disc. I was +5 for the day. Perhaps I'm spoiled by the courses in the Charlotte area, but this course doesn't seem to be of the same caliber yet.
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5 1
Experience: 29.3 years 55 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A better design 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Good design; there is a nice mix of elevation and topography to make this course interesting.

Mulitple tee's.

18 quality baskets.


Currently difficult to navigate. Please bring a copy of the current course map when playing. See link below in the other thoughts (I will add it to the links page as well).

As of this writing the course has just been redesigned and the teesigns, numbering on the baskets and next tee signs can be a bit confusing to someone who has never played there before.

Hole 14. See notes below.

Other Thoughts:

OK. This design is remarkably better than the previous versions of this course. There is still some of the old favorites on the course (old #6, current hole# 11 for example) and some new favorites to add as well (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 16, 18). The design is well thought out and it's not just a bunch of holes thrown out into a field.

There are some things that can be done in the immediate future that would drastically improve this course.

-First order of business: go out to home depot and buy some of the self stick mailbox numbers and renumber the baskets in correct order, while removing the older numbers that are currently on the baskets. This project could be done for about $30 and can be completed while playing a round of golf, and then the course will have a consistent style of numbering for the baskets, and be correct.

-Second order of business: fix hole 14. I know there's not much that can be done to make this into a great hole because of the property line and retention pond, but if it can't be a "great" hole, make it a "fair" hole by shortening up the tee and moving the basket further back from it's current position. I'd also recommend placing the blue tee for 5 on top of the walking track and further east so that more room could be made for a better fit for 14. I know that by doing this you don't turn 14 into a great hole but at least you turn it from a frustrating (nearly invalid) longer hole to a shorter but more valid "fair" hole.

-Hole # 8: The blue tee is a bit of a tweener. Most people are not going to birdie it, but then again most people are not going to bogey it either. The red tee on this hole is great however. It has elevation to it and it is a fun throw. I'd recommend combining both the blue and red tees and just have one tee on this hole.

-17's blue tee should also be combined with red's. I know that the blue tee is has been up there near the ball field for quite some time, and for nearly 90% of the people playing it they won't have issues with it, but that tee would have serious issues with the LHBH thrower. With the limited space available near the fence of the ball field, I don't see how it could fit legitimately make it work without building a very large box using landscaping ties that extends out over the hill. For simplicity sake I'd recommend making this hole only having one tee as well.

-Hole 18; I like this hole, but perhaps the basket position can be tweaked a bit further right than it currently is? I had a tough time seeing the line to attack the basket looking back towards the tee. It appeared that if the basket was moved approx 20 feet to the right there would be a direct line though the trees to approach the basket. Also if you stand at the basket and look back towards the tee, you'll see another approach line to the right of the basket towards the hill. There are 4-5 smaller trees that could be removed to open up that lane a bit to make it more of a viable option for approaching the pin.

-Other observations: Any of the baskets that had been moved from other locations and set into the ground elsewhere should really be set again with fresh concrete. The old concrete balls that are on the baskets were shaped in the dimensions of their original locations and not the new ones. The baskets I saw that had been moved look as they could easily be messed with and be found later to be removed from their current spots, found leaning or worse of all go completely missing. Anchoring the baskets better helps prevents issues from arising later on.

I know that you all are working hard on the current course. Keep it up! The course once all signage, amenities and such are done will easily propel future ratings of this course up. It really is a fun course to play. Hopefully one day we will have another PDGA tournament up there!

New course map:

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