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Suwanee, GA

Chattahoochee Pointe Park

Permanent course
3.335(based on 15 reviews)
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Chattahoochee Pointe Park reviews

17 0
Experience: 16.4 years 8 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Intellectual Bomber's Course drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2022 Played the course:5+ times


(3.1) An above-average open course that just doesn't have enough tricks in its bag to be great.

- The appeal of this course is that the fairways are very open and the holes are longer than most, but there's a lot of gap-hitting and placement involved. You're going to end up with a poor score if you just try to mash your way through this one.
- The multi-shot holes on this course are excellent and require precision as well as power.
- Concrete tees, descriptive signage, discatchers, a bathroom and water fountain on site, practice basket, etc. Amenities are top-notch.
- While the topography here isn't the most amusing, the course design really does a good job of shaping the land available into the holes.


- There's gap-hitting and placement involved, but this course lacks in the department of shot-shaping. If you like throwing careful putter and midrange shots in tight woods, you aren't going to have as much fun here. When I play here, pretty much all my flippy putters, mids and fairways stay in the bag. I find myself throwing an awful lot of placement hyzers, which gets boring after a bit.
- Skill level discrepancy. This is hard to describe, but I'll do it as best as I can. The shorts are mostly short, open shots, as they're often either placed in front of gaps or close enough to them that there's no need to worry. Players over 850 rated will likely get bored fast. But the longs are mostly unreachable if you can't throw at least 400 on lines. A good course for absolute beginners and advanced/pro players, which may not be the most ideal combo for your group, and not a large percentage of the disc golfing population.
- Not the best piece of land for a course. It's almost all flat, pretty open, and is extremely hot in the summer and muddy after a rain.
- 4-5 throwaway holes.

Other Thoughts:

Background: At the time of this review, I am a 917 rated player with 375 golf distance backhand and a weak forehand. I have played 63 different courses, located mostly in the American Southeast. I am right-handed and will write this review from such a perspective.

Hole Breakdown: (from the backs)
1. One of the more wooded holes on the course, the two gaps on this hole are still relatively wide. A turnover shot or a RHFH should get down to the green after a smooth 300 feet. Right and left positions at the end- left favors backhand, right favors forehand. Good chance to grab a bird for shorter-throwing players.
2. A turnover bomb out of a very wide gap with a tree in the middle. Miss the tree and get at least 350, and you've got a great shot at the birdie. Wide-open approach and green. Probably a must-get for MA1 and up. The one tree makes the roller play a little too risky, in my opinion.
3. This one plays around 375. There's a wide gap in a narrow wall of vegetation. Beat it, and you'll have a putt or easy upshot. If you're pinched off on the wall on either side, it's very difficult to save par. This one looks innocuous, but is very easy to screw up.
4. An awesome par 5, this is the best hole on the course in my opinion. Relatively open off the tee, there's a thin grouping of random trees around the 340 mark or so. If you can get through this wall (there's a larger gap on the right, or just poke and hope), there's kind of an ovular clearing where you want to land your drive. If you can get it down there, the right side is relatively open the whole way for RHBH turnover bombs. However, due to the unique shape of this clearing, the player will often have to improvise and potentially throw a suboptimal line just to chew off some distance. Both basket positions are relatively open here. If you can get that drive down, you're in the driver's seat for a birdie here.
5. The tightest hole on the course by a wide margin, this is a low-ceiling straight-on shot playing about 275. The green is extremely tight, with drop-offs on either side. In the longer basket position, this hole is an extremely tough birdie due to the combination of the fast, tight green and a tree slumping over the fairway that blocks any sort of high putter or midrange shot. Roots can also redirect sliding shots. You need Climo-level touch to keep this one on the green. The left side is a drop into a small gulch, but it's relatively safe down there, while a kick right means almost a certain bogey. There's nothing wrong with throwing a straight midrange up the gut and letting it fade gently left to set up an easy approach.
6. Power RHBH hyzer (plays around 350-375) through a pretty tight gap, considering the length of the hole. Definitely a risk-reward shot. The grass also matters quite a lot- you'll likely need a big skip to get close, and if it's too high, it could leave you with a longer putt than you deserved.
7. 400 footer dead straight through 2 relatively average-size tree gaps around the 100ish and 150ish marks. I'd bet 80% of people, if you gave them 100 throws, couldn't find the circle once here. If you're one of those people, I'd throw an understable mid, make the gap, and let it drift right.
8. A turnover or forehand shot through a mid-size gap. Should be reachable by most intermediates with a midrange or fairway. Make the gap and you're guaranteed a par, barring catastrophe.
9. The hole is wide open with some random scraggly trees in the fairway, but there's a low-hanging branch about 10 feet in front of the teepad that stops the high swinging hyzer. A low, skipping hyzer with a fairway driver will get you in the circle.
10. Wide open hole. Slightly uphill. About 400 feet. Throwaway.
11. This one really depends on the basket position. The right position is a lot more reachable. A tree keeps you from swinging the RHBH hyzer super wide, but it plays around 330 and can be reached with a lower, pushing shot. The other position is behind a large wall of scraggly trees and branches. You can go around with a forehand or backhand skip shot (more precise line) or big throwers can take the spike hyzer. Much more difficult in this position.
12. I'm a big fan of this hole, there's a good blend of distance and accuracy needed here and an intimidation factor. Similar to 4, things are wide open for about 400, then there's a larger gap to the right and a "poke and hope" tree wall to the left. If you're within 50 feet or so of the tree wall, you can try and get through there, as it's a more direct route to the basket (being here is a huge advantage). Right side is more of the play for a par line, but the green is protected by a large tree and some brush to the left to make an upshot from the right difficult. Definitely a bonus birdie.
13. Downhill, 400 feet, wide open. Throwaway.
14. See 13, but about 275 instead. Easiest hole on the course.
15. Another wide open RHBH hyzer. Just don't miss short or right, because it gets swampy.
16. A bimodal hole with two main gaps and a wall of trees separating each. Left side is over a hill into a depression with an elevated green. Right side is up the same hill and a lot tighter with trees on each side, probably about a 340 dead straight shot to get to the pin when it's in the right position. Left is more reachable, but this should still probably be a layup for most people.
17. 375 down a wide-ish tunnel. The pin is on the right, tucked behind a very large tree that makes the RHBH turnover play almost impossible. If you don't have 375 of RHFH or LHBH, probably best to toss it down the middle and lay this one up. Easy green.
18. Bomber par 4 final hole in an open field with occasional trees. Probably plays around 675. Roller works here, or just a couple bombs. Not much to say.

Other Thoughts/Tips:
- The grass on this course can be extremely varied length-wise. Sometimes your disc will skip, sometimes it won't. And sometimes, you shouldn't try a roller if the grass hasn't been cut for a while.
- This course can get very windy at times.
- I'll say it again: there's really a threshold of distance here to score well on the longs. If you can throw 425 controlled, you're going to have a much easier time here than 375 controlled (me). I often find myself just a little out of range here. I have a lot of 45-80 foot upshots/putts for pars.
- One thing I've noticed is that certain people weirdly overrate this course. This is an above-average course. But, with regards to Atlanta courses, it's on the end of the tier that contains Perkerson, Oregon, Central, Etowah, and East Roswell. It's better than the park-style courses like Wills and Suwanee Creek, but I really don't see much of an argument for this over any of the five fine courses I listed above. (This course's ratings, currently, are bimodally distributed: just as many 4.0s as 2.5s. Is this course really "excellent"?)
- For the amount of traffic this course gets, I feel like tournaments are not often held here.
- I feel like I'm sometimes harsh on this course because it's advanced/pro level distance and gap hitting without advanced/pro level terrain or topography. But the way the land flows, the holes often have to be the way they are. It's not a design issue.
- Recreational and intermediate female players may enjoy the reachability of the shorts.
- This one is a trek. Plan for at least an hour and 45 minutes playing here- the holes are long, and while navigation is solid, they aren't always close together.

"God bless America, and God bless the backhand turnover."
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10 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Wide Open Spaces Does Not A Good Beginners Course Make! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2021 Played the course:once


PARK DESCRIPTION - Chattahoochee Pointe Park is a fairly large park set below a very exclusive housing development which overlooks much of the park. The park has acres and acres of grassy areas which are fields which have been mown. There is a pavilion with restrooms at the beginning. A nice new pavilion of some sort is currently under construction by hole 15.

VARIETY - The first three holes play through wooded areas and then 16 & 17 are wooded. The rest are mostly open to wide open with a few trees, a ditch or rows of trees thrown in.

ELEVATION - The course is flat.

CHALLENGE - Most of the challenge here is distance. From the Long Blues, the course is long with a 970', four holes over 400' and ten others in the 300' range. Playing it from the Short Whites shortens it quite a bit.

EQUIPMENT - The concrete tee pads have received some complaints from reviewers about being a little short. The signs are lovely colored, metal ones with the excellent pin positions indicators that many other fine Atlanta courses utilize. The baskets are red, Discatcher 28 models. The first few are nice and shiny but most of ones in the sun have faded to an unpleasant shade of pink. This fading would make me hesitant about purchasing them again, especially when this course is just two years old. There are more next tee signs than necessary.

AESTHETICS - It was kind of lacking for me. Much of the grass is not lawn but mowed prairie grassland. I found it uncomfortable to walk over and totally eliminated throwing any rollers.

FUN FACTOR - Because I dislike wide, open courses with 500-600' open holes, this course wasn't nearly as enjoyable as almost all of Atlanta's stable of 3.0 to 4.0 rated wooded 18's. And yes, having a weenie arm certainly factors in. There was a group of four beginners attempting to play the course with, maybe six discs between them. They were having a miserable time out in the hot sun, wind and wide-open spaces and were about to give up disc golf altogether. I convinced them that, although mostly open, this is not a course suitable for beginners.

ROUTING/NAVIGATION - Mostly intuitive, although the backtrack on # 5 is inconvenient.


The tee pads could probably be longer on a course with this many bomber holes.

It can get hot and sunny out on the open holes.

Windy at times.

Other reviewers have all mentioned the course can get soggy after a rain.

Too many open holes with little or no obstacles = little opportunity for shot shaping.


Other Thoughts:

There were some hilarious examples of next tee signs when there is a clear worn path leading to the next tee and sitting 50' in front of the tee sign and pads is a sign pointing the way. I've played about a thousand courses that could make better use these next tee signs.

On my course bagging trip here in Atlanta, I've played 21 courses and observed no vandalism, as in zero vandalism. Congratulations Atlanta, that's something to be proud of. Until Chattahoochee Pointe, that is, where someone has trashed the # 7 tee sign. And I think I know who it is? It's that kid with the black fingernails and multiple piercings who lives in the big brown house up on the hill. I think it's the 12th house from the left. Keep an eye out for him!
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 42 played 20 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Pointe 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


A good mix of wooded & open holes that is challenging, but fun to play. Has all the amenities of a good course, multiple pin placements & tee pads, benches, signs, maps etc, everything you could reasonably want.

The wooded holes have open areas to shoot for and are not overly difficult, even for an avg player. On holes that are more open, there are typically trees to be aware of and other reasons to shape your shots and not just chuck it as hard as you can.

The course is well maintained and they've updated it over the years with adding trees or removing others in areas where it makes sense.

Traffic in the park hasn't been bad any time I've played, in the morning on the wknd or after work. Slower players are quick to let you play thru & I've never encountered large groups here.


The biggest con for me is the length of the tee pads, especially on the white tees. On a par 4 or 5 you can barely take a good stride up to throw, they are that short.

Hole 5 is a little disjointed and has you walk past the tee pad for another hole and then back.

Will be wet after a decent rain or if it hasn't been hot or windy, since its in the flood plain of the Chattahoochee

A few of the holes, especially on the back 9 run alongside the road & parking lot as it loops around, so be careful of errant throws or if its windy

A couple of holes have tee pads for the white or blue position relatively close & in line, cutting down on the variety, if you play mixed pads or multiple times.

Other Thoughts:

If you could somehow combine this with Mulberry, add some more elevation & maybe get closer to the river, you'd have the perfect course in my opinion.

I've had fun every time I've played, which to me is the biggest plus. The park is tucked behind a neighborhood in an affluent area & is primarily used for people jogging or walking besides playing DG.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.8 years 238 played 235 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Incredibly fun 18 with multiple layouts 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 10, 2021 Played the course:once


I had a great time playing at this course. After reading some of the reviews I thought it could be a flat, boring course, but though it is mainly flat it's anything but boring.

It's on the verge of what I would consider a bomber course with a couple of holes in the 500-650 range in some pin positions and a 900ft par 5, the it also has short, technical tunnel shots, some creeks and marshy areas and a couple of holes with big berms like 1 and 16 that make for interesting lines.

They have benches and really nice signs on every hole with a ring on the pin placement so you can further get your bearings.

Great use of what water there is and the various tree lines.

Tee pads are plenty big for your non-James Conrad players and for my run up were always enough.

Baskets are red banded Innova baskets and the red is a unique touch, very visible on the longer holes.

From the short tees it becomes more manageable for the newer players and takes many of the tight tree gaps out of play. If I was only judging the short tees I would rate it lower but from the longs it's exactly the type of course I like to play.

Plenty of distance, interesting lines, and the basics are done very well.

Accessible restrooms and plenty of parking for both disc golf and the general park goers.


A good bit of standing water. It's largely in a flood plane due to proximity to the river, so there were a lot of wet spots even though it hadn't rained in a few days.

Elevation is minimal and only plays on a few holes.

There are a few spots where an errant throw(usually has to be quite bad) would be near a walking path or parking area.

Other Thoughts:

Overall when I describe what I like in a course this has almost all of it. The only thing lacking is elevation changes. Sort of feels like you took Hobbs Farm and ran it over with a steamroller. It's nearly as good as that as well. The length and varied lines make it a great play.

I enjoyed it greatly and will happily play again. I also got my first ace of 2021 on hole 11, so that was cool as well!
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8 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 12, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Chattahoochee Pointe is a good intermediate level course, and the place where I discovered disc golf.

There is good variety of shots to be played here (open drives, tunnel shots, hyzer and anhyzer, etc.). There are two par fours and one par five hole (and distances are legitimate).

There are two tees for each hole.

Good signage (although some signs have been abused) at both jr. and sr. tees.

Park is well-maintained.


Built on a flood plain off the Chattahoochee River and some holes can get very boggy after it rains.

Little/no elevation changes.

Some holes are open and a little repetitive, but as the course matures, trees grow in, etc., I think this will change.

Other Thoughts:

A couple of years ago, while walking in the park, my wife and I noticed concrete slabs randomly placed. Not knowing about disc golf, we thought them to be graves or memorial sites of some sort! Of course, we came to find out they were tee pads.

Two years later, I'm hooked on the game.
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3 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Overall a great course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Great signage
Concrete tee pads
Quality baskets
Blue tees are challenging and fun
A course where you can chuck some bombs
Tournament level course
Tons of space
Plenty of parking


Because the course is built on a flood plain, it can take a while to dry out after rain

Other Thoughts:

Would be nice to have another trash can or two somewhere out on the course.

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2 4
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course with challenges for all skill levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2020 Played the course:once


-Signage for course is great -Great flow of holes-Conditions of park were great for fairways and rough-Obstacles were challenging but not overwhelming -You can use some strength for bombing throws


None to think of. Just a great course that has some distance challenges
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6 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

What are you looking for in a course? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Gorgeous park with nice amenities (signage and tee pads included)

Two sets of pads per hole and baskets to various pin positions

Well maintained; I have been out on the course multiple times where the county was mowing or otherwise doing maintenance.


Some holes seem like fillers. Same shot over and over

Lost disc potential if you don't watch it. Tall grass in the open field make it easy to lose depth perception. I have found 4-5 discs in the last week just walking in the 'fairway'. Have also spent more time than I would like to admit looking for shots that were in the 'fairway.'

Quite a bit of foot traffic. Some walkers are not aware of what DG is or that they are walking through a hole...or picnicking on one.

Other Thoughts:

First some background. I am the best 900 rated doubles partner there is, was or ever will be. I have been playing for 10 years, but have only recently started getting back into it. The forehand and backhand distance are there, but I have no clue where the disc is going to go. I need lots of practice.

This course is less than 15 minutes from my house, yet, I just started getting rounds on it. It's exactly what I was looking for in a course, back in the day, and I am super grateful that it's so close. I can work on any and every shot out there while still playing golf. Holes 1-12 are great in my opinion. 13,14,15 are fillers, but I still practice different discs at different angles. I have only played 16 in the left position, and if it never moves, I would be just fine. It's a cool hole that has sneaky elevation with a low ceiling. 17 is pretty straight forward, and I think could turn into one of my favorite holes to practice on. 18 is an underwhelming end to a decent back 9. A natural hazard, (not OB, just for the sake of OB) to bring some danger into play would be a great way to keep the end of a tournament interesting.

The last takeaway I have is that there is even more potential to this course to get better. I'm curious how some tree growth will affect lines in the future.

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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 339 played 322 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Plain, but Enjoyable 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


The course uses what it has to work with pretty well.

-Amenities: Great baskets. Nice concrete tees. Great signage. Next tee signs where appropriate. Working water fountain. Could use a few more benches.

-Maintenance: Seems to be mowed regularly, leaving clearly defined fairways in the wide open fields. The park is in great shape generally.

-Interest in Shots: This could have been a terrible course, given the flatness and openness of the property. However, many holes have a factor to add interest. For example, (1), (5), and (16) are tunnel shots of various types; (2), (6), and (7) require hitting non-trivial gaps from the tee; (9) introduces a low ceiling immediately off the tee; (4) and (12) are multi-shot plays requiring smart placement to throw well. The good use of the sporadic existing trees makes Chattahoochee Pointe an enjoyable golfing round, not just a driving range.

-Navigability: Openness and next tee signs make the course followable without a course map.

-Multi-Tees/Pins: Two tees per hole and multiple pin placements. Should appeal to a variety of skill levels under Advanced.


The plot is too flat and too open.

-Interest in Shots: The holes that don't incorporate trees are truly boring. Several 300-400 ft holes with nothing but grass and a straight shot took this course down to "Decent/Typical" for me.

-Terrain: No elevation change at all.

-No Shade: The course will get pretty sweltering with no break from the summer sun.

-Lost Disc Potential: Very small con. Speaking from experience, errant shots on (15) may sink into tall grass and mud.

Other Thoughts:

After reading reviews I thought Chattahoochee Pointe would be dreadfully boring, but I enjoyed both of my rounds here. I'm impressed with how solid a course it feels like, considering the number of flat, straight, and not particularly fun holes. I'd say it's worth a try for folks on the east/northeast side of Atlanta.
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6 0
Experience: 13.4 years 50 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Get the Pointe 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


Solid challenge presents above-average hole length and some challenging line choices. Two set of tees and multiple basket placements are standard, with well-marked signs and basket locations provided. Spacious warm-up area and pavilion is adjacent to the restrooms, and there's a large field (adjacent the river) to get your arm loose. Layout is generally intuitive, with next tee signs utilized. No hole requires a throw near any of the walking trails.


For a course of this length, the lack of longer tee boxes is a bit of a surprise. Some backtracking is required (the hole 4 to 5 to 6 transition in particular), and the layout doesn't swing back to the main parking lot until hole 13. Did I mention the course is in a flood plain? Avoid playing for a few days after a hard rain, and then still expect to encounter some mud. Surprising to me, but you can lose a disc in a couple spots (hole 3 has a ditch that The Sinks in Chattanooga would be proud of).

Other Thoughts:

The layout includes a 900 footer, three 600 footers, and several 400 foot holes from the back tees, so opportunities to stretch out your arm are plentiful. Plus, throwing rollers is not generally an option given the varied condition of many fairways (see Cons), and wind can be a factor to be reckoned with. Several holes present interesting line choices (see #'s 1, 12 and 16 in particular), and being able to hit gaps 150 to 300 feet ahead is a must to score well.

This course might not be for everybody. With only two holes shorter than 300 feet from the longs, you won't find many ace runs. And if you don't throw farther than 325 on multiple lines (actual distance, not internet distance), you'll be taking a lot more upshots and testy putts in the wind than you might like. Even so, I'd like to see a couple more elevated baskets to increase the challenge somewhat (maybe 15 and 18).

I'd rate the course a 3.25 because if offers some unique shot opportunities relative to other greater Atlanta courses; but 3.25 is not 3.5, so a 3.0 it is.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.6 years 796 played 115 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cookie Cutter 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2019 Played the course:once


1. Located in a nice maintained park.

2. Bathrooms on site.

3. Great signage on both long and short pads.

4. Nice new concrete teepads on both long and short pads.

5. Hole 1 and 5 are fantastic.


1. Very repetitive and boring design. The long pads felt like I kept playing the poke a drive through the line of trees along the ditch off the tee and great upshot to get the three on multiple holes.

2. Lacks elevation.

3. Gf played short pads and they looked monotonous.

4. Not much shade if it's a hot day (we are in the south).

Other Thoughts:

Both the gf and I were bored out of our minds with this course. Maybe the trees will grow to make the course more interesting, but they looked randomly planted.

Come to play hole 1 and 5. Other than that, it's just a cookie cutter course in a cookie cutter subdivision.
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3 5
Experience: 23.4 years 150 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Good design.
Great mix of Open/distance and Gap hitting.
Great Baskets, signs, and Tee pads
Safe Park


14 and 15 are forgettable. Would be better as a single hole Par 5.
Grass gets high sometimes. ***Seems like they are cutting it regularly now.
Stays wet for a few days if there's significant rain.
Not much elevation.

Other Thoughts:

This is the only course around that is beneficial for big event practice (long and windy courses). The design is solid, but leans towards safety over increasing the difficulty of the Par 4's, and a couple Par 3's.
I think it's the best course in the area besides Lula.
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15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16.2 years 660 played 185 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Haven't we played this hole already? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2019 Played the course:once


At the back of an affluent subdivision, a riverside park with a ton of letters in its name now includes a brand-new disc golf course. A popular locale for walkers and hikers, Chattahoochee Pointe Park has recently added concrete teepads and baskets with bright-red banners to its amenities.

The course starts with promise as the picturesque wooded Hole #1 is one of the nicest holes. And Hole #2 from the long tee requires some maneuvering by trees. After that, many of the remaining holes feature few obstacles, especially from the short tees.

The holes that incorporate trees are the best on the course. Hole #5 is a tricky short hole featuring a narrow and plateaued fairway with modest drop-offs on each side. Holes #16 and #17 return to the woods and while straight-ahead and fairly flat, the basket locations offer a nice challenge.

The incredible and detailed signage is typical of other Atlanta-area courses, featuring distance, pin location and elevation change.

The "traversability" on this course will be high ... as long as the grass remains short. If frequent mowing isn't performed, the abundant field grass will be difficult to walk in and could gobble up fairway drives.

The distance difference between the white (short) and blue (long) tees is substantial at more than 2,300 feet. The pars listed are the same for each distance.

There are three par-4s and one par-5. From the short tees, the par-4s are definitely "tweeners" at 385, 390 and 455 feet in length.


Very flat. Like a pancake. The elevation change feature on the signs is irrelevant - there isn't more than eight feet of elevation change on any hole.

Repetitive. While the blue tees offer a bit more of direction change on several holes, nearly every hole from the white tees requires a redundant, straight-ahead throw.

Few obstacles. While the course design tries to incorporate the existing trees, most of the holes are fairly wide open. Holes #13 to #15 definitely feel like "filler" holes and Hole #18 is a fairly disappointing conclusion.

Navigation can be a bit tricky for first-time visitors. The first teepad isn't obvious from the parking lot - facing the bathrooms, turn left and walk down the road a couple hundred yards. And on several holes, throwing to the correct basket might require a bit of guesswork due to adjacent fairways in the wide-open fields.

No epic signature holes. While a couple of the wooded holes are nice, they aren't long. And the longer holes are too wide open to be memorable.

Other Thoughts:

Chattahoochee Pointe Park provides a nice change-of-pace from some of the other Metro Atlanta courses. Despite being flat and fairly-open throughout, the course is a commendable play for those seeking to do "field work" during their round or seek a more casual experience that doesn't involve hitting trees every other throw.
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8 0
Experience: 29.4 years 1 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Mediocre 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 13, 2019 Played the course:once


Nice bathrooms, new everything....Baskets, pads, signage....


Bland course design overall... New terrain is still kinda rough and the day I was there the grass was high and allot of newbies trying to find their discs in the wide open fields held up play allot.....

Other Thoughts:

Hole number 1 gave me great hope... But then was progressively disappointed as I continued.....
Massive amount of acreage... And most of it pretty open.... But the design didn't use it's potential... Front 9 finishes very far from the parking/bathrooms.... And walk from the basket to next pad on many is just not well planned...I prefer a more technical course instead of just slinging discs into a field... I'm sure this will mature and they should add some trees to make it more interesting....
The longest hole had the group in front of me throwing at multiple wrong baskets....
I'll be back to test it more... But just feels mediocre at best...
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8 1
Experience: 18.4 years 106 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Gonna keep it short and sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2019 Played the course:once


Beautiful scenery, well designed, nice bridges where needed over 'seasonal' criks.
Good signage and next tee posts are abundant and useful.
Lots of open holes but good use of the tree lines and natural ridges.
Hole 2 has a cool little straw burm with a gully in it, interesting way to make a 'sand trap' on a disc course. I loved it!
Well mowed and bathrooms are super swanky!
Hole 17 the Hooch finally comes into play, be careful and stay right!


Needs benches and trash cans but I assume those are to come soon as this course literally just opened, so this Con will probably be removed shortly.
Hard to complain about anything here, if you don't like a little marshy wetland area or it is too "flat and open" for you, then you are entitled to your opinion but really, just go play somewhere else!

Other Thoughts:

Once trash cans and a couple benches are put out there, this will easily be a 4.5+ in my opinion.
The only real point of confusion we found was hole 4, being that it is over 900 feet it was hard to find direction and we ended up throwing to 10s basket, then 6s, then back to 4. Just pay attention at this one point and also mind a giant bee hive in the tree next to the ladies' tee for 4 and you should have a great round!
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