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Mobile (Chickasaw), AL

Chickasaw Community Park

Permanent course
3.195(based on 18 reviews)
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Chickasaw Community Park reviews

8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2019 Played the course:once


(2.713 Rating) An aging layout that desperately needs a maintenance overhaul.
- COURSE EDITS - Please note that this course has gotten several tweaks since the last review and even more over the entire history of the course. My description of many holes won't match pervious reviews. Most of the recent tweaks appear to be on the back 9.
- CHALLENGING - Not a terribly long course, but more difficult than what's presented on paper. The greens are very well designed and protected considering what was available to use. The landscape is light to moderately wooded yet several fairways require a well though-out shaped drive. I was humbled several times with some epic mistakes. The back tees felt like a tweener between Intermediate and Advanced and the Red tees appeared to be Recreational Level. This is one of those courses where you have to take what the course gives you. Getting greedy or lack of focus can be punishing.
- UNIQUENESS - Surprisingly really good for a small city park course. Up shots, down shots, left hooks, right hooks. Lots of gut checking water in play in the forms of stay short, clears and parallels. 400 foot bombs and 150 foot technical plays. (18) is a unique hanging basket on a cliff edge and (7) is a one of its kind metal pipe guarded basket that can only be aced with a hooking shot from either side.
- NAVIGATION - Barely adequate. Newer signage at the back tees. Some navigational cues to the next tee at several baskets. No course map on site and a few gaps in directions had me wandering a couple times.
- SKILL LEVEL FRIENDLY - Two sets of tees that should appeal to players at the Novice level to lower Advanced. Novice players should skip a few holes due to the unforgiving water hazards.
- QUICK PLAY - I finished in just under an hour solo on a blind solo round. Figure under 2 hours for a four some.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - Wonderful is sections, but a lot to be desired in other parts. I'll start with the good. Some monster trees to peek my interest. A meandering creek, eye appealing valley shots and some good looking down shots. On the flip side, a general lack of maintenance (see cons below) and lots of trash along the creek. I graded the overall beauty at a touch above average.


Chickasaw needs a lot of volunteer course work and upgraded amenities.
- MAINTENANCE - I read on a couple other reviews that maintenance had turned for the better. Well it's sad to report that the course has made an about face. Large tree branches on several fairways and one could tell they had been down for awhile as there were no leaves on them. Tees are in poor shape, baskets are in poor shape and facilities are in poor shape.
- BLACK WATER - I was warned about this in previous reviews and it completely changed how I played. I lost a disc on (11), after touching that one lone branch that's seemingly gifted with an ability to redirect discs into a creek. The water looks nasty and an object six inches under water will likely be unseen. The black water element crushed my personal fun factor for the course.
- MODIFIED DESIGN - A recent modification I think has made the course worse. Namely hole (16) which is a 30 foot wide fairway (verified per satellite measurement) and it has no bail-out. That may seem like a lot reading it, but the circle is 65 feet wide. OB tall fence right with no chance to get an errant disc back. OB left is black water, with a good chance to lose a disc. I threw my putter 100 feet two times and then missed a long putt to make a 4.
- MULTI USE HAZARDS - Other park amenities or roads come into play several time. Hole (1) to start puts parking into play. Hole (2) throws over a park road and an amphitheater. Hole (6) plays along a road. Hole (10) finishes by a structure. Hole (15) is along a road. Hole (18) plays along a tennis court fence.
- TEES - Natural tees in passable shape. I'd up my rating over the 2.75 threshold if they were concrete. No tee line.
- CHAINS - The baskets are old and have taken a beating. New baskets are needed.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - I would not take a beginner here. They will throw your plastic into the water which will result in a lost disc or a lost friend who dies weeks later from a brain eating amoeba.

Other Thoughts:

I was thinking a 3 rating until the black water sucked the fun right out of the round on the back nine. I actually inputted the numbers twice from scratch and got a mid 2.6 the second time. In its current state and IMO, this a tweener 2.75 course. The course desperately needs maintenance and a couple tweaks. The land and most of the design is good enough to deliver 3.25 level game play. It's a shame that these fixable course aspects are holding my score back. Regardless, still a course worth checking out if in the area, although I'd personally head to nearby Chickasaw County Park before heading here.
- HANGING BASKETS - There are 4 hanging baskets on the layout. Two are at the typical basket height level. What does that accomplish?
- REVIEW TITLE - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a children's book that my daughter likes. I did not observe any letters of the alphabet racing to the top of a coconut tree.
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5 0
Experience: 14.2 years 92 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

You don't need distance to be difficult 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2017 Played the course:once


Almost every hole is different, whether it be with type of shot needed, or hole placement.

Benches and trash cans a-plenty

Informative tee signs with maps and distance (these must be new as older reviews cite these as missing)

Easy to navigate even without a map or next hole arrows

Two sets of tees, beginners will enjoy the short am tees with very little affecting shots, while more seasoned players will enjoy the various tunnels, turns, and other shot lines the pro tees lend itself

(this may be a con to some) Interesting mix of baskets; hanging, off a set of pull-up bars, in the middle of a paved USA map.


Very few rip-it and grip-it. Most people will not need to go above a mid-range for 3/4 of the course

Some very gimmicky and unfair basket placements. One hole runs a creek the entire length and has the basket just a yard or so from the edge. Another has about a 10 foot wide clearing with creek on one side and fenced backyard on the other.

Other Thoughts:

It seems the course has developed over the past couple of years judging by the reviews here. I wasn't sure what to expect when I first arrived based on them, but I was pleasantly surprised. The grass was freshly manicured, signs were in good shape, and even after all the rain the prior week, the course was pretty dry.

A short, but super fun course for beginners and experienced players alike.
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2 3
Premium Member
Experience: 29.4 years 176 played 17 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Potential more than reality 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 8, 2015 Played the course:once


Neat little neighborhood park. Great setup for having a great course. Holes are Laid out well with a lot of variance.


Course needs help from some DG enthusiasts. It need to be cleaned up. Tee boxes need to be repaired/built. Signage is needed showing lengths of holes. Looks like a low income area but did not feel threatened in any way. Lots of people just walking through here and there.

Other Thoughts:

Wish I had this locally in my area. More potential than anything that is currently in use.
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5 0
Experience: 10.6 years 13 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 20, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


*Little bit of everything on this course...elevation changes, water hazards, moderately wooded, and wide open
*Quiet park setting (though it will probably be overrun with kids from the neighboring apartment complex and neighborhood during the summer)
*Course is continually changed...you may play it one day then come back a week or so later and the baskets have been moved. Nice break from the monotony of the same course over and over
*Several benches and trash cans throughout the course


*The water in the "creek" looks like it could be nasty
*The park can become a playground for unsupervised kids when they aren't in school (played this past weekend and kids were climbing on the some of the baskets)
*Don't know how often the grass is cut, but the past couple of times I've been out there, the grass has been fairly high in some spots
*With the course being changed frequently, signage from the basket to the next hole would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

This course is situated between a city park, church, and school. The park has a pool, tennis and basketball courts, small playground, library, and civic center.

With the current layout, play starts out with fairly straight throws on the first few holes. Holes of note are...
#3 (plays from the corner of the pool area across the basketball court, between the tennis courts and old building to a suspended basket).
#7 plays parallel to the highway, over the "creek", to a basket located in the corner of a small fenced in area.
#8 plays around the corner of one of the church buildings to a basket located in an old tree stump.
The next few holes bring elevation into play as you play down the hill, then cross the ditch for a hole parallel to the ditch, then back across the ditch and uphill.
#14 (fairly certain it's 14) plays under a large oak tree to the basket located about 3/4 of the way across a pavement area with a map painted on it (the basket is located in the Mobile area on the map).
Next 3 of holes bring elevation changes back into play, along with trees.
The last hole plays down a hill, across the creek, and back up the hill to the basket located near a ditch.

Chickasaw is a nice course, that brings a little bit of the other courses in Mobile into play with the elevation changes, "creek" water hazard, and trees.

Played Chickasaw earlier in the week and again today and several holes were changed somewhat during the week. Updates are as follows:
Hole #4 basket has been moved up just over the small ditch in a cluster of trees
Hole #7 tee box has been moved back about 30'
Hole #8 tee box has been moved down by the ditch next to the manhole cover and basket has been moved out of stump, back about 150' (no more throwing around corner of school/church bldg
Hole #11 tee box has been moved back about 30' and basket is now short of the bridge and right on the edge of the ditch

Played Chickasaw again and the last 3 holes have been changed up since last week.
#16--tee box has been moved back about 30' to the road exiting the school to the south
#17--tee box has been moved up and basket now on strip of land between the ditch and the houses bordering the park
#18--tee box has been moved down across the ditch and basket has been moved across ditch that runs behind the amphitheater
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 776 played 417 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Like A Box of Chocolates 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 18, 2012 Played the course:once


Meeting Cecil, the King of Rocs and Rollers, who maintains the course.

Two (natural) tees per hole. Excellent use of available terrain.


With no map, limited signage, and Cecil having the ability to move tees and baskets at his pleasure, this course could be difficult for a first-time/infrequent visitor to navigate.

Other Thoughts:

Course is located in a public park that diagonally stretches behind a few public buildings and some private houses. A stream (but with no chance of disc loss) runs down the center, with the land flat near the stream, but then sloping quickly upwards on both sides. Scattered pockets, and occasional lone, mid-to-large hardwoods are used well to create obstacles and windows.

I really enjoyed the setup of the course the day I played it. While definitely on the open side, the trees were utilized well to create challenging windows. Seven of the baskets were located near the water, so approach shots needed to be quite accurate. From the tee, the water was often at a very "annoying" distance for me, i.e. near my typical driving range. Elevation changes, none severe, appeared in various forms - flat, down-slope, up-slope, across-slope, up-n-over, across-valley. Shape-wise, straight off the tee, with the occasional left or right turn, but typically subtle, would serve in most cases.

Favourite hole: The day I played, #17. Initially flat and open, the grounds drops at the same time large hardwoods appear, creating a low window to hit. The ground levels out again as the stream makes an appearance, with the basket on the other side of it.

"Mobile" hole-13 is interesting, but bring a disc you don't mind having skip across rough asphalt.

Quite an enjoyable course - make the effort to visit if in the area.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13 years 117 played 81 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Chickasawesome 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 8, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-great variety of hole distances (approx. 180'-400')

- tees now have wooden signage that has distance, par, and map

- very well maintained, scenic, lots of things growing/running around.

• Plenty of garbage cans and benches

• variety of holes/shot oppoortunities with few hazards of a disc-losing nature except for the deceptively deep creek running the length of the course. When the weeds are high near the creek, beware.

• Elevation is always a plus in this town and this course takes advantage of it.


- I've always had mixed feelings for the hole located on the asphalt. Now I think it's #10. It's a memorable hole in that there's a large map of the US on the ground but it eats up discs about as much as you'd expect. Possible ace for the expert chucker though.

- Only restroom on site that I know of is a Pot O' Gold.

-The creek seems to have gotten deeper in recent years, and with long grass on either side of it, it presents a definite risk to discs on certain holes. Beware. Those familiar with the Hobbit course in Midtown would think this creek is child's play but then lament when they've spent 20 minutes looking for a disc that was just simply gobbled up.

Other Thoughts:

-From 65 go east on Lee to a left on Grant. Go figure. Park is on the right in the same place as the library/pool/etc.

-it looks like the school on the premises is no longer being used. As a result the layout of the course uses a bit more of the property. There are a couple of hanging baskets including 18, which is less than 200' but deceptive and possibly game changing if you're not careful

-natural tees

-This course is, as StPaulie said, a little bit of a hidden gem - I played this course about 4 years ago right after moving here and thought it was among the best in the county, after a couple years it seemed to take a dive but I must say after my most recent visit it is back on top and even better than it was before. New signs and layout make for fluid navigation for most of the course. This is not a course to be overlooked.
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4 1
Experience: 28.4 years 35 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Make-shift but interesting... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2012 Played the course:once


This course has nice elevation changes and every hole has its own character. There's a hanging basket, a pin set in a map of America (painted onto a concrete expanse), a sweet downhill shot through a tunnel of trees, a church, etc... You don't get bored on this course.


Tee pads were dirt and there were no real signs to guide you through the course (just spray painted arrows on the ground).

Other Thoughts:

If I lived in the area I would play this course again and again. If they got new tees and some signs this would be a 4 easily.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 113 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Chickasaw park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2012 Played the course:once


Here is a hidden jewel in the Mobile area worked into an older park and from what heard from the caretakers here mostly unused park. The park is tucked into a residential area that felt very safe and plenty of parking available. There are plenty of benches and sufficient trash cans available to keep the park clean. The two maintenance people I met were very personable and very helpful.
The course makes very good use of the terrain available and is well designed. At first view I was worried about interference with the rest of the facilities. This turns out to not be case as they are not used anymore other than the pool. This allowed the tennis courts, amphitheatre, snack bar and paved "four square" area to be incorporated into the course. The rolling hills provided elevation change hard to find in a costal area. The drainage ditch provided another nice challenge and I liked the placement of baskets on the "other" side of the ditch requiring more accuracy in you shots. The hanging basket was another fun touch. There is enough distance to satisfy the big arms and enough trees and other obstacles to force accurate shaped shots, make you think about how you will play each hole. Nice mix of long and short holes with definite ace runs available. With both long and short tees this is a course you can take new players to without discouraging them. All in all this is a very fun course to play.


Signs would help a lot here. There are some next tee signs and some arrows painted on the ground. These helped but I still had some issues finding my way around. The maintenance guy pointed out some of the holes to me and this helped a lot. Signs might be difficult here as I understand tee and basket placements are moved around often.

Other Thoughts:

This course is obviously a labor of love with limited budget for the gentleman taking care of it. The tees are marked with a 6 by 6 post and are natural. The negative aspect of natural tees is limited by moving them around when they begin to wear. There is an assortment of baskets used that seem pretty old but well cared for. They caught my disc very well and did not affect my game. The day I played there had been a few days of heavy rain and it rained lightly while I was playing. The course held up real well with only one or two places with standing water. If I make it back to the area I will be back for another round.
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2 2
Experience: 21.4 years 73 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun Course W/ Tons of Character 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2012 Played the course:once


Quirky, fun shots throughout. You use every disc in your bag, but make sure you bring your drivers. Hanging baskets, elevation, concrete "greens" are all really fun aspects of the course.


Dirt tees. Decievingly long. A little too long.
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2 0
Experience: 48.4 years 6 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A really good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2012 Played the course:once


loved the layout of this course. The holes offered a variety of challenges. The layout was easy to follow as they had painted arrows on the ground in preparation for a tournament. There was a good mixture of short and long holes, with one suspended basket.
Water did come into play as there is a drainage ditch running thoughout. Number 18 was the most challenging as you had to thread a shot through a small opening about halfway between the tee and the hole.


The water in the drainage ditch was pretty bad. Don't go there.
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3 0
Experience: 15.8 years 57 played 34 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not bad but needs work 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2010 Played the course:once


Good work out going up and down the hills. Different elevations. Some nice holes. Grounds are nicely kept. A challenge with different hole lenths.


Lack of signs to location. Lack of directional signs to the holes. Very confusing to find next hole if never played. Tee markings are lousy to determine between middle and advanced players. Need access to water after using port a potty.

Other Thoughts:

With proper signs and a little more work this course can be much better. 3 out of 5 with potential.
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1 0
Experience: 16.8 years 83 played 26 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Great Playing course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2010 Played the course:once


1) This course is something different than the other courses in mobile. A lot of elevation changes and moderate tree cover offers a nice balance.

2)Benches and Trashcans abundant in this park.

3) Offers some man-made challenges as well. throwing over an ampitheatre, and around tennis courts and what i think was an old smokehouse. Much different than the typical course through the woods.

4)LOTS of signs directing you where to go. while some of the tees and holes are hard to find, often signs will direct you in the right direction

5) Moderately challenging, mostly due to the requirement of a wide range of shots. Beginners can play this course, but will struggle a little.


1) While the ditch didn't smell too bad, and the water only seemed to be 6 inches deep in most places (It is a dry week for mobile though) I threw a disc down in there and got it back within about 2 minutes. Although, some areas of the creek do have steep sides. WARNING: Saw multiple snakes in the creek, be very aware of your surroundings when going into the creek. While the Person who takes care of the course Kills them when he sees them, they are still in the area.

2) Tee pads, while they are inconsistent, I don't mind too much, because they can at least be FOUND, unlike a few other courses in the area.

3)A few holes are very close to each other (at time of review the 3 and 10 holes we're right near each other, along with the tee for 4., so always watch for other players)

4) Baskets are varied in type from hole to hole.

Other Thoughts:

Loved the course, and can't wait to go back!
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1 4
Experience: 26.5 years 9 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

An awesome Oasis 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 27, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


I'll have to say that out of all the courses in Mobile this one is my favorite. Maybe because I play it the least, or because it has a wide variety of challenges instead of the usual found at the other courses around town. I've never felt crowded on this course which is also a big plus compared to the hoardes you'll find at Langan or Medal of Honor Parks. The locals are all laid back and nice especially the course superintendent Cecil who always seems to be around to tell you about new Pin placements and changes to the course which are very frequent. Great use of elevation and man-made as well as natural obstacles to really challenge every shot in your arsenal instead of just being a bomber course or deep-woods course. Natural Tee's are not bad at all as far as natural Tee's go, played enough yet not rutted from overplay. Tees are generally easy to find with signs pointing you to the next one when it gets a little confusing. Pin placement changes often and the basket positions are some of the smartest and difficult in the area with my favorite being the new "wall" basket placed on the edge of a nice drop-off which can really be challenging and provides you with several options of how to play the hole. This theme follows most of the course. You're always presented with several challenging options.


Concrete Tees would be nice but as much as this course changes would be impractical. My biggest gripe is the baskets, This would easily be one of my favorite courses if the baskets didnt suck so much. They are old, beat up, and they feel smaller than normal. Its like someone took a sledgehammer to the bottoms of ALL the baskets and bent them so they'd be smaller. The old chains really don't seem to grab discs at all and like to spit all your putts out. If it weren't for these crappy baskets this course would be perfect. If you're playing for the first time I would advise finding a guide as it is sometimes hard to find the next tee despite all the signage and figuring out which basket to throw to can be a little difficult but all baskets are clearly marked with hole numbers if you spend some time checking first. Since the course changes so often there are no maps available and the Tee's dont have any special signs telling you where the pin is.

Other Thoughts:

This course is always clean, never crowded, and very well maintained. If they would invest in some new baskets this course would be one of my favorites. It is easy to find from I-65 and in a safe, comfortable neighborhood. In a city as strong in DG as Mobile is with many good courses this is the overlooked gem. If you are playing the area I'd definitely not skip over this one in favor of the more popular courses.

If anyone knows of a club I can support or Tournaments I can play in here to maybe get this course some new baskets let me know as new baskets would make this the best course in the area.
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3 0
Experience: 19.7 years 8 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun for starters 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 6, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


One of the few courses in the Mobile area that features a little elevation, located in a nice quiet neighborhood with laid back locals. This is one of the first courses I ever played, and it is a good throw on a sunny day. The centerpiece of this course is a creek that runs the length of the park and is in pay on a good number of the holes. Lots of neat features to play over and around, including the creek, a concrete amphitheater built into the side of a hill, a covered bridge and a gnarly old deadwood tree with dozens of discs tacked to it. There is a public pool on the grounds as well, though depending on the course set-up may or may not be in play. There is asome distance, but nothing monstrous, good variety of hyzers vs. anyhyzers. I need to say a little bit more about the creek and how it contributes to the difficulty of this course. This creek is a disc trap, at the bottom of a valley , high banks and dark shallow water with lots of undergrowth in warm months. I've lost two discs in there, and it is a rough spot. On many holes, you're either throwing alongside of the ditch, or over the ditch and valley from one rise to another. There are a couple of ace run shots in there, but the thing about this course is that it changes constantly. The last three times I've played it, there have been widely varying set-ups. That's why I'm harping on the features, which are the only real constant at this course.


The tee pads are inconsistent and rough in spots. It's definitely playable, not that big a deal, but nothing like some of the higher end courses in Mobile proper. But I gotta give the man who maintains the course, Cecil, his due because it's a big project that I think he pretty much handles by himself. Unless you play this course weekly, it will probably not have the same set-up more than once, which can get aggravating when you're searching for a tee pad you played last week only to find that it is nowhere to be found.

Other Thoughts:

Cool course for a change when I get tired playing the cool courses in Mobile. It's about five minutes from the DGC at Chickasabogue Park, so between the two you can have a really varried and challenging day of golf.
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3 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.3 years 131 played 68 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun short course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2004 Played the course:2-4 times


Short, relatively easy course, yet fun with the hills, obstacles, and even the creek.

A good course for beginners (beware the creek) and moderate players; top players will find it less-than-challenging.

Neighborhood park in a good residential area.

Little underbrush to search for discs; keep out of the ditch and you're probably not losing any plastic.


The teepads (well explained by earlier reviewers).

Not terribly challenging.

Other Thoughts:

Course winds through a park with fairly big hills, large trees, a steep-sided drainage ditch, and among park features such as a covered bridge, swimming pool, amphitheatre (which you throw over). I only played during workdays while on vacation, but wondered whether the non-disc-playing public might be in the way.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 136 played 58 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 22, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a really fun course to play with a lot of shot variety and nice elevation change. It is a mostly open course, but the trees, the rolling hills and the ditch do a great job of forcing the shot. The ditch may be a disc eater, but the course is designed around it very well to give each shot an extra added challenge, aside from dodging the trees and other obstacles.

Navigation is not completely intuitive, but if you pay attention to the blue wooded posts with large white numbers of them, as well as the baskets with the large number plates on the rim facing the tee. The course flows well plus each hole has little red posts serving as the am tees.


I will echo the concern about the tee pads. Anywhere from slabs of concrete, to dirt tee pads, to no tee pads at all. Some of the posts list the distance to the basket, but some seem to be wrong and others are missing the distance completely. Also as mentioned in previous reviews, there is the issue of the different baskets, most of them very old and a bit outdated.

The ditch is indeed very nasty looking and will eat discs. I've heard reports of broken glass from bottles and such being at the bottom. I like the extra challenge of the ditch, but if you are not an experienced player then I suggest keeping your drive safely away if at all possible.

Other Thoughts:

The basic distinction of this course is it has a great design, with a lot of elevation change and many interesting shots. However, the guy who designed the course, also takes care of the course and likes to change up the course every once in a while. The 3 times I have played this course have been completely different layouts (a few shots were the same, but the majority were different). The idea sounds neat, as it can keep the course from becoming boring for the locals, but it also prevents a standard set of tee pads and accurate/consistent tee signs. I would recommend playing this course if you are in the area.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 29 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Abyss 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 6, 2008 Played the course:once


One thing I like about this course is that it had a ton of elevation changes. Uphill shots, down hill shots, up and over hill shots, and so on.
The tees are easy to find (big blue block with large white numbers on them).
There are also a set of short tees which are also easily spotted (smaller red posts with white tops - usually directly forward of the long tee).
Obstacles are plenty on this course, from stadium benches on an uphill shot, to shooting through a small gap between a building and the tennis court fences. Trees are often in play and of course bushes... plus there is a creek that runs trough the middle of the entire course.
The course is well laid out and walks fairly well. Even without a map you can make your way around this course... the tee block markers are very easy to see.
The baskets have metal plates with very large numbers on them, which are pretty easy to see from a long way off. Most of them were obvious which one you needed to shoot at. They also make a cool sound that you can hear all over the park when you hit the chains.


The Creek (Abyss); it smells pretty bad (but only up close) it looks like it's only about 6 inches deep, but even with the water about 4 feet from the top of the edge there was still a few places that we got a stick to go at lease 4 feet down. You can only see about 3 inches into it, so if you put a disc in there, it better be a floating disc... or you probably won't get it back. The creek comes into play on the majority of the holes and even forces you to throw across it. Beware of this creek... it will eat your disc!!! Also be careful on the holes that have baskets on the hill sides... if you miss and your disc rolls at all, it will probably make it into the creek.
The tee box areas are less than safe... the few that had some type of black top with rocks in it, well I was scared to throw off of them in fear of twisting my ankle, or worse. Then there were some that were dirt and had rocks or roots in the way, then some were mostly sand, and the rest were just worn down grass.
Not all of the tee markers have distance marked on them. None of them have pars marked on them.
The baskets are not all Mach 3 baskets like it says on the course info on this site... there is a mix of Chainstars, Mach 3, and mach 2, and I think I saw some disc catchers too. Some of these were also mounted at different heights.

Other Thoughts:

This course was one of kind for me. I really did like the layout, and the elevation changes... I would like to play it again, but I doubt I ever will make it back there again.
I do however recommend this course if you are in the area, but if you only have time for one course in the Mobile area... this would be my # 4 pick.
If some money was spent on this park to put SAFE concrete tee pads or something of the sort and some distance markers, then this park would get at least a full mark higher from me.
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Experience: 16.4 years 39 played 30 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bring Extra Discs! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 6, 2008 Played the course:once


Challenging Basket locations: Some of them were either tucked in next trees or bushes or perched up on the side of a hill.
Scenery: Clean nice park and surrounding area with no poison oak/ivy to speak of.
Amenities: Benches and Trash cans on every hole.
Marking: All tee boxes are marked and cages are labeled with metal signs which made an awesome sound with the chains.
Elevation Changes- Again, made for a challenging round of DG which is sure to make you scratch your head.


Tee Boxes: Or should I say, lack there of. Some were plain grass(ok), some were makeshift cement/blacktop slabs that were more like a small circle of cement(BAD), one was sand and others were just plain dirt.
Baskets: Most disc catchers were in okay shape, but there was a wide variety of types as well as heights for them so no putting flow could ever be reached.
THE "CREEK/SEWER": This thing runs pretty much the length of the course and comes into play on at least half of the holes. IT'S A DISC EATER! Not only is it deep(3+ ft in places), but too dark and nasty to see ANYTHING! Suggest a dragon or hydra on this course for sure.
Map: No map was available at the start. It looked like there was normally one there, but it was all out. You can figure the course out without it though.

Other Thoughts:

This course is actually pretty sweet. If the tee boxes, cages and "CREEK/SEWER" weren't an issue this course would rank much higher. If you're in the area I'd suggest University of Southern Alabama, Chickasabouge or Langan Park over this one for sure.
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