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Ackerman, MS

Choctaw Lake DGC

2.35(based on 5 reviews)
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Choctaw Lake DGC reviews

9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40 years 339 played 267 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Choctaw Lake

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 4, 2024 Played the course:once


-- Great land for disc golf with plenty of trees, elevation and water.
-- No hole can be described as open. Those with the fewest trees have water in play, usually a water carry.
-- The elevation starts with No. 5, which plays downhill, probably a 40-foot drop. Six plays slightly downhill, but with the basket on a steep slope down to the water. Thirteen is downhill toward the water. Fourteen is across a valley, between two pieces of water to a basket uphill and across the road. Sixteen is seriously downhill through hundreds of trees.
-- You've got two water carries. Two is about 500 feet and should not be attempted by mortals. You've got water, a small peninsula and more water to clear before reaching the basket on a 30-foot wide peninsula. There is an option to bail out right, but there are plenty of trees to hit that could lead to a wet disc. Eleven is more reachable at 367 feet. The RHBH path is mostly over land, but a small covered bench and trees are definitely in play. The RHFH path is over water, which has trees/limbs come up 15-20 feet out of the water, and you've got overhanging limbs as you approach the basket. Either route has a significant chance of finding water with your tee shot. In addition to the two water carries, five other holes have water in play to some extent.
-- Restrooms. There is one at the parking lot and others along the course.
-- Course map at parking lot.


-- Maintenance is terrible. Course is barely playable in its current state, but that appears to be an improvement over recent years. Fairways closer to the lake appear to be better maintained, but several (notably 5 and 10) had waist-high or taller grass/weeds. We almost skipped/missed No. 5 because we couldn't see the basket and saw nothing approaching a path in the direction of the tee pad. Also, ticks are bad. My group of two found at least half a dozen after our round. Snakes are also present.
-- Because of the maintenance, navigation is more difficult than it should be. The course starts on one side of the lake and basically winds its way counter clockwise around the lake. Every hole except 8 has either the tee pad or basket near the walking path. However, many of those are difficult to see from more than 30 feet away.
-- Older gray DGA baskets are in decent shape, but that lack of color combined with thick foliage and poor maintenance makes finding your way even more difficult.
-- Tee pads are natural and not marked in any way other than the tee sign.
-- Tee signs are adequate, but a few are missing or on the ground. They are definitely showing signs of wear.
-- No. 18 ends on the opposite side of the lake from No. 1, meaning a really long walk back to your car. You've also got long walks 5-6 and 8-9.
-- No seating at the tee pads. I don't usually sit during a round, but between the hills and the long walks, a few times I would have welcomed a bench. There are a few benches along the walking path.

Other Thoughts:

-- No. 1 starts on the other side of the gate/fence from the parking lot. You can't get through the gate without a code, but walk toward the water and walking path and double back on the other side of the fence. The tee sign is lying on the ground.
-- Pay to play. Day pass is $5. Put your money in an envelope in the drop box or scan the QR code.
-- Once you enter the park, you've got a mile-plus long drive to reach the course.
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2 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Choctaw Lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


In the past this course has not been maintained and many holes were unplayable. However, someone has recently done a lot of work on this course. The fairways and paths between holes have been cleared out. All holes are playable. The course is mostly wooded with lots of hills. You will get a good workout playing this course. There are water hazards on holes 2, 12 and 14. The scenery is magnificent.


The course runs around both sides of the lakeside trail which is about 2.5 milea so be prepared to do a lot of walking.

Other Thoughts:

In addition, across the street from hole 1 is an entrance into the Noxubee Hills biking / hiking trails (25+ miles). These trails are very well maintained and are among the best that Mississippi has to offer.
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2 0
Experience: 8.2 years 37 played 4 reviews
1.50 star(s)

So much untapped potential. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


The course has creatively placed holes that will moderately challenge any level of player. If you are one for the challenge of water holes it has 4 of them with a few more that have the risk of water if you absolutely shank a throw.


The whole course is overgrown making it horrible to play during the summer-time with the exception of the holes located near the lakeside hiking trail. If you do play bring repellent. The course has so much potential and would be very fun if it was maintained, but instead you spend an hour bush-whacking and it is real easy to lose a disc. ( I lost my first ace disc in the brush around 8 or 9, its a yellow 177g Champ Boss.)

Other Thoughts:

It saddens me to see so much untapped potential in a course so close to central MS, which is relatively dry when it comes to having courses. Depending on who you are, the hike around the entire lake could be a pro or con. I personally enjoyed the hike, but that WILL be your only game of the day. I hope the grounds keepers one day realize the potential of this course and tap into it!
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3 0
Experience: 10.5 years 33 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Maintenance Needed 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2015 Played the course:once


- Nice scenery
- Some variety of shots
- Baskets caught discs well


- Not well maintained
- Navigation can be difficult, I managed to find all the holes, but some took longer than needed
- Long shot over the lake at hole 2 is somewhat unreasonable
- No tee pads
- A few holes have almost no shot that can be thrown

Other Thoughts:

This course has potential to be very nice with a few changes. Better signage and tee pads, clearing of the underbrush, and more obvious fairways would all greatly benefit this course. A few shots should be changed to a more playable line.
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 428 played 91 reviews
1.50 star(s)

not ready for primetime 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice setting around a lake. restrooms at beginning and throughout the course. Some interesting individual holes. Good baskets. Good use of elevation at times.


No tees at all. Signs on a lot of holes but no markers and the signs are often in the middle of thick greenery. A lot of the holes are the same way. No areas cleared around the basket. Navigation is terrible. There was no course map at the ranger station or at the 1st tee area. Nothing at all about DG in the area by the 1st hole. No indications of where the next hole might be. I found Zero sign of # 7,8 or 9 and only found baskets for # 5, 10 and 11. This after walking the course 3 times once backward to see if that helped. Long walks between many holes like 18 back to 1 and from 5 basket to #6.

Other Thoughts:

This is a beautiful park with good overall facilities and hiking trails and other activities. The course generally winds around the lake following a walking path. I see a lot of potential for this course but right now it is not worth the trip. If you can't find the holes you can't play it. The holes that are just stuck out in the foliage are not good either. Part of the course is in a more open manicured park-like area. I believe they would be better served with the entire course on that side of the lake instead of trying to circle the lake. With signage and some clearing this could still be a good course . The land is a great piece of land but the utilization is lacking at the present.
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