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Altus, OK

City Park

1.45(based on 5 reviews)
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City Park reviews

5 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Better than nothing? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2019 Played the course:once


Disc golf only dedicated area
Has a couple of trees
Small creek comes into play on a few holes
Has a few elevated tee shots.


Baskets were home made, most a really rusty, one has a basket that has fallen to the ground.
Some of the tee signs are missing. One hole, the tee sign is laying on the side of the hill. Been there so long, you can't find where the hole was it came from .
While it was mowed today, they didn't trim around the baskets. Some had brush growing up though the pan.

Other Thoughts:

After reading review on this course, I didn't think it would be playable, there is no map and people talked about missing signs.

Well, other than one basket that is broken, the other 17 are still workable, although they are pretty rusty. Inner chains are different and added after the regular outer chains.

Every post, except one is in the correct spot, it was pretty easy to follow the course as usually the closest poll to your last basket, was the next tee post.

I believe it was either hole 11 or 12, the tee sign is laying on the side of the hill, looks to me like it had been sitting there for many years. No one has tried to fix it. I assumed the original tee was at the top of the hill forcing a left to right now, or over the top.

Basket for hole 16 has the broken pan. It is just lying on the ground.

the bridge was still in decent shape although the little creek that was running, has a cement bottom and is pretty easy to cross.

Would I play here again. To be honest, if this was the closest course to my home, I would play here when it has been mowed to work on shots, but if I wanted a more challenging day, drive to Lawton or up to Elk City to play.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.4 years 453 played 59 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Its a course. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 30, 2016 Played the course:once


It's disc golf.
Good course to disc down and practice hyzers.
Good to work on wind game.
Mixture of lengths.
Pretty good signage.


Baskets are in bad shape.
Few signs are missing.
Wide open.

Other Thoughts:

Not a destination course.
Needs a lot of TLC.
Was fun on a windy day.
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4 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 1166 played 232 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Needs a make over 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2013 Played the course:once


There is a decent mix of long and moderate length holes here. The color coded signage is nice. This is a course that would be a good place to practice your wind game or try out a new driver. Disc loss should be very low here.
The grass was nicely mowed upon my visit.
You should have the course to yourself.
Hole 11 was the best hole in my opinion providing a group of trees to throw around. Holes 10 and 12 had an elevated tee box.


This course is so WIDE open. There are no benches or trash cans here. No other amenities.
It would get super hot here in the summer time with the lack of trees.
This course is so repetitive it isn't even funny. Its just the same style of hole over and over which gets old after a while.
Holes are very close together and some fairways overlap each other. Baskets are falling apart with chains coming undone or the basket itself bent.
#12's tee sign was uprooted, its still there but not in the ground like it used to be.
There is only 1 bridge to cross the drainage ditch. Most of the time this shouldn't be a problem but if you played here after a good rain it would get old having to walk down to the bridge to cross the drainage ditch to get your disc.

Other Thoughts:

There just isn't enough here to excite the majority of disc golfers. This course is so flat, wide open, and repetitive that your round will most likely be forgetable. If some trees were planted to make for some lines to hit and the baskets replaced with a good quality basket then it might help attract more players. However as it is this is a course for the course bagger only. I wouldn't suggest driving out of my way to play here.
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2 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

ALTUS DG Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2012 Played the course:once


At least there is a disc golf course here


Very overlapping layout, no tee boxes, missing signage.

Other Thoughts:

When parking park by the playground area on the north side of the two reservoirs. The wind coming off of the water and down into the basin area was brutal and after several holes I gave up from chasing discs into a large drainage ditch that borders the north side of the course. It was nice to have something to do in Altus, but its a very poor area for a course and with the basket density very confusing.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.6 years 94 played 44 reviews
1.00 star(s)

It's a Course in Name Only 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 15, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


The thought that went into recycling old road signage for the tee/basket signs was good and the color-coordinating tee signs and basket numbers are the ONLY way this course is even playable.

Ace runs? It exists?


Tight, overlaps itself and if more than two/three well-spaced groups ever played this course, catastrophic injury would occur. The pins and tees are so tightly spaced in some areas that you have to throw over a basket or tee toward the hole you're trying to play.

There are probably less than two dozen trees on the entire 18-hole course.

As you are due north of the reservoir the wind is constant and strong. The whole course is laid out east-west so the wind is almost entirely of the cross-wind variety.

The baskets are a travesty. They are home/shop-made from heavy pipe and scrap metal. The outer chains are strung too tight and can actively reject discs at times. The inner chains have been disconnected and hang down below the basket. The whole assembly was spray-painted white after installation and the constant wind and weather haven't done it any favors. You'll get chalky paint residue on you discs when you sink your putt is what I'm saying. Several of the baskets are starting to sink into the damp soil. Spiders live in/on almost every basket. Several baskets could use some repair as the bottom basket portion is crooked/loose.

They concrete drainage ditch that runs down the length of the course must have had some work done on it lately as there are mounds of smelly dirt located on several holes. The drainage ditch is the only real obstacle on the course as you don't want your disc to land in the stinky water. The holes marked with water on the course info are the ones that run along/across the ditch.

As it is an overflow basin, it is designed to hold water. While dry the day I played, there is evidence that this isn't always the case. It's a flat bowl and therefore has almost no elevation component to it.

The "tee boxes" are non-existent. You stand next to the tee sign and throw. Even the tee signs on the side of the berm surrounding the basin.

The basin is mowed, but that is the sum total of the maintenance performed on the course. Weeds around baskets, poor basket condition (see above), etc. In the park department's defense, the hanging chains would make weed-eating difficult.

No amenities (benches, garbage cans, etc.) except a port-a-john up by the road.

Other Thoughts:

The course is laid out in an overflow basin on the North side of the Altus Reservior. And then they only used about two-thirds of the available area. It's befuddling that the park land due west along the access road wasn't utilized as it has some opportunities that aren't presented in this basin.

This has the feel of an 18-hole course crammed onto a piece of land that would barely contain a decent 9-hole layout. I couldn't wait to finish the course so the "experience" would be over.
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