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Twin Falls, ID

College of Southern Idaho

3.595(based on 17 reviews)
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College of Southern Idaho reviews

1 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

College of Southern Idaho drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2024 Played the course:5+ times


Great range of distance for the holes between 180ft and 500ft.
Beautiful park.
Multiple basket positions.


People at the park.

Other Thoughts:

Actually the perfect course for beginners to intermediate players.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 278 played 254 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Creeking Along 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2017 Played the course:once


This course is dominated by a single feature, and that is the creek (irrigation canal) that splits the course in half and is in play on virtually every hole. The creek is steep sided, cloudy, and runs fast. A disc in the creek is as good as lost.

Hole lengths are mostly in the 200' - 300' range, with enough widely spaced trees to require shaping your drive, all the while avoiding the creek.

Most holes play down the length of the creek, with the creek on the left. So for RHBH players your shots fade toward the creek and the ground slopes that way as well. I found myself playing defensive golf the entire round.

Decent smallish concrete tee pads, and excellent DisCatcher baskets.


While adding significant challenge, the creek is a disc-eater, plain and simple. Even simple clanks off of the basket can quickly become lost discs if they roll.

Not a tee sign to be found except for Hole 4. I played on a Saturday afternoon and was able to follow local players. But a new player would have some challenges finding tees, and then the associated basket on a few holes.

Hole 5 offers the poor choices of driving to the right out over the road, or left down the main walking path (and creek...).

Plenty of non-DG traffic along the walking path and taking advantage of the lush green grass. Included students laying out within 30' of the Hole 1 basket.

Other Thoughts:

This would be a tough course for new players or those who hyzer everything. To play many of the holes aggressively you'll run a significant risk of losing a disc or three.

Huge parking lot that also serves the baseball and tennis complex.
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6 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

College Course Is Defined By Creek Throughout! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2014 Played the course:once


The College of Southern Idaho shares this course with the beautiful city Frontier Park next door. The course starts in the city park before entering the college campus on # 4. There is a big course rules sign here warning against alcohol/drugs on campus. It then plays our through the campus to # 8 and then reverses back through the campus and then back into the park.
The whole course is played on lovely, green grass with mature trees and just enough elevation to keep it interesting. The fast flowing irrigation ditch/creek is in play on more than half of the holes and can really get into your head. As others have said, you can usually fish your disc out 15-20 feet down stream as the fast flowing waters do tend to carry them along. There were two kids in the ditch fishing for discs mostly using their feet as feelers.
The course has Discatcher baskets with the yellow bands. There are concrete tee pads of differing size and shape but signage is kinda hit or miss.
I have to agree with my homie from back home in Washington, sillybiz, that the final holes were my favorite, too. I loved # 15 with it's basket set in a lovely little area of the trees.
# 16 was a pretty ACE run through the trees.


The creek/ditch is ever present, on many of the holes here. It messes with your head, forces you to take different lines than you might like and most definitely sucks in many a disc.
Navigation was a little confusing at times and clear and easy in other places.
Tee pads were a little short on a couple of holes.
The street on the right # 5 and National Guard area (# 4) with razor fence aren't the best designs around.

Other Thoughts:

The course is so defined by the creek running throughout. Because it always seems to be lurking nearby, waiting to gobble up your discs, it truly never leaves your thoughts. Even when it doesn't totally come into play, it's still there, just a few feet behind past the baskets on # 10 and # 12.
I'm just happy I managed to stay our of the creek although I finally threw one over it on # 18. Luckily, it landed on the other side.
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2 0
Experience: 18.3 years 27 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great College Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


This is practically a picture perfect version of what a college campus course can be like.
Good mixture of short vs. long throws.
Nice tee-pads/baskets.


The creek runs right through the middle of the entire course. The first time you play this course it seems like an ever present hazard. Once you get used to it you hardly notice that it is there.
Some of the locals don't understand basic FROLF etiquette.

Other Thoughts:

All of the signs are missing so if you enter the park from Falls just park on your left and find the first hole. The rest are pretty self explanatory. You play down the creek and then circle back. You follow the creek more or less the entire time.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.3 years 40 played 36 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Dodge the ditch. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 17, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


• Beautiful park with well-manicured lawn and large trees.
• Relatively uncrowded.
• Irrigation canal creates a nearly constant obstacle (bring your floaters!).
• Decent mix of holes lengths.
• Enough trees to require moderate accuracy.
• Easy navigation between holes.
• Good signs and tee pads (although many have been stolen lately).


• Irrigation canal will eat your discs if your aim is bad or you don't throw a floater.
• Could use a few more long holes, but space is limited.
• Basket 17 was recently stolen, so most players shoot back to 15 as a replacement hole.
• Alternate pins would add a lot to this course.

Other Thoughts:

I played in October and the fall colors were great. This course is ideal for Innova Champion Blizzard discs (<137 grams) and other floaters. I have 8 floaters and use them all here. The canal is OB and frequently forces you to shoot around it. The canal is deep and murky enough to swallow a disc. Some players hate this, but I like it because it really gets in your head and requires precise aim. This course is 90 minutes from my house and I love to combine it with Rock Creek for an awesome day trip.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 75 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Gotta Love That Creek/Gutter 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a beautiful grass course with great trees and a tough course design.

The design makes great use of the elevation changes, (the couple that there are anyhow) and the trees, and yes, the stream for the most part.

The tee signs that are there are well designed with clear indications of where the basket is with relation to the stream or OB.

Tee pads are a good length and are all in good shape with just the right amount of traction.

They obviously try to keep the grass long around the edges of the creek, which saved more than one disc.

Some of the local kids dredge the stream to find discs and turn them in to the Disc Golf DC store located just across the street from the parking lot by hole 1. Check in there for your disc, otherwise they call you.


I too was a little disappointed with the high rating that this course has vs what I saw. Not horribly, but just a tad.

The stream/ditch that runs the entire course is by far the biggest con. I don't mind water hazards, but having this thing in play on 12/18 holes gets a bit excessive.

Many of the tee signs are missing and navigating the course can be a bit tricky if you don't know your way around. There are a couple holes that you are walking a little bit between, but for the most part the course flows in a down and back manner.

Many of the holes are repetitive, especially with the stream being in play so much.

The OB is excessive and tends to promote losing discs. It does add a lot of technicality to the course, which isn't a bad thing, but OB on nearly every hole gets a little old.

Lack of multiple pin locations would suck if you play it a lot.

Although there are a ton of discs returned to the shop there are also lots of kids who find discs to sell.

Other Thoughts:

The contrast between this course and it's sister course, Rock Creek are stunning. They are both beautiful courses in their own way, but are technically challenging for much the same reason, water hazard.

The course is a good one, but not outstanding to me. The risk of losing plastic SO much really drives the rating down for me.
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4 0
Experience: 13.1 years 7 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Meh...I've Had Better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2013 Played the course:once


Some interesting shots. A couple great elevation changes between 9 and 11. The park is well maintained and lots of friendly people playing on the course. I was in Twin Falls on business and met a couple nice guys right at the beginning that showed me around for about half the course. The swift running creek adds an element of danger to the whole experience.


I was kind of disappointed by this course as it has such a high rating. I'm sure locals will talk their course up all day if you let them though. It wasn't terrible but it doesn't deserve a 4.
If you drop your disc in that creek, chances are you won't be getting it back. It runs so fast that even the heaviest disc in your bag will be carried away. It seems people have been stealing the course signs as well, so several of the holes were very difficult to find. Starting at 13 and going up, I had problems finding the holes and had to wander around for like 15 minutes hunting for them.

Other Thoughts:

This course must have gone down hill since 2012 because signs are missing ALL over the place. I wouldn't have been able to figure out where the first hole was if it weren't for the guys I met at the beginning. The local players were happy to point me in the right direction though. There was a point that I was sure I had thrown my disc into the creek as well. While I was dredging I found a disc that appeared to have been in there for a long time, as the writing on the back was very faded and there are no long any identifying marks on the front. Turns out I had thrown my disc on the other side of the creek though.
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1 4
Experience: 14.2 years 52 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2012 Played the course:once


-Very easily laid out
-Signs were straighforward and accurate
-A lot of RHFH shots


-Turns out the water hazard is a lot deeper in places than it appears.
-Very skinny course, be ready to throw accurate.

Other Thoughts:

We went early in the morning and they had the sprinklers on the whole time we played. There are many holes that follow the running path and I could see that being an issue. I enjoyed the course but passed up playing it again.
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4 0
Experience: 14.2 years 41 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

College of Southern Idaho 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The College of Southern Idaho makes use of their beautiful campus with this awesome 18 hole course.
The Tee's and signs are well maintained and provide the proper hole information (Pinnacle location, Par # and visual to next Tee)
The fairways are always groomed and people do a good job of cleaning up after their animals.
OB is marked by the Creek that runs adjacent the whole course, the opposite bike path that is covered with tree bark and a few parking lots and access roads.
The course has a moderate amount of trees that you play around, most with long fairways and a couple with hills that make it interesting.
Nothing too special or overly elaborate on this course but it is a very very solid intermediate course and the environment makes it all the more enjoyable.


The Creek is very easy to lose discs in. Although they do make a somewhat feeble attempt to keep the bank long with grass as an effort to slow discs down, they still go in.
If you don't mind getting soaked it's usually not too hard to find your disc laying on the bottom with the rocks.
And i'd recommend that if you do want your disc back not waiting till the end of the round because people do float it with the soul purpose of finding and selling them.

Other Thoughts:

Water and facilities are located at the softball fields that can be found directly across the parking lot from Tee 1.
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3 2
Experience: 26 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Excellent course. One of best in Idaho. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Excellent course for beginners and avid disc golfers alike. Well marked with signs, pads, and baskets. Very well maintained fairways. Course has a variety of different shots (hyzer/anhyzer) and hole length to keep it fresh. Small amount of elevation gain. One of the best courses in Idaho.


Streams run through the entire course, but are not a nuisance. Although each hole is different, there are not many unique holes. The holes are well laid out, but no signature holes that really make the course stand out. Course needs multiple basket placements; course never changes.

Other Thoughts:

Excellent course; can be played many times. Highly recommended for beginners and pros alike.
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8 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
3.00 star(s)

CSI 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 30, 2011 Played the course:once


The CSI campus course is a good course with some fun holes. The course plays all along a fast running creek that splits the green grass fairways and is in play in all most all of the holes out here, don't worry though because you should be able to get your disc back although if it floats the current will take it down stream so this is one of the rare instances when a non floating disc is better in the water. The designers did an excellent job of using the creek and walking paths as out of bounds markers combined with good pin positions to make some challenging holes. There is just enough elevation on a couple of holes to make some of the more open throws more fun and challenging. This course is best suited for advanced players but I think that beginning players are going to have a good time as the course isn't extremely difficult. Pros over time will more than likely find the course boring. The course really ends strong with holes fifteen through eighteen being the best holes on the course in my opinion. Hole fifteen is a long par four hole with a basket tucked back in the trees and eighteen is the other par four hole with trees strategically placed and the stream on the right to make you pick a good spot to land and a safe route. Tee signs and concrete pads are present and navigation is pretty easy so you won't be searching for hours instead of playing Disc Golf.


Holes one through three are my biggest gripe about this course. Hole one just doesn't thrill me by throwing over or to the side of a picnic shelter and isn't really much of a challenge, I also see issues when people are using the shelter which seems like it could be often in the Summer time. The basket for hole two is put in the middle of a bunch of trees leaving no way to get to the basket with skill; this is something I rarely complain about but the fairway is wide open and the basket is impossible to penetrate with any kind of skillful throw, you just have to throw at it and hope your disc gets through and close to the basket. Hole three is probably the best of the first couple of bad holes. It has the creek on the left and a barbed wire fence of the National Guard on the right and it's a left to right so RHBH players who try to turn one over and hyzer out can land in the water which is a good feature but again like hole two the basket location is tucked behind some trees at the end of the throw. Normally I like more trees but I think moving this basket a little bit closer to the water and near the other tree on the left would have been a better location for this hole.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very good course overall that you could enjoy as a home course and make your game better. This is a good place to stop by on a road trip, especially when combined with Rock Creek Park this is a good spot in the road between Boise and Pocatello. Just a note for the bathroom is that it is near the Baseball field over by the playground across from the parking lot.
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 227 played 41 reviews
3.50 star(s)

SSShhhhh! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 7, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Large parking lot, restrooms, water, nice tee signs, shaped concrete pads, easy navigation, course flows good, great use of creek for hazards and O.B., well maintained grounds, little underbrush, friendly locals, never crowded and FREE!


Sprinklers were on throughout the course starting on Hole#1 tee pad! The O.B. area next to hole #4 has razor wire fence and military equipment with posted signs asking not to trespass. On hole #5 if you take the hyzer route your line is over a road and has potential hazards.

Other Thoughts:

This is a real fun course that satisfies the advanced player with 16 out of the 18 holes risking the water hazards and offers short lines for the beginner. Most of the time if you fall a victim of the creek you can usually find your disc 15-20 feet downstream from where it entered.The course has great flow and is lightly wooded with tasteful pin placements. The few times that I have played here it has not been crowded and only a short distance from the Hwy making it a great oppurtunity to stretch your legs and get a quick game in and a break from the road.
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5 0
Experience: 15.3 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Super rad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Great course. Winds through a small nicely kept park with rolling hills. Despite the park's small size, the course was very well laid out and the physical features were well utilized.
A small but quick running creek runs through the length of the course and provides a good challenge.
Hole positions provide opportunity for getting creative with your shots.
Great signs at every teepad showing the hole, length, par, and directions to the next hole. I pleyed by myself and had no problem finding my way around the course.
Elevation changes! Im used to the flat course in Boise, so some hills were fun.
Im not a local so Im not sure of the usual traffic, but it was utterly deserted the morning I played. Just some college kids on the paths and a few people walking their dogs.


Nothing major to complain about!
The creek was running full blast, as it had rained all night and morning. It gobbled up a one of my discs... A floating disc probably wouldnt help, unless you like to run...

Marny holes are ~300ft or so, which was great for my noodle arm, but the course lacks lots of long holes for the big bombers.

Other Thoughts:

Really fun course. I would recommend it to any one passing through Twin.
I found a few shops in town that sell discs too: Claudes and Donnely Sports.
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1 4
Experience: 21.4 years 48 played 21 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2009 Played the course:once


The couse is very well maintained, the tee signs are informative and its a nice layout with some pretty sweet shots. I like the use of the water and like the use of trees.


Well, the use of the water is both a pro and con. I bet once you play the course a bit, the water isnt that much of a hazard, but it was pretty intimidating the first time. Also, and this is just MY take on it being who I am, there is no alcohol or tobacco on the course and being that was over 100 degrees when we played it, I really wanted to drink a beer. But it was fun and I shot pretty well (-6)
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1 3
Experience: 23.3 years 13 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

CSI 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2009 Played the course:once


Good place to play. A well laid out course. This course is by far way better than Rock Creek. Alot of variety shots. I look to forward to playing here again.


Man that creek that runs through the course is a bastard, only 3 ft wide but 6ft deep in some parts. Only a few holes (3-4) on the course were the basket isnt next to the creek, a missed put could and did result of a lost disc.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this is a great place to play if you have enough discs to lose. I look forward to getting revenge on this sometime in the near future. If your in Twin Falls area a must stop for sure!
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10 2
Experience: 17.3 years 32 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Worth a stop in Twin... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 13, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Well laid out course with a good mix of shot requirements. The playful little creek throughout makes the course a lot more fun (it is big enough to be in play, but small enough to cross and usually to find any of your wet plastic). Tee pads and signage are certainly adequate. It is in a well maintained part of the CSI campus that is also quite family friendly and clean. Basket placements are fairly well laid out in my opinion, and different skill levels can enjoy what the course has to offer and the layout if fairly logical in progression and it was fairly easy to find the next tee pad and hole. While you will occasionally see people on the walking path, or students wandering around, for the most part it is well placed away from non-discers.


If you have a really big arm and are looking to air it out over and over, you might be disappointed here. There are a couple of longish holes, but nothing for the giant arms out there. Also if you like elevation change, don't look for a lot here, the course is fairly flat. All in all there are not a lot of cons here, one of the better courses in the area.

Other Thoughts:

This course and the Rock Creek course compliment each other well. CSI is much more family friendly and easier to follow. Yet, Rock Creek is unique and requires a very different type of play.

Worth the stop in Twin Falls to play the two courses. Just know you are in for a very different experience with each.
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1 15
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Great new course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


This is a fantastic course that the locals have been setting up for 7+ years. Great large tee pads, excellent mix of long and short holes.


Disc eating creek running the length of the course, lots of other people using the area for other activities.

Other Thoughts:

Signs will be attached to the concrete tee pads soon. Call local club for league night and doubles info 208 404-6556
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