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Palos Heights, IL

Community Park

2.175(based on 12 reviews)
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Community Park reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 281 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Another Community Park? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2020 Played the course:once


- well maintained park which is relatively peaceful despite suburban area
- mix of wooded and open holes
- wooded holes are surprisingly technical and force skilled shots
- reasonable pars and a decent number of obstacles for this type of course


- natural tees
- fairly limited tee signs, although they did include small maps
- some conflict with baseball fields, walking paths, etc.
- tee sign missing on hole 8
- very limited elevation change
- distance is a little on the short side

Other Thoughts:

Community Park... Commissioner's Park... Memorial Park... it's getting hard to keep them all straight. While this course is a fairly modest 9 hole that plays through a multipurpose park, I really enjoyed my round here. Elevation change is limited, but it makes great use of a small wooded area on a few of the holes.

The park was in great shape when I was there, with very healthy and cleanly mowed grass, nice Discatcher baskets, and small tee maps on the posts. Navigation is pretty easy due to the next tee arrows on each basket, although as other reviewers noted there is a bit of a walk between a few of the holes. The map on DGCR makes this a breeze.

This park only had natural tees, which is one area for potential upgrade. There are a few shots that play near paths and pavilions, and on a Friday morning there were several group exercise classes going on that I had to avoid. It wasn't a major issue, but something to be aware of.

Also, parking was not very straightforward. The lot that actually puts you near Hole 1 was being restriped when I was there, but regardless, there are about 3 different lots you could park in. If you park in the wrong one it's a bit of a walk to holes 1 and 9 and then you have to turn around and go back to hole 2.

Besides concerns about hitting buildings/people, I had a good time here and would come back if I was nearby. It's a relatively quick round, but had decent distances and pars. There aren't really any long holes, but nothing felt oppressively short. I recommend this 9 hole over a lot of others I've played in the Chicago area.
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2 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun shots for a par 27 course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


First off, each and every hole should be played as a par 3. The course hosts a variety of shots, a few low ceiling holes, a few thickly wooded, and a few hyzer/ forehand shots. Baskets are as good as they get and easy to see with flags on top. Forest holes are very tight/tough. Got my first ace on hole 1!

Follow me on instagram @illinoisdiscgolf


The lack of distance makes this course a little boring. The most obvious downfall, however, would be the teepads. The dirt teepads are unplayable if it has rained in the last 24 hours.

Other Thoughts:

Fun to play every once in a while. Make sure you keep your eyes on your plastic in the wooded holes.
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4 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Chicago 9'er Squeezed Into Very Busy Park! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2016 Played the course:once


There is no doubt the disc golf course was probably the last thing added to this already busy park. I think the designers did a masterful job shoe-horning the course in here in a way that doesn't impact other park activities.

The course feature excellent Discatcher baskets, decent enough tee signs, wonderful clear plastic next tee signs which hang from the chains, and grass tee pads. I could see navigation being a little strange the first time through. I had printed off the on-line map and it made navigating the course a breeze.

# 1 starts near the parking lot but you're throwing AWAY so there's no problem. I threw a roller here thinking about someone coming into sight at the last second. # 2 plays beside the softball field. It might be probamatic during games. # 3 is a longer throw which plays deep across the softball outfield. It too might be a problem during games. 4-5-6 play in the deep, dark jungle. 7 and 8 play in front lawn of the park. Then you have a decent walk to get to # 9. It's a fun little challenging throw to a basket atop of this small hill (sledding hill?)


Yeah, the course is kind of discombobulated. It runs all over the place. But the option is not having a course. I can live with some long walkouts here.

I would love to see some minor trimming done in the jungle. These could be some fun little holes with fairways cut out. So why hasn't this been done. Have not disc golfers talked to the park's drpartment OR is the parks department not wanting to trim in this area?

Patio block tee pads would be a good choice here. I think the parks and rec people would be more open to block pads than permanent concrete pads.

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent little nine. Nice variety of throws needed. There just could be scheduling problems with all the activity here, I don't rightly know for sure. No-one else was playing here this afternoon but I did let two interested ladies have a try at my discs. They probably need a little more practice before tackle a gargantuan course like the Community Park Disc Golf Course.

I might be generous but I seem to be giving all these Chicago 9'ers at score of 2 1/2. I think they're all pretty average in their own way.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 253 played 19 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2015 Played the course:once


The course is part of a multi-use park facility along with baseball/softball fields, tennis courts, public pool, and walking paths. Course is likely intended for beginners and children.

-There are posts with maps and accurate distances at each tee area. Tees are grass/dirt and still in pretty good shape
-quality baskets with flags on top and sign pointing to the next tee make it easier to navigate
-mix of tight shaping and open holes
-several ace run opportunities


-many holes seem to be simply squeezed into small unused areas of the larger park. Disc golf was definitely not in the original plans. Seems congested and forced
-I don't think many people in the neighborhood even know the course is there. most other park users were unaware of the potential of flying discs
-even with the 'next tee' signs on baskets, navigation is confusing. Found myself walking in circles a couple times.
-this course plays very short and will not present much challenge or excitement for better players.
-as most have noted, holes 4, 5, and 6 play through a wooded area that is totally overgrown. had to search through thick brush, weeds, bushes to find a disc not even 5 feet from a basket. people who are not used to watching or finding discs have a good chance of losing one in these holes.

Other Thoughts:

I played Community Park on a weekday morning so there were not many people using the other parts of the park. I could not imagine trying to play here on a weekend or night over the summer with baseball tourneys and practice, swimming, and other activities that the city of Palos hosts here. Consider playing elsewhere during peak baseball hours (I think I counted 6 or so ball fields on the property, and I know they all can have games at once)

Anybody looking for a challenging course should look elsewhere, but those trying for a quick 9 or to bring a young buck or first-timer should give Community a try at least once.
Below average course, but good enough to get me to go back.... eventually
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1 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Good for beginners
Varying RHBH and RHFH holes
Hole 1 and 9 are close to parking lot


Long walk in between hole 1-2 7-8 8-9.
Holes 4,5,6 unplayable due to overgrowth of plants and trees.
Short holes(except 3,7)

Other Thoughts:

Good course if holes 4,5,6 were playable
Small amount of people.
Good beginner course.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 221 played 73 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Frustrating Beginner Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2014 Played the course:once


Coummunity Park in Palos Heights is a short (albeit with long transitions between holes) 9 hole course in an area with few DG courses. The terrain is a mix of flat, grassy, city park and overgrown scrub forest. The course is in a multiuse park and is split up between a few different areas of the park. It feels shoehorned in around the other park facilities.

There is a decent distance variety for a course aimed at beginners. 5 holes <200, 2 holes between two and three hundred and 2 holes >300.

Nice Discatcher baskets with flags on top and next tee arrows hanging from the tray.

Hole 9's basket is on top of a good sized, man-made hill. To get there you have to negotiate a low ceiling.


The park style holes offer little challenge to experienced players.

The holes in the woods (4,5,6) are completely overgrown. There is knee high underbrush covering the entire fairways and greens. They are borderline unplayable. For the one disc noobs that this course was designed for, these holes represent the real chance of losing their only disc.

Navigation is counter-intuitive at times with quite a few long walks between holes that wind around other park facilities.

Natural tees that are grass for the time being.

Other Thoughts:

The wooded holes are borderline unplayable due to the underbrush covering everything except for a narrow game trail. Accordingly, I'm rating the course a 1. If this maintenance issue is corrected, this course has 1.5 disc potential.

The separated areas of the park, that the course makes use of, do not lead to good course flow. Even with the limitation of the property, the design is weak.
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4 0
Experience: 14.4 years 174 played 13 reviews
1.50 star(s)

A Real Letdown 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 19, 2013 Played the course:once


- New Innova DisCatcher Pro baskets
- Accurate distances on the tee signs
- Course is in a nice area of town
- Posts to identify tee pads
- A few holes to let you air out some bomb drives
- Next tee signs on all the baskets
- Flags on each basket with holes number


- No defined tee pads
- Fairways on the tee signs do not depict the fairways whatsoever
- Those wooded holes? Honestly looks like they put some baskets in the woods and called it good without defining a fairway. Not even a narrow line you have to hit, throw through the trees that's about it.
- Impossible to tee off in the snow. No pads to have a run up
- Navigation is horrible, there are multiple 500+ foot walks to the next tee pad.
- No shorts/longs, only one tee placement

Other Thoughts:

I literally could not drive due to the snow on the ground. I know it is fairly difficult to begin with in the snow, but without any sort of solid tee pad in the ground there is no way to drive on the 380 foot holes. There are a few wooded holes in the mix. However there is no defined fairway for any of them. The first one maybe has one, but it is a definite overhead shot to hit the gap. The rest of them? Absolutely no fairway which is defined, they are planned safari holes to the best of my knowledge. If they defined these fairways, it would be a decent 9 hole course. Pour some pads or put some gravel down or something. The course is more difficult than Doogan, but the overall experience on the course is much lower. I would not recommend this course to someone who lives further than 15 minutes away.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 170 played 24 reviews
1.50 star(s)

it could be a ok 9 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2013 Played the course:once


-the course is located in a nice park
-the signs are nice
-hole 3 lets you rip a nice long drive
-the wooded holes make it so the course is not wide open


-grass pads( but in good shape for grass pads)
-the course flow is bad after the first hole took me and a friend a few min to find the sign for 2 with out the next tee sign hanging from the basket it would have taken much longer and also the 6 pad is very close if not on the 5 fairway(so much undergrowth that i could not really tell where the fairway was). 7 and 8 are on the other side of a street and 9 is back by the one basket after a nice long walk through a parking lot for a pool.
-this course could use a lot of tree trimming and undergrowth clearing. 3 was a fun hole but there were tree branches hanging low on the right side that made it a weird tee off. and the wooded holes were so over grown that i had a hard time seeing the 6 tee from 50 feet away and 4,5,6, had so many low hanging branches and under growth that i just kinda had to over power a mid and hope i punched through it.
-7 could have been a really cool hole but there were short street lights on the fairway that people have clearly hit with discs and broke and a gazebo is not far off the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

i think with a little more thought about pin placement on 7, clearing the underbrush around 4,5,6,(and maybe a few bigger trees) ad maybe putting 9 in around hole 7/8 that this course could be a decent little 9 hole that could be as good as a course like costaldo park i don't think that it could ever be awesome but it could be made much better with a little TLC.
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2 4
Experience: 11.2 years 49 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice park setting. My new home course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 24, 2013 Played the course:once


- Great for beginners or a quick 9 in passing
- Good variety or shots and settings
- New sign posts have been installed
- Very well maintained
- Excellent baskets
- "Next Tee" signs on the baskets
- Not very busy
- Tees are natural with very little wear
- The course I wish my town would build


- Could get crowded during events
- Needs a map or sign indicating the start near the entrance

Other Thoughts:

Start in the NW corner of the park. Hole 1 is next to the hill and work south from there. Hole 3 is a nice long shot across the open baseball field. 4, 5, and 6 are in the woods. The trees are a little dense but they are short shots. Like others said, the fairways here will hopefully clear out with time. My kids like the trails back there as they look for "wildlife". 7 & 8 are secluded from the rest of the park (near the gazebo) and are nice and shady, with the only obstacles being the larger oaks.

Overall, I love it. Favs are 3, 5, 6, and 7.

Heads up, this could also be known as Memorial Park.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2013 Played the course:once


The course plays through a nice little multi-use park without too much conflict with other activities. Three of the holes play through a small wooded area with lots of small to medium trees and some tight lines to hit. Despite a lack of real punishing undergrowth, you'll still have to get creative to recover from a bad shot with how dense the trees are in this area.

The rest of the course plays through grassy areas with scattered mature trees. A couple shots have lower ceilings and the last hole has an elevated basket to add some rollaway potential. The tees are natural, but are flat and in fine shape so far.


Navigation is a mess here. The tee signs are just blocks set into the ground, so you can't see them unless you're right on top of them. There are a few long walks between holes that are not at all obvious, and there's no signage or map to help with that.

The course uses the park fairly well, but it's still a flat and mostly open course without a whole lot of challenge. There is a possibility of several of the holes being unplayable with other sports using the fields. The wooded holes need some more clearing to have fair lines, and the ground cover is thick enough to hide even good shots and needs more foot traffic to knock some of it down a bit.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find this course approachable if a little tough. More experienced players won't find a ton of challenge but there are some fun shots even for better players. A kiosk with a course map or some real tee signs would go a long way, we saw several players give up and leave the course, and several others making up their own shots rather than spend the time searching out the hidden tee markers.
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3 0
Front Row
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 34.5 years 64 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 9, 2013 Played the course:once


A course that is a bit better than most multipurpose parks. There are a few cons, but for an area that lacks disc golf courses, this is better than South Holland or Homewood. Recent post markers has made it easier to find tees.
Hole 1: Locate this on the far west side of the park adjacent to a man made hill. The tee marker is twenty feet south of the hill. Throw underneath the trees toward the tennis court.
Hole 2 and 3: Walk south past the parking lot and in between the ball fields is two next to the path. These fairways can be loaded with pedestrians. You may need to modify the course.
4,5 and 6: These baskets are in thicket of trees. Short and nondescript fairways make this similar to Summit.
7 and 8: are in the open area but seven is somewhat a tunnel shot while 8 is a great opportunity for an ace.
9: this drive is back by the tennis courts and on top of the manmade hill. It is a high risk, high reward shot.


The cons are that the course is disjointed and with big breaks between 1 and 2 and 8 and 9 will make these drives hard to find. The former markers, which are more like tombstones, are at ground level and provide no distance information and can be hard to locate. (This has changed to posts) On crowded days, two and three might be impossible to play.

Other Thoughts:

The course is new and fun to play. Those looking for a serious challenge will find some of the drives banal. However, three is a lengthy distance shot that will have the long range throwers smiling. Four, Five and Six will get better as golfers beat in a fairway within a month or two. The rest of the course has some light thrills and it may not be long enough to justify driving lengthy distances to, but if you are in the neighborhood, its a good place to play.
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1 2
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2013 Played the course:once


Nice course for a nine hole,some challenging shots for holes four five and six which are in a wooded area nicely manicured grass very clean park


Only bad thing is if you go to play at this park go after baseball season little league is going on and a lot of little kids every where hanging on the basckets and tugging on the chains. Also tees are not marked with poles they have concrete squares in the ground that tell you what hole it is and no footage either .

Other Thoughts:

Other than that very nice park .
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