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Grand Rapids, MI

Cornerstone University

Permanent course
2.775(based on 11 reviews)
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Cornerstone University reviews

6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 6.3 years 289 played 276 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not worth trespassing to play! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 14, 2020 Played the course:once


Let me start this review with the conclusion. Cornerstone University DGC is a private course owned by the university, and open only to those affiliated with the university plus pre-approved guests. This is also not an interesting enough course to make it worth breaking their rules.

With that said, here is the rest of my review in case you do have a valid opportunity to play the course.

Cornerstone is an 18 hole course that plays around the university's campus on the northeast side of Grand Rapids, MI. As of this writing, 16 of the 18 DISCatcher baskets are present and in good condition. There is also a practice basket and some nice picnic tables by the first tee.

15 of the 18 tee signs were present when I played, and they were nice signs showing the hole number, distance, and obstacles when applicable.

Holes 6 and 10-12 play near a small lake. For all of these holes, the lake is to your right as you stand on the tee pad. You never have to clear the water - it's just present on your right to swallow errant throws on these holes. The remaining holes marked as "water" holes on here play near marsh areas. These areas were pretty dry when I played late in the year, but are likely more hazardous in the spring and summer. The course signage asks you not to step into the lake or marsh to retrieve lost discs.


The entire course is basically flat, with no elevation challenges to speak of. Many holes have few or no obstacles between the tee and basket. Because it's so open, wind can be a serious factor.

Most holes are pretty short. Only two are longer than 300', and four are shorter than 200'. All par 3s. There is nothing here to challenge anyone beyond recreational level.

I could not find basket #8 or #9. From what I could tell, these baskets were removed to make way for a sand pit with some rings in it...I think for some other sport which I could not identify. Tee sign #9 was also removed (post and sign) and on #10 and #11 the signs were missing off the posts.

I accidentally played from #5 tee to #6 basket. So I can't say for sure if #5 basket and/or #6 tee is also missing, but in any case they are easy to miss.

The navigation is OK but not great. The worst spot is between holes 4 and 5, where you have to walk across a large parking lot but there is no signage that I saw directing you to do so. For most of the rest of the holes, the next tee is visible from the basket but there are a couple spots where you have to kind of double back. Some arrows would be helpful at those spots. Use the map posted here for navigation.

Speaking of that map, it is slightly out of date. The baseball field has been rebuilt and holes 13-17 have been moved around since the map was made. They are still close enough to where they were that the map remains fairly useful. Still, an updated version of this map posted at the first tee would be an improvement.

There are cement pads but they are very small. You basically have to just stand and throw, or run up from the grass behind them.

Geese and their droppings are everywhere on the holes by the lake.

The course is fairly safe compared to other campus courses I have played, but walking paths could still come into play on several holes.

Other Thoughts:

Here is the exact text of the sign posted at the first tee. "This is a private course. Use of this course is limited to Cornerstone University students, staff/faculty, family members, and authorized guests only. Course is monitored by Cornerstone University Campus Safety. All individuals other than those previously stated with be asked to leave the university grounds." In addition to this, on every single tee sign there is a reminder "for Cornerstone University students, employees, and guests only." I don't see how they could have been any clearer in their message.

Full disclosure, I do not meet the requirements stated above. I have tried several dozen courses for the first time this year, most of which are further away from where I live than Cornerstone. But this course kept popping up each time I searched for nearby courses. It kept nagging at me. I wanted to see what the course was like. Bag it. Add it to my collection. Other reviewers made it sound like the private property rule wasn't really anything to worry about. So on a cold, cloudy, windy November Saturday I caved and drove there. And well, despite all the signage I decided to play my entire round. I was already there at that point, right?

Now that little nagging curiosity is gone but it's been replaced by little nagging guilt, which is part of why I am spelling this out in such detail now so that you can make a more informed decision.

No one stopped me or asked me to leave during my round. In fact, the only people I saw were a few people walking/jogging and a few students smashing pumpkins outside one of the dorms. If you came to play this course, it's possible no one would stop you either - as no one stopped many of the other reviewers. But I think that kind of misses the point, which is that non-Cornerstone people are not supposed to be here in the first place. The GR area is fortunate to have literally dozens of other options within a reasonable drive - many of them better. Why play the course here against someone's wishes?

So in closing - for a college campus course, this is pretty nice. It's great for the Cornerstone community to have this on site. But for the general public, look elsewhere. Looking for challenging water holes? Head to Grand Rapids Rotary North (Grand Isle Park). Looking for a good rec-friendly round on mostly flat terrain? Hit up Garfield Park. Looking for a college campus course (for some reason)? Play the brand new Grace Christian University course, which is explicitly stated to be open to the public.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

New Baseball Stadium Is Awesome! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 24, 2017 Played the course:once


It's a nice starting point for the course with four picnic tables, a practice basket and a course sign trying to scare you off by warning you that this is a private course. Cornerstone has some of the prettiest tee signs ever. They're purple and white giving you the hole #, distance and route. Another course not worrying about what par is. The baskets are a Discatchers with the yellow bands and a small number.

The holes are all pretty standard, nothing too unique or interesting. Although not a long course in general, # 7 is 400' with the basket hiding behind an evergreen tree of some description. I did enjoy the mixture of short Ace Runs (1-3-5-8-11-12-14-15-16-17), more medium length 2-4-6-8-9-10-13-18) and the one giant (7). There are a couple places to get into some trouble. # 4 at 325' has a marsh on the right side and signs ordering you stay out. I guess someone is worried that you might step on a protected iguana or something. And then there are like 50 stomped down trails through the marshland where students have been looking for their marsh discs. It has to be students because us disc golfers are first, too skilled to throw into the marsh, and secondly, such ambassadors of the sport that none of us would ever step foot into that marsh, even if you had lost your favorite approach disc that has been with you for probably ten years now. You could also get wet along 11 and 12.

Course loops back to the start. Navigation was OK except I had a little trouble finding the last tee. But that was basically because I can't read a map.


I read that the construction of the new baseball field forced some redesigning of 13-18. Not playing the old layout, I don't really know but those last holes are shorter than earlier holes.

Concrete tee pads are short but even with the ground so you can run up on them.

Hole 16 is the only hole in the woods (160') and it is so badly overgrown with stickers bushes and other bushes. It was so bad that I chose to skip it.

Other Thoughts:

This is a solid college course, playing at the recreational level, perfect for college students. It's a fun throw offering some enough challenge for us lower level discers but easy enough for the corner stones here at Cornerstone. And when they tired of disc golf they can always take in a baseball game at their brand, new, awesome baseball park.
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4 0
ACE Ventura
Experience: 13.4 years 105 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a nice, extremely beginner friendly course. Since it is on a college campus, it is very well maintained but very flat. The designer(s) did seem to include as much foliage as possible to add some variety into the course.

The overall course layout is okay, but the walk from hole #4 to #5 is annoying, especially the first time, and with the current construction, you can only really play 12 continuous holes before you have to make a long trek back to the parking lot. However, Hole #18 finishes close to the lot so I'd figure the reintroduction of the missing holes may put some sense back into it.

The holes tend to be short (<300') and wide open. They are all straight shots except for a couple where the trees are used and those are all RHBH friendly. The baskets are in good shape and cement tee pads are nice, although oddly short.

The signage is very nice and provides most the information you could want to know for the hole! The only other signs they could use would be to point to the next tee (I'm looking at you hole 4 -> 5)

Practice basket next to the parking lot is a nice little bonus!


Super short teepads are pretty bothersome but at least the fact that they are cement helps for getting a good footing for your release.

Also the walk from hole #4 to hole #5 is a bit ridiculous, especially to not have a sign pointing the way. You need to walk across the big parking lot next to hole 4... look for the teesign in the next patch of mowed grass you eventually come to.

Other Thoughts:

The college is still in the process of building a new baseball stadium so holes 13-17 are gone, hopefully soon to be replaced. Most people think #18 is missing too but if you look around, you'll find it to the SW of the parking lot, running alongside one of the buildings.

Please be highly aware of people at all times considering this is a college campus and a lot of people use the paths around the course!

I'm not affiliated with the school in any way but I've never had an issue with security or anything, just abide by typical rules and be a good sport and you won't have problems.

I give this course a 2.5 rating because it's currently missing holes, lacks variety and some signage and is very beginner friendly. However I'd say if you haven't played it or are looking for a quick round, give it a go!
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2 0
Experience: 17.5 years 19 played 15 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Missing Baskets But Still Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


-Easy to find
-Super clean and very quite
-Not crowded
-The holes are pretty short but, they are still fun to do. They're are some hazards such as the pond and trees.
-Easy to navigate
-Even includes a mando post on hole 9
-Easy to push a stroller


Really short tee pads. We stepped to the side or walked from farther back.

If you absolutely hate short holes then don't play. I think the longest hole is just shy of 300'. The shortest is a 177'. Most are between 200' and 250'.

It is still currently missing baskets (holes 13-18) due to them building a new baseball diamond and new dorms in the area. There was no sign or posting saying as to when that would be done.

Other Thoughts:

I still had fun there. Bring bug spray though! There is a marsh area and a pond so I can get pretty buggy. I really liked it and will be returning.

BTW, there is campus security. The sign says that you are supposed to be faculty, student, or a Cornerstone guest to use the course. We are neither of those things and it seems to be as long as you follow the rules (Be respectful, No smoking, No Weapons, No Drugs, No Alcohol...in other words, don't be a jerk) campus security will leave you alone.
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2 1
Experience: 12.5 years 11 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cornerstone 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2012 Played the course:once


The holes are all pretty close and fairly easy to find. Its a nice quiet 18 with good disc catchers.


Tee pads are short, there are a few places where you have cars near by in parking lots if your a beginner and throw the occasional wild shot. Finding hole 5 took a couple of minutes, you just need to walk across the parking lot towards Leonard street and you will find the tee.

Other Thoughts:

If you are not smoking, drinking, or swearing and just playing by yourself or with one other person I do not suspect campus security will bother you all that much. I just got done playing at 8pm on a weekday and I saw 2 other people the whole time playing disc. Not bad!
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.4 years 353 played 299 reviews
3.00 star(s)

a really good time.. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 5, 2011 Played the course:once


Aesthetic-Beautiful course on a beautiful campus. Compared to Calvin, this is the ritz. Course plays around campus marshlands and a large(r) lake. Does not play tremendously close to buildings, but is very close or over paths.

Teepads-Concrete, but about 3 feet too short... This is a pretty short course with most holes in the 200-300' range, but there are a few longer holes >350 that could use a longer run up for the pad..

Baskets-brand new Innova Discatchers, nice condition, and very grippy.

Variety-for a relatively open course the use of natural obstacles and water is fantastic. 11 of 18 holes make use of water or marshland for OB. some of the others use atheltic fields or trees. nice variety here.

Navigation/signage. nice signage, gives a lot of "suggested" flight paths and distances in addition to straight line distances. the walk from 4 to 5 is a whole lot of long and confusing. One sign is needed here.

Practice Basket- this adds a full disc for me. It's a simple gesture that says "we care about our players."


distance- too short, but for a campus course, it's not a huge con. the longer holes are placed well and the space available is well used.

tee pads-too short and uneven in places. Not broken, just slanted left or rightish...

the one Mando--Wonky. a five foot pole marks the one and only mando on the course. I have no idea how this would work.

Other Thoughts:

I played this couse at around noon on a friday and never ran into campus security. Plenty of other campus workers were out and about but I never once saw (or at least was approached by) campus security. then again, I'm a pretty quiet player. I met a nice couple between 4 and 5 and played 5-18 with them and had a wonderful time. This is a step-up from old farm to be sure (cleaner anyway). I will be back to this one. :)
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2 1
Experience: 24.4 years 5 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2011 Played the course:once



Decent use of the space and a variety of holes.


Private course on a conservative Christian college campus. I could see foot traffic being a problem during the busy school year. Again, be prepared to be asked to leave.

Other Thoughts:

Even if this wasn't a private course it wouldn't be in the top tier of Grand Rapids area courses because of buildings and walking paths coming into play so often. Don't be tempted by the forbidden fruit.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 103 played 73 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Smallest Tee Pads Ever 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2011 Played the course:once


-Signs, they were pretty good minus a few that

-Nice verity from a few bombers, water holes, short ones, mandos.

-Nice new baskets!

-Clean this place is super clean.

-Patrice Basket(although it's location seems to be fairly odd, under a group of trees so only like 10 ft putts from the back side)


-Short tee pads which makes it hard as you will have to start a run up from behind

-Was really slushy through out when I played, a few holes had really bad tire marks(from lawn mowers) in the fair ways.

-Some walking trails, and students will sometime walk through the fairways and dilly dally around.

Other Thoughts:

This is a Private Course, that being said It doesn't seem like it would be to hard to walk on. I would say that it being on Cornerstone, don't drink, and don't smoke as I am pretty sure they are a non-smoking campus.

To make it play a little harder you can make all Path's O.B.

There is a mando on hole 9(I think) that in the sign it looks like it could be a street light but there is a pole with a sign that says it's the mando. Kind of hard to make out.

This is a quick little course and has about everything you need. Looks nice when going around campus, and unless you want 450+ bombs or a lot of longer holes, this covers pretty much everything. Its a neat little course although the ending can seem like a lot of short holes all placed in.
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3 1
Experience: 21.3 years 86 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2010 Played the course:once


First off I am not a Cornerstone student and I had no issue playing the course.

Nice baskets, decent mix of shot types.


Becomes repetitive with many holes between 150'-250' to accommodate cramming 18 holes into the area they did . The course winds through the Cornerstone campus and if busy could be a real hazard. Mostly open so the course visually gets boring.

Other Thoughts:

Nice to have another course in GR but this one falls short of being part of my consistently played destinations. They should have put in a great 9 rather than a mediocre 18.
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1 2
Disc for Life
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Disc For Life 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2010 Played the course:once


This course has it all for the beginner, Love the design of all the holes with the limited space that was provided. Any Disc Golfer would love this course just to get a good round in that gives you a challenge. I personally love the landscape of where it was placed.


Didn't really have anything negative other then I can see where safety was a concern but the designers used their space well.

Other Thoughts:

The University should allow tournaments and casual play to bring others in.
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5 0
Star Destraayer
Experience: 24.3 years 113 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

decent with a good location 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 21, 2010 Played the course:once


Very clean, with sparse trees and mowed, rolling terrain. Very nice baskets (Discatchers) with decent signs. Good beginner course or putt and approach play. A few long holes and plenty of O.B.'s add for difficulty. Very good location, minutes from downtown.


Short cement tee's, but only a problem on the fee long signature holes (4,7,10). Slightly difficult to navigate(5 is a long walk across parking lot from 4). Too close to paths and other facilities. Not sure where to park to avoid towing.

Other Thoughts:

It's not open to the public, so you most be a student or be accompanied by a student to play (if you keep to yourself and be respectful of the property this rule doesn't typically apply.) A good putt and approach course. Buzzz or Roc heaven. Use the walk paths as O.B.'s to add difficulty. Surprising amount of water/swamp hazards. Ideal for a quick round (about 1-1.5 hours). It's location is what makes it a 3 out of 5.
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