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Charlbury, United Kingdom

Cotswold View DGC

Permanent course
3.895(based on 14 reviews)
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Cotswold View DGC reviews

10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 4.8 years 27 played 27 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A really fun course that I never want to play in tournaments

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


-Great quality equipment (latitude baskets, clear signage)
-A wooded course in the UK! No complaints there. In terms of the style of woods, on the whole its a denser woodland compared to say a pine forest (though there's a hole or two in some mature pines). This balances with the fact that the holes are on the whole relatively short (70m)
-Good shot shaping variety (I'd lean towards it being RH backhand dominant due to tee geometry with early trees) with some nice open opportunities to air out a disc still
-A good mix of sticky and fast greens, knowing whether to miss long or short is important if you want a clean putt
-Fairly priced (£8-12 or something) and really well supported and maintained by the campsite it's built on
-There's donkeys and sheeps to cheer you on the first tee!


-Personal gripe, I don't enjoy how it plays in tournaments. All personal responsibility for being bad aside, it's a course you can get "woodsed" on alot. A field of 20 with 40 rating points between them finished effectively all spaced perfectly by 1 stroke between each of them. A poor kick puts you in jail, whereas technically poor shots can get away with it due to the fact that holes are so short. Casually however it's still incredibly fun to play
-Occasionally you'll play around mixed use paths/play areas where you should be mindful of wayward kicks
-A few greens overlap with tee areas
-Tee areas (bar a few) are dirt tees and a bit ambiguous/uneven

Other Thoughts:

I'm really looking forward to my next day out here!
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1 2
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Worth a visit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2019 Played the course:once


Fairly good flow. Challenging. Cafe is very busy but nice.


Some holes have a lot of thorns very close to basket. very flat. It is rather hair-raising getting there by foot from Charlbury as there are some parts where you have to walk on busy road. Hard to find tee #1 even with map from shop.

Other Thoughts:

I understand that the fairways have been opened up. I felt when I was there that some of the holes were unfairly tight.
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1 1
Experience: 9.6 years 31 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun first visit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 3, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Good combination of tight woods and more open holes, as well as left/right shaped lines. Not too much crossing over or spotting required.


New, so THICK once off of fairway. Tee pads will make a huge upgrade. They were just natural ground on most holes.
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 349 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Short, highly technical course on a beautiful property 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 20, 2018 Played the course:once


This was the only course I was able to make time for on a trip to England and I'm very pleased I ended up here. In general, the Cotswolds is a beautiful part of the world and is rightfully designated as an AONB (area of natural beauty).

The whole compound is impressive with the B&B, cafe, fields of grazing sheep, and the immaculate campground. In fact, It's the nicest campground I've ever seen! This is one of those rare places where you can tow along your non-discing family and they'll find something fun to do while you play your silly game in the woods, ha!

Then there's the woods adjacent to the campground. The majority of the course is set in this planned woodland and it weaves throughout evenly spaced rows of pines and beech trees. I played right after the deep red leaves had fallen in the beech orchard and it made for a truly picturesque scene. Every bit of elevation on the property (not a lot) was nicely utilized with 2 longer downhill holes that played along a wide trail cut out for utility lines. The rest of the holes, with the exception of hole 1, have tight lines and a nice variety of distances.

I really liked the very unique start to the round. Once you walk past and say hello to the donkey and the rams, you'll get to the first set of tees. Here you'll be tasked to throw over/around fences and gates with an audience of sheep cheering you on to the right. I've never seen anything like this at a disc golf course.

There were at least 2 tee placements per hole that offered different lines as well as a short 9 hole beginner setup. This is a great layout to bring on some beginners and keep it fresh for everyone else.

First time on the Latitude baskets. They're essentially the same as the DD Recruits but with better/heavier chains. I thought they looked great and caught well.

Signage and navigation was as good as I've ever seen. Professionally-done signs were placed after most holes, pointing to the next tees.


This layout is a bit cramped in spots with next tees laid out very near the previous basket. I'm sure this is no big deal most of the time but could be a major issue in tournaments.

Tee surfaces were very rough. They're on level ground but with the unfinished surface, I encountered many bumps, roots, etc that forced some standstill drives where I'd otherwise prefer a small run-up. Since the course is overall pretty short this wasn't a huge issue but it's definitely the first area for improvement here.

Several holes had too much brush/thorns/entanglements inside the circle. I'm ok with trees throughout but I don't like how a good drive that landed 12ft from the basket can turn into a very dicey putt. Punish me with these thorns for a missed line or a shanked drive instead.

Nitpicking, but hole 16 really needs a few trees taken out at the kink in the dogleg. As it plays now, even the best players will rely on luck to get through this tiny gap.

Other Thoughts:

As for rating, I think this currently falls under the "very good" 3.5 designation for now. I think the tees, lack of any big distance, and lack of a blow-you-away/empty-the-bag hole keep this under a 4.0 for me. Although hole 1 is memorable because of the animals and unique use of the fences/grazing areas, there isn't anything here I'd qualify as a signature hole--just a bunch of good holes!

Since the course is young, I'm sure tee pad improvements and other hole tweaks are on the wishlist. It's very clear that lots of TLC has already gone into the course and it's shaping up to be a really fun course. I'd love to return in the summer and see how everything plays with the leaves on the trees.

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7 0
Experience: 19.3 years 7 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Course Designer Fanboism Activated. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 2, 2018 Played the course:once


Baskets - excellent - first time I have played on Latitude 64 baskets, they catch everything and stand out in the woods really well.

Setting - Beautiful woodland setting, really great cafe onsite I had a lovely fill up between rounds. I'm super excited to visit in the summer when the campsite is open and make a weekend of it.

The Course design. yup. I'm a fanboi, it's official. i've played a couple of his temporary set ups, they were incredible courses, I've played Bedworth I loved it. This is the best yet.

Reminds me of some of the East Coast courses but every hole has fair lines. I don't agree on the poke and pray comments below on any of them, after a few throws of each hole there was a line to be executed, it's not always immediately obvious from the tee (Holes 5, 16 and 18 you need to walk the fairway first - I'm not sure if I played from the right tee on 18 as the sign wasn't on)

I played so many different styles of shots on this course. Forehand rollers off the tee, loads of understable hyzerflips fore and backhand,thumbers, tomahawks, weird scrambling shots. Each hole makes you think, each hole is so very different. The different tees are so well placed. The whites and Blues are never far from each other yet they create totally different feeling holes. I played all three layouts in the day and felt like i had played three different courses.

Signage - It's great. Tee signs are detailed and informative, a couple look like they may have been turned or planted the wrong way and some aren't in place yet but in the main these are quality. I love the QR code innovation taking new players to a how to play video, really good addition. The directional signage and warning signs are great.

Routing, it's really well routed, there are hardly any walks between holes, One from hole 4 across a small soccer pitch to find hole 5, one short one up a path at the bottom of the course and one across from the hole after that, but we're talking 100' or less.


Very Few.

Leaves - I played at the start of December, hole 5 was really hard to find your disc in with leaves a foot deep in places.

Length - I'd have liked a couple more 2 shot holes (Who am I kidding? I took plenty of shots on each hole anyway!!)

Could use a few benches scattered around

The Big one - Tee Pads, I read that there were woodchipped tees. Well, where? Maybe a Woodchuck came and stole the Woodchips. How many Woodchips would a woodchuck take, if a Woodchuck could steal Woodchips? I think the answers all of them, naughty Woodchuck. Maybe two on the course had woodchips, I don't believe the others ever have done, I played the day after rain, some of the tees were very slippy. Some had roots in them still, some were not level. This needs improving. There are some trees and bushes near a few of the tees that could come out. My buddy is just over 6' and felt a bit squashed on some of the tees.

Couple of tees are a bit close to previous baskets. I think they are just about ok but bordering on the edge of dangerous, Holes 2/8/9/10 but i can see why they were put here as they make great holes.

Other Thoughts:

Play here. Stay here. Spend a day here. Eat some hay here. There's a cool Donkey on the way to hole one, i'm sure he'll share. He nayed(? is that what Donkeys do?) every time I threw a shot from hole one, I felt like he was welcoming me to the course.

This place is great. It is so much fun to play and i am going to get here for the next tournament whatever it takes.

Each course is fun in it's own right. The nine hole starter course is great for experienced players as well. It's got enough tricks to force some bogeys out of you if you're not careful but for a first time player will be easy enough to get them hooked, There were some families out there playing having a great time. Love the drop box for hire discs by the end of hole 18 too.

There are so many great holes out here it was hard to pick a favourite, I normally favor 2 shot holes so I suppose I've got to go for hole 11 at the bottom of the course which is visually really pretty and takes two good shots for the three. I reckon I have a shot for the Eagle there too If I can pure it right. I can't think of a hole I didn't like, I played each one with a smile on my face and enjoyed trying to work out what the designer was making me do to get the birdie. I don't think I would ever get bored playing there and I would love to see the course in the Fall, the colors would be amazing with all the different trees through the woods, most leaves were down by the time i played

If you can, play this course. With tee pads throughout I'd probably consider a five star but might stick at 4.5 still. I should probably go 4 star because of the teepads but I'm still buzzing two days later from playing so it's getting the 4.5, anything that gives me this much pleasure standing up has got to be worth more :)

My next trip out is going to be Lichfield another one of the designers courses so i'm excited to play there too
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 8.3 years 45 played 45 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One way to focus the Mind 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2018 Played the course:once


Baskets - All well maintained and easy to see. The bright yellow stands out really well. I found the chains really grabby, but without the pronounced 'clunk' that you get from some baskets.

Directions - After every hole is a colour coded arrow pointing to your next tee. This is extremely useful. I did get confused at hole 10, as the tee is actually behind you as you finish hole 9, but this was easily rectified.

Cafe - The onsite cafe "the old shed" sells wonderful food and also has really knowledgeable staff. Well worth a visit either before or after your round.

Tee signs - 90% of the tee's have hole maps, which detail any hazards and where the other tee's for the holes are. For the holes where there isn't a map, there is still the wooden block to mark the tee point so no chance of getting lost. I have contacted the course designer with a list of the ones which are missing.


Tee Pads - This is the one major downside to this course. The tee pads are all natural. This means in the woods that they can be bumpy and unpredictable. On my visit after a night of heavy rain they were also extremely slippery.

Course map - When I had paid in the club shop I asked if there was a course map. I was told it hadn't been produced yet. This is unfortunate. Luckily the course is well signposted, however if you had to try to navigate to a certain hole instead of starting at hole one (competition pay for instance) then this could be very difficult. Also I became quite disorientated whilst playing so it could be hard to locate the shop/toilets if needed during a round.

Other Thoughts:

This course is fully wooded (apart from hole one) and so offers a unique challenge. There are wooded courses in Scotland, but currently this is the only one in England that I am aware of.
Below I will try and describe each hole. It goes without saying that there are a lot of trees, so if I don't mention them on a specific hole, please don't assume there arn't any!

Hole 1 - A nice short pay 3 to start. Tee off from a tractor access road, across a farm paddock. The sheep field to your right is OB. The basket is set in a small clearing just inside the tree line.

Hole 2 - A nice straight hole which provides a gentle introduction into the woods. 2 tall pine trees guard the basket.

Hole 3 - A long par 4, which snakes through the spindly trees and ends in a natural embayment of thick pines. A tough hole.

Hole 4 - A short forehand flick is required here, with a tight fairway which opens up at the basket. Don't get drawn into the tight right hand line as the bramble is very thick.

Hole 5 - How brave are you feeling? Which avenue will you take? A very tough hole, especially from the blue tee. When playing in autumn, keep an eye on which tree you hit because your disc will disappear in the leaf litter.

Hole 6 - A short hole, playing parallel to the last, but slightly more open and forgiving. You can be more aggressive here if you want.

Hole 7 - A straight hole which pays across the wide main path through the wood. Check for walkers before you throw. A reasonably easy hole.

Hole 8 - Wide and open hole. I wont say that much around here. Aim to land your drive beyond the telephone pole (not a mando), to have the best chance of attacking the basket.

Hole 9 - Another wide open hole, but more downhill than the last. The basket is tucked in to the left of the path. Be careful not to drift into the woods. the low hanging branches will make your next shot very difficult.

From basket 9 the tee from 10 is behind you.

Hole 10 - A big left hand dog leg. The easy play to throw to the corner and then again up to the basket, however if you have a massive grenade in your arsenal, then this will be a great place to use it.

Hole 11 - Another long par 4 which thins all the way to the basket. A roller is a great play here, but beware of the ditch 15ft beyond the basket.

Hole 12 - The signs will direct you from basket 11 to the tee here (turn right and right again on the path). From a tight tee shot the hole opens out. 1 guardian birch guards the basket.

Hole 13 - Very unlucky for some. A short hole, but very tough, to get the exact line. A well earned par if you can get it.

Hole 14 - One of the easiest holes on the course. The hole bends very slightly left, but without many trees on the right an easy backhand shot should make the basket here.

Hole 15 - A really right hole with thick undergrowth on the left. A chance to get aggressive if you have a good forehand though.

Hole 16 - The hole map doesn't represent what the hole actually looks like. When standing on the tee you think the hole snakes to the left through the trees. Especially with the angle of white tee post. The hole actually heads straight up the hill from the blue tee and then gradually bends right and into the thick trees in the distance. Don't throw too far right on your second shot as the low lying branches have really sharp thorns and this can make for a very uncomfortable stance on your approach shot to the basket.

Hole 17 - A virtual copy of hole 7, playing across the main path to a clearing on the other side. If anything thought the tee shot Is slightly tighter.

Hole 18 - A long hole to finish. Snaking through woods the basket is deceptively far away. It is also guarded by 3 silver birches, if you needed any more of a challenge.

Once you have finished you will find a wooden shed, which is designed for anyone who has borrowed discs so post them through the slot instead of having the take them back to the cafe before leaving.

I really enjoyed my visit and will be returning for sure.
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4 0
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Epic potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


- Very pretty woodland course
- mostly fair with wider fairways than many similar holes elsewhere in the UK
- great hole design with a decent range of shots required, if mostly tending towards straight.
- Lat 64 baskets are the best!
- Short course very fun and beginner friendly without being boring. Easy pars but tough birdies. Excellent design for these tee positions.


- Some of the holes are over the sewerage system for the campsite and can be quite stinky on a hot day
- Hole 9 has deep impenetrable, flesh ripping rough left and right of the fairway - don't throw any disc you aren't prepared to lose!
- Woods golf is definitely an acquired taste so you need to keep a sense of humour about the regular clonks off Every. Single. Tree.

Other Thoughts:

Low rating right now only because the course isn't really finished. Not sure any of the three courses have tee posts in for all of their tees so there's a lot of guesswork involved in trying to play a specific layout.

The kids on the campsite are certainly intrigued by these strange metal things that have appeared in the woods so once there's better signage up I could see this doing great things for disc golf in the UK.

Oh and in case it isn't obvious, this course is going to be AMAZING when it's finished! A unique, beautiful and atmospheric round of golf in a stunning setting.
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4 0
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Rewarding Challege 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful scenery set in woodland
Great on site facilities including cafe, snack shop and toilets
Disc hire available
Challenging course that rewards good shots


Be aware of other site users as part of a camp site
Still some maintenance to fairways and tees required although almost close to completion

Other Thoughts:

One of my top 3 courses that I have played in the UK.
Being a woodland course, with the fairways carved through the trees, this course provides some excellent lines and a great feeling when you hit them.
Miss your line and end up off the fairway then you will be playing for par, at best! This course can really identify your skills and weaknesses..

The baskets are excellent and some real thought has gone in to create an experience that you will remember. Once all the tees are finished, and as the year progresses, this course will play diffirent with each visit.

With great facilities, camping and being surrounded by beautiful countryside, this is a must visit for anyone in the area!
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4 0
Experience: 9 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Something a bit different 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


UPDATE: May 2019 & February 2020

Although there are still no permenant teepads, as of 2020 there are now woodchipped areas to tee from and some temporary astro-turf with tent-pegs remaining from a tournament played here. The course has been improved in several aspects since it was initially built. The tree thinning on hole 5,6,7 and 17 have made the holes not only fairer, but breathtakingly beautiful too, as the sunlight now penetrates the tree canopy.

As a far better player than I was when I wrote the review, I now truly believe this is one of the best courses in England. The scenery is idyllic, the hole design is fantastic and leaves you wanting more every time you play, as there's a very specific 'line' to hit on every hole, which keeps you coming back to try and hit them all.

- Very technical, good challenge, well designed "lines" - a good shot is rewarded well.

- Private property

- Not many Wooded courses in the UK

- The cafe is FANTASTIC - honestly I would travel down to the course for an afternoon even if I couldn't throw... Get the cheesecake and the jacket potato!


- Tees not yet finished, plenty of stumps and ankle twisters

- The 'Ride' holes (8-10) play slowly in tournaments as you must wait for the group ahead to tee on the hole after before you can drive.

- Very tricky from the blue tees for new players

Other Thoughts:

This course is only missing permenant teepads, a couple of stump removal and flattening would be fine, and I'd make it a 5/5.

Hole 18 is in a weird state as the tee has been moved back but some trees are yet to come out. Plays as a very very hard par 3, or quite an easy par 4 right now, but once a couple of trees are out, it'll just be a fantastic finishing hole par 3.

Overall, this is my favourite course to play of all - so come check it out!
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3 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fresh, unique and challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:once


Had the privilege of playing in the first tournament held on this heavily-wooded course. Although not completely finished, all 18 holes were playable and they all took their pound of flesh.

It's a beautiful, rural location situated on part of a caravan and camping facility. The owners have invested a lot of time and effort to begin this course's journey to be one of the best disc golf challenges in the UK.


Trees. Every hole has trees. Low ceilings, narrow corridors, vicious rough if you go off line ... and trees. It is a beautiful woodland, though and the course should quickly mature. Plink-plonk disc golf. Did I mention the trees?

Other Thoughts:

If you play in the UK, there are very few courses like this one. Come along and check it out. It's worth the journey.
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2 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome course only going to get better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:once


I played the soft opening so the course is still under a bit of development but my god was it fun! Great layout and very unique for disc golf in the UK being 80%. Would really recommend anybody going!


Some of the holes still need a bit of work and some trees and bushes taken out. The tees still need a bit of work but there are plans to level them all out and put wood chip on all of them. Yes there are some cons but honestly it is just the difference between a awesome course and a bloody amazing one!

Other Thoughts:

The cafe does good lunches and the campsite is great for anybody wanting to stay over!
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2 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great new development. Let’s see it grow and grow 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:once


Great baskets, they'll catch everything. Challenging and yet attainable course layout with multiple different difficulties.
Very wooded course, making shots technical rather than power/distance.


The signage isn't currently up, but should be up soon. The tee pads need some improvement but I am aware that the course is very new and this may be sorted by now.

Other Thoughts:

Make sure you bring a comfortable bag, although it seems like the course is in a small area, it's quite a trek. I would advise against a cart until the course has been trodden in a little. Too many holes for an easy pull round.
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3 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cracking Wooded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:once


Very nearly all the holes are set in the woods, this is a technical course that doesn't require a big arm. Not a big course, so a days golf doesn't kill you! Holes are well thought out, and straight away are ready to play... the course will evolve, but it's great fun right now. The facilities on site are superb... good cafe, great ice cream, toilets, and it's just a nice place to be.

Other Thoughts:

We played the soft opening, and it was brilliant... once the tees are complete, there are no cons. The site has put in a huge amount of work to make this course playable for all and it is a delight.
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10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.5 years 51 played 49 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Course Designer trying to be objective! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 21, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Unique course in the UK - a true woods course with fun and fair holes. Huge variety of different holes testing a range of different shots for right and left handed players. 14 holes were cut through dense woodland to produce a beautiful course in the heart of the country. There's no following walking trails here, the holes have been cut with specific ideas in mind.

3 Tees - Blue playing currently about 935 to par with extensions on two holes expected to take this to 950.

Whites playing about 920 to par

Yellows - beginner 9 hole for families and first time players.

Restraurant and campsite on site. great facilities.

Peaceful and serene course playing through 30 acres of mixed woodland on the side of a shallow hill.

Lovely tee posts produced from some of the felled trees and superb tee signs and other signage.


Woods can get crowded on a summers day with the campsite kids.

A couple of the holes (5 and first half of 16) are on the edge of throw and hope. 5 is to be professionally thinned in the next few months and the character should change dramatically when it does.

Tees are not finished yet but will only be woodchip in the short term.

Some hole son the short side and lacking a couple more longer ones

holes 8 and 9 are very similar but good holes.

holes 7 and 17 are carbon copies of each other.

The rough is still very rough in places but is already starting to thin out. Loads more work is being undertaken by the grounds crew.

Other Thoughts:

So yes, hands up, I'm the designer. I love this place. It's been a huge project over the last six months and a phenomenal amount of work has gone in to the course with 14 fairways cut through dense undergrowth. I've bled for this place and got scars in places I didn't know you could.

If you want another review from another reviewer, go and find one. Please. Encourage them to review some of the courses in the UK. I beg you. I'm fed up with it just being me. If you can't find one though, sit back, buckle up, read this and hope that I can be a bit subjective, probably not, but i'm all you've got so suck it up!

Cotswold View is beautiful. It's a beautiful place, the campsite, the B and B, the woods the fields, the view, it's all beautiful. It's a great place to come to and stay at. I don;t ever want to leave. The course is fun to play, every hole sets different challenges and asks for a range of shots to complete them. You'll feel you've been tested at the end but you'll also have enjoyed a number of birdie ops and ace runs. It's designed to not be a woodsy slog. If there's a hard hole (120 meter sinuous fairway) it's followed swiftly by an apparently easy hole (60 meter uphill tricky one) It's designed to give you the light relief to go with the punishing blows.

It starts you off easy, almost too easy, hole 1 at 75 meters across an open field gets you to the tree line. Easy right? crash it with a hyzer and away you go. Just make sure you've read the prevailing right to left well, if you are 3 meters to the left of the basket or more you can find a world of deep bushy trouble. It then jumps into two and three, two very characterfull holes that wind through a huge mix of different trees, 3 is a monster currently par 3 but with a 4 position in the works taking it back another 35 meters, 2 is a tricky winding 85 meter hole finishing right with a couple of avenues into the basket, both are extremely picturesque.

You jump straight onto 4 and see the easy uphill tunover line you want to throw, make sure you force it over though or the one tree that grabs everyone will get you too. And on it goes, hole after hole of totally different golf one hole to the next - here's a 350' backhand turnover line thorugh a tight tunnel, here's a 55 meter backhand flat to fade through an even tighter tunnel, here's a 360' downhill blast of the ride, et. etc. .

The signature is hole 11, a stunning par 4 at the bottom of the course that takes you across the ride through thick woodland to the guardian pines and then crests the hill and drifts down the funnel to the basket at the edge of the beeches on the way in to the blackness beyond It's a beauty and one that often hides deer in the long grass for a little lighthearted surprise!.

Playing the Blue tees feels like a very different course from playing the White tees with a few totally different fairways to the same baskets, it is not just a shorter version but a very different layout and round.

discs are available for hire and in time purchase, campers can play for free. come here, play here, remember why you love the game, this course will help you do just that.

The course is something very different for England and is a must play for Disc Golfing tourists hitting the country.

Did I sound biased? Yeh, but honestly, I'm not wrong!

Edit* So finally my cajoling has worked and people in the UK are reviewing thanks!!! (although you've made me look a bit stupid in this review....)

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