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Colorado Springs, CO

Cottonwood Creek Park

Permanent course
2.995(based on 57 reviews)
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Cottonwood Creek Park reviews

3 1
Experience: 20.4 years 56 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

it's ok 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 5, 2010 Played the course:once


mix of long and short holes
Good basket placements with little guard trees
tee signs and pads were in good shape
Friendly locals


mix of long and short holes
Good basket placements with little guard trees
tee signs and pads were in good shape
Friendly locals

The course is in a small space and is very crowded that and most holes crossover and overlap which makes the course very dangous
I also had a hard time finding my way around thankfully I meet up with a group of locals who knew there way around ,but even them didnt know which basket was the right one at times

Other Thoughts:

I had fun and enjoyed the locals but at one point there was 35 people waiting on tee one
Also a few simple pieces of tape are a sign pointing to the next tee would help a lot also a sign for which pins are in play
This course is very unsafe and the one discers that dont yell fore doesnt help any
Would play again if around the area but much earlier in the morning
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4 0
Experience: 22.4 years 74 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This is an outstanding course. If you are in Springs you need to play this course. The layout utilizes the trees perfectly. There are multiple pin placements for each hole. A perfect throw will get you a birdie on most holes. There is a good variety of long and short holes. There is no way to lose a disc on this course. On several holes you are shooting blind which adds to the difficulty. It is Colorado, but this is a relatively flat course. The course does a good job of using the small hills. I got lost but the locals were very helpful. The course is very easy to navigate.


The course is compact and several tee pads are in the danger zone. You cannot see the pin from most tee pads so I needed to scout many holes. It was not a problem after the first round. There are many other park users and I had to wait and let them pass. I played on a weekday and it was fairly crowded. Some groups were taking their time and I am sure this course is slow on the weekends/week nights. The course is mostly dirt.

Other Thoughts:

How does Denver not have an urban course like this? Whoever designed the course deserves an award because they made the most out of very little. The tight fairways make it an intense experience. #1 & #2 get the ball rolling and the blind shots force you to focus on every drive.
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5 0
Drew Heintz
Experience: 7 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cottonwood...my home! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 25, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


~A beautiful course in a beautiful city
~Everything from right-around-the-tree shots, to way-back-there shots.
~Lots of trees make a nice shade in the summer sun.
~Many different variations of terrain.
~Very fun course and at the same time challenging.


~446' is a long way for a par three! Maybe you should change hole #9 to a par 4!
~Stupid punk kids that do not know how to play disc golf and ignore all the considerations of other players.
~Beer bottles that losers seem to like to break. USE THE TRASH CANS!!!
This is a beautiful park, stop messing it up!

Other Thoughts:

I grew up playing this course. Ever since my high school days in 1993 till now, I use this course to rate other courses with. This is a tough course for anyone, I don't care who you are! At the same time though, if you do happen to not be playing your "A" game, its ok! It has such a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere, you will soon forget about your bad shot. From launching your disk as far as you can throw, to tightly weaving your disc through the forest. From utilizing your tomahawk throw, to putting in an easy shot. This course is definately fun! As far as all the people complaining about too many people, or bees being here and ther, or its too hot, or blah blah blah. It is an outdoor course so yes, you do have to deal with nature. Also it is quite a fun and popular course so if you do not want to deal with a lot of people, don't go at the busiest times! The world does not revolve around you! I guarantee you will have fun!!!
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3 1
Experience: 41.2 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 16, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


This is my home course and it presents a lot of different shots. We have multiple pin positions so the course plays different every week. Good mix of short, long, hyzer and anhyzer shots. Lots of different looks.


Losers who want to trash the course. We have to self-police the place because there are too many people who just come out to get drunk, high, etcetera and trash the place. But I guess that happens everywhere. The signs that the club bought suck and have been stripped of the vinyl stickers. Play with a local or scout the shot before throwing.

Other Thoughts:

Even though we have to put up with some idiots, this is still a great course. As I said, we try to keep things fresh weekly. Be considerate and watch out for others and you will enjoy Cottonwood!
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9 1
The Crit Piece
Experience: 16.5 years 9 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cottonwood 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


I recently moved back to colorado springs and this time up north. Im about a 10 minute drive away from this place so its my current home course. I really enjoy this course because every time I go the pins are in a different place. Im a pretty average player so this course offers a strong challenge for me without getting overly difficult. There are a lot of blind shots which add a fun change of pace. Beside what is better than leaning a blind shot up against the pin? This course is very well taken care of. Lots of trees add a challenging element. I usually play with the kid below me (Sean) and another couple of buddies. We always have a great time here and have met a lot of cool regulars we like to play with. Great place for dogs and people actually seem to pick up after them here which is a nice change of pace. The back 9 offers some very challenging holes for all skill levels in heavily wooded areas and a couple longer holes. Just make sure you aren't playing too late as 14 and 15 are so shaded they are pretty dark even during the day.


The main con here is the fact that you are constantly crossing holes and you really have to be alert or you might hit someone or get hit. A lot of inexperienced players can wonder around and Ive witnessed a few people get drilled but I wont name any names..... sean (not at all his fault) There can be a ton of trash around at times which just makes me sad. Its pretty clear that young kids use this place to sneak off and mess around with alcohol and such at night. Past the issue of overall ambience, the broken glass makes things dangerous for dogs and people wearing sandals and the occasional moron who insists on going barefoot. Never a good idea but its especially bad here. There are a ton of opportunities to lose your disc especially on holes 1 and 2. There's a big area with trees and bushes that splits the two holes and without fail you'll have to play past a group who lost a disc in there. Also, the rocks off to the right by the river are a graveyard so avoid it at all costs or you could end up going home without your favorite disc. There can be alot of pedestrian traffic on the path that runs on the north side of the course. These people tend to be pretty oblivious to whats going on so you need to be aware of that. Its a pretty good idea to let people know you're driving and you need to yell fore on most holes. Not a big issue but it goes a long way to keeping everyone safe. If you play here please please please try to keep your groups smaller and keep up your pace because this place can get seriously crowded on most days. Us home fielders really thank you for it.

Other Thoughts:

This is just a great course with great people. It can be pretty challenging at times for all levels. You'll have a great time here but just keep your ears open and your head up and swiveling
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8 0
Experience: 21.8 years 32 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

I'd rather be @ Cottonwood than Hollywood! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The Pros definitely outweigh the cons on this course. I love the different feel and layout you get with different groupings of holes. Holes 1 you are throwing from top of a rock face down to a basket tucked away in the trees (depending on the ever changing pin positions). Holes 1-3 are challenging as you have to weave your way around trees and sometimes the long grass.....if your disc goes rouge. Holes 4-7 are played along the river (sometimes stream depending on the rainfall) and offer a mix of short to medium throws. Hole 9 is a nice long uphill throw back to the top of the plateau...great for a good rip! The back nine here is my favorite part of the course. You have the chance to use every shot in your bag because of all the variance. Especially because of all the hard work that goes into changing the baskets. You start hole 10 with a long huck that has to maneuver through a gap about 30 feet wide, with the basket either in the middle of the field or long...under a tree (par on this hole location feels great!). As you wind your way through the back nine you have a spectacular view of Pike's Peak...which is always nice to look at after a bad shot and remind yourself to relax. I find it hard to list all of the pros of this course, but going back to the basket placements is high on my list. I don't know who is always out changing them, but amazing job! There are at least three different locations on every hole, with many new locations sprouting up as the summer months pass. This is part of the reason I love playing here so much! You come out one day and get a totally different course the next...kudos to the guys that take care of the placements.


I hate to list the cons because I love this course so much. With that said....ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME and most of the people out, are in groups of 8 and really stink! When you have a group over 4, look around and see if you are holding the course up and let groups play through! You would be amazed how many people out here don't understand this concept. THROW YOUR TRASH AWAY, AND STOP BREAKING YOUR GLASS BOTTLES EVERYWHERE! Having a dog that I love to bring discing, this course is dangerous due to all of the broken bottles from the misled youth. Another con...is all of the holes seem to criss cross each other....so keep your head on a swivel!

Other Thoughts:

There is a great disc vendor named Kurt who is just off hole 1 most days. Super nice guy and has a great variety of plastic. He also sells beverages if need be. I always try and buy any new disc from him...and if he doesn't have what you are looking for, he will normally get it for you within the week!
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10 0
Roller Coasters
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 39 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Had A Great Time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a very accessible and popular course, judging by the day I was there. It is has concrete tees that are trapezoidal shaped. I haven't seen this tee box design and thought it was a nice change of pace. You know that you are in for a great hike in the park when the basket for the first hole is at least 30 feet lower than the tee. The elevation changes continue throughout the course and are a welcome change of pace from our very flat south Florida courses. I also appreciated the tee signs. There are at least 3 pin positions for every hole on the course and some have 4. Each tee sign had a sticker on the current position. This made it very easy to find the pins and navigate the course for a first time player. I also appreciated that terrain that appears to be grassless. It was a very different look and feel to the course. There is a good variety of tee shots, from let er rip to tight and technical.


Many of the tee signs were weathered and appeared to have the top layer peeled off. You could still read the shadow of the original sign, but as these age, it is going to be difficult to make them out. The course was busy on the Saturday afternoon that we were there. The back nine does tend to have traffic issues as hole cross over each other. It wasn't that big of an issue for me, but if it were any more crowded, It could definitely slow down play.

Other Thoughts:

This was my second course that I got to play in Colorado Springs and I really enjoyed it. I loved the variety of shots and the elevation changes throughout the course. I had a lot of fun playing this course and wish I was able to get this kind of disc golf experience much more often.
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3 1
Experience: 21.2 years 131 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth Playing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2009 Played the course:once


Decent variety of shots come into play. Multiple pin placements that change often. Ace potential on several holes with the occational crusher. Some elevation changes but mostly throwing down hill. Good amount of trees with room for routes to throw through.


Tee pad length varies through out the course. Some are nice and long others are really short. Can get crowded with crossfire action on every hole, so keep you head up.

Other Thoughts:

Bring some hiking shoes because there is some up and down hill walking. Park on the street because there isn't a parking lot. Watch for walkers along the path by holes 4-7. The rocks along the drop off of 4-7 are OB, so throw something stable. The tee signs mark pin placement but print a course map out, it will come in handy.
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1 5
Experience: 24.4 years 24 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

not a big fan 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 7, 2009 Played the course:once


A few challenging holes with elevation changes and tree obstructions.


run down. This course just seemed dirty to me. Lots of graffiti and trash. Did not seem like anybody has put in much time there cleaning it. (I'm sorry if someone has been working there). There was a ton of people when I went on a Saturday, and a few groups of teenage kids just sitting around and hanging out not playing disc golf.

Other Thoughts:

I would probably go back just because it's so close to lots of other cool stuff to do.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.7 years 88 played 87 reviews
3.00 star(s)

short course with nice views 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 5, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


A different feel than the other courses in the area. Short trees/shrubs and no grass give it it's unique feel. Some nice tight shots that test your skills and some short holes that have ace potential. I enjoy some of the blind throws that you have to make. Challenging to all aspects of your game with a variety of throws required.


Yet another course with poor signage and flow. Do cities just fund courses at first and then let them go? Most signs are gone or difficult to read leaving you guessing where to throw or find the next hole. Can be very busy at times. Some of the fairways are very close together and there is a definate risk of throwing close to others, watch your discs. Perhaps it would be better to play when it is less busy. Baskets were pretty worn the last time I played.

Other Thoughts:

A fun little course. A good course to meet people, throw some discs and have a good time. Update the signage and put in some new baskets and you would have a "classic" course feel.
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6 0
Experience: 16.4 years 6 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cottonwood Creek 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


During the summer, there is a healthy amount of shrubs and trees that provide excellent obstacles. The pin placement seems to change every couple of months or so, changing the courses difficulty. So, one day it may be too easy for those who have been playing a long time, while making it easier to master for newer players like myself. There are several holes that could be a par 4, such as Hole #3 and Hole# 16 (I think). Another reason that makes this course a 4 is its accessability. It's in the middle of the Springs and easy to find.


During the winter months, this course can become very, very muddy and wet. It recesses in a small ravine. Hole #2 tees off over a small swamp-like puddle of tall grass and mud. I've seen several discs disappear in this part of the coarse, so be careful if you play during the winter months or after a down-pour. The same applies to Holes # 15-17. They are in a seperate section of the course, but can become quite the mud-puddle as well.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a fun course. The only other issue is the accessibility to the course allows a diverse amount of disc golf players. My friends and I have been interrupted on different occassions by other players playing through our game without permission/warning. This is a great course, but beware of players that give no regard to either rules or other players. I only mention this issue because it's happened more than once on several occassions. I'll try and get some pictures and post them when I can.
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2 0
Experience: 45.6 years 133 played 39 reviews
2.50 star(s)

One and Done 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 2, 2003 Played the course:once


Decent variety, open and relatively tight fairways, good disc control required. Great views of Pike's Peak, some elevation and length.


Crowded the day I was there, and not particularly fun for my younger daughter. We never went back.

Other Thoughts:

I had heard so much about Cottonwood, but was disappointed. I though Widefield was much better, especially before they cut down all the trees on the back 9.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.5 years 188 played 106 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Quality 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


I just love when a course is able to have a natural (non-park) setting yet still be close to a park just in case nature calls. This course is great! It has mature tress all around and multiple pin placements and yet is open enough to be creative with your shot selection. Cottonwood also has good teeboxes and signs.

Cottonwood Creek has elevation changes, very little undergrowth and the layout is just cramped enough to be able to get in 18 without feeling like you've hiked to the next town. At the same time not so compact that you are chucking into other groups. It's a decent little gem that sits in two moderately wooded basins. I played a good round with a couple of birds and mostly threes. I had a good time there. I wish I was playing there as I write this.


I had to do a few scouting walks to see what I was throwing into but it never slowed play and the scouting missions are well worth it. I got turned around looking for a teebox and a basket or two. I suspect that the dirt can be muddy after rain, due to a lack of grass. Not having grass in my opinion is a pro, but I can imagine it beating up cheaper plastics. You have to park on the street. If you are like me and are allergic to cottonwoods, you might want to look up the danger before you enter.

Other Thoughts:

This is a quality course, a must for anyone passing through the Springs. There is no chance that I will go through the Springs without playing here, none. I just noticed there are no photos of this place, well, there are now.
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4 0
Experience: 28.6 years 189 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not much of a grass there... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2006 Played the course:never


Nice simple course to play for general players alike. Yes, some holes are too hard for beginners but good enough for pros to try to make some deuces. Haven't seen much grasses anywhere but mostly dry dirts. Easy to find discs if you are paying attention to your throwing.


Need to have local players to help you out. No tee signs or direction to next tees. Course map aren't too clear to know where the tees and baskets are at. Finding a place to park is silly. Have to park on side of the street. Sometimes the street get crowed due to soccer games right next to the course.

Other Thoughts:

Its not much of a big challenge course for pros but nice to check out if you are in the area. Bit of too much thin air for me (coming from northeast) due to high altitude in Colorado Springs, make sure to drink often when playing. You will get dry-mouthed if you don't.
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3 0
Experience: 28.5 years 110 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

You Couldn't Handle the Creek! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 15, 2000 Played the course:never


Lots of nice elevation changes, long and short holes as well, and a massive wash for an O.B. on north end.


Some seriously long holes stand out here. Pro par of 3 a piece is a tough row to hoe due to a few of these mammoths. I suffered a neck injury that knocked me out for weeks while trying to exceed 500 ft with my drive on hole 9. A par of 3 on this hole feels like a birdie - it takes 2 long, perfect drives and a nice putt.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course that I first learned on in 1996. Some great holes long and short. Several pin placements, a large layout and some exciting annual tournaments make this a very active local course. Won't ever forget you, Cottonwood! Thanks for the memories!
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.7 years 20 played 20 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Cottonwood Creek - A Bit Long and Thick 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2007 Played the course:never


This course has multiple pin placements on every hole. The signs have all of the pin placements listed. This was another course I played while on vacation last year. I agree with Perth that the course uses elevation changes well and rewards all skill levels.


This course can be long, almost to a fault, in some pin placements. The layout of some holes almost seemed to prohibit long shots in general, which I didn't like. Wooded courses don't particularly bother me, but the design of some holes seemed to overly punish those who didn't make it through EXTREMELY narrow throwing lanes. The course overall was thick and in need of some major pruning IMO. BE CAREFUL NOT TO HAVE TO CHASE A DISC DOWN THE HILL BY THE CREEK! It's harder than it looks to climb back up...

Other Thoughts:

The scenery is gorgeous! I enjoyed this course, but ultimately preferred Widefield. There was also a REALLY annoying vendor that tried to harass everyone as they entered the DGC. He reminded me of a snake oil salesman.
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3 0
Experience: 18.4 years 3 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Cottonwood Creek 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2007 Played the course:never


+ Variety of pin placements gives the course that "brand new feeling" every couple weeks.
+ Lots of variety on the holes themselves. A good mix of challenge and reward for all skill levels.
+ It's a pretty course with lots of trees and elevation changes.


- Spring/Summer play can result in a lot of lost discs - lots of ground cover plants.
- Unleashed dogs. And bees, hives around hole 2 mostly.
- A few pin placements make certain holes a royal pain (16 far position, Par 5 - I'm looking at you). Not "challenging" painful, but "can we please skip this hole?" ridiculous.

Other Thoughts:

This course was my introduction to the game, so I admit some bias. The course has a nice variety of challenge and forces you to make some interesting choices. My favourite round ever was in the dead of winter with a light snow falling here.
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