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Norwalk, CT

Cranbury Park

3.875(based on 50 reviews)
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Cranbury Park reviews

12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Beautiful Park , Mediocre Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2020 Played the course:once


Cranbury Park is a beautiful area with the Gallaher Mansion on it , A performing theater , walking trails for you and your dogs , a garden and terrace . Oh yeah , and a disc golf course . The course is 18 holes , starting just down and to the left if you are driving in to the lot . Make sure you pay your $10 and put the receipt on the dashboard . Bathrooms were mentioned , but I didn't see where they were . . The parking lot was adequate .
The Equipment - The tee pads are rubber , plenty long and wide enough . The tee signs are good , metal with the different pin positions , but no indicator on which position the Long basket is in . There are 2 baskets per hole Short blue and long red . . The red basket is the longer one and has the different pin positions .There is a kiosk under a little shelter at hole #1 .
The Landscape . The course rolls some , and with the exception of a few holes , #'s 1 , 14 , 15 and 18 , the course is encased in woods .There area few older hand made rock walls on or around the course & some rock formations .
The Highlights - Some of the holes might interest you like the slowly descending #3 , through a tight fairway ( 420' ) , or the #18 bomber 550 where you throw from the open and into the woods at the very end .
Signature Hole - #6 397' has a left to right drive into a narrow pass with a basket the tucks in to the right at the very end .
The time - It took me about 70 minutes to play , but several of those minutes were looking for holes . A group of 4 that knows the way will play it in a little over 2 hours .
Extreme Beauty - Not the course but the grounds . Looking out over it in the backround while teeing off on #14 . You will see what I mean .


#1 Navigation - You can slip off the path and be lost in a minute . The kiosk at hole #1 has a map , but it is faded and has seen better days ( It won't help ) . Print a map online before coming , or play with a local , or yell for help .Hole #15 has been moved to the outside of a small section of woods . Just walk to your left of the basket on #14 and just a shade forward .
#2 Watch Your Step - The course was full of debris , branches , sticks while I was here . If you have a PAY TO PLAY course , you should be doing a walk-through of the course once a day . Some of it was even on the tee pads
#3 Pay To Play - $10 for non residents . They disguise it as a parking fee . I am normally okay with paying if there is upkeep on the course and some goes back into improvements , but not here . We call this a Cash Register Course . One that the money goes into the pockets , but nothing goes to your entertainment .
#4 Interruptions - There are also a lot of dog walkers that you might encounter I hope you like dogs . Also , watch where you step . Owner are good at letting the dogs go right in the fairways .
One of the things that they could have done right was to utilize the lost and found disc box they have , but it looks like it hasn't been cleaned out or locked in years .
Bring bug spray for the bugs , and a hammer to hit your self with for paying to play here .

Other Thoughts:

I talked to a local that is a resident and doesn't pay . He says the lack of attention that Cranbury pays toward the disc golf course and the fact that they charge $10 to play drove most of the players away . That's sad , because it really isn't a bad course . Cranbury could do so much more with this course . but they just ride on their past reputation . Read the reviews from the 2 before me . It seems not too many are impressed . Overrated as it was , It just barely eked out a 3 from me ( 2.75 ) . If you come here , make sure you put aside some time to walk the grounds . The course is a little more than passable .If it didn't have multiple pin placements and only had 1 basket , it would be a 2 , but the park's overall look is very nice .
My Recommendation - With its 2 basket system - and some good holes , this course should be utilized by any residents that like disc golf . The non residents are wasting their money by coming here . You have 4 courses that are free and within 10 miles of this place . Go to Veterans , where the Fun Factor is high there . Course Collectors - avoid the letdown and pick another course .
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3 2
Experience: 11.3 years 21 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bugs, dogs, and trees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2017 Played the course:once


-Nice large rubber tees.
-Nice tee signs.
-Dog friendly (also a con).
-Nice mansion, gardens, and meadows.


-Lots of bugs!
-Nice signs but not always accurate. Need clear Next Hole signs.
-Dozens of dogs, all off leash. One lady had 6 by herself. Not surprisingly, this leads to lots of dog crap on the course. Watch where you step!
-Blue baskets are very old and extremely hard to see in the woods.
-Good amount of blind holes.
-A few holes use the walking trails as fairways which can be annoying.
-People picnicking and lounging on the fairways on a few holes.
-Lots of trees, some holes don't have clear fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Good course but very buggy and you may have to wait a while for pedestrians and dog walkers to clear out. I just played it and not one hole stuck out to me as memorable.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.3 years 152 played 127 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Cranbury Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 5, 2015 Played the course:once


18 holes with two baskets, a short (blueberry) and long (cranbury) to each hole. Mostly wooded with a few open holes mixed in as well. The course doesn't play favorites among lefty or righty because they will both be equally challenged. You will need to execute a full bag with controlled power to have the opportunity to score well. Baskets in fair shape. Arrows underneath cranbury baskets point the way to the next tee. Tee signs are quite nice and accurately depict the hole. Clean. Tees are rubber mats in great shape.


This course seems to lack a "wow" hole; there are several good holes that require different shots, but not one that leaves you wanting to come back just for that hole. Definitely not a beginners course. The dog park comes into play on 15, so if you're laying down a roller (which I recommend if you have one) make sure dogs don't go chasing after it, or much less chasing a dog away with your drive. People picnic on the 18th as well (wasn't an issue when I played, but after all it was under 50 degrees when I played).

Other Thoughts:

This is a good place to come and challenge yourself, but when you do, be prepared to make sure you score when you can (the open holes and some of the shorter holes). This is worthy of a trip if you're in the area, but there are courses with more of a wow factor in CT. The locals do a good job with keeping the place maintained. All in all it is a solid course.
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6 0
Experience: 13.1 years 32 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course But Let's Calm Down a Bit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2014 Played the course:once


Beautiful park. Some interesting holes. I like courses that offer a long and a short option. Nice easy off/easy on for the highway.


1) Lack of Signage - Fortunately, I ran into a local and finished the round up with him. Otherwise I'd probably still be looking for the Hole 6. Sometimes it's easy to see the next Tee. Othertimes, not so much...
2) Dog Walkers - Holy crap, these people are EVERYWHERE! On the fairways, in front of the tees, by the baskets, aimlessly wandering off and onto the holes. I understand that the course designers had to work with what they were given, but I have never seen so many people just blatantly not care they are in the way. I'm all for sharing space with other park users, but there has to be some form of mutual respect. I feel like I spent half my round waiting for people to move.
3) Layout - A lot of repitition. Only two or three really memorable holes. Also a very local friendly course. A lot of holes that are very tricky to know how the layout really works until after you have already thrown.

Other Thoughts:

I know my cons sound like I'm hating on the course. I'm really not. I had a fun round. It was a pleasant walk through some beautiful scenery. I'll play again (it's the perfect halfway point for a break on the drive from MA to family in NJ).

I'm being overly critical because this course simply does not deserve 4 discs. It was a fun, very average park course. Borderlands in Easton, MA is a 4 disc public park course. Wickham is a 4 disc public park course. West Thompson is a smaller course with 1 layout and is still deserving of a better score than Cranberry..

Definitely check this place out if you are in the area. It was a good time. But after seeing such a high rating, I was definitely a little disappointed when I actually got here.
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4 1
Highway Bill
Experience: 26.3 years 67 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Tight Lines 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2013 Played the course:once


Cranbury Park is a better than average city park disc golf course. Most of the holes wind through the densely wooded portion of the park while a few of the holes crisscross some of the grassy fields.
The fly pad tee boxes are ample, well constructed, and a pleasure to throw from. The signs are pretty decent for a park course and the red DGA's catch discs efficiently. The routing here is pretty inherent but there are a few areas where a next tee sign would be helpful.
The designers made good use of elevation change but the course's strongest attribute aside from the tee pads must be the treacherous greens. Many of the baskets are on or near dangerous slopes which will make players think twice before attempting a putts from "the wrong side" of the bucket.


With no legitimate par 4's, Cranbury Park is hardly a test of golf. This is a glorified par 3 course but as you can see by the SSE, a 54 is actually a pretty good score here. This is due to super tight "fairways" combined with awkward distances. There are many holes here that are too long for par 3's but far too short for par 4's. For instance, there are a number of overly tight holes ranging in distance from 300'-375'. On top of that, a few of the slightly uphill holes ranging from 275'-290' played over 300', adding to the long list of "tweeners". There is pretty good directional balance off the tee but that doesn't make up for the course's other shortcomings.
Also, Cranbury could be renamed "Dog Town" if one were so inclined.

Other Thoughts:

Because it's located in a city park, the course builders are limited as to what trees they can cut and that's too bad. I realize this is an issue in all public parks but Cranbury suffers more than most from this policy.
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3 1
Experience: 27.1 years 190 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great course with one MAJOR issue 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 3, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of Holes - Cranbury Park has everything for you, whether you're looking for long open field bomber shots or tight inside holes with little room for error you'll find it here and I seem to use more discs at this course than the others that I usually play. There is even a roller hole. Holes are straight, right to left, left to right, uphill and downhill. Great variety and no real filler holes.

Challenge - I can never seem to put up a great score at this course, there will always be a hole or two (or more) that will trip me up. There is not a lot of room for error at this course, some people may look at the many trees and tight fairways as a negative, but to me it is a positive.

Scenery - The course was the property of a wealthy industrialist which was donated to the town after his death, the park is scenic especially in October when the trees change colors. There is a large house near the 1st and 18th holes and the parking area. I enjoy walking through the garden on my way back to the parking area after finishing a round.

Navigation - It is generally quite easy to navigate this course, the flow is logical and easy to follow. The signage is good.


Environment - This is a MAJOR ISSUE here. The park is very popular with the locals, especially with those who like to bring dogs. The people are either just stupid or just do not care. I cannot remember even a single round where I haven't been waiting for someone (or usually several groups) to get out of the way. They frequently just stand there in front of the tees or in the middle of the hole and just stand there chatting right in front of you, oblivious to the fact (or not caring) they're in the middle of the disc golf course. This is usually the worst around hole 15 (the roller hole and one of the nicer holes on the course) where dog walkers seem to gather. In the prior round I played I had a dog chase my roller tee shot down and grab it, then proceed to run around for a few minutes then deposit the disc in front of its owner, the lady just looked at me and walked away without even saying a word. Just plain rude. The last round I played I had a dog attack me on the 17th tee and the owner again didn't apologize and offered up that the dog hates disc golfers. This same owner walked in front of my group on the 18th tee then proceeded to change direction and zig-zag right down the fairway of the 18th making our group wait almost 5 minutes for him to get out of the way. Besides these examples I cannot even quantify the amount of time I have stood on a tee and waited of people to clear out of the way, again I speculate that most of these people know what they're doing but they simply do not care. Numerous times I have begun to walk up to them to ask them to move and they usually disperse when they see me coming. This is beyond frustrating and can ruin a round. I understand that these people have just as much right as disc golfers to this park, but the things I have seen makes me think that many of these people don't share that opinion. I'm not saying every non-dg'er is like this, but a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

Also, I do not blame the course organizers for this, they've actually changed the course significantly for the better, the issue here is that wherever you put this course within the park people will always be getting in the way and many just do not respect other's rights to use the park.

Leaves - While this ties in with environment, it's sort of different. In the fall, since this is a mostly inside course, it is not uncommon to have to search for your disc even in the fairway since it easily gets buried under leaves. There is nothing that can be done to remedy this problem and you can spend some time searching.

Other Thoughts:

As far as the course goes, it is an excellent course for disc golf; however, I was shocked to see that this course had a slightly higher ranking then Wickham Park in Manchester (4.27 to 4.24). I've played both courses numerous times and Wickham Park is significantly better than Cranbury, from both a pure disc golf perspective and an environmental perspective. If I could play this course without anybody interfering I'd probably rate it 4 discs; however, due to the frequent issues with other users of the park I am giving this course a 3. I've played nearly 125 different courses and this course is by far the worst in this respect I've ever seen. Even in a very tight park like Fountain Hills outside of Phoenix I had no problems with people getting in my way and that park is hardly bigger than the field at Cranbury and easily has as many people in it.
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