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Norwalk, CT

Cranbury Park

3.875(based on 50 reviews)
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Cranbury Park reviews

3 1
Experience: 27.1 years 190 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great course with one MAJOR issue 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 3, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of Holes - Cranbury Park has everything for you, whether you're looking for long open field bomber shots or tight inside holes with little room for error you'll find it here and I seem to use more discs at this course than the others that I usually play. There is even a roller hole. Holes are straight, right to left, left to right, uphill and downhill. Great variety and no real filler holes.

Challenge - I can never seem to put up a great score at this course, there will always be a hole or two (or more) that will trip me up. There is not a lot of room for error at this course, some people may look at the many trees and tight fairways as a negative, but to me it is a positive.

Scenery - The course was the property of a wealthy industrialist which was donated to the town after his death, the park is scenic especially in October when the trees change colors. There is a large house near the 1st and 18th holes and the parking area. I enjoy walking through the garden on my way back to the parking area after finishing a round.

Navigation - It is generally quite easy to navigate this course, the flow is logical and easy to follow. The signage is good.


Environment - This is a MAJOR ISSUE here. The park is very popular with the locals, especially with those who like to bring dogs. The people are either just stupid or just do not care. I cannot remember even a single round where I haven't been waiting for someone (or usually several groups) to get out of the way. They frequently just stand there in front of the tees or in the middle of the hole and just stand there chatting right in front of you, oblivious to the fact (or not caring) they're in the middle of the disc golf course. This is usually the worst around hole 15 (the roller hole and one of the nicer holes on the course) where dog walkers seem to gather. In the prior round I played I had a dog chase my roller tee shot down and grab it, then proceed to run around for a few minutes then deposit the disc in front of its owner, the lady just looked at me and walked away without even saying a word. Just plain rude. The last round I played I had a dog attack me on the 17th tee and the owner again didn't apologize and offered up that the dog hates disc golfers. This same owner walked in front of my group on the 18th tee then proceeded to change direction and zig-zag right down the fairway of the 18th making our group wait almost 5 minutes for him to get out of the way. Besides these examples I cannot even quantify the amount of time I have stood on a tee and waited of people to clear out of the way, again I speculate that most of these people know what they're doing but they simply do not care. Numerous times I have begun to walk up to them to ask them to move and they usually disperse when they see me coming. This is beyond frustrating and can ruin a round. I understand that these people have just as much right as disc golfers to this park, but the things I have seen makes me think that many of these people don't share that opinion. I'm not saying every non-dg'er is like this, but a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

Also, I do not blame the course organizers for this, they've actually changed the course significantly for the better, the issue here is that wherever you put this course within the park people will always be getting in the way and many just do not respect other's rights to use the park.

Leaves - While this ties in with environment, it's sort of different. In the fall, since this is a mostly inside course, it is not uncommon to have to search for your disc even in the fairway since it easily gets buried under leaves. There is nothing that can be done to remedy this problem and you can spend some time searching.

Other Thoughts:

As far as the course goes, it is an excellent course for disc golf; however, I was shocked to see that this course had a slightly higher ranking then Wickham Park in Manchester (4.27 to 4.24). I've played both courses numerous times and Wickham Park is significantly better than Cranbury, from both a pure disc golf perspective and an environmental perspective. If I could play this course without anybody interfering I'd probably rate it 4 discs; however, due to the frequent issues with other users of the park I am giving this course a 3. I've played nearly 125 different courses and this course is by far the worst in this respect I've ever seen. Even in a very tight park like Fountain Hills outside of Phoenix I had no problems with people getting in my way and that park is hardly bigger than the field at Cranbury and easily has as many people in it.
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1 6
Experience: 11.3 years 36 played 9 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Wonderful course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Great tees, multiple pins, beautiful course, nice variety.


Finding the next hole can be a challenge. Some holes have bricks with arrows, some don't. The signs help, if you remember to look at them before throwing.

Other Thoughts:

Pretty short holes, I thought I would throw a personal record but the holes can be challenging.
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2 6
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 168 played 44 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Technical with lots of elevation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 11, 2012 Played the course:once


Good variety- shot shaping is required and there are multiple lines that you can throw on each shot. Tight gaps and different lines are in abundance here. The open holes balance the wooded holes very well.

Two baskets on each hole- this creates two different layout options. The blueberry course is more of a beginner while the cranbury layout will provide a challenge for even the best disc golfers that play this course

Elevation- almost every hole has an elevation change whether it be used in a small or dramatic way. One hole is like 260 straight uphill plays like 400

Amenities- practice basket near parking lot. Great tee signs that display accurate information.

Rock walls and the castle- its pretty cool to be surrounded by a 18-19th century mansion. The rock walls mark ob and add something special to remember about this sweet course


The whole place seemed to be a dog park. On the longer layout there was no way to tell the pin position.

Hole 15- you have to throw a ridiculously perfect roller to make it even close to the basket. The trees are too high for your average person to be able to throw over.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this was a great course and I was pleasantly surprised
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Stone Walls and a Castle 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2012 Played the course:once


- Two Baskets on Every Hole. Every hole had 2 baskets: a Blue/Purple colored basket (short) and a Maroon colored basket (long) that were played from the same tee-pad. The Dual Baskets effectively created Dual Courses: The Bluebury and The Cranbury, respectively... with the Cranbury being the longer of the two.
- Some Fun Holes. Cranbury had some great golf holes... better than average Par 3 disc golf (with a Par 4 or two tossed in). The designers made great use of the natural and man-made features (elevation, large trees, rock outcroppings, stone walls, trails, the castle), creating interesting greens and OB situations.
- Stone Walls. Throughout the course there were these stone walls, that must have been 100 years old or more, flanking the fairways. They made for some OB situations, felt historic, and more or less looked cool as hell.
- The Castle. There is an extremely large, old, castle-like home that: A) not only looks awesome, but B) gives you the feeling of playing the final hole of the British Open with a beautiful stone house in the background as you tee-off on, and walk up the fairway of, hole 18.


- A Few unFAIRways. If I remember correctly, holes 4-7-ish seemed to have slightly unFAIRways: extremely tight, with random trees in the fairways to avoid, and decent length. And, Hole 15 had a wall of cedars with ridiculously low branches to throw under, basically requiring a roller without the proper room to throw one (unless you have a lefty sidearm roller in your bag).
- Dog Park. The entire park appeared to be a dog park. I must have seen 30 or more people and dogs walking trails throughout the entire course during my round... and, it was 8:30 am on a Sunday morning... and it was raining!

Other Thoughts:

- Parking Area Seemed Unclear. I parked near a gazebo in the middle of the park, and had to walk to find hole 1... which wasn't all that bad because I got to investigate the castle and get some photos. If you want to save yourself some time and walking distance, park in front of the castle... that's where you'll find the kiosk and path to Hole 1.
- Overall... Cranbury is a better than average disc golf course with dual layouts, wooded and open holes, beautiful scenery, a historic atmosphere, and more than a few really great golf holes. The course starts off with some really fun holes (1-2), gets a little tight for a minute (3-7), hits its stride midway (8-14), and finishes out with some open shots in a beautiful grassy area with a castle in the background. The Cranbury layout seemed to want to be a championship-ish level course; however, without several more multiple-connector-shot holes (i.e. Par 4's and 5's), it struggles to reach that mark, for me... but still fun as hell, even in the pouring rain, by yourself.
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4 0
Experience: 17.3 years 23 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2012 Played the course:once


It is at a freaking mansion! Beautiful course with both open and wooded shops. Plays both Cranbury (Long) or Bluebury (Shot). So it is great for beginners and advanced players. Well maintained with some beautiful stone walls. Challenging shots and a wide array of holes.


People walking their dogs down the middle of the fairway. If you are in a rush, this can be kinda annoying. I was however with my girlfriend who loves dogs. So it entertained her.

Got lost a few times because you had to double back if you were playing the Long baskets. The trails were covered with a lot of leaves so it may be hard to figure out where to go next if you don't have a map.

Other Thoughts:

I had a hard time finding the first tee. It is behind two practice baskets down by some old barn. Walk away from the mansion. If you have a hard time finding it. The old lady in the welcome center is very friendly (she will talk your ear off. Be careful) They even have maps! (pretty sure they printed them off from this website though. So you may be able to do that yourself.)

I played this course the day after the Cranbury classic so it was in wonderful shape with out of bounds marked well.
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3 3
Experience: 12.2 years 13 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 15, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Amazing course! Not much to add in addtion to what has already been said.

Other Thoughts:

*** Hole 10 on the red baskets has been moved back another 100 ft or so making the hole much longer. it is still listed as a par 3, but IMO should probably be changed to a par 4.

Thought I would point this out as it really changes how you play the hole.

This might be in preparation for the Cranbury Classic in a couple weeks though...

**Update (10/1/12)**

Course is looking clean and clear for the Cranbury Classic next week. Woodchips added on several holes, tee pads are clean and clear and most of the overgrown vegitation has been cleared out leaving the rough a little more foregiving
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10 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Worth the stop in CT. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2012 Played the course:once


2 baskets on every hole make it basically 2 courses in one: Cranberry and Blueberry.

Practice area and Kiosk with map.

Tee areas near perfect. spacious rubber teepads with excellent signage and even bag hangers and benches.

Dog friendly for those of you who disc with your dog. There is even a water station at hole 15.

Bright red/maroon baskets were easy to spot.

A few memorable holes: 4 was a nice 377 downhill tight tunnel shot with a dog leg left over the stone wall.
9 is easily a signature hole with the basket perched on a large boulder.
15's basket is on a mound basically requiring a 20 foot putt.

Elevation, good variety of holes, clear fairways that can prove fatal to your perfect shot.


No way to tell what pin position the basket was in for the Cranberry layout holes with multiple pins.

Rec tees are old, unmarked, and difficult to see.

Lots of dogs on the course. Hole one smelled strongly of urine. I also had to wait several minutes for a large group of dog walkers to leave the fairway.

Bugs were horrible, but I can't blame the course for that.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a little bit of everything feel it is a solid 4.25, however I have to give it a 4 or 4.5, so I had to go with the 4.5, when else can you play disc golf around a mansion.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.2 years 65 played 56 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fantastic Course, but beware of dogs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Challenging course with lots of variety. Good mix of hyzer and anhyzer curves, elevation changes, wooded vs. open, mixed distances etc. A great place to meet other disc golfers in the area. The course is very well maintained and extremely clean. Trash bins throughout the course. Benches at every tee. Good solid tee pads. Public restrooms on site. Beautiful park. Good signage. 2 practice baskets. AND it's just up Route 7 from Utopia, which is probably the best place to buy golf discs in the state. I try to buy a few discs every time I play Cranbury to diversify my bag and support local business.


In addition to having a great disc golf course, Cranbury Park is also a dog park. Hole 15 in particular requires awareness of canines and it's best to take your shot when the dogs aren't looking. Most of the owners I've come into contact with are very nice and keep their dogs under control but it is something to be aware of. Also, disc golfers should keep in mind that the wooded holes (particularly 2-13) intersect with some hiking trails and sometimes you have to look out for walkers. The bugs are also something of a nuisance in the woods. The park can also be somewhat crowded on weekends due to weddings, reunions, etc.

Other Thoughts:

This is a beautiful course with a lot of great amenities. I drive down from New Haven to play this course and it's worth the trip. Also wonderful to have Utopia close by and a vibrant disc golf culture in Norwalk. Just watch out for the dogs because man's best friend is not necessarily disc golf's best friend...

On another note, I found an unmarked disc on June 16, 2012 in the basket on hole 11 (I think). If you're looking for a disc, send me a message with the right make, model and color and I'll arrange to return it to you,
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2 0
Experience: 14.2 years 24 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun and Challenging Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2011 Played the course:once


First off this course was alot of fun as well as challenging. It had a good use of terrain and trees. There was good tee pads, and they were consistant thru out the course; althou I am not a huge fan of Rubber matting, but it was well matainted and had wooden framing. The course was kept clean, which is always a good thing. The Trashcans along the course I'm sure helped. I think there was benches at most of the holes. I was able to use a verity of shots to good use. I think it was 16 that plays through the dog park. it has some low trees about a 1/3 of the way to the basket the I put a roller to good use.


The Park had many non-players in it, As I stated before there is a dog park that the course runs through. Hole #9 was a bit tricky to find for a first timer. My bigest complaint for the course was that some of the holes seemed a bit long for a par 3. There were quite a few holes that had multiple basket placments, and no way of knowing which one was the right one from the tee box. I threw a lot of blind shots.
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12 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through beautifully maintained grounds adjacent to an old mansion. The grassy open holes are mowed beautifully and the wooded holes are nicely cleared. There is great distance variety here, with everything from ace runs to a couple longer holes that are open enough to really rip a drive. The wooded holes provide a great mix of left and right turning fairways, with tight enough fairways to force accurate drives. You'll need a pretty good variety of shots to score well here.

There are two permanent baskets on every hole, a shorter "Blueberry" layout and the longer signature "Cranbury" layout. Both layouts offer a nice mix of hole shapes, and give different skill levels appropriate challenges. It's nice to have the options too if you're playing multiple rounds, especially since the longer pin set has multiple sleeves to keep things changed up. The signage is good, with hole layout and distance for both pins. The tees are nicely laid rubber pads with a good structure underneath to keep them flat and level.


There are some safety issues here, with a busy walking path running through the course. Many holes bring the path into play, sometimes blindly so you can't see someone coming up the path from the tee. Dog walkers also were using some of the fairways to exercise their dogs off leash which adds to the potential safety problems.

The open holes can provide nice contrast to the technical shots, but I would have liked to see a little more creativity with basket placements. Several of the open holes could potentially be tweaked to have a basket tucked into a tree line or a gap to hit off the tee. I would also like to see indicators for the current placement of the long pin on the tee sign, there are some blind pins that you have to walk up and scout.

Other Thoughts:

The long layout here is a nice challenge for intermediate to advanced players, with some distance shots and lots of technical lines to hit. Beginners will find the shorter layout very accessible, there are some tight lines but the punishment isn't terrible for errant shots and the distances are reasonable. The park is beautiful and makes for great surroundings for a round, I would definitely recommend a stop here if you're in the area.
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1 5
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2011 Played the course:once


Excellent navigational signage and beautiful scenery make this course a great experience. Good use of natural terrain and well maintained.


Tee #1 a little tough to find.

Other Thoughts:

Thanks! Traveled here from out of state and was not disappointed!
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1 4
Experience: 20.3 years 6 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bring some bug spray 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


A good variety of shots, on a very challenging course. I'm told that pros play here all the time, and i can see why


Freaking bugs! Bring some bug spray. Or a bug A-bomb. Also, the course is heavily wooded, and if i had a nickel for every time I hit a tree....

Other Thoughts:

Great location, set back from society at a very nice park. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the area, there are some really cool shots here
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17 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 85 played 64 reviews
4.00 star(s)

CT Gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2011 Played the course:once


Convenient location and very easy to find, yet still tucked away from the hustle and bustle of CT suburbia, Cranbury park is situated on a sprawling estate consisting of both open and wooded areas. Driving into the park, the parking lot closest to the disc golf course is adjacent to a Tudor Revival-style English mansion. The level of sophistication doesn't decrease once you get to the course.

Cranbury park is another good example of a course design that makes the most of the land available. The course is mostly wooded with a few open holes. The course features elevation changes throughout and also factors in natural features, such as baskets situation on large boulders, and rustic yet classy man-made features, such as rock walls. There are two baskets on every hole; one fixed (Bluebury) and another longer basket that changes to up to four pin positions (Cranbury). This makes it possible to play two separate 18-hole layouts in the same location. The wooded holes at Cranbury require accurate throws, but they're fair. Discs that stray from the fairway or riccochet off a tree won't typically make for terribly punishing upshots. There is a solid amount of variety with regard to the fairway shape and length and include straight and left and right-turning fairways and a few "S" shaped fairways. Hole lengths range from 178 up to 550, with a nice mix of distances in between.

The course featured very detailed tee signs depicting fairway, pin positions, distances, and possible lines. Bag hangers are available on the tee posts. The fly pads were level and solidly secured to the ground, so tripping on an exposed or raised lip isn't going to happen.

Cranbury park was exquisitely maintained. The lawns were mowed, bushes were trimmed, and there was little-to-no underbrush, briars, or shule. With the exception of an occasional water bottle, the course was clear of litter.

Navigation wasn't much of an issue as the next tee was easy to spot. When the next tee couldn't be seen, the permanent baskets had pavers underneath them with arrows pointing to the next tee.


Some of the fairways were very close to other public areas, such as walking paths. Any time you have a course in a public park, this is a danger that needs to be negotiated. While I believe that much of this danger was mitigated in the course design, there are still a few holes that could be dangerous for pedestrians, bystanders, walkers, and joggers using the park.

There are very few cons with respect to the layout of the course. For the most part, the non-wooded holes at Crunbury were wide open. With the exception of #18, there wasn't much in the way of obstacles on the "big drive" holes. Overall, there wasn't much in the way of OB or other hazards to push the risk vs. reward aspect of the game. It doesn't appear that Cranbury has much flowing water on the property, so I doubt that this is something that could be incorporated in the future.

The rotating baskets didn't have the next tee arrow pavers like the permanent baskets, so finding the next tee was a slight issue on a few of the holes. This is a fairly minimal inconvenience as the course should be easy to navigate on subsequent rounds.

Other Thoughts:

We got to start our round by asking a few of the local players about the course layout and they were VERY helpful and friendly and were kind enough to let us know that after you finish hole #6, you need to walk to the left and backtrack a little to get to hole #7.

There is a lost disc box adjacent to hole #18, but it's wide open. So while it may be easy to return a disc to the box, anybody can just as easily pull their disc or a disc that doesn't belong to them.

I played Cranbury just after playing a championship-caliber course, so to be sure I didn't have any unfair bias I gave myself a week to collect my thoughts before writing this review. I'm glad I did. In that week, I've come to realize what a gorgeous course the folks of Norwalk have and if the site allowed for 0.25 disc ratings, this would easily be a 4.25. I frequently travel along the Merritt Parkway and Cranbury Park makes a fantastic halfway point in my trip. I look forward to playing this course again and recommend it to anyone that happens to be traveling along the I-95 corridor in CT, or anyone that wants to play a course that is both fun and challenging.
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2 2
Experience: 16.3 years 15 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 5, 2010 Played the course:once


It is an awesome course. I can't believe how litter free the course is. All the human built rock walls from colonial times really takes you back. Every hole has well kept tee pads, signs, 2 baskets, and signs pointing to the next tee. The distance is challenging but not too long that only big arms would benefit.


Not that much of a con but there are a lot of dog walkers out there.

Other Thoughts:

Glad this is right off the Merritt Parkway which is my main route for a constant business trip.
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6 0
disc gopher
Experience: 22.3 years 25 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


some very interesting pin placement including one atop a clustering of boulders. I personally love the use of rocks and walls, this course delivers tons of that. Holes are mostly of a decent length, some short, some that require some more D.

good mix of left and right doglegs as well as a few straight-away shots.

park is very clean.

great practice area near hole one. perfect for practicing putts with elevation. this hole also has a cool shack type thing behind the teepad.


DOGS. a couple literally grabbed my disc and ran with it. the owners are generally nice and apologize about it though.

Blue pin positions are extraneous and much too easy for any real disc golfer in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

Mostly wooded with a few open-ish holes. As far as difficultly goes, out of 10 i would say its a 7. A couple are much harder and a handful are much easier.

great course overall. go play it if you're in the area.
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6 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.4 years 353 played 299 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cranbury 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2010 Played the course:once


Signage--Beautiful, accurate, full color, clearly defined OOB, shows obstacles and next tee.

Pins-- Nice, red, powder coated and grabby.

Asthetic-- Thise course is absolutely beautiful. I have never played a course that has this much stunning beauty. between the rock fences to the boulder pin to the mansion grounds, just beautiful.

Teepads-- huge rubber pads. not slick at all.

Practice area-- on top of the old cellar, unique and cool.

Nav Bricks-- under each pin there is a brick with an arrow that shows next tee


Finding your way to hole one-- I wish that there was a sign at the mansion that said disc golf this way. You have to walk a long way from the disc golf sign to where the first tee is.

Multiple Pins-- I expected, perhaps naively, that there would be both blue and red pins in the ground (as there were on hole one). All holes rather had the first red pins in place, but was confusing for the first few holes.

Hole 10-- no pin of any kind in the ground, we played to the big rock in the fairway.

To me these are big dings, I had initially thought about making this a five disc course, but couldn't in good conscience with these negatives.

Other Thoughts:

Truly, if you are visiting NYC, this isnt that far away and should be a destination course for anyone.
If you want to play in the beauty of the connecticut woods, this is your course.
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2 4
Experience: 20.5 years 22 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Woods Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2010 Played the course:once


Very nice basket placement on multiple holes
Creative Layout that flowed very nicely
Good Elevation
Good Variety


Goes through a dog park, there were multiple times I had to wait for a person walking their dog before I could tee off. I was also worried that I would have a disc chased down by a dog but thankfully that didn't happen

Other Thoughts:

Very Nice course overall, and worth the 40 minute drive from my campus. I am originally from Delaware and I am used to woods courses such as Iron Hill and carousel, I would say this is on par with both of those courses if anyone has played those.
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16 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 103 played 49 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Connecticut is apparently french for "awesome". 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2010 Played the course:once


- The tee pads at this place are bigger than my house. Which probably says more about my house than it does about the tee pads. And like my house, these tee pads are covered by what appears to be roofing material. This makes for a super grippy surface. Though it didn't make my game any better. I'm not sure a wizard could do that though.
- the baskets at this place are either new or well taken care of, or both. Which makes that "or" a pretty useless bit of wording. Either way, the baskets are marvelous. And while the two baskets per hole confused me at first; I am pretty dumb. So once I got it figured out, I used the two basket thing as an excuse for my poor play. It was nice to have something like that built in.
- This course has more shots than jerry has curls. Wooded, wide open, skill, hyzer, anhyzer and what could be some circus shots if you don't play well. So guess what I did a lot. It's always nice to play a course that has variety and not just a bunch of "throw it as hard as you can" holes or holes that are so hard that you can't even see the basket because of the number of trees. Pretty amazing.
- The signage is great on this course. There are little bricks in the ground near every basket that tell you where the next tee pad is. The signs at the holes are very accurate to each basket that comes into play. And there is a fantastic map at the first hole that shows you where everything is on the course. if you get lost on this course, it's probably because your seeing eye dog ran off and started humping a fence post.
- Two practice baskets on this course really round out the "if one is good, then two is better" theme of this place. Both appear to be brand new baskets. Again, practice doesn't help me, but it was good to have in case it does help you out.
- this park is beautiful. While we don't have anything like this park in Indiana (you generally have to throw around cows and have corn stalks as your obstacle), it was incredible to just look at.
- there was a box at 18 marked as a "disc return". I don't know what it's for, but I'd like to imagine that people at this course have honor. Where as people at my home course will brain you with a cinder block to take your discs from you.


I had two cons, and they knocked this course down a .5.
1. There were a couple of holes on this course that had fairways that interfered with one another. 14 and 18 sort of intersected. It wasn't that big of a deal, but someone did throw right into me as a I was teeing off on 14. I took his disc and melted it down right there on the spot, then buried it on the tee pad as I laughed maniacally, so it felt OK. That'll learn him.
- There is a LOT of other activity on this course. Dogs were running amuck all over the joint, and pedestrians came strolling into the fairway on four or five holes. There was also a guy hitting golf balls from the shelter house towards 14 and 18. That guy was just a dick. I mean, who hits golf balls in a crowded park anyway? I wanted to stab him in the neck with a rusty bedspring. But since I didn't have one, I just called him a jerkoff and gave him the one fingered salute.

Other Thoughts:

I almost aced number one on this course, so that really set the mood for me I guess. There could have been rabid wolverines attacking me for the rest of the round and I don't think that I would have noticed after that shot.
The clubhouse/shelter thing at number one was a nice touch, even if it looked like a scene out of a B horror movie. I always carry a machete with me though, so it was all good.

Awesome course you have there Connecticut. Cherish it and give it soft lil' angel kisses every chance you get.
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23 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 89 played 68 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Gorgeous x2 (Disc Golf and grounds) 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2010 Played the course:once


The baskets on the Cranbury course are by far the best I have ever seen. They are powder coated red mach V's (I believe). They also have older baskets that are painted blue, this set of baskets is appropriately named Blueberry, it also is much shorter and good for beginners. The course starts out in the open then it goes into the woods for a few holes. The rest of the holes pretty much alternate between wooded and open. There aren't really any technically overbearing holes but the basket positions make you bring your putting A-game. The hole that was my favorite had a six foot elevated basket set atop a large boulder (of course I hit the rim and three putted The tee signs are made by a local company and rival some of the best I have ever seen in sheer information and appearance. There is also space below them for an advertisement (hint hint Tim;). There are also pegs for your bags on the tee signs. The tee pads are completely flat. They are rubber laid over wooden platforms and all are uniformly long at about fifteen feet. There is at least one bench or lawn type chair at every tee, which makes waiting that much more fun. There are also trash cans scattered throughout the course on some various holes. This adds to the very clean kept grounds that the course is on. The grass is very well trimmed and the fairways are clear of any debris. There are also two or three practice baskets on top of an old cellar near hole one.


The tee pads in the woods are covered with pine needles and are slippery. No brooms are available at the tee pads to clear them away unfortunately. There is a walking trail and dog path that runs adjacent to and cuts into some of the fairways. I only had a problem with two of the twenty or so that I ran into though. The bricks at the bottom of the baskets pointing to the next tee might be the wrong way. There is no way to know which red basket location is current. They are all shown on the tee sign with no designator as to which one to throw to. On one hole, I believe it was ten, there were very low hanging power lines right in the middle of the fairway. I'm not sure if they are live or not but they could easily be a safety hazard.

Other Thoughts:

The course is played on the grounds of an old mansion with beautiful grounds. There is also a very nice playground and picnic area on site.
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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 226 played 128 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice New England Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 4, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


A very nice park to take a stroll with broad lawns and trails winding through thick woods. Very clean with very nice tee pads, signs and baskets.

The challenges exist throughout as you will have to keep on tight fairways on all but 4 holes. On these wooded holes, hitting a tree early can make it a bogey hole due to thick spindly trees in the rough. The key is 80% power on 80% of the holes. The flow is decent, and is mixed with some modest elevation changes and doglegs in both directions.

A few holes are memorable to me - #4 because of it's narrow difficulty factor. # 9 has a pin mounted beautifully on an outcropping of stone. #13 twists uphill to the left then flattens and turns right and has an OB rock wall on the left, thick trees on the right, and trees within the fairway- two very accurate shots will get you to the pin on this one and make you feel you've accomplished something.


It's a nice relief to have some open holes in the fields. They are actually SO open, they have almost no obstacles on the way to the pin. I thought those holes would have benefitted from more protection around the pin, at least.

The course suffers from winding directly through major pedestrian pathways (primarily off-leash dog walkers). I like people, and I like dogs but it it got a little redundant running into this traffic. Many of the paths run the entire length of the fairway! I realize the designers may not have had a choice, but I'm just expressing the frustration these delays create. It really is best to seperate the disc golf from other park users- especially furry ones that like to chew discs.

Other Thoughts:

There are arrows located on bricks at the base of most of the pins that point to the next tee. This was quite helpful, but a couple were missing that created a little confusion.
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