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Highlands Ranch, CO

Cresthill Middle School DGC

1.315(based on 8 reviews)
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Cresthill Middle School DGC reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6 years 339 played 321 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Open, Overgrown, with Omitted Tees 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2021 Played the course:once


PROS A moderately hilly field with solid baskets.

-Baskets: Nine DGA baskets.

-Elevation: On an otherwise boring plot of land, mild elevation is a saving grace. A majority of holes play up or down hills, including some trickier basket placements on slopes and plateaus. Distance control will be very helpful.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: The hills make for a mildly interesting time. (6) and (7) are the only holes with significant trees, and in my opinion far and away the best. (8) doglegs around the school building, which does indeed add an obstacle, if a clumsy one. The rest of the holes are entirely open, but as mentioned, elevation change makes touch and precision important. A drive slightly off will be rewarded with a putt still, but it will be a tricky one. Holes are mostly under 300', so there's plenty of birdie and ace chances. However, if playing basket-to-basket (see why I did that in cons), (7) and (8) are pretty lengthy and feel like shorter par-4s.

-Openness: The nature of the course means it's pretty good for field work - I used it to figure out how my discs fly at altitude, having just arrived in Colorado.


Lack of infrastructure and lack of trees.

-Amenities: Virtually none beyond baskets. There were once tee signs, but only two remain. There is no other indication of where to tee off from, so I just played basket-to-basket for most of the course (which had the added perk of lengthening holes a bit). The baskets, though there, are noticeably short and often leaning.

-Openness: The hallmark of a decent practice area, but not of a good course.

-Maintenance: UDisc said that the course is not maintained during the summer months, and I believe it. Grass/brush was knee high throughout the course, and I felt the need to keep a very close eye on where my discs landed.

-Safety: There's a school building, windows included, in play on (8). The parking lot is a risk on (9).

-School: The obligatory note that, of course, this course is unavailable when school is around.

Other Thoughts:

Cresthill is bare of trees and tees. Unfortunately, it is not bare of knee-high shrubbery. Combine these two, and a generous sampling of hills is the only thing keeping this course from descending to the depths of the Bad. As is, Poor is a very good descriptor. I enjoyed learning how to throw at altitude here, but I would hardly recommend it.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.4 years 344 played 195 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2017 Played the course:once


- decent baskets with numbers on them
- slight elevation change
- easy access quick play course
- good range of distance, 150 to 450 feet
- navigation was relatively easy


- no real tee pads, just tee signs that show about where you should throw from. Most areas to throw from are uneven.
- a couple of tee signs were missing when I played
- plays across a school, throwing over walking paths and very close to buildings and parking lots
- tall grass to lose you discs in
- basically all wide open shots

Other Thoughts:

A school course that doesn't really belong. It feels squeezed into a small end of the schools property, with plenty of unsafe areas to throw. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time playing this course with all the other options around.
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1 0
Experience: 8.3 years 37 played 37 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Confusing experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2017 Played the course:once


Good baskets with some tricky shots
Decent use of land for holes


No tee boxes
Signs only indicated hole number and par
Couldn't find 7 tee or basket
Only able to play during non-school hours

Other Thoughts:

Fairly decent for a school course, but lack of tee boxes and adequate signs made it difficult to navigate
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2 0
Experience: 23 played 5 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2015 Played the course:once


-Good official disc baskets
-tee signs with par and distances
-large range of distances (107ft to 430ft)
-makes use of few trees on property


-only playable when school is out
-nothing new, or anything to "spice it up" for that matter
-Only about half the tees were where they should have been. When playing hole #1 I found the tee sign for hole #5 laying in the grass. Hole #6 sign was blank. hole #7 sigh was nowhere to be found. Hole #8 sigh was knocked over
-The pars were VERY generous. There was a par 5 for a 370 foot shot. Made it easy in 3.
-Lots of sticker bushes , and VERY sticky, smelly mud EVERYWHERE
-No tee pads, just sign (If there was a sign at that hole)
-Was placed out so you would have to walk a ways from hole to next tee, and no indication where the next was.

Other Thoughts:

This is NOT the place to go with friends of family. Also no map witch makes confusing. I have defiantly seen worse school courses, but this one is pretty low on my list.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
1.00 star(s)

School Courses are Dime a Dozen 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2014 Played the course:once


+Nice baskets that catch well
+Easier than most school courses to find your way around. There are tee signs with dirt patches next to them. Not the best flow but I've seen much worse, especially at schools.
+Longer than most school courses
+Hillier than most school courses. 3 comes to mind in particular.
+Hopefully this course will encourage more young golfers to get out there.
+Could be good for practicing putts and approaches. Shouldn't be busy with other golfers.


-It's at a school which limits a lot of things; playing time, space, available terrain, etc.
-Quite open, only a handful of obstacles on the whole course
-I wouldn't recommend playing except for during summer and weekends.
-Tee signs mark tees but don't help otherwise.
-Tees are natural, kind of rutted and often not flat.
-Plays too close to sporting venues, especially the track. Safety is the #1 issue here for sure.
-Not very visually appealing. Dry and scrubby.

Other Thoughts:

-Only play this course if- you are a course bagger, you live really close, or you are a student. It is easy to get to if you are a bagger, won't waste much of your time.
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8 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Watch out for the Track Team... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 10, 2013 Played the course:once


-Nice baskets that catch well
-Good use of the little bit of elevation that the land this course offers sits on. This is the most elevation change I've ever seen on a school course.
-Hole 3 is a decently long hole and a lot longer of a hole than you usually find on a school course.
-I found the course pretty easy to navigate. All of the next tees are pretty close to the last basket. As long as you look for the tee-sign of the next hole you won't have a problem finding the next hole.
-Very generous par (Hole 3 is a par 5 and there are a couple par 4s) which is nice since it is at a middle school and could be encouraging to some middle schoolers just learning the game.


-This course has a ton of safety issues present. Holes 1-4 and 9 all play really close to the track around the football field and bad shots could be dangerous if any one is using the football field or the track. Hole 1 plays really close to a busy parking lot. Hole 7 plays through a obstacle/challenge course and very close to a walk way into the school. Hole 9's basket is placed right behind a staircase leading down to the football field and could be very dangerous. Hole 5 and 8's fairways cross a little bit. If there are any non disc golfers using the track or obstacle course, this course would be almost unplayable.
-The only hole that really has any excitement is hole 7. All of the holes are mostly wide open with few obstacles and the course get repetitive pretty quickly.
-There are no actual tee-boxes, just dirt patches near the tee-signs. Most of the tee-signs are located on side-hills, which makes teeing off on many of the holes awkward. Level tee-boxes would be really nice.
-The tee-signs are very unhelpful. They have just the hole number and the par. A layout of the hole and at least the distance would be nice.
-Some grass on the course could get a little tall and itchy in high summer.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a ton of safety issues that could lead to a ton of issues with non-disc golfers if the sporting fields and track are in use. I would most definitely only play this course on weekends or during the summer to avoid these conflicts. Even without the safety issues, this course is not very exciting. I can imagine it would be fun for the students of the school, but unless you are right near this course, I don't recommend a stop at this course.
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2 4
Experience: 29.3 years 109 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent 9 Hole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Tee boxes, signs and easy to follow. A couple interestingly laid out holes like #7. Longer than most 9 hole courses.


Terrain on school grounds limits the variety. No distances on tees, tees don't point in the direction the hole throws.

Other Thoughts:

People in Highlands Ranch will enjoy it, not worth a long drive.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 112 played 104 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Its Another Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 12, 2013 Played the course:once


This is a course that is in an area that does not have many courses. It sits on land around a middle school with a greenbelt nearby. There are some nice views of the mountains. It is relatively short and a great place to learn to play the game. The baskets themselves, separate from their installation, were in good condition. There were a couple of interesting shots on the course.


Navigation is incredibly difficult without knowing where you are going. Baskets and Tee Signs were put in very quickly and were not done well (I actually had to stand a basket up before putting on it despite the "permanent" installation). No distances on the tee signs. Course par on the tee sign might be accurate for middle schoolers playing with dollar store discs. Tee signs do not necessarily point you towards the basket. There are a couple of longer walks between holes 6 and 7 as well as 7 and 8. The ropes course comes into play on hole 7 and would make hole 7 unplayable during ropes course use. Watch out for other pedestrians when you are playing the holes near the track. Hole 3 has some high brush that may hide discs well. Watch out for the uneven ground, there were a couple of places where ankle twisting could very easily happen.

Other Thoughts:

I was not expecting much from this course when I saw it for the first time. I enjoyed the round I played but this course needed some serious help. Baskets were leaning and in the case of hole 6 had fallen over. I was very glad to find that there was a course here though. Basically I am very happy to have the course but at the same time can think of other courses to go to for just about any reason.
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