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Crieff, United Kingdom

Crieff Hydro Hotel DGC

Permanent course
2.55(based on 2 reviews)
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Crieff Hydro Hotel DGC reviews

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Bronze level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 8.3 years 45 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Challenging and compact 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2018 Played the course:once


Options: The hotel has recently expanded this course putting in a black course. Both sets of tees run to the same baskets. Apart from holes 5 & 6 you cannot see the target basket from the black tees. This can make disc choice difficult as it can be difficult to pick out the optimum line

Setting: The course is set in a mature wooded area of the hotel site, with amazing views across the mountains. The Action Glen ropes course is also nearby so occasionally you may catch sight of people swinging through the trees.


Tee Pads: All tees are made up of 2 concrete slabs, but these are placed at the wrong angle to what they are required to be so getting a decent stance or event a run up is very difficult.

Overhanging trees near tee pads: Some tee shots (holes 1, 2 & 8) are obstructed by low spindly branches which can make a good flight difficult. Some simple pruning could open up these a lot more.

Mud: When you look at the area it looks really dry, but hidden under the mountains of leaves are deep trenches of mud. Be careful when walking at the bottom of the quarry (especially between basket 3 and Tee 4)

Baskets: I wasn't sure whether to put this in Pro or Con, the baskets have a very Rustic and Homemade feel to them. Some are very much on the wonk.
The chains do not catch fast flying discs very well, so be careful not to throw your putts in to hard.

Other Thoughts:

From the clubhouse, walk up the hill to the cross roads (keeping the foot-golf on your right), once at the cross roads turn to about 2 o'clock into the woods. Here you will find the Black tee for Hole 1. If you are looking for the red course, follow the arrow of the tee, the red course will come into view over the ridge.

Hole descriptions:

Hole 1:
Black Tee - Throw up and over the ridge which falls away to the OB road on the right.

Red Tee - Throw down through the grassy, wooded area to the basket which is at the base of a large Scots Pine.

Hole 2: A Badly laid out hole
Black Tee - Throw down the road, which is a blind corner for anyone coming the other way. There is also another path which runs 4m behind the basket. The basket sits approximately 3m higher that the path, so any overthrow could also hit an member of the public

Red Tee - Throw down the slope. All paths are in view so you can see if anyone is coming.
Also be aware of logs at the base of the basket which can cause your disc to deflect off.

Hole 3: A beautiful hole
Black Tee - Throw down the slope, into an old sunken road with old beech trees over hanging on the right hand side. OB in the field behind the beech trees.

Red Tee - A shorter form of the black tee hole. I sloping tree protects the basket

Hole 4: Your First uphill hole
Black Tee - Due to recent fallen trees, the is no easy shot to the basket, A deep ravine 50ft in front of the tee will catch any low drives

Red Tee - I nice easy uphill throw to the basket, but be careful not to overthrow as the road (OB) is only 5m past the basket

From basket 4, turn right onto the road and walk 80m up the hill. Tee 5 will be on your right hand side. Both Black and Red courses share the same Tee pad.

Hole 5:
Black/Red Tee - A steep downhill hole, back to the base of the quarry. The basket has a large fallen tree behind to act as a backstop. Be careful when making your way down as there is no designated path.

Hole 6:
Black/Red Tee - Unfortunately the black tee has been obliterated by a recent fallen tree and so currently the two courses share the same tee pad. This hole shoots back up the quarry to the road. Another simple up shot, with just one silver birch protecting the basket. Again try not to overshoot as the road (OB) is only 4m beyond the basket

Hole 7:
Black Tee: the course shares this tee pad with Red 4. No run is possible as there is a deep stream directly behind the concrete slabs. A tough tee shot up the hill through a maze of silver birches

Red Tee: Try not to get confused which basket you are aiming for from the tee. Basket 2 is clearly visible, however basket 7 is hidden. Aim for the small gap between the trees directly in front of the tee. The basket is just off to the left beyond here, before you reach the road.

The final 2 holes are played on the other side of the road (on the same area as hole 1), cross over and Black 8 tee should become viewable

Hole 8:
Black Tee - A long straight hole, which runs along the road (OB on your left).

Red Tee - A short, flat hole with a few trees to weave through.

Hole 9: Head down to the road and around the stream to reach the tees. This is the only hole where both the Black and red courses are around the same length, but shoot at the basket from different angles.

Black Tee - No clear route to the basket from the tee, try and shoot low and left for the optimal second shot into the basket

Red Tee - Beware of the deep stream directly behind the tee, which can make your stance difficult. I fairly straight forward shot into the green. 2 'V' shaped trees guard the basket.
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2 0
Experience: 19 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


A good introduction to disc golf for beginners. Very narrow wooded holes. The fact that it has been reinstalled due to customer demand.


Tee pads can be akward to use. Some trees marked for felling by the designers have not been removed. Wet in places.

Other Thoughts:

The course has now reopened after being removed several years ago. Its in the same woodland but in a different location then the original. The course was designed primarily for the use of guests of the Crieff Hydro who are mostly beginners. For the more experienced players it offers a good place to practice your short game or one disc challenges
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