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Gypsum, CO

Cross Creek DGC

4.335(based on 21 reviews)
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Cross Creek DGC reviews

14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Knock knock. Who's there? Interrupting cow. Interrupting cow w - MOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 30, 2023 Played the course:once


Course infrastructure:

Tee pads are dirt and though a few are slightly rutted out, there are ways around that to find flat ground. I didn't find much wrong with them otherwise but made me feel slightly uneasy throwing full power but I also have ankle issues so you should be fine. Baskets are very nice and are bright blue with little white flags on top which is very helpful for spotting them down or up a hill or in the tight woods near the middle section of the course. The baskets also have next tee arrows welded into the bottom pointing you in the right direction which is very helpful and we should see this more on courses. If the next tee arrows in the basket aren't good enough for you then hopefully the next tee signs/arrows nailed to trees on almost every hole will. Udisc was working up here even with no cell service but it wasn't needed. Navigation was in the front of the designer(s) brain and as a course bagger who plays a lot of courses for the first time, I appreciate that.


Wow, this is where this place destroys almost every other course out there. I mean just the drive in from I-70 alone is worth it and many of the same views you get on the course. We played it on the last day of September (my birthday, yay!) and the leaves on the trees and bushes were red, yellow, brown, gold, green, even some purple in there as well. The nearby mountains are full of red rock and more of these beautiful trees, you can barely tell there's much rock at all. On the course there is a stream that runs through the edge of the property and is in play on many holes. Also a pond that the cows (yes cows are roaming all over the course) just love to sit by. The trees here are unlike the trees I was used to in the northwest, they are very skinny and tall with minimal branches, a very nice obstacle and great to look at as well. Our group was the only one out here on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and that made the vibe, and the feel solitude make the experience that much better.

The course itself and how it plays and feels:

This place has almost everything you would want in disc golf. The elevation here isn't as extreme as say a downhill ski resort course but it is prevalent and is used very well. It starts out right away with a mini hike up to the hole 1 but you are rewarded with a fun downhill throw guarded by some trees and a few bushes that act as bunkers as well. Carrying on you go back up for hole 2. After a while you have a hole that throws over a little hump and the basket is well below where your feet were at the tee pad. This basket is guarded by the stream behind it as are a few others. This is where the moderate to heavy treed section really kicks off and has you throw right to left and left to right wooded holes until you get a basket across a gully then find yourself back out in the semi open. The amount of variety in woods shots is enough to make you smile and also grimace when you hit a tree 10 feet in front on you. Many of these holes not only punish you with gnarly tree hits and kicks but also have some very treacherous areas you can land and really tax you to make par.

Some quirky things:

The suspended basket on 17 is something I've seen before but it's also niche and fairly rare to see so that was a nice touch. There is also a basket in the treed section (I can't remember which hole it was) that is on top of a large stump and very high in the air making it quite difficult to putt. It is equipped with a ladder so you can climb up and get your disc otherwise this would be like that clown's mouth on the 18th green on a mini golf course: You aren't getting it back. I've never seen a ladder fixed to a basket to retrieve as disc before, pretty neat stuff.


I think this place suffers slightly from not having any par 4 holes. While I enjoyed myself and loved the par 3 holes some challenge distance wise or even placement wise on a par 4 hole(s) would really start to push the rating up on this course significantly for me. I mean the course is laid out well as is, not much filler but if one or two of these wooded holes were much longer it would add a ton of new challenge for players.

I dislike the alternate holes quite a bit. Yes you have the land for it no doubt but these two holes are wide open and long, my least favorite type of disc golf hole. In my opinion they add nothing and in fact actually take away a bit from the course and don't really fit what's here currently. I'm glad I played them because any more time spend here is not time wasted but still there are better uses of land than this.

I don't think the tee pads are bad per say but as I said I have ankle issues and didn't quite feel comfortable. I don't think concrete is the way to go out here, that would make me sad in fact. I've seen used carpet used on natural pads before and though it doesn't prevent rutted pads it certainly helps. I know not everyone agrees with this but I like carpet pads on courses like this, sue me.

Other Thoughts:

Finding the course:

The course is located at Cross Creek Ranch but not the first drive way on the right that literally says Cross Creek Ranch on it. This is I believe the property owners driveway and NOT where the disc golf course starts. If the owners are reading this and reviewed their ring camera and see a big goofy guy with an M's hat who drives a Subaru speaking into their camera like a psycho that was me, sorry if I scared you! You need to drive down another 1/2 mile or so where it says Cross "Creek Disc Golf". There is a cattle gate you need to open (it's unlocked) so you can drive down this road, make sure to close and latch the gate so cows remain where they should be. Keep driving down this narrow and rocky road (mmm ice cream, I digress...) driving past the trailer and golf cart and finally you find the parking lot and the "clubhouse" which is a port o potty haha. You will see the course kiosk here. There is a mailbox with scorecards and pencils here. Also there is a lock box and a slot for putting in your course fee (the website for pre-pay is currently down) which is $15 as I write this review. The first hole is up the hill to the left, follow the dirt path from the course kiosk.

Overall thoughts:

Loved it. I'm a big fan of solitude, elevation, great views, and woods and this course has that in spades. This one for me is one of those courses that's kind of right in between a 4 and 4.5. I went with a 4 because of the cons listed. This place is for sure out of the way, 20+ minutes from the freeway and a town the size of a Walmart parking lot so no real reason to go BUT I think if you enjoy this style of course you should make the trip and enjoy the views.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2023 Played the course:once


Cross Creek DGC is gorgeous 20 hole track out in the middle of nowheresville CO. You can easily just play it as 18 holes by skipping the last two letter holes (A and B), but why would you want to waste another few opportunities to throw some discs in this beautiful place.

The baskets are blue Dynamic Veteran's. These are all in great shape and caught nicely. The blue is fantastic for spotting them in the woods. I had zero problems with these. There's a couple elevated pins out here too, which only adds to the challenge. One basket per hole. Not sure if they're moved or not though.

The course is pretty hilly throughout, especially towards the beginning, which has you working your way up the hillside. The back half features more downhill holes which is nice. It's not all downhill obviously, just more than the front half.

Great design. Beautiful wooded fairways for the majority of the holes. There's a few more open holes sprinkled in for good measure but this is definitely a wooded course. Lots of different shot shapes required. There's a good mix of straight, left and right turning holes. Pretty even it seemed.

There's a creek that winds it's way through the course and is in play on a number of holes. There's also a small pond in play too, with the basket perched dangerlously close behind it. Very tricky and nerve racking hole to approach on.

The tees are natural, meaning gravel basically. I didn't have any issues with these. All are framed up on three sides by either stones or logs. Nicely done for a private course imo.

It'd be kind of tough to lose a disc here actually, despite the remote wooded location. The underbrush isn't too thick. The roaming herd of cows probably helps with this quite a bit. Oh, and you may have to throw around or over cows. One of the more unique obstacles I've had the pleasure to play around.

The course starts and ends near the parking area which is always a plus. There's tons of white wooden next tee arrows all through the course. This makes navigation really simple. Our group of three only had to check the Udisc map a couple times.


The tee signs are really nice looking. They have the Cross Creek Ranch logo in the middle, the hole # on the left of that and the distance to the right. The only problem is that there's no distance listed. On any of them. It just says "feet". So basically it's a pretty fancy sign telling you the hole #. I'm assuming they'll add the distances at some point. Kind of useless currently though.

The tee pads are gravel, and a little on the smaller side. Not an issue for myself, but these will not be for everyone.

The course is on a ranch. So you're basically playing in a cow pasture. The cows roam freely wherever they please. This includes the course. We seen course on at least 4 or 5 holes out here. They're really docile and will move when you get near them. It's still a little unnerving if you're not used to 2,000 pound animals on your fairways. Oh, and cows poop. A LOT. Watch your step. everywhere.

It's a long narrow road into the course. You'll have no cell reception for the last ten or so miles in. When trying to find the course be sure to pull into the driveway that says Cross Creek Disc Golf. It seems obvious, but the gate is closed. Just open the gate and pull in. Be sure to close and lock the gate behind you or the cows will get out. I wish this was made more apparent.

The last two holes, A and B, are just kind of filler. They're kind of out of place compared to the rest of the course and make for a lackluster finish.

Other Thoughts:

This course was really, really fun. I'd absolutely recommend a trip out here. It's not really near anything so you'd have to go out of your way to play here, but man is it worth it. This one stacks up favorably with the other, more well known, mountain courses I played on this trip. This course would get SOO much more love if it wasn't so remote, but that's half the charm. Awesome course.
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10 0
chad groen
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.6 years 42 played 41 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Fun Course in the Mountains 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 19, 2020 Played the course:once


This is a scenic course that's practically located in the middle of nowhere up in the mountains, but it's a high quality course that's worth going on a road trip to check out. It has a lot of holes with nice layouts that can challenge players in multiple ways. Most of the holes are in the woods, but some are outside the woods with a few obstacles here and there to worry about. Being located in the mountains, the elevation comes into play quite a bit. There are times when you're throwing downhill (sometimes it's really far downhill, which can make for a fun tee shot), and there occasionally are times when you're throwing uphill. There's a pond that comes into play on one hole and a creek that comes into play on another. Some holes favor backhand drives, while some favor forehand drives. There are a few blind tee shots, a couple doglegs, and also some O.B. Some holes are real long, and some are kind of short. Some holes are more narrow and some are more open. For most of the wooded holes, the fairways are a reasonable size - not too narrow and not too wide - and the woods surrounding the fairways normally aren't too thick. In other words, if your disc sails away from the fairway, you'll normally have a decent amount of room to walk over, pick up your disc, and throw it back onto the fairway (sometimes you'll even have a realistic shot toward the basket). A lot of the baskets are located in tricky spots so you don't have an easy, straightforward drive or approach shot. The 16th basket is unique in that it's hanging in the air. Also, it's pretty easy to maneuver through this course and find each hole.


A few of the fairways are a little too narrow and have too many trees in the way. The walk to hole 2 is rough because it's long and up a real steep dirt trail. Not a fun thing to do right after you've started playing this long course, especially if you're body isn't used the high elevation. Hole 2 itself needs some cleaning up; it consists mainly of a bunch of small bushes on a hill side with no distinct fairway to land your disc. The last three holes are decent, but they seem a little too wide open and easy compared to the rest of the course. Also, holes 2 and 3 are located right next to the edge of the property, which is marked by a barbwire fence, and there's no convenient way to retrieve your disc if it lands on the other side of that barbwire fence (keep in mind that this course is on a huge property, and there's so much room for it to easily and comfortably have 18 holes, so it's strange that they would put two of their holes so close to the edge of their property).

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course is a hidden gem that's worth going on a road trip to visit. It's a unique experience playing disc golf in the mountains. It's a beautiful course and it can be a good challenge for players of all skill levels. There are a few holes that still need a little work done, but that's ok for now because this is a young course that's a work in progress. I've heard they're still working on fine-tuning each hole, so this course should only get better and better in time, and it already is easily one of Colorado's best courses.
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4 1
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

very well designed course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2020 Played the course:once


Very good use of the elevation changes and trees. Many baskets protect by guardian trees. Seemed about even left and right dog legs. Excellent signage leading you to the next tee. Cows seem to keep the grass short when in the open. Very scenic!


Earthen Tee pads are showing wear and some are a bit rough with rocks pushing up.

Other Thoughts:

Tee boxes were nice framed by logs or stones and leveled, but they are getting worn into shallow pits. I saw Astro Turf stacked in the parking lot that may be used for Tee pads soon. The last few holes are good for the big arms and mostly open. This is a challenging course! They were out of maps, but I assumed over the barbed wire fences were OB, but there was always a gate nearby if you need to get to the wrong side. Hole 3 looked like it would be hard to find you Disc in the brush but it was actually fairly open. Owners are very friendly! Seemed greener then the few Colorado courses I have seen.
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review and glad you enjoyed the course! We completely understand about the tee boxes and have a plan in place to get professional quality pads installed for the 2021 season (we were waiting quite a while for proper approval to do so). Also, we have completely redesigned hole 3 to eliminate the bushy open field and also added two brand new holes immediately after it in the trees. The whole area plays a lot better now. We have lots of plans to add more holes and courses next year as well and I hope you're able to come back sometime to see them!
13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 303 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2020 Played the course:once


My three pros:

- This is a true Colorado mountain course that plays in remote wood with nice mountain views on several holes. The scenic valley that you drive up to reach the course is in view for about half the holes. The scenery was also really nice on a few of the holes in the more wooded areas due to the many creeks small ponds. #8 was likely the signature hole with a decent downhill shot that then plays across a beautiful little pond, some of the long open valley shots were highlights as well.

- Decent mix of short and long, open and wooded holes. Elevation was also in play on many holes, with very few holes that seemed 'flat'.

- Very nice veteran baskets all throughout the course, making it easier to know which of the many visible baskets you are playing to. Also, It is evident a lot of hard work has gone into establishing the trails and teepads in this rugged area, it would appear the course fees are being used to maintain and upgrade this little chunk of woods.


My three cons:

- This place is wayyy out of the way. That can be a good thing with the gained seclusion but the play should be worth the drive. In my opinion this course was not yet 'destination' worthy and shouldn't warrant more than a 30-45 minute drive total and looking back did not feel it was worth the large detour it takes to get there. Course-wise I found it comparable to Bear mountain near Denver; destination-wise I didnt feel this course was in the same tier as beaver ranch, bailey, bucksnort or even Palisades.

-Course infrastructure is still lacking several key things such as concrete tees, course map(s) at the parking area, and informative signs at the tees. Sure, these are all minor things individually but the lack thereof really put a damper on my experience and really detracted from the destination vibe. -First the tees- it seems private courses with natural tees always have the shortest tees for the longest holes?!?! While many of the holes had very nicely built tees, it seemed the longer holes like #8,#12 etc either had shorter or very rocky tees. Perhaps its just my noodle arm, but I find that in order to throw straight shots at high elevation you need power in place of understabilty- and its hard to get enough power on a shortened rocky teepad. -The kiosk map- I rarely download the map beforehand and usually rely on taking a photo at the course kiosk. While there is a map you can photograph at the kiosk it is small, greyscale and fairly hard to read- a bit different from what you are seeing on Houck courses and such. Furthermore, the tee-signs at each hole only showed the hole #. Again, even most city parks are going to have descriptive tee-signs, let alone the statistical wizardry you see on Houck course tee-signs. With how many baskets are blind from the tee, helpful signs can be really...helpful. Eventually I got tired of walking the longer blind holes and just threw in the general direction of the fairway. I would think for this to be on par with 4.5-5 star courses there should a fair bit of work put into the signage and playability of the course for traveling players.

- The extra baskets everywhere were a little bothersome. Standing on the first tee you can see 6+ baskets, make sure you know which one youre going to before you climb all the way up to the tee... Again, it wasnt a big deal when the extra baskets would pop up on various holes but they made it yet more confusing for the traveling player and somewhat detract from the views. This is after the course was manicured to tournament condition which I felt looked a little out of place.

Other Thoughts:

Disclaimer: I played this course after hiking the Maroon Bells 4-pass loop so my natural-beauty receptors were pretty worn down and I was slightly tired and cranky. Despite knowing I would be tired I read the reviews, and decided it looked worthwhile enough to swing by and play "one of the premier courses in Colorado" and left disappointed. I think the case here is many people meet the owner and see the true life-force behind the course and boost the course reviews bc of the awesome and kind owner (ie bear mountain). I did not meet the owner had a 1-on-1 couple of hours with the course and came away with a 'meh' feel.
Hole #8 sums it up pretty well:
Hike up a steep path from #7basket to #8tee looking down a decent hill. No basket in sight- do you hike back down the hill to find the basket? I checked the map saw it was right to left shot and just threw to the bottom of the hill. Totally failed and hit tree after 100', partly due to the degraded tee. Throw to bottom of hill, still no basket in sight. Get to the bottom to realize the basket is placed beautifully behind a fairytale-like pond creating an epic signature hole- good to know 2 throws in... My point being that the hole design and scenery is there, there course flow and design execution arent great for drive-by players.

All-in-all this would be an amazing course to have in town to play often but does not fill the checkboxes for a destination course. Then again, if you are coming from out of state and this is your only chance to play a mountain course, dont pass it up- just check out the 285 corridor 1st if possible.
Also, I must give many thanks to the hard working course owner - it is evident this is a labor of love and every disc golf course makes the world a better place!
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review and your comprehensive feedback! Sounds like you enjoyed your time at Cross Creek for the most part and we completely understand your listed cons. Tee pads will be addressed as soon as possible (we've been waiting for approval to build them for quite a while and finally have clearance). They will be big, flat and topped with Discmania's turf tees. Tee signs and a big course map for the kiosk are also being designed as we speak now that we've reached our goal of installing alternate pin positions and redesigning and adding holes in the area of holes 3 and 4. Speaking of which, we also have plans to add at least two more courses on the property which will hopefully help us reach destination status in the near future. We hope you'll come back and visit someday to see all of the improvements we have in store!
6 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Post Tournament Review - Cross Creek 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2020 Played the course:once


Course diversity: There are a lot of great tee boxes here at Cross Creek, and as a new player, it is VERY challenging in the best ways. You have a good mix of some large open shots that require a little finnesse and not just a total cannon. Beyond those, you have a lot of technical shots that once you know where the basket lies, really make you think, "How the heck am I getting the disc there in 3 just for par?!"

While this can be frustrating sometimes as a new player with all the tree donks, it also is AMAZING for improving your technical ability and control.

Teeboxes: I will have this in pros and cons because... it's kinda both. Some of the boxes are awkward in where you can get a stance or step-to-throw. I say this because you may have to cinch up to the very top corner of a box or two just to make sure you have a line past the first set of "f-you" trees (as I call them).

OVERALL: The course was HEAVILY manicured and groomed for the weekend I went. This was for a tournament called the Goat Throw! It was amazing, the owners are awesome and incredibly hospitable. They're working on getting the proper permits so folks can come out, camp, then play... wicked cool.


If you're out of shape, you're going to start getting in shape playing this course. There's a few holes that will definitely require a quick breather once you get to the pad.

There's definitely some tricks to this course... watching some of the course designers/pros (who are familiar w the course) throw thumbers skying over treelines to make birdie on crazy dog leg holes is frustrating, but something to aspire to, I suppose!

General "cons" if you can call them that:

- Bring PLENTY of water. Especially if you want to play 2 rounds. I'd say only 1/3 -> 1/2 is truly in the sun, but if it's hot, you're going to need that water.

- Needs better signage. You'll end up walking to see a basket or 5.

Other Thoughts:

The place rocks, it's worth the 15$ to play for the day, and it seems to be improving on the regular when I go play on weekends.
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Designer response by klay
Hey, thanks for coming out for the Goat Throw games! And welcome to the world of disc golf. I appreciate the kind words about pre-tournament maintenance. We've made a huge push this year to keep things clean and playable for all skill levels. Our goal was to create a course that would challenge all players and I can totally understand how some of the holes could be challenging for beginners but, as the only technically challenging course in Eagle County, we really wanted it to be an opportunity to improve your wooded game. We're working on tee signs as we speak now that we have alternate pins installed and completed our redesign and new holes on the front 9. Keep an eye out for more events on the calendar in 2021 and hopefully we'll see you back for one!
6 0
Experience: 16.3 years 249 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Hitting Its Stride 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Cross Creek is a truly unique mountain course. Even though it is extremely secluded in a beautiful high alpine setting, it shares many elements you might expect to find in a traditional city park course.

Extensive manicuring and reshaping of the land has created a one-of-a-kind aesthetic that sets it apart from other Rocky Mountain courses.

The diverse layout will challenge any player and features everything from tight, tree-lined fairways, wide open bombers, huge elevation changes and water carries. It is always a battle to score well, regardless of skill level, with the course's obstacles rewarding great shots and punishing less than ideal ones.

Cross Creek is in its fourth year now and, because its reputation has continued to grow, the owners are committing more and more resources to improving and expanding it.

There is now a massive, 20+ person volunteer team in place that are responsible for continued maintenance of the course including regular mowing, removal of deadfall and debris, upkeep of tees and paths and helping with the addition of more amenities.

These amenities include multiple pin positions, vastly improved tee pads (including the use of Discmania/DiscGolfPark turf tee pads) and the addition of more holes on the property with the goal of at least 27 total in the not so distant future.

They are also in the process of adding comprehensive tee signs to each hole as well as a course map at the kiosk for easier navigation.

The owners are also some of the kindest people on the planet and, for having zero knowledge of disc golf prior to agreeing to a course on their ranch, have now adopted it as a major part of their lives.

It really is inspiring to see this place grow from a pipe dream to truly being one of the finest destination courses in Colorado. If you have the opportunity to visit, make sure you can spend at least a full day here and play multiple rounds.


The dirt tee pads are sometimes rocky and uneven. Large scale improvements are in the pipeline

Signage is very basic at the moment but is also going to be improved upon soon

Some of the holes are a little close together which doesn't affect play much during casual rounds but can occasionally during tournament play

There is no cell service at Cross Creek. Not necessarily a con but something to be aware of if you visit

It is very secluded, at least 20 to 25 minutes from the nearest services. Again, not a con per-se but take note if you need to bring food, water or anything else you might require while on course

Other Thoughts:

Full disclosure: I am a co-designer of the course, maintenance team lead and marketer for Cross Creek DGC.

I truly believe that this course is exceptional in its current state and on track to be one of the finest private courses anywhere in the country.

Please contact me if you have any questions prior to visiting or any feedback after you leave and enjoy your time at Cross Creek Disc Golf Course!
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4 6
Experience: 10.4 years 16 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Absolutely Fantastic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2019 Played the course:once


- Quiet.
- Secluded.
- Not a lot of traffic. We had the course to ourselves.
- Signage directing you between holes.
- You'll use every disc in your bag
- Big bombers & tight wooded holes
- Epic spots to sit & have a drink / snack


- Hole 3 fairway (sorry I had to choose something!)

Other Thoughts:

- Easily one of the best courses in Colorado. Top 3 all-time for me.

- If you're coming from the Denver area, it's 3 hours one way with good traffic. If there's bad traffic you could easily be looking at 7+ hours round-trip.

- Be mindful, there's no cell service so I couldn't download the UDisc map, and there were no maps on the course. I wouldn't say this is a con, just be mindful.
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review! FYI, we have completely redesigned hole three to eliminate the big uphill, wide open climb AND have added two more wooded holes between its new basket and hole 4's tee box. Hope you can stop by and check it out sometime!
9 0
Experience: 9.4 years 36 played 11 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beautiful course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2019 Played the course:once


The course is immaculate. Even the portapotty is sparkling clean. A few wide open bombers, several technical shots. Gorgeous scenery. The owner cares so much that he contacted me after my round to ask for any feedback I might have on his course. Elevation plays at least somewhat on every hole and plays a LOT on some holes.


1) Course signage could be better. Perhaps a course map at the parking area so that you could take a picture before your round. (The owner says the local wildlife seems to find the guide arrows interesting and rips them down repeatedly.)
2) There is NO potable water on site, so make SURE you bring enough for the weather.

Other Thoughts:

The cons I mentioned are quibbles for an amazing disc golf experience. This is the first time I've ever played a pay-to-play course and for the cost of a disc, I had a round that i'll remember for a LONG time.
Some thoughts for anyone who hasn't played the course before:
1) The owner tells me that the highest point on the course is about 8700 feet above sea level. If you're a flatlander like myself, don't expect this to be a short round because you will be slow moving around the course.
2) There is no potable water on the course, so bring as much as you think you will need. Then bring more because the air is DRY up there. I was sweating during the entire round (80+ degrees for my round in jeans and a tee-shirt) but I never felt sweaty because the air was drying me as fast as I sweat.
3) Download the course map BEFORE you go because there isn't any cell coverage in that valley. I didn't get coverage back until I was just about on I-70. (About 15 miles from the course.)
4) I'm not sure what kind of wildlife might be around that valley, but do bear in mind that if you have some kind of emergency, you have to get at least to the nearest ranch (Cross Creek, I think) to find any help. I thought of that as i got a few holes into my solo round with the course entirely to myself.

Final thought: i'll remember this round a LONG time. Money and time well spent for an amazing experience.
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the feedback! We've made a lot of changes since your visit including adding alternate pins to most holes and a complete redesign of hole 3 AND addition of two new holes immediately after it. This has allowed us to start working on tee signs and a big course map for the kiosk. We also have directional arrows installed in each basket for easy navigation to the next tee. Lots more improvements and additions to come. Hope you can pay us a visit again sometime!
3 9
Experience: 11.2 years 7 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Beautiful course. One of my favorites. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2018 Played the course:once


Beautiful views, technical shots, and distance shots. This is my new course standard and this course is going to get better and better. They are planning out the next 9 holes now and are eventually going to add 9 more holes on top of that making it 36 holes total. Can't wait.


No cons for me but if you have trouble hiking then this might be a tough course for you.
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review and glad you enjoyed your time at the course!
11 0
el siege
Experience: 20 years 178 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Adventurous Mountain Gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


- Private Course, rare to see another group at this course due to isolation from big populated areas.
- Secluded and quiet, you will not hear the interstate or much other noise here besides babbling creeks and wind through trees or wildlife.
- Warm up Basket which matches the "course baskets"
- Pretty Blue Veteran baskets that are in great shape.
- Beautiful wooded setting which does not exist at nearly any course within a 2-hour drive. Course is typically cooler than the surrounding high desert climate due to elevation and shade on the course.
- Course plays 1/3 "open" holes and 2/3 "wooded" holes.
- Course is mowed and watered by the owners.
- Several unique lines are required on many holes, very unique for Colorado disc golf.
- Portopotties at hole 1 and hole 8.
- disc retriever pole on hole 8 pond.


- Natural tee pads could be improved upon as they are a soft material which is less preferable than a turf, concrete, or rubber tee.
- A few of the holes require a similar shot, which is a 250' controlled straight putter RHBH. I would say Hole 4, Hole 9, Hole 11 are the most similar, although there are other options on Hole 4 and 9 for RHFH lines.
- Occasional cow pies.

Other Thoughts:

The first 3 holes and last 3 holes play quite differently than holes 4-15, giving this course an interesting feel. I recommend playing all water as casual besides hole 8. This is because the creeks are impossible to see until you are right up on them and its unfair to take an OB stroke like that.

Hole 1: Climb up to a tee pad and throw across a gap and crash your drive into the basket area. If you are throwing RHBH you can either throw a big stalling hyzer shot with a driver and let it crash the basket, or you can take it tighter with a straighter shot, but it brings aspen trees which hide the basket into play. If you miss speed, angle or height, you could be looking at a tricky upshot. I normally throw a fast overstable driver. Tough hole for the lefty's to start on, but fun no matter what.

Hole 2: This is an uphill throw which moves R to L about 250' away from the teepad. The left side of the landing zone is defined by mature aspen trunks and the right side drops off away from the basket creating consequence for any drive not landing in the middle of the landing zone. The basket sits beyond a fair bottleneck created by grabby conifer trees. Birdies are rare on this hole and it plays as a power and technical challenge.

Hole 3: After climbing up to the tee you will be winded. You will be staring at a 450-500' par 4, slightly uphill the whole time, with a severe slope to the right. Most of the landing area field is covered by sage. Land your drive high on the hill to create an easier upshot.

Hole 4: Straightforward shot with options for hanging it out Left or going straight at the basket, but plenty of danger since left of the fence is OB and the right is guarded by a big grabby conifer. There are also mature aspens dotted along the OB line.

Hole 5: Enter the Forest. This is one of my favorite holes. Swooping downhill and R to L with guardian trees in the middle of the fairway and forest on both sides defining a classic DG tunnel. So rewarding to float one down to the basket, but usually players are forced to make a precise, slow downward elevator shot past a second set of mature tree trunks to reach the basket. This hole you will not find anywhere else in the state of CO.

Hole 6: Nice little knee-knocking 180' shot through a 9' gap to an elevated basket. Fun little Ace run.

Hole 7: Slightly downhill tunnel to a hard R to L turn to access the green, which is sloped downwards steeper than the initial tunnel. A well thrown skip shot has been my favorite and most consistent way of getting a birdie look. Like hole 5, this is a demanding tunnel shot so often times players are left with difficult upshots to save par.

Hole 8: Very unique par 4. Climb up a hill to find yourself staring down a tunnel-placement shot. The idea is to land as close to the pond as possible to make your 2nd shot easier. Basket is placed on pond's edge with a slight drop off behind it, so sealing the deal for a birdie requires either a very precise, slow speed approach from at least 100' away over water, or a tricky putt with nothing but OB water or air behind the basket. This hole will force you to make a decision once or twice each time you play it. Fantastic.

Hole 9: Tight tunnely shot with OB behind the basket. Charming little bridge over the creek. I have seen flex forehands and straight putter shots on this one, lots of trees all along the fairway to hit.

Hole 10: Again a very unique hole to this course. No one obvious line so forces players to get creative with their shots and balance risk/reward. Sloping green creates tough upshots for less-than-successful drives. Mix of aspen and conifer trees make it visually satisfying (like most of the course)

Hole 11: Another straight RHBH shot or RHFH with a tougher gap, you need to manage a sloping green to some very bad lies downhill.

Hole 12: Climb up do a great vantage for this downhill straight bomber. Not a wide open shot, one must hit an early and middle gap created by the tops of some mature trees and span the meadow to reach the basket. The basket is surrounded by aspen trees which can create some tricky putts. If this was the last hole on any course, you would empty your bag on his one, just fun to watch it crash. I've seen neutral mid-ranges for the "throw it straight at it" approach, as well as some players attempting to throw it high and crash the basket with a hyzer.

Hole 13: Swoops up, then down. Left, then right. Very tough to park this one, again lots of tough upshots if you don't nail the very tough tunnel.

Hole 14: Another tight 220' type shot with a precarious basket placement. Flex forehands, backhands and rollers have worked.

Hole 15: Choose the wide hyzer with a gap or straight at it with a mid range. Nice down hill shot that is a bit more open and long than most of the truly wooded holes. Very fun to park if you can! Basket guarded by mature aspen trees. Nice to get to blast one out into the open!

Hole 16: Throw back up the hill to a fancy elevated basket suspended by a railroad tie arch. Distance challenge.

Hole 17: Longest throw on the course. Pump it as far as you can. Discs can really fly far on this one with correct angle.

Hole 18: Usually a 2-shot par three, plays as another power challenge back up to the start of the course. Looks like some ponds are being installed for extra challenge.

Overall this is a must play course due to the overall feel of the place. (Gorgeous forests, sounds of nature, all the work obviously done to improve the fairways, mow the meadows etc.)
Also it is a unique challenge for this area. Many of our favorite courses (Hole in the Sky, Glenwood CMC, Leadville CMC, Frisco, Dillon) simply have a more flat, open style, with trees you can throw OVER. This course will force you to throw some tunnel shots.
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Designer response by klay
Now this is how you write a review. Takes note everyone.
10 0
Levi Lovehammer
Experience: 82 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A wonderful treasure needing final tweaks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2018 Played the course:once


Gobs of good stuff I will not list all...and there may be more text in the cons section but trust my rating, this course is AMAZING.
>Gorgeous private land with enormous mature pines and lovely little aspen groves... even has multiple little cricks so you are usually hearing the gentle sounds of the water... a heavenly sanctuary.
> CHallenging but mostly "fair" layout. this is for ADVANCED players so don't come out here unless you are ready... yes a couple holes are brutal and arguably could be changed but please, no whimps and whiners this is mountain golf.
>Easy to navigate with plenty of helpful arrows, just make sure you are facing the right way on hole two which looks like it shoots off down the meadow but is actually the other way up the hill to the left (pretty obvious upon second look)
>Hole setting and distance variety! you feel like you've gone on an amazing adventure trekking through this course... it is enchanting.


VERY FEW! but i will explain so pardon the wall of words...
> a few too many holes demanding the very same particular shot, with incredibly painful consequences for not having that shot dialed, making this a specialists site as far as tourney victories I would imagine. This is not necessarily a con though...
> there is a hole midway through which has a mini mound immediately in front of the launch pad... I know it is gresat to just embrace the unique advantages of every body type but seriously anyone shorter than 5'10" will be at an enormous disadvantage and any over 6,2"ish a huge edge because the shot has another low ceiling and immediately goes way downslope at angle. Honestly this could be ammended easily if when they put in teepads they make that one raised up like 3 feet or so, or just clear the dirt down a bunch.
>Cost... they are asking 25 dollars a day?! currently there is a coupon, hopefully infinitely reusable, that makes it 15 dollars a day. If this includes camping I am super into it but that was not clear, and especially without teepads that seems way overpriced... look at beaver ranch for what you can get for that much... look to any number of the free amazing courses to see why this is a con. Maybe 5 bucks for now, and 15 in the future when it gets totally done... you are damn right I am into the thrifty fun of this sport, and I understand that this is an amazing property breing dedicated to disc and opened to the public so in the end, I perhaps a minimum donation and asking that people donate much more based on their relative income/wealth.

Other Thoughts:

A privilege to play here, the family is very authentic and welcoming, good folks who take care of their trash and make places better than they leave them please come check it out!!

Uniquely challenging course for Colorado... it feels like it was designed with a "signature shot" in mind that you can dominate the course with, half the course the best and often only great looking option is a very low to the ground late-turning/annyholding RHBH.
I actually LOVE this aspect because my best shots are tommy's and sidearms, and backhand heizers... the layout actually completely eliminates overhand possiblity on over half the holes which is amazingly rare for any course, particularly in CO. the ceiling is so tall and lines so blocked, the only decent option to actually park the pin is over and over again a very particularly shaped low and often downslope rhbh anny. Appreciate it for what it is instead of hating it for what it isn't. THIS COURSE WILL IMPROVE PARTS OF YOUR GAME LIKE NO OTHER IN THE STATE.

Will be back just hope they hammer out a fairer deal on price... sliding scale suggested but I TOTALLY understand if the owners wanna keep people away and have it stay quieter. Also anytime you bring peoples gorgeous land into play the value is whatever they want and is sorta invaluable in my opinion... just glad they are sharing the space!
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review! I know you play here enough to see how much its changed since last summer. Looking forward to continued improvements for locals like yourself to enjoy in the coming years.
6 2
Experience: 28.3 years 55 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

FEO 2017 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Private (not even really open yet).
Friendly/welcoming owners/local club.
Top level natural beauty.
Great, brand new veteran baskets.
Great signage.
Appreciative of the huge amount of work to get the course to the level it currently is in.


Several tee pads could use additional work, Widening/lengthening. Several holes could use additional tree and foliage thinning. Pin locations on a number of holes could benefit from being relocated in order to maintain challenging nature while allowing for a fairer tee shot. Specifically hole 14 I believe, could be relocated. A tough tee shot through the trees to a basket on the edge of a deep gully. If you make it through and land short, you'll likely roll down into the ob creek, go long and you have a death putt facing the gully. A great tee shot should somehow be rewarded.
But, really, these are minor suggestions with the knowledge that the course is really still under construction.

Other Thoughts:

An amazing addition to the Colorado disc golf scene. The owners and the local club deserve all of our respect and congrats for making this course happen and doing it in very short order. The property is stunningly beautiful (particularly in early fall with the aspens changing), and well worth the detour to play. The course is challenging, fun, and fair and, with a few tweaks, could become a classic mountain course. Although the cost to play next year is unknown, I'm fairly certain I'd be more than willing to pay the cost to play.
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review! Lots has changed here at Cross Creek since year one back in 2017: alternate pins, new holes, tons and tons of cleaning and clearing and a master plan that includes pro quality tees, better signs and maps and one or two new courses on property. Hope you can keep visiting and see all of our plans come to fruition!
4 6
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The next must-play course in CO 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


This challenging mountain course winds through open field and beautiful, dense mixed forest to provide a nice range of shots: long drives, short technical, forehand and backhand opportunities.


Just opened! Brush still needs to be cleared in areas, a few trees and branches to be removed/trimmed, and tee boxes can be soft and slippery.

Other Thoughts:

In time we'll see cement tee pads, benches and continued maintenance. This course will, in time, be one of the premier courses in Colorado.
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Designer response by klay
Thank you for reviewing!
9 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.4 years 344 played 195 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 24, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


- brand new veteran baskets
- navigation of the course is very easy, you always know where the next tee is
- brand new very unique tee signs
- tons of elevation change
- good variety of distances, ranging from 150 feet to almost 500 feet
- every shot on this course requires thought and skill, tons of trees that make you hit a tight line, and tough basket placements that make you think about your up shot
- this course is in one of the most beautiful settings that I have ever seen. Tucked away deep into the mountains.
- tons of risk/reward shots
- drinks and snacks available


- the tee pads are by far the biggest draw back of this course. All tee pads are dirt but some are worse than others.
- this course is definitely out in the middle of the mountains. Even from Eagle it's over a 30 minute drive
- it's hard to say much bad about this course, especially considering it's not even open and still being improved

Other Thoughts:

I can't wait for this course to officially open. I was lucky enough to get to play this course twice last week, I can safely say that I will definitely be buying a season pass. One of the top courses in Colorado.
Was this review helpful? Yes No
Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review! Hopefully you can come back soon to see all of the improvements we've made the past couple years.
3 12
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

is this a Colorado course?! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful setting with a mix of shorter very tight lines through conifer/aspen mixed forest, longer throws in open sage with beautiful views, and plenty of elevation changes to make it even more fun and interesting. I love that you need to throw just about every shot possible from short turnovers, dead-straight shots, hyzers, to long bombs! The Scott family, who own the property are also awesome hosts!


A couple of the tee boxes with the rubber mats can be slick when muddy/wet, but being a brand new course, the tee boxes will get fine-tuned over time.
Was this review helpful? Yes No
Designer response by klay
Thank you for the review!
3 12
Experience: 16.6 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

WOW!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2017 Played the course:once


Awesome layout with challenging forehand and backhand holes.
Beautiful setting in the mountains.
Each hole is unique with it's own obstacles.


Some of the tee-boxes were slick/muddy due to rain.

Other Thoughts:

Lots of hiking, but such is a mountain course!!
Was this review helpful? Yes No
Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review!
3 12
Experience: 12 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

This course has huge potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful piece of property, tight lines, shots you are not used to throwing in CO, variety, quality targets, and awesome owners of the course! This course will mature greatly over time.


Hole 3, hole 5, hole 6, hole 9, hole 13, and hole 15 have plenty of room for improvement. The teepads are low quality. It is a brand new course, so there are certain inevitable downsides.

Other Thoughts:

There is no food or restroom. Come prepared and pack out what you brought with you in the first place.
Was this review helpful? Yes No
Designer response by klay
Thanks for the review! If you haven't been back in a while we've made a ton of improvements these past couple years with more on the way. Planning for awesome new tee pads to be built for the 2021 season as well. Hope to have you back again soon!
2 17
Daryl Huschka
Experience: 9.6 years 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The Best Tec Course in the State 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2017 Played the course:once


You will not find a better place to play, the drive up so pristine. The course is in the best spot you could imagine. You must play it


Bring your A game. Most of the holes are tight, and some OB. Hard to find anything wrong with the course.
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for reviewing!
2 13
Experience: 18.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazing wooded, mountain course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2017 Played the course:once


Short technical course.
Plays thru woods with lots of elevation change.
Even in the mud, footing is pretty solid for the entire course.


Tee boxes are still being finalized, can be very muddy.
Signage is still being finalized, got turned around only once.

Other Thoughts:

Great NEW, Private, Colorado mountain course!
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Designer response by klay
Thanks for reviewing! Professional quality tees and signage is all in the works to be ready in the 2021 season. Hope you can come back and check out all of the other improvements we've made these past couple years!