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Mocksville, NC

Davie DGC

Permanent course
3.55(based on 5 reviews)
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Davie DGC reviews

17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Davie (And Goliath?) 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


For a new course the bells and whistles are very polished. These Davie Co. folks are serious about having a nice looking course. Snazzy orange Mach baskets, good tees, great signs, all that good stuff. A good pro shop down the road doesn't hurt either. But is the course actually good or is it just another Patriot (Triad Park) aka all fur coat and no trousers?

This is a 20 hole course, with the first hole being hole A and the last hole being hole B. Confused yet? Eh, it's kinda quirky. Holes A, 1 and B are fairly wide open whereas most of holes 2-18 are completely wooded. The long, open holes are nice for a warm-up/cool-down and introduce wind as an obstacle. There are some OB lines in play so it's not quite just grip and rip it.

The wooded holes are very Carolina-esque. Very technical and often very hard to decide between BH and FH if you swing both ways. Many of the greens are on very uneven ground to keep putts from being routine (love this, despite what my scorecard thinks). Not many of these holes really warrant using a driver off the tee unless you're an absolute mad lad and don't fear almost certain tree kicks into oblivion. Putters and mids should get most of your tee work because staying on the fairway is job 1.

The mix of terrain and fairway shapes is really good, nothing gets too predictable or repetitive. The creek that runs along a couple holes is a nice OB to avoid and nice to look at. Thanks to plentiful signage it's really easy to navigate the course as well.


I'm not going to mention the muddiness of the first holes and so forth because we've had the wettest winter I can ever remember and there's not a course in the state not suffering from mud right now. I doubt this is going to be a recurring issue here like it is at say, Keeley Park.

The main con is that IMO too many wooded holes are too luck-rewarding. There's technical NC golf and then there's poke and pray and often it's a thin line between them. Davie strays a little too much into plinko territory. Many of these fairways, if you're not absolutely center-cut like within 3 feet, you're actually scrambling. Part of this is b/c it's a new course and the rough hasn't been broken in but a lot of it is the hole length to fairway width is really narrow and there's lots of splitter trees cluttering up the lanes.

I actually think the front is harder than the back because the back opens up a bit. It's longer than the front but not like you need a big arm to score well. But on the back your disc can actually breathe a bit instead of sucking in its gut trying to squeak past a barrage of trees. Hole 18 is a great example of the holes feeling a little 'half-baked" where it's not really worth it to try anything other than throwing your putter to decent landing zones and just taking the par.

Other Thoughts:

This is a solid and enjoyable course and due to not much else in the immediate area definitely worth playing if you're local. It's not horribly far from the Yadkin courses or Stumpy Creek so it's worth working in if any of those are on your itinerary. Bangin' Chains makes a great complement to the experience as well.

What's nice about the course is that it's got a little bit of everything even if it's mostly technical woods golf, thanks to the field holes. Cool pin placements, tricky terrain, and narrow lanes for your favorite gap-hitter sums it up.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Little Davie and the Beef Stew 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 25, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


-I like the creative thoughts that Drew has for shorter holes. He makes them relevant and distinctive. I really love the course he designed at Holly Run. I don't think Davie is as good as Holly Run, but some holes at Davie did remind me of Holly Run a little bit. #7 is my favorite of the par threes here. It's 287' and downhill down a relatively tight fairway with a swamp in the background to the right. #3's green on the little hill edged by a ditch was nice too. #8 has a hanging basket.

-There's a bit of a pattern here. Davie is heavily wooded but does kind of let you have it both ways. It rewards accuracy and it's very rewarding on distance. Hole #1 is a 690 par five that's wide open and uphill with OB in play on two sides. Both sides of the OB are pretty far away from the fairway so you still have ample room to try and rip a driver up the hill. The finisher hole B is a 650' par four that's back down that same hill. Very fun finisher! That's the most of the distance you'll see at Davie, but you see a mix since there are twelve holes under 300'. All of them are the par threes and they are all demanding in some way but all are fair and reachable.

-The fairway diversity is great. Even the shorter holes such as #4 and #5 require something meticulous with their distinctive fairways or required angles. #4 is a tight gap up a small hill onto a green on a ridge. Completely wooded and difficult to recover from if you miss the fairway. #5 is a sharp dogleg right that's only 214' and downhill. #17 was another hole I thoroughly enjoyed. Uphill, relatively straight and lightly fades left in the end. I threw a stable putter with a little too much power and didn't fade left but still hit the line and had a birdie putt.

-The tee signs are superb and detailed and the course is a step ahead of many brand new courses. It already has concrete tees and many next tee signs. Navigation is simple.

-Mach 5 pins with an orange color. Nice look.

-It's very rewarding toward finesse shots and does not reward luck. Accurate shots will end up in better places than errant throws that miss the line. I wouldn't say that the par threes are "deuce or die" because there are a lot of pars that will be made but if you miss the line, a bogey or worse could await you. All in all, very fair challenge on the par threes. All of them are under 300' with #8 being the longest at 290' so a birdie is definitely within range.

-You'll see more variety in the par fours. For instance, #12 is mostly open even though you are teeing off in the woods. The hole is about 540' and slightly downhill the rest of the way in the open. #9 is only 410' but it's a double curve that's slightly uphill the whole way. Tee shot is tight hooking right to left while the upshot remains very tight and goes back to the right. Nice stationing type hole. #11 is the hardest hole on the course being 550' and wooded for the first half. The tee shot is one of the most frightening ones here simply because of the gap and the left side in the woods is very dense and cruel. Play it cautiously enough, and you'll likely have a second shot that'll take you to the open and you'll be able to salvage par. A birdie would be a real bonus here.


-Many new course issues here. Some fairways aren't quite beat in. #11's tee shot is still a bit weird being oddly tight and a little confusing. I wholeheartedly agree with DiscGolfCraig on #18. It's not a fun hole at all. It's actually a par five that's quite messy and the fairway seems incomplete. The tee shot is quite odd to me. You have to throw down a path that cuts right and somehow avoid a small ravine at that exact turn. It's not a deep ravine, but it's steep and irritating to throw out of. This hole is pretty much a feral version of #4 at Nevin. The tee shot is similar and the fairway is kind of alike but the upshot actually fades left past an array of sporadic trees. This par 5 18th hole won't give you nightmares as bad as the old #18 at Cornelius Road in Mooresville, NC. But it was easily my least favorite hole here.

-The first couple holes and the others that play at least some part in the field were wet and muddy. It looks like all of the delis at Ingles Supermarkets had their own personal Boston Tea Party and decided to dump their leftover beef stew here at Davie in the open fields.

-The standard deviation (distance variety) in the par three lengths is only 34 feet. Shortest hole is 180' and the longest is 290' out of twelve par threes. Wish there was a longer par three that kind of stood out more in regards to appearance. Hole A was more open than the rest and #10's basket is out in the open but they didn't really give a different look to the par threes here. Brings me to say, most of the par threes here are just solid holes. #7 was great. #13 and #17 were enjoyable too and a few others were pretty cool but none of them were outstanding. I can usually find a hole that's fantastic but none of them at Davie are on that level.

#16 is 358', uphill and is listed as a par four but is more of a pro par three. It's a difficult anhyzer line, but pros will be able to eagle this hole. I think it would somewhat improve the lack of variety in the par threes if it was a par three.

-Mach Pins don't catch as well as disCatchers do on a windy day. It was super windy when I played here and I had many bad spit outs.

Other Thoughts:

-High sensitivity to wind. An even par round would probably be rated 900-910 on a clear day with little to no wind. On a day with heavy wind, it would probably be nearly 950 rated. Beware! This course can be easy one day and very hard the next because of weather.

-I don't dislike Davie but I don't love it either. I think the course at Yadkinville is a lot more enjoyable and has more shock value to it. Davie is a cool and interesting course that I think many people would thoroughly enjoy. I saw a few groups of people playing the day I played and they seemed to enjoy it. If you have played Holly Run, Drew's other course in Gibsonville, NC then you know that that course is very unusual but it's very distinctive in a forest. That course is in my top 20 favorites because I love the originality and the two different layouts. Some people don't like it because of it being somewhat odd. I think Davie DGC will have more similar opinions than Holly Run does. Davie isn't quite as funky and the fairways are more commonly seen on regular disc golf courses. Many good holes here that you'll like. Some do have merits from Holly Run but a little less far out, meaning that there weren't as many risks taken in designing this course but it still wasn't too "safe" or generic of a design.

-This being said, if you don't enjoy Holly Run, then you might enjoy Davie a little more if you are looking for a course that is a little more traditional. You'll be in trouble if you aren't accurate, but you'll more likely have a better idea on what to throw off of each pad here at Davie. It's a good course that needs to be beat in a little.
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