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Glendive, MT

Dawson Community College DGC

2.885(based on 4 reviews)
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Dawson Community College DGC reviews

4 0
Experience: 7.2 years 3 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

fun course, great scenery 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2018 Played the course:once


Hole 1 is a nice "top of the world" shot, fun to just bomb it out there see how far you can get it.
Hole 2 is a good challenge with a 20-30' drop on the back-side of the pin.
Hole 5 requires some decent accuracy as it's up on a hill, and the fairway (the higher ground) curves to the right a bit before coming back left up the hill. Crazy (25' or better) drop just 10 feet or so to the right side that you can't see until you're up top.
Hole 6 is a decent length dogleg to the left, perched up on a bit of an outcropping for a fun challenge.
Hole 8 is a bit longer with another "top of the world" shot, and prettier, especially at sunset, wow!
Nice tall tee markers make it easy to find the tees (except of course the missing tee 2).
This course is in the middle of scenic rock formations (badlands), along with some deer and other wildlife.


Tee box for hole 2 is gone, probably washed away. I'm guessing the blue flags are supposed to mark the new tee location based on other reviews, we went a bit to the right of those trying to guess based on the map.
Hole 3 really should be par 3, must be around 250-275'. The basket is kind of "perched" which adds some difficulty, but not really enough to make it a par 4.
Hole 7, on the other hand, could almost be a par 4, as it sure feels longer than hole 3, but it's listed as a par 3. Fun hole otherwise, some tricky outcroppings to navigate if you can't throw over 200'.
Hole 9 ends half a mile from the start, so it's a solid hike back to the parking lot.
The actual tees are overgrown, sometimes sunken down, and not really usable.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely potential for expansion along the creek past hole 9, or even above that on the hill.
As mentioned, tee #2 is missing, look for a metal fence-post across the creek-bed from hole 1 towards another tree. Then go to the right just a bit following the top edge of the creek-bed and see if you can find the two blue flags/markers.
When there's been a lot of rain, like we had this year, keep a close eye on where your disc lands. The grass can be 3-6' high, sage brush all over, making discs hard to find. Impossible to find if you don't watch your shot land.
Of course, watch out for snakes and cacti, didn't see any snakes, but I know they are out there, and cacti were everywhere.
Took two of us a bit over two hours our first time through, make sure you take a pic of the map for reference.
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