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DeFuniak Springs, FL

DeFunk Disco

2.865(based on 7 reviews)
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DeFunk Disco reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 236 played 233 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Tale of 2 9s

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2024 Played the course:once


One huge pro, this course isn't 9 holes anymore! It's actually 18 now.

The first 9 holes are wooded and mainly pretty short, the opening hole is 95'ft and the longest in the front is 290' with some winding lines and while some are tight it's pretty scoreable.

I played league there and most players were -3 to -9 coming out of the front. After that you walk across the parking lot over by the soccer fields to the brand new back 9 that is longer, more heavily wooded and pretty fun.

Baskets are blue DGA baskets, I think Mach 3s and I know they have a bad rap but I didn't have any spit outs on them and the blue is good to see in the woods.

Pads are natural and on the front packed down well. On the front there are good signs and directions, the new ones on the back are just small metal ones in the ground to show the hole number and the designer said they would have full ones in the future.


Shorter and sort of funky, with the long walk between the 9s is a challenge of this course. The main issue people will have is many holes are so close together an errant shot could go to another fairway, and holes 10/18 are near other park features so you need to be careful.

Other Thoughts:

Fun little spot, largely beginner friendly especially on the front 9. But the back is a challenge for far more players.

Worth the stop on your travels and they have a fun league group out there.
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5 0
Experience: 6.3 years 2 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

good course for beginners, or vacationers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2018 Played the course:once


Good use of the land they had to work with. Even on the short holes, a good amount of trees were left to add a challenge.
Tee signs at every tee pad, with accurate depictions of where the hole was located.
Cement arrows in the ground, next to the baskets, pointing to the next tee pad.
A little bit of every type of shot can be thrown here.
Concrete pads every hole (except for one of the pro routes[hole 7?])


The back nine was a little small, but like I stated, still a good layout for what they worked with.

I had to ask around to find where hole one was located. I finally looked in the reviews on dgcoursereview.

Other Thoughts:

Park towards the entrance to the park, as hole one is near the volleyball courts.

To the designer, or whoever keeps the course up, I'd recommend putting a sign next to the pro pads. The one going into the woods on the back nine was difficult to figure out where the hole was.
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6 0
Experience: 13 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

An Up-And-Coming Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 4, 2017 Played the course:once


--Varied course with long, wide-open holes holes for those who like to throw bombs with holes on the back 9 through trees that favor accuracy.
--Unique obstacles and basket placements among the front 9 gives the course a nice aesthetic.
--Wooded areas are challenging but fun, and the brush is not so thick where an errant throw means a lost disc.
--Bathrooms are found at the entrance of the park.


--Concrete arrows at each pin points to the direction to the next hole, but hole 1 is not obvious.
--A lot of the early holes are perhaps too wide open, with few to no obstacles.

Other Thoughts:

The local community cares about the sport and the course, and it shows. The course was recently renovated with signage, pads and some landscaping. While I wouldn't call this course a world beater, it offers enough for all levels to be a fun, challenging course. This is one that is worth following as it gains popularity, becomes broken in and sees more potential improvements.
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6 0
Experience: 7.6 years 11 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Fun Course to Enjoy, But Don't Mistake Fun For Easy! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2017 Played the course:once


- New course
- A chance for big arms to show off, and finesse players to do their thing
- Not a lot of foot/park traffic to deal with on the course
- Excellent t-pads (for me, the best t-pads are the ones I do not notice when throwing)
- Unique guides to the next hole to play
- Interesting holes that test most discs in your bag. Bring them all!
- A natural flow from the the green to the tee pads.
- A creative "island" on hole two make the long drive more interesting.
- A pro tee that you launch over a tennis court fence gets in your head!
- No blood sacrifice required to fetch a disc out of the rough.
- A nice pavilion between the front and back nine to take a break at.
- Nice hole maps and distance markers on each t-pad.


- No real cons to note. Just nit picks here.
- We were unable to find the pro tee on hole 2.
- I am sure not a trend, but a fellow player park his car ON the pro tee line (hole one).
- Basket numbers would be nice.
- Pro pads measurements not marked on all holes

Other Thoughts:

When leaving this course with my round partner, I said "I had fun." He agreed. I have never proclaimed that regarding a course before. I have left a course feeling "beat on", exhausted, elated, bleeding, strong, etc. But in my throwing experience I have never left a course feeling like I had fun.

This course does not allow you to lean on your strengths. If you are a bomber alone, you will not do well in the technicals. If you are good at steering, flexing, skipping but do not have a reasonable distance throw, the front 9 will get you.

All that being said, don't be afraid of this course. It is not overwhelming, as every shot is fair. Easy, no, but fair.

We played the back 9 first to loosen up for the front 9.

I like this course. I really like this course. If you like moving the disc around, and enjoy seeing far you can throw, or just having fun in our sport, this course is for you.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Tale of Two Different Nines, That Became One. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 31, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


(2.147 Rating) (RE-EVALUATED) A story book course without a story book ending.
- UPDATE - One important note before proceeding with the pros. This former 22-hole course is now just a niner. The only holes that remain are old holes (11) thru (18). These became new holes (2) thru (9). All the remaining holes are in the small wooden portion on the south-east section of the park. I rated the course about a 2.0 on first play. Continued improvements by Fall of 2017 raised it to a 2.4. By 2019 I had even raised it well into the 3.0 level due to all the upgrades. So it was disappointing to hear the news that the course got chopped.
- ACEABILITY - There are still several technical chip shot ace runs on this course. The run of holes (1-8) specifically stands out where the average hole length is 167 feet. The locals will continue to rack-em up here.
- NAVIGATION - It was stellar, but considering the choppage, it'll probably be in flux for a while. The people involved initially with this course are still around, so I fully expect this to be top notch once again.
- AMENITIES - Blue powder coated MachV baskets and concrete tees at (2 thru 9). Benches should still be at a majority of the tees. There are several shelters and picnic tables in the park as well as restrooms near tee (1) and basket (9). There used to be pro tees on four holes in the remaining section, but I think pro tee (2) and (5) got axed to make hole (1). While pro tee (3) was lost to a soccer field. Perhaps (9) still has a pro tee. I'll also add that the course and park had been well maintained and mostly free of trash for all my visits.
- QUICK PLAY - Finally a quickie can be had here. Woot woot!


Limited scope, limited appeal
- NATURAL BEAUTY - The best looking and worst looking chunks are gone. The short lived Funky Forest was an appealing 3.25 level beauty in my eyes. The remaining wooded portion to me is at a 2.5 level tops to me. I think the park thinned it out way too far. Manmade structures are in view basically the entire time when within the woods.
- HOLE VARIETY - Short, simplistic technical shots through and through. There is no elevation, bomb plays or water features along the layout. There are a few twisting tunnel shots and mildly defined pockets to hit. It used to be a lot better.
- SPACING - The remaining footprint is only 3 acres and thus the fairways here are squashed together. I'd keep my head on a swivel.
- LOST DIFFICULTY - The loss of a lot of length and the Pro tees has made this a one dimensional course that will have highly skill veteran players gravely underwhelmed. Advanced players should be able to throw nine down from time to time. As noted above, its just short mild technical plays. Hole (9) is likely the only one that will rattle Rec players.

Other Thoughts:

I got to play the christening round for the full 18 hole course with Mr Butlertron. This took place after a 3 hour course fairway clearing party. On my third round out here I got to play with Neal, the course designer, another awesome guy who's steers positive energy in the right direction. Thus, it was terrible hearing the news of the lost portions of the course. Anyways, this is no longer a 3.0 course in my books, nor a 2.5. Granted I haven't put eyes on it in awhile, but its safe to say its not as good as it once was. Overall, I think its more like a 2.0 level course in my books now. Give or take a quarter point or so. If in the region on vacation, I'd checkout Bomber's Run, Ferry or Chain Dragon before here.
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6 0
Experience: 15.7 years 57 played 34 reviews
3.00 star(s)

NICE COURSE NEEDING WORK 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2017 Played the course:once


-fun course
-nice mix of long and short holes
-great baskets
-family oriented park
-restrooms near by


-needs signs
-confusing first time without signs
-needs tee boxes
-park events may interfere with course
-back nine needs work

Other Thoughts:

-Lost without someone to show me around without signs
-awesome potential of park once completed
-would highly recommend to others once completed
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13 0
Mr. Butlertron
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.6 years 675 played 131 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Disco Stu.... doesn't advertise 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 4, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


- free course, plenty of parking
- located within a well maintained community park
- brand new blue Mach 5 baskets, highly visible
- combines two types of course play: short and technical with more open, longer fairways
- cart friendly for the first half of the course
- well rounded introduction course for beginners
- plenty of park amenities: bathrooms, water, shaded rest areas, a playground if you come with the fam


- brand new course, a little rough around the edges in general
- hole overlap between a few early holes
- no directional signs between holes
- natural tees
- no tee signs
- no numbers on baskets
- 8 through 10 are in multi use areas where pedestrians could potentially be in the way
- 10 has a parking lot running parallel to the fairway
- woods holes need more clearing, especially around baskets
- woodsy holes felt repetitive, fairly short
- flat course

Other Thoughts:

A course was born today! I've been keeping close tabs on the course developments in DeFuniak Springs and decided join a fairway clearing party this morning. The baskets had been planted already, all they needed were some volunteers to help clear the second half of the course. I figured I could volunteer, play the course, and hurriedly write the first review in one fell swoop. What could go wrong? What went wrong is that WellsBranch, another TR course bagger, and his team of lab coat wearing course calculating scientist cronies had beat me there! Before I even stepped out of my car, he'd probably already figured out the enjoyability level of the course on random Tuesday evenings of a leap year with that fabulous reviewer rating formula of his. After a few hours of clearing we hung up our gardening gloves and threw the course together.

DeFunk is located within a large multi use park. It features two distinct styles of play on the front and back 9. The front 9 was wide open with a mix of distances, mostly 300ft+. The second half was sorter and much more technical. Wells and I navigated the course using the map provided on the Dyfuniak DeFunk Disc facebook page. I added the course map that we used to DGCR. The front 9 tees were marked with white PVC, not numbered. On the back 9 we guesstimated were to throw from. As we left, the real volunteers were installing what looked to be chunks of wood attached to rebar. My guess is that they're to mark the natural tees in the woods.

The front 9 started to the right of a baseball field. This area was flat and well landscaped. The layout worked its way clockwise around an open field. The holes were long and open, but used the available trees to shape the fairways. Most of them had both hyzer and anhyzer lines available. As these holes transitioned to the back 9 they also started to conflict with more pedestrian activities, unfortunately. Once in the woods pedestrians ceased to be a problem.

The back 9 were much shorter than the front 9. The technical nature of these holes will probably result in more scoring separation than the beginning. These holes were mostly straight with tight low ceilinged fairways. If I had to guess, I'd say they averaged under 200ft. More clearing will be needed for this section of the course, which will likely come as the course continues to take shape. Hopefully, they'll give these holes a little more length in the future. As is, they all felt a little short and repetitive. 18 was my favorite of the back 9 and ultimately the most fun of the woodsy holes.

In closing, I'd like to point out that my personal rating is much less about giving a number than simply providing information. Seldom do course start off being awesome from the get go. I fully understand that the course will continue to develop. DeFuniak Springs is only an hour drive away, I'll likely be back multiple times this year to revisit and adjustment of my review/rating. Hell, I'll probably be back to do some of the maintenance if they'll have me again. I enjoyed the contrasts between the front and back 9. This will be a perfect introduction course for the locals.

Update: The course has come a long way since first opening. The back 9 has received a lot of attention and most of the brush has been dealt with. In addition to more clearly defined fairways, concrete tees and quality tee signs have now been installed. There's even a few alternate holes throughout the course.

As for cons, it's impossible to overlook the tee pad situation. They're too short to comfortably x- step on. One could argue that the holes with small tees are short enough to stand and deliver from, but I still think they got it wrong. A few low power players I know felt especially handcuffed by the inability to generate the extra power (x-step) needed to reach these pins. A few dedicated locals have alleviated much of this issue by leveling the ground with the concrete tees by adding gravel. This makes the transition from ground to tee much smoother.

Also, there's still a few bush stumps throughout the back 9. It would improve the consistency of fairway skips and bounces if they were eventually removed. +.5 rating bump. Keep up the good work, Disco dancers.

Update 4-23-2019
The back 9 looks to have thinned out more and the tee signs and layout has been slightly revamped. I still believe there is a noticable LHBH bias on the course and there are some tee orientation and size issues. The course still has a few issues with overlapping with the other park activities, as well. Nonetheless, there's a more polished feeling to course and this deserves an additional bump in my rating (+.5)
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